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Compaq PATHWORKS V6.1 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
Release Notes

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7.1.6 Cannot Join a Domain if the PDC (Windows NT or Windows 2000) Has Restricted Anonymous Access


The Advanced Server cannot be configured as a BDC or a member server if the PDC (Windows NT or Windows 2000) restricts anonymous access. Anonymous access is restricted if the registry on the PDC has the following value:

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA
Value Name: RestrictAnonymous
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value: 1

In this case, when you attempt to configure the Advanced Server to join the domain, you will see this error message:

PWRK-F-COMERR, error communicating with the primary domain controller
Error getting domain name


Allow anonymous access to the PDC by setting the PDC's RestrictAnonymous registry value to 0 during the time the Advanced Server is being configured to join the domain. You can reset the parameter to a non-zero value immediately after the server joins the domain. Note that the PDC has to be rebooted after each change to the registry value in order for the change to take effect.

For a related restriction regarding restricted anonymous access, see Section 7.5.1, Restricted Anonymous Access on Windows 2000 Server Affects External Authentication.

7.1.7 Authentication Fails After Attempt to Synchronize with a PDC Using a Windows NT Server with Service Pack SP5


Windows NT Servers with Service Pack SP5 or greater have changed the way they perform the Synchronize with Primary Domain Controller function initiated from the Windows NT Server Manager. The synchronization attempt can result in problems such as described in the following sequence of events:

  1. To initiate the synchronization, the user selects a specific BDC member instead of the cluster alias from the list in the Server Manager window.
  2. After the user selects Synchronize With Primary Domain Controller from the Computer menu, Windows NT with Service Pack SP5 sends a "set secret" RPC to reset the $MACHINE.ACC secret. Windows NT with Service Pack SP3, for example, does not do this; it will query, but not set, the secret.
  3. As a result, Windows NT with SP 5 resets the machine account in its own database; the account in this case is NOT the alias account.
  4. Thus, the Advanced Server local machine account secret password no longer matches the alias machine account password on the PDC, which results in failures when attempting to authenticate with the PDC. These attempts fail with the following event:

       NET3210:  Failed to authenticate with <PDC>


To avoid this problem, when selecting the server from the list in the Server Manager Window, select the cluster alias of a specific BDC member name. Then choose Synchronize With Primary Controller from the Computer menu. If you already selected a specific BDC (instead of the cluster alias for that BDC) from the Server Manager Window, and the local and PDC machine accounts no longer match, this solution will resynchronize the accounts.

7.1.8 PATHWORKS Does Not Start When PWRK$ROOT Device Is Mounted as Allocated


When the PWRK$ROOT device is mounted as an allocated device, which occurs when the /SYSTEM or /CLUSTER qualifiers are not used with the MOUNT command, PATHWORKS will not start and no error messages are logged to indicate that it failed to start or why it failed to start.


Make sure the PWRK$ROOT device is mounted systemwide or clusterwide, specifying the /SYSTEM or /CLUSTER qualifier with the MOUNT command.

7.2 Upgrade Restrictions

This section describes restrictions relating to the PWRK$V6UPGRADE.COM Upgrade utility.

7.2.1 Upgrade Fails with an "RMS-W-RTB" Error


Under rare circumstances, the PWRK$V6UPGRADE.COM utility might fail with the following error message:

%RMS-W-RTB, 512 byte record too large for user's buffer


Invoke the Upgrade utility by specifying the entire path for the command file name (that is, do not omit the ".COM" extension), such as in the following example, which assumes the default directory is SYS$UPDATE:.


7.3 File Server Restrictions

This section describes restrictions in the file server.

7.3.1 OpenVMS File Names with a Dot at Position 40 Are Not Displayed Properly from the Client


If a file created natively on an OpenVMS system has a dot at position 40 of its file name, the dot does not appear in the file name when viewed from a client.


If you want a file that is created on an OpenVMS system to be viewed correctly from the client, give the file a name that does not have a dot at position 40.

When performing an operation from the client on an OpenVMS file that has a dot at position 40 of its name, treat the file as if it has no dot. When you view a file created on the client, a dot at position 40 in the file's name is displayed, and you can perform any other operations on that file as you normally would, including the dot in the file name.

