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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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Chapter 8
Crash Log Utility Extractor (CLUE) (VAX Only)

8.1 CLUE Description (VAX Only)

On VAX systems, you can use the Crash Log Utility Extractor (CLUE) to display the contents of a crash history file. The crash history file, which is created and updated by CLUE, contains key parameters from crash dump files. Unlike crash dumps, which are overwritten with each system failure (crash) and are therefore typically available only for the most recent failure, the crash history file is a permanent record of system failures. By examining the contents of the crash history file with the CLUE/DISPLAY command, you can understand and resolve the issues responsible for some crashes and you can also obtain other useful data.

On Alpha systems, CLUE features are provided through System Dump Analyzer (SDA) utility commands. Refer to the OpenVMS Alpha System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual for more information.

8.2 CLUE Usage Summary (VAX Only)

When a system fails, physical memory is copied to the crash dump file, and CLUE automatically appends the relevant parameters to a file named CLUE$OUTPUT:CLUE$HISTORY.DATA. You can use CLUE to display and examine the data in this file.






Before you run CLUE, define the CLUE command (either interactively or in a procedure such as a login command procedure), as follows:

$ CLUE :== $CLUE

To invoke CLUE, enter the CLUE/DISPLAY command. To terminate CLUE, enter the EXIT command at the CLUE_DISPLAY> prompt or press Ctrl/Z.

Note that you can also issue CLUE/DISPLAY commands directly from DCL, as in the following example:


8.3 CLUE Commands (VAX Only)

This section describes and provides examples of the CLUE /DISPLAY commands. You can abbreviate any command, keyword, or qualifier as long as the abbreviation is not ambiguous. The asterisk and the percent sign can be used as wildcard characters in the specification of user names, node names, and UICs.

The following table lists the commands described in this section:

Command Description
DELETE Deletes an entry from the crash history file
DIRECTORY Displays a list of entries from the crash history file
EXIT Exits from CLUE
EXTRACT Extracts data from an entry in the crash history file to a file
HELP Provides online help for CLUE/DISPLAY commands
SHOW Displays specific information for an entry in the crash history file


Deletes an entry from the list and writes the remaining entries to a binary file.





The number of the entry that you want to delete from the crash history file. The number of the entry corresponds to the entry number shown by the DIRECTORY command.


Entries in the CLUE.BIN file can be permanently removed using the DELETE command. This command deletes the specified entry and writes the remaining entries to an output file. When an entry is deleted from the crash history file, a new history file (with a higher version number) is created.




Deletes the fourth entry in the list.


Displays a brief summary of each entry in the crash history file.





Lists all failures that correspond to the specified module (that is, failures that start with the specified string).


Lists all failures that correspond to the specified offset (that is, failures that start with the specified string).


Lists all failures that have occurred since the specified date. If the /SINCE qualifier is used and no date is specified, all failures that have occurred on the current day are listed.


Lists all failures that correspond to the specified type (that is, failures that start with the specified string).


The DIRECTORY command lists the record entries in the crash history file, beginning with the most recent entry. Six headings are displayed for each entry:
  • Entry number
  • Date and time of crash
  • Type
  • Process
  • Module
  • Offset

You can use one or more qualifiers for the DIRECTORY command to limit the crash entries that are displayed. You can also use more than one qualifier in the same command line. For example, the command DIRECTORY/SINCE=18-APR-2002/MODULE=NETACP lists only those crash entries that have taken place since April 18, 2002, and for which the module is NETACP.




#  Time                      Type         Process name   Module   Offset
   ====                      ==========   ============   ======   ======
1  11-JUL-2002 09:07:45.78  INVEXCEPTN   batman         NETACP   14B9
2  01-JAN-2002 11:32:55.23  SSRVEXCEPT   startrek       SYSLOA   10A8
3  15-MAY-2002 07:26:12.34  BADFID       evolushun      NONE     NONE
4  22-APR-2002 10:45:20.60  INVEXCEPTN   aprocess       IOBUF    015D

This example lists all entries in the crash history file.



#  Time                      Type         Process name   Module   Offset
   ====                      ==========   ============   ======   ======
2  01-JAN-2002 11:32:55.23  SSRVEXCEPT   startrek       SYSLOA   10A8

This example lists only those entries for which the module is SYSLOA.


Exits from CLUE.




This command exits from CLUE and returns you to the DCL level.



This example exits from CLUE.


Extracts all of the data from an entry in the crash history file to either an ASCII or a binary file.





The number of the entry that you want to extract to a file. The number of the entry corresponds to the entry number shown by the DIRECTORY command.



The /BINARY qualifier writes the output to a binary file.


The /OUTPUT qualifier writes the output to an ASCII file. The /OUTPUT qualifier is the default.


Use the EXTRACT command to save record entries from the crash history file to an ASCII or a binary file. If no qualifier is used, entry is written to a text file with the name CLUE$HISTORY.TXT.




This command writes the data from entry number 3 in the crash history file to an ASCII file named 15MAYCRASH.TXT.


Provides online help for CLUE commands.


HELP [command]



The command for which you want help.




This command provides online help for the DIRECTORY command in CLUE.


Displays specific information for an entry in the crash history file.


SHOW info_type n



You must choose one of the following information types:
  • CRASH---displays information similar to the SHOW CRASH command in the System Dump Analyzer (SDA) utility.
  • STACK---displays information similar to the SHOW STACK command in SDA.
  • EXEC---displays information similar to the SHOW EXEC and SHOW DEVICE commands in SDA.
  • ISTREAM---displays the instruction stream around the failing PC.
  • SUMMARY---displays the active processes on the system, similar to the SHOW SUMMARY/IMAGE command in SDA.
  • ALL---displays all the information from the preceding types.

For more information about SDA commands, refer to the OpenVMS VAX System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual.


The number of the entry for which you want to display information. The number of the entry corresponds to the entry number shown by the DIRECTORY command.


This command lets you see all the data associated with a particular failure. This information is split into several sections; you can choose to see either individual sections or all of the information.

If the crash number is not specified, information for the most recent entry in the crash history file is displayed. You must, however, specify one of the keywords for info_type.

If you request a specific entry from the crash history list (using the SHOW n command), the display will include some parameters that are useful only to HP service representatives.




Instructions around the failing PC:

    80A9F841 RSB
    80A9F842 BUG_CHECK #019C
    80A9F846 BUG_CHECK #019C
    80A9F84A PUSHL   R4
    80A9F84C MOVL    R5,R4
    80A9F84F BEQL    00002C88

    80A9F851 JSB     @#-7FFFCC48
    80A9F857 MOVL    (SP)+,R4
    80A9F85A RSB
    80A9F85B BUG_CHECK #019C
PC->80A9F85F BUG_CHECK #019C  => CLUSTRLOA + 09B6F
    80A9F863 MOVL    #00,R1
    80A9F866 MOVB    #01,R0
    80A9F869 RSB
    80A9F86A INCL    00002301
    80A9F86E TSTW    000022FF
    80A9F872 BLSS    00002CA5

This example displays instruction stream information around the failing PC from the crash history file for entry number 4.



Time of system crash:              21-MAR-2002 15:21:33.72
Version of system:                 VAX/VMS VERSION V7.3-1
System Version Major ID/Minor ID:  1/0
VAXcluster node:                   HERMES, a VAX 6000-420
Crash CPU ID/Primary CPU ID:       03/01
Bitmask of CPUs active/available:  0000000A/0000000A
CPU bugcheck codes:                CPU 03     INCONSTATE
                                  1 other    CPUEXIT
Current Process name:              OPCOM
Current IPL:                       8
CPU database address:              801AA000

General registers:

 R0  = 80A9F85B   R1  = 00000002   R2  = 80A15B08   R3  = 00010008
 R4  = 80A15AD0   R5  = 00000000   R6  = 00000001   R7  = 00000042
 R8  = 00022520   R9  = 00020F18   R10 = 00021000   R11 = 00020EC0

This example displays information about the state of the system at the time of the failure. The actual output from this command may contain significantly more information than is shown in this example.

Chapter 9
DECevent Utility

9.1 DECevent Description

The DECevent utility is an event management utility that provides the interface between a system user and the operating system's event log files. This allows system users to produce ASCII reports derived from system event entries. The format of the ASCII reports depends on the command entered on the command line interface (CLI), with a maximum character limit of 255 characters. This is the bit-to-text translation functionality of DECevent, which is discussed in this chapter.

