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POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide

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Logical Names

The assemble execute option causes the utility to define logical names for use by the subprocess that executes the specified commands. The commands should use these logical names to reference files, as follows:

  • PCSI$SOURCE is a root directory specification under the user's login directory. It is used for temporary placement of the files specified by the assemble uses option. This logical name is defined for the subprocess in which product-supplied commands execute. It is not the same PCSI$SOURCE logical name that can be defined by a user, in the user's process, pointing to the location of a product kit.
  • PCSI$DESTINATION is a root directory specification under the user's login directory used as a staging area. The commands specified in the assemble execute option are responsible for creating a file in this directory tree whose name matches the one specified in the file name parameter. After the commands are executed, the utility moves the file to the product's destination directory for the current scope. This logical name is defined for the subprocess in which product-supplied commands execute. It is not the same PCSI$DESTINATION logical name pointing to the target disk that can be defined by a user in the user's process.
  • PCSI$SCRATCH is a subdirectory under the user's login directory that can be used by commands for temporary working space. This directory and any files placed in it are automatically deleted at the end of the operation.

Scope and Lifetime

The scope and lifetime of the file managed object depend on whether it is contained within a scope, end scope pair as shown in Table 7-5.

Table 7-5 File Managed Object Scope and Lifetime
Type of Scope Group Lifetime Scope
Product 1 Product Product
Global Assembly Global
Bootstrap Operating Bootstrap
Processor Operating Processor

1If the file option is assemble execute, the file managed object has assembly lifetime and product scope.

Access Control Managed Object

You can include an access control option in a file statement to control access to a file managed object. Each access control entry (ACE) you specify creates an ACE managed object with the following characteristics:

  • It is unnamed.
  • It has operating lifetime. It has the same scope as the file managed object.
  • The system resolves managed object conflict by managed object collection.

Image Library Managed Object

For a file statement that provides a shareable image, you can specify the image library option to direct the utility to insert the file's symbols into the system shareable image symbol table library. This action creates an image library module object with the following characteristics:

  • It must be unique within the global scope.
  • It has assembly lifetime and global scope.
  • Managed object conflict is not recoverable.
See Also directory
execute abort
execute install...remove
execute postinstall
execute start...stop
execute test
execute upgrade
loadable image



      access control ("(IDENTIFIER=[TEST],ACCESS=READ)",
                      "(IDENTIFIER=*,ACCESS=NONE)") write;

The file statement in this example specifies that the file PROD01.DAT cannot be accessed by any user account other than TEST, which is allowed to read it, and PROD_USER, which is allowed to read and write the file.


file [SYSLIB]FDVSHR.EXE image library ;


The file statement in this example specifies that the symbols for the shareable image [SYSLIB]FDVSHR.EXE are inserted into the system shareable image symbol table library.


file [SYSMGR]DECW$STARTUP.COM protection public ;

The file statement in this example creates the file [SYSMGR]DECW$STARTUP.COM, giving users read and execute access.


file [SYSMGR]DECW$SYLOGIN.COM protection public


The file statement in this example creates the file [SYSMGR]DECW$SYLOGIN.COM in the execution environment using the contents of the file [SYSMGR]DECW$SYLOGIN.TEMPLATE from product material packaged in the kit. You do not have to specify the source file with a separate file statement. The PACKAGE command always requires a /MATERIAL qualifier.


file [SYSMGR]DECW$SYSTARTUP.COM generation 56 archive ;

The file statement in this example creates the file [SYSMGR]DECW$SYSTARTUP.COM. If a version of the file already exists in the directory, the existing file is renamed [SYSMGR]DECW$SYSTARTUP.COM_OLD instead of being deleted. It also assigns a generation number to the file for conflict resolution. For example, if a version of the file already exists with a generation number of 60, the utility will preserve the copy with generation number 60 and will not create a new one.


      assemble execute "@PCSI$SOURCE:[TEMP]CALIBRATE_LINK.COM"
      assemble uses ("[TEMP]CALIBRATE.OBJ",
                     "[TEMP]CALIBRATE_LINK.COM") ;


The file statement in this example creates the file [SYSEXE]CALIBRATE.EXE in the execution environment by executing a command procedure to link the image. The link command procedure and object file are obtained from product material packaged in the kit. The link command in CALIBRATE_LINK.COM uses the link qualifier /EXECUTABLE=PCSI$DESTINATION:[SYSEXE]CALIBRATE.EXE to create the image file.


file "[EXAMPLES.C_CODE]ERROR--42-49.C" ;


The relative file specification in the file statement above is enclosed in quotes because the file name contains consecutive hyphen characters. A double hyphen usually indicates a comment delimiter in the PDF, unless it is part of a quoted string.


if (<software HP AXPVMS VMS version minimum V7.1 version below A7.2>) ;
        file [syslib]debugshr.exe source [syslib]debugshr_v71.exe ;
    else if (<software HP AXPVMS VMS version minimum A7.2>) ;
        file [syslib]debugshr.exe source [syslib]debugshr_v72.exe ;


The PDL statements above conditionally provide a file named DEBUGSHR.EXE based on the version of the OpenVMS operating system that is installed. Separate shareable images linked to run on OpenVMS Version 7.1 and OpenVMS Version 7.2 (or later) are packaged in the kit. If the version of OpenVMS is at least Version 7.1, the appropriate image is selected and installed as DEBUGSHR.EXE.

hardware device

The hardware device statement identifies a required hardware device that must be present in the execution environment. If the device is not present, the utility prompts the user either to continue or to terminate the operation.

