HP DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for
Software Installation Guide
Chapter 2
Installing the Software
This chapter describes how to install DECprint Supervisor software using the
PCSI utility). For a complete description of the PCSI utility and the
use of the PRODUCT command, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual and the
HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual or online help.
2.1 Overview
Follow these steps to install the DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS software:
- Review all release notes. You can extract the release notes in
text format from the PCSI kit with the command:
_$ [/SOURCE=device:[directory]] -
_$ [/DESTINATION=device:[directory]]
You can extract the release notes in PostScript format with the
_$ [/SOURCE=device:[directory]] -
_$ [/DESTINATION=device:[directory]]
- Stop each DCPS queue using
commands if:
- You have existing running DCPS queues and do not want the DCPS
installation procedure to automatically stop them.
- You have DCPS executables in the SYS$SPECIFIC system
- You need to apply OpenVMS or other patches that impact DCPS.
- Remove any DCPS executable files from the SYS$SPECIFIC system
- Apply OpenVMS or other patches that impact DCPS, as determined
from the DCPS release notes or other sources. If the patches require
that you reboot your system, do so after applying the patches.
- Install DCPS.
- Create or update DCPS$STARTUP.COM, as described in the
System Manager's GuideSystem Manager's Guide. For example, add queue definitions to the file and set
the value of the DCPS$MAX_STREAMS logical following the examples
provided in the procedure.
- Start your DCPS print queues by invoking DCPS$STARTUP.COM. The
DCPS installation procedure restarted DCPS queues that it stopped,
unless the installation failed. If you changed your DCPS environment or
DCPS$STARTUP.COM after the DCPS installation procedure automatically
restarted some queues, you may need to stop all DCPS queues and restart
them before your changes will take effect.
* The installation procedure checks
for such files.
2.2 PCSI Conventions
PCSI will ask questions during the installation. Questions may be
followed by default responses enclosed in brackets ([]). Enter your
response followed by [Return].
Press [Return] to enter the default response. If you are not
sure of the response, enter a question mark (?). PCSI displays
explanatory text and repeats the prompt.
Messages specific to the installation of DECprint Supervisor software are
listed in Section B.4.
2.3 Installing the Software
This section does not reproduce all of the text you may see on your
screen during the installation of the DCPS software. A sample PCSI
installation is shown in Appendix A.
To install the software, use the following procedure:
- Invoke the PCSI utility.
Enter the following command:
$ PRODUCT INSTALL DCPS [/SOURCE=device:[directory]]
specify the location of the DCPS PCSI kit.
Do not specify an
alternate destination by using the /DESTINATION qualifier or defining
the logical name PCSI$DESTINATION. DCPS needs to be installed in the
cluster common area of your system disk and will be installed there
regardless of the alternate destination you specify.
- Select the DCPS kit.
If more than one DCPS PCSI kit exists in the source directory, you
will be prompted to choose one. For example:
1 - HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.4 Layered Product
2 - HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.7 Layered Product
3 - HP I64VMS DCPS V2.7 Layered Product
4 - HP VAXVMS DCPS V2.7 Layered Product
5 - All products listed above
6 - Exit
Choose one or more items from the menu separated by commas:
Choose the kit with the correct DCPS version and for the
architecture on which you are installing DCPS.
- Announce products to be installed.
PCSI then
announces the products to be installed. For example:
The following product has been selected:
HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.7 Layered Product [Installed]
Do you want to continue? [YES]
If this is the DCPS kit you want to install, press
- Check for alternate destination.
If DCPS has already been installed on your system using PCSI and
you specified an alternate destination, you will see these messages:
%PCSIUI-W-DESTQUAL, destination qualifier will be ignored for this product
* When reinstalling a product you cannot specify a destination.
* To change the product's destination, remove the product then
* install it to a new location. If you continue this operation,
* the product will be reinstalled in its current location.
Do you want to continue? [YES]
Since DCPS is always installed in SYS$COMMON on your system disk,
press [Return] to continue the installation.
- Start the installation.
PCSI then starts the
installation, displaying messages such as:
Configuration phase starting ...
You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements.
HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.7: HP DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS
© Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
- Check for sufficient disk space.
PCSI checks to see if the amount of disk space required for the
installation is available. If the space is not available, a message
indicates the amount of disk space that is required, and the
installation is aborted. You must allocate sufficient disk space and
then start the PCSI procedure again.
