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Compaq PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
Release Notes

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2.2.6 Windows NT Domain Services

The PATHWORKS Advanced Server allows you to run the server as the primary domain controller (PDC) or the backup domain controller (BDC) in a Windows NT-compatible domain.

The PATHWORKS Advanced Server can participate in the domain as a Master Browser or Backup Browser.

The PATHWORKS Advanced Server supports the ability to be managed remotely from:

  • Windows NT Server
  • PATHWORKS Advanced Server
  • Advanced Server for OpenVMS
  • Clients running Windows NT Server administration tools

For information about remote server management, refer to the Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Administrator's Guide.

2.2.7 Installation and Configuration

PATHWORKS Advanced Server provides a single installation procedure that allows you to install any of the following:

  • PATHWORKS Advanced Server software (includes the Upgrade utility, external authentication images, and the License Server)


    The NetWare server software is not provided with PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server). If the NetWare software is present on your system, you must deinstall it before installing PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server). To use PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server), users of the NetWare server software must migrate clients to a TCP/IP or NetBEUI networking solution.
  • Upgrade utility only
  • License Server only
  • External Authentication images only (on OpenVMS Version 7.1 and later systems) Upgrade Utility

The PATHWORKS Advanced Server provides a separately installable Upgrade utility. Use this Upgrade utility to upgrade the server's user, group, and share information from PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) to PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) while the server continues to run. This allows you to plan and upgrade shares, user accounts, and security in preparation for the PATHWORKS Advanced Server installation, without interrupting file and print services.


The separately installable Upgrade utility is offered only if the PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) installation procedure detects the presence of PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager)

For more information about how to use the Upgrade utility, refer to the Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Migration Guide.

2.2.8 File and Print Services

PATHWORKS Advanced Server supports the Server Message Block (SMB) V3.0 file and print protocols compatible with Windows NT.

2.2.9 Client Support

PATHWORKS Advanced Server supports connections from the following types of clients:

  • Windows NT
  • Windows 95 and Windows 98
  • Windows for Workgroups

2.2.10 Transport Support

PATHWORKS Advanced Server supports the same types of transports as does PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager), but selects them in the following order, which differs from the order used by the PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) server:

  1. TCP/IP
  2. NetBEUI
  3. DECnet-Plus (or DECnet Phase IV) TCP/IP Support

The Advanced Server provides transparent support for the following TCP/IP network transport products:

  • Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
  • MultiNet for OpenVMS, from Process Software LLC
  • TCPware for OpenVMS, from Process Software LLC

For information about which versions of Compaq TCP/IP for OpenVMS are supported on each OpenVMS platform, refer to the latest Advanced Server V7.3A-ECO1 for OpenVMS and PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Software Product Description. For information about using TCP/IP products with PATHWORKS Advanced Server, refer to Section 3.17, Using TCP/IP Products with PATHWORKS Advanced Server. WINS Support for Resolving NetBIOS Names in a WAN

The PATHWORKS Advanced Server can act as a Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) client, allowing the PATHWORKS Advanced Server to use WINS services to resolve NetBIOS names in a Wide Area Network (WAN) configuration. For information about setting up WINS services for PATHWORKS Advanced Server, refer to the Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Installation and Configuration Guide. DNS Support for Resolving NetBIOS Names in a WAN

The Advanced Server can use DNS services to resolve NetBIOS names in a Wide Area Network (WAN) configuration. For information about setting up DNS services for the Advanced Server, refer to the Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Installation and Configuration Guide and the Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Administrator's Guide. NetBEUI Support

The PATHWORKS Advanced Server provides the NetBEUI transport. NetBEUI is recommended only for use in small LAN-only environments (approximately 50 nodes or less). DECnet Support

The Advanced Server supports DECnet and DECnet-Plus as supported by the OpenVMS operating system on which the server runs. For more information, refer to the PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) SPD.


The PATHWORKS mail server works only if DECnet is running on both of the following:
  • The PATHWORKS server
  • The client that wants to use the mail server

2.2.11 XQP+ Support

The PATHWORKS Advanced Server supports the enhanced OpenVMS file system, also known as XQP+. Table 2-2 describes the features of XQP+.

Table 2-2 Features of XQP+
Feature Description
Multithreading Lets the server perform up to eight concurrent OpenVMS file system operations.
Improved concurrency Lets the OpenVMS file system increase the number of file create operations that can be processed in parallel on one disk.
Asynchronous cache writes (write-back caching) Lets the server return control to the client before completing certain OpenVMS file system operations. This improves the response time needed to access files from the server. On ODS-2 disks, only PATHWORKS servers can use write-back caching. All other applications use writethrough caching. ACP_WRITEBACK is a dynamic parameter.
Multiblock bitmap reads Reduces time spent allocating disk space.

By default, XQP+ is installed with OpenVMS; no special installation of XQP+ is necessary. However, on OpenVMS Version 7.1 and 6.2 systems, you must specifically enable its features, using the SYSGEN utility to change the appropriate parameter values, as explained in Section 3.19, Enabling XQP+ Support. On OpenVMS Version 7.2 or later systems, the SYSGEN parameter values are already set appropriately to enable the XQP+ features. In addition, patches might be required for your system, as indicated in Section 3.18, Patches Required for Running the Advanced Server.