7.3.2 You Cannot Map to an OpenVMS Search List


You cannot map a share to a search list. In other words, you cannot map to devices or directories using such a search list name as the path device or directory name.


Do not use a search list as the path device name. You must map to a specific device.

7.3.3 Premature Disk Full Conditions


The file server may receive a disk full message when thousands of free blocks remain on the device, because the file server's open file cache holds newly created or extended files open for about five seconds after the client closes them. Because files are allocated in extent-size chunks, that space is unavailable for other operations until the files are actually closed.


To avoid these messages, make sure that at least 1 MB of free space is available on the device at all times.

If this does not work, add the following to the PWRK$COMMON:PWRK.INI file to lower the default file extent quantity. Create this file if necessary. Note, however, that this will significantly affect the performance of the file server.

     create_quantity = 1
     extend_quantity = 1

7.3.4 DECram Performance Problem


DECram performance is inadequate when the disk is mounted using the /NOCACHE qualifier.


Do not use the /NOCACHE qualifier when mounting a RAM disk that PATHWORKS Advanced Server will access. If you omit the /NOCACHE qualifier from the MOUNT command, the XQP+ cache is enabled for the RAM disk, allowing the PATHWORKS internal caches to operate effectively.

7.3.5 Access Denied to Files Restored from Backup of Another System


When a directory is backed up from one system and restored on another, stale group ACEs may still be attached to the files that are restored. These ACEs may cause the file server to deny access to users even though they have access to the parent directory.


To correct the problem, delete the ACLs on the files after they are restored, using the following DCL command:

$ SET ACL/DELETE filename

7.3.6 "XCCB Not in Use" Errors in LMMCP Log File


When an attempt is made to exceed the maximum number of sessions that the server is configured for, the operation fails (as expected) and the following error message appears in the PWRK$LMMCP_nodename.LOG file:

 ...specified XCCB not in use!


You can ignore this error message.

7.3.7 Do Not Use "DEV" as a Share Name

The name "DEV" is reserved. Do not specify "DEV" as the name of a share.

7.4 User Interface Restrictions

This section describes restrictions in the management interfaces.

7.4.1 Case Sensitivity

OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-1 and later supports the option of case-sensitive lookups of file names (where tools and applications can distinguish among file name specifications containing the same alphabetic characters that differ in case only). Case-blind file name lookup is the default behavior for OpenVMS and the Advanced Server. As reported in the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-1 Release Notes, case-sensitive file name lookup is a very significant change in behavior and cannot be expected to work seamlessly with existing applications. Compaq recommends that you do not enable this feature on systems that run the Advanced Server. Sharing directories that contain files whose names are identical except for case is unsupported and might result in unexpected behavior.

Likewise, command line processing of case-sensitive commands might result in unexpected behavior.

For more information on case sensitivity in file operations, refer to the OpenVMS release notes and the x New Features and Documentation Overview Manual.

7.4.2 Alias Name Not in Browse List When Using DECnet Transport Only


In an OpenVMS Cluster, the Advanced Server alias name is not seen by the browser if DECnet is the only transport configured. The ADMINISTER SHOW COMPUTER display shows the alias, but it marks it as unavailable. Although the alias is marked as unavailable, you can still connect to shares using the alias name.


Use the Configuration Manager (ADMINISTER/CONFIGURE command) to configure the Advanced Server to use either TCP/IP or NetBEUI in addition to DECnet.

7.4.3 Server Description (SrvComment) Restriction


The maximum length for the server description string is 256 characters. (You can define this string using the SET COMPUTER/DESCRIPTION command, or with the SrvComment keyword in the LANMAN.INI file.)

If you attempt to set the Advanced Server description to a string that is over 48 characters in length, your description string is not accepted, and is set to the default string instead.

7.4.4 Server Acting as a BDC Will Not Allow Changes to Share Permissions Until Synchronized with PDC


If a new user or group is added to the domain, an attempt to set permissions on an object (for example, a file) for the newly added user or group may result in an error message, such as:

%PWRK-E-ERRMODSHAREPERM, error modifying permissions for share "QUIP"
-LM-E-NOTALLMAPPED, one or more user or group names were not found


Synchronize the BDC with the PDC before adding permissions for the new user or group.

