DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
User's Guide

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You can use the following /PARAMETERS options that are supported only for use with remote printing.

These options are described in more detail in the following sections. /PARAMETERS Qualifier: Host and Printer Options

Use the HOST and PRINTER options together to send a print job to any specified remote host and printer that are not defined for an LPD remote print queue on your system. Although you are not printing to an LPD remote queue, you must specify a valid LPD remote queue name with the /QUEUE qualifier. This activates the remote print queue LPD service to respond to your print request. For example, the following command specifies that the file PINS.LIS be sent to printer CT_LN05R on remote host BALT.


The HOST and PRINTER options allow you to use any available network printers, without your system manager having to set up additional LPD remote queues for each of these printers.

Specify the remote host name either by its relative name (starting name, or label, of the absolute domain name) or by its fully qualified name (see Section 1.4). /PARAMETERS Qualifier: MAIL Option

The MAIL option causes the remote host to notify you through SMTP mail when the print job completes. The following command example specifies the MAIL option.


The NOFLAG option suppresses printing of a banner (flag) page at an LPD queue. By default, the remote printing service provider (LPD) does not honor the /NOFLAG and /FLAG qualifiers of the DCL PRINT command. To enable support of these qualifiers, the system manager defines a systemwide logical name UCX$LPD_VMS_FLAGPAGES prior to starting the remote print queues. (For more information about LPD queues, see the DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual.)

The following command example specifies the NOFLAG option.


7.1.3 Remote Queue Printing Examples

The following examples show how to use the remote queue print capabilities of DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.

  1. This example sends local file PINS.LIS to the remote print queue defined locally as FAC3_ANSI and requests notification through SMTP when the job completes at the remote printer.
  2. This example shows how to send a local file to the remote print queue defined locally as OUR_PS for printing at a remote printer. The command specifies that text be printed on both sides of each sheet. The file is ROUGH.TXT.
  3. This command sends a print job to the remote queue defined locally as YOUR_PS.
    _$ LET.LIS 
  4. This example sends a print job to Internet host PACE.SATRN.COM to print on printer K1_PRINTER. Because LPD_OUTQ is a generic queue, OpenVMS sends the job to the first available execution queue. (For more information about LPD queues, see the DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual.)

7.2 Displaying the Status of Jobs in a Remote Print Queue

To display the status of jobs you send to a remote printer, use the LPQ command. The following information is displayed:

The following examples show how you can use the LPQ command.

  1. This example displays all entries in the LPS40_QUE queue.
    $ LPQ LPS40_QUE 
  2. This example shows information about Job 4 in the print queue named OFFICE_QUE.
  3. This example shows information about Jobs 1, 2, and 3 in print queue PEACE_Q.
    $ LPQ PEACE_Q /ENTRY=(1,2,3) 
  4. This example shows information about user NELSON's jobs in the print queue FRONT_Q.

7.3 Removing Jobs from the Print Queue

To remove your jobs from a remote print queue, use the LPRM command. Using the LPRM command, you can remove the following:

The following examples show how you can use the LPRM command.

  1. This example deletes one job from print queue BASE_Q.
  2. This example deletes jobs 555, 556, and 558 from queue BASE_Q.
    $ LPRM BASE_Q /ENTRY=(555,556,558) 
  3. In this example, the system manager, who has the required privileges, deletes all jobs from queue MAIN_QUE.

7.4 Printing Remote UNIX Files on Local Queues

Your system manager can set up a local print queue to handle print jobs for files sent from a remote UNIX host. To print UNIX files on an OpenVMS printer, the UNIX user enters an lpr command. (See the appropriate UNIX documentation.)

Local queues set up to receive UNIX print jobs support layup definition files. These are files supported only by DIGITAL and used to set the following layup features: borders, sheet margins, alternating sheet margins, pages per sheet, first page, page order, and page grid.

The following example sends UNIX file /usr/stanton/recent.cnts to OpenVMS print queue REMOTE_QUEUE4 and specifies the formatting defined in the layup file called layup3. The REMOTE_QUEUE4 print queue is set up as a remote queue in the printcap file by the system manager.

% lpr -Llayup3 -Premote_queue4 /usr/stanton/recent.cnts

7.5 Obtaining Online Help

You can obtain online help for the LPR/LPD network printing services by typing the following commands:


7.6 Command Descriptions

This section provides complete descriptions of the commands you can use to send a print job to a remote printer, monitor remote print jobs, and remove remote print jobs.


Displays the status of your jobs in a remote print queue:


LPQ queue [/ENTRY=n | /HOST=host | /PRINTER=remote_printer | /USER=user_name]




Queue for which you want status.



Optional. Default: all jobs. You can specify a list of values.

Displays status for the specified jobs.


Optional. Default: host defined in the printcap file.

Displays status for the jobs you sent to the specified host. This is the host you also specified in the PRINT /PARAMETERS=(HOST=host) command.


Optional. Default: printer defined in the printcap file.

Displays status for the jobs you sent to the specified remote printer. This is the queue you also specified in the PRINT /PARAMETERS=(PRINTER=queue) command.


Optional. Default: all users.

Displays status for the jobs sent by the specified user. You can specify a list of values.



Shows all entries in the LPS40_QUE queue.


Shows information about Job 4 in the print queue named MAIN_QUE.

$ LPQ PEACE_8 /ENTRY=(1,2,3) 

Shows information about Jobs 1, 2, and 3 in print queue PEACE_8.


Shows information about user MILLER's jobs in the print queue called 3RD_FLOOR_Q.


Removes one or more jobs from a remote print queue.