DECevent also provides for the analysis and interpretation of data contained in event log files. This is the analysis functionality of DECevent, which is not included in this chapter but is, rather, discussed in the DECevent User's Guide available online at the following URL:



On Alpha DS, ES, and GS systems (other than the AlphaServer GS60 and GS140 systems) running OpenVMS, use the Web-Based Enterprise Services (WEBES), which includes the System Event Analyzer (SEA), Computer Crash Analysis Tool, and the Revision and Configuration Management (RCM) tools.

You can find information and updates to released versions of WEBES at the following location:


You cannot use WEBES on the AlphaServer GS60 or the AlphaServer GS140. DECevent and the WEBES tools can be used together in a cluster.

DECevent uses the system event log file SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS as the default input file, unless another input file is specified.

9.2 DECevent Usage Summary

The DECevent utility translates the contents of one or more event log files for inclusion into a report. DECevent produces five types of reports: full (default), brief, terse, summary, and FSTERR. These report types are mutually exclusive when selected within a command; no combinations are allowed. DECevent also provides for the analysis and interpetation of that data.


DIAGNOSE[/primary qualifier][/secondary qualifier[,...]] [file-spec[,...]]


/primary qualifier

A primary function that the DIAGNOSE command is to perform.

/secondary qualifier[,...]

Secondary function (or functions) that the DIAGNOSE command is to perform.


Specifies one or more files that contain binary error information to be translated for the specified report. You can include wildcard characters in the file specification. If you omit the file specification, the default file is SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS. (Refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for information about maintaining this file).

Refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on file specifications.


To invoke DECevent, enter the following DCL command:

DIAGNOSE [/primary qualifier][/secondary qualifier[,...][file-spec][,..]

Note that typing the /TRANSLATE qualifier on the command line is not necessary because it is the default primary qualifier.

A brief discussion of valid qualifiers, their uses, and their order is provided in the following sections. For a more detailed discussion, see the DECevent User's Guide available online at the following URL:


To exit DECevent, press Ctrl/C and the Return key (to display the system prompt).

You must have SYSPRV privilege to run DECevent. However, only read access is required to access the ERRLOG.SYS file. For the /CONTINUOUS primary qualifier to work, enabling the continuous display of events on a terminal screen, you must have DIAGNOSE privilege.

9.3 DECevent Primary and Secondary Qualifiers

The primary and secondary qualifiers for the DIAGNOSE command are described in this section. The following tables list both types of qualifiers.


You can use only one primary qualifier but multiple secondary qualifiers. The secondary qualifiers that you can use with each primary qualifier are listed in the separate descriptions of each primary qualifier later in this chapter.

Table 9-1 Primary Qualifiers
Qualifier Description
/ANALYZE Provides analysis of the event log or real time analysis of the event logging utilities.
/BINARY Controls whether the binary error log records are converted to ASCII text or copied to the specified output file. Do not use this qualifier with any report type qualifier (/FULL, /BRIEF, /TERSE, /SUMMARY, and /FSTERR) or with the /OUTPUT qualifier.
/CONTINUOUS Specifies that events are formatted in real time, as they are logged by the operating system event logger.
/DUMP Specifies the output to be a brief report followed by a dump of information from the input event log file.
/INTERACTIVE Allows users to exit from the command line interface and enter the DECevent command shell.
/INTERFACE Allows the user to tell DECevent which user interface to run: command line interface (CLI) or graphical user interface (GUI).
/TRANSLATE (default) Provides translation of event log files into reports.

Table 9-2 (Optional) Secondary Qualifiers
Qualifier Description
/BEFORE Specifies that only those entries dated earlier than the stated date and time are to be selected for the event report.
/BRIEF Generates a brief report
/ENTRY Generates a report that includes the specified entry range or starts at the specified entry number.
/EXCLUDE Excludes events generated by the specified device class, device name, or error log entry type from the report.
/FSTERR Generates a quick, one-line-per-entry report of an event log entry for disks and tapes.
/FULL (default) Generates a full report, which provides all available information about an event log entry.
/INCLUDE Includes events generated by the specified device class, device name, or error log entry type in the report.
/LOG Controls whether informational messages that specify the number of entries selected and rejected for each input file are sent to SYS$OUTPUT.
/NODE Generates a report consisting of event entries for specific nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster system.
/OUTPUT Specifies the output file for the report.
/REJECTED Allows you to specify the name of a file that will contain binary records for rejected entries.
/REVERSE Specifies that event records are to be translated in reverse chronological order.
/SINCE Specifies that only those entries dated later than the stated date and time are to be selected for the report.
/SUMMARY Generates an event report that consists of a statistical summary.
/TERSE Generates an event report consisting of binary event information, register values, and ASCII messages in a condensed format.

In addition to the qualifiers listed in these tables, the DECevent utility contains a set of DIRECTORY commands and a set of SHOW commands:

  • DIRECTORY commands allow a user to display a list of rulesets that DECevent requires for translating events into user-readable format.
    The DIRECTORY commands currently implemented in DECevent are DIRECTORY EVENT and DIRECTORY CANONICAL.
  • The SHOW commands allow a user to view specific settings and selections.
    The SHOW commands currently implemented in DECevent are SHOW SELECT and SHOW SETTINGS:
    • By appending a specific selection keyword name to the SHOW SELECT command, you view only that specific selection keyword.
    • By appending a specific setting's name to the SHOW SETTINGS command, you view only that specific setting's name and value.

Primary Qualifier: /ANALYZE

The /ANALYZE qualifier provides analysis of the event log or real time analysis of the event logging utilities.


/ANALYZE [=file-spec]

You can use any of the following qualifiers after the primary qualifier /ANALYZE:



The /ANALYZE qualifier provides for detailed analysis to be performed on the event log file.



In this example, analysis is performed on the error log ERRLOG.OLD;97, and the output from this analysis is written into a newly created file, ERRLOG.OLD_ANA.

Primary Qualifier: /BINARY

Controls whether the binary error log records are converted to ASCII text or are copied to the specified output file.


/BINARY [=file-spec]

You can use any of the following secondary qualifiers after the primary qualifier /BINARY:




Specifies the output file selected to contain image copies of the input records.


The /BINARY qualifier creates a binary file that contains copies of the original binary event log entry if the command line also specifies an interval (/SINCE, /BEFORE, or /ENTRY qualifier) or a filter (/INCLUDE or /EXCLUDE qualifier). If no interval or filter is specified, all event log entries are copied.

If you specify /BINARY=file-spec, the selected output file contains image copies of the binary input records (the records are not translated to ASCII). If you omit the device or directory specification, the current device and the default directory are used. If you omit the file name, the file name of the input file is used. If you omit the file type, the default file type is .DAT.

Do not use /BINARY with the /BRIEF, /FSTERR, /FULL, /OUTPUT, /SUMMARY, or /TERSE qualifiers. These qualifiers generate an ASCII report; /BINARY generates a binary file.



In this example, the output file DBA1_ERR.DAT contains image copies of the entries that apply to DBA1.

Primary Qualifier: /CONTINUOUS

Allows events to be displayed on a terminal screen, in real time, as the events are logged by the operating system's event logger.



You can use any of the following secondary qualifiers after the primary qualifier /CONTINUOUS:



The /CONTINUOUS qualifier specifies that events are formatted as they are logged by the operating system event logger in real time. No input file can be specified. The real-time output is directed to the terminal screen by default. You may redirect the real-time output to a file, specified with the /OUTPUT qualifier.



In this example, the brief report containing real time event logger information, generated from the default input event log file, SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS, is directed to the output file ERRLOG.CONT.

Primary Qualifier: /DUMP

Allows a user to dump out criteria, selected by qualifiers, from the input event log file.



You can use any of the following secondary qualifiers after the primary qualifier /DUMP:



The /DUMP qualifier allows users to selectively dump information from the input event log file. The resulting output is a brief report type, followed by a dump of the canonical buffer for the input event.



In this example, the brief report generated from ERRLOG.OLD;97 contains information about RA90 disk drives. The report is directed to the output file 97.OUT.

Primary Qualifier: /INTERACTIVE

Allows users to exit the command line interface (CLI) and enter the DECevent interactive command shell.