7.4.5 Directory File (Folder) Name Length Restrictions


The length of a directory file (or folder) name is limited to 39 characters. The length is further restricted if the name includes dots, spaces, or other characters that cannot be represented in OpenVMS file names. In general, each instance of these characters reduces the maximum length by four characters. Regular file names (nonfolder names) can have up to 77 characters in the client file name, unless the name includes dots, spaces, or other non-OpenVMS characters.


Limit the length of directory and file names accordingly, or upgrade the file server to Advanced Server for OpenVMS and use the extended file naming capabilities of ODS-5 devices.

7.4.6 Mouse Selection Highlights Entire Screen


Under certain circumstances, when you use a character-cell user interface, such as ADMIN/LICENSE, the entire screen is highlighted when you select a button using the mouse input device.


When this occurs, press Ctrl/W to clear the screen, then select the button again.

7.4.7 When a User Account Is Created Without a Password, an Encrypted Password is Supplied


If you use the ADMINISTER command COPY USER to create a new user account, and you omit the /PASSWORD qualifier, the new user account is created with an encrypted password.


Use the MODIFY USER command to set the password for the new user account.

7.4.8 File Server Unable to Resolve Job Logical Translation as Part of a File Specification


If you use a job logical as part of a file specification for any ADMINISTER command, the operation will fail. The file server does not support using a job logical as part of a file specification. Using a job logical as part of a file specification to an ADMINISTER command results in an error, where the error message may not be explicit about the cause of the problem.

For example, the following command line will fail with an "insufficient privileges" error message.


The source of the problem is not the privilege level of the user; rather, it is the use of the SYS$LOGIN job logical.


Do not use job logicals in file specifications in the ADMINISTER command line.

7.4.9 ADMINISTER SHOW SERVICES Command Fails When Directed to Windows NT Server with Service Pack 4


When you issue the SHOW SERVICES command to display services on a Windows NT Server that has Service Pack 4, the command fails with the following error:

%PWRK-E-ERRGETSVCS, error getting service information
-LM-E-ERROR_MORE_DATA, additional data is available


This is problem is due to the specified Windows NT software. The SHOW SERVICES command works when directed to earlier versions of the Windows NT Server and to any PATHWORKS or Advanced Server for OpenVMS servers.

7.5 Windows 2000 Related Restrictions

This section describes restrictions related to support of Windows 2000.

7.5.1 Restricted Anonymous Access on Windows 2000 Server Affects External Authentication


When a Windows 2000 server has the registry value for RestrictAnonymous set to 2, it will not validate authentication requests from domain controllers in another domain trusted by the Windows 2000 server's domain. For example, when a user with an account in the Windows 2000 domain attempts to log in to an OpenVMS system, using external authentication, and the system is in a domain trusted by the Windows 2000 server, the Advanced Server for OpenVMS or PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) server running on that OpenVMS system requests the Windows 2000 server to authenticate that user, but the Windows 2000 server will fail to do so. Additional limitations will result, such as the SET PASSWORD command at the OpenVMS DCL prompt failing to work for an externally authenticated user, when that command is sent to the Windows 2000 server. However, the Advanced Server ADMINISTER SET PASSWORD command will work.

The RestrictAnonymous value in the registry appears as follows:

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA
Value Name: RestrictAnonymous
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value: 2


Allow anonymous access at the Windows 2000 server (value of RestrictAnonymous set to 0). You can avoid the restriction described in this note by setting the value of RestrictAnonymous to 1; however, as noted in Section 7.1.6, Cannot Join a Domain if the PDC (Windows NT or Windows 2000) Has Restricted Anonymous Access, this will prevent any Advanced Server from being configured in the Windows 2000 domain as a BDC or member server.

You can reset the parameter to a non-zero value immediately after the server joins the domain. Note that the PDC has to be rebooted after each change to the registry value in order for the change to take effect.

