HP OpenVMS Systems

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Compaq BASIC for OpenVMS
Alpha and VAX Systems
User Manual

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Part 1 Developing BASIC Programs on OpenVMS Systems
Chapter 1 Overview of the BASIC Language
Chapter 2 Developing Programs in the VAX BASIC Environment
Chapter 3 Developing BASIC Programs at the DCL Command Level
Chapter 4 Using the OpenVMS Debugger with BASIC
Part 2 Compaq BASIC Programming Concepts
Chapter 5 BASIC Concepts and Elements
Chapter 6 Simple Input and Output
Chapter 7 Arrays
Chapter 8 Data Definition
Chapter 9 Creating and Using Data Structures
Chapter 10 Program Control
Chapter 11 Functions
Chapter 12 String Handling
Chapter 13 Program Segmentation
Chapter 14 File Input and Output
Chapter 15 Formatting Output with the PRINT USING Statement
Chapter 16 Handling Run-Time Errors
Chapter 17 Compiler Directives
Chapter 18 Data Representation
Part 3 Using BASIC Features on OpenVMS Systems
Chapter 19 Advanced File Input and Output
Chapter 20 Using BASIC in the Common Language Environment
Chapter 21 Libraries and Shareable Images
Chapter 22 Using CDD/Repository with BASIC
Chapter 23 Using DECwindows Motif Bindings with BASIC
Appendix A Compile-Time Error Messages
Appendix B Run-Time Messages
Appendix C Optional Programming Productivity Tools


Preface Preface
Part 1
Part 1 Developing BASIC Programs on OpenVMS Systems
Chapter 1
1 Overview of the BASIC Language
Chapter 2
2 Developing Programs in the VAX BASIC Environment
     2.1     Entering the Environment
     2.2     Creating and Running Programs
     2.3     Immediate Mode
     2.4     Debugging in Immediate Mode
     2.5     Compiler Commands
         2.5.1         Entering Comments
         2.5.2         Entering DCL Commands
         2.5.3         APPEND Command
         2.5.4         ASSIGN Command
         2.5.5         COMPILE Command
         2.5.6         CONTINUE Command
         2.5.7         DELETE Command
         2.5.8         EDIT Command
         2.5.9         EXIT Command
         2.5.10         HELP Command
         2.5.11         IDENTIFY Command
         2.5.12         LIST and LISTNH Commands
         2.5.13         LOAD Command
         2.5.14         LOCK Command
         2.5.15         NEW Command
         2.5.16         OLD Command
         2.5.17         RENAME Command
         2.5.18         REPLACE Command
         2.5.19         RESEQUENCE Command
         2.5.20         RUN and RUNNH Commands
         2.5.21         SAVE Command
         2.5.22         SCALE Command
         2.5.23         SCRATCH Command
         2.5.24         SEQUENCE Command
         2.5.25         SET Command
         2.5.26         SHOW Command
         2.5.27         UNSAVE Command
Chapter 3
3 Developing BASIC Programs at the DCL Command Level
     3.1     Compiling a BASIC Program
         3.1.1         BASIC Command
         3.1.2         BASIC Command Qualifiers
         3.1.3         Declining Qualifiers and Their Recommended Replacements
         3.1.4         Compiler Listings
     3.2     Linking a BASIC Program
         3.2.1         LINK Command
         3.2.2         LINK Command Qualifiers
         3.2.3         Linker Input Files
         3.2.4         Linker Output Files
         3.2.5         Using an Object Module Library
         3.2.6         Linker Error Messages
     3.3     Running a BASIC Program
         3.3.1         Improving Run-Time Performance of Alpha BASIC Programs
                Data Items
Chapter 4
4 Using the OpenVMS Debugger with BASIC
     4.1     Overview of the Debugger
     4.2     Compiling and Linking to Prepare for Debugging
     4.3     Viewing Your Source Code
         4.3.1         Noscreen Mode
         4.3.2         Screen Mode
     4.4     Controlling and Monitoring Program Execution
         4.4.1         Starting and Resuming Program Execution
         4.4.2         Determining the Current Location of the Program Counter
         4.4.3         Suspending Program Execution
         4.4.4         Tracing Program Execution
         4.4.5         Monitoring Changes in Variables
     4.5     Examining and Manipulating Data
         4.5.1         Displaying the Values of Variables
         4.5.2         Changing the Values of Variables
         4.5.3         Evaluating Expressions
     4.6     Stepping Into BASIC Routines
         4.6.1         Controlling Symbol References
     4.7     A Sample Debugging Session
     4.8     Hints for Using the OpenVMS Debugger with Alpha BASIC
Part 2
Part 2 Compaq BASIC Programming Concepts
Chapter 5
5 BASIC Concepts and Elements
     5.1     Line Numbers
         5.1.1         Programs with Line Numbers
         5.1.2         Programs Without Line Numbers
         5.1.3         Labels
         5.1.4         Continuation of Long Program Statements
     5.2     Identifying Program Units
     5.3     BASIC Character Set
     5.4     Program Documentation
     5.5     Declarations and Data Types
         5.5.1         Implicit Data Typing
         5.5.2         Explicit Data Typing
     5.6     Constants
     5.7     Variables
         5.7.1         Floating-Point Variables
         5.7.2         Integer Variables
         5.7.3         Packed Decimal Variables
         5.7.4         String Variables
         5.7.5         Subscripted Variables
         5.7.6         Initialization of Variables
     5.8     Keywords and Reserved Words
     5.9     Operands, Operators, and Expressions
     5.10     Assignment Statements

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