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Compaq PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
Release Notes

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7.7.4 Unable to Set the Event Logging Setting


When you use Windows NT server administration tools to alter the event logging setting, and you choose the option "Do Not Overwrite Events (Clear Log Manually)," the server incorrectly reflects the setting as "overwrite events older than 365 days."

7.8 Domain Management Restrictions

This section describes restrictions in managing domains and servers in domains.

7.8.1 Additions or Deletions of Trusts on One Cluster Node Are Unknown to the Other Cluster Nodes Until NetLogon Restart


If a trust relationship is added or deleted on a cluster node, it will not be known to the other cluster nodes until after they restart NetLogon.


After adding or removing a trust relationship to a cluster node, restart the NetLogon service clusterwide by issuing the following commands on any one cluster member running PATHWORKS:


7.8.2 Error When Displaying Advanced Server Domains from a Windows NT Server Manager


When using the Windows NT Server Manager to display directory replication information about an Advanced Server, the following error message might be displayed:

 The data is invalid


This error message indicates that an Advanced Server does not support replication.

7.8.3 A BDC Cannot Be Removed from the Domain If It Has Been Promoted To Be a PDC in Another Domain


If you reconfigure a backup domain controller (BDC) from one domain to become a primary domain controller (PDC) of another domain, you cannot remove the computer name from the original domain.


Delete the computer name in the original domain database during scheduled downtime of the new PDC.

7.8.4 Cannot Add a Trust to a Windows 2000 Domain by Means of Remote Administration


The Windows 2000 server does not allow trusts to be added from a non-Windows 2000 computer. Therefore, you cannot add a trust to a Windows 2000 domain by means of remote administration of that domain (such as after using the ADMINISTER SET ADMINISTRATION command to specify the Windows 2000 domain, or after logging on to the Windows 2000 domain, or using the /DOMAIN qualifier in the ADD TRUST command).


To add a trust to a Windows 2000 domain, do the operations required on the Windows 2000 domain directly from a Windows 2000 server in that domain. For the operations required on the Advanced Server domain to establish the trust, you can still use the ADD TRUST command, directly or remotely.

For example, assume users of your Advanced Server domain LANDOFOZ want to access resources in Windows 2000 domain TOPEKA. To set up a trust relationship so that TOPEKA trusts LANDOFOZ domain users:

  1. Log on to domain LANDOFOZ and enter the following command to add TOPEKA to the list of domains permitted to trust LANDOFOZ:

  2. Then, use the Windows 2000 facilities to make LANDOFOZ a trusted domain for TOPEKA.

7.8.5 Member Server Role Restrictions

The following restrictions apply to configuring and managing the Advanced Server in the member server role. Restriction Connecting to Member Server Share from External Domain


You cannot connect to a member server share from any computer outside the domain, using the same user name and password for both domains.


From Windows NT, use the "Connect as..." feature, supplying the user name and domain name. User with "Add Workstations to Domain" Rights Cannot Add Member Server to Domain


Any user with administrator privileges can add a BDC, member server, or workstation to a domain. Normally, a user with "Add workstations to domain" rights can add a member server or workstation to a domain (but not a BDC); however, in this release, a user with "Add workstations to domain" rights cannot add an Advanced Server member server to a domain. A message such as the following is displayed when such a user attempts to add an Advanced Server member server to a domain. The PWRK$CONFIG.COM configuration procedure aborts, leaving the user at the OpenVMS DCL prompt.

%PWRK-F-MAKEMACH, error creating computer account

PWRK-I-RESTORE, restoring original settings



Make sure the user has administrator privileges. Problems Using Certain Characters for a Member Server Computer Name or Cluster Alias Name


When you configure a member server, problems might result if you specify any special ASCII characters in the computer name on a non-clustered server, or in the Advanced Server cluster alias name on a clustered server. The special ASCII characters are those characters other than the following:

A to Z, a to z, 1 to 9, $ (dollar sign), _ (underscore), - (dash)

The - (dash) is considered a special character if it is the first or last character of the name. Note that the following characters should never be used in a computer name, domain name, or cluster alias name, and they will not be allowed by the configuration procedure.

" / \ [ ] : | < > + = ; , ? *

After you configure the server using such names, if you attempt to change these names, the PWRK$CONFIG configuration procedure will fail. The following error will be displayed during the PWRK$CONFIG procedure, where pdc-name is the name of the domain's PDC:

Confirming domain name with <pdc-name>
Successfully retrieved domain name from <pdc-name> ...

%PWRK-F-MAKEMACH, error creating machine account


You should avoid using these characters if possible. If you have used these characters and later need to change the name, contact HP customer support for detailed instructions to correct the situation. You Must Restore Explicit Host Maps When Changing the Role of a Server to or from a Member Server


When you change the role of your server from a BDC to a member server, or vice versa, any explicit host mappings are lost.


To prevent the host mappings from being lost, follow these steps prior to making the role change:

  1. Display the host mappings, using the ADMINISTER SHOW HOSTMAP command, and record the existing host mappings.
  2. Change the server role.
  3. Restore the explicit host mappings, using the ADMINISTER ADD HOSTMAP command.

7.8.6 Windows NT Explorer Error on Attempt to Take Ownership of Shared File or Directory


Once all permissions are removed from a shared directory, an administrator, using Windows NT Explorer, is not able to take ownership of the directory or of files in the directory. The following message is displayed:

 Windows NT error 0xc002002e occurred.