If there is sufficient disk
space, the installation procedure continues.
- Make sure the queue manager is running.
The installation procedure checks to see if the queue manager is
running on your system.
If the queue manager is not running, the
Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) does not run, and the
following messages are displayed on your screen:
The queue manager is not running. The IVP will not be run.
The queue manager must be running if you want the installation to
run the IVP.
- Check for software prerequisistes.
The DCPS installation begins by checking for software prerequisites
such as ECOs required for this release:
Examining system environment ...
If prerequisite software is not found on your system, you will see
messages such as the following:
DCPS V2.7 requires that a Foo Bar patch kit be installed on your system.
Please install ECO patch kit FOO_BAR Vn.n or later,
and then re-run this installation.
The installation will then abort.
- Check for running DCPS queues.
The DCPS installation continues by looking for DCPS queues on your
system. If no DCPS print queues are running, skip the next two steps.
- Choose whether to display queues to be stopped.
If DCPS print queues are running, one of the following messages are
- If the queues are all running on the current system:
You should stop all running DCPS queues on this system (node-name).
Do you want to see a list of queues that will be stopped? [NO]
- If there are also queues running on systems that use the current
system's system disk:
You should stop all running DCPS queues affected by this
installation. This includes queues on these systems:
If you want to see a list of DCPS queues that will be stopped by
the installation procedure, enter YES and press [Return].
Otherwise, press [Return].
- Choose which queues to stop.
Since the DCPS
installation installs a new version of software in the cluster common
directory on the current system, you should stop all DCPS queues
running on systems that use the current system disk. This choice is the
Depending on your environment, you are given a number of
choices when deciding what queues to stop during the installation. The
choices include:
- Stop the n DCPS queues on this system
This choice is
the default if running DCPS queues are found on your system.
- Stop the n DCPS queues affected by this installation
This choice is the default if running DCPS queues are found both on
the current system and others that use the current system disk.
- Continue installation (there are no running queues on this system)
This choice is the default if no running DCPS queues are found that
would be affected by the installation.
- Stop the n DCPS queues in the cluster
There is no need
to stop queues in the cluster not affected by the installation, but
this option is offered for convenience. (This is the DCPS V2.4
installation behavior.)
- Do not stop any queues (not recommended)
This is not
recommended because unpredictable results may occur. Running queues are
still running the old DCPS software until the queues are stopped, but,
for example, device control libraries are updated by the installation
and may be incompatible with the old software. If you choose this
option, queues should be stopped and restarted as soon as possible
after the installation completes.
Choices are presented in a numbered list similar to the following:
Choose from the following options:
1 - Stop the n DCPS queues on this system
2 - Stop the n DCPS queues in the cluster
3 - Do not stop any queues (not recommended)
Enter option: [1]
Make your choice and press [Return].
If you
previously chose to display a list of queues that would be stopped,
that list is now displayed:
Queue Status Node Device
----- ------ ---- ------
queue-name status node "protocol/host:port"
queue-name status node "protocol/host:port"
- Choose to continue the installation.
making your choice, one of the following messages is displayed.
- If queues are being stopped:
Do you want to stop the queues and continue the installation? [YES]
- If queues are not being stopped:
Do you want to continue the installation? [YES]
Press [Return] to continue or enter NO and press
[Return] to abort the installation. If you continue, and
queues are being stopped, the following messages are displayed:
If the installation fails, DCPS queues may need to be restarted manually.
Stopping DCPS queues ...
- Check for files in SYS$SPECIFIC.
DCPS requires
all its files to be installed in SYS$COMMON. Although files can be put
in SYS$SPECIFIC for debugging or testing purposes, it is not supported.
If DCPS images are found in SYS$SPECIFIC, messages similar to the
following are displayed:
This system contains DCPS images in SYS$SPECIFIC:
The existence of DCPS files in SYS$SPECIFIC is not supported.
If these files remain, they will be used instead of the DCPS product
files you are installing now, and the IVP may test the wrong or
mismatched DCPS components. These files can cause unpredictable DCPS
behavior on your system.
Do you want to continue the installation? [NO]
You should choose to abort the installation by pressing
[Return]. If you are sure you want to continue, enter YES
and press [Return] and the installation will continue.