2.2.12 PostScript Printing Support

The PATHWORKS Advanced Server supports the DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS (DCPS) family of layered products, which runs on OpenVMS VAX and Alpha systems to provide access through the OpenVMS queuing system to selected PostScript printers.

2.2.13 Management Interfaces

The following sections describe the management interfaces provided with the PATHWORKS Advanced Server. ADMINISTER Command Line Interface

PATHWORKS Advanced Server includes the ADMINISTER command line interface. ADMINISTER commands are designed to replace the LAN Manager server Net commands on OpenVMS.

ADMINISTER commands can be used to remotely manage a Windows NT Server or a PATHWORKS Advanced Server. For more information about how to use the new command line interface, refer to the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Commands Reference Manual or invoke the ADMINISTER online Help.

For example, to get information about the ADMINISTER ADD USER command, enter the following command after you start PATHWORKS Advanced Server:


The following command displays an overview about using the ADMINISTER user interface:



     Welcome to the ADMINISTER command line user interface. The
     ADMINISTER command line interface is a comprehensive utility for
     managing domains and servers in a network of compatible servers.

     You can invoke the interface in one of two ways:

     o  Enter the command ADMINISTER, then press Return. This invokes
        the interface in subsystem mode. This is shown by the prompt
        DOMAIN\\SERVER>, where DOMAIN and SERVER are the default
        names of the domain and server you will be administering.
        Initially, DOMAIN is the name of the domain to which your
        local computer belongs, and SERVER is the name of your local
        computer. Once in subsystem mode, you can execute commands by
        entering subcommands, keywords, parameters, and qualifiers. To
        return to DCL, type EXIT or press Ctrl/Z.

     o  Enter commands one at a time from DCL level. You enter the
        ADMINISTER command followed on the same line by keywords,
        parameters, and qualifiers, then press Return. After the
        command is completed, control returns to DCL.

  Additional information available:

  Case_Sensitivity      UNC Windows NT Server Administration Tools

As any other domain controller in a Windows NT domain, the PATHWORKS Advanced Server can be managed from a Windows NT Server or from a client running Windows NT server administration tools.

The PATHWORKS Advanced Server software kit includes the Windows NT Server administration tools, which can be installed on computers running any of the following operating systems:

  • Windows for Workgroups
  • Windows 95 and Windows 98
  • Windows NT Workstation


Windows 2000 file and print server-related tools are available as part of the Windows 2000 server.

The Windows NT server administration tools are available in the PWUTIL share after you install, configure, and start the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

The SRVTOOLS directory contains a subdirectory for each type of client computer (Windows 95 tools are usable with Windows 98 clients). Refer to the README.TXT file in the subdirectory for instructions on installing the software on the client computer.

Refer to the Windows NT Server product documentation or use online Help for more information about how to use Windows NT Server administration tools. See also Section 3.15, Installing Optional Server Administration Tools.

2.2.14 Windows 2000 File and Print Server Tools

The Advanced Server can be managed from a Windows 2000 server using tools related to file and print servers. These tools are available as part of the Windows 2000 server.

2.2.15 Account Lockout

The Windows NT account lockout feature supported by the Advanced Server allows administrators to have user accounts locked automatically after a specified number of failed attempts to log in (that is, after the user has entered the specified number of invalid passwords). Three ADMINISTER commands have been enhanced to accommodate the account lockout functionality:

  • SET ACCOUNT POLICY to enable or disable lockout capabilities
  • SHOW ACCOUNT POLICY to display lockout settings
  • MODIFY USER to unlock a locked out user account

For more information on setting up the lockout policy for user accounts, refer to the Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Administrator's Guide.

If you are upgrading a PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) product, when you configure the PATHWORKS Advanced Server, the PWRK$CONFIG.COM procedure upgrades the V6.0 Security Account Manager (SAM) user account databases to a format that supports the account lockout feature.

2.2.16 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Licensing

The PATHWORKS Advanced Server provides a simplified license management model. Both the License Server and License Registrar are provided with the PATHWORKS Advanced Server software, and a License Manager utility is also provided for managing PATHWORKS Advanced Server licenses. If you use client-based licensing, you must run the License Server.

PATHWORKS Advanced Server requires all clients to be appropriately licensed to access resources on the server. See Section 3.12.1, License Enforcement, for more information about setting up client-based licensing.

For additional information about PATHWORKS licensing, refer to the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Guide to Managing Advanced Server Licenses.

2.2.17 External Authentication Support

OpenVMS Version 7.1 and higher versions include support for external authentication. This feature allows the OpenVMS system manager to set up a user account for which login authentication is based on a security mechanism other than OpenVMS security.

PATHWORKS Advanced Server software participates with the operating system to provide the ability to use the PATHWORKS Advanced Server user authentication mechanism to authenticate OpenVMS user logons. This allows users to log in at the OpenVMS login prompt using the PATHWORKS Advanced Server user name and password. In addition, it provides automatic password synchronization for user accounts.

