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HP DECwindows Motif
for HP OpenVMS Alpha
New Features

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1.1.2 New SHOW DISPLAY Qualifiers


Displays all named properties and their values related to the current display device.


Obtains the authorization data for the display device and writes that data to SYS$OUTPUT. The authorization data is obtained from the current X authority file and is in the format expected by the X Authority utility.

Note that when using an LBX proxy server, the extracted authentication information references the address of the proxy server and not the X display server.

Do not use the /EXTRACT qualifier with any other SHOW DISPLAY qualifier.


Displays the current name count and data space quota values for the display device. This display includes the set limit and the amount of space currently available for use.


Defines one or more global DCL symbols for each property displayed by the SHOW DISPLAY command. You can then use these property symbols in DCL command procedures.

Each global symbol name follows the form:


The following are the symbols for predefined properties:


Note that symbols for user-defined properties have a double underscore in the name. For example, the user-defined symbol for the value DISK$USER:[JONES] would be defined as follows:



If a symbol name or value exceeds or violates any DCL limits or naming conventions, the symbol is not set and an error message is displayed.

If the display device uses a proxy server, the symbols DECW$DISPLAY_NODE, DECW$DISPLAY_TRANSPORT, and DECW$DISPLAY_SERVER reflect values associated with the proxy server and not the X display server.


Displays the value for the specified property. If the value consists of one or more items, they are displayed as a comma-delimited list.

1.1.3 Command Examples

  1. In the following example, you are logged into your workstation (WSA1:) and want to run the DECwindows Clock application on a remote node (FLOPSY) and display it on another workstation (ZEPHYR). Both systems are using the MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 authentication protocol to control access to the X display server.
    Assuming you are already authorized to connect to the server on node ZEPHYR, you create a display device that connects to ZEPHYR and generates a new authorization key. This key grants trusted connections to the server on ZEPHYR within 60 seconds of key generation. To restrict trusted access to the server, the key is stored in a new X authority file, XAUTHORITY_TEMP.DECW$XAUTH.
    The authorization key is then extracted and copied to FLOPSY, and merged with other entries in your X authority file on that system. You then set host to node FLOPSY and set display to node ZEPHYR. When you run the clock application from FLOPSY, it connects to the server on ZEPHYR and is allowed access as specified by the generated authorization key.

    $  SET
  2. The commands in the following example create a display device, and set the DECW$SESSION_MANAGER property to the network address of a session manager on remote node ZEPHYR using port number 9510. The SHOW DISPLAY/SYMBOLS command then defines a DCL symbol for the port value. The symbol is then used to set the port value for a new display device.

        Device:    WSA23:  [super]
        Node:      0
        Transport: DECNET
        Server:    0
        Screen:    0
      User-defined values:
        "DECW$SESSION_MANAGER" = "tcpip/zephyr:9510"
      DECW$DISPLAY__DECW$SESSION_MANAGER == "tcpip/zephyr:9510"
  3. In the following example, you are logged into a local workstation (WSA23:) on node FLOPSY and want to connect to an external host (hubbub.company.com), which is outside of your company's firewall. You use the proxy manager on a gateway host (GATEWY) to start the LBX proxy server, connect to the external host, and display the DECwindows Clock application.
    Note that DECnet is used within the local area network (LAN) to communicate to the proxy manager, and TCP/IP is used by the proxy server to communicate to the X display server on the external host. When using a managed proxy server, the proxy server chooses the transport for the client-to-proxy server connection.

    $ SET DISPLAY/CREATE/PROXY=GATEWY/NODE=hubbub.company.com-
        Device:    WSA23:  [super]
        Node:      HUBBUB.COMPANY.COM
        Transport: TCPIP
        Server:    0
        Screen:    0
      Connection will use:
        LBX proxy on node:  gatewy.company.com
        Transport to proxy: TCPIP
        Server number:      63

1.1.4 Additional Display Device Logicals

Use the following new logicals to override the normal defaults when creating display devices:

  • DECW$SETDISPLAY_DEFAULT_TRANSPORT -- Specifies the default transport to use when creating a display device without the /TRANSPORT qualifier.
  • DECW$WS_NAME_COUNT -- Specifies the default name count quota for a new display device. This logical must be defined in executive mode and in the system logical name table.
  • DECW$WS_DATA_SPACE -- Specifies the default data space quota for a new display device. This logical must be defined in executive mode and in the system logical name table.

1.2 Additional X Window System Utilities

To take advantage of the capabilities offered by the X Keyboard (XKB) extension and the enhanced X server security and authorization available with HP DECwindows Motif for HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3, the following utilities have been introduced to the DECwindows Motif environment.

