HP OpenVMS Systems

BASIC Translator
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Compaq BASIC Translator
User Manual

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Part 1 Using the Compaq BASIC Translator
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Using the Translator
Chapter 3 Program Concepts and Elements
Chapter 4 Data Definition and Representation
Chapter 5 Input and Output
Chapter 6 Exception Handling
Part 2 Translator Reference
Chapter 7 Statements and Functions
Appendix A Diagnostic Messages
Appendix B Run-Time Library Kit
Appendix C Supported Terminal Emulator Functions


Preface Preface
Part 1
Part 1 Using the Compaq BASIC Translator
Chapter 1
1 Introduction
     1.1     Features of the Translator
     1.2     Limitations on Translation
     1.3     The Translation Process
         1.3.1         Translator Inputs
         1.3.2         Translator Outputs
         1.3.3         Run-Time Libraries
Chapter 2
2 Using the Translator
     2.1     Invoking the Translator
         2.1.1         BASIC/TRANSLATE Command
                Use of /ID_CHARACTER and /ID_SUFFIX Characters to Control Spelling
         2.1.2         Translator Command Qualifiers
         2.1.3         Handling of Syntax Errors in the Source Program
     2.2     Transferring Translated Applications
         2.2.1         Transferring Files with the FTP Utility
         2.2.2         Transferring Files with a Supplied Visual Basic Add-In
                Installing the Add-In
                Adding to the Add-Ins Menu
                Using the Add-In
         2.2.3         Transferring Files with Windows Explorer
         2.2.4         Removing Nonprintable Characters That Prevent Execution
         2.2.5         Transferring Files with a Command Procedure
     2.3     Loading the Project into Visual Basic
     2.4     Translating Multimodule BASIC Applications
         2.4.1         Recommended Command Line
         2.4.2         %INCLUDE Files
         2.4.3         MAP and COMMON Statements
         2.4.4         Names
     2.5     Hints for Translating and Running Applications
Chapter 3
3 Program Concepts and Elements
     3.1     Translator Directives
     3.2     Continuation of Long Program Statements
     3.3     Program Documentation
     3.4     Statement Separators
     3.5     Identifiers and Variable Names
     3.6     Numeric Literals
     3.7     String Literals
     3.8     Operators
     3.9     Translations Performed
Chapter 4
4 Data Definition and Representation
     4.1     Data Types
     4.2     Data Representation
         4.2.1         Integer Data Type
         4.2.2         Floating-Point Data Type
         4.2.3         String Data Type
         4.2.4         Decimal Data Type
         4.2.5         RFA Data Type
         4.2.6         MAP, COMMON, and RECORD Declarations
         4.2.7         RECORD Statements
Chapter 5
5 Input and Output
     5.1     File Input/Output Strategies
     5.2     Terminal I/O
     5.3     File Organizations
         5.3.1         Terminal-Format Files
         5.3.2         Sequential Files
         5.3.3         Relative Files
         5.3.4         Indexed Files
         5.3.5         Specifying Remote File I/O
     5.4     File and Record Operations
         5.4.1         Opening Files
     5.5     Unsupported File Input and Output
Chapter 6
6 Exception Handling
     6.1     Error Handling Overview
         6.1.1         Methods of Handling Exceptions
         6.1.2         Translating Statements
Part 2
Part 2 Translator Reference
Chapter 7
7 Statements and Functions
    Command 1     ABS
    Command 2     ABS%
    Command 3     ASCII
    Command 4     ATN
    Command 5     BUFSIZ
    Command 6     CALL
    Command 7     CAUSE ERROR
    Command 8     CCPOS
    Command 9     CHAIN
    Command 10     CHANGE
    Command 11     CHR$
    Command 12     CLOSE
    Command 13     COMMON
    Command 14     COMP%
    Command 15     CONTINUE
    Command 16     COS
