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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Knowledge Modules

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Chapter 6
ACMS Knowledge Module Commands

Each ACMS knowledge module (KM) provides at least one command. To access commands, right-click the entity icon and choose KM Commands from the popup menu. A few commands affect only the PATROL display or operation. For example, every entity has a DISCONNECT command that removes the entity from the PATROL display but has no effect on the process that is running on the ACMS system.

Most KM commands affect the ACMS system and are a subset of the ACMSMGR commands. For full descriptions of ACMSMGR commands, see the Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Remote Systems Management Guide.

Because some commands translate directly into ACMS OPER commands, they can take quite a while to complete. Using SNMP, it is impossible to guarantee that a command will complete prior to incurring an SNMP timeout. The default SNMP session timeout is 20 seconds. (See Chapter 7 for information about changing this value.) Because of the timeout restriction, commands may complete with a message indicating that the command was issued but that the result is unknown. You can usually determine the status of the command when the PATROL display is updated.

Some equivalent commands are available from more than one entity KM Command menu. This is because all KMs may not be loaded, or because instances of an entity have not yet been created. For instance, START QTI and STOP QTI commands are available from both the ACMS-ACC KM menu and from the ACMS-QTI KM menu after those KMs have been created.

Table 6-1 shows the commands available for each knowledge module.

Table 6-1 ACMS-RM Commands
Command Subcommand or Parameter+ Function
Connect ACMS Remote Manager Allows you to connect to another ACMS node after an initial connection has been completed.
Set Parameter Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET PARAMETER.
  DCL Manager Audit Level
  Login Credentials Lifetime
  MSS Collection Interval
  Manager Process Audit Level
  Max RPC Return Records
  Max Remote Manager Logins
  Message Processor Audit Level
  Process Monitor Audit Level
  Process Monitor Interval
  Proxy Credentials Lifetime
  RPC Audit Level
  RPC Priority
  RPC Stacksize
  SNMP Agent Timeout
  SNMP Are You There
  SNMP Audit Level
  SNMP Priority
  SNMP Select Timeout
  SNMP Stacksize
  Security Audit Level
  Timer Audit Level
  Timer Interval
  Trace Message Wait Time
  Trace Start Wait Time
  Trap Audit Level
  Workspace Collection Interval
Stop Remote Manager Equivalent to ACMSMGR STOP MANAGER. Once this command is executed, PATROL can no longer communicate with the ACMS system.
Disconnect Remote Manager Removes the ACMS-RM entity from the display. This can be useful for refreshing the display. Note that ACMS-RM and ACMS-ACC entities always exist in pairs, so the ACMS-RM is re-created during its next discovery cycle if the ACMS-ACC entity exists.
Disconnect All for this Node Removes all entities for the specified node name from the display. Some entities are removed immediately and others are removed during their next discovery cycle.
Show KM Version Displays the version number of the Remote Manager knowledge module.

+For details about subcommands and parameters, see the Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Remote Systems Management Guide.

Table 6-2 ACMS-ACC Commands
Command Subcommand or Parameter+ Function
Set Active Parameter Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET ACC/ACTIVE.
  Username Default
  MSS Net Retry Timer
Set Stored Parameter Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET ACC/STORED.
  ACC Username
  ACC Priority
  Node Name
  Max Appl
  Username Default
  MSS Max Objects
  MSS Max Buf
  MSS Net Retry Timer
  MSS Process Pool
  MSS Poolsize (shared pool)
  WS Poolsize (group and user)
  WSC Poolsize (group and User)
  TWS Poolsize (task instance)
  TWSC Poolsize (task instance)
Start System/NoTerminals Equivalent to ACMSMGR START SYS/NOTERM.
Stop System/Cancel Equivalent to ACMSMGR STOP SYS/CANCEL.
Start Terminals Equivalent to ACMSMGR START TERMINALS.
Stop Terminals/Cancel Equivalent to ACMSMGR STOP TERMINALS/CANCEL.
Start QTI Equivalent to ACMSMGR START QTI.
Stop QTI/NoCancel Equivalent to ACMSMGR START QTI. Note that the ACMSMGR START QTI command does not have a /[NO]CANCEL switch; however, the default action is NOCANCEL.
Start Application Equivalent to ACMSMGR START EXC/APPL. This command prompts for the application name.
Stop Application/Cancel Equivalent to ACMSMGR STOP EXC/CANCEL/APPL. This command prompts for the application name.
Enable System Auditing Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET ACC/AUDIT_STATE=ENABLED.
Disable System Auditing Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET ACC/AUDIT_STATE=DISABLED.
Disconnect Removes the ACMS-ACC entity from the display. This can be useful for refreshing the display. Note that ACMS-RM and ACMS-ACC entities always exist in pairs, so the ACMS-ACC is re-created during its next discovery cycle if the ACMS-RM entity exists.
Show KM Version Displays the version number of the ACC knowledge module.

+For details about subcommands and parameters, see the Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Remote Systems Management Guide.

