HP OpenVMS Systems

BASIC Translator
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Compaq BASIC Translator
User Manual

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A.4 Severe Messages

Severe messages indicate a Translator limitation or problem that prevents the Translator from completing the translation of the input program.
MAXCONCOM Maximum conditional compilation depth exceeded
PROSTRNES Program structures nested too deeply
USERABORT User ABORT directive
<recto_head>(cancel_h) <verso_head>(cancel_h)

Appendix B
Run-Time Library Kit

This appendix describes the files that the run-time library kit contains. The kit must be installed on each Windows system that is running a translated application. The run-time library kit is made up of the following three files:
  • DBIORTL.DLL This ActiveX DLL compensates for the I/O limitations in Visual Basic and the Windows platform. It contains the needed classes to read from and write to terminal-format files, and local and remote sequential, relative, and indexed files. The remote RMS file access makes use of the Translator RMS Server that resides on the OpenVMS system. An I/O structure similar to the VAX BASIC and DEC BASIC I/O structure is layered on top of Visual Basic using Visual Basic classes such as the following:
    DBFileSeq, for local sequential file I/O
    DBFileRel, for local relative file I/O
    DBFileRMS, for remote file I/O using the Translator RMS Server
    DBFileTFF, for terminal format file I/O
  • DBTRMRTL.EXE This ActiveX EXE contains a simple VT100 terminal emulator. This terminal emulator supports the VAX BASIC and DEC BASIC I/O terminal statements such as INPUT, INKEY$, LINPUT, PRINT, MAP PRINT, MAT INPUT, and so on. It contains the following components:
    DBTerminal class
    Visual Basic terminal form
    "About" box
  • DB2VBSPT.DLL Because of limitations in Visual Basic (lack of pointer types, for example), this small support DLL is also shipped as part of the RTL kit. It is used by the I/O support routines, RTL, and MAP and RECORD classes.

Appendix C
Supported Terminal Emulator Functions

The terminal emulator supplied with the RTL kit supports a subset of the VT100 terminal command set. The supported functions are as follows:


Mnemonic (Hex ASCII value)      Function
--------------------------      ----------------------------------------------
NUL      (0x00)                 Ignored
BEL      (0x07)                 Sounds a bell tone
LF       (0x0A)                 Moves cursor down one line or performs a CR
                                if new line mode is enabled
VT       (0x0B)                 Same as LF
FF       (0x0C)                 Same as LF
CR       (0x0D)                 Moves cursor to the beginning of the line
DC1      (0x11)                 XON
DC3      (0x13)                 XOFF
CAN      (0x18)                 Cancels an escape sequence in progress
SUB      (0x19)                 Same as CAN
ESC      (0x1B)                 Begins an escape sequence
DEL      (0x1C)                 Ignored


Name                            Sequence
--------------------------      ----------------------------------------------
Cursor Mode                     ESC [ ? 25 h (on) ESC [ ? 25 l (off)
Cursor Up                       ESC [ Pn A (Pn lines up)
Cursor Down                     ESC [ Pn B (Pn lines down)
Cursor Right                    ESC [ Pn C (Pn columns right)
Cursor Left                     ESC [ Pn D (Pn columns left)
Direct Cursor Address           ESC [ Pl ; Pc f  or  ESC [ Pl ; Pc H
                                (Line Pl, column Pc)
Cursor State                    ESC [ 7 (Save)  and  ESC [ 8 (Restore)


Name                            Sequence
--------------------------      ----------------------------------------------
Erase to End-of-Line            ESC [ 0 K
Erase to Start-of-Line          ESC [ 1 K
Erase Line                      ESC [ 2 K
Erase to End-of-Screen          ESC [ 0 J
Erase to Start-of-Screen        ESC [ 1 J
Erase Screen                    ESC [ 2 J


Name                            Sequence
--------------------------      ----------------------------------------------
Set Tab at Current Column       ESC H
Clear Tab at Current Col.       ESC [ g  or  ESC [ 0 g
Clear All Tabs                  ESC [ 3 g


Name                            Sequence
--------------------------      ----------------------------------------------
Select Attributes               ESC [ Ps ... Ps m
                                (Where Ps is:

                                        All attributes off - 0
                                        Bold               - 1
                                        Underline          - 4)


Name                            Sequence
--------------------------      ----------------------------------------------
Cursor Position Report          ESC [ 6 n (Returns ESC [ Pl ; Pc R)
                                (Line Pl, column Pc)
Terminal Type Request           ESC [ c  or  ESC [ O c
                                Returns ESC [ ? 1 ; 0 C (base VT100)
Status Report                   ESC [ 5 n (Returns ESC [ 0 n)


Name                            Sequence
--------------------------      ----------------------------------------------
Autowrap                        ESC [ ? 7 h (On)  and  ESC [ ? 7 l (Off)

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