LPRM queue {/ALL | /ENTRY=n | /USER=user_name} [/HOST=host | /PRINTER=remote_printer]




Print queue with waiting jobs you want to delete.



Required, unless you specify /ENTRY or /USER.

Removes all jobs for all users from the specified queue. Requires SYSPRV, OPER, or BYPASS privileges. Comparable to the UNIX command lprm -Pqueue - when performed by the root user on the UNIX system.


Required, unless you specify /ALL or /USER.

Removes the specified job. Specify only your own jobs. You can specify a list of values.


Required, unless you specify /ALL or /ENTRY.

Removes jobs by user name. You can specify a list of values.


Optional. Default: host defined in the printcap file.

Removes jobs by host for the host you specified in the PRINT /PARAMETERS=(HOST=host) command.


Optional. Default: printer defined in the printcap file.

Removes jobs from the remote printer you specified in the PRINT /PARAMETERS=(PRINTER=queue) command.



Deletes your Job 7 from print queue BASE_Q.

$ LPRM FRONT_Q /ENTRY=(555,556,558) 

From queue FRONT_Q, deletes a list of entries: 555, 556, and 558.


See Section 7.1 and the OpenVMS documentation.

Appendix A
Finger Error and Status Messages

This appendix contains the messages generated by the Finger utility and describes the actions you can take.

FINGER-I-CONNREF, Connection refused

Explanation: The remote host refused to accept a connection.
User Action: Have the system manager enable the Finger service on the remote host.
%FINGER-E-CRSOCK, Error creating a socket

Explanation: This error is seen most commonly if there is a network error, if the network has not been started, or if the maximum number of device sockets exceeds the limit set by the system manager.
User Action: Make sure the network software is operating. Change the limit for the socket quota. If you cannot change it, ask the system manager to change it.
FINGER-E-GETHOST, Invalid or unknown host host

Explanation: The Finger utility could not resolve the specified host name into a valid IP address.
User Action: Check that the host name is correct, or use a valid IP address.

Appendix B
FTP Error and Status Messages

The following sections provide information about messages returned by the FTP server and client, and the actions you can take.

B.1 Server Error Messages

This section describes the FTP error messages returned by the server.

%FTP-E-ACPTCN, Accepting connection failed

Explanation: The maximum number of active device sockets is under the control of the system manager. When the device-socket quota exceeds the limit set by the system manager, the socket connection fails. As a result, the data connection is not accepted from the remote host.
User Action: Change the limit set for the device-socket quota. If you cannot change it, ask the system manager to change it.
%FTP-I-CHINFO, process

Explanation: This message is displayed when an error occurs in a child process.
User Action: Verify the associated error message.
%FTP-E-CONHST, Error connecting to remote host: host

Explanation: Most likely a network error has occurred or the network is not active.
User Action: Make sure that network communication is active.
%FTP-E-CRCHPR, Error in creating a child process process

Explanation: The FTPD server has failed to create a child process. This error occurs when insufficient system dynamic memory is available or the maximum number of processes that can be created at one time has been exceeded.
User Action: Ask the system manager to increase the MAXPROCESSCNT system parameter or increase the size of the nonpaged pool.
%FTP-E-CREMBX, Error in creating a mailbox mailbox

Explanation: The FTPD server failed to create the mailbox with which it communicates with the child process. This error occurs when insufficient system dynamic memory is available to complete the service.
User Action: Increase the size of the nonpaged pool.
%FTP-E-CREPRC, Error in creating a child process process_name

Explanation: The FTPD server failed to create a child process. This error occurs when insufficient system dynamic memory is available to complete the service.
User Action: Increase the size of the nonpaged pool.
%FTP-E-CRSOCK, Error creating a socket socket-name

Explanation: The FTP server failed to create an end point for communication. This error usually occurs if there is a network error, if network has not been started, or if the device-socket quota exceeds the limit set by the system manager.
User Action: Make sure network communication is active on the system. Change the limit set for the device-socket quota. If you cannot change it, ask the system manager to change it.
%FTP-E-ECNSES, Error in continuing session for host. Error: code

Explanation: A problem occurred in the network that caused the session to close.
User Action: Make sure network communication is active on the system.
%FTP-E-ESTSES, Error in starting session for host. Error: code

Explanation: The FTP server failed to start a session.
User Action: Make sure network communication is active on the system.
%FTP-E-EXQUOT, Exceeded session quota

Explanation: The maximum number of sessions has been exceeded. You can set the maximum number of FTP sessions by editing the appropriate parameter in the SYS$MANAGER:UCX$FTPD_STARTUP.COM command procedure.
User Action: Wait for a session to become free.
%FTP-E-GETDVI, Error in getting device information

Explanation: The FTP server failed to get the device information.
User Action: Check to see whether a mailbox was created.
%FTP-E-GETHST, Error in getting host name

Explanation: FTP server failed to get the host information.
User Action: Check to see whether the host database exists.
%FTP-E-GPRNAM, Error in getting peer name

Explanation: The FTP server failed to get the name of the remote system.
User Action: Make sure network communication is active on the system.
%FTP-E-GSCKNM, Error in getting socket name

Explanation: The FTP server failed to get the socket name.
User Action: Make sure network communication is active on the system.
%FTP-E-LOGREJ, Login request rejected

Explanation: The login to the remote host was rejected because of an invalid user name or password or you do not have network access privilege.
User Action: Log in with a valid user name and password to see if you have network access privilege.
%FTP-E-MBXINF, Error in getting mailbox information mailbox

Explanation: The FTPD server failed to get the mailbox information of the mailbox it created to communicate with the child process.
User Action: If this error occurs, contact your software support representative.
%FTP-E-NETERR, I/O error on network device

Explanation: Most likely a network failure has occurred. Most of the communication calls fail with this error.
User Action: Make sure network communication is active on the system.
%FTP-E-OPNINP, Error opening filespec for input.

