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Technical Overview and Comparison on DIGITAL Platforms

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7.5 Compiler Messages

The compiler provides four levels of messages: severe errors, errors, warnings, and informationals. Informational messages are further subdivided into weak warnings, supplemental, status, and compilation notes. Both severe errors and errors suppress object file generation.

Certain errors can produce multiple lines of informational text to aid in program correction. For example, the error message "Inconsistency detected during overload resolution" is followed by supplemental messages that provide information about how the overloading resolution was attempted. Terminal output of such supplemental messages is limited to six lines, provided a listing is also being produced (which contains the full message). Otherwise, the full message is displayed. Error messages frequently provide information on what was found and what was expected and give suggested corrections.

Warning messages and each class of informational messages can be selectively enabled or disabled to each of the listing, terminal, and diagnostics files.

All messages are in English. Messages take the general form of host operating system error messages with further informational text.

The compiler tries to identify errors as accurately in the source code as possible. A dot and numeral (......1) display is used to show the correspondence of error messages to points in the source code.

No object file is produced for units containing errors. However, the object file is produced if there are only warning or informational messages.

When the ACS LOAD, COMPILE, or RECOMPILE commands are used, any program library manager output and diagnostic messages generated before the compiler is invoked are directed to SYS$OUTPUT by default. The /OUTPUT=file-spec qualifier can be used to direct program library manager output and diagnostic messages to a file.

On DIGITAL UNIX systems, terminal messages are written to standard error. Interactive error messages displayed on the terminal can be directed to a file for later reference by redirecting standard error.

Error Messages

Error messages provide extensive supplemental information (for example: how the compiler attempted to resolve overloading, what syntactic token the compiler expected at a particular point and what it actually found, and so on).

The compiler uses an error-correcting parser. Attempts are made to diagnose as many errors as possible while minimizing cascading errors.

There is no "restart at a position" ability in the compiler.

Warning Messages

A warning message is produced if a pragma is ignored and compilation proceeds.

Informational Messages

An informational message is produced for the following conditions:

  • An exception that is sure to be raised
  • Unreachable source code
  • An object that is declared but not used (in which case no storage is allocated)
  • Subprogram formal parameters and discriminants of type declarations that are not referenced within the subprogram or type, respectively
  • Use of an unassigned (uninitialized) variable
    On Alpha systems, the compiler flags uninitialized variables but does not reject a program that depends on them. On OpenVMS VAX and Alpha, the compiler optionally flags variables, formal parameters of subprograms, and discriminants that are never referenced.

Informational messages are produced for the latter three conditions only if the appropriate symbol was set or option was specified when the compilation command was issued.

Message Not Provided

No diagnosis is provided for the following conditions:

  • Use of an unusually expensive construct
  • A real expression whose accuracy is inherently low
  • Erroneous usages
  • An endless loop

Chapter 8
DEC Ada to GNAT Report Mapper

DEC Ada Version 3.5 for OpenVMS Alpha includes a Report Mapper utility that maps Ada and ACS commands to their approximations in the GNAT environment. This is an informational tool, intended to help users understand the correspondence between DEC Ada commands and GNAT commands.

8.1 Report Mapper Description

The Report Mapper (or ADAMAP) is an executable image that runs in the OpenVMS Alpha environment.

ADAMAP has two modes of operation:

  • Interactive: ADAMAP accepts input from the keyboard
  • File-driven: ADAMAP reads input from a text file containing commands

Interactive mode is useful for experimenting with a variety of commands. In interactive mode the program prompts you to input Ada or ACS commands to be mapped to GNAT commands. ADAMAP output is directed to the screen (SYS$OUTPUT).

File-driven mode is useful for examining your existing command files. In file-driven mode you include the name of a command file on the command line, and ADAMAP reads the commands from the specified command file. ADAMAP output IS directed to the screen, but can be redirected to a file.

A command file can contain a mix of DEC Ada commands and other commands. ADAMAP will selectively evaluate only the DEC Ada commands on a one-by-one basis, ignoring the other commands.


The ADAMAP output file is not directly applicable in the GNAT environment, but is an intermediate aid that you can evaluate as an aid in using the GNAT environment.

Some features that you should consider are as follows:

  • Defined symbols (such as commands) are not expanded during the mapping operation
  • The context of any other commands surrounding the currently mapped command is not used

8.2 ADAMAP Operation

You may invoke the ADAMAP command verb with or without a name of a command file to be analyzed.


