Compaq COBOL
User Manual

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The SYNCHRONIZED clause, which aligns binary data on natural boundaries, is included in both Compaq COBOL and Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX. Refer to the Compaq COBOL Reference Manual for complete information on the SYNCHRONIZED clause.

16.4.3 Comparing Alignment Directive Effects

The alignment examples that follow illustrate the following important points:

Example 16_2 through Example 16-6 show a comparison of the use and results of several alignment cases. They are applicable to both Tru64 UNIX and OpenVMS Alpha; and Example 16-2 is additionally applicable to OpenVMS VAX (except for the information on the /ALIGNMENT qualifier, which is Alpha specific). Example 16-2 shows the effects of the SYNCHRONIZED clause in program source, as compared with the /ALIGNMENT qualifier on the command line.

Example 16-2 Using /ALIGNMENT with SYNCHRONIZED

01 comp-group. 
    02 cg-x1   pic x.                                  (1)
    02 cg-c1   pic 9(1) comp.                          (2)
    02 cg-c3   pic 9(3) comp.                          (3)
    02 cg-c7   pic 9(7) comp.                          (4)
    02 cg-c12  pic 9(12) comp.                         (5)
01 comp-group-synch. 
    02 cg-x1-synch   pic x.                            (6)
    02 cg-c1-synch   pic 9(1) comp synchronized.       (7)
    02 cg-c3-synch   pic 9(3) comp synchronized.       (8)
    02 cg-c7-synch   pic 9(7) comp synchronized.       (9)
    02 cg-c12-synch  pic 9(12) comp synchronized.      (10)

The data is aligned as shown in the following examples using different alignment configurations. In the accompanying data diagrams, a number (n) indicates that that byte is occupied by the nth field of the record, and a dash (---) indicates a filler byte. The fields are indicated by the callouts in the right column of Example 16-2.

Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX would align the data as follows:

|             |             |             |             |        1111 | 1111       | 
| 1223 | 3444 | 4555 | 5555 | 5    | 6-77 | 88-- | 9999 | ---- | 0000 | 0000 |     | 

Compaq COBOL without the -align flag or the /ALIGNMENT qualifier or with the /NOALIGNMENT qualifier would align the data as follows:

|             |             |             |             |             | 1111   1111 | 
| 1223 | 3444 | 4555 | 5555 | 5    |      | 6-77 | 88-- | 9999 | ---- | 0000 | 0000 | 

And finally, Compaq COBOL with the -align flag or the /ALIGNMENT qualifier would align the data as follows:

|             |             |             |             |             | 1111   1111 | 
| 1-22 | 33-- | 4444 | ---- | 5555 | 5555 | 6-77 | 88-- | 9999 | ---- | 0000 | 0000 | 

The examples that follow are applicable to Alpha only.

Example 16-3 shows the differences in the actions of /NOALIGN, /ALIGN and -align , and /ALIGN=PADDING and -align pad on the internal alignments of data fields within COBOL data structures in the OpenVMS Alpha and Tru64 UNIX environments.

The program fragment in Example 16-3 was extracted from a COBOL program that was compiled three times on Compaq COBOL, using the following qualifiers for each compilation:

  1. /LIST/MAP=D---No alignment and no padding, as in Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX (see Example 16-4)
  2. /ALIGN/LIST/MAP=D---Compaq COBOL V1.0-style field elementary alignment, but no Alpha natural alignment and padding (see Example 16-5)
  3. /ALIGN=PAD/LIST/MAP=D---Alpha natural alignment and padding (see Example 16-6)

The excerpts of the Data Names in Declared Order from the listing maps show the differences in vertical format in the Location and Byte columns. Note the horizontal byte layouts to make it easier to read in that orientation.

Example 16-3 shows that /ALIGNMENT without PADDING will align internal COMP fields in the record format on longword boundaries, but will not pad out the lengths of substructures to be multiples of the alignments of the most strongly aligned fields within them. Also, it does not pad the entire data structure. Alternatively, /ALIGNMENT=PADDING pads internal substructures as well as the entire record. The result is many more slack bytes in the record layout for Example 16-6.

Example 16-3 Comparing /NOALIGN, /ALIGN and /ALIGN =PADDING (Alpha)

        4 DATA DIVISION. 
        7 01 REC1. 
        8     02 FLD1. 
        9         03 FLD1-1 PIC S9(9) USAGE COMP. 
        10        03 FLD1-2 PIC S9(03)V9(04) USAGE DISPLAY. 
        11     02 FLD2   PIC X(005). 
        12     02 FLD3. 
        13         03 FLD3-1 PIC X. 
        14         03 FLD3-2 PIC S9(9) USAGE COMP. 
        15         03 FLD3-3 PIC S9(5) USAGE DISPLAY. 