Explanation: Most likely the specified file does not exist or the file protection rights were violated.
User Action: Verify the protection applied to the file and change the protection if necessary. If this error persists even when specifying the file and proper privileges properly, contact your software support representative.
%FTP-E-OPNOUT, Error opening for output: filespec

Explanation: Most likely a privilege violation occurred while creating this file.
User Action: Verify the protection that applies to the directory in which the file has to be opened. Ask the system manager for the necessary privileges, if needed.
%FTP-E-QIOERR, QIO failure

Explanation: The QIO failed during a write or read operation or the setting of an asynchronous system trap (AST).
User Action: Verify the status with the system manager.
%FTP-I-SESCON, FTPD: Session connection from host at time

Explanation: This message appears when a connection is established, stating the name of the client that initiated the connection and the time of the connection.
User Action: None.
%FTP-I-SESDCN, FTPD: Session disconnection from host at time

Explanation: This message appears when a session is disconnected, stating the name of the client initiating the disconnection and the time of the disconnection.
User Action: None.
%FTP-E-SESEXT, process session exited due to an error at time

Explanation: A session was disconnected because of an error. This message states the name of the client from which the session was disconnected and the time of the session disconnection.
User Action: None.
%FTP-E-SETCNF, Failed to set up socket configuration. Server exiting.

Explanation: The FTP server failed to create a socket and bind an address to it. This error occurs when the Internet driver is not active.
User Action: Start the Internet driver.
%FTP-W-SUPFRM, FTP supports only form form

Explanation: FTP supports NONPRINT forms only. If the specified form is not supported, NONPRINT becomes the default form.
User Action: None.
%FTP-W-SUPMOD, FTP supports only mode mode

Explanation: FTP supports STREAM mode only. If the specified mode is not supported, STREAM becomes the default mode.
User Action: None.
%FTP-W-SUPSTR, FTP supports only structure stru

Explanation: FTP supports FILE structure only. If the specified structure is not supported, FILE becomes the default structure.
User Action: None.
%FTP-E-UNKMOD, Unknown mode: mode

Explanation: The specified data transfer mode is unknown.
User Action: FTP supports STREAM mode only.
%FTP-E-WRTERR, Write error on network device

Explanation: The FTP server failed to write data to a network device. This might be due to network communication problems.
User Action: Determine whether the network communication is up and running properly. If the error persists, contact your support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.

B.2 Client Error Messages

This section describes the FTP error messages that can be displayed on the client.

%FTP-E-ACPTCN, Error accepting data connection from remote host

Explanation: The maximum number of active device sockets is under control of the system manager. When the device-socket quota exceeds the limit set by the system manager, a socket connection fails to occur. As a result, the client fails to accept the data connection from the remote host.
User Action: Change the device-socket quota. If you cannot change it, ask the system manager to change it.
%FTP-E-CONHST, Error connecting to remote host: host

Explanation: Most likely a network error has occurred or the network is not active.
User Action: Make sure that network communication is active.
%FTP-E-CONCNC, Control connection is not set up to remote host

Explanation: You requested a remote command before you connected to that host.
User Action: First, use the FTP CONNECT command to connect to the remote host.
%FTP-E-CRSOCK, Error creating a socket

Explanation: The FTP client failed to create an end point for communication. This error is seen most commonly if there is a network error, if the network has not been started, or if the maximum number of device sockets exceeds the limit set by the system manager.
User Action: Make sure network communication is active on the system. Change the limit for the socket quota. If you cannot change it, ask the system manager to change it.
%FTP-E-DISCON, Disconnect first. Connection already exists to: host

Explanation: The FTP client supports only one active control connection. It tried to establish another connection but failed.
User Action: Disconnect the connection with the FTP DISCONNECT command first.
%FTP-E-FDLGEN, Failed to generate an FDL file for file

Explanation: The FTP client failed to generate an FDL file for the local file that has to be transferred. This error could be due to insufficient virtual memory or a fatal internal error in the run-time library.
User Action: Ask the system manager to increase the virtual memory available. Restart the transfer. If the error persists, contact your software support representative.
%FTP-E-GETHST, Error in getting information for host: host

Explanation: The FTP client failed to get the host information.
User Action: Check the integrity of the host database.
%FTP-E-LOGREJ, Login request rejected

Explanation: The FTP client failed to log into the remote host. An invalid user name or password results in this kind of failure.
User Action: Log in with a valid user name and password to see if you have network access privileges.
%FTP-E-NETERR, I/O error on network device

Explanation: This error usually occurs if there is a network failure. Most of the communication calls fail with this error.
User Action: Determine whether the network communication is running properly.
%FTP-NOFDLF, FDL File file does not exist on remote host

Explanation: This occurs during the data transfer if the /FDL qualifier is specified and no FDL file is on the remote host.
User Action: Determine whether the FDL file exists.
%FTP-E-OPNINP, Error opening file for input

Explanation: This error should not occur unless the specified file does not exist or a file protection violation occurred.
User Action: Verify the protection applied to the file and change the protection if necessary. If this error persists even with proper file specification and privileges, contact your software support representative.
%FTP-E-OPNOUT, Error opening for output: file

Explanation: This error should not occur unless a privilege violation occurs during the creation of this file.
User Action: Verify the protection applied to the directory in which the file has to be opened for output, and ask the system manager for the necessary privileges if needed.
%FTP-E-READER, Read error on network device