All commands valid from the CLI are valid from within the interactive command shell. You do not need to precede qualifiers with DIAGNOSE when in the interactive command shell. In addition to CLI commands, the interactive command shell accepts SET, SAVE, and RESTORE commands.



In this example, a user requests to exit the command line interface and enter the DECevent interactive command shell.

The DIAG> prompt is displayed when the user is in the interactive command shell.

Primary Qualifier: /INTERFACE

Allows the user to tell DECevent which user interface to run: command line interface (CLI) or graphical user interface (GUI).


/INTERFACE= interface_name



You can enter either of the following interface names:

Primary Qualifier: /TRANSLATE

Translates the contents of an event log file. This qualifier is the default qualifier to the DIAGNOSE verb.


/TRANSLATE [qualifier(s)][infile][,...]

You can use any of the following secondary qualifiers after the primary qualifier /TRANSLATE:



The /TRANSLATE qualifier translates the contents of the default event log file, SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS, or a selected input event log file.



In this example, the brief report generated from ERRLOG.OLD;97 contains minimal information.

Secondary Qualifier: /BEFORE

Specifies that only those entries dated earlier than the stated date and time are to be selected for the report.


/BEFORE [=date-time]



Limits the report to those entries dated earlier than the specified time.


You can specify an absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of absolute and delta times. Refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying times.

If you omit the /BEFORE qualifier or specify /BEFORE without a date or time, all entries are processed.



In this example, the full (default) report generated for ERRLOG.OLD;5 contains entries that were logged before 10:00 A.M. on April 19, 2002.

Secondary Qualifier: /BRIEF

Generates a brief report.

Section 9.4 contains an example of the format of a typical brief error log report.




Do not use /BRIEF with the /BINARY qualifier.



In this example, the brief report generated from ERRLOG.OLD;97 contains minimal information.

Secondary Qualifier: /ENTRY

Generates a report that includes the specified entry range or starts at the specified entry number.


/ENTRY [=(START:decimal-value[,END:decimal-value])]



Specifies the range of entries to be included in the report.


If you specify /ENTRY without the entry range or omit the qualifier, the entry range defaults to START:1,END:end-of-file.



In this example, the entry range for the full (default) report generated from file ERRLOG.SYS is limited to entry numbers 1 to 18.

Secondary Qualifier: /EXCLUDE

Excludes errors generated by the specified device class, device name, or event entry type from the report.


/EXCLUDE= [device-class | device-name | entry-type ] [,...]





Specifies one or more keywords denoting the device class, device name, or event log entry type. If you specify more than one keyword, you must specify a comma-separated list of values that is enclosed in parentheses.

Device Class Keywords


Examples of Device Name Constructs

DB Group of devices
DBA1 Specific device/unit number
(DBA1,HSC1$DUA1,DYA0) List of devices
(DB,DR,XF) List of device groups

Entry-Type Keywords

ATTENTIONS Exclude device attention entries from the report.
BUGCHECKS Exclude all types of bugcheck entries from the report.
CONFIGURATION Exclude system configuration entries from the report.
CONTROL_ENTRIES Exclude control entries from the report. Control entries include the following entry types:
  • System power failure restarts
  • Time stamps
  • System startups
  • $SNDERR messages (system service to send messages to error log)
  • Operator messages
  • Network messages
  • ERRLOG.SYS created
CPU_ENTRIES Exclude CPU-related entries from the report. CPU entries include the following entry types:
  • SBI alerts/faults
  • Undefined interrupts
  • MBA/UBA adapter errors
  • Asynchronous write errors
  • UBA errors
DEVICE_ERRORS Exclude device error entries from the report.
ENVIRONMENTAL_ENTRIES Exclude environmental entries from the report.
MACHINE_CHECKS Exclude machine check entries from the report.
MEMORY Exclude memory errors from the report.
SNAPSHOT_ENTRIES Exclude snapshot entries from the report.
SYNDROME Exclude firmware-generated entries that describe a symptom set used by HP support personnel to identify problems.
TIMEOUTS Exclude device timeout entries from the report.
UNKNOWN_ENTRIES Exclude any entry that had either an unknown entry type or an unknown device type or class.
UNSOLICITED_MSCP Exclude unsolicited MSCP entries from the report.
VOLUME_CHANGES Exclude volume mount and dismount entries from the report.


You can specify one or more devices by device class, device name, or one or more keywords that identify entry types.

Unless you specify the UNKNOWN_ENTRIES keyword to explicitly exclude from a report any entries from unsupported (unknown) devices, any unknown device is reported.

Any known information for the entry is translated; the remaining information is output in hexadecimal longwords.

If you specify a device class keyword or a device name construct with both the /INCLUDE and /EXCLUDE qualifiers, the /INCLUDE qualifier takes precedence.

The BUSES keyword also excludes event log entries for the BI bus. The DEVICE_ERRORS keyword also excludes entries for the BI adapter.




In this example, entries for the device MTA0 are excluded from the full (default) report for the file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, the devices MTA0 and DRA5 are excluded from the full (default) report for the file ERRLOG.OLD.



In this example, all disk devices and all bugcheck entries are excluded from the full (default) report for the file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, the device MTA0 is included in the full (default) report for the file ERRLOG.SYS. All other magnetic tape devices are excluded from the report.



In this example, entries for disks and entries for all volume information are excluded from the full (default) report for the file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, entries for all volume changes, for all disks, and for all device error information about disks are excluded from the full (default) report for the file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, all entries for disks, all entries for volume changes, all entries for device error information about disks, and all entries for bugcheck errors are excluded from the full (default) report for the file ERRLOG.SYS.

Secondary Qualifier: /FSTERR

Generates a quick, one-line-per-entry report for various disk and tape devices.

Section 9.4 shows the format of a typical FSTERR report.




The FSTERR report provides the information that HP support representatives need when troubleshooting tape or disk device problems.

Do not use /FSTERR with the /BINARY qualifier.



In this example, the command produces a FSTERR report for tape and disk devices from information contained in the event log ERRLOG.OLD;72.

Secondary Qualifier: /FULL

Generates a full report, which provides all available information for an event entry. This is the default report format.

Section 9.4 contains an example of the format of a typical full report.




The full report format provides a translation of all available information for each entry in the event log. The full report is the default report type if a report type is not specified in the command line.

Do not use /FULL with the /BINARY qualifier.




In this example, the command produces a full (default) report.



In this example, the command produces a full (default) report. The default report type is /FULL; it is not necessary to specify it in the command line.

Secondary Qualifier: /INCLUDE

Includes events generated by the specified device class, device name, or event log entry type in the report.


/INCLUDE= [device-class | device-name | entry-type ] [,...]





Specifies one or more keywords denoting the device class, device name, or entry type. If you specify more than one keyword, you must specify a comma-separated list of values that is enclosed in parentheses.

Device Class Keywords


Examples of Device Name Constructs

DB Group of devices
DBA1 Specific device/unit number
(DBA1,HSC1$DUA1,DYA0) List of devices
(DB,DR,XF) List of device groups

Entry-Type Keywords

ATTENTIONS Include device attention entries in the report.
BUGCHECKS Include all types of bugcheck errors in the report.
CONFIGURATION Include system configuration entries in the report.
CONTROL_ENTRIES Include control entries in the report. Control entries include the following entry types:
  • System power failure restarts
  • Time stamps
  • System startups
  • $SNDERR messages (system service to send messages to error log)
  • Operator messages
  • Network messages
  • ERRLOG.SYS created
CPU_ENTRIES Include CPU-related entries in the report. CPU entries include the following entry types:
  • SBI alerts/faults
  • Undefined interrupts
  • MBA/UBA adapter errors
  • Asynchronous write errors
  • UBA errors
DEVICE_ERRORS Include device errors in the report.
ENVIRONMENTAL_ENTRIES Include environmental entries in the report.
MACHINE_CHECKS Include machine check errors in the report.
MEMORY Include memory errors in the report.
SNAPSHOT_ENTRIES Include snapshot entries in the report.
SYNDROME Include firmware-generated entries that describe a symptom set used by HP support representatives to identify problems.
TIMEOUTS Include device timeout errors in the report.
UNKNOWN_ENTRIES Include any entry that had either an unknown entry type or an unknown device type or class.
UNSOLICITED_MSCP Include unsolicited MSCP entries in the report.
VOLUME_CHANGES Include volume mount and dismount entries in the report.


