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OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual

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B.3.1 Creating, Accessing, and Deaccessing a File

The Create service constructs a new file according to the attributes you specify in the FAB for the file, whereas the Open service makes an existing file available for processing by your program. Both of these services, invoked by the $CREATE and $OPEN macros respectively, allocate resources within the system to establish access (a path) to a file. You must open or create a file to perform most file operations and any record operations on that file. Applications designed for shared access must declare the type of sharing at this time. The user specifies the various types of shared access by setting bits in the file access control (FAB$B_FAC) and share (FAB$B_SHR) fields in the appropriate FAB.

RMS provides several file-processing options for the Create service. The create-if option (FAB$V_CIF option in the FAB$L_FOP field) requests that the file be created only if it does not exist. If the file does exist in the specified directory, the file is opened, not created. The Open and Create services both establish access to the desired file, but the Create service additionally allocates disk space and performs functions related to allocation.

When you are finished processing a file, you invoke the Close service ($CLOSE macro) to close the file, disconnect all record streams associated with the file, and free all resources allocated to the file. If you do not explicitly invoke the Close service when the program image exits, RMS attempts an implicit close. All resources associated with open files are returned when the files are deaccessed at image rundown time. However, process permanent files are not implicitly closed when an image exits. These are special files that the current CLI opens outside the context of a normal image.

B.3.2 Example of Opening and Creating Files

Example B-2 illustrates the use of the Open, Create, Connect, Get, Put, and Close services to access and copy records from one file to another. Note that the arguments to the $FAB and $RAB macros are listed vertically on separate lines for ease in reading them. However, the argument list must be contiguous and a common programming error is omission of required delimiters and continuation characters when the arguments are listed in this manner.

Example B-2 Use of the Create, Open, and Close Services

; This program copies the input file to the output file.
INFAB:  $FAB    FNM = <INFILE:>,-       ; Primary input file name
                DNM = <.INV>            ; Default input file type
INRAB:  $RAB    FAB = INFAB,-           ; Pointer to FAB
                ROP = RAH,-             ; Read-ahead option
                UBF = REC_BUFF,-        ; Record buffer
                USZ = REC_SIZE          ; and size
OUTFAB: $FAB    FNM = <OUTFILE:>,-      ; Primary output file name
                DNM = <.INV>,-          ; Default output file name
                FOP = CTG,-             ; Make contiguous file
                FAC = <PUT>,-           ; Open for PUT operations
                SHR = <NIL>,-           ; Exclusive file access
                MRS = REC_SIZE,-        ; Maximum record size
                RAT = CR                ; Implied carriage control

OUTRAB: $RAB    FAB = OUTFAB,-          ; Pointer to FAB
                ROP = WBH,-             ; Write-behind option
                RBF = REC_BUFF          ; Output uses same buffer
                                        ; as input

REC_SIZE = 132                          ; Maximum record size
        .BLKB   REC_SIZE                ; Record buffer

; Initialization - Open input and output files and connect streams
        .ENTRY  COPYFILE,^M<R6>         ; Save R6
        $OPEN   FAB=INFAB               ; Open input file
        BLBC    R0,EXIT1                ; Quit on error
        $CONNECT   RAB=INRAB            ; Connect to input
        BLBC    R0,EXIT2                ; Quit on error
        MOVL    INFAB+FAB$L_ALQ,-       ; Set proper size for output
        $CREATE FAB=OUTFAB              ; Create output file
        BLBC    R0,EXIT3                ; Quit on error
        $CONNECT        RAB=OUTRAB      ; Connect to output
        BLBS    R0,READ                 ; Branch to READ loop
        BRB     EXIT4                   ; Trap error
EXIT1:  MOVAL   INFAB,R6                ; Error: Keep FAB address
        BRB     F_ERR                   ; Signal file error
EXIT2:  MOVAL   INRAB,R6                ; Keep RAB address
        BRB     R_ERR                   ; Signal record error
EXIT3:  MOVAL   OUTFAB,R6               ; Keep FAB address
        BRB     F_ERR                   ; Signal record error
EXIT4:  MOVAL   OUTRAB,R6               ; If error, retain RAB addr.
        BRB     R_ERR                   ; Signal record error
; Copy records loop
READ:   $GET    RAB=INRAB               ; Get a record
        BLBS    R0,WRITE                ; Write the record
        CMPL    R0,#RMS$_EOF            ; Was error end-of-file?
        BEQL    DONE                    ; Successful completion
        BRB     EXIT2                   ; Error otherwise
WRITE:  MOVW    INRAB+RAB$W_RSZ, -      ; Input RAB sets record
                OUTRAB+RAB$W_RSZ        ; size for output RAB
        $PUT    RAB=OUTRAB              ; Write the record
        BLBC    R0,EXIT4                ; Quit on error
        BRB     READ                    ; Go back for more
; Close files, signal any errors, and exit
F_ERR:  PUSHL   FAB$L_STV(R6)           ; Push STV and STS of FAB
        PUSHL   FAB$L_STS(R6)           ; on the stack
        CALLS   #2, G^LIB$SIGNAL        ; Signal error
        BRB     EXIT
R_ERR:  PUSHL   RAB$L_STV(R6)           ; Push STV and STS of RAB
        PUSHL   RAB$L_STS(R6)           ; on the stack
        CALLS   #2, G^LIB$SIGNAL        ; Signal error
DONE:   $CLOSE  FAB=INFAB               ; Close input
        $CLOSE  FAB=OUTFAB              ; and output
EXIT:   RET                             ; Return with status in R0
        .END    COPYFILE

