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OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual

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16.4.2 Shared Page Tables and Private Data

To benefit from shared page tables, a process does not require any special privileges or rights identifiers. Only the creator of a memory-resident global section requires the rights identifier VMS$MEM_RESIDENT_USER. The creation of the memory-resident global section causes the creation of the shared page tables that map that global section unless the Reserved Memory Registry indicates that no shared page tables are required. At first glance, it may appear that there is a security risk inherent in allowing this greater level of data sharing. There is no security risk for the reasons described in this section.

An application or process that maps to a memory-resident global section with shared page tables must take the following steps:

  1. Create a shared page table region by calling the system service SYS$CREATE_REGION_64.
    The starting virtual address of the region is rounded down and the length is rounded up such that the region starts and ends on an even page table page boundary.
  2. Use either the SYS$CRMPSC_GDZRO_64 system service or the SYS$MGBLSC_64 system service to map to a memory-resident global section. These services enable the caller to use the shared page tables associated with the global section if the following conditions are met:
    • The caller specifies a read/write access mode with the mapping request that is exactly the same as the access mode associated with the global section to map.
    • The caller specifies proper virtual addressing alignments with the mapping request.

A shared page table region can only map memory-resident global sections. An application can map more than one memory-resident global section into a shared page table region. The starting virtual address for global sections mapped into a shared page table region are always rounded to a page table page boundary. This prevents two distinct global sections from sharing the same page table page. Attempts to create virtual address space in a shared page table region with any other system service except those listed in Step 2 will fail.


Processes can specify a non-shared page table region for mapping to a memory- resident global section with shared page tables. In this case, process private page tables are used to map to the global section.

16.5 Expandable Global Page Table

The GBLPAGES system parameter defines the size of the global page table. The value stored in the parameter file is used at boot time to establish the initial size of the global page table.

As of OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1, the system parameters GBLPAGES and GBLPAGFIL have been modified to become dynamic parameters. Users with the CMKRNL privilege can now change their effective values on the running system. Increasing the value of the GBLPAGES parameter at runtime allows the global page table to expand, on demand, up to the new maximum size. All the following conditions must be met for the global page table to expand or grow:

  • The global page table has insufficient contiguous free space to allow the requested creation of a global section.
  • The current setting of the GBLPAGES parameter allows the global page table to expand.
  • There is sufficient unused virtual memory at the higher end of the global page table to expand into.
  • The system has sufficient fluid memory (pages not locked in memory) to allow the global page table to expand.

Because the global page table is mapped in 64-bit S2 space, which is a minimum of 6 GB, these conditions can be met by almost all systems. Only extremely memory-starved systems or systems with applications making extensive use of S2 virtual address space may make it impossible to grow the global page table on demand.

Because global pages are a system resource that also affects other tuning parameters, Compaq recommends using AUTOGEN and rebooting systems to increase GBLPAGES. If a reboot is not possible for operational reasons, you can change the parameter on the running system using the following commands:


The WRITE ACTIVE command requires the CMKRNL privilege.

The same commands also allow you to reduce the effective size of the global page table. The global page table is actually reduced and full pages are released to the system as fluid pages under the following conditions:

  • A global section is deleted, thus freeing up global page table entries.
  • The value of GBLPAGES indicates a smaller size of the global page table than the current size.
  • Unused entries exist at the high address end of the global page table that allow you to contract the stucture.

Reducing the active value of GBLPAGES below the number of currently used global pages does not affect currently used global pages. It only prevents the creation of additional global pages.

Increasing the active value of the GBLPAGFIL parameter always succeeds, up to the maximum positive integer value. As with GBLPAGES, reducing the value of GBLPAGFIL below the number of global pages that may be paged against the system's pagefile has no effect on these pages. Doing so simply prevents the creation of additional global pagefile sections.

Note that an increase of GBLPAGFIL may also require that additional pagefile space be satisfied by installing an additional pagefile.

Part 4
OpenVMS Programming Interfaces: Calling a System Routine

This part describes the basic calling format for OpenVMS routines and system services. It also describes the STARLET structures and definitions for C programmers.

Chapter 17
Call Format to OpenVMS Routines

This chapter describes the format used to document system routine calls and explains where to find and how to interpret information about routine calls. Subsequent chapters provide more specific information about calling run-time library (RTL) routines and system services.


The documentation format described in this chapter is generic; portions of it are used or not used, as appropriate, in the following OpenVMS manuals that document system routines:
OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A--GETUAI
OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: GETUTC--Z
OpenVMS Run-Time Library manuals
OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual
OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual

17.1 Overview

This chapter provides additional explanations for the following documentation categories for routines:

  • Format
  • Returns
  • Arguments
  • Condition values returned

However, some main categories in the routine format contain information requiring no explanation beyond that given in Table 17-1.