Explanation: The FTP client failed to read the data that is being transferred over the network. This might be due to a network communication problem.
User Action: Determine whether the network communication is running properly. If the error persists, contact your software support representative.
%FTP-W-SUPMOD, FTP supports only mode mode

Explanation: FTP support STREAM mode only. If the specified mode is not supported, STREAM becomes the default mode.
User Action: None.
%FTP-W-SUPFRM, FTP supports only form form

Explanation: FTP supports NONPRINT mode only. If the specified form is not supported, NONPRINT becomes the default form.
User Action: None.
%FTP-W-SUPSTR, FTP supports only structure stru

Explanation: FTP supports FILE structure only. If the specified structure is not supported, FILE becomes the default structure.
User Action: None.
%FTP-E-UNKHST, Unknown host: host

Explanation: You tried to establish a connection with an unknown host.
User Action: Check that the specified host is in the host database.
%FTP-E-UNKMOD, Unknown mode: mode

Explanation: The specified data transfer mode is unknown.
User Action: Check that the specified mode is supported.
%FTP-E-UNKTYP, Unknown type: type

Explanation: The specified data transfer type is unknown.
User Action: Check that the specified type is supported. Check that it is uppercase.
%FTP-E-WRTERR, Write error on network device

Explanation: The FTP client failed to write data to the network device. This might be due to a network communication problem.
User Action: Determine whether the network communication is running properly. If the error persists, contact your software support representative.
%FTP-I-CONCTO, Connected to: host

Explanation: When a connection is established, this message specifies the name of the host with which the connection was established.
User Action: None.
%FTP-E-BADDIR, Invalid Directory

Explanation: The specified directory is either not valid or protected.
User Action: Verify that the directory exists. If necessary, change the protection.

Appendix C
Remote (R) Command Error and Status Messages

C.1 RSH and RLOGIN Error Messages

You might see the following RSH and RLOGIN error messages. RSH and RLOGIN messages are identical except for the program name at the beginning of the error message. This section includes with each message the actions you can take.

%RSH-E-CREATELOG, Failed to create log file file_name

Explanation: Failed to create the log file specified by the /LOG_FILE qualifier. The RMS status messages are also provided.
User Action: Correct the error condition detailed in the RMS status messages.
%RSH-E-FAILED, message

Explanation: The server refused to allow the RSH/REXEC/RLOGIN session to take place. As a result, the server displays this error message on the terminal.
User Action: The error message should indicate the actions to take.
-RSH-I-INETCALL, message

Explanation: Secondary message used to show the details of the function(s) that failed.
User Action: Correct the problem detailed in this message.
%RSH-E-INETERROR, Internet interface error

Explanation: An unexpected internet error condition has been detected.
User Action: The RSH-I-INETCALL details the problem.
%RSH-E-INITERROR, Initialization error

Explanation: Initialization of the RSH/REXEC/RLOGIN session has failed. This could be due to a network (DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS software startup) problem or the inability to manage the terminal.
User Action: Verify that the DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS software was installed and configured without any errors. Verify that your terminal type is supported by the DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS software (that is, your terminal must be on a terminal port that is supported by OpenVMS systems, such as LTx (LAT), VTx, FTx (pseudoterminals), TXx or TTx).
%RSH-E-IVESCAPE, Invalid escape character

Explanation: The /ESCAPE_CHARACTER qualifier specifies an invalid value.
User Action: Use a valid character with the /ESCAPE_CHARACTER qualifier.
%RSH-E-IVHOST, Invalid or unknown host host

Explanation: The host specified in the RSH command line could not be translated to an internet address.
User Action: Check with your system manager or network manager to be sure you have the correct host name or IP address. If the name or address is correct try again later.
%RSH-E-IVHOSTENT, Invalid HOSTENT structure

Explanation: The HOSTENT structure obtained by calling gethostbyname() was not in the format expected by RSH.
User Action: Retry the operation. If this condition persists, contact your software support representative.
%RSH-S-LCLCLOSED, Local connection closed

Explanation: The user terminated the local RLOGIN session with an escape command.
User Action: None.
%RSH-E-NOLICENSE, License check failed

Explanation: The mandatory license to use RSH was not valid or active at the time RSH was invoked.
User Action: Notify your system manager that the license for DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS has not been installed properly or has expired.
%RSH-S-REMCLOSED, Remote connection closed

Explanation: The server terminated the remote RLOGIN session.
User Action: None.
%RSH-S-SERVNOTAVAIL, Remote service is not currently available

Explanation: An error occurred as a result of an attempt to connect to a remote server.
User Action: The remote host name or IP address is valid but the server is not responding. Verify that your node has connectivity to the remote host.
%RSH-E-TERMERROR, Terminal interface error

Explanation: An error occurred as a result of a $QIO to the interactive terminal.
User Action: Correct the conditions detailed in the secondary message %RSH-I-TERMFUNC.
-RSH-I-TERMFUNC message,

Explanation: Secondary message used to show the details of the function(s) that failed.
User Action: See %RSH-E-TERMERROR.
%RLOGIN-W-UNSUPPORTED, Qualifier qualifier is not currently supported, ignored

Explanation: Indicates that the specified qualifier is not a valid qualifier. The qualifier is ignored. This message does not appear for RSH.
User Action: Use a supported qualifier.

C.2 RCP Error Messages

You might see the following RCP error messages. For help, follow the instructions described under User Action. You may also see RSH or RLOGIN error messages. See the previous section for an explanation of these errors.


Some RCP error and status messages vary depending on each remote host's implementation. If a remote user supplies incorrect information, the error message sent informs you of an invalid response (usually an invalid password or user name).