This example illustrates how you can use the sequential file organization to create a new file by copying records from an existing file. The newly created file and the source file have variable-length records.

This example assumes that an external program has identified the input file as a search list logical name using this statement:

This directs RMS to look for the input file in directory [INV] first, and if it does not find the file, it should look in directory [INV.OLD].

The program also specifies the default file type .INV for the input file using this statement:

DNM=<.INV>              ; Default input file name

Next the program configures the RAB used for the input file (labeled INRAB). The first argument links the RAB to the associated FAB (INFAB) and this is the only required argument to a RAB. The rest of the arguments specify the read-ahead option (described in later text) and the record buffer for the input file. The Get service uses the user record buffer address (UBF) field and the user record buffer size (USZ) field as inputs to specify the record buffer and the record size, respectively.


When you invoke the Get service, RMS takes control of the record buffer and may modify it. RMS returns the record size and only guarantees the contents from where it accessed the record to the completion of the record.

The program then configures the FAB for the output file. The first argument uses the FNM field to equate the file name to the externally defined logical name OUTFILE. After the program specifies the default file specification extension for the output file, it specifies three additional FAB fields.

First it directs RMS to allocate contiguous space for the output file by setting the CTG bit in the FAB$L_FOP field of the FAB.

Next the program uses a program-defined variable to store the value 132 in the MRS field:

The program then specifies that each record is to be preceded by a line feed and followed by a carriage return whenever the record is output to a line printer or terminal:


Because the program alternately reads and then writes each record, the input file and the output file may share the same buffer. However, because the Put service does not have access to the UBF and UBZ fields, the output RAB defines the buffer using the RBF and the RSZ fields.

Note that the UBF, USZ, and RBF values are set prior to run time, but that the RSZ value is set at run time, just prior to invocation of the Put service. This is done because the input file contains variable-length records and the Put service relies on the Get service to supply each record's size by way of the RSZ field, an INRAB output field.

The following statement from the sample program illustrates this feature:

WRITE:  MOVW    INRAB+RAB$W_RSZ, -      ; Input RAB sets record
                OUTRAB+RAB$W_RSZ        ; size for output RAB

The run-time processing macros for the input file consist of a $OPEN, a $CONNECT, a $GET, and a $CLOSE macro. Because the input file already exists, the program accesses it with a $OPEN macro. The sole argument to this macro identifies the FAB to the Open service:


Next, the program connects a record stream to the input file by calling the Connect service and specifying INRAB as the appropriate RAB:


Note that upon completion of each service call, the program tests the condition value in R0 returned by the service before proceeding to the next call. If the call fails, the program exits with the appropriate control block address in R6.

After creating the output file and establishing its record stream, the program begins a processing loop in which the Get service reads a record from the input file and the Put service writes the record to the output file. When all file records are copied, as indicated by the detection of the end of the file, the program exits to label DONE, which closes both files.

The Close service disconnects the record stream for all RABs connected to the specified FAB. In a multistream environment (more than one RAB can be connected to a single FAB), a program may disconnect individual record streams using the Disconnect service.

B.3.3 Example of Creating a Multiple-Key Indexed File

Example B-3 creates an indexed file on a remote node from a sequential file on the local node. The indexed file contains three keys: a segmented primary key and two simple alternate keys. The segmented primary key includes the customer's last name, the first letter of the customer's first name, and the customer's middle initial.