Before you use ADAMAP you should execute the command file ADA$EXAMPLES:ADAMAP.COM, which will set up the necessary symbol for the command verb.

ADAMAP is invoked as follows:

ADAMAP [ qualifiers ] [ file-spec]

qualifiers can be added to specify special processing. (Qualifiers are described in more detail in Section 8.3.)

file-spec is the file specification of the command file to be processed. Wildcards are not permitted. If file-spec is given, ADAMAP works in file-driven mode. If file-spec is omitted, ADAMAP works in interactive mode, requesting commands from the user.

In file-driven mode, the report can either be redirected to a file by using the /OUTPUT qualifier. In both modes, output can be formatted into a specified number of lines with the /PAGE qualifier.

There are two possible scenarios, depending on whether a file-spec is provided:

  1. If no file-spec is provided on the command line, ADAMAP will briefly describe its operation on the terminal screen and prompt you for input as shown in the following example:

                      ADAMAP V1.0 - DEC Ada to GNAT Mapper
              The DEC Ada to GNAT Mapper (ADAMAP) accepts an ACS or
              ADA command and produces an approximation to that
              command for GNAT, the Ada Core Technology Ada 95
              Compiler.  In addition, ADAMAP produces informational
              At the prompt, type a command beginning with ADA or ACS
              and end the command by pressing the Return key.
              To recall commands, use the up arrow key.
              To exit, type CTRL/Z or EXIT followed by the Return
            DEC Ada Command>
  2. If a file-spec is provided on the command line, ADAMAP will read the commands in the specified command file and produce suggested translations and informational notes on the screen.
    If an extension is not included in file-spec, .COM is assumed as shown in the following example:

            ADAMAP  mybuildfile

    ADAMAP will analyze the file mybuildfile.com and send output messages to the terminal screen.
    To generate a report file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier as shown in the following example:

            ADAMAP/OUT  mybuildfile

    ...ADAMAP will read the file mybuildfile.com and produce the report file mybuildfile.grpt.
    With the following example:

            ADAMAP  mybuildfile/OUT=myreport

    ...ADAMAP will read the file mybuildfile.com and produce the report file myreport.grpt.

8.3 Qualifiers

The ADAMAP command qualifiers are as follows:

  • /OUTPUT[=file-name]
  • /PAGE[=no-of-lines] (when output is directed to SYS$OUTPUT)
  • /NOPAGE (default)
  • /BRIEF


ADAMAP output will normally be sent to SYS$OUTPUT (usually your screen). The qualifier /OUTPUT=file-name may be used to redirect the output to the specified file.

In interactive mode, /OUTPUT is ignored. In file-driven mode /OUTPUT with no file name will produce a file named for input-file, with the extension .GRPT added.

If you enter /OUTPUT= with a partial file specification, the partial file specification will be extended with the name of the input-file and the extension .GRPT. For example, /OUTPUT=A:[HOME] will construct the file-specification A:[HOME]INFILE.GRPT, if INFILE was the name of the input-file.


The /PAGE qualifier is used to control screen output. If no-of-lines is specified, ADAMAP will produce that number of lines then output the screen message "PRESS RETURN TO CONTINUE" and wait for your keyboard input. If /PAGE is used and no value is specified, the default value of 23 lines will be used.

If you do not specify /PAGE the screen output will scroll until the end of the input file is reached. You may use the keyboard F1 key to pause both screen output and program progress through the input file.


ADAMAP will produce all informational messages that are triggered by the analysis of each ACS or Ada command. You may add the /BRIEF qualifier to suppress redundant messages. Each initial instance of a given message for a command will be produced, but subsequent instances (repeats) of that message for that same command will be suppressed.

Messages for incorrect input or unsupported qualifiers will not be suppressed.

8.4 ADAMAP Output

The ADAMAP output shows, for each Ada or ACS command, the GNAT approximation of that command. Direct commands (DCL commands that are neither Ada nor ACS) are listed separately in the report. In addition to the suggested replacement command, ADAMAP provides helpful information about any differences between GNAT and DEC Ada for the particular command. An example of ADAMAP output is given in Section 8.5.1, Sample ADAMAP Output.

