DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Installation and Configuration

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For complete information about the VMSINSTAL procedure, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Essentials.

2.2.1 UCX Installation Procedure (OpenVMS VAX)

Install the UCX software on an OpenVMS VAX system as follows. Note that the last step requires you to reboot the system to complete the installation.

  1. Complete the recommended preinstallation tasks outlined in Chapter 1.
  2. Log into the SYSTEM account.
  3. If another version of the UCX software exists on your system, shut down that version by issuing the following command:
  4. Check to ensure that no one is logged onto the system.
  5. Create a log file to record the installation procedure, if you want a copy for your records.
  6. Set the default directory to SYS$UPDATE.
  7. If you are installing the UCX software from the OpenVMS Consolidated Software Distribution CD-ROM to the OpenVMS VAX system, enter the following command:
    $ @VMSINSTAL UCX042 disc-drive:[UCX042.KITS] OPTIONS N

    If you are installing the UCX software from either a TK50 cartridge or a magnetic tape onto an OpenVMS VAX system, enter the following command:

  8. The interactive installation procedure begins, and you are prompted for information.
    A sample installation script is shown in Example 2_2 and Example 2-3. Numbered callouts identify those areas that require your response. The callouts are explained at the end of the examples.


    To stop the installation at any time, press Ctrl/Y. The installation procedure will delete any files that were created, then exit.

    Example 2-2 UCX Installation: Beginning Portion of VMSINSTAL Procedure

        OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.1 
    It is 6-JUN-1997 at 11:24. 
    Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. 
    (1)* Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? [Return] 
    (2)* Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: SYS$MANAGER: [Return] 
    Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. 
    (3)* Products: UCX042 [Return] 
    (4)* Enter installation options you wish to use (none): [Return] 
    The following products will be processed: 
        UCX V4.2 
        Beginning installation of UCX V4.2 at 11:30 
    %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... 
    %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. 
    (5)* Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? [Return] 
            Product:      UCX 
            Producer:     DIGITAL 
            Version:      4.2 
            Release Date: 1997 
    (6)* Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES [Return]

    Example 2-3 includes a subset list of UCX files that are added to your directory during installation. For the complete list of installed files, see Appendix A.

    Example 2-3 UCX Installation: Final Portion of VMSINSTAL Procedure

    %UCX-I-DONEASK, No further questions will be asked during this installation. 
    %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... 
    Please add any user printer queue information to the new file 
    Please add any user printer queue information to the new file 
    %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... 
    %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... 
        This installation will add the following files . . . 
    %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... 
     Instructions for Completing DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation 
            The TCP/IP Services product is already active on your system. 
            You must reboot your system before continuing 
            with the postinstallation. 
            For information on the postinstallation steps, see the 
            DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation Guide. 
            If an earlier version of TCP/IP was previously installed 
            on this system, then there may be some obsolete online 
            help information which is present in the system help 
            file, SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB. 
            The commands necessary to remove the obsolete help text 
            items from the help library can be found in the command 
            Due to the amount of time it takes to clean the help 
            library, the procedure will not automatically be invoked. 
            You should invoke it after you have successfully 
            completed this installation. 
    Registering DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS privileged images ... 
    %REGISTER-I-DUP UCX$INETACP, (UCX$INETACP, UCX V4.2-13) already in registry 
    %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY  images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 
    %REGISTER-I-DUP UCX$METRIC, (UCX$METRIC, UCX V4.2-13) already in registry 
    %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY  images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 
    %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY  images examined: 1, dependent images: 0 
    %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY  images examined: 1, dependent images: 0 
    %REGISTER-I-DUP UCX$TRACE, (UCX$TRACE, UCX V4.2-13) already in registry 
    %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY  images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 
    %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY  images examined: 1, dependent images: 0 
    %REGISTER-I-DUP UCX$INETDRIVER, (UCX$INETDRIVER, UCX V4.2-13) already in registry 
    %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY  images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 
    %REGISTER-I-DUP UCX$PWIPDRIVER, (UCX$PWIPDRIVER, UCX V4.2-13) already in registry 
    %REGISTER-I-SUMMARY  images examined: 1, dependent images: 1 
        Installation of UCX V4.2 completed at 11:50 
    Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. 
    (1)* Products: [Return] 
        VMSINSTAL procedure done at 15:48 

