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The following is a suggested and unsupported Ada package previously given out to support long floating-point types on OpenVMS Alpha.
---------------------------------- -- (C) Digital Equipment Corporation 1996. All rights reserved. -- -- Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. -- Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph -- (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR -- 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. -- -- This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential -- technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or -- copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a -- valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. package X_Float_Package is -- Defines 128 bit IEEE Extended floating point type, and associated -- operations. type X_Float is private; -- Unary ops function "+"(Right: X_Float) return X_Float; function "-"(Right: X_Float) return X_Float; function "abs"(Right: X_Float) return X_Float; -- Binary ops function "+"(Left, Right: X_Float) return X_Float; function "-"(Left, Right: X_Float) return X_Float; function "*"(Left, Right: X_Float) return X_Float; function "/"(Left, Right: X_Float) return X_Float; -- Comparison ops ("=" and "/=" are already defined) function "<"(Left, Right: X_Float) return Boolean; -- Conversions, specified as the unary "+" operator so they are -- Convenient to use, as in: -- -- xf := + "1234.5678e+5"; -- xf := + 1234.5678e+5; -- literal is long_float function "+"(Right: String) return X_Float; function "+"(Right: Long_Float) return X_Float; function Image(Right: X_Float) return String; function Image(Right: X_Float; Format: String) return String; function To_Long_Float(Right: X_Float) return Long_Float; pragma inline("+", "-", "*", "/", "abs", "<", Image, To_Long_Float); private type X_Float is record Low,High: Long_Float; end record; -- We will never manipulate the individual components of an X_Float; -- that will be done in the support routines. An X_Float only has to -- be 128 bits long, and aligned on a quad-word boundary. for X_Float'size use 128; end; package body X_Float_Package is function "+"(Right: X_Float) return X_Float is begin return Right; end; function "-"(Right: X_Float) return X_Float is Result: X_Float; procedure uminusx(X: X_Float; R: out X_Float); pragma Interface(Fortran, uminusx); begin uminusx(Right, Result); return Result; end; function "abs"(Right: X_Float) return X_Float is Result: X_Float; procedure uabsx(X: X_Float; R: out X_Float); pragma Interface(Fortran, uabsx); begin uabsx(Right, Result); return Result; end; function "+"(Left, Right: X_Float) return X_Float is Result: X_Float; procedure plusx(X, Y: X_Float; R: out X_Float); pragma Interface(Fortran, plusx); begin plusx(Left, Right, Result); return Result; end; function "-"(Left, Right: X_Float) return X_Float is Result: X_Float; procedure minusx(X, Y: X_Float; R: out X_Float); pragma Interface(Fortran, minusx); begin minusx(Left, Right, Result); return Result; end; function "*"(Left, Right: X_Float) return X_Float is Result: X_Float; procedure mulx(X, Y: X_Float; R: out X_Float); pragma Interface(Fortran, mulx); begin mulx(Left, Right, Result); return Result; end; function "/"(Left, Right: X_Float) return X_Float is Result: X_Float; procedure divx(X, Y: X_Float; R: out X_Float); pragma Interface(Fortran, divx); begin divx(Left, Right, Result); return Result; end; function "<"(Left, Right: X_Float) return Boolean is Result: Integer; procedure ltx(X, Y: X_Float; R: out Integer); pragma Interface(Fortran, ltx); begin ltx(Left, Right, Result); return Result /= 0 ; end; function "+"(Right: String) return X_Float is Result: X_Float; OK: Boolean; procedure cvtsx(X: String; R: out X_Float; OK: out Boolean; XLen: Integer); -- For OSF, need to pass string length by value. On VMS, this is -- (probably) not needed 'cause descriptors are used. pragma Interface(Fortran, cvtsx); pragma Import_Procedure(cvtsx,mechanism=>(XLen=>Value)); begin cvtsx(Right, Result, OK, Right'Length); if OK then return Result; else raise CONSTRAINT_ERROR; end if; end; function "+"(Right: Long_Float) return X_Float is Result: X_Float; procedure cvtlx(X: Long_Float; R: out X_Float); pragma Interface(Fortran, cvtlx); begin cvtlx(Right, Result); return Result; end; function Image(Right: X_Float) return String is subtype Str100 is String(1..100); Result: Str100 := (others => ' '); procedure imagex(X: X_Float; R: out Str100); pragma Interface(Fortran, imagex); begin imagex(Right, Result); return Result; end; function Image(Right: X_Float; Format: String) return String is subtype Str100 is String(1..100); Result: Str100 := (others => ' '); procedure imagefx(X: X_Float; F: String; R: out Str100; FLen: integer); -- For OSF, need to pass string length, by value. On VMS, this is -- (probably) not needed 'cause descriptors are used. pragma Interface(Fortran, imagefx); pragma Import_Procedure(imagefx,mechanism=>(FLen=>Value)); begin imagefx(Right, Format, Result, Format'Length); return Result; end; function To_Long_Float(Right: X_Float) return Long_Float is Result: Long_Float; OK: Boolean; procedure cvtxl(X: X_Float; R: out Long_Float; OK: out Boolean); pragma Interface(Fortran, cvtxl); begin cvtxl(Right, Result, OK); if OK then return Result; else raise CONSTRAINT_ERROR; end if; end; end; subroutine uminusx(x,r) real*16 x,r r = - x end subroutine uabsx(x,r) real*16 x,r r = abs(x) end subroutine plusx(x,y,r) real*16 x,y,r r = x + y end subroutine minusx(x,y,r) real*16 x,y,r r = x - y end subroutine mulx(x,y,r) real*16 x,y,r r = x * y end subroutine divx(x,y,r) real*16 x,y,r r = x / y end subroutine ltx(x,y,r) real*16 x,y integer*4 r r = x .lt. y end subroutine cvtsx(x,r,ok) real*16 r character*(*) x integer*4 ok c use internal read to cvt string to x_float. on error, goto 100 read (x,*, err=100) r ok = 1 return 100 ok = 0 end subroutine cvtlx(x,r) real*16 r real*8 x r = x end subroutine imagex(x,r) real*16 x character*100 r c use internal write to translate x_float to string write (r,*) x end subroutine imagefx(x,f,r) real*16 x character*100 r character*(*) f c use internal write to translate x_float to string, using passed c in format:f write (r,f) x end subroutine cvtxl(x,r,ok) real*16 x real*8 r integer*4 ok c Check that x doesn't have too large an absolute value for c converting to real*8. if(x.gt. 1.797693134623d+308.or.x.lt. -1.797693134623d+308)then ok = 0 else ok = 1 r = x endif end with x_float_package, text_io; use x_float_package, text_io; pragma Elaborate(x_float_package); -- makes inlining more efficient procedure x_float_use is a,b,c,d,e: x_float; x,y,z:long_float; s:string(1..100); begin a := + 1.0; -- The + should cause the float literal to implicitly -- become Long_Float; the + then explicitly converts -- it to X_Float. b := a + (+2.0); c := b * b; d := + long_float'large; e := d * d; put_line(image(c)); put_line(image(d)); put_line(image(e)); a := + "1234567890.12345678901234567890"; a := a + (+1.0); put_line(image(a)); end; -- Here's the output from running this on Alpha OSF -- 9.00000000000000000000000000000000 -- 2.571100870814383299068985182977955E+0061 -- 6.610559687902480118162696145745944E+0122 -- 1234567891.12345678901234567890000 |
This appendix compares Rational's Ada 83 compiler, VADS for DEC Alpha AXP OSF/1 (DIGITAL UNIX) and DEC Ada on DIGITAL UNIX systems, including differences in the implementation or interpretation of the Ada standard.
In this guide, VADS refers to the VADS product line from Rational Software Corporation, an extensive family of mature, production-quality, optimizing Ada compilers, cross-compilers, and related tools. |
This appendix discusses the following topics:
Note that VADS can be cross-compiled and downloaded to other systems.
DEC Ada was not intended for such use. As a result, VADS contains
functions that handle cross-compiling and downloading and DEC Ada does
not. On DEC Ada, cross-compiling is available only with the use of XD
C.1 Language-Related Features
The following sections highlight differences in types, representations
of types, operations, alignment, and related topics.
C.1.1 Integer Types
VADS provides the following integer types:
Table C-1 lists the integer types provided by VADS and first and last values.
Type | T'FIRST | T'LAST | T'SIZE |
TINY_INTEGER | --2 7 | 2 7--1 | 8 |
SHORT_INTEGER | --2 15 | 2 15--1 | 16 |
INTEGER | --2 31 | 2 31--1 | 32 |
LONG_INTEGER | --2 31 | 2 63--1 | 64 |
DEC Ada provides the following integer types:
Table C-2 lists the predefined integer types provided by DEC Ada and first and last values.
Type | T'FIRST | T'LAST | T'SIZE |
SHORT_SHORT_INTEGER | --2 7 | 2 7--1 | 8 |
SHORT_INTEGER | --2 15 | 2 15--1 | 16 |
INTEGER | --2 31 | 2 31--1 | 32 |
LONG_INTEGER | --2 63 | 2 63--1 | 64 |
DEC Ada has defined the following additional integer types:
On DEC Ada, the maximum integer size is 64 bits.
