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Technical Overview and Comparison on DIGITAL Platforms

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E.14 Important Tools and Utilities

Tools and utilities of particular importance are as follows:

  • Editor
  • Debugger
  • File system and file management tools
  • Run-time library
  • Command language

The compiler generates a debugger symbol table as part of the object module for use with the host system debugger for full symbolic debugging. Optionally, it also generates a data analysis file for use with the source code analyzer or cross-reference tool and a diagnostic file for use with the language-sensitive editor (LSE).

Table E-7 lists some of the development tools and utilities on the DEC Ada and GNAT.

Table E-7 Development Tools and Utilities
Tool or Utility Type Product Name on DEC Ada for OpenVMS Product Name on GNAT for OpenVMS Alpha
Code management system DIGITAL CMS 3 DIGITAL CMS 1
Editor DIGITAL LSE 3 emacs or DIGITAL LSE 2
Debugger OpenVMS Debugger gdb
Source code analyzer/cross referencer DIGITAL SCA 3 GNAT XREF
Test manager DIGITAL Test Manager 3 DIGITAL Test Manager
Performance analyzer DIGITAL PCA 3 DIGITAL PCA
Module management DIGITAL MMS 3 Not applicable for GNAT

1Can be used but GNAT does not offer any internal support or automation of features.
2GNAT offers limited support.
3Components of the DECset package.

Appendix F
Sample Listings

Example F-1 is a listing from the compilation of a function that computes factorials and shows the format used for generated code.

Example F-2 is a listing from the compilation of a procedure containing a variety of errors and shows the kinds of error reporting provided.

Examples F-1 and F-2 show aspects of the listings available from the DEC Ada compiler. These listings were created on an OpenVMS VAX system.

Example F-1 Generated Code for Factorial Program

FACTORIAL     16-Sep-1998 14:04:50    DEC Ada V3.5-1         Page   1
01            11-Sep-1998 09:55:30    FACTORIAL.ADA;2               (1)

    1  function FACTORIAL (VAL : LONG_INTEGER) return LONG_INTEGER is
    2  begin
    4     if VAL = 0 then
    5        return 1;
    7     elsif VAL < 0 then
    8        raise CONSTRAINT_ERROR;
   10     end if;
   12     return VAL * FACTORIAL (VAL - 1);
   14  end;

%ADAC-I, Function body FACTORIAL added to library

----------- -------

Source program elements which may effect porting this program to other
targets and the source line numbers where these elements were detected.

Type STANDARD.LONG_INTEGER is 32 bits on VAX and 64 bits long on Alpha targets
                 1     4     7    12

FACTORIAL    16-Sep-1998 14:04:50    DEC Ada V3.5-1              Page   2
01      Ada Compilation Statistics  11-Sep-1998 09:55:30  FACTORIAL.ADA;2  (1)


  DEC Ada V3.5-1 with the Professional Development Option




 Phase                         CPU     Elapsed    Page     I/O
                             seconds   seconds   faults   count
  Initialization                      0.33      4.31     1291      12
      Accessing Adalib                0.05      0.72      129       6
  Parser                              0.06      0.81      396       3
  Static semantics                    0.07      2.28      210       0
  IL generation                       0.09      2.23      432       4
  Code generation                     0.02      1.74      220       0
  Smart Recompilation                 0.04      0.18       74       0
  Listing generation                  0.01      0.06       28       2
  Program library                     0.06      0.46       99      10
  Analysis data collection            0.00      0.03        7       0
  Totals                              0.77     13.13     2915      54


  Weak warnings:      0
  Warnings:       0
  Errors:       0
  NYIs:        0

  Peak working set:   4188
  Virtual pages used:  16962
  Virtual pages free: 283038
  CPU time:   00:00:00.77 (1090 Lines/Minute)
  Elapsed time:   00:00:13.13
  Compilation complete

Example F-2 Sample Errors

SAMPLE_ERRORS   Project ADADEMO   16-Sep-1998 14:09:19  DEC Ada V3.5-1 Page   1
01              Sample 2   11-Sep-1998 09:57:15  SAMPLE_ERRORS.ADA;2       (1)

    1  pragma TITLE("Project ADADEMO", "Sample 2");
    4  --
    5  -- A simple program containing a sampling of errors to show the error
    6  -- reporting facilities of the DEC Ada compiler
    7  --
    8  with SYSTEM;
    9  with TEXT_IO;   use TEXT_IO;
   10  procedure SAMPLE_ERRORS is
   12     OBJ1 : NO_SUCH_TYPE := 1;
%ADAC-E, (1) NO_SUCH_TYPE is not declared [LRM 8.3]
%ADAC-I, (2) Type checking is not complete; the type required from
  context is unknown due to a prior error

   13     OBJ2 : STRING(1..4) := "a";
   14     OBJ3 : STRING := "abcd";
%ADAC-E, (1) Array type STRING in predefined STANDARD is not constrained
  [LRM 3.2.1(1), 4.8(4)]

   16     type E is (E1, E2, E3);
   17     OBJE : E;
%ADAC-I, (1) The representation of type E at line 16 is forced here