Example B-3 Use of the Create Service for an Indexed File

        .IDENT  /V001/
; This program creates an indexed file with three keys from a
; sequential file containing a name and address list. The record
; format of the input file is shown below:
;       First Name      Column  00-10
;       Middle Initial  Column  11-11
;       Last Name       Column  12-26
;       Street          Column  27-46
;       City            Column  47-58
;       State           Column  59-60
;       Zip Code        Column  61-65
;       Reserved for
;         new data      Column  66-end of record
; The input and output files are specified by the logical names SRC
; and DST, respectively. For example:

        .SBTTL  Control block and buffer storage
        .PSECT  DATA            NOEXE,LONG
; Define the source file FAB and RAB control blocks.
        $FAB    FAC=<GET>,-             ; File access for GET only
                FOP=<SQO>,-             ; DAP file transfer mode

                FNM=<SRC:>              ; Name of input file
        $RAB    FAB=SRC_FAB,-           ; Address of associated FAB
                RAC=SEQ,-               ; Sequential record access
                UBF=BUFFER,-            ; Buffer address
                USZ=BUFFER_SIZE         ; Buffer size

; Define the destination file FAB and RAB control blocks.
        $FAB    FAC=<PUT>,-             ; File access for PUT only
                FOP=CTG,-               ; Allocate contiguous
                SHR = <NIL>,-           ; Exclusive file access
                FNM=<DST:>,-            ; Name of output file
                MRS=128,-               ; Maximum record size
                RFM=VAR,-               ; Variable length records
                RAT=<CR>,-              ; Implied carriage control
                ORG=IDX,-               ; Indexed file organization
                XAB=DST_KEY0            ; Address of start of XAB chain
        $RAB    FAB=DST_FAB,-           ; Address of associated FAB
                MBF=3,-                 ; Use 3 buffers
                RAC=KEY,-               ; Random record writes
                RBF=BUFFER,-            ; Buffer address
                ROP=LOA,-               ; Specify initial fill size
                RSZ=BUFFER_SIZE         ; Buffer size
; Define a key definition XAB for the primary key.
DST_KEY0:                               ; Primary key is Name
        $XABKEY REF=0,-                 ; Key reference number
                DAN=0,-                 ; Define data XABALL
                DFL=1536,-              ; Define data fill of 75%
                FLG=<DUP>,-             ; Allow duplicate keys
                DTP=DSTG,-              ; Descending sort order
                IAN=1,-                 ; Define index XABALL
                IFL=1536,-              ; Initial index fill 75%
                PROLOG=3,-              ; Request prolog 3
                POS=<12,0,11>,-         ; Key segment positions
                SIZ=<15,1,1>,-          ; Key segment lengths
                NXT=DST_KEY1            ; Address of next XAB in chain
; Define key definition XABs for the alternate keys.
DST_KEY1:                               ; 1st alternate key is City
        $XABKEY REF=1,-                 ; Key reference number
                DAN=2,-                 ; Data level (SIDR) XABALL
                IAN=2,-                 ; Index XABALL
                IFL=768,-               ; Initial index fill 75%
                POS=47,-                ; Starting key position
                SIZ=12,-                ; Key size
                FLG=<CHG,DUP>,-         ; Duplicates and changes
                NXT=DST_KEY2            ; Address of next XAB in chain
DST_KEY2:                               ; 2nd alternate key is State
        $XABKEY REF=2,-                 ; Key reference number
                DAN=2,-                 ; Data level (SIDR) XABALL
                IAN=2,-                 ; Index XABALL
                IFL=768,-               ; Initial index fill 75%
                POS=59,-                ; Starting key position
                FLG=<CHG,DUP>,-         ; Duplicates and changes
                SIZ=2,-                 ; Key size
                NXT=DST_ALL0            ; Designate next XAB

;  Define allocation control XABs to define multiple areas
        $XABALL AID=0,-                 ; Data area definition
                ALQ=328,-               ; Allocation quantity and
                AOP=<CBT>,-             ; contiguous best try
                BKZ=4,-                 ; Bucket size of 4 blocks
                DEQ=112,-               ; Default extension quantity
                NXT=DST_ALL1            ; Designate next XAB
        $XABALL AID=1,-                 ; Primary key index area
                ALQ=8,-                 ; Allocation quantity and
                AOP=<CBT>,-             ; contiguous best try
                BKZ=4,-                 ; Bucket size of 4 blocks
                DEQ=4,-                 ; Default extension quantity
                NXT=DST_ALL2            ; Designate next XAB
        $XABALL AID=2,-                 ; Alternate key data area
                ALQ=112,-               ; Allocation quantity and
                AOP=<CBT>,-             ; contiguous best try
                BKZ=2,-                 ; Bucket size of 2 blocks
                DEQ=38,-                ; Default extension quantity
                NXT=0                   ; No more XABs
; Allocate buffer to the size of the largest record being read.
BUFFER: .BLKB   66                      ; Buffer for input and output
        BUFFER_SIZE=.-BUFFER            ; Buffer size


