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Compaq PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
Release Notes

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Chapter 4
Problems Corrected in PATHWORKS Advanced Server V6.0C-ECO1

This chapter describes problems resolved by software changes made in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server). These software changes will also be included in future ECOs and in PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server). The problems are describd in the sections indicated in the following table:

Problem Type Section Number
Installation and Configuration Problems 4.1
Server Problems 4.2
File Access/Printing Problems 4.3
ADMINISTER Command Problems 4.4
Cluster-Related Problems 4.5
PATHWORKS Advanced Server Interaction with DEC Rdb (Oracle) Problems 4.6

4.1 Installation and Configuration Problems

This section describes installation problems corrected in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.1.1 Backup Domain Controller Cannot Be Added to a Windows 2000 Domain


When configuring a backup domain controller (using PWRK$CONFIG) in a domain that is running a Windows 2000 primary domain controller, an error occurs (reported from the PWRK$MAKEMACH configuration tool), preventing the computer from being added to the domain.


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.2 Server Problems

This section describes the file server problems corrected in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.2.1 File Created by a Windows Client Might Not Be Truncated Correctly


If a client (such as Windows NT, Windows 95, or Windows 98) creates a new file in a share, the file server allocates blocks for the file but does not release this space. For example, if on the OpenVMS server you set the default directory to that of the server share and use the OpenVMS DIR/SIZE=ALL command, specifying the name of the new file, and the Advanced Server allocates 33 blocks for the file, the resulting display, and all subsequent directory displays, will show "0/33" as the number of blocks allocated for the file. As a result of this problem, disk space is consumed more quickly.


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.2.2 Operations on a Share That Includes a File with a Large Number of Versions Cause a "Yikes" Error to be Logged


When interacting with a shared directory that contains a large number of versions of a given file, the file server logs the following message in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

17-MAY-2000 13:48:16.68 20200282:01292B30 ODS2GetNextDirEntry: Yikes,
expected more data blocks!


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.2.3 PWRK$FIXACE Utility Might Fail with ACCVIO


In some conditions, the PWRK$FIXACE utility fails with an ACCVIO.


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.2.4 Advanced Server Crashes in mbreaddoneast Routine (LIBIPC)


Third-party software can erroneously post a message into an Advanced Server mailbox. This can result in the following type of crash:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
address=0000000000000000, PC=FFFFFFFF8049F044, PS=0000001B

  image    module    routine    . . .  rel PC           abs PC
                                     0000000000000000 FFFFFFFF8049F044
PWRK$CSSHR_V7  LIBIPC  mbreaddoneast 000000000000844C 00000000003C6C5C


Although this problem is not due to an Advanced Server bug, the PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) resolves the problem by detecting the erroneous message and then ignoring it. The Advanced Server does not crash. Instead, it logs the following warning message:

 9-NOV-1999 11:24:42.58 202003DA:AST_LVL  IPCerr\\mbreaddoneast.5836
  Unexpected mailbox message received from PID 0x202003E2, will be

The process id (PID) can be used to find the process which caused the problem.

4.2.5 NetBIOS Message Hangs Operator Terminal


When the NetBIOS process has a heavy workload, and it sends a message to an operator-enabled terminal, the message might cause the terminal to hang until the operator enters the Ctrl/Y sequence.


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.2.6 Windows 2000 PDC Fails During Replication to Advanced Server BDC


In a domain with a Windows 2000 primary domain controller and one or more OpenVMS Advanced Server backup domain controllers, attempts to replicate from the Windows 2000 PDC to an OpenVMS Advanced Server BDC fail (replication is incomplete). The failure is indicated in the Windows 2000 PDC event log. The cause of the failure is Windows 2000-specific attributes in the data that is sent during the replication process.


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server). The Windows 2000-specific attributes in the data are safely ignored.

4.2.7 Excessive Event 5719 Messages Logged on all Backup Domain Controllers in a Domain


In a domain with a large number of backup domain controllers (BDCs), the following message might be logged on all the BDCs in the domain. The PDC is unable to handle the number of requests it is receiving from its BDCs.

E 07/09/00 10:55:28 AM NETLOGON None 5719 N/A HYRES2
NET5719: No domain controller for the domain LANDOFOZ is available.