   18     for E use (-1, 5, 18);
%ADAC-E, (1) The representation of type E at line 16 has already
  been forced at line 17 [LRM 13.1(6)]

   20     type     T is range 0..255;
   21     subtype ST is T range 0.0 .. 10.;
%ADAC-E, (3) Missing digit; inserted "0" after "." [LRM 2.4.1(2), 2.4.2(2)]
%ADAC-E, (1) Result type of expression is inconsistent with its
  context, which requires integer type T at line 20 [LRM  8.7]
%ADAC-I, (1) For literal 0.0 the result type is any real type (discarded)
%ADAC-E, (2) Result type of expression is inconsistent with its context,
  which requires integer type T at line 20 [LRM  8.7]
%ADAC-I, (2) For literal 10.0 the result type is any real type (discarded)

   23     OBJ4, OBJ5 : array(1..2) := (others => '*');
%ADAC-E, (1) Found ":=" when expecting "of"
%ADAC-I, (1) Declaration ignored due to syntactic errors

   24     OBJ6 : ADDRESS;
%ADAC-E, (1) ADDRESS is not declared [LRM 8.3]
%ADAC-I, (1) Possibly a selected component of (or use clause for)
  package SYSTEM in predefined SYSTEM is intended; this
  would make type ADDRESS in predefined SYSTEM visible

   26     FILE : FILE_TYPE;

SAMPLE_ERRORS   Project ADADEMO  16-Sep-1998 14:09:19  DEC Ada V3.5-1  Page   2
01              Sample 2  11-Sep-1998 09:57:15  SAMPLE_ERRORS.ADA;2

   28     function F (X : E := E'FIRST) return E;
%ADAC-E, (1) Function specification F has neither a corresponding body
  nor an INTERFACE pragma [LRM 6.3(3), 13.9(3)]

   29     function F (Y : INTEGER := 0) return E is
%ADAC-E, (1) Function body F does not include any return statements
  [LRM 6.5(1)]

   30     begin
   31        OBJE := E'VAL(Y);
   32     end;
   34     pragma PACK(T);
%ADAC-W, (1) Subtype T at line 20 is not an array or record type;
  pragma PACK ignored [LRM 13.1(11,12)]

   35     pragma UNKNOWN_PRAGMA(T, T+1, OPTION => MAGIC_NUMBER-2);
%ADAC-W, (1) Pragma UNKNOWN_PRAGMA is not known to DEC Ada;
  pragma ignored [LRM B]

   37  begin
%ADAC-I, (1) Function specification F at line 28 has no corresponding
  body [LRM 6.3(3), 7.1(4), 9.1(1), 12.2(2)]

   39     OBJ1 := -1
%ADAC-E, (1) Inserted ";" at end of line

   40     OBJ2 := 'a';
%ADAC-E, (1) Result type STRING in predefined STANDARD of variable OBJ2
        at line 13 is not the same as type CHARACTER in
        predefined STANDARD of enumeral 'a' in predefined STANDARD [LRM 5.2(1)]

   42     case OBJE is
%ADAC-E, (1) Missing values in the range of enumeration type E at
  line 16 [LRM 3.7.3(3), 4.3(5), 5.4(4)]

   43        when E1     => null;
%ADAC-I, (1) Choice E1 overlaps choice E1 .. E2 at line 45
  [LRM 3.7.3(3), 4.3(5), 5.4(4)]

   44        when E2     => E = 1;
%ADAC-E, (3) Replaced "=" with ":="
%ADAC-E, (2) Type E at line 16 is not a variable [LRM 5.2(1)]
%ADAC-I, (1) Choice E2 overlaps choice E1 .. E2 at line 45
  [LRM 3.7.3(3), 4.3(5), 5.4(4)]

   45        when E1..E2 => null;
%ADAC-E, (1) E1 from choice E1 .. E2 overlaps another choice
  for E1 at line 43 [LRM 3.7.3(3), 4.3(5), 5.4(4)]
%ADAC-E, (1) E2 from choice E1 .. E2 overlaps another choice
  for E2 at line 44 [LRM 3.7.3(3), 4.3(5), 5.4(4)]

SAMPLE_ERRORS   Project ADADEMO  16-Sep-1998 14:09:19  DEC Ada V3.5-1  Page   3
01    Sample 2  11-Sep-1998 09:57:15    SAMPLE_ERRORS.ADA;2             (1)

   46     end case;
   48     OBJE := E'SUCC(F);
%ADAC-E, (1) Ambiguous expression; the required type is enumeration
type E at line 16, but more than one possible meaning has this type [LRM 8.7]
%ADAC-I, (1) For F the meanings considered are
            call of function specification F (E) with all default
              parameters returning E declared at line 28
            call of function body F (INTEGER) with all default
              parameters returning E declared at line 29
            function specification F (E) returning E declared at
              line 28 (discarded)
            function body F (INTEGER) returning E declared at
              line 29 (discarded)

   50     LOOPNAME1:
   51        loop
   52           goto LOOPNAME2;
%ADAC-E, (1) Block or loop identifier LOOPNAME2 at line 55 is not a label