8.5 Sample Command Input

A sample input file, named DOC.COM, follows:

$ set ver
$ set def [home.x]
$! Create and Set Library
$ acs crea lib [.adalib]
$ acs set lib [.adalib]
$!  Begin Compilation
$ acs load alpha,beta
$ acs compile alpha
$! Now link and go
$ acs link alpha
$ run alpha
$ set nover

8.5.1 Sample ADAMAP Output

The Report Output generated for the DOC.COM in Section 8.5 is shown in the following example:

                  ADAMAP V1.0 - DEC Ada to GNAT Mapper

          The DEC Ada to GNAT Mapper (ADAMAP) reads ACS and ADA
          commands and produces an approximation to those
          commands for GNAT, the Ada Core Technology Ada 95
          Compiler.  In addition, ADAMAP produces informational

          ADAMAP reads commands from your input file
          (maptest:typical.com). ADAMAP processes each Ada or ACS
          command in your file and lists these commands as DEC
          Ada Commands.  ADAMAP lists other commands as Direct
          Commands, but does no processing of these commands.

Direct Commands:
          $ set ver
          $ set def [home.x]
          $! Create and Set Library

DEC Ada Command:
          $ acs crea lib [.adalib]

     GNAT Equivalent:
          $ CREATE/DIRECTORY [.adalib]

          The ACS CREATE LIBRARY command creates a program

          IEEE is the default float representation for GNAT and
          its use is suggested. To get a VAX_FLOAT library, use
          the GNAT MAKE LIBRARY command with the /CONFIG

          To see the commands that the mapper produces to get a
          VAX_FLOAT library ( the DEC Ada default) in the GNAT
          environment, try the ACS CREATE LIBRARY command with
          the /FLOAT_REPRESENTATION=VAX qualifier

          The [.adalib] directory will contain the .ADB,.ADS,.ALI,
           and .OBJ files

          GNAT does not have a library system like the DEC Ada
          compilation system. GNAT uses the current directory as
          the library.

DEC Ada Command:
          $ acs set lib [.adalib]

     GNAT Equivalent:
          $ COPY *.ADA [.adalib]
          $ SET DEFAULT [.adalib]

          The SET LIBRARY command defines the current operating

          You can choose to update the files in the original
          directory and copy them into the working directory
          after each change or you can update the files in the
          working directory.

          The *.ADA files will be changed to .ADS or .ADB files
          by the GNAT CHOP utility.

          GNAT does not have a library system like the DEC Ada
          compilation system. GNAT uses the current directory as
          the library.

          The [.adalib] directory will contain the .ADB,.ADS,.ALI,
           and .OBJ files

Direct Commands:
          $!  Begin Compilation

DEC Ada Command:
          $ acs load alpha,beta

     GNAT Equivalent:

          The ACS LOAD Command processes Ada units contained in
          one or more  source files and partially compiles the
          units to detect syntax  errors and determine unit

          GNAT CHOP reads the specified file to create, in the
          current directory, an .ADB file for each body, and an
          .ADS file for each specification.  CHOP also performs
          syntax analysis.

          The CHOP /REFERENCE qualifier assumes the chopped files
          are temporary so development refers to the original
          unchopped file.

          The CHOP /OVERWRITE qualifier allows GNAT CHOP to
          overwrite a file with the same name in the target

DEC Ada Command:
          $ acs compile alpha

     GNAT Equivalent:
          $ GNAT COMPILE /83 alpha.ADB

          The ACS COMPILE command compiles from external sources
          any unit in the closure ( except entered units )
          revised since the unit was last compiled into the
          current program library.

          The GNAT COMPILE command compiles a file with the
          extension .ADB and .ADS.  The results of a successful
          compilation is an object file with the extension .OBJ
          and an Ada Library Information file with the extension

          The GNAT /83 qualifier enforces Ada 83 restrictions.

          If a language specification has a separate body, only
          the body need be compiled.

Direct Commands:
          $! Now link and go

DEC Ada Command:
          $ acs link alpha

     GNAT Equivalent:
          $ GNAT BIND  alpha.ALI
          $ GNAT LINK  alpha

          The ACS LINK command creates an executable image file
          for the specified units.

          The GNAT Binder checks that a program is consistent and
          that an acceptable elaboration order exists.  It
          generates a main program incorporating the elaboration
          order and determines the set of object files required.

          The GNAT Linker uses the Binder file to link programs
          and build an executable file.

          The GNAT MAKE command can be used to automatically
          determine the files to be compiled.  It then compiles,
          binds, and links them to create an executable program.

Direct Commands:
          $ run alpha
          $ set nover

8.6 DEC Ada to GNAT Mapper on the Web

A DEC Ada to GNAT Mapper is available on the DIGITAL web site. If you have a Java-enabled web browser, you can access this tool from the following URL:


Follow the "DEC Ada to GNAT Mapper" link.