The problem occurs because the Windows NT client sends a request to the Advanced Server that is not supported. The Advanced Server returns an error code to the client. The Windows NT error reported above occurs because Windows NT misinterprets the server error code response.

For a related problem fixed with Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS, see Section 6.3.3.


Use the Advanced Server ADMINISTER TAKE FILE OWNERSHIP command.

7.9 Browser Restrictions

This section describes restrictions related to the Browser service.

7.9.1 Browser State Is Not Distributed on an OpenVMS Cluster


Performing an ADMINISTER STOP SERVICE BROWSER command on one node in an OpenVMS cluster should stop browsers on all nodes of a cluster. However, it only stops the browser service on the node where the command was issued.


To stop the browser service on a cluster, issue the STOP SERVICE BROWSER command on each node of the cluster.

7.10 Transport Restrictions

This section describes restrictions related to the use of transports with the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

7.10.1 DEFZA FDDI Controller Is Not Supported with PATHWORKS Advanced Server


The DEFZA FDDI controller is not supported with PATHWORKS Advanced Server.


Use the newer DEFTA controller, which is supported and provides better performance.

7.10.2 NetBIOS Fails to Start, Dumps Invalid Media Address


If an Advanced Server on a DECnet-Plus system does not have a Phase IV address set up for the circuit to be used by the NetBIOS process, the NetBIOS process fails to start. The NetBIOS log file will include the following error:

 %NB-F-SIGFAIL, Startup - error initializing ethernet controller
 -SYSTEM-F-IVADDR, invalid media address


When the Advanced Server is running on a system that is running DECnet-Plus, a DECnet Phase IV address must be set, and it must be enabled on the routing circuit of the device that the NetBIOS process will use. For example, if the Advanced Server is running on a system with DECnet-Plus and is going to use the FDDI device FWA0:2, then in the NCL script SYS$STARTUP:NET$ROUTING_STARTUP.NCL, include the following:


7.10.3 Communication Device Names Must Not Begin with an Underscore


The names of devices defined by use of the logical names PWRK$NETBEUI_DEVICE, PWRK$KNBDAEMON_DEVICE, and NETBIOS$DEVICE must not start with an underscore (_); otherwise, the PWRK$KNBDAEMON will not start, and other processes will start, but they will not operate properly.

For more information about defining communications devices, see the Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Installation and Configuration Guide.


When you use any of these logical names to define a network device, do not begin the device name with an underscore.

7.10.4 A 15-Character Alias Name Causes NETLOGON Not to Start


When a user specifies a cluster alias name 15 characters in length, NETLOGON does not start. No error message is recorded in the event log. Attempts to start NETLOGON manually with the ADMINISTER START SERVICE NETLOGON command also fail (the service startup times out).


Make sure cluster aliases do not exceed 14 characters in length.


2 By default, the server uses the Ethernet device. To designate that the server uses a non-Ethernet device, define a system logical name NETBIOS$DEVICE to point to the device (in this case, to FWA0:).

7.11 PATHWORKS Advanced Server in an OpenVMS Cluster Restrictions

This section describes restrictions involving PATHWORKS Advanced Server participating in OpenVMS Cluster environments.

7.11.1 Using the Windows NT Server Manager to Promote a Clustered BDC


When using the Windows NT Server Manager to promote a backup domain controller (BDC), if you select a cluster member name instead of the cluster alias, the operation will fail with the following error message:

 Error 2249 occurred, this replicant database is outdated,
 synchronization is required.

The cluster's system event log will include several messages similar to the following message:

 NET3210, Failed to authenticate with "CLUSTER ALIAS


Use the cluster alias rather than the cluster member name when promoting a BDC.

7.11.2 SRVHIDDEN Parameter Causes Browser to Fail to Announce Itself


OpenVMS Cluster configurations that are upgraded from PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) may exhibit the following behavior.

With PATHWORKS V5 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager), it is possible to set server configuration parameters in a way that presents the PATHWORKS cluster alias to the clients, but not the names of the individual nodes in the cluster. The configuration settings can be included in the LANMAN.INI file:

  • In the [SERVER] section: srvhidden=yes
  • In the [VMSSERVER] section: pwrkaliashidden=no

These settings do not function the same way with PATHWORKS Advanced Server. The Browser service included with PATHWORKS Advanced Server interprets the srvhidden parameter setting and fails to announce the availability of the browser on the network.


Compaq recommends making sure that the srvhidden parameter is not set to "yes" when you start the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

7.11.3 Two or More PATHWORKS Advanced Servers in an OpenVMS Cluster Must All Be in the Same Subnet


Two or more PATHWORKS Advanced Servers in an OpenVMS Cluster must all be in the same TCP/IP subnet. You cannot have multiple PATHWORKS Advanced Servers in the same cluster participating in different TCP/IP subnets.

7.12 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Interaction with DEC Rdb (Oracle) Restrictions

This section describes restrictions in PATHWORKS Advanced Server interaction with DEC Rdb (Oracle).

7.12.1 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Fails to Start Correctly on Systems Running DEC Rdb


PATHWORKS Advanced Server fails to start correctly on systems that are also configured to run DEC Rdb (Relational Database) software, because of the way that Rdb uses the systemwide login command procedure SYLOGIN.COM and the way that PATHWORKS Advanced Server creates processes.


To correct this problem:

  1. Remove the following line in the system login procedure SYLOGIN.COM:

  2. Replace it with the following lines:

    $ SET NOON
    $ SET ON

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