%RCP-E-ALLOCBUF, Error allocating temporary buffer

Explanation: Internal error.
User Action: Retry the file operation. If this condition persists, contact your software support representative.
%RCP-E-AMBITGT, Ambiguous target

Explanation: The target file specification is incorrect.
User Action: Ensure that the target file specification is valid.
%RCP-E-CONHST, Error connecting to remote host host

Explanation: Failed to open a socket for communication with the remote host.
User Action: Verify that the remote host name is correct. If host name is correct, check the remote host for a possible error condition. In addition, verify that the specified user information is correct.
%RCP-E-DIRNOTCRE, Directory not created directory

Explanation: Directory on target system was not created.
User Action: Check the file/directory/path specification and retry the operation.
%RCP-E-DIRPARSEFAIL, Error parsing directory name directory

Explanation: The directory specification is incorrect.
User Action: Ensure that the directory is specified according to the remote system's directory naming conventions.
%RCP-E-FILPARSEFAIL, Error parsing file name file

Explanation: The file specification is incorrect.
User Action: Ensure that the file is specified according to the remote system's file naming conventions.
%RCP-E-INCPWD, Incorrect password

Explanation: The password for the remote host is incorrect.
User Action: Specify the correct password.
%RCP-E-INSEARCHFAIL, Error searching input file file

Explanation: RCP could not find the input file.
User Action: Verify that you have identified the input file correctly.
%RCP-E-INVRESP, Invalid response from remote system

Explanation: The remote system could not execute the copy request.
User Action: Check the UCX$REXEC*.LOG and UCX$RSH*.LOG files for the cause of the failure.
%RCP-E-INVMOD, Invalid mode

Explanation: Internal error.
User Action: Retry the file operation. If this condition persists, contact your software support representative.
%RCP-E-INVUSAGE, Invalid command usage

Explanation: The combination of command parameters is incorrect.
User Action: Check the RCP command information in this manual for correct command usage.
%RCP-E-INVUSER, Invalid user name user

Explanation: The user name for the remote host is incorrect.
User Action: Specify the correct user name.
%RCP-E-LOSTCONN, Lost connection

Explanation: The connection to the remote host was lost during a file operation.
User Action: Verify that the remote host is reachable using another form of network communication. If the remote host is reachable, try the operation again.
%RCP-E-MDNTDEL, Mode not delimited

Explanation: Internal error.
User Action: Retry the file operation. If this condition persists, contact your software support representative.
%RCP-S-NORMAL, Normal successful completion

Explanation: The file operation completed successfully.
User Action: None.
%RCP-E-NOTCOPIED, Error copying file

Explanation: The file operation did not complete successfully.
User Action: RCP uses this message when the /LOG qualifier is specified. Look in the log file to find more information about the failure.
%RCP-E-OPENIN, Error opening input file file

Explanation: RCP could not open the input file.
User Action: Verify the file name and the existence of the file.
%RCP-E-OPENOUT, Error opening output file file

Explanation: RCP could not open the output file.
User Action: Verify the file name.
%RCP-E-READERR, Error during read

Explanation: RCP found the input file but encountered an error while reading from the file.
User Action: Use local procedures to verify that the file is not corrupt. Check for hardware errors.
%RCP-E-SCKOPT, Failed to set socket option

Explanation: Internal error.
User Action: Retry the file operation. If this condition persists, contact your software support representative.
%RCP-E-SEARCHFAIL, Error searching file file

Explanation: RCP could not find the input or output file.
User Action: Check input and output file specifications and make sure they are correct.
%RCP-E-SETATTR, Failed to set attributes for file file

Explanation: RCP could not create the file attributes for the output file.
User Action: Use local procedures to verify that the source file is not corrupt.
%RCP-E-SZNTDEL, Size not delimited

Explanation: Internal error.
User Action: Retry the file operation. If this condition persists, contact your software support representative.
%RCP-E-TIMNTDEL, Time not delimited

Explanation: Internal error.
User Action: Retry the file operation. If this condition persists, contact your software support representative.
%RCP-E-UNKNWNREXEC, Unknown service: REXEC

Explanation: RCP could not find the REXEC service.
User Action: Start DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS on the local host and retry the operation.
%RCP-E-UNKNWNRSH, Unknown service: RSH

Explanation: RCP could not find the RSH service.
User Action: Start DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS on the local host and retry the operation.
%RCP-E-UNSUPPORTED, Option is not supported

Explanation: RCP does not support the requested operation.
User Action: RCP does not support local-to-local file operations. In addition, RCP does not support the /AUTHENTICATE qualifier.
%RCP-E-UPDATIM, Error updating date and time

Explanation: RCP created the file successfully but encountered an error updating the file creation information.
User Action: Retry the file operation. If this condition persists, contact your software support representative.
%RCP-E-USRINFO, Error obtaining user information

Explanation: Invalid user name and password combination on remote host.
User Action: Verify remote account information and retry the operation.
%RCP-E-WRITEERR, Error during write

Explanation: RCP was able to create the output file but encountered an error while writing to the file.
User Action: Use local procedures to check for hardware errors. Retry the operation.

C.3 Status Return Codes

The following table shows the status codes returned by RCP, RSH, and RLOGIN. You can test for these codes in command procedures. (This table specifically lists the status codes with RCP program names. The RSH and RLOGIN codes are identical except for the program name.)
Message Status Code
RCP$_AMBITGT 08018022
RCP$_CONHST 0801804A
RCP$_MDNTDEL 08018102
RCP$_NORMAL 08018121
RCP$_OPENIN 08018132
RCP$_SCKOPT 08018152
RCP$_SZNTDEL 08018172

Appendix D
TELNET/TN3270 Error and Status Messages

This appendix contains the messages generated by the TELNET interface. The first section discusses the messages TELNET generates for all TELNET sessions. The second section discusses the messages TELNET generates when it is invoked with the TN3270 command or a TELNET command using the /TERMINAL_TYPE qualifier. This section includes, under each message, the actions you can take.

