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Compaq C
Run-Time Library Reference Manual for OpenVMS Systems

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A.6 Relationship Between errno and h_errno

Since the routines that set h_errno can also set errno , this section explains the relationship between the two variables.

A given routine failure does not set both h_errno and errno for the same failure. A routine failure sets either h_errno or errno depending on which is appropriate for the failing condition.

For example, consider the following program:

/* Demonstrate relationship between errno and h_errno   */ 
/* from Appendix A of the reference manual              */ 
#include   <errno.h> 
#include   <stdio.h> 
#include   <netdb.h> 
    static char hostname[256]; 
    struct hostent *hostentptr; 
    errno = 0; 
    h_errno = 0; 
    if ((hostentptr = gethostbyname("hndy")) == NULL) { 
        printf("unknown host name errno is: %d h_errno is: %d\n", errno, h_errn 
    errno = 0; 
    h_errno = 0; 
    if ((hostentptr = gethostbyname(0)) == NULL) { 
        printf("illegal host name errno is: %d h_errno is: %d\n", errno, h_errn 

In the first call to gethostbyname , the host name parameter "hndy" does not represent a known host. In this case, gethostbyname sets h_errno to HOST_NOT_FOUND , but does not set errno .

The call to perror in this example would output:

    p_gethostbyname: Error 0 

The call to herror in this example would print a message describing the failure:

    h_gethostbyname: Unknown 

In the second call to gethostbyname , the host name parameter is 0 (zero), an invalid argument. In this case, gethostbyname sets errno to EINVAL , but does not set h_errno .

A call to perror would print a message describing the failure:

    p_gethostbyname: Invalid 

A call to herror would print:

    h_gethostbyname: Error 0 

A.7 TCP/IP Interface Enhancements

The Compaq C RTL provides the language bindings for a 4.4BSD-compatible TCP/IP implementation. The underlying 4.4BSD semantics for the specific TCP/IP routines are the responsibility of the TCP/IP back-end vendors.

With 4.4BSD semantics, gethostbyname and gethostbyaddr set the external variable h_errno . Other routines (see Table A-3) deal with 4.4BSD versions of the sockaddr and msghdr data structures. See the <socket.h> header file for a description of these structures.

The TCP/IP backend routines need to know the following:

This information is controlled by the _SOCKADDR_LEN feature-test macro (see Section 1.5).

Compiling with _SOCKADDR_LEN defined will enable the entry points that have 4.4BSD semantics. See Table A-3. Otherwise, entry points expecting pre-4.4BSD semantics are enabled.

Table A-3 4.4BSD Entry Points
__bsd44_accept __bsd44_gethostbyaddr __bsd44_recvfrom
__bsd44_bind __bsd44_gethostbyname __bsd44_recvmsg
__bsd44_connect __bsd44_getpeername __bsd44_sendto
  __bsd44_getsockname __bsd44_sendmsg

A.8 Summary of Socket Routines

This section groups and briefly describes the socket routines. For complete descriptions, see the routine reference section that follows in this appendix.

A.8.1 Basic Communication Routines

Table A-4 lists the basic communication routines that make up the building blocks of Internet programs.

Table A-4 Basic Communication Routines
Routine Description
accept Accepts a connection on a socket.
bind Binds a name to a socket.
close Closes a connection and deletes a socket descriptor.
connect Initiates a connection on a socket.
ioctl Controls socket operations only.
listen Sets the maximum limit of outstanding connection requests for a socket.
read Reads bytes from a file or socket and places them into a buffer.
readv Not implemented.
recv Receives bytes from a socket and places them into a buffer.
recvfrom Receives bytes for a socket from any source.
recvmsg Receives bytes from a socket and places them into scattered buffers.
select Allows the polling or checking of a group of sockets.
send Sends bytes through a socket to a connected peer.
sendmsg Sends gathered bytes through a socket to any other socket.
sendto Sends bytes through a socket to any other socket.
shutdown Shuts down all or part of a bidirectional socket.
socket Creates an endpoint for communication by returning a socket descriptor.
write Writes bytes from a buffer to a file or socket.
writev Not implemented.

A.8.2 Auxiliary Communication Routines

Table A-5 lists the auxiliary communication routines. These routines are used to provide information about a socket and to set the options on a socket.

Table A-5 Auxiliary Communication Routines
Routine Description
getpeername Returns the name of the connected peer.
getsockname Returns the name associated with a socket.
getsockopt Returns the options set on a socket.
setsockopt Sets options on a socket.

A.8.3 h_errno Support Routines

Table A-6 lists the h_errno support routines. These routines map and write error-message strings generated by the external integer h_errno .

Table A-6 Supported h_errno Routines
Routine Description
herror Writes a message explaining a routine error.
hstrerror Accesses message explaining routine errors.

A.8.4 Communication Support Routines

Table A-7 lists the communication support routines. These routines perform operations such as searching databases, converting byte order of network and host addresses, reading records, and returning Internet addresses.

