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OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual
Chapter 35
Main programs should not call the SYS$EXIT system service directly. If they do, other programs cannot call them as routines. |
Figure 35-1 and Figure 35-2 illustrate the sequence of calls and returns in a typical image initialization. Each box is a routine activation as represented on the image stack. The top of the stack is at the top of the figure. Each upward arrow represents the result of a call instruction that creates a routine activation on the stack to which control is being transferred. Each downward arrow represents the result of a RET (return) instruction. A RET instruction removes the routine activation from the stack and causes control to be transferred downward to the next box.
A user program can alter the image initialization sequence by making a program section (PSECT) contribution to PSECT LIB$INITIALIZE and by declaring EXTERNAL LIB$INITIALIZE. This adds the optional initialization steps shown in Figure 35-1 and Figure 35-2 labeled "Program Section Contribution to LIB$INITIALIZE." (A program section is a portion of a program with a given protection and set of storage management attributes. Program sections that have the same attributes are gathered together by the linker to form an image section.) If the initialization routine also performs a coroutine call back to LIB$INITIALIZE, the optional steps labeled "Coroutine Call Back to LIB$INITIALIZE" in Figure 35-1 and Figure 35-2 are added to the image initialization sequence.
On VAX systems, Figure 35-1 shows the call instruction calling the debugger, if present, and the debugger then directly calling LIB$INITIALIZE and the main program.
Figure 35-1 Sequence of Events During Image Initialization on VAX Systems
On Alpha systems, Figure 35-2 shows the call instruction calling the debugger, if present, to set a breakpoint at the main program's entry point.
Figure 35-2 Sequence of Events During Image Initialization on Alpha Systems
The following argument list is passed from the CLI, the debugger, or LIB$INITIALIZE to the main program. This argument list is the same for each routine activation.
(start ,cli-coroutine [,image-info]) |
The start argument is the address of the entry in the initialization vector that is used to perform the call.
The cli-coroutine argument is the address of a CLI coroutine to obtain command arguments. For more information, see the OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual.
The image-info argument is useful image information, such as the program name.
The debugger or LIB$INITIALIZE, or both, can call the next routine in the initialization chain using the following coding sequence:
. . . ADDL #4, 4(AP) ; Step to next initialization list entry MOVL @4(AP), R0 ; R0 = next address to call CALLG (AP), (R0) ; Call next initialization routine . . . |
This coding sequence modifies the contents of an argument list entry.
Thus, the sequence does not follow the OpenVMS calling standard.
However, the argument list can be expanded in the future without
requiring any change either to the debugger or to LIB$INITIALIZE.
35.3 Declaring Initialization Routines
Any library or user program module can declare an initialization routine. This routine is called when the image is started. The declaration is made by making a contribution to the LIB$INITIALIZE program section, which contains a list of routine entry point addresses to be called before the main program or main routine is called.
The following VAX MACRO example declares an initialization routine by placing the routine entry address INIT_PROC in the list:
.EXTRN LIB$INITIALIZE ; Cause library initialization ; Dispatcher to be loaded .PSECT LIB$INITIALIZE, NOPIC, USR, CON, REL, GBL, NOSHR, NOEXE, RD, NOWRT, LONG .LONG INIT_PROC ; Contribute entry point address of ; initialization routine. .PSECT ... |
The .EXTRN declaration links the initialization routine dispatcher, LIB$INITIALIZE, into your program's image. The reference contains a definition of the special global symbol LIB$INITIALIZE, which is the routine entry point address of the dispatcher. The linker stores the value of this special global symbol in the initialization list along with the starting address of the debugger and the main program. The GBL specification ensures that the PSECT LIB$INITIALIZE contribution is not affected by any clustering performed by the linker.
Note that moving modules and PSECTS around to affect symbol resolution may result in unintended memory placement within your image. If, for example, you add a CLUSTER statement to your linker options file, the initialization code may not run because the CLUSTER statement in the linker option file may cause the various LIB$INITIALIZE PSECTS to become separated. To remedy this possible condition, either add to your options file a CLUSTER or COLLECT statement like the following:
The LIB$INITIALIZE dispatcher calls each initialization routine in the list with the following argument list:
CALL init-proc (init-coroutine ,cli-coroutine [, image-info]) |
The init-coroutine argument is the address of a library coroutine to be called to effect a coroutine linkage with LIB$INITIALIZE.