You can specify one or more devices by device class, device name, or one or more keywords that identify entry types.

Use the UNKNOWN_ENTRIES keyword to obtain a report that contains the contents of the device registers logged by unsupported devices.

Any known information for the entry is translated; the remaining information is output in hexadecimal longwords.

If you specify a device class keyword or a device name construct with both the /INCLUDE and /EXCLUDE qualifiers, the /INCLUDE qualifier takes precedence.

The BUSES keyword also includes error log entries for the BI bus. The DEVICE_ERRORS keyword also includes entries for the BI adapter.




In this example, the full (default) report consists of entries for the device MTA0, which are in the default error log file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, the device MTA0 is included in the full (default) report for the file ERRLOG.SYS. All other magnetic tape devices are excluded from the report.



In this example, the full (default) report consists of all entries and volume mounts and dismounts for the device MTA0, which are in the default error log file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, the full (default) report consists of all entries for all disks and all entries for volume information, which are in the default error log file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, the report consists of all entries for disks, all volume entries and all device error information on disks, which are in the default error log file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, the full (default) report consists of all entries for disks, all entries for volume changes, all entries for device error information on disks, and all entries for bugcheck events. These entries are in the default error log file ERRLOG.SYS.

Secondary Qualifier: /LOG

Controls whether informational messages that specify the number of entries selected and rejected for each input file are sent to SYS$OUTPUT. By default, these messages are not displayed.





In this example, informational messages generated about ERRLOG.OLD;5 are sent to SYS$OUTPUT.

Secondary Qualifier: /NODE

Generates a report consisting of error log entries for specific nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster system.


/NODE= (node-name[,...])



Specifies the names of one or more OpenVMS Cluster members. Names cannot exceed six characters. If more than one node name is entered, you must specify a comma-separated list of node names that is enclosed in parentheses.



In this example, the cluster system consists of members BROOME, GARCIA, LESH, and PUTNAM. The output full (default) report contains only those entries that were logged for nodes GARCIA and LESH.

Secondary Qualifier: /OUTPUT

Specifies the output file for a report.


/OUTPUT [=file-spec]



The output file selected for the report. Refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying files.


If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, output is directed to SYS$OUTPUT. If you specify /OUTPUT=file-spec, the selected output file contains the report. If you omit the device or directory specification, the current device and default directory are used. If you omit the file name, the file name of the input file is used. If you omit the file type, the default file type is .LIS.

Do not use /OUTPUT with the /BINARY qualifier.



In this example, the default full report ERROR_LOG.LIS contains entries generated from ERRLOG.OLD;72.

Secondary Qualifier: /REJECTED

Allows you to specify the name of a file that will contain binary records for rejected entries.


/REJECTED [=file-spec]



Specifies the name of the file that is to contain the rejected entries.


The /REJECTED qualifier creates a binary file that contains copies of the original binary event log entry. If the event log entry is rejected because the command line also specifies an interval (/SINCE, /BEFORE, or /ENTRY qualifier) or a filter (/INCLUDE or /EXCLUDE qualifier), the entry is written to the specified file.

Rejected entries are not translated because they fall into one of the following categories:

  • All entries specified with the /EXCLUDE qualifier
  • All entries not specified with the /INCLUDE qualifier
  • Any entry that does not occur within the period specified by the /SINCE and /BEFORE qualifiers
  • Any entry that is not in the range of entries specified by the /ENTRY qualifier

If you specify /REJECTED=file-spec, the output file contains image copies of the rejected records. If you omit the device or directory specification, the current device and default directory are used. If you omit the file name, the file name of the input file is used. If you omit the file type, the default file type is .REJ.



In this example, the output file REAL_ERRS.DAT contains image copies of all entries from ERRLOG.OLD;5, with the exception of those entries that apply to the MTA0 device. Note the use of the /BINARY qualifier.

Secondary Qualifier: /REVERSE

Allows you to specify that event records are to be translated in reverse chronological order, with the most recent events first. The default is to display events in forward chronological order.





The command in this example dumps the contents of the event file in reverse chronological order.

Secondary Qualifier: /SINCE

Specifies that only those entries dated later than the stated date and time are to be selected for the report.


/SINCE [=date-time]



Limits the error report to those entries dated later than the specified time.


Only absolute date and time specifications are valid. Refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying times.

If you omit the /SINCE qualifier, all entries are processed. If you specify /SINCE without a date and time, the default is TODAY.



In this example, the full (default) report generated from ERRLOG.OLD;56 contains entries that have been logged since 15:00 on April 19, 2002.

Secondary Qualifier: /SUMMARY

Generates summary information of all events in the event log.

Section 9.4 contains an example of summary information.




The /SUMMARY qualifier generates a summary report from the specified input event log file.

Do not use the /BINARY qualifier with /SUMMARY.



The output generated by the command in this example is a summary report of all entries in ERRLOG.OLD;5.

Secondary Qualifier: /TERSE

Generates a terse report.

Section 9.4 shows the format of a typical terse report.




The /TERSE qualifier specifies that the registers and header of each event entry be formatted in the standard report type format, but the contents of each register are not translated into readable messages.

Do not use the /TERSE report qualifier with the /BINARY qualifier.



In this example, the terse report generated from ERRLOG.OLD;97 contains register and header information.

9.4 DECevent Examples

Sample Event Log Reports

The DECevent event management utility provides the following five report types:

  • Full
  • Brief
  • Terse
  • Summary

The following sections show examples of each report type with a brief explanation of each.

Full Report Example

To produce a full report, use the /FULL qualifier. The full report format provides a translation of all available information for each entry in the event log. The full report is the default report type if a report type is not specified in the command line.

Either of the following commands will produce a full report format:



The following example shows the format of a full report:

******************************** ENTRY    1 ********************************
Logging OS                        1. OpenVMS
System Architecture               2. Alpha
OS version                           V7.3-1
Event sequence number          1583.
Timestamp of occurrence              18-APR-2002 09:21:18
System uptime in seconds      58004.
Error mask                x00000000
Flags                         x0001  Dynamic Device Recognition present
Host name                            COGENT

Alpha HW model                       DEC 3000 Model 400
System type register      x00000004  DEC 3000
Unique CPU ID             x00000002
mpnum                     x000000FF
mperr                     x000000FF

Event validity                   -1. Unknown validity code
Event severity                   -1. Unknown severity code
Entry type                      100.
Major Event class                 3. IO Subsystem

IO Minor Class                    1. MSCP
IO Minor Sub Class                5. Logged Message

---- Device Profile ----
Product Name                         RAID 0 - Host Based
Unit Name                            COGENT$DPA
Unit Number                      10.
Device Class                  x0001  Disk

---- IO SW Profile ----
VMS DC$_CLASS                     1.
VMS DT$_TYPE                    175.

---- MSCP Logged Msg ----

Logged Message Type Code         22. RAID Message
RAID Event Type                   8. Remove Member
Distinguished Member              0.
Member Index                      1.
RAID Urgency                      4. Global Disk Error
RAID Status               x00180009  Bit 00 - Reduced
                                     Bit 03 - Striped
                                     Bit 19 - FE Dis FE
                                     Bit 20 - BC Buff Copy Off
RAIDset Name                         KGB


Brief Report Example

To produce a brief report, use the /BRIEF qualifier. The brief report format provides translation of key information for each entry in the event log.

For a brief report format, enter the following command:


The following example shows the format for a brief report:

******************************** ENTRY    1 ********************************

Logging OS                        1. OpenVMS
System Architecture               2. Alpha
OS version                           V7.3-1
Event sequence number          1583.
Timestamp of occurrence              18-APR-2002 09:21:18
System uptime in seconds      58004.
Error mask                x00000000
Host name                            COGENT

Alpha HW model                       DEC 3000 Model 400
System type register      x00000004  DEC 3000
Unique CPU ID             x00000002
mpnum                     x000000FF
mperr                     x000000FF

Event validity                   -1. Unknown validity code
Event severity                   -1. Unknown severity code
Major Event class                 3. IO Subsystem

IO Minor Class                    1. MSCP
IO Minor Sub Class                5. Logged Message

---- Device Profile ----
Product Name                         RAID 0 - Host Based
Unit Name                            COGENT$DPA
Unit Number                      10.
Device Class                  x0001  Disk

Logged Message Type Code         22. RAID Message
RAID Event Type                   8. Remove Member
Distinguished Member              0.
Member Index                      1.
RAID Urgency                      4. Global Disk Error
RAID Status               x00180009  Bit 00 - Reduced
                                     Bit 03 - Striped
                                     Bit 19 - FE Dis FE
                                     Bit 20 - BC Buff Copy Off
RAIDset Name                         KGB


Terse Report Example

To produce a terse report, use the /TERSE qualifier. The terse report format provides binary event information and displays register values and other ASCII messages in a condensed format.