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.2.8 PWRK$LMSRV Crashes in Module UXREDIR, Routine TCON


When the file server is communicating with another file server in order to complete an action, PWRK$LMSRV crashes in module UXREDIR, routine TCON. A traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
address=0000000000000020, PC=00000000002BD13C, PS=0000001B
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
  image    module    routine    . . .   rel PC          abs PC

PWRK$LMAPISHR  UXREDIR  tcon         00000000000024CC 00000000002BD13C
PWRK$LMAPISHR  UXREDIR  redolinks    00000000000045A4 00000000002BF214
PWRK$LMAPISHR  UXREDIR  newsrv       0000000000004D4C 00000000002BF9BC


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.2.9 PWRK$LMSRV Process Crashes in PTRMAP


When the user account policy includes forced logoff of users who exceed the maximum logon hours specified for their accounts, the Advanced Server might crash with an ACCVIO in the PTRMAP module. (You can enable forced logoff of users by using the /FORCE_DISCONNECT qualifier with the ADMINISTER SET ACCOUNT POLICY command.)

A traceback similar to the following would be seen in the PWRK$LMSRV log file:

image       module   routine      line      rel PC       ...
PWRK$LMSRV  PTRMAP   putptr       47806 00000000000005F0 ...
PWRK$LMSRV  PPS_JOBS PPS_open     53650 00000000000004F4 ...
PWRK$LMSRV  OPEN     open_printer 70538 0000000000000734 ...
PWRK$LMSRV  OPEN     openX_open2  71064 00000000000016D4 ...
PWRK$LMSRV  OPEN     smbopenX     70938 0000000000001190 ...
PWRK$LMSRV  SMBWORK  smbwork      64843 0000000000001794 ...

A similar crash, in the same module, can be seen if users have logon hours specified, even if forced logoffs are not enabled.


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.2.10 System Crashes in PWRK$STREAMSOS_V7


While trying to remove a non-existent element from an internal timer queue, the Advanced Server can cause a system crash with the characteristics similar to the following:

Current Process:   PWRK$KNBDAEMON
Failing PC:        FFFFFFFF.854226C0  KNBNQ_UNSET_TIMER_C+00198

Failing Instruction:
    KNBNQ_UNSET_TIMER_C+00198:      LDQ_U         R16,#X001F(R1)


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.2.11 Incomplete Directory Listings


When viewed from various clients, directory listings might fail to show all the files in the directory. The directory cache inadvertently stops before the entire cache contents for the directory are processed. This occurs most often on heavily accessed directories. The missing contents were those files that would be at the end of the directory listing.

If a file is created in the directory, the directory listing will then show the entire contents correctly. If the directory cache is disabled, the problem is not seen and the contents are correct.


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server). Note that incomplete directory listings can also be caused by XQP problems. To address these problems, the latest patches related to XQP should be installed. At a minimum, the following patch levels should be installed:

VAX Kits Platform
VAXF11X06_062 OpenVMS V6.2
VAXF11X05_071 OpenVMS V7.1
VAXF11X01_072 OpenVMS V7.2
Alpha Kits Platform
ALPF11X05_062 OpenVMS V6.2
ALPF11X06_071 OpenVMS V7.1
VMS712_F11X-V0100 OpenVMS V7.1-2
VMS72_F11X-V0200 OpenVMS V7.2
VMS721_F11X-V0100 OpenVMS V7.2-1

4.2.12 Windows NT Workstation User Unable to Log In - NET5722 Errors


Occasionally, when a Windows NT workstation boots, an authentication failure occurs. Event logs reveal event NET5722 message, such as in the example that follows. In addition, the workstation user might not be able to log on to the workstation.

E 02/15/99 05:03:03 PM NETLOGON  None        5722   N/A    CAMBDG
NET5722:  The session setup from the computer BSTN1 failed to
 The name of the account referenced on the security database is


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.3 File Access/Printing Problems

This section describes file access and printing problems corrected in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.3.1 "Access Denied" Error Messages Received Sporadically


When clients attempt to access Advanced Server resources, they might sporadically receive "Access Denied" errors, but still acquire access. In certain circumstances, the "Access Denied" errors could also result in the Advanced Server stalling. For example, an excessive number of "Access Denied" errors occur, and the Alerter service is unable to send alert messages to one or more alert recipients (user accounts listed by the AlertNames parameter), causing the Advanced Server to stall.


This problem of receiving sporadic "Access Denied" messages is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server). To avoid the problem of the Advanced Server stalling because of the Alerter service, keep the number of user accounts receiving alerts to a minimum, and make sure that those user accounts that should receive alerts are always logged onto the domain.

4.3.2 Users with Logons Restricted to One Workstation Cannot Print to Shared Printers on Other Workstations


If a user is restricted to logon to a domain from only one workstation, the user cannot print to a shared printer on another workstation.


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.3.3 Unlocked User Account Denied Access, Event 1909 Logged: "Account Locked Out"


After a user account has been locked out and then is unlocked again (for example, when the account lockout duration is exceeded or the system administrator manually unlocks the account), the user should once again be allowed to log on to the domain in question. However, the user might be denied access, with event log message 1909 stating that the account is locked out.