Table 17-1 Main Headings in the Documentation Format for System Routines
Main Heading Description
Routine Name Always present. The routine entry point name appears at the top of the first page. It is usually followed by the English text name of the routine.
Routine Overview Always present. Appears directly below the routine name and briefly explains what the routine does.
Format Always present. Follows the routine overview and gives the routine entry point name and the routine argument list.
Returns Always present. Follows the routine format and explains what information is returned by the routine.
Arguments Always present. Follows the Returns heading and gives detailed information about each argument. If a routine takes no arguments, the word None appears.
Description Optional. Follows the Arguments heading and contains information about specific actions taken by the routine: interaction between routine arguments, if any; operation of the routine within the context of OpenVMS; user privileges needed to call the routine, if any; system resources used by the routine; and user quotas that might affect the operation of the routine.

Note that any restrictions on the use of the routine are always discussed first in the Description section. For example, any required user privileges or necessary system resources are explained first.

For some simple routines, a Description section is not necessary because the routine overview provides the needed information.

Condition Values
Always present. Follows the Description section and lists the condition values (typically status or completion codes) that are returned by the routine.
Example Optional. Follows the Condition Values Returned heading and contains one or more programming examples that illustrate how to use the routine, followed by an explanation.

All examples under this heading are complete. They have been tested and should run when compiled (or assembled) and linked. Throughout the manuals that document system routines, examples are provided in as many different programming languages as possible.

17.2 Format Heading

The following three types of information can be present in the format heading:

  • Procedure call format
  • Explanatory text
  • Jump to Subroutine (JSB) format (VAX only)

On VAX processors, all system routines have a procedure call format, but few system routines have JSB formats. If a routine has a JSB format, the format always appears after the routine's procedure call format.

17.2.1 Procedure Call Format

Procedure call formats can appear in many forms. The following four formats illustrate the meaning of syntactical elements, such as brackets and commas. General rules of syntax governing how to use procedure call formats are shown in Table 17-2.

Table 17-2 General Rules of Syntax for Procedure Call Formats
Element Syntax Rule
Entry point names Entry point names are always shown in uppercase characters.
Argument names Argument names are always shown in lowercase characters.
Spaces One or more spaces are used between the entry point name and the first argument, and between each argument.
Braces ({}) Braces surround two or more arguments. You must choose one of the arguments.
Brackets ([]) Brackets surround optional arguments. Note that commas can also be optional (see the comma element). Note that programming language syntax for optional arguments differs between languages. Refer to your language user's guide for more information.
Commas (,) Between arguments, the comma always follows the space. If the argument is optional, the comma might appear either inside or outside the brackets, depending on the position of the argument in the list and on whether surrounding arguments are optional or required.
Null arguments A null argument is a placeholding argument. It is used for one of the following reasons: (1) to hold a place in the argument list for an argument that has not yet been implemented by Compaq but might be in the future; or (2) to mark the position of an argument that was used in earlier versions of the routine but is not used in the latest version (upward compatibility is thereby ensured because arguments that follow the null argument in the argument list keep their original positions). A null argument is always given the name nullarg.

In the argument list constructed when a procedure is called, both null arguments and omitted optional arguments are represented by argument list entries containing the value 0. The programming language syntax required to produce argument list entries containing 0 differs from language to language. See your language user's guide for language-specific syntax.

Format 1

This format illustrates the standard representation of optional arguments and best describes the use of commas as delimiters. Arguments enclosed within square brackets are optional. In most languages, if an optional argument other than a trailing optional argument is omitted, you must include a comma as a delimiter for the omitted argument.

ROUTINE_NAME arg1[, [arg2][, arg3]]

Typically, OpenVMS RMS system routines use this format when a maximum of three arguments appear in the argument list.

Format 2

When the argument list contains three or more optional arguments, the syntax does not provide enough information. If you omit the optional arguments arg3 and arg4 and specify the trailing argument arg5, you must use commas to delimit the positions of the omitted arguments.

ROUTINE_NAME arg1, [arg2], nullarg, [arg3], [arg4], arg5

Typically, system services, utility routines, and run-time library routines contain call formats with more than three arguments.

Format 3

In the following call format, the trailing four arguments are optional as a group; that is, you specify either arg2, arg3, arg4, and arg5, or none of them. Therefore, if you do not specify the optional arguments, you need not use commas to delimit unoccupied positions.

However, if you specify a required argument or a separate optional argument after arg5, you must use commas when arg2, arg3, arg4, and arg5 are omitted.

ROUTINE_NAME arg1[, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5]

Format 4

In the following example, you can specify arg2 and omit arg3. However, whenever you specify arg3, you must specify arg2.

ROUTINE_NAME arg1[, arg2[, arg3]]

17.2.2 JSB Call Format (VAX only)

The JSB call format indicates that the named routine is called using the VAX JSB instruction. The routine returns using Return from Subroutine (RSB). You can use the JSB call format with only the VAX MACRO and VAX BLISS languages.