Like ADAMAP, the Mapper on the web is intended to help users understand how to move from DEC Ada to GNAT.

Chapter 9
Debugging Facilities

DEC Ada programs can be debugged using the standard host system debugger on each platform. In addition, the following capabilities are provided:

  • Debugging mixed-language programs
  • Debugging data objects
  • Debugging packages
  • Debugging tasking programs

The debugging capabilities allow for taking full advantage of the programming environment.

9.1 Debugging on OpenVMS Systems

DEC Ada programs can be debugged using the standard host system debugger, the OpenVMS Debugger. The OpenVMS Debugger provides extensive facilities to aid the debugging of programs, including programs in multilanguage environments. The following sections describe these facilities and commands.

OpenVMS Debugger General Facilities

The general debugger facilities that apply to all supported languages allow users to perform the following operations:

  • Stop execution (set breakpoints) at selected locations, specified either by routine name or by source module and line number or when exceptions occur.
  • Single step in increments of single hardware instructions or source lines. Stepping can selectively pass into called routines or treat the execution of a routine call as a single instruction.
  • Watch the value of specified variables and interrupt execution when the value of a variable is changed.
  • Trace execution at selected locations (similar to breakpoints), report the location reached, and continue.
  • Examine the contents of variables and display their contents according to their type.
  • Evaluate expressions, including those that involve program variables.
  • Deposit new values in variables.
  • Display the current sequence of routine calls, giving the module and line numbers of each call in the source program.
  • Display the source corresponding to any part of the program.
  • Execute debugger command procedures at breakpoints, tracepoints, and watchpoints.
  • Call procedures that are part of the program. (Functions cannot be called as part of expression evaluation but can be called as a procedure and the result displayed.)

The debugger automatically establishes the language in which the main program is written as the language of discourse. Thereafter, the language can be changed as appropriate to the parts of the program where debugging is in progress. The language setting adjusts the debugger syntax and interpretation of expressions as appropriate to that language.

The support that the debugger provides for Ada language expressions is not complete. The debugger does, however, provide extensive capabilities for interpreting Ada expressions in a useful manner.

The debugger supports the following aspects of Ada expressions:

  • Syntax of identifiers: function designators that are operator names must begin with the prefix %NAME (for example, %NAME'+')
  • Numeric, character, and string literals
  • Indexed component, slice, selected component, and attribute notations
  • Evaluation of the following attributes: CONSTRAINED, FIRST and FIRST(n), LAST and LAST(n), LENGTH and LENGTH(n), POS, PRED, SIZE, SUCC, and VAL
  • Evaluation of operators, except that relational operators are supported only for scalar and string types, catenation operators are supported only for string types, and the logical operators are not supported for bit arrays
  • Qualified expressions, but only to resolve overloaded enumeration literals (literals that have the same identifier but belong to different enumeration types)

The debugger does not support the following:

  • Overloading resolution
    Ambiguities are reported and special means are available to indicate how to interpret ambiguous names.
  • Aggregates
  • Operations (other than examination) on entire arrays or records
  • User-defined operators
  • Short-circuit control forms: and then, or else
  • Membership tests: in, not in
  • Type conversions
  • Allocators
  • Universal expressions

OpenVMS Debugger Tasking Facilities

Debugging programs involving Ada tasks requires additional facilities beyond those applicable to most languages. These additional facilities are described in the following list:

  • Display the state of given tasks or all tasks in a program. The possible states are as follows:
    • Running
    • Ready
    • Suspended (including when initially created)
    • Terminated
  • Display more detailed substates of the main state:
    • Abnormal
    • Waiting at an accept statement
    • Activating (elaborating its declarative part)
    • Activating tasks (waiting for dependent tasks to finish activating)
    • Completed normally, completed because of an exception, or completed abnormally
    • Delay
    • Dependents (waiting for dependent tasks to terminate, either normally or because of an exception)
    • Entry call
    • Invalid state
    • Input-output or AST
    • Not yet activated
    • Select, with or without delay or terminate alternatives
    • Shared resource
    • Terminated normally, terminated because of an exception, or terminated abnormally
    • Timed entry call
  • Place a task on hold so that it is not scheduled for execution
  • Establish a given task to be the active task (that is, perform a task switch)
  • Change the priority of a task
  • Abort a task
  • Change the time-slice interval used for task scheduling (this feature is not available on all targets)
  • Display tasking run-time statistics: number of entry calls, tasks activated, accept and select operations, and so on
  • Suspend execution (set breakpoints) for various tasking events:
    • An exception is about to be handled: in any handler or just an others choice
    • An exception is about to propagate from a rendezvous
    • An exception is waiting for dependents to terminate
    • A task is about to terminate, because of an exception, abort statement, or normally
    • A task is about to execute, for the first time or any time
    • A task is preempted by a higher priority task
    • A task starts its activation
    • A task becomes suspended