   53        end loop;
%ADAC-E, (1) Name LOOPNAME1 not specified at end of loop starting
  at line 50 [LRM 5.5(3), 5.6(3)]

   55     LOOPNAME2:
   56        for I in -1 .. 10 loop
%ADAC-E, (1) Type {universal_integer} is not allowed for the
        discrete range of a constrained array definition, an
        iteration rule, or an index of an entry family [LRM 3.6.1(2)]
%ADAC-I, (1) Default resolution to the type INTEGER does not apply
        because one or both expressions is not a literal,
        named number, or attribute; however, the type INTEGER
        is assumed [LRM 3.6.1(2)]

   57           exit LOOPNAME1;
%ADAC-E, (1) Block or loop identifier LOOPNAME1 at line 50 is
  not for a loop that encloses this exit statement [LRM 5.7(3)]

   58        end loop LOOP2;
%ADAC-E, (1) Name LOOP2 does not match LOOPNAME2 at line 55
  [LRM 5.5(3), 5.6(3), 6.3(4), 7.1(3), 9.5(7)]

   60     OPEN(FILE, IN_FILE, NAM => "SOME_FILE");
%ADAC-E, (1) Inconsistency detected during overload resolution [LRM 8.7]
%ADAC-I, (1) For procedure call OPEN the meaning is a call of procedure
            specification OPEN (FILE : FILE_TYPE; MODE :
            FILE_MODE; NAME : STRING; FORM : STRING) declared
            in TEXT_IO at line 32 (discarded because NAM is not the
            name of any formal parameter)
        For FILE the meaning is variable FILE at line 26 of
            limited private type FILE_TYPE in TEXT_IO at line 8
        For IN_FILE the meaning is enumeral IN_FILE in TEXT_IO
            at line 10 of enumeration type FILE_MODE in TEXT_IO at
            line 10
        For literal "SOME_FILE" the result type is any one-dimensional
            character array type

SAMPLE_ERRORS   Project ADADEMO  16-Sep-1998 14:09:19  DEC Ada V3.5-1 Page   4
01              Sample 2  11-Sep-1998 09:57:15 SAMPLE_ERRORS.ADA;2         (1)

   61     PUT(1);
%ADAC-E, (1) Inconsistency detected during overload resolution [LRM 8.7]
%ADAC-I, (1) For procedure call PUT the meanings considered are
            call of procedure specification PUT (ITEM : STRING) declared
                in TEXT_IO at line 123 (discarded because type
                STRING of formal ITEM is not a possible type of
                the corresponding actual) call of procedure
                specification PUT (ITEM : CHARACTER) declared in
                TEXT_IO at line 116 (discarded because type CHARACTER
                of formal ITEM is not a possible type of the
                corresponding actual) call of procedure specification
                PUT (FILE_TYPE; STRING) declared in TEXT_IO at line 122
                (discarded because of too few actual parameters: number
                of actuals is 1, number of formals is 2)
            call of procedure specification PUT (FILE_TYPE; CHARACTER)
                declared in TEXT_IO at line 115 (discarded
                because of too few actual parameters: number
                of actuals is 1, number of formals is 2)
        For literal 1 the result type is any integer type

   62     CLOSE();
%ADAC-E, (2) Empty parentheses ignored
%ADAC-E, (1) Inconsistency detected during overload resolution [LRM 8.7]
%ADAC-I, (1) For procedure call CLOSE the meaning is a call of procedure
            specification CLOSE (FILE_TYPE) declared in
            TEXT_IO at line 37 (discarded because of too few
            actual parameters: number of actuals is 0, number of
            formals is 1)

   64  end;

----------- -------

Source program elements which may effect porting this program to other
targets and the source line numbers where these elements were detected.

Predefined package SYSTEM contains entities which may not be implemented
  on other targets

Enumeration representation clause

Unknown pragma(s)

Pragma PACK     34

SAMPLE_ERRORS   Project ADADEMO  16-Sep-1998 14:09:19  DEC Ada V3.5-1  Page   5
01  Ada Compilation Statistics  11-Sep-1998 09:57:15 SAMPLE_ERRORS.ADA;2    (1)


  DEC Ada V3.5-1 with the Professional Development Option




 Phase                         CPU     Elapsed    Page     I/O
                             seconds   seconds   faults   count
  Initialization                      0.37      2.90     1293      13
      Accessing Adalib                0.03      0.49      134       4
  Parser                              0.22      2.61      558      39
  Static semantics                    0.61      8.91      327     152
  Listing generation                  0.04      0.12       29       3
  Program library                     0.07      0.58      117      18
  Analysis data collection            0.00      0.02        6       0
  Totals                              1.40     15.92     2410     227


  Weak warnings:      0
  Warnings:       2
  Errors:      27
  NYIs:        0

  Peak working set:   5238
  Virtual pages used:  17001
  Virtual pages free: 282999
  CPU time:   00:00:01.40 (2742 Lines/Minute)
  Elapsed time:   00:00:15.92
  Compilation complete

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