Explanatory Text

Explanatory text might follow the procedure call format or the JSB call format, or both. This text is present only when needed to clarify the format. For example, in the call format, you indicate that arguments are optional by enclosing them in brackets ([]). However, brackets alone cannot convey all the important information that might apply to optional arguments. For example, in some routines that have many optional arguments, if you select one optional argument, you must also select another optional argument. In such cases, text following the format clarifies this.

17.3 Returns Heading

The Returns heading contains a description of any information returned by the routine to the caller. A routine can return information to the caller in various ways. The following subsections discuss each possibility and then describe how this returned information is presented.

17.3.1 Condition Values Returned in a Register

Most routines return a condition value in register R0. This condition value contains various kinds of information, the most important for the caller (in bits <3:0>) being the completion status of the operation. You test the condition value to determine whether the routine completed successfully.

On Alpha processors, a 32-bit condition value is represented in the Alpha register sign-extended to 64 bits.

If you program in high-level languages for OpenVMS environments, the fact that status information is returned by means of a condition value and that it is returned in a hardware register is of little importance because you receive this status information in the return (or status) variable. The run-time environment established for the high-level language program allows the status information in R0 to be moved automatically to the user's return variable.

Nevertheless, for routines that return a condition value, the Returns heading in the documentation contains the following information:

OpenVMS usage: cond_value
type:          longword (unsigned)
access:        write only
mechanism:     by value

The OpenVMS usage entry specifies the OpenVMS data type of the information returned. Because a condition value in any OpenVMS operating system environment is returned in a specific condition value structure, the OpenVMS usage entry is cond_value.

The type entry specifies the standard data type of the information returned. Because the condition value structure is 32 bits, the type heading is longword (unsigned).

The access entry specifies the way in which the called routine accesses the object. Because the called routine is returning the condition value, the routine writes the value into R0, so the access heading is write only.

The mechanism heading specifies the passing mechanism used by the called routine in returning the condition value. Because the called routine is writing the condition value directly into R0, the mechanism heading is by value. (If the called routine had written the address of the condition value into R0, the passing mechanism would have been by reference.)

Note that if a routine returns a condition value, another main heading in the documentation format (Condition Values Returned) describes the possible condition values that the routine can return.

17.3.2 Other Returned Values

If a routine returns actual data, the Returns heading in the documentation of that routine contains the following information (for example, from a math routine):

OpenVMS usage: floating_point
type:          G_floating
access:        write only
mechanism:     by value

In this mathematics routine notation, the OpenVMS data type is floating_point and the standard data type is G_floating point. The meaning of the contents of the access and mechanism headings is discussed in Sections 17.4.3 and 17.4.4.

The registers used to return values vary with the type of the result and the specific hardware environment. For more information, see the OpenVMS Calling Standard.

In addition, under the Returns heading, some text can be provided after the information about the type, access, and mechanism. This text explains other relevant information about what the routine is returning.

For example, because the routine is returning actual data in the VAX or Alpha registers, the registers cannot be used to convey completion status information. All routines that return actual data in VAX or Alpha registers must signal the condition value, which contains the completion status. Thus, the text under the Returns heading points out that the routine signals its completion status.

17.3.3 Condition Values Signaled

Although most routines return condition values, some routines choose to signal their condition values using the OpenVMS signaling mechanism. Routines can signal their completion status whether or not they are returning actual data in the hardware registers, but all routines that return actual data in the hardware registers must signal their completion status if they are to return this status information at all.

If a routine signals its completion status, text under the Returns heading explains this, and the Condition Values Signaled heading in the documentation format describes the possible condition values that the routine can signal.

Compaq's system routines never signal condition values indicating success. Only error condition values are signaled.

17.4 Arguments Heading

Detailed information about each argument is listed in the call format under the Arguments heading. Arguments are described in the order in which they appear in the call format. If the routine has no arguments, the word None appears.

The following format is used to describe each argument:

OpenVMS usage:  OpenVMS data type
type:           argument data type
access:         argument access
mechanism:      argument passing mechanism

A paragraph of structured text describing the arguments follows the argument format along with additional information, if needed.

17.4.1 OpenVMS Usage Entry

The purpose of the OpenVMS usage entry is to facilitate the coding of source-language data type declarations in application programs. Ordinarily, the standard data type, discussed in Section 17.4.2, is sufficient to describe the type of data passed by an argument. However, within the OpenVMS operating system environment, many system routines contain arguments whose conceptual nature or complexity requires additional explanation. For instance, when an argument passes the name of an event flag, the type entry longword (unsigned) alone does not indicate the nature of the value. In this instance, an accompanying OpenVMS usage entry, denoting the OpenVMS data type ef_number, further explains the actual usage.

See Table E-1 for a list of the possible OpenVMS usage entries and their definitions. Refer to the appropriate language implementation table in Appendix E to determine the correct syntax of the type declaration in the language you are using.

Note that the OpenVMS usage entry is not a traditional data type (such as the standard data types of byte, word, longword, and so on). It is significant only within the context of the OpenVMS operating system and is intended solely to expedite data declarations within application programs.

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