A number of debugger lexical functions and commands have been implemented specifically to support the debugging of DEC Ada programs. These functions and commands supplement the general debugger capabilities. Lexical functions provide various means to obtain information about the program being debugged and to control the interpretation of debugger names and expressions.

Debugging Restrictions

In general, the debugging environments and capabilities on OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha systems are not identical because of the differences in code generators used.

On OpenVMS VAX systems, the debugger can use the source file in the ACS library. On OpenVMS Alpha systems, the debugger uses the source file from the directory where it is compiled. If you put your DEC Ada source files in CMS libraries after compilation, CMS deletes the source from your directory by default. The result is that the debugger does not find the source file.

The workaround is either to use a SET SOURCE command in the debugger or to put the original source file back in the directory where it was compiled.

Another important restriction is that the error message "Source line not available" appears if the source file is not in the directory where it was compiled.

These restrictions and others are detailed in the release notes for each platform.

9.2 Debugging on DIGITAL UNIX and ULTRIX Systems

On DIGITAL UNIX systems, DEC Ada programs can be debugged using DIGITAL Ladebug for DIGITAL UNIX systems (formerly the DECladebug Debugger).

On ULTRIX systems, DEC Ada programs are debugged using the dbx debugger.

These debuggers are source-level debuggers. They provide facilities to aid the debugging of programs in multilanguage environments.

Note that users must understand C syntax to debug DEC Ada code. For example, Ladebug and dbx support the unary "*" as the dereferencing operator to get the complete accessed value. Both debuggers also support the use of "->" to access a component of the accessed record. These are both examples where the debugger requires C syntax (not Ada syntax).

On both systems, DEC Ada provides the ada_debug function, which (in combination with the debugger) allows the debugging of tasking programs.

The DEC Ada compiler generates standard DIGITAL UNIX or ULTRIX object files containing both the instructions and data for an Ada program. Optionally, they contain additional symbol table information that is used by the debugger and the ada_debug function.

The following sections briefly describe using a debugger and the ada_debug function to debug Ada programs.

DIGITAL UNIX and ULTRIX Debugger General Facilities

To compile units for debugging, specify the -g option. The following commands show how a program is compiled and linked for execution under debugger control:

% ada -g reservation_.ada reservations.ada hotel.ada
% ald -o hotel hotel
% ladebug hotel

DIGITAL UNIX and ULTRIX Debugger Tasking Facilities

Both ladebug and the ada_debug routine are used to debug Ada tasking programs. The ada_debug routine allows the user to observe task characteristics and task states. Also, it monitors events that are specific to tasks, such as rendezvous. To use the ada_debug routine, the user runs the program under the control of the debugger, sets a breakpoint where tasks are to be examined or modified, and enters the following command:

(debug) print ada_debug()

This command calls the ada_debug routine, which issues the following prompt:


At this point, the ada_debug commands are available.

In addition to the ada_debug routine, the DEC Ada Run-Time Library system provides other routines that provide exception information, task ID information, and information about exception-related events. Table 9-1 lists and describes these routines.

Table 9-1 DEC Ada Run-Time Library Routines
Routine Name Function
ada_ct() Displays the task ID of the current task
ada_gtid(task_object) Displays the task ID for the specified task
ada_show_exc() Displays the last exception raised in the current task (available on ULTRIX systems only)
ada_dep_exc() Called when an exception causes a task to wait for dependent tasks to terminate
ada_exc_in_rendez() Called when an exception begins to propagate out of a rendezvous
ada_handled() Called when an exception is handled in some Ada exception handler
ada_handled_others() Called when an exception is handled in an others Ada exception handler
ada_term_exc() Called when an exception causes a task to terminate
exception_dispatcher() Called when an exception is raised (available on ULTRIX systems only)
exc_dispatch_exception() Called when an exception is raised (available on DIGITAL UNIX systems only)

These routines can be used as arguments to debugger commands as shown in the following example:

(debug) print ada_ct()
(debug) stop in ada_term_exc

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