        .SBTTL  Mainline
        .PSECT  CODE            NOWRT,BYTE
; Start of program
        .ENTRY  CREATEIDX,^M<R6>        ; Entry point
; Open the source and destination files.
        $OPEN    FAB=SRC_FAB            ; Open input file
        BLBC     R0,EXIT1               ; Branch on failure
        $CONNECT RAB=SRC_RAB            ; Connect input record stream
        BLBC     R0,EXIT2               ; Branch on failure
        $CREATE  FAB=DST_FAB            ; Create output file
        BLBC     R0,EXIT3               ; Branch on failure
        $CONNECT RAB=DST_RAB            ; Connect output record stream
        BLBC     R0,EXIT4               ; Branch on failure
        BRB      LOOP                   ; Bypass signaling code
EXIT1:  MOVAL    SRC_FAB,R6             ; Keep FAB address
        BRB      F_ERR                  ; Signal error
EXIT2:  MOVAL    SRC_RAB,R6             ; Keep RAB address
        BRB      R_ERR                  ; Signal error
EXIT3:  MOVAL    DST_FAB,R6             ; Keep FAB address
        BRB      F_ERR                  ; Signal error
EXIT4:  MOVAL    DST_RAB,R6             ; Keep RAB address
        BRB      R_ERR                  ; Signal error

; Transfer records until end-of-file is reached.
LOOP:   $GET    RAB=SRC_RAB            ; Read next rec from input file
        BLBS    R0,PUT                 ; Branch on success
        CMPL    R0,#RMS$_EOF           ; Was it end-of-file (EOF)?
        BNEQ    EXIT2                  ; Branch if not EOF error
        BRB     CLOSE                  ; Close and exit if EOF
PUT:    $PUT    RAB=DST_RAB            ; Write 66-byte record to output
        BLBS    R0,LOOP                ; On success, continue loop
        BRB     EXIT4                  ; On error, signal and exit
; Close the source and destination files.
F_ERR:  PUSHL   FAB$L_STV(R6)           ; Push STV and STS fields
        PUSHL   FAB$L_STS(R6)           ; on stack
        CALLS   #2, G^LIB$SIGNAL        ; Signal file error
        BRB     EXIT                    ; Exit
R_ERR:  PUSHL   RAB$L_STV(R6)           ; Push STV and STS fields
        PUSHL   RAB$L_STS(R6)           ; on stack
        CALLS   #2, G^LIB$SIGNAL        ; Signal file error
CLOSE:  $CLOSE  FAB=DST_FAB             ; Close output file
        $CLOSE  FAB=SRC_FAB             ; Close input file
EXIT:   $EXIT_S                         ; Exit
        .END    CREATEIDX               ; Specify starting address

This example program creates an indexed file with a primary key and two alternate keys that are defined by appropriate key definition control blocks (XABKEY). For efficiency, the file is divided into areas consisting of a data area and an index area for each key using multiple allocation control blocks (XABALL).

In each XABKEY, the DAN and IAN arguments (XAB$B_DAN and XAB$B_IAN fields) indicate the area identification number (AID) of the corresponding XABALL. By setting the RAB$V_LOA bit in RAB field RAB$L_ROP, the program directs RMS to use the DFL and IFL arguments (XAB$W_DFL and XAB$W_IFL fields) to determine the maximum initial fill size (in bytes) for data and index buckets (each bucket contains the number of blocks specified in the XABALL BKZ argument, XAB$B_BKZ field).

These are the XABKEY and XABALL control blocks for the primary key (the NAME key) in this example:

DST_KEY0:                               ; Primary key is Name
        $XABKEY REF=0,-                 ; Key reference number
                DAN=0,-                 ; Define data XABALL
                DFL=1536,-              ; Define data fill of 75%
                FLG=<DUP>,-             ; Allow duplicate keys
                DTP=DSTG,-              ; Descending sort order
                IAN=1,-                 ; Define index XABALL
                IFL=1536,-              ; Initial index fill 75%
                PROLOG=3,-              ; Request prolog 3
        $XABALL AID=0,-              ; Data area definition
                ALQ=328,-            ; Allocation quantity and
                AOP=<CBT>,-          ; contiguous best try
                BKZ=4,-              ; Bucket size of 4 blocks
                DEQ=112,-            ; Default extension quantity
                NXT=DST_ALL1         ; Designate next XAB
        $XABALL AID=1,-              ; Primary key index area
                ALQ=8,-              ; Allocation quantity and
                AOP=<CBT>,-          ; contiguous best try
                BKZ=4,-              ; Bucket size of 4 blocks
                DEQ=4,-              ; Default extension quantity
                NXT=DST_ALL2         ; Designate next XAB
The allocation information was obtained using the File Definition Language (FDL) editor which is especially useful when you are creating large indexed files. The DCL commands CREATE/FDL and CONVERT can be used to create files by using an FDL file produced by the Edit/FDL utility, without any programming. Instead of using the multiple XABs for the key definition and area allocations in this program, a simpler approach is to use the FDL file produced by the Edit/FDL utility by invoking the FDL routines FDL$PARSE and FDL$RELEASE (for more information on these routines, see the OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual).

Fixed-length records are copied from the sequential input file on the local node to the indexed file on the remote node. Each variable-length output record is initially 66 bytes long and may be extended to a maximum of 128 bytes.

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