Table 6-3 ACMS-TSC Commands
Command Subcommand or Parameter+ Function
Set Active Parameter Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET TSC/ACTIVE.
  Perm CPs
  Min CPIs
  Max Logins
  Max TTs/CP
Set Stored Parameter Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET TSC/STORED.
  TSC Username
  TSC Priority
  CP Username
  CP Priority
  CP Slots
  Perm CPs
  Min CPIs
  Max Logins
  Max TTs/CP
Start Terminals Equivalent to ACMSMGR START TERMINALS.
Stop Terminals/Cancel Equivalent to ACMSMGR STOP TERMINALS/CANCEL.
Disconnect Removes the ACMS-TSC entity from the display. If the ACMS-ACC entity exists and the TSC is started on the ACMS system, then the entity is re-created during the next ACMS-TSC discovery cycle.
Show KM Version Displays the version number of the TSC knowledge module.

+For details about subcommands and parameters, see the Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Remote Systems Management Guide.

Table 6-4 ACMS-CP Commands
Command Function
Disconnect Removes the ACMS-CP xxx entity from the display. If the ACMS-ACC entity exists and the TSC is started on the ACMS system, then the entity re-created during the next ACMS-CP discovery cycle.
Show KM Version Displays the version number of the CP knowledge module.

Table 6-5 ACMS-QTI Commands
Command Subcommand or Parameter+ Function
Set Active Parameter Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET QTI/ACTIVE.
  QTI Submitter Timeout
  QTI Retry Timer
  QTI Polling Timer
Set Stored Parameter Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET QTI/STORED.
  QTI Username
  QTI Priority
  QTI Submitter Timeout
  QTI Retry Timer
  QTI Polling Timer
Start QTI Equivalent to ACMSMGR START QTI.
Stop QTI/NoCancel Equivalent to ACMSMGR START QTI. Note that the ACMSMGR START QTI command does not have a /[NO]CANCEL switch; however, the default action is NOCANCEL.
Disconnect Remove the ACMS-QTI entity from the display. If the ACMS-ACC entity exists and the QTI is started on the ACMS system then the entity will be re-created during the next ACMS-QTI discovery cycle.
Show KM Version Displays the version number of the QTI knowledge module.

+For details about subcommands and parameters, see the Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Remote Systems Management Guide.

Table 6-6 ACMS-EXC Commands
Command Subcommand or Parameter+ Function
Enable EXC Display Enables the display for this EXC but not for its associated SER and GRP entities. The default at entity creation is for the displays to be disabled.
Enable EXC, SER, GRP Displays Enables the display for this EXC and its associated SER and GRP entities. The default at entity creation is for the displays to be disabled.
Disable EXC, SER, GRP Displays Disables the display for this EXC and its associated SER and GRP entities. This is the default state for all entities.
Modify Appl Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET EXC/APPL for the application name in the current entity.
  Enable Audit State
  Disable Audit State
  Max Tasks
  Max Servers
  Server Monitor Interval
  Transaction Timeout
Server Types Enables or disables the display for server types associated with the current EXC. The default is to disable the display.
  Enable Display
  Disable Display
Task Groups Enables or disables the display for task groups associated with the current EXC. The default is to disable the display.
  Enable Display
  Disable Display
Stop Application/Cancel Equivalent to ACMSMGR STOP EXC/CANCEL/APPL for the application name of the current entity.
Disconnect Removes the ACMS-EXC entity from the display. If the ACMS-ACC entity exists and the application is started on the ACMS system, then the entity is re-created during the next ACMS-EXC discovery cycle.
Show KM Version Displays the version number of the EXC knowledge module.

+For details about subcommands and parameters, see the Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Remote Systems Management Guide.

Table 6-7 ACMS-SER Commands
Command Function
Replace Servers Equivalent to ACMSMGR REPLACE SERVER/APPL for the application name of the current entity.
Max Instances Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET SERVER/MAX_INSTANCE for the server name of the current entity.
Min Instances Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET SERVER/MIN_INSTANCE for the server name of the current entity.
Creation Delay Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET SERVER/CREATION_DELAY for the server name of the current entity.
Creation Interval Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET SERVER/CREATION_INTERVAL for the server name of the current entity.
Deletion Delay Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET SERVER/DELETION_DELAY for the server name of the current entity.
Deletion Interval Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET SERVER/DELETION_INTERVAL for the server name of the current entity.
Enable Process Dumps Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET SERVER/SP_DUMP_FLAG=ENABLED for the server name of the current entity.
Disable Process Dumps Equivalent to ACMSMGR SET SERVER/SP_DUMP_FLAG=DISABLED for the server name of the current entity.
Disconnect Removes the ACMS-SER entity from the display. If the parent ACMS-SER exists, is started, is on line, and has the EXCDisplayServerTypes parameter enabled, then the entity is re-created during the next ACMS-SER discovery cycle.
Show KM Version Displays the version number of the SER knowledge module.

Table 6-8 ACMS-GRP Commands
Command Function
Disconnect Removes the ACMS-GRP entity from the display. If the parent ACMS-EXC exists, is started, is on line, and has the EXCDisplayTaskGroups parameter enabled, the entity is re-created during the next ACMS-GRP discovery cycle.
Show KM Version Displays the version number of the GRP knowledge module.

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