    (1)Press Return to complete the installation.
  9. To continue using the system manager's account and restore the process symbol tables, log out, and then log in again. VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation.
  10. Read the release notes online or print them after the installation completes from SYS$HELP:UCX042.RELEASE_NOTES.
  11. If you had a previous version of the UCX software on your system:
  12. Reboot your system, then proceed to Chapter 3 for configuration information.

    Chapter 3
    Configuring UCX

    After you install the UCX software successfully, you need to specify (configure) the components and characteristics you require for your particular system. This will maximize interoperability and resource sharing between your system and another OpenVMS system, UNIX system, or a system that supports the TCP/IP protocol suite and Sun Microsystems' Network File System (NFS).

    The UCX product provides an easy-to-use, menu-driven configuration procedure for you to configure components and functionality.

    This chapter explains the command procedure, provides sample scripts, and summarizes additional configuration and setup tasks.

    3.1 Recommended Order for Configuring UCX

    Table 3-1 lists the tasks involved in configuring the UCX components and functionality.

    Table 3-1 Tasks: Configuring UCX
    Task Action Go to...
    1 Complete the configuration planning worksheet. Section 1.3
    2 Configure the major components and functionality using UCX$CONFIG. Section 3.2.1
    3 Configure the optional components, as applicable. Section 3.2.2
    4 Start UCX. Section 3.4
    5 Verify the configuration. Section 3.5
    6 Reboot the system, then complete additional configuration tasks, as appropriate. Section 3.6

    3.2 Using UCX$CONFIG Menus

    The configuration procedure displays menus from which you do the following:

    Invoke the configuration procedure as follows:

    $ @UCX$CONFIG 

    The main Configuration menu displays:

    DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu 
    Configuration options: 
            1  -  Core environment 
            2  -  Client components   
            3  -  Server components   
            4  -  Optional components 
            5  -  Shutdown DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
            6  -  Startup DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
            7  -  Run tests 
            A  -  Configure options 1 - 3 
           [E] -  Exit configuration procedure 
    Enter configuration option:  

    The menus and associated options are as follows:

    If you do not have experience with the UCX product, you should use the configuration menus. However, if you have experience configuring UCX and want to bypass the menus, you can add one or more command parameters when you invoke UCX$CONFIG. For information about the command parameters, see Section 3.3.

    3.2.1 Configuring the Core Environment and the Client and Server Components

    From the main Configuration menu, enter option A to configure options 1 through 3: core environment, client components, and server components.


    The script example in this section shows the progression of the procedure when you choose to configure groups of components. Alternatively, you can configure one option at a time.

    The Core Environment menu displays first. Enter option A to configure options 1 through 5: BIND resolver, Internet domain, routing, interfaces, and time zone. You are required to configure the domain name, routing, and interfaces options; the BIND server and time zone are optional.

    DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Core Environment Configuration Menu 
    Configuration options: 
            1  - BIND Resolver 
            2  - Domain 
            3  - Routing 
            4  - Interfaces 
            5  - Time Zone 
            A  - Configure options 1 - 5 
           [E] - Exit menu 
    Enter configuration option: A [Return]

    The following example configuration script reflects a system that has a previous UCX configuration in place. The script will vary somewhat for initial UCX configurations. Adjust your responses using the information on your configuration planning worksheet (Section 1.3).