1.2.1 AccessX Keyboard Utility (accessx)

The AccessX Keyboard utility (accessx) is a client application that enables you to set one or more AccessX keyboard enhancements available with the X Keyboard extension (XKB). These enhancements make it easier for users with disabilities to interact with workstation input devices (keyboard and mouse).

Specifically, AccessX enhancements for XKB offer the following capabilities:

  • Sticky Keys -- Allows you to perform multikey operations with one hand, one finger, or a mouth stick. You can use this feature to enter certain uppercase letters and punctuation characters without having to hold down the Shift key. This feature also makes it easier to enter control sequences, such as Ctrl/C.
  • Mouse Keys (also known as Dead Mouse) -- Lets you map actions that you would perform with a mouse to keys on the numeric keyboard or other keys that you specify. With this feature, you can use one finger or a mouth stick to move the cursor to different areas of the screen, manipulate menus, and select, cut, and paste text.
  • Toggle Keys -- Provides audio feedback when the Shift Lock (Caps Lock) key is pressed. This feature helps users who might have difficulty seeing the keyboard light indicator for the Shift Lock key or users who are using a keyboard that does not provide light indicators for any keyboard settings.
  • Repeat Keys -- Allows you to adjust the auto-repeat keyboard mechanism speed or to turn it off entirely. With this feature turned on, you can set your keyboard so that holding down a key for a longer than average time does not cause a repeat entry of that character.
  • Slow Keys -- Makes the keys less likely to respond when brushed accidentally. With this feature turned on, the computer accepts only keystrokes that are held for a certain length of time. The computer ignores light keystrokes that are held only for a moment.
  • Bounce Keys -- Eliminates the problem of pressing a key and then accidentally pressing it again before moving to another key. You can set this feature to tell the computer not to process a second pressing of a key unless a certain length of time elapses between each pressing.
  • Time Out -- Shuts off the AccessX features (except for Repeat Keys) on a workstation after a specified period of time. If you are sharing a workstation and have set AccessX features, the settings are automatically turned off before the next use. To retain the AccessX settings at all times, you can turn off the Time Out feature.

The settings for these capabilities are stored as X resource specifications available from an AccessX configuration file. This utility reads the appropriate file (either for the client or server) and adjusts the resource settings depending upon the changes you make. See Section and Section to learn more about the configuration file and its default values.


The accessx utility replaces the sample application formerly available with the AccessX extension. Starting with HP DECwindows Motif for HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3, the capability provided by the AccessX extension is offered as part of XKB. For more information on enabling and using XKB and X Keyboard keymaps, see Section 2.5. For information regarding the AccessX extension, see the HP DECwindows Motif for HP OpenVMS Alpha Release Notes.

To run this utility, define accessx as a foreign command, and copy the UID file to DECW$USER_DEFAULTS:


The command format for accessx is as follows:

$ accessx [-options...]

You can run accessx by entering the command at the DCL prompt, with or without options. The options, described in Table 1-2, allow you to specify which configuration file to load and choose whether to display the status of the editing session. If no options are specified, the client configuration file is loaded by default.

Table 1-2 AccessX Keyboard Utility Options
Options Description
-client Instructs accessx to load and use the custom settings in the client configuration file. This is the default option.
-server Instructs accessx to load and use the default, system-wide settings maintained in the server configuration file.
-status Displays the status window when accessx is started.
-vmods Uses the names for virtual modifiers in the status window. For example, with the -vmods option, accessx displays NumLock instead of Mod5.

Once invoked, the accessx dialog box is displayed, which lets you select the AccessX features that you want to enable. It also provides a test area that allows you to preview your settings before applying them to a DECwindows Motif session.

For detailed information on the controls and menu options in the dialog box, see the online help available from the Help menu option. The AccessX Configuration File

The AccessX configuration file is an X resource file used to store and load specific AccessX settings for the client. The default client configuration file is located in SYS$LOGIN:ACCESSX.DAT and is created the first time you choose Save Settings.

You can choose to edit the file directly or use the accessx utility (with the -client or -server option) to modify the settings. Note that any comments inserted in this file are deleted when you perform a save settings action.

The format for entries in this file follow the standard X resource specification format, which is:


For example:


Since an application can consist of a combination of input widgets (such as, push buttons and a scroll bar), you can use the widget class and name identifiers to create additional resource specifications to control these widgets. Default Resource Settings

Table 1-3 lists the AccessX resources and their default values. These are default settings maintained by the server and also represent the initial settings in the client configuration file, prior to modification.