This problem occurs when the Advanced Server is a backup domain controller (BDC) and is unable to detect that the account had been unlocked again. After the account was unlocked, if a partial synchronization occurs, but not a full synchronization, the Advanced Server still does not receive the status change information as it should. The problem is resolved after a full synchronization.


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.4 ADMINISTER Command Problems

This section describes ADMINISTER command problems corrected in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.4.1 REMOVE SHARE Command Fails with Share Name That Has Trailing Spaces


Attempts to remove a share whose name has one or more trailing spaces fail. For example, a user adds a share, specifying a space as the last character of the share name, such as in the following example:


Attempts to remove that share fail with either of the following commands:




This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.4.2 Logon Denied After Adding a User Account or Changing a Password in a Domain with a Windows 2000 Primary Domain Controller


After using the ADMINISTER interface to add a user or modify a user password in a domain with a Windows 2000 PDC, it is not possible to log on as that user: an "Invalid username or password" message is displayed.


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.4.3 SHOW COMPUTERS Command Displays Inconsistent Information from Servers in Different Subnets of the Same Domain


In domains that include subnets, performing an ADMINISTER SHOW COMPUTERS command on Advanced Servers located in different subnets will return inconsistent information. From one subnet in the domain, certain computers might be shown as available, while from another subnet, the same computers are shown as unavailable.


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.4.4 Once Permissions Are Removed from a File or Directory, Owner Cannot Change Permissions


If an owner of a file or directory removes all permissions from that file or directory (for example, by using the ADMINISTER SET FILE /PERMISSION=REMOVE command), although the owner cannot access that file or directory, the owner should still be able to change the permissions on it. However, using the ADMINISTER command interface, the owner cannot change permissions on the file or directory from which permissions were removed. Furthermore, an error message states (incorrectly) that "directory permissions" cannot be specified if the path specification is a file.


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.4.5 Time Values in SHOW Command Displays Fail to Roll Over Past 23 Hours


Time values indicating the total number of hours, such as those indicating the duration of a session connection, fail to roll over at the 24th hour. For example, in the following SHOW SESSIONS command, the connection time for the Administrator account is displayed as 1 29:01 instead of 2 05:01:


User Sessions on server "TINMAN":

Connected Users     Computer         Opens  Time      Idle      Guest
------------------  ---------------  -----  --------  --------  -----
ADMINISTRATOR       TINMAN_176           3   1 29:01   0 00:00  No
SCARECROW           TINMAN_149           0   0 21:18   0 18:19  No

  Total of 2 connected users


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.4.6 SHOW FILES /PERMISSIONS Command Brings "The RPC server is unavailable" Error


When file names in a share contain Danish characters, repeated executions of the ADMINISTER command SHOW FILES sharename /PERMISSIONS can result in messages such as the following examples. In addition, the permissions might be displayed incorrectly for the files.

%PWRK-E-ERRGETFILEACC, error getting access information for

-LM-E-RPC_S_SERVER_UN, The RPC server is unavailable


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.4.7 Advanced Server Removes Host Mappings Unexpectedly When User Account Name Resolution Fails with SHOW HOSTMAP Command


When executing the SHOW HOSTMAP command, if the Advanced Server is unable to resolve user account names, it unexpectedly removes the associated host mappings. This is most likely to occur if OpenVMS users are host mapped to trusted domains, and the Advanced Server is unable to communicate with domain controllers in the trusted domain.


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server). The host mappings are preserved.

4.5 Cluster-Related Problems

This section describes problems relating to servers participating in OpenVMS Clusters. These problems have been corrected in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.5.1 With Open File Caching, PWRK$LMSRV Hangs with Deadlock


The Advanced Server might hang in the following situation:

  • An Advanced Server (any version, from V5.0F-ECO2 to the latest) runs on at least two nodes in an OpenVMS cluster
  • Open file caching is disabled
  • Frequent file open and close operations are being performed by multiple clients


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

4.6 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Interaction with DEC Rdb (Oracle) Problems

This section describes problems with the PATHWORKS Advanced Server interacting with Oracle (DEC Rdb) software.

4.6.1 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Is Incompatible with Certain Versions of Oracle Database Software


Oracle versions prior to V7.3.3 are incompatible with the PATHWORKS Advanced Server due to Oracle's use of termination mailboxes. This incompatibility results in server crashes similar to the following:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
address=0000000000000000, PC=FFFFFFFF8049F044, PS=0000001B

  image    module    routine    . . .  rel PC           abs PC
                                     0000000000000000 FFFFFFFF8049F044
PWRK$CSSHR_V7  LIBIPC  mbreaddoneast 000000000000844C 00000000003C6C5C


This problem is resolved in PATHWORKS V6.0C-ECO1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server).

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