    DOMAIN Configuration 
    Enter Internet domain []: [Return]
    INTERFACE Configuration 
            The Ethernet device(s) on your system are: ESA0: 
            Start of configuration questions for Internet interface SE0. 
            SE0 is the Ethernet device ESA0: 
     Interface: SE0 
       IP_Addr:    NETWRK:     BRDCST: 
        C_Addr:                C_NETWRK:                 C_BRDCST: 
       Receive buffer:            0 
    * Do you want to reconfigure SE0 [YES] ? NO [Return]
    DYNAMIC ROUTING Configuration 
    Dynamic Routing Configuration 
    Supply:     Disabled 
    Log:        Disabled 
            If you enable dynamic routing, this host will listen 
            for all dynamic routing information coming from other 
            hosts to update its internal routing tables. 
            It will also supply its own Internet addresses to 
            routing requests made from remote hosts. 
    * Do you want to reconfigure dynamic routing [YES] ? NO [Return]
    The current configuration for the default route is: 
                                 PERMANENT database 
    Type           Destination                           Gateway 
    * Do you want to reconfigure a default route [YES] ? NO [Return]
    BIND RESOLVER Configuration 
    A BIND resolver has already been configured. 
    BIND Resolver Configuration 
      Transport:  UDP 
      Retry:         4 
      Timeout:       4 
      Servers:    mainsv 
    * Do you want to reconfigure BIND [NO] ? [Return]
    TIME ZONE Configuration 
            Please answer the following questions to configure your time zone. 
            Select your geographic area using the options in the table below. 
                    Selection       Geographic Area 
                    u               USA 
                    ea              Eastern Australia 
                    ca              Central Australia 
                    wa              Western Australia 
                    ee              Eastern Europe 
                    ce              Central Europe 
                    we              Western Europe 
                    g               Greenwich 
                    n               None of the above (enter hours) 
                   [E]              Exit menu 
    Enter your choice: u [Return]
    Does your area alternate between Daylight Savings and Standard time [Y]: [Return]
            Select the time zone for your area, using the options 
            listed in the table below. 
                    Selection       Time Zone 
                    e               Eastern 
                    c               Central 
                    m               Mountain 
                    p               Pacific 
                    g               Greenwich 
    Enter your choice: e [Return]

    After you configure options 1 through 5, the procedure returns to the Core Environment menu. Enter option E to exit. The Client Components menu displays next.

    Note that the menu in the following example script shows each component disabled (default). In fact, the procedure may show some of the components to be enabled based on your past configuration or the selections you made from the Core Environment menu.

    DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Client Components Configuration Menu 
    Configuration options: 
            1  - FTP              Disabled 
            2  - LPR/LPD          Disabled 
            3  - NFS Client       Disabled 
            4  - REXEC and RSH    Disabled 
            5  - RLOGIN           Disabled 
            6  - SMTP             Disabled 
            7  - TELNET           Disabled 
            A  - Configure options 1 - 7 
           [E] - Exit menu 
    Enter configuration option: A [Return]

    Enable the client applications you plan to use, or enter option A to configure options 1 through 7: FTP client, LPD client, NFS client, RSH server, REXEC server, RLOGIN server, SMTP server, and TELNET server (shown in the following sample script).

    FTP CLIENT Configuration 
    Service is not enabled on specific node. 
     FTP CLIENT configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit FTP_CLIENT configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    The FTP SERVER is enabled. 
    * Do you want to configure FTP SERVER [NO] ? [Return]
    LPD CLIENT Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Nonprivileged user access is not enabled. 
    By default, DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS configures 
    LPD such that nonprivileged users cannot modify queue entries. 
    Service is disabled on specific node. 
     LPD CLIENT configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      2 - Nonprivileged users can delete LPD queue entries 
      E - Exit LPD_CLIENT configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    The LPD SERVER is enabled. 
    * Do you want to configure LPD SERVER [NO] ? [Return]
    NFS CLIENT Configuration 
    Service is not enabled on specific node. 
     NFS CLIENT configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit NFS_CLIENT configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    RSH SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Service is not defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. 
    Service is not enabled on specific node. 
     RSH SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit RSH configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    REXEC SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Service is not defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. 
    Service is not enabled on specific node. 
     REXEC SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit REXEC configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    RLOGIN SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. 
    Service is not enabled. 
     RLOGIN SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit RLOGIN configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    SMTP SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Service is not defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. 
    Configuration is not defined in the UCX$CONFIGURATION database. 
    Service is not enabled on specific node. 
     SMTP SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit SMTP configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    TELNET SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. 
    Service is not enabled on specific node. 
     TELNET SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit TELNET configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]

    After you configure the client components (and their server components, if applicable), as in the preceding example script, the Server Components menu displays.