The hardware device function tests whether a specified device is present. The value is true if the device is present; otherwise, the value is false.

Statement Syntax

hardware device name ;

Function Syntax

< hardware device name >



Indicates the device name of the hardware device. You must include the colon (:) at the end of the device name.



The hardware device statement specifies a required hardware device. If the device is not present, the utility prompts the user to continue or to terminate the operation.

If the operation executes in batch mode and requires user interaction, the operation terminates.


The hardware device function tests whether the specified device is present. The value is true if the device is present; otherwise, the value is false.

See Also if



hardware device LPA0: ;

The hardware device statement in this example specifies that if the device named LPA0: is not present in the execution environment, then the utility displays a message prompting the user either to continue or to terminate the operation.


if (<hardware device GAA0:>) ;
end if ;

The hardware device function in this example provides the file [SYSEXE]SMFDRIVER.EXE if the device GAA0: is present.

hardware processor

The hardware processor statement identifies a system processor model that must be present in the execution environment. If the model is not present, the utility prompts the user either to continue or to terminate the operation.

The hardware processor function tests whether the specified system processor model is present. The value is true if the model is present; otherwise, the value is false.

Statement Syntax

hardware processor model (model,...) ;

Function Syntax

< hardware processor model (model,...) >


model (model,...)

Indicates processor model identifiers as integer values. You can obtain the processor model number by using the DCL lexical function F$GETSYI("CPU").



The hardware processor statement specifies a system processor model. If the model is not present, the utility prompts the user to either continue or terminate the operation.

If the operation executes in batch mode and requires user interaction, the operation terminates.


The hardware processor function tests whether the specified system processor model is present. The value is true if the model is present; otherwise, the value is false.

See Also if


Suppose the PDF contains the following lines:

if (<hardware processor model 7>) ;
    error UNSPROC ;
end if ;


You would have an UNSPROC module in the PTF similar to the following:

=prompt Not supported on MicroVAX I.
This product is not supported on the MicroVAX I processor.


If the processor model is 7, the system displays a message supplied by the text module UNSPROC indicating that the product is not supported on the MicroVAX I computer. The user is then prompted to continue or terminate the operation.


The if statement conditionally processes a group of statements based on the evaluation of an expression. The if, else, else if, and end if statements are used together to form an if group.


if expression; PDL-statements

[ [ else if expression; PDL-statements ] ...]

[ else; PDL-statements ]

end if ;



Indicates the condition you want to test. An expression is used to produce a Boolean value based on the evaluation of the condition. It is delimited by opening and closing parentheses (...). It contains one or more of the following PDL functions:
  • <hardware device>
  • <hardware processor>
  • <logical name>
  • <option>
  • <software>
  • <upgrade>
Optionally, the expression also contains one or more of the keywords AND, OR, and NOT, which are used as logical operators. An expression has one of the following forms, where each term is either another expression or a function:
  • (term)
  • (term AND term)
  • (term OR term)
  • (NOT term)



Any product description language statement or a group of statements described in this reference section, except the product and end product statements.

Required Terminator

end if ;


The if group conditionally processes a group of statements based on the evaluation of an expression. The utility executes the statements contained in the if group up to the first occurrence of an else if statement (if present), an else statement (if present), or end if statement if the expression evaluates to true. The utility skips these statements if the expression evaluates to false.

else if

The else if statement is valid only if it is immediately contained in an if group and is not lexically preceded by an else statement.

The utility executes the statements lexically contained in the if group between the else if statement and the next occurrence of an else, else if, or end if statement if all of the following conditions exist:

  • The result of evaluating the expression in the if statement is false.
  • The result of evaluating the expression in all lexically preceding else if statements in the same if group (if present) is false.
  • The result of evaluating the else if expression is true.

If any of these conditions are not satisfied, the utility also does not execute statements lexically contained in the if group between the else if statement and the next occurrence of an else, else if, or end if statement.


The else statement is valid only if it is immediately contained in an if group and is the only else statement in the if group. The utility executes the statements following the else statement (in the same if group) if both of the following conditions exist:

  • The result of evaluating the expression in the if statement is false.
  • The result of evaluating the expression in all lexically preceding else if statements in the same if group (if present) is false.

If either of these conditions is not satisfied, the utility does not execute statements lexically contained in the if group between the else statement and the end if statement.