For more information on the restriction when RestrictAnonymous is set to 2, see the Microsoft article at the following location:


7.5.2 Restriction on Roaming User Profiles


Usage of roaming user profiles that will be stored on a PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) share is limited by the restrictions imposed by the ODS-2 disk structure. Names of folders (such as desktop folder or subfolders created in the My Documents folder) to be stored at the profile path destination must not exceed 32 characters in length; otherwise, the server's attempt to store the folder name as a directory on the PATHWORKS share will fail. Folder names that include spaces or nonalphanumeric characters (characters not included in the standard character sets) impose further limits on the length of the name: each such character takes up four characters on the volume. (These limitations apply equally to PATHWORKS ODS-5 disk volumes: the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) treats ODS-5 volumes as ODS-2 volumes.)


If the structure of the roaming user profiles requires support of folder names exceeding 32 characters in length, Compaq recommends that you upgrade your server to Advanced Server for OpenVMS to take advantage of the ODS-5 disk volume structure and directory features.

7.6 Printing/Print Management Restrictions

This section describes restrictions in printing or managing print queues.

7.6.1 Cannot See Print Job Name from Client


Client computers do not display print job names.

Print jobs submitted from client computers are not displayed from the Print Manager with the print job name.


No action; this is a restriction of PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

7.6.2 Cannot Move Print Job Postion In Queue from Client


If the user of a client computer attempts to use the Print Manager to move a print job to a different position in the print queue, the operation fails.


Use the ADMINISTER command SET PRINT JOB to move the print job within the print queue.

7.6.3 Client Cannot Purge Print Queues


Client platforms, such as Windows NT and Windows 95, include a function to purge the print queue of print jobs in their print manager. This function fails to purge the print jobs in the queue on an Advanced Server file server. If a client user logged on with sufficient privileges to purge the print queue (full or manage documents privilege), attempts to purge the print queue, an error message is returned indicating insufficient privileges to perform the operation.


The client user can remove the jobs from the queue by selecting with the mouse all of the jobs in the queue and then using the delete key.

7.6.4 Windows NT Print Manager Fails to Display PATHWORKS Advanced Server Printers


When you attempt to display the printers on the PATHWORKS Advanced Server from the Windows NT server administration Print Manager, using the Server Viewer, you will not see the printers offered by the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.


Display the list of printers using the PATHWORKS ADMINISTER command SHOW PRINT QUEUE.

7.6.5 ADMINISTER REMOVE PRINT QUEUE Fails to Delete a Routing Print Queue


If you attempt to delete a PATHWORKS Advanced Server print queue using the ADMINISTER command REMOVE PRINT QUEUE, the command fails with the following error message:

%PWRK-E-QUEGENERR, error removing print queue "queue-name"
at server "\server-name"

%PWRK-I-QUENOTPW, This queue may not have been created by PATHWORKS

The second message is misleading: the print queue may have been created using the PATHWORKS Advanced Server. The routing queue is not deleted if it has been defined to print to a printer queue that is set up to print to a virtual port (such as an LTA device).


Use the OpenVMS DCL command DELETE/QUEUE to delete the print queue.

7.7 Event Logging Restrictions

This section describes restrictions in the event logging and auditing functions of the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

7.7.1 Event in Browser Function Is Not Reported Properly


When the Browser stops, the ADMINISTER SHOW EVENTS command does not display the event. The Windows NT Event Viewer reports the event but does not identify the Browser. Instead, it identifies the node name. For example:

 6108  The BAGELS service has stopped.

BAGELS is the node name. Instead, the event source (Browser) should be identified.

The event source improperly identified by the 6108 event message should be the Browser.

7.7.2 Certain Event Code Descriptions Do Not Appear in ADMINISTER SHOW EVENTS Display


After the server parameter MORELOG in the [BROWSER] section of the LANMAN.INI file is set to YES, descriptions are not provided for several event types in the ADMINISTER SHOW EVENTS display. Instead, the following message is displayed:

 I xxxx - The description for Event ID (xxxx)
 in Source (BROWSER) could not be found

The message displays the Event ID number for the event (xxxx).


Use the Windows NT Event Viewer to display the event log.

7.7.3 Event Log Files Fail to Overwrite When Full


The server does not support overwriting event messages when the event log files become full. However, the server generates an Alert message indicating the log file is full.


You must manually clear the event log file by using the ADMINISTER CLEAR EVENTS command.

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