    Note that the menu in the following script shows each component disabled (default). In fact, the procedure may show some of the components to be enabled based on your past configuration or the selections you made from the Core Environment menu.

    DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Server Components Configuration Menu 
    Configuration options: 
             1  -  BIND              Disabled 
             2  -  BOOTP             Disabled 
             3  -  TFTP              Disabled 
             4  -  FTP               Disabled 
             5  -  LPR/LPD           Disabled 
             6  -  NFS               Disabled 
             7  -  PC-NFS            Disabled 
             8  -  PORTMAPPER        Disabled 
             9  -  TELNET/RLOGIN     Disabled 
            10  -  SNMP              Disabled 
            11  -  NTP               Disabled 
            12  -  METRIC            Disabled 
            13  -  POP               Disabled 
            14  -  FINGER            Disabled 
            15  -  RMT               Disabled 
             A  -  Configure options 1 - 15 
            [E] -  Exit menu 
            Enter configuration option: A [Return]

    Enable the server components you plan to use, or enter option A to configure all servers --- options 1 through 15 (shown in the following example script).

    BIND SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Service is not defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. 
    Service is not enabled. 
     BIND SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit BIND configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    The UCX$AUX identifier already exists with value 375 
    Creating BIND Service Entry 
    BOOTP SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Service is not defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. 
    Service is not enabled. 
     BOOTP SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit BOOTP configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
     The TFTP service is not configured to be enabled 
     WARNING: BOOTP will not function if the TFTP 
              service is disabled 
     You will be asked to configure TFTP later 
    TFTP SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Service is not defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. 
    Service is not enabled. 
     TFTP SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit TFTP configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    FTP SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Service is not defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. 
    Service is not enabled on specific node. 
     FTP SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit FTP configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    The FTP CLIENT is enabled. 
    * Do you want to configure FTP CLIENT [NO] ? [Return]
    LPD SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Service is not defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. 
    Service is not enabled. 
     LPD SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit LPD configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    Creating LPD Service Entry 
    DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS supports Line Printer Daemon 
    Protocol (see RFC 1179). 
    LPD requires the following: 
      - Name of the local queue 
      - Name of the remote queue 
      - Name of the remote host 
      - Spooling directory for the local queue 
        To add or delete printers in the UCX PRINTCAP database use the 
    The LPD CLIENT is enabled. 
    * Do you want to configure LPD CLIENT [NO] ? [Return]
    NFS SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Service is not defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. 
    Service is not enabled on specific node. 
     NFS SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit NFS configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    PC-NFS SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Service is not defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. 
    Service is not enabled. 
     PC-NFS SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit PC-NFS configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    PORTMAPPER SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Service is not defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. 
    Service is not enabled on specific node. 
     PORTMAPPER SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit PORTMAPPER configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    Telnet and Rlogin are enabled from the client menu. If you wish to 
    disable the Telnet or Rlogin server then you must disable the service. 
    Press Return to continue ... [Return]
    SNMP SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Service is not defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. 
    Configuration is not defined in the UCX$CONFIGURATION database. 
    Service is not enabled. 
     SNMP SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit SNMP configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    NTPD SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Service is not enabled on specific node. 
     NTPD SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit NTPD configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    METRIC SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Service is not enabled. 
     METRIC SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit METRIC configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    POP SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF. 
    Service is not defined in the UCX$SERVICE database. 
    Service is not enabled. 
     POP SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit POP configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    Creating POP Service Entry 
    FINGER SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not enabled. 
     FINGER SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit FINGER configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    RMT SERVER Configuration 
    Service is not enabled. 
     RMT SERVER configuration options: 
      1 - Enable service on this node 
      E - Exit RMT configuration 
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]

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