The cli-coroutine is the address of a CLI coroutine used to obtain command arguments.
The image-info argument is useful image information,
such as the program name.
35.5 Initialization Routine Options
An initialization routine can be used to do the following:
The following VAX MACRO code fragment, which works on both VAX and Alpha systems, shows how an initialization routine does the following:
.ENTRY INIT_PROC, ^M<> ; No registers used MOVAL HANDLER, (FP) ; Establish handler ... ; Perform any other initialization CALLG (AP), @INIT_CO_ROUTINE(AP) ; Continue initialization which 10$: ; then calls main program or ; routine. ... ; Return here when main program ; returns with R0 = completion RET ; Status return to normal exit ; processing with R0 = completion ; status .ENTRY HANDLER, ^M<...> ; Register mask ... ; handle condition ; could unwind to 10$ MOVL #..., R0 ; Set completion status with a ; condition value RET ; Resignal or continue depending ; on R0 being SS$_RESIGNAL or ; SS$_CONTINUE. |
ACM: Authentication and Credential Management.
ACM client process: A process that calls the
SYS$ACM[W] system service.
ACM client program: A program that calls the
SYS$ACM[W] system service.
ACM communications buffer: A protected area provided
by the SYS$ACM[W] system service by the ACM context
argument containing an itemset to specify required user
interaction when using dialogue mode.
ACM context argument: An argument to the SYS$ACM[W]
system service that passes a pointer variable. If the SYS$ACM[W] system
service requires additional information in dialogue mode, it will fill
in that variable so it points to an ACM communications buffer.
ACME: Authentication and Credential Management
ACME agent: ACME agent sharable image.
ACME agent sharable image: A sharable image used
within the ACME server process to implement one or more forms of
authentication and optionally provide credentials to the process that
called the SYS$ACM[W] system service. The VMS ACME is an example of an
ACME agent sharable image that ships with the OpenVMS operating system.
ACME server process: A detached process that performs
backend operations in support of the SYS$ACM[W] system service. It is
sometimes refered to as the ACM Dispatcher.
ACME status: The fourth longword returned in the structure to which the ACMSB argument to the SYS$ACM[W] system service points. The symbolic name of this cell is ACMESB$L_ACME_STATUS. The ACME status contains a status encoded in a format specific to a particular ACME agent unless the primary status contains one of the following values:
When the primary status contains one of those values, the ACME status
indicates what item code was in error.
authentication policy: A set of rules determining how
users are authenticated on a system. A system can have different
authentication policies defined at the same time.
credentials: A set of items used to represent the
user's security profile attributes for a particular DOI. The SYS$ACM[W]
system service returns credentials to the ACM client program as an
attachment to a persona in the form of a persona extension.
deferred confirmation: A pattern of dialogue mode
operation in which an ACM client program confirms a no-echo prompt
(such as for a new password) only after the initial response has been
at least partially qualified by an ACME agent. This presents a more
hospital interface to users than immediate confirmation.
designated DOI: The Domain of Interpretation (DOI)
chosen to prevail in processing a particular Authenticate Principal or
Change Password request. Interactiion between the various ACME agents
on a system, in accordance with policy controls set by the system
manager, leads to one of the ACME agents becoming the designated DOI.
Other DOIs may contribute to authentication and may provide
credentials. When the call to the SYS$ACM[W] system service specifies a
target DOI, that DOI becomes the designated DOI.
dialogue mode: A form of operation whereby the ACM
client program calls the SYS$ACM[W] system service successively to
complete a full Authenticate Principal or Change Password operation.
You specify dialogue mode by providing the context
argument when calling the SYS$ACM[W] system service.
DOI: A Domain of Interpretation is an authentication
policy implemented by an ACME agent sharable image or by several in
combination. In addition, a DOI defines the set of credentials that
represents a user in its security environment.
event: Information an ACM client program transmits to
an ACME agent for use in some fashion specific to a particular DOI. It
might be recorded in a log or used to trigger some mode of operation.