For a terse report format, enter the following command:


The following example shows the format for a terse report:

******************************** ENTRY    1 ********************************

Logging OS                           1.
System Architecture                  2.
OS version                  V7.3-1
Event sequence number             1583.
Timestamp of occurrence     2000041809211800
System uptime in seconds         58004.
Error mask                   x00000000
Flags                            x0001
Host name                   COGENT
Alpha HW model               DEC 3000 Model 400
System type register         x00000004
Unique CPU ID                x00000002
mpnum                        x000000FF
mperr                        x000000FF
Event validity                      -1.
Event severity                      -1.
Entry type                         100.
Major Event class                    3.
IO Minor Class                       1.
IO Minor Sub Class                   5.
---- Device Profile ----
Product Name                RAID 0 - Host Based
Unit Name                   COGENT$DPA
Unit Number                         10.
Device Class                     x0001

---- IO SW Profile ----
VMS DC$_CLASS                        1.
VMS DT$_TYPE                       175.
---- MSCP Logged Msg ----

Logged Message Type Code            22.
RAID Event Type                      8.
Distinguished Member                 0.
Member Index                         1.
RAID Urgency                         4.
RAID Status                  x00180009
RAIDset Name                KGB


Summary Report Example

To produce a summary report, use the /SUMMARY qualifier. The summary report format provides a statistical summary of the event entries in the event log.

For a summary report format, enter the following command:


The following example shows the format for a summary report:



     IO Subsystem
       MSCP                                  9.
       Host Based RAID                       3.

 DATE OF EARLIEST ENTRY                18-APR-2002 09:21:18
 DATE OF LATEST ENTRY                  12-MAY-2002 10:44:54


FSTERR Report Example

To produce a FSTERR report, use the /FSTERR qualifier:


The FSTERR report provides a quick, one-line-per-entry report of your event log for a variety of disks and tape devices. This makes event analysis and system troubleshooting much easier by eliminating extraneous event information.

The FSTERR report includes only the information that HP support representatives need when troubleshooting a problem with a tape or disk device.

The following example shows the format for a FSTERR report:

                                  MSCP               Physical     HSC Volume
  Drive Name  yymmdd hhmmss Entry Evnt LED   LBN    Cyl Hd Sec RA  RP Serial
============= ============= ===== ==== === ======= ==== == === === == ======
  LUKE$DUA070 921119 160754     3 00EB         255             70  71 V00717
  LUKE$DUA070 921119 160754     4 00EB         255             70  71 V00717
HSC015$DUA028 910323 113204     5 00EB                         70  51 V15039
HSC015$DUA028 910323 113204     6 00EB                         71  51 V15039
 BATES$DUA197 921118 002116     7 00EB                         72  32 V17524
CHEWIE$DUA101 911205 114908     8 00EB                         73  81 V   17
PMASON$DUA006 921207 165007    15 00EB         255             90  42 D23387
PMASON$DUA006 921207 165007    16 00EB         255             90  42 D23387
  C3P0$DUA242 870218 060031    17 01AB                         90  40 D48575
  CHER$DU2132*901008 231053    18 00EB                         92  81 D 2345

Chapter 10
Error Log Report Formatter (ERF) Utility

10.1 ERF Description

The Error Log Report Formatter (ERF) utility is a system management tool that selectively reports the contents of one or more error log files. The operating system automatically writes messages to the latest version of an error log file named SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS as the following events occur:
Event Description
Errors Device errors, device timeouts, machine checks, bus errors, memory errors (hard or soft error correcting code (ECC) errors), asynchronous write errors, undefined interrupts, and bugchecks
Volume changes Volume mounts and dismounts
System events Cold startups, warm startups, system failure (crash) startups, messages from the Send Message to Error Logger ($SNDERR) system service

You can use the Error Log Report Formatter (ERF) with most system-supported hardware, such as adapters, disks, tapes, CPUs, and memories, but not with all communications devices (for example, the DEQNA). Some synchronous communications devices are supported.

Starting with OpenVMS Version 7.2, before using ERF, you must translate error log files using the Binary Error Log Translation utility, which is part of DECevent. For more information, refer to DECevent documentation, which is included in the DECevent kit.

10.2 ERF Usage Summary

You can use the the Error Log Report Formatter (ERF) to process one or more types of error log entries for inclusion in a report. ERF generates six types of optional formatted output: full (default), brief, summary, register dump of device entries, binary copy of selected entries, and binary copy of rejected entries.

The the Error Log Report Formatter (ERF) utility selectively reports the contents of an error log file.


ANALYZE/ERROR_LOG [/qualifier(s)] [file-spec[,...]]



The function to be performed by the ANALYZE/ERROR_LOG command.


Specifies one or more files that contain binary error information to be interpreted for the error log report. You can include wildcard characters in the file specification. If you omit the file specification, the default file is SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS (Refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for information about maintaining this file).

Refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on file specifications.


To invoke ERF, enter the following DCL command:

ANALYZE/ERROR_LOG [/qualifier(s)] [file-spec][,...]

ERF does not prompt you. To exit from ERF, press Ctrl/C. You also exit the utility when end-of-file (EOF) is detected. To direct output, use the /OUTPUT, /BINARY, and /REJECTED qualifiers with the ANALYZE/ERROR_LOG command.

You must have SYSPRV privilege to run ERF; however, only read access is required to access the file ERRORLOG.SYS. (It is not necessary to rename the file ERRORLOG.SYS to ERRORLOG.OLD before using ERF.) Do not use the /BINARY qualifier with the /FULL, /BRIEF, /OUTPUT, or /REGISTER_DUMP qualifiers.

10.3 ERF Qualifiers

The qualifiers for the Error Log Report Formatter (ERF) utility are described in this section. The following table lists the qualifiers for the ANALYZE/ERROR_LOG command.

Qualifier Description
/BEFORE Specifies that only those entries dated earlier than the stated date and time are to be selected for the error report
/BINARY Controls whether the binary error log records are converted to ASCII text or copied to the specified output file
/BRIEF Generates a brief report
/ENTRY Generates an error log report that includes the specified entry range or starts at the specified entry number
/EXCLUDE Excludes errors generated by the specified device class, device name, or error log entry type from the error log report
/FULL Generates a full report (default), which provides all available information for an error log entry
/INCLUDE Includes errors generated by the specified device class, device name, or error log entry type in the error log report
/LOG Controls whether informational messages that specify the number of entries selected and rejected for each input file are sent to SYS$OUTPUT
/MODEL Generates a report consisting of event log entries for the specified CPU (Alpha only)
/NODE Generates a report consisting of error log entries for specific nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster system
/OUTPUT Specifies the output file for the error log report
/REGISTER_DUMP Used in conjunction with the /INCLUDE qualifier, generates, in a hexadecimal longword format, a report that consists of device register information
/REJECTED Allows you to specify the name of a file that will contain binary records for rejected entries
/SID_REGISTER Generates a report consisting of error log entries that occurred on the specified CPU (VAX only)
/SINCE Specifies that only those entries dated on or later than the stated date and time are to be selected for the report
/STATISTICS Generates run-time statistical information


Specifies that only those entries dated earlier than the stated date and time are to be selected for the error report.


/BEFORE [=date-time]



Limits the error report to those entries dated earlier than the specified time. If you do not specify a date or time, all entries are processed.


You can specify an absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of absolute and delta times. Refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying times.

If you omit the /BEFORE qualifier, all entries are processed.



In this example, the error log report generated for ERRLOG.OLD;5 contains entries that were logged before 10:00 A.M. on April 19, 2002.


Controls whether the binary error log records are converted to ASCII text or copied to the specified output file.


/BINARY [=file-spec]




Specifies the output file selected to contain image copies of the input records.


The /BINARY qualifier creates a binary file that contains copies of the original binary error log entry if the command line also specifies an interval (/SINCE, /BEFORE, or /ENTRY qualifier) or a filter (/INCLUDE or /EXCLUDE qualifier). If no interval or filter is specified, all error log entries are copied.