D.1 TELNET Error Messages

%TELNET-S-NORMAL, Normal successful completion

Explanation: Successful connection.
User Action: None.
%TELNET-E-CONNFAIL, Failed to connect to remote host,

Explanation: TELNET's attempt to connect to the remote host failed.
User Action: Remote host may be unavailable or connections between the local host and remote host may be inoperative. Check with your system and network managers.
%TELNET-E-CREATELOG, Failed to create log file file_name

Explanation: You requested an output log file with the /LOG_FILE qualifier, but TELNET's attempt to create the file failed.
User Action: Check for proper privileges to create the log file. Verify that there is space on the disk. This message may be followed by operating system messages that provide additional information.
%TELNET-I-ESCAPE, Escape character is char

Explanation: This is the default or user-defined escape character for your session.
User Action: None.
%TELNET-S-EXIT, EXIT requested

Explanation: You entered the EXIT command. TELNET exits.
User Action: None.

Explanation: Information about the interface call triggered an error. This message accompanies the TELNET-E-INETERROR message.
User Action: This probably describes an error that must be corrected by the system or network manager.
%TELNET-E-INETERROR, Internet interface error

Explanation: TELNET's attempt to issue an internet call failed. This message is usually accompanied by the TELNET-E-INETCALL message to show both the actual call that was attempted and the resulting status of the call.
User Action: See the %TELNET-I-INETCALL message that follows this message.
%TELNET-E-IVHOST, Invalid or unknown host host

Explanation: TELNET's attempt to resolve the specified host's address failed.
User Action: Check that the host is defined in the hosts database or the BIND server database.
%TELNET-E-IVMODE, Invalid mode specified

Explanation: You tried to set the mode to something other than CHAR or LINE. This is not valid.
User Action: Use correct mode settings.
%TELNET-S-LCLCLOSED, Local connection closed

Explanation: You closed the TELNET connection by issuing either the DISCONNECT or EXIT command.
User Action: None.
%TELNET-E-NOLICENSE, License check failed

Explanation: The DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS license is not present, valid, or enabled.
User Action: Request the system manager to update or reinstall the correct DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS license.
%TELNET-E-NOHOST, No host name specified

Explanation: You used the /INTERACTIVE qualifier but failed to specify a host name.
User Action: Specify a host name if you use the /INTERACTIVE qualifier.
%TELNET-E-NOSESSION, No active session

Explanation: You issued a command that is valid during a session, but there is no current session or no sessions exist.
User Action: None.
%TELNET-E-NRESNOTAVAIL, Network resource not available

Explanation: TELNET tried to perform a network I/O, but there were no network buffers available.
User Action: Increase buffer allocation or wait for more resources.
%TELNET-E-OPENIN, Failed to open file for input

Explanation: An attempt to access the TELNET initialization file, SYS$LOGIN:TELNETINIT.INI, resulted in an error. The next messages indicate the reason.
User Action: Correct any privilege problem. Verify that the file is in SYS$LOGIN and that it is properly named.
%TELNET-E-OPENQUOTA, Too many sessions open

Explanation: You tried to create more than the maximum number of allowed simultaneous sessions, 64.
User Action: Wait for a session to terminate.
%TELNET-S-REMCLOSED, Remote connection closed

Explanation: An active connection was closed by the server.
User Action: None.

Explanation: You issued a RESUME command to resume your session.
User Action: None.
%TELNET-I-SESSION, Session session_number, host, port_number

Explanation: Identifies the session number, host name, and port number of the session whose status is being displayed.
User Action: None.
%TELNET-E-TERMERROR, Terminal interface error

Explanation: TELNET's attempt to issue a QIO failed. This message is accompanied by the TELNET-E-TERMFUNC message to show the function that was attempted.
User Action: See the TELNET-I-TERMFUNC message for more information.
%TELNET-I-TERMFUNC, function_name

Explanation: Identifies the function that was being attempted when an error was returned to a QIO. This message follows the TELNET-E-TERMERROR message.
User Action: Correct the problem with the terminal and try again.
%TELNET-I-TRYING, Trying ... host

Explanation: Host to which a connection is being attempted.
User Action: None.
%TELNET-W-UNSUPPORTED, Qualifier qualifier is not currently supported

Explanation: The qualifier you specified is not supported.


Beginning with OpenVMS Version 6.2, the SET HOST /TELNET and SET HOST /TN3270 commands are supported by DCL. The /AUTHENTICATE qualifier is not supported with these DCL commands.

User Action: Use a supported qualifier.

D.2 TN3270 Messages


Copy all F-level error messages (messages indicating a failure, such as %TELNET-F-ACCROUFAI) and take them to your system manager to decide what corrective action to take.