Requirements for sending an event, including any required privilege,
are specific to the DOI.
immediate confirmation: A pattern of dialogue mode
operation in which an ACM client program confirms a no-echo prompt
(such as for a new password) before returning the initial response to
the ACME server process (and thus before any qualification of the new
password regarding acceptability). This presents a lighter system load
than deferred confirmation.
item list: A chain of item list segments, with each
segment terminated by the item ACME$_CHAIN except for the final
segment, which is terminated by a zero item. Each ACME$_CHAIN item
points to the successor segment.
item list segment: An array of standard VMS
item_list_3 or item list entry B descriptors.
itemset: An array of itemset entries provided by the
SYS$ACM[W] system service within its ACM communications buffer to
specify required user interaction.
itemset entry: An element within an itemset describing
a single user interaction request from an ACME agent.
LGI callout: A mechanism introduced in OpenVMS Version
5.5 for customizing LOGINOUT interaction. This was the predecessor to
the ACME mechanism.
login type: Also known as login class. One of
the five types of authentication supported by the SYS$ACM[W] system
service (local, dialup, remote, network, and batch).
nondialogue mode: Nondialogue mode is a form of
operation whereby the ACM client program calls the SYS$ACM[W] system
service once with all items required. You can specify that your call to
the SYS$ACM[W] system service is to be handled in nondialogue mode by
not providing any ACM context argument when calling the SYS$ACM[W]
system service.
persona: A kernel data structure (PSB) associated with
a process forming the basis for identity within the operating system.
persona extension: A kernel data structure (PSB)
attached to a persona associated with a process for the purpose of
holding credentials for a particular DOI.
persona ID: A longword value representing a persona
held by a particular process.
primary status: The first longword returned in the
structure to which the ACMSB argument to the SYS$ACM[W] system service
points. The symbolic name of this cell is ACMESB$L_STATUS. It indicates
the overall status of the request.
principal name: The initial name used to claim an
identity, expressed in a syntax appropriate for a particular DOI. Note
that the traditional input prompt Username: is actually
requesting a principal name be entered. In simple cases, the spelling
of the principal name is the same as the spelling of the VMS user name
to which it maps.
principal name mapping: The transformation performed
by an ACME agent that determines what VMS use name is associated with a
particular principal name.
message category: The code value indicating the
purpose of output dialogue text.
request: The collection of data within the ACME server
process pertaining to a particular call or related set of calls to the
SYS$ACM[W] system service by a client process.
return status: The value returned by the SYS$ACM[W]
system service. Success indicates only that the request was sent to the
ACME server process. Success does not indicate the final result of
secondary status: The second longword returned in the
structure to which the ACMSB argument to the SYS$ACM[W] system service
points. The symbolic name of this cell is ACMESB$L_SECONDARY_STATUS. It
indicates a more detailed explanation of the primary status.
status ACME ID: The third longword returned in the
structure to which the ACMSB argument to the SYS$ACM[W] system service
points. The symbolic name of this cell is ACMESB$L_ACME_ID. It
indicates the identity of the ACME agent that provided status
SYS$ACM[W] system service: The Authenication and
Credential Management system service.
target DOI: The DOI specified on the initial call to
the SYS$ACM[W] system service to be the one to handle the request.
targeted request: A request where the caller of the
SYS$ACM[W] system service specifies item code ACME$_TARGET_DOI_ID or
item code ACME$_TARGET_DOI_NAME to indicate which DOI should handle the
TCB: Trusted Computing Base. The set of components on
a system that must be trusted for secure operation of the system.
UCS encoding: Unicode Character Set encoding. This
uses the character set under which characters are represented in 16
bits. OpenVMS uses UCS2-4, in which each 16-bit character is stored in
a 32-bit cell (4 bytes).
VMS ACME: The ACME agent that implements the
traditional OpenVMS authentication policy.
VMS user name: The name used to identify a user to the
OpenVMS operating system after a user is logged in. It is case-blind
and limited to 12 alphanumeric characters making it considerable less
flexible than the principal name.
well-known item: The seven common input text items that might be requested by any ACME agent: ACME$_PASSWORD_SYSTEM, ACME$_PRINCIPAL_NAME, ACME$_PASSWORD_1, ACME$_PASSWORD_2, ACME$_NEW_PASSWORD_SYSTEM, ACME$_NEW_PASSWORD_1, or ACME$_NEW_PASSWORD_2.
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