If you specify /BINARY=file-spec, the selected output file contains image copies of the binary input records (the records are not translated to ASCII). If you omit the device or directory specification, the current device and the default directory are used. If you omit the file name, the file name of the input file is used. If you omit the file type, the default file type is .DAT.

Do not use /BINARY with the /FULL, /BRIEF, /OUTPUT, or /REGISTER_DUMP qualifiers. These qualifiers generate an ASCII report; /BINARY generates a binary file.



In this example, the output file DBA1_ERR.DAT contains image copies of the entries that apply to DBA1.


Generates a brief report.




Do not use /BRIEF with the /BINARY qualifier.

The Example section shows the format of a typical brief error log report.



In this example, the error log report generated from ERRLOG.OLD;97 contains minimal information.


Generates an error log report that includes the specified entry range or starts at the specified entry number.


/ENTRY [=(START:decimal-value[,END:decimal-value])]



Specifies the range of entries to be included in the error log report.


If you specify /ENTRY without the entry range or omit the qualifier, the entry range defaults to START:1,END:end-of-file.



In this example, the entry range for the error log report generated from file ERRLOG.SYS is limited to entry numbers 1 to 18.


Excludes errors generated by the specified device class, device name, or error log entry type from the error log report.


/EXCLUDE= (device-class|device-name|entry-type [,...])





Specifies one or more keywords denoting the device class, device name, or error log entry type. If you specify more than one keyword, you must specify a comma-separated list of values that is enclosed in parentheses.

Device Class Keywords


Examples of Device Name Constructs

DB Group of devices
DBA1 Specific device/unit number
(DBA1,HSC1$DUA1,DYA0) List of devices
(DB,DR,XF) List of device groups

Entry-Type Keywords

ATTENTIONS Exclude device attention entries from the report.
BUGCHECKS Exclude all types of bugcheck entries from the report.
CONFIGURATION Exclude system configuration entries from the report.
CONTROL_ENTRIES Exclude control entries from the report. Control entries include the following entry types:
  • System power failure restarts
  • Time stamps
  • System startups
  • $SNDERR messages (system service to send messages to error log)
  • Operator messages
  • Network messages
  • ERRLOG.SYS created
CPU_ENTRIES Exclude CPU-related entries from the report. CPU entries include the following entry types:
  • SBI alerts/faults
  • Undefined interrupts
  • MBA/UBA adapter errors
  • Asynchronous write errors
  • UBA errors
DEVICE_ERRORS Exclude device error entries from the report.
ENVIRONMENTAL_ENTRIES Exclude environmental entries from the report.
MACHINE_CHECKS Exclude machine check entries from the report.
MEMORY Exclude memory errors from the report.
SNAPSHOT_ENTRIES Exclude snapshot entries from the report.
SYNDROME Exclude firmware-generated entries that describe a symptom set used by HP support personnel to identify problems.
TIMEOUTS Exclude device timeout entries from the report.
UNKNOWN_ENTRIES Exclude any entry that had either an unknown entry type or an unknown device type or class.
UNSOLICITED_MSCP Exclude unsolicited MSCP entries from the report.
VOLUME_CHANGES Exclude volume mount and dismount entries from the report.


You can specify one or more devices by device class, device name, or one or more keywords that identify entry types.

Unless you specify the UNKNOWN_ENTRIES keyword to explicitly exclude from a report any entries from unsupported (unknown) devices, any unknown device is reported.

Any known information for the entry is translated; the remaining information is output in hexadecimal longwords.

If you specify a device class keyword or a device name construct with both the /INCLUDE and /EXCLUDE qualifiers, the /INCLUDE qualifier takes precedence.

The BUSES keyword also excludes error log entries for the BI bus. The DEVICE_ERRORS keyword also excludes entries for the BI adapter.




In this example, the error log entries for the device MTA0 are excluded from the error log report for the file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, the devices MTA0 and DRA5 are excluded from the error log report for the file ERRLOG.OLD.



In this example, all disk devices and all bugcheck entries are excluded from the error log report for the file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, the device MTA0 is included in the error log report for the file ERRLOG.SYS. All other magnetic tape devices are excluded from the report.



In this example, entries for disk volume information are excluded from the error log report for the file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, entries for volume and device error information on disks are excluded from the error log report for the file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, entries for volume and device error information on disks, and bugcheck errors are excluded from the error log report for the file ERRLOG.SYS.


Generates a full report, which provides all available information for an error log entry. This is the default report format.




Do not use /FULL with the /BINARY qualifier.




The command in this example produces a full report.



The command in this example produces a full report. The default report type is /FULL; it is not necessary to specify it in the command line.


Includes errors generated by the specified device class, device name, or error log entry type in the error log report.


/INCLUDE= (device-class|device-name|entry-type [,...])





Specifies one or more keywords denoting the device class, device name, or entry type. If you specify more than one keyword, you must specify a comma-separated list of values that is enclosed in parentheses.

Device Class Keywords


Examples of Device Name Constructs

DB Group of devices
DBA1 Specific device/unit number
(DBA1,HSC1$DUA1,DYA0) List of devices
(DB,DR,XF) List of device groups

Entry-Type Keywords

ATTENTIONS Include device attention entries in the report.
BUGCHECKS Include all types of bugcheck errors in the report.
CONFIGURATION Include system configuration entries in the report.
CONTROL_ENTRIES Include control entries in the report. Control entries include the following entry types:
  • System power failure restarts
  • Time stamps
  • System startups
  • $SNDERR messages (system service to send messages to error log)
  • Operator messages
  • Network messages
  • ERRLOG.SYS created
CPU_ENTRIES Include CPU-related entries in the report. CPU entries include the following entry types:
  • SBI alerts/faults
  • Undefined interrupts
  • MBA/UBA adapter errors
  • Asynchronous write errors
  • UBA errors
DEVICE_ERRORS Include device errors in the report.
ENVIRONMENTAL_ENTRIES Include environmental entries in the report.
MACHINE_CHECKS Include machine check errors in the report.
MEMORY Include memory errors in the report.
SNAPSHOT_ENTRIES Include snapshot entries in the report.
SYNDROME Include firmware-generated entries that describe a symptom set used by HP support personnel to identify problems.
TIMEOUTS Include device timeout errors in the report.
UNKNOWN_ENTRIES Include any entry that had either an unknown entry type or an unknown device type or class.
UNSOLICITED_MSCP Include unsolicited MSCP entries in the report.
VOLUME_CHANGES Include volume mount and dismount entries in the report.


You can specify one or more devices by device class, device name, or one or more keywords that identify entry types.

Use the UNKNOWN_ENTRIES keyword to obtain a report that contains the contents of the device registers logged by unsupported devices.

Any known information for the entry is translated; the remaining information is output in hexadecimal longwords.

If you specify a device class keyword or a device name construct with both the /INCLUDE and /EXCLUDE qualifiers, the /INCLUDE qualifier takes precedence.

The BUSES keyword also includes error log entries for the BI bus. The DEVICE_ERRORS keyword also includes entries for the BI adapter.




In this example, the report consists of error log entries for the device MTA0, which are in the default error log file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, the device MTA0 is included in the error log report for the file ERRLOG.SYS. All other magnetic tape devices are excluded from the report.



In this example, the report consists of error log entries and volume mounts and dismounts for the device MTA0, which are in the default error log file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, the report consists of error log entries for disk volume information, which are in the default error log file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, the report consists of error log entries for volume and device error information on disks, which are in the default error log file ERRLOG.SYS.



In this example, the report consists of error log entries for volume and device error information on disks, and bugcheck errors. These entries are in the default error log file ERRLOG.SYS.


Controls whether informational messages that specify the number of entries selected and rejected for each input file are sent to SYS$OUTPUT. By default, these messages are not displayed.





In this example, informational messages generated about ERRLOG.OLD;5 are sent to SYS$OUTPUT.

/MODEL (Alpha Only)

On Alpha systems, generates a report consisting of event log entries that occurred on the specified CPU.


/MODEL= (hexadecimal-value[,...])



Specifies a value obtained from the system console.

In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, you can specify a hexadecimal value for each member. If you specify more than one hexadecimal value, you must specify a comma-separated list of values that is enclosed in parentheses.