%TELNET-x-ABNSESTER, Session terminated abnormally

Explanation: Either the link between TN3270 and the remote host was lost or the IBM host closed the TELNET connection.
User Action: Determine why the link was lost. Try again when the connection to the IBM system returns.
%TELNET-x-ACCROUFAI, Error from Gateway access routine

Explanation: A call from TN3270 to an access routine failed. Subsequent error messages will provide more information about the cause of the problem.
User Action: Examine the subsequent error messages to find the reason.
%TELNET-x-ACNTERR, Not allowed from a CAPTIVE account

Explanation: You are not allowed to do this operation from this account.
User Action: Try again, using the appropriate account.
%TELNET-x-AMBIG, Ambiguous abbreviation abbrev

Explanation: You supplied an ambiguous abbreviation for the function parameter in the DEFINE KEY command line.
User Action: Re-enter command using a unique abbreviation or the full function name.
%TELNET-x-ATTPRCFAI, Error attaching to process

Explanation: Some error prevents access to this process.
User Action: Copy any error messages that appear and bring them to your system manager when reporting the problem. If you are the system manager, refer to the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual.
%TELNET-x-BADRECKEY, You cannot record that key

Explanation: You cannot save a key sequence on this key.
User Action: Use an appropriate key. Keys PF1--PF24 can be used for storing recorded key sequences.
%TELNET-x-BADSEQF, Bad key sequences file

Explanation: The key sequences file you are using is corrupt.
User Action: Report this problem to your system manager. If you are the system manager, delete the key sequences file SYS$LOGIN:UCXTE$RECSEQ.DAT. The user will have to record again all the key sequences that were stored on the PF keys.
%TELNET-x-CONFQUAL, Conflicting qualifiers

Explanation: You specified conflicting qualifiers on the initial command line.
User Action: Check the command line you used and re-enter the correct command line.
%TELNET-x-CRESEQF, Error creating sequence file file_spec

Explanation: A problem is preventing the creation of this file.
User Action: Copy any error messages displayed on your screen and bring them to your system manager when reporting the problem.
%TELNET-x-DUFFDEF, You are not allowed to define that key

Explanation: You tried to redefine a key that cannot be defined.
User Action: Choose one of the keys available for redefinition and re-enter the command line.
%TELNET-x-DUFFDEFK, You are not allowed to define that key

Explanation: You tried to redefine a key in the key definition file that cannot be defined.
User Action: Edit the key definition file, supplying the valid key definition statement. Re-enter the command line.
%TELNET-x-ERCRMPSC, Error accessing recorded key sequence

Explanation: TN3270 failed to access the recorded key sequence.
User Action: Copy any error messages displayed on your screen and bring them to your system manager when reporting the problem.
%TELNET-x-ERRALLBUF, Error allocating dynamic buffer

Explanation: TN3270 failed to allocate a buffer.
User Action: Examine the subsequent system messages. If they indicate that insufficient virtual memory is available, ask your system manager to increase the relevant quotas. Otherwise, this error indicates an internal error in TN3270. Report the problem to your system manager.
%TELNET-x-ERRCOPSCR, Error copying screen to file_spec

Explanation: When you invoked the PRINT function, TN3270 failed to copy the screen to the file you specified.
User Action: Examine the subsequent secondary error messages to find the reason.
%TELNET-x-ERUPDSEQ, Error updating recorded key sequence

Explanation: TN3270 failed to update the recorded key sequence.
User Action: Copy any error messages displayed on your screen and bring them to your system manager when reporting the problem.
%TELNET-x-FAIESTSES, Failed to establish session

Explanation: The terminal emulator failed to establish a session with the remote host's application. The subsequent error messages will give the reason why the session could not be established.
User Action: Correct the problem and restart TELNET.
%TELNET-x-FATINTERR, Internal error in Gateway access routines

Explanation: A fatal error has occurred. Subsequent error messages will provide more information.
User Action: Write down all the messages that appear on your screen at this time and report the problem to your system manager.
%TELNET-x-FILCLO, Error closing file file_spec

Explanation: An error occurred closing the key redefinition file.
User Action: Examine subsequent messages for more information. Then restart TELNET.
%TELNET-x-FILEIP, Error opening file file_spec as input

Explanation: An error occurred opening the keyboard redefinition file for input.
User Action: Examine subsequent messages for more information. Then restart TELNET.
%TELNET-x-FILEOP, Error opening file file_spec as output

Explanation: An error occurred when you invoked the PRINT function to open the indicated file. The same error may occur when the IBM host initiates a PRINT command.
User Action: Check the name of the file or printer you specified with the /PRINTER qualifier. Check the command line you used and re-enter the command using a proper file specification.
%TELNET-x-FILREA, Error reading from file file_spec

Explanation: An error occurred reading the key redefinition file.
User Action: Examine subsequent messages for more information. Then restart TELNET.
%TELNET-x-FILWRT, Error writing to file file_spec

Explanation: An error occurred when TN3270 tried to record the screen contents in the named file.
User Action: Check the name of the file you specified with the /PRINTER qualifier. Check the command line you used and re-enter the command using the proper file specification.
%TELNET-x-HELPLESS, Help not available for this terminal type

Explanation: Help is not available for this terminal type.
User Action: Refer to your Software Product Description (SPD) for a list of supported terminals.
%TELNET-x-HLP2BIG, Help display needs screen size of at least 24 x 80

Explanation: TN3270 cannot display the help screen on a terminal smaller than 24 rows by 80 columns.
User Action: Use TN3270 only on a supported DIGITAL terminal.
%TELNET-x-INCMPSEQF, Incompatible key sequences file

Explanation: The key sequences file you are using is incompatible with this version of TELNET.
User Action: Report this problem to your system manager. If you are the system manager, correct this problem by deleting the key sequences file SYS$LOGIN:UCXTE$RECSEQ.DAT. The user will have to record again all the key sequences that were stored on the PF keys.
%TELNET-x-INVASYEVT, Invalid asynchronous event occurred, code code

Explanation: TN3270 detected an illegal internal event.
User Action: Report the problem to your system manager and have the system manager contact your software support representative.
%TELNET-x-INVRECLOG, UCX$DEF_NUMREC is incorrectly defined