C.1.2 Floating-Point Numbers and Representations
VADS provides the following floating-point types:
The predefined attributes and their values that yield the characteristics of each floating-point type are described in Appendix F of the VADSself DEC Alpha AXP DIGITAL UNIX Programmer's Guide.
DEC Ada on DIGITAL UNIX systems implements the following floating-point numbers:
Table C-3 lists the floating-point types declared in the package STANDARD and their default representations.
Predefined Type | Default Representation |
Size (bits) | Digits of Precision |
FLOAT | IEEE single float | 32 | 6 |
LONG_FLOAT | IEEE double float | 64 | 15 |
LONG_LONG_FLOAT | IEEE double float | 64 | 15 |
The predefined attributes that yield the characteristics of each floating-point type are described in the DEC Ada Language Reference Manual. Values of these attributes for the DEC Ada floating-point data representations are listed in Appendix F of the DEC Ada Language Reference Manual. The DEC Ada run-time reference manuals also give information on the internal representation of the DEC Ada floating-point types.
which acts as a program library switch to allow control over the
internal representation chosen for the predefined floating-point types
declared in the packages STANDARD and SYSTEM. On DIGITAL UNIX, the
value of this pragma must be IEEE_FLOAT.
C.1.3 Record Representation Clause Maximum Alignment
On VADS implementations, the record representation clause maximum
alignment is 16. On DEC Ada implementations, the maximum alignment is
C.1.4 Record and Array Component Alignment
On VADS, if the component does not start on a storage unit boundary, then it must be possible to store the component in a register with one move instruction (4 bytes on an Intel 80386 processor).
On DEC Ada, all noncomposite components are aligned on natural boundaries (unless otherwise specified with the pragma COMPONENT_ALIGNMENT). For example, 1-byte components are aligned on byte boundaries, 2-byte components on 2-byte boundaries, 4-byte components on 4-byte boundaries, and so on.
The Alpha hardware runs more efficiently with naturally aligned data.
On DIGITAL UNIX systems, DEC Ada allows the simple expression in an alignment clause to have a value between 20 and 216 (inclusive).
In other words, the simple expression must be an integer in the range 1
.. 512, 1 .. 65536, or 1 .. 8 that is also a power of 2. The
allocations then occur at addresses that are a multiple of the simple
expression (a value of 2 aligns the data on a 2-byte boundary, a value
of 4 aligns the data on a 4-byte boundary, and so on).
The type DURATION has different ranges on VADS and DEC Ada. Table C-4 shows these ranges as well as other attributes of the type DURATION and their values on the two platforms.
Attribute | Value on VADS | Value on DEC Ada |
DURATION'DELTA | 1.00000000000000E--09 | 0.0001 |
DURATION'SMALL | 1.00000000000000E--09 | 2.0 -14 |
DURATION'FIRST | --9799832789.158200441 | --131072.0000 |
DURATION'LAST | 9223372036.854778244 | 131071.9999 |
DURATION'LARGE | 9.22337203685478E+09 | 131071.9999 |
The following lists implementation-defined type information:
Representation clauses are based on the target machine's word, byte, and bit order numbering. VADS is consistent with machine architecture manuals for both "big-endian" and "little-endian" machines. Bits within a STORAGE_UNIT are numbered according to the target machine manuals. It is not necessary for a user to understand the default layout for records and other aggregates because fine control over the layout is obtained by the use of record representation clauses. It is possible to align fields correctly with structures and other aggregates from other languages by specifying the location of each element explicitly. The FIRST_BIT and LAST_BIT attributes can be used to construct bit manipulation code applicable to differently bit-numbered systems.
The only restriction on record representation clauses is that if a component does not start and end on a storage unit boundary, it must be possible to get it into a register with one move instruction.
The size of object modules is aligned. It is assumed that "mod 2" is a worst case restriction, assuming that even the C compiler aligns to a 2-byte boundary.
The alignment clause portion of a record representation must be a power of 2. The alignment is obeyed for all allocations of the record type with the following exceptions:
For these two exceptions, the maximum alignment obeyed is the default stack and heap alignment.
If a record is given a representation clause but no alignment clause,
the compiler assumes that the record may be arbitrarily aligned (at an
arbitrary bit offset within another structure, for example).
C.2.1 ADDRESS Attribute---VADS Implementations
The ADDRESS attribute is supported for the following entities:
If the prefix of an address attribute is an object that is not aligned
on a storage unit boundary, the attribute yields the address of the
storage unit containing the first bit of the object. This is consistent
with the definition of the FIRST_BIT attribute.
C.2.2 Restrictions on Unchecked Type Conversions
VADS supports the generic function UNCHECKED_CONVERSION with the following restrictions on the class of types involved:
If the size of the source differs from the size of the target subtype, a warning is issued by the compiler and results may be unpredictable.