See Also hardware device
hardware processor
logical name



if (<software HP VAXVMS DECWINDOWS>) ;
else if (<software DEC VAXVMS MOTIF>) ;
else ;
end if ;


This example uses the if statement in conjunction with the software function to determine which file to provide, as follows:

  • If DECwindows is present, the utility provides the file [SYSEXE]PRO$DW_SUPPORT.EXE.
  • If DECwindows is not present and DECwindows Motif is present, the utility provides the file [SYSEXE]PRO$MOTIF_SUPPORT.EXE.
  • If neither DECwindows nor DECwindows Motif is present, the utility provides the file [SYSEXE]PRO$CC_SUPPORT.EXE.

if ((NOT <hardware device MUA0:>) AND
    (<software ABC AXPVMS TEST version below 2.0>));
end if;


In this example, the group of statements enclosed within the if...end if statements is executed if no MUA0: device is available on the target system and the product TEST with a version below V2.0 is present. The expression evaluates to false either if there is an MUA0: device, the product TEST is V2.0 or above, or no such product is installed.


The infer statement tests the target system to determine if a product or product version is available.


The infer statement is valid only in a transition PDF.


{ available from { install file | logical name logical_name } |
version from file } ;



Indicates the relative file specification of the file you want to test.


Indicates the logical name you want to test.


The infer statement tests the target system to determine if a product or product version is available. This statement is valid only in a transition PDF.

There are several types of infer statements:

  • The infer available statement tests the target system to determine if the product named in the product directive of the transition PDF is available.
    • The infer available from install statement tests whether the product is available only if the specified file is installed as a known image. The scope statement controls execution of this statement; the test executes in the specified scope.
    • The infer available from logical name statement tests whether the product is available only if the logical name you specify has a translation.
  • The infer version statement tests the target system to determine the presence and active version of the product named in the product directive of the transition PDF. The product is inferred to be present if the specified file is present on the system and absent otherwise. If the product is present, the active version is inferred to be the internal version number of the specified file. The scope statement controls execution of this statement; the test executes in the specified scope.
See Also scope



infer available from logical name DOC$ROOT ;

The infer available statement in this example determines if the product is available by checking to see if there is a translation for the logical name DOC$ROOT. The name of the product that the statement is testing for is contained in the product directive in the transition PDF.


infer version from [SYSEXE]FORTRAN.EXE

The infer version statement in this example determines the active version of the product by checking to see if the file [SYSEXE]FORTRAN.EXE is present.


The information statement displays a message from the specified text module in the PTF either before or after the execution of an installation, configuration, or reconfiguration operation.


information name
[ [no] confirm ]
[ phase { after | before } ]
[ with helptext ] ;



Indicates, as a quoted or unquoted string, the name of the associated PTF text module. The name you specify can be from 1 to 31 characters in length and must be unique among all names in the same product description.


[no] confirm

Displays the contents of the text module and prompts the user for a response. The user can continue or terminate the operation. The confirm option does not have any effect in batch mode. The default is no confirm.

phase after

Displays the contents of the text module after the execution phase of the operation finishes. This option cannot be used with the phase before option.

phase before

Displays the contents of the text module during the configuration phase. This option is the default and cannot be used with the phase after option.

with helptext

Forces the display of the full help text module during the installation or configuration of the product. See Section 7.1 for usage constraints.


The information statement displays a message from the specified text module in the PTF either before or after the execution of an installation, configuration, or reconfiguration operation as directed by the phase option. The phase before option causes the message to be displayed during the configuration phase of the operation; the phase after option causes the message to be displayed after the execution phase of the operation.

By default, the prompt text string is displayed without help text. However, help text is displayed after the prompt text when the user specifies the /HELP qualifier on the command line, or the information statement contains the with helptext option.

You must supply prompt text for the information statement in the PTF using the =prompt directive. Help text is optional. If provided, it must immediately follow the prompt text line.

If you have information statements that specify the phase before option and they are lexically contained in a group with configuration choices, they are processed in lexical order and may be nested.

Information statements that specify the phase after option do not display text if they are lexically contained in an option group that is not selected.

The confirm option to the information statement causes the utility to prompt the user to continue or terminate the operation.

The information statement declares a name; it is not a variable.

See Also part
process parameter
system parameter


Suppose the product text file for HP Rdb for OpenVMS software contains the following lines:

=prompt Release notes for Rdb/VMS available.
The release notes for Rdb/VMS are available in the file
=prompt The HP Rdb for OpenVMS monitor must be stopped before installation

The HP Rdb for OpenVMS monitor must be stopped before you install HP Rdb
for OpenVMS.
Perform the following operation:

The product description file could contain the following information statements:

information RELEASE_NOTES phase after ;
information STOP_RDB_VMS_MONITOR phase before with helptext confirm;


If the user requests help, the first information statement displays the following text after the operation finishes:

Release notes for HP Rdb for OpenVMS available.

The release notes for HP Rdb for OpenVMS are available in the file


If the user does not request help, the first information statement displays only the prompt text after the operation finishes:

Release notes for HP Rdb for OpenVMS available.


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