Table A-7 Supported Communication Routines
Routine Description
decc$get_sdc Returns the socket device's OpenVMS I/O channel associated with a socket descriptor. vaxc$get_sdc and decc$get_sdc are synonyms for the same routine.
endhostent Closes retrieval of network host entries and closes the network host file.
endnetent Closes the networks database file.
endprotoent Closes the protocols database file.
endservent Closes the network services database file.
gethostaddr Returns the standard host address for the processor.
gethostbyaddr Searches the host database for a host record with a given address.
gethostbyname Searches the host database for a host record with a given name or alias.
gethostname Returns the name of the current host.
gethostent Opens the network host entry by name from the network host database file.
getnetbyaddr Searches the network database for a network record with a given address.
getnetbyname Searches the network database for a network record with a given name or alias.
getnetent Gets a network file entry from the networks database file.
getprotobyname Searches the protocols database until a matching protocol name is found or until EOF is encountered.
getprotobynumber Searches the protocols database until a matching protocol number is found or until EOF is encountered.
getprotoent Gets a protocol database entry from the protocols database file.
getservbyname Gets information on the named service from the network services database.
getservbyport Gets information on the named port from the network services database.
getservent Gets a services file entry from the network services database file.
hostalias Searches for host aliases associated with a name.
htonl Converts longwords from network to host byte order.
htons Converts short integers from network to host byte order.
inet_addr Converts Internet addresses in text form into numeric Internet addresses.
inet_lnaof Returns the local network address portion of an Internet address.
inet_makeaddr Returns an Internet address given a network address and a local address on that network.
inet_netof Returns the Internet network address portion of an Internet address.
inet_network Converts a null-terminated text string representing an Internet network address into a network address in network byte order.
inet_ntoa Converts an Internet address into an ASCIZ (null-terminated) string.
ntohl Converts longwords from host to network byte order.
ntohs Converts short integers from host to network byte order.
sethostent Opens, rewinds, and closes the network host database file.
setnetent Opens, rewinds, and closes the networks database file.
setprotoent Opens, rewinds, and closes the protocols database file.
setservent Opens, rewinds, and closes the network services database file.
decc$socket_fd Returns the socket descriptor associated with a Socket Device Channel for direct use with the Compaq C RTL.
vaxc$get_sdc Returns the socket device's OpenVMS I/O channel associated with a socket descriptor. vaxc$get_sdc and decc$get_sdc are synonyms for the same routine.


Accepts a connection on a socket.


#include <socket.h>

int accept (int s, struct sockaddr *addr, int *addrlen);

(_DECC_V4_SOURCE) int accept (int s, struct sockaddr *addr, size_t *addrlen);


Routine Variants This socket routine has a variant named __bsd44_accept . Enabled by defining _SOCKADDR_LEN , this variant implements 4.4BSD-compatible semantics. See Section A.7 for more information.



A socket descriptor that has been returned by socket , subsequently bound to an address with bind , and that is listening for connections after a listen .


A result parameter that is filled in with the address of the connecting entity, as known to the communications layer. The exact format of the structure to which the address parameter points is determined by the domain in which the communication is occurring. This version of Compaq C supports only the Internet domain (AF_INET).


A value-result parameter; it should initially contain the size of the structure pointed to by addr. On return it will contain the actual length, in bytes, of the structure that has been filled in by the communication layer. See <socket.h> for a description of the sockaddr structure.


This routine completes the first connection on the queue of pending connections, creates a new socket with the same properties as s, and allocates and returns a new descriptor for the socket. If no pending connections are present on the queue, and the socket is not marked as nonblocking, accept blocks the caller until a connection request is present. If the socket is marked nonblocking by using a setsockopt call and no pending connections are present on the queue, accept returns an error. The accepted socket may not be used to accept connections. The original socket s remains open (listening) for other connection requests. This call is used with connection-based socket types, currently with SOCK_STREAM.

It is possible to select a socket for the purposes of performing an accept by selecting it for read.

See also bind , connect , listen , select , and socket in this section.

Return Values

x A nonnegative integer that is a descriptor for the accepted socket.
--1 Indicates an error; errno is set to one of the following:
  • EBADF -- The socket descriptor is invalid.
  • ENOTSOCK -- The socket descriptor references a file, not a socket.
  • EOPNOTSUPP -- The reference socket is not of type SOCK_STREAM.
  • EFAULT -- The addr parameter is not in a writable part of the user address space.
  • EWOULDBLOCK -- The socket is marked nonblocking and no connections are present to be accepted.


Binds a name to a socket.


#include <socket.h>

int bind (int s, struct sockaddr *name, int namelen);

(_DECC_V4_SOURCE) int bind (int s, const struct sockaddr *name, size_t namelen);


Routine Variants This socket routine has a variant named __bsd44_bind . Enabled by defining _SOCKADDR_LEN , this variant implements 4.4BSD-compatible semantics. See Section A.7 for more information.



A socket descriptor that has been created with socket .


Address of a structure used to assign a name to the socket in the format specific to the family (AF_INET) socket address. See <socket.h> for a description of the sockaddr structure.


The size, in bytes, of the structure pointed to by name.


This routine assigns a name to an unnamed socket. When a socket is created with socket it exists in a name space (address family) but has no name assigned. The bind routine requests that a name be assigned to the socket.

See also connect , getsockname , listen , and socket in this appendix.

Return Values

0 Indicates success.
--1 Indicates an error; errno is set to one of the following values:
  • EBADF -- The socket descriptor is invalid.
  • ENOTSOCK -- The socket descriptor references a file, not a socket.
  • EADDRNOTAVAIL -- specified address is not available from the local machine.
  • EADDRINUSE -- The specified Internet address and ports are already in use.
  • EINVAL -- The socket is already bound to an address.
  • EACCESS -- The requested address is protected, and the current user has inadequate permission to access it.
  • EFAULT -- The name parameter is not a valid part of the user address space.

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