- Specify location for Layup files.
Next, the installation procedure looks for a definition of the logical
name DCPS$LAYUP in the system table in executive mode. This logical
name points to the location of DCPS layup files. The default location
Although the installation
procedure will put new versions of layup files into your site-specific
directory if it is already defined, it will not prompt for a new
location. If you want your layup files to be in a different directory,
usually done so that non-privileged users can modify them, you should
manually copy them after the installation is complete and modify the
value of DCPS$LAYUP at the bottom of the SYS$STARTUP:DCPS$REQUIRED.COM
command procedure.
- If a definition exists and it is the default location, no messages
are displayed.
- If a definition exists and it is a site-specific one, a message
showing its value is displayed:
Layup files will be copied to disk:[directory].
- If no definition exists, the default location is used.
If files cannot be copied to your site-specific DCPS$LAYUP
directory (for example, if the directory does not exist) messages
similar to the following will be displayed:
There is a problem with your definition of DCPS$LAYUP.
Layup files will not be copied to DISK$INVALID:[WOOPS].
- Specify location for spool directory.
If DCPS V2.5 or later has already been installed, and the startup
procedure has been run, the spool directory location has already been
specified and this step is skipped.
The DCPS spool directory is
used to store temporary spool files for LPD jobs when the DCPS$SPOOL or
DCPS$queue-name_SPOOL logical name is defined. (See the
System Manager's GuideSystem Manager's Guide for more information about DCPS LPD spooling.)
should specify a device or device and directory that is not on a system
disk and that is available to all systems for which DCPS spooling is
used. You are asked for a location for the directory, which is always
called [DCPS$SPOOL]:
DCPS, when so configured, will store temporary spool files in directory
[DCPS$SPOOL]. By default, this directory is created in SYS$COMMON.
It is recommended that you choose a non-system disk for this directory.
Enter location for DCPS spool directory: [SYS$COMMON]
You can answer with either just a device name or a device and
directory name. Table 2-1 shows where the spool directory will be
created with various answers for its location:
Table 2-1 Spool Directory Location Examples
If you answer... |
...the spool file directory will be... |
[Return] (default answer)
After answering the question, you verify the directory that will be
The DCPS spool directory will be created at
Is this correct? [YES]
Press [Return] to accept this location or enter N and
press [Return] to specify a different location.
- Install the software.
PCSI displays the
following messages indicating its progress in installing DCPS:
* This product does not have any configuration options.
Execution phase starting ...
The following product will be installed to destination:
Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%
- Check for alternate destination.
If DCPS has never been installed on your system using PCSI, or it
has been installed and removed, and you specified an alternate
destination, you will see these messages:
You have specified an alternate destination by using the /DESTINATION
qualifier or defining the logical name PCSI$DESTINATION.
Since DCPS must reside in cluster common directories, DCPS has has been
installed using the default destination of SARAH$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.]
instead of the destination you specified, SARAH$DKB0:[OTHER.].
This step occurs in between the 90% and 100% done messages.
- Start queues.
After the DCPS files have been
installed, running DCPS queues that were stopped earlier in the
installation are now started. If queues were stopped by the
installation, the following message is displayed:
This step occurs in between the 90% and 100% done messages.
- Verify successful installation.
verifies that the software was installed properly. If the system queue
manager is running, the IVP runs automatically and the installation
procedure performs the following:
- Creates a temporary print queue
- Queues the test files in [SYSTEST.DCPS] to the temporary print
- Displays messages similar to the following:
%PCSI-I-IVPEXECUTE, executing test procedure for HP AXPVMS DCPS V2.7 ...
Job DCPS$IVP_POST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry n started on DCPS$IVP_TEST
started on DCPS$IVP_TEST
Job DCPS$IVP_LIST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 49) completed
The IVP does not produce any hardcopy output.
The IVP procedure automatically deletes the temporary queue when
the IVP completes. You can print the IVP test files to a real printer
later. (Refer to the System Manager's GuideSystem Manager's Guide.)
You can also manually invoke the IVP after the installation by entering:
PCSI issues an informational message when the IVP is completed:
%PCSI-I-IVPSUCCESS, test procedure completed successfully
- Create queues and customize your environment.
Refer to the System Manager's GuideSystem Manager's Guide for instructions on how to create print
queues and customize your printing environment.