Any object allocated can be deallocated. Currently, VADS performs no checks on release objects. However, when an object is deallocated, its access variable is set to null. Subsequent deallocations using the null access variable are ignored.
DEC Ada supports the generic function UNCHECKED_CONVERSION with the following restrictions on the class of types involved:
When the target type is a type with discriminants, the value resulting from a call of the conversion function resulting from an instantiation of UNCHECKED_CONVERSION is checked to ensure that the discriminants satisfy the constraints of the actual subtype.
If the size of the source value is greater than the size of the target
subtype, the high order of bits of the value is ignored (truncated). If
the size of the source value is less than the size of the target
subtype, the value is extended with zero bits to form the result value.
C.2.3 Additional Representation Clause Information---VADS Implementations
VADS supports the following:
VADS does not define any additional representation pragmas.
C.2.4 Restrictions on Representation Clauses---DEC Ada Implementations
The representation clauses allowed in VADS are length, enumeration, record representation, and address clauses.
A representation clause is not allowed for a generic formal type.
The representation clauses allowed in DEC Ada are length, enumeration, record representation, and address clauses.
In DEC Ada, a representation clause is not allowed for:
In VADS, an array dope vector is a sequence of quadwords (64 bits) containing precomputed offset expressions used for indexing arrays.
An array subtype is completely static if its bounds are all static and its component subtype is static sized. The dope vector for a completely static array subtype is initialized statically. All other dope vectors are initialized by generated inline code.
Dope vectors are allocated in different ways as shown in the following table:
Static Allocation | If the array subtype is completely static or declared within a library level package spec or body, then the dope vector is allocated statically. |
Stack Allocation | If the array subtype is dynamic and declared within a task, declare block, or subprogram body, the dope vector is allocated on the stack. |
Heap Allocation | If the array subtype is declared in an allocator for an unconstrained array type, the dope vector is allocated in the words immediately preceding the allocated array object. |
Record Allocation | If the array subtype is a dependent array subtype (for example, one of its bounds is a discriminant of an enclosing record), the dope vector is allocated in the static part of the record. The dope vector is initialized by record initialization code. |
In DEC Ada, dope vectors are special descriptors that are used in some cases to pass record and array parameters between Ada subprograms or to return record and array function results. They are never used in calls to and from subprograms that are specified in an import, export, or INTERFACE pragma.
DEC Ada uses two kinds of dope vectors:
For more information on DEC Ada dope vectors, see the DEC Ada
Run--Time Reference Manual for DEC OSF/1 Systems.
C.4 Parameter Passing
VADS passes the first six scalar parameters in registers. The remaining scalar parameters are passed by pushing values (or addresses) on the stack.
Small results are returned in registers. Large results with known targets are passed by reference. Large results of anonymous target and known size are passed by reference to a temporary created on the caller's stack. Large results of anonymous target and unknown size are returned by copying the value down from a temporary in the callee so the space used by the temporary can be reclaimed.
VADS passes up to six parameters in registers, the remaining parameters are passed on the stack. The MACHINE_CODE package requires the usage of parameters as operands be consistent with the type of operand expected by the MACHINE_CODE instruction, given that the parameters can be in registers or on the stack.
In DEC Ada when importing or exporting routines from other languages or when exporting Ada subprogram, you can explicitly specify the passing mechanisms for one or more parameters or function results.
Before deciding to explicitly specify the passing mechanisms, the compiler compilation notes can be used to determine which default mechanisms the compiler chooses for certain parameters or function results.
Once the parameter-passing mechanisms are explicitly specified, the MECHANISM option can be used in DEC Ada import or export pragmas to specify one of two values for each parameter. Similarly, the RESULT_MECHANISM option can be used to specify one of the same two values for each function result. The two mechanisms are as follows:
The package STANDARD is fully described in the Reference Manual for the Ada Programming Language (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A-1983) and the the implementation of the package in DEC Ada is fully described in DEC Ada Language Reference Manual.
For a discussion of the predefined types in this appendix, see Section C.1.
The following list compares the differences between implementations of the package STANDARD on VADS and on DEC Ada:
Table C-5 compares the sizes of integer and floating-point types between the package STANDARD on VADS and on DEC Ada.
Type | VADS Size | DEC Ada Size |
SHORT_FLOAT | 32 bits | N/A |
FLOAT | 64 bits | 32 bits |
LONG_FLOAT | 64 bits | 64 bits |
LONG_LONG_FLOAT | N/A | 64 bits |
TINY_INTEGER | 8 bits | N/A |
SHORT_INTEGER | 16 bits | 16 bits |
INTEGER | 32 bits | 32 bits |
LONG_INTEGER | 64 bits | 64 bits |
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