In this example, the output consists of only those entries that were logged for the system with a model type of 00000415 (hexadecimal).


Generates a report consisting of error log entries for specific nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster system.


/NODE= (node-name[,...])



Specifies the names of one or more OpenVMS Cluster members. Names cannot exceed six characters. If more than one node name is entered, you must specify a comma-separated list of node names that is enclosed in parentheses.



In this example, the OpenVMS Cluster system consists of members BROOME, NASSAU, ORANGE, and PUTNAM. The output contains only those entries that were logged for nodes NASSAU and ORANGE.


Specifies the output file for the error log report.


/OUTPUT [=file-spec]



Specifies the output file selected for the error log report. Refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying files. If you omit the output file specification, output is directed to SYS$OUTPUT.


If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, output is directed to SYS$OUTPUT. If you specify /OUTPUT=file-spec, the selected output file contains the error log report. If you omit the device or directory specification, the current device and default directory are used. If you omit the file name, the file name of the input file is used. If you omit the file type, the default file type is .LIS.

Do not use /OUTPUT with the /BINARY qualifier.



In this example, the ouput file ERROR_LOG.LIS contains entries generated from ERRLOG.OLD;72.


Controls whether page breaks are generated when the screen is full. The default is /NOPAGE.




Used in conjunction with the /INCLUDE qualifier to generate, in a hexadecimal longword format, a report that consists of device register information.




Use the /REGISTER_DUMP qualifier to get a report that lists the hexadecimal contents of the device registers for the device specified by the /INCLUDE qualifier. The /INCLUDE qualifier must be used with the /REGISTER_DUMP qualifier.

The /REGISTER_DUMP qualifier reports register contents for memory, device error, and device timeout entries. No translation is available of any of the device register information.

Do not use /REGISTER_DUMP with the /BINARY qualifier.



In this example, the output is in the format of a REGISTER_DUMP report containing entries that apply only to the DB device.


Allows you to specify the name of a file that will contain binary records for rejected entries.


/REJECTED [=file-spec]



Specifies the name of the file that is to contain the rejected entries. If you do not specify an output file, the rejected entries are written to the file ERRLOG.REJ in your current directory.


The /REJECTED qualifier creates a binary file that contains copies of the original binary error log entry. If the error log entry is rejected because the command line also specifies an interval (/SINCE, /BEFORE, or /ENTRY qualifier) or a filter (/INCLUDE or /EXCLUDE qualifier), the entry is written to the specified file.

Rejected entries are not translated because they fall into one of the following categories:

  • All entries specified with the /EXCLUDE qualifier
  • All entries not specified with the /INCLUDE qualifier
  • Any entry that does not occur within the period specified by the /SINCE and /BEFORE qualifiers
  • Any entry that is not in the range of entries specified by the /ENTRY qualifier

If you specify /REJECTED=file-spec, the output file contains image copies of the rejected records. If you omit the device or directory specification, the current device and default directory are used. If you omit the file name, the file name of the input file is used. If you omit the file type, the default file type is .REJ.



In this example, the output file REAL_ERRS.DAT contains image copies of all entries from ERRLOG.OLD;5, with the exception of those entries that apply to the MTA0 device.


On VAX systems, generates a report consisting of error log entries that occurred on the specified CPU.


/SID_REGISTER= (hexadecimal-value[,...])



Specifies a value obtained from the system ID register. Use the $GETSYI system service to obtain this value, which is unique to each system. The HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual describes the $GETSYI system service.

In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, you can specify a hexadecimal value for each member. If you specify more than one hexadecimal value, you must specify a comma-separated list of values that is enclosed in parentheses.



In this example, the output consists of only those entries that were logged for the system with an ID of 02006148 (hexadecimal).


Specifies that only those entries dated later than the stated date and time are to be selected for the report.


/SINCE [=date-time]



Limits the error report to those entries dated later than the specified time. If you specify /SINCE without a date and time, the default is TODAY. If you omit the /SINCE qualifier, all entries are processed.


Only absolute date and time specifications are valid. Refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying times.



In this example, the error log report generated from ERRLOG.OLD;56 contains entries that have been logged since 15:00 on April 19, 2002.


Generates run-time statistical information.




Use the /STATISTICS qualifier to generate a report that consists of the page faults, buffered I/O, direct I/O, and CPU time used in the execution of the ANALYZE/ERROR_LOG command.



In this example, the output generated by this command consists of a full report of all entries in ERRLOG.OLD;4 and the run-time statistics for the execution of the command.

10.4 ERF Examples

Sample Error Log Report

An error log report entry contains two sections: identification and device-dependent data. The identification section consists of the first four lines and is generated for all reports. The device-dependent data section, which follows the identification section, contains information about the selected error log entries.

The first line of the identification section gives the error entry number. This number can be used to refer to a particular error log entry in an error log file. The second line contains the error sequence number and the system identification value. The error sequence number is a value assigned by the operating system to an error log entry to help determine if error log entries are being lost. This sequence number value is reset to zero only when the system is rebooted. The third and fourth lines of this section specify the type of error log entry being reported, the date and time the entry was made, the processor type and revision level, and the system serial number.

The first line of the device-dependent data section identifies the device or subsystem on which the error occurred. The remainder of this section consists of hardware information, which shows the contents of the device registers, and software information, which shows the contents of the I/O database at the time of the error.

The HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual contains additional information about error log reports, including descriptions of error log entries. These descriptions specify the action recommended for specific entries.

The following output report is an example of the report generated by device errors, device attention, and device timeouts from a disk on the system:

 Error Log Report Generator                                     Version 7.3-1

 ******************************* ENTRY     904. *******************************
 ERROR SEQUENCE 709.                             LOGGED ON:  CPU_TYPE 00000002
 DATE/TIME 20-AUG-2002 15:21:10.79                           SYS_TYPE 00000003
 SCS NODE: LSR3                                               OpenVMS V7.3-1



       HW REVISION     30303035
                                       HW REVISION = 5000
       ERROR TYPE            03
                                       COMMAND TRANSMISSION FAILURE
       SCSI ID               00
                                       SCSI ID = 0.
       SCSI LUN              00
                                       SCSI LUN = 0.
       SCSI SUBLUN           00
                                       SCSI SUBLUN = 0.
       PORT STATUS     00000054
                                       %SYSTEM-F-CTRLERR, FATAL CONTROLLER
       SCSI CMD        00000000
                                       TEST UNIT RDY
       SCSI STATUS           FF
                                       NO STATUS RECEIVED
       UCB$B_ERTCNT          0F
                                       15. RETRIES REMAINING
       UCB$B_ERTMAX          00
                                       0. RETRIES ALLOWABLE
       ORB$L_OWNER     00000000
                                       OWNER UIC [000,000]
       UCB$L_CHAR      1CC54008
                                       DIRECTORY STRUCTURED
                                       FILE ORIENTED
                                       ERROR LOGGING
                                       CAPABLE OF INPUT
                                       CAPABLE OF OUTPUT
                                       RANDOM ACCESS
       UCB$L_STS           56544552
                                       INTERRUPT EXPECTED
                                       TIMED OUT
                                       DEALLOCATE AT DISMOUNT
                                       "MOUNT VERIFICATION" IN-PROGRESS
       UCB$L_OPCNT     00000000
                                       0. QIO'S THIS UNIT
       UCB$W_ERRCNT        0001
                                       1. ERRORS THIS UNIT
       Error Log Report Generator                           Version 7.3-1

       IRP$L_BCNT          00000000
                                       TRANSFER SIZE 0. BYTE(S)
       IRP$L_BOFF          00000000
                                       TRANSFER PAGE ALIGNED
       IRP$L_PID       00010042
                                       REQUESTOR "PID"
       IRP$Q_IOSB      0000014E
                       430A0002        IOSB, 0. BYTE(S) TRANSFERRED

Time Stamp, Volume Mount, and Volume Dismount Entries Examples

The following examples show a system time stamp, volume mount, and volume dismount. The time-stamp entry contains only an identification section, which is logged by the operating system at 10-minute intervals. If no other error log entries are made during the 10-minute period, the previous time stamp is overwritten with the current time stamp.

The mount volume entry contains an identification section followed by a device-dependent data section. The device-dependent data section shows the name of the device the volume is mounted on, the volume label (if the volume has a label), and the I/O operations and error counts for the device.