    Command 17     CTRLC
    Command 18     CVT$$/CVTxx
    Command 19     DATA
    Command 20     DATE$
    Command 21     DATE4$
    Command 22     DECIMAL
    Command 23     DECLARE
    Command 24     DEF
    Command 25     DEF*
    Command 26     DELETE
    Command 27     DET
    Command 28     DIF$
    Command 29     DIMENSION
    Command 30     ECHO
    Command 31     EDIT$
    Command 32     END
    Command 33     ERL
    Command 34     ERN$
    Command 35     ERR
    Command 36     ERT$
    Command 37     EXIT
    Command 38     EXP
    Command 39     EXTERNAL
    Command 40     FIELD
    Command 41     FIND
    Command 42     FIX
    Command 43     FNEND
    Command 44     FNEXIT
    Command 45     FOR
    Command 46     FORMAT$
    Command 47     FREE
    Command 48     FSP$
    Command 49     FUNCTION
    Command 50     FUNCTIONEND
    Command 51     FUNCTIONEXIT
    Command 52     GET
    Command 53     GETRFA
    Command 54     GOSUB
    Command 55     GOTO
    Command 56     HANDLER
    Command 57     IF
    Command 58     INKEY$
    Command 59     INPUT
    Command 60     INPUT LINE
    Command 61     INSTR
    Command 62     INT
    Command 63     INTEGER
    Command 64     ITERATE
    Command 65     KILL
    Command 66     LBOUND
    Command 67     LEFT$
    Command 68     LEN
    Command 69     LET
    Command 70     LINPUT
    Command 71     LOC
    Command 72     LOG
    Command 73     LOG10
    Command 74     LSET
    Command 75     MAG
    Command 76     MAGTAPE
    Command 77     MAP
    Command 78     MAP DYNAMIC
    Command 79     MAR
    Command 80     MARGIN
    Command 81     MAT
    Command 82     MAT INPUT
    Command 83     MAT LINPUT
    Command 84     MAT PRINT
    Command 85     MAT READ
    Command 86     MAX
    Command 87     MID$
    Command 88     MIN
    Command 89     MOD
    Command 90     MOVE
    Command 91     NAME...AS
    Command 92     NEXT
    Command 93     NOECHO
    Command 94     NOMARGIN
    Command 95     NUM
    Command 96     NUM2
    Command 97     NUM$
    Command 98     NUM1$
    Command 99     ON ERROR GO BACK
    Command 100     ON ERROR GOTO
    Command 101     ON ERROR GOTO 0
    Command 102     ON...GOSUB
    Command 103     ON...GOTO
    Command 104     OPEN
    Command 105     OPTION
    Command 106     PLACE$
    Command 107     POS
    Command 108     PRINT
    Command 109     PRINT USING
    Command 110     PROD$
    Command 111     PROGRAM
    Command 112     PUT
    Command 113     QUO$
    Command 114     RAD$
    Command 115     RANDOMIZE
    Command 116     RCTRLC
    Command 117     RCTRLO
    Command 118     READ
    Command 119     REAL
    Command 120     RECORD
    Command 121     RECOUNT
    Command 122     REM
    Command 123     REMAP
    Command 124     RESET
    Command 125     RESTORE
    Command 126     RESUME
    Command 127     RETRY
    Command 128     RETURN
    Command 129     RIGHT$
    Command 130     RMSSTATUS
    Command 131     RND
    Command 132     RSET
    Command 133     SCRATCH
    Command 134     SEG$
    Command 135     SELECT
    Command 136     SET PROMPT
    Command 137     SGN
    Command 138     SIN
    Command 139     SLEEP
    Command 140     SPACE$
    Command 141     SQR
    Command 142     STATUS
    Command 143     STOP
    Command 144     STR$
    Command 145     STRING$
    Command 146     SUB
    Command 147     SUBEND
    Command 148     SUBEXIT
    Command 149     SUM$
    Command 150     SWAP%
    Command 151     TAB
    Command 152     TAN
    Command 153     TIME
    Command 154     TIME$
    Command 155     TRM$
    Command 156     UBOUND
    Command 157     UNLESS
    Command 158     UNLOCK
    Command 159     UNTIL
    Command 160     UPDATE
    Command 161     VAL
    Command 162     VAL%
    Command 163     VMSSTATUS
    Command 164     WAIT
    Command 165     WHEN ERROR
    Command 166     WHILE
    Command 167     XLATE$

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