Explanation: This internal logical name is improperly set up.
User Action: Report the problem to your system manager.
%TELNET-x-INVSEQNUM, RU received with an invalid sequence number, rejected with sense code ibm_sense_code

Explanation: A protocol error has occurred.
User Action: Report the problem to your system manager. The system manager can perform an LU trace to help diagnose the nature of the problem. The system manager should contact your software support representative.
%TELNET-x-KEYDEFERR, Error processing key definition

Explanation: An error has occurred in the key definition file (used to redefine the keyboard layout).
User Action: Examine subsequent messages for more information. Restart TN3270 after correcting the error.
%TELNET-x-KEYNODEL, Key key definition cannot be deleted

Explanation: The definition mapped to this key cannot be deleted or redefined.
User Action: Re-enter the command, specifying a valid key.
%TELNET-x-KEYNODEX, Key key "extended" definition cannot be deleted

Explanation: The extended definition mapped to this key cannot be deleted or redefined.
User Action: Re-enter the command, specifying a valid key.
%TELNET-x-KEYNOSTA, Key key cannot be defined with /STATE=EXTEND

Explanation: The key you selected cannot be defined as part of a nongraphic EXTEND key sequence.
User Action: Re-enter the command, specifying a valid key.
%TELNET-x-KEYRQSTA, Key key can only be defined with /STATE=EXTEND

Explanation: The key you selected can only be defined as part of a graphic EXTEND key sequence.
User Action: Re-enter the command specifying a valid key.
%TELNET-x-LENTOOLON, Transmit byte count exceeds buffer length

Explanation: This is a fatal internal error.
User Action: Copy the messages that are displayed on your terminal. Report the errors and the conditions that caused them to your system manager.
%TELNET-x-NETSHUT, Network node is not accepting connects

Explanation: The local system is shutting down or the IBM node is not accepting connects because it is in the process of initializing.
User Action: Exit TN3270 if the local DECnet network is shutting down. If the IBM system is initializing, wait for the process to complete before trying again.
%TELNET-x-NO_SUCSES, Session address not recognized by IBM node

Explanation: You specified an invalid TCP/IP session port address.
User Action: Check with your system manager to determine which session address you need or omit this switch and try the default.
%TELNET-x-NOKEYQ, Qualifier /KEY required on DEFINE or DELETE command

Explanation: The /KEY qualifier is missing in the DEFINE or DELETE KEY statement.
User Action: Re-enter the DEFINE or DELETE statement, making sure to include all necessary qualifiers.
%TELNET-x-NONPRCH, Nonprinting character not allowed in key definition

Explanation: You tried to redefine a nonprinting character in the key definition file.
User Action: Correct the error and restart TELNET.
%TELNET-x-NOSESACTV, No LU-LU session is currently active

Explanation: There are no active LU-LU sessions.
User Action: Establish an LU-LU session before you try this operation again.
%TELNET-x-NOTNUMSES, Session address must be a decimal number

Explanation: You entered the session address incorrectly.
User Action: Check to see that you have the proper session address. Re-enter the initial command.
%TELNET-x-PRINTED, Screen contents printed

Explanation: The contents of your screen have been directed to an output file or to a local printer as you specified with the PRINT function.
User Action: No response.
%TELNET-x-REQREJECT, Invalid data received, rejected with sense code ibm_sense_code

Explanation: TN3270 rejected an RU that it received from the remote host with the sense code shown.
User Action: Copy the data contained in the error message and give to your system manager. The system manager can determine the meaning of the IBM sense code from the IBM documentation and take appropriate action.
%TELNET-x-SESNOLACT, Session no longer active

Explanation: The session was terminated by the IBM host. Subsequent error messages explain why.
User Action: Respond to the subsequent error messages.
%TELNET-x-SPNPRCFAI, Error spawning subprocess

Explanation: TN3270 could not create a subprocess.
User Action: Copy any error messages that appear and bring them to your system manager when reporting the problem. If you are the system manager, refer to the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual.
%TELNET-x-SYNQUOT, Bad syntax for quoted character char

Explanation: An error occurred in redefining a quoted character.
User Action: Correct the error. The correct syntax for a quoted character is "x" (for any character) or """ (for the single quotation mark itself).
%TELNET-x-TERIOERR, Terminal I/O error

Explanation: A terminal read or write function failed, probably because of a terminal or terminal interface problem.
User Action: Invoke the REFR function to refresh your screen. If the error recurs, have the terminal-to-operating-system interface tested.
%TELNET-x-TRALOAFAI, Failed to load translation tables from file_spec

Explanation: TN3270 failed to read translation tables from the specified file.
User Action: Examine the secondary message to discover why the translation tables could not be loaded.
%TELNET-x-TYPCONZED, Type Ctrl/Z to exit

Explanation: Your session is no longer active. A message appears at the bottom of your screen to indicate why the session ended.
User Action: Use the EXIT function to return to the operating system prompt. If you want to see what was on the screen before the session ended, invoke the REFR function to refresh the screen.
%TELNET-x-UNKFUNC, Unknown function name name

Explanation: The function name you supplied to TN3270 in the DEFINE KEY statement is invalid.
User Action: Re-enter the DEFINE KEY statement, making sure to supply a valid function name.
%TELNET-x-UNSTERTYP, Unsupported terminal type

Explanation: TN3270 is not supported on your type of terminal. Your terminal must support ANSI controls (TN3270 will not run on VT52 or VT55 terminals, because they do not support ANSI controls).
User Action: Use a supported terminal type.

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