Example 16-4 Data Map for /NOALIGNMENT (Alpha)

                                    Source Listing 
         Data Names in Declared Order 
Line    Level   Name      Location     Size  Bytes Usage      Category 
-----  -----  --------  -------------  ----  ----- -------    -------- 
    7    01   REC1      2  00000000      26     26   DISPLAY   Group  
    8    02   FLD1      2  00000000      11     11   DISPLAY   Group  
    9    03   FLD1-1    2  00000000       9      4   COMP      N      
   10    03   FLD1-2    2  00000004       7      7   DISPLAY   N      
   11    02   FLD2      2  0000000B       5      5   DISPLAY   AN     
   12    02   FLD3      2  00000010      10     10   DISPLAY   Group  
   13    03   FLD3-1    2  00000010       1      1   DISPLAY   AN     
   14    03   FLD3-2    2  00000011       9      4   COMP      N      
   15    03   FLD3-3    2  00000015       5      5   DISPLAY   N      

Byte Layout for Example 16-4:

    |REC1                                               | 
    |FLD1                 |FLD2     |FLD3               | 
    |FLD1-1 |FLD1-2       |         |*|FLD3-2 |FLD3-3   | 
    |       |             |         | |       |         | 
     1       5            12        17        22          
    Begin byte number (starting with 0)                                  
    Record length is 26 bytes.         


The asterisk (*) designates FLD3-1. Also, no padding or filler will result, just as with Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX on OpenVMS VAX.

Example 16-5 Data Map for /ALIGNMENT, -align (Alpha)

                                   Source Listing 
                             Data Names in Declared Order 
Line   Level  Name    Location     Size   Bytes Usage   Category 
-----  -----  ------  -----------  -----  ----  ------  -------- 
    7    01   REC1    2  00000000    29    29   DISPLAY   Group    
    8    02   FLD1    2  00000000    11    11   DISPLAY   Group    
    9    03   FLD1-1  2  00000000     9     4   COMP      N        
   10    03   FLD1-2  2  00000004     7     7   DISPLAY   N        
   11    02   FLD2    2  0000000B     5     5   DISPLAY   AN       
   12    02   FLD3    2  00000010    13    13   DISPLAY   Group    
   13    03   FLD3-1  2  00000010     1     1   DISPLAY   AN       
   14    03   FLD3-2  2  00000014     9     4   COMP      N        
   15    03   FLD3-3  2  00000018     5     5   DISPLAY   N        

Byte Layout for Example 16-5:

    |REC1                                                     | 
    |FLD1                 |FLD2     |FLD3                     | 
    |FLD1-1 |FLD1-2       |         |*|     |FLD3-2 |FLD3-3   | 
    |       |             |         | |f f f|       |         | 
     1       5            12        17      21      25            
     Begin byte number (starting with 0) 
     Record length is 29 bytes.                                                                      


The asterisk (*) designates FLD3-1.

The letter f designates internal filler bytes produced because the field FLD3-2 has to start on the boundary that is the next higher multiple of 4 because it is longword-aligned. The intervening three bytes following FLD3-1 are skipped over.

Example 16-6 Data Map for /ALIGNMENT =PADDING, -align pad (Alpha)

                                Source Listing 
                          Data Names in Declared Order 
Line  Level  Name      Location     Size   Bytes Usage    Category 
----  -----  -------  ------------  -----  ----- --------  -------- 
  7    01    REC1     2  00000000    36     36   DISPLAY   Group   
  8    02    FLD1     2  00000000    12     12   DISPLAY   Group   
  9    03    FLD1-1   2  00000000     9      4   COMP      N       
 10    03    FLD1-2   2  00000004     7      7   DISPLAY   N       
 11    02    FLD2     2  0000000C     5      5   DISPLAY   AN      
 12    02    FLD3     2  00000014    16     16   DISPLAY   Group   
 13    03    FLD3-1   2  00000014     1      1   DISPLAY   AN      
 14    03    FLD3-2   2  00000018     9      4   COMP      N       
 15    03    FLD3-3   2  0000001C     5      5   DISPLAY   N       

Byte Layout for Example 16-6:

    |FLD1                   |FLD2           |FLD3                           |        
    |FLD1-1 |FLD1-2      (1)|         | (2) |*|     |FLD3-2 |FLD3-3   | (3) |        
    |       |             |p|         |p p p| |f f f|       |         |p p p|        
     1       5              13        18    21      25      29        34   36           
     Begin byte number (starting with 0) 
     Record length is 36 bytes.                                                                          

  1. This pad byte brings substructure FLD1 up to:

    12 = 3 * 4 bytes - multiple of longword alignment 

  2. These three pad bytes are skipped over. They are required because FLD3, the next substructure, has to start on a longword boundary because it contains FLD3-2.
    FLD2 contains five bytes and is padded three bytes out to eight.
  3. These three pad bytes bring FLD3 up to:

    16 = 4*4 bytes 

  4. The total number of bytes in the record is now:

    36 = 12 + 8 + 16 bytes 

  5. *, p, f apply in the same way as for /ALIGN without PADDING. <>

Appendix A
Compiler Implementation Specifications

The following list summarizes the specifications and restrictions for the Compaq COBOL compiler. The compiler issues diagnostic messages whenever you exceed its design parameters.

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