For additional details about external authentication, see Section 3.13, Guidelines for External Authentication, in these Release Notes. For more information about implementing external authentication, refer to the Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Installation and Configuration Guide and the OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

2.2.18 Support of ODS-5 Devices

The Advanced Server on OpenVMS Alpha V7.2 (or later) supports ODS-5 devices as ODS-2 devices.

2.2.19 Optional Support for Eight-Bit Characters in File Names

The Advanced Server provides an optional feature that allows file names to contain the lowercase international characters, such as:


Characters must be encoded using the ISO Latin-1 character set (ISO-8859-1). When this feature is enabled, users on Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT client computers can create and browse file names that contain these types of characters. File names are stored in the directory share using these characters, so the files can be accessed by these file names using the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.


Because Windows for Workgroups and MS-DOS computers do not recognize these types of characters, files with file names containing these characters will not be accessible by these client computers.

This feature does not provide support of eight-bit characters in the names of shares and user accounts.

Enabling this Feature

This feature is disabled by default. To enable it, define a systemwide logical using the following command:


For the feature to take effect, you must restart the server after entering this command. You can add this command to the following file, to ensure this feature is always enabled:


2.3 Differences Between PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) and PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)

This section lists some of the general differences between the PATHWORKS Advanced Server product and the PATHWORKS LAN Manager product.

  • The PATHWORKS Advanced Server Administrator user account is similar to the PATHWORKS LAN Manager ADMIN user account. The Administrator user account is created automatically when you install and configure PATHWORKS Advanced Server.
  • The PATHWORKS LAN Manager server provides a single operator privilege level. The PATHWORKS Advanced Server provides several Operator groups. To designate a user account to be an operator, add the user account to one of the following PATHWORKS Advanced Server Operator groups:
    • Server Operator group (similar to LAN Manager Operator)
    • Print Operator group (similar to LAN Manager Operator)
    • Account Operator group (differs from the LAN Manager Operator in that members of this group cannot modify the Administrator user account, the Administrator group, or the Server Operator group).
  • The PATHWORKS Advanced Server supports domain trust relationships. This allows users to access resources in another domain without having an account there. The trust relationships must be established by administrators in both domains.
  • The PATHWORKS Advanced Server users are members of local groups and global groups. PATHWORKS LAN Manager users are members of global groups only. Local groups are used by the PATHWORKS Advanced Server to allow users from trusted domains to access resources in the local domain.
  • The PATHWORKS license management software and licensing subsystem have been improved in PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS. For more information, refer to the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Guide to Managing Advanced Server Licenses.
  • The PATHWORKS Advanced Server supports the same transports as does the PATHWORKS LAN Manager server, but selects them in a different order. (Refer to Section 2.2.10, Transport Support.)
  • The PATHWORKS Advanced Server software includes the Browser service, which allows the PATHWORKS Advanced Server system to function as a master browser in the domain. The Browser service is not included in PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager).

Of course, there are many more differences between the PATHWORKS LAN Manager server software and the PATHWORKS Advanced Server software. Refer to the Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Migration Guide for information about upgrading from PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) to PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

2.4 Unsupported PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) Features

The following features of PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) are not supported with PATHWORKS Advanced Server:

  • Share-Level Security
    The PATHWORKS Advanced Server does not support share-level security. It manages access to all resources through user-level security. Therefore, share passwords are not required under PATHWORKS Advanced Server. User accounts are granted access to resources based on their user account information and group membership.
  • Standalone Server Domain Role
    The PATHWORKS Advanced Server does not support the Standalone server domain role.
    A PATHWORKS Advanced Server must be either a primary domain controller, a backup domain controller, or a member server in a Windows NT or PATHWORKS Advanced Server domain. In Windows 2000 mixed-mode domains, the PATHWORKS Advanced Server can be a backup domain controller or member server. In a Windows 2000 native-mode domain, it must be a member server.
  • FAT Volumes
    The FAT (File Access Table) file system is not supported by the PATHWORKS Advanced Server. To continue to provide FAT file access to clients, maintain the PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) server on a separate system.
  • Backward Compatibility Mode
    The PATHWORKS Advanced Server software does not support Backward Compatibility mode. This mode was used to ease the migration from PATHWORKS V4.x for VMS to PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager).
  • Net Commands
    The Net commands are not supported by the PATHWORKS Advanced Server. They are replaced by the ADMINISTER commands. A Net command interpreter accepts and translates most Net commands to the equivalent ADMINISTER command. You can use the ADMINISTER command NET/TRANSLATE to see the ADMINISTER command that is supplied for each translated Net command.
    For more information about the translation of LAN Manager Net commands to PATHWORKS Advanced Server ADMINISTER commands, refer to the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Commands Reference Manual.
  • Remote Boot Service
    The PATHWORKS Advanced Server does not support the Remote Boot service.
    If clients depend on remote booting, you must maintain the PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) server on a separate system.
  • NetWare Server
    The NetWare server is no longer supported by PATHWORKS Advanced Server products.

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