Table 1-3 Default AccessX Resource Settings
Resource Value
*BounceKeysToggle.set False
*EnableAccessXToggle.set True
*KRGDebounceScale.decimalPoints 1
*KRGDebounceScale.maximum 40
*KRGDebounceScale.minimum 1
*KRGDebounceScale.value 3
*KRGRepeatDelayScale.decimalPoints 2
*KRGRepeatDelayScale.maximum 400
*KRGRepeatDelayScale.minimum 1
*KRGRepeatDelayScale.value 66
*KRGRepeatRateScale.decimalPoints 2
*KRGRepeatRateScale.maximum 400
*KRGRepeatRateScale.minimum 1
*KRGRepeatRateScale.value 4
*KRGSlowKeysDelayScale.decimalPoints 1
*KRGSlowKeysDelayScale.maximum 40
*KRGSlowKeysDelayScale.minimum 1
*KRGSlowKeysDelayScale.value 3
*MouseKeysToggle.set False
*MouseAccelScale.decimalPoints 1
*MouseAccelScale.maximum 40
*MouseAccelScale.minimum 1
*MouseAccelScale.value 20
*MouseDelayScale.decimalPoints 1
*MouseDelayScale.maximum 40
*MouseDelayScale.minimum 1
*MouseDelayScale.value 3
*MouseMaxSpeedScale.decimalPoints 0
*MouseMaxSpeedScale.maximum 500
*MouseMaxSpeedScale.minimum 1
*MouseMaxSpeedScale.value 300
*RepeatKeysToggle.set True
*ShowStatusToggle.set False
*SlowKeysOnAcceptToggle.set True
*SlowKeysOnPressToggle.set True
*SlowKeysToggle.set False
*SoundOnOffToggle.set True
*StickyKeysToggle.set False
*StickyModSoundToggle.set True
*StickyTwoKeysToggle.set True
*TimeOutScale.decimalPoints 0
*TimeOutScale.maximum 10
*TimeOutScale.minimum 1
*TimeOutScale.value 2
*TimeOutToggle.set False
*ToggleKeysToggle.set False

1.2.2 X Authority Utility (xauth)

The X Authority utility (xauth) enables you to manage the contents of one or more X authority files. The X authority file contains information used to authorize client connections to the X server.

This utility is typically used to extract authorization records from one system and combine them with the records on another system, such as when granting access to additional users or enabling remote logins. The actual record entries vary depending on the authentication scheme currently in use.

In contrast to other X Window System utilities that are available with DECwindows Motif, xauth is included as a part of OpenVMS Alpha operating system. The xauth commands are case-insensitive and available directly from the DCL command line, xauth command line, or from a batch file.

The command format for xauth is as follows:

$ xauth [-f authfile] [-options...] [command]

Table 1-4 defines the available options.

Table 1-4 X Authority Utility Options
Options Description
-f authfile Specifies the name of the authority file. By default, xauth will use the file specified by the DECW$XAUTHORITY logical or SYS$LOGIN:DECW$XAUTHORITY.DECW$XAUTH if not defined.
-q Specifies that xauth operate in quiet mode. Status messages are not displayed. This is the default setting if the output from xauth is not directed to a terminal.
-v Specifies that xauth operate in verbose mode. Status message are printed. This is the default setting if the output from xauth is directed to a terminal.
-i Specifies that xauth ignore file locks. Normally, xauth will refuse to read or edit any files that have been locked by another program (such as, by another instance of xauth) and not timed out.
-b Specifies that xauth break file locks before proceeding. Use this option only to clean up stale locks.

Table 1-5 defines the available commands.

Table 1-5 X Authority Utility Commands
Commands Description
add Adds or replaces the specified entries.
extract Extracts and writes the specified entries to a new X authority file.
exit Saves and closes the file and exits the xauth utility. (Available from the xauth command line only.)
remove Deletes the specified entries.
merge Appends entries from another X authority file.
nextract Extracts the specified entries in numerical format.
nmerge Merges the specified entries presented in numerical format.
list Displays a listing of entries in the X authority file.
nlist Displays a listing of entries in numerical format.
generate Used to generate a new authorization key. Requires that the SECURITY and XC-APPGROUP extensions be enabled.
help, ? Displays information about the parameters and options for this utility.
info Provides a brief overview of the X authority file.
quit Closes the xauth utility without applying any changes. (Available from the xauth command line only.)
source Runs xauth commands from a command file.

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