The dismount volume entry contains, in addition to the data provided in the volume mount entry, the I/O operations and error counts for the device on which the volume was mounted.

**************************** ENTRY      93. ****************************
ERROR SEQUENCE 421.                               LOGGED ON SID 01380101

TIME STAMP, 4-MAR-00 11:10:08.79
            KA780 REV# 7. SERIAL# 7.
**************************** ENTRY      94. ****************************
ERROR SEQUENCE 422.                               LOGGED ON SID 01380101

MOUNT VOLUME, 4-MAR-00 11:14:12.51
              KA780 REV# 7. SERIAL# 7.


**************************** ENTRY      95. ****************************
ERROR SEQUENCE 423.                               LOGGED ON SID 01380101

DISMOUNT VOLUME, 4-MAR-00 11:14:41.30
                 KA780 REV# 7. SERIAL# 7.



Machine Check Entries Examples

The following examples show machine check error reports. Each report consists of three sections: the identification section, the program counter and summary code section, and an error-dependent section.

The program counter and summary code section of the report displays the contents of the program counter, the processor status longword, and the summary code. The contents of the processor status longword and the summary code are described in the text on the right side of the report.

The error-dependent section consists of CPU-dependent information that was logged as a result of the machine check.

 ******************************* ENTRY       2. *******************************
 ERROR SEQUENCE 2.                                LOGGED ON:  CPU_TYPE 00000002
 DATE/TIME  4-SEP-2002 09:39:51.19                            SYS_TYPE 00000002
 SYSTEM UPTIME: 90 DAYS 00:01:25
 SCS NODE: COBRA6                                           OpenVMS V7.3-1
       FRAME REVISION      0000
       SCB VECTOR          0670
       1ST MOST PRB FRU      00
                                       FIELD NOT VALID
       2ND MOST PRB FRU      00
                                       FIELD NOT VALID
       SEVERITY            0000
                                       FIELD NOT VALID
       CPU ID              0000
       ERROR COUNT         0001
       THRESHOLD           0000
       FAIL CODE           0000
       ERR FIELD LOW   00000005
                                       CPU_0 BUS COMMAND NO-ACK
                                       CPU_O BUS READ PARITY ERROR
                                       CPU CYCLE ABORTED WITH HARD ERROR
       ERR FIELD HIGH  00000000
       RETRY/BYTE CNT  00000250
                                       BYTE COUNT = 00000250(X)
                                       CAN'T RETRY
       PALTEMP0        00000001
       PALTEMP1        000000BE
       PALTEMP2        00000004
       PALTEMP3        00000000
       PALTEMP4        805C3FC0
       PALTEMP5        00000000
       PALTEMP6        84FDE000
       PALTEMP7        00004200
       PALTEMP8        00000400
       PALTEMP9        00000003
       PALTEMP10       29CB0233
       PALTEMP11       00000000
       PALTEMP12       00000001

       Error Log Report Generator                          Version 7.3-1

       PALTEMP13       8042F4C0
       PALTEMP14       00000000
       PALTEMP15       00000000
       PALTEMP16       0000C000
       PALTEMP17       00000000
       PALTEMP18       BEBC2000
       PALTEMP19       7FFBF924
       PALTEMP20       00002041
       PALTEMP21       40000000
       PALTEMP22       00000000
       PALTEMP23       00000000
       PALTEMP24       805C0000
       PALTEMP25       00000000
       PALTEMP26       7FF96000

PALTEMP27 00000000 00000000 PALTEMP28 00D7C000 00000000 PALTEMP29 00000000 00000002 PALTEMP30 002F6000 00000000 PALTEMP31 00D62080 00000000 EXCP ADDR REG 0000815E 00000000 Not PALmode instruction EXCEPTION PC = 0000000000002057(X) EXCP SUM REG 00000000 00000000 EXCP MASK REG 00000000 00000000 ICCS REG 00000004 001FC0F8 PAL BASE 00008000 00000000 PAL BASE PA = 000008000(X) HW INTR EN REG FFFFDCF0 00000001 CRD ERROR INT. ENABLE HARDWARE INT. ENABLED ON PIN 3 Error Log Report Generator Version 7.3-1 HARDWARE INT. ENABLED ON PIN 4 HARDWARE INT. ENABLED ON PIN 5 PC1 INT. DISABLED PC0 INT. DISABLED HARDWARE INT. ENABLED ON PIN 0 HARDWARE INT. ENABLED ON PIN 1 HARDWARE INT. ENABLED ON PIN 2 SLU INT. DISABLE SOFTWARE INT. LEVEL 1 ENABLED SOFTWARE INT. LEVEL 2 ENABLED SOFTWARE INT. LEVEL 3 ENABLED SOFTWARE INT. LEVEL 4 ENABLED SOFTWARE INT. LEVEL 5 ENABLED SOFTWARE INT. LEVEL 6 ENABLED SOFTWARE INT. LEVEL 7 ENABLED SOFTWARE INT. LEVEL 8 ENABLED SOFTWARE INT. LEVEL 9 ENABLED SOFTWARE INT. LEVEL 10 ENABLED SOFTWARE INT. LEVEL 11 ENABLED SOFTWARE INT. LEVEL 12 ENABLED SOFTWARE INT. LEVEL 13 ENABLED SOFTWARE INT. LEVEL 14 ENABLED SOFTWARE INT. LEVEL 15 ENABLED KERNAL MODE AST INT. ENABLED EXEC. MODE AST INT. ENABLED SUPER. MODE AST INT. ENABLED USER MODE AST INT. ENABLED HW INTR REQ REG 00000702 00000000 HW INTR. REQ PC1 INTR REQ. PC0 INTR REQ. CPU INTR REQ. on pin 0 MEM MGMT ER/DTB 00005110 00000000 Integer Reg. used is R = 11(X) OP code = 28(X) D-CACHE STA REG 000002E0 00000000 D-CACHE ADD REG FFFFFFFF 00000007 ABOX CTL REG 0000040E 00000000 MCHECK ENABLED for UNCOR. ERR CRD INTR. ENABLE ICACHE STREAM BUFFER ENABLED DCACHE ENABLED BIU STATUS REG 00002041 00000000 Hard Error Dcache fill error READ_BLOCK BIU ADD REG 40000000 00000002 BIU CTL REG 30006337 0000000C Error Log Report Generator Version 7.3-1 External Cache Enable ECC Checking Output Enable of Cache RAMs BCache Read Speed in cycles = 4(X) BCache Write Speed in cycles = 4(X) ECC SYNDROMES 00000000 00000000 FILL ADDR REG 00006120 00000000 MACHINE CHK VA 00006190 00000000 B-CACHE TAG REG 12491412 14480005 TAG Control P TAG Control V B-Cache TAG = 48A0(X) CSR0 400001C1 400001C1 BCC 400001C1 CSR1 00000000 BCCE 00000000 CSR2 00000000 BCCEA 00000000 CSR3 00000900 BCUE 00000900 CSR4 00D40A2D BCUEA 00D40A2D CSR5 0011D4B4 DTER 0011D4B4 CSR6 00007F28 CBCTL 00007F28 98004082 CSR7 98004082 CBE 9C001042 CSR8 90000003 CBEAL 90000003 CSR9 FF200083 CBEAH FF200083 CSR10 00000000 PMBX 00000000 CSR11 00000000 IPIR 00000000 CSR12 00000004 SIC 00000001 CSR13 000C1388 ADLK 000C1388 CSR14 00104B7B MADRL 00104B6B Error Log Report Generator Version 7.3-1

**************************** ENTRY       6. ****************************
ERROR SEQUENCE 3.                                 LOGGED ON SID 03003700

MACHINE CHECK,  6-MAR-2002 10:11:34.70
                KA730 REV# 0. MIC# 55.

      EXCEPTION PC    80038DC0

      ERROR PSL       01C00000
                                      INTERRUPT PRIORITY LEVEL = 00.
                                      PREVIOUS MODE = USER
                                      CURRENT MODE  = EXECUTIVE

      SUMMARY CODE    00000007
                                      UNCORRECTABLE ECC ERROR
      1ST PARAMETER   00166200
                                      PAGE #2865. IN ERROR
**************************** ENTRY      60. ****************************
ERROR SEQUENCE 4872.                              LOGGED ON SID 02006148

MACHINE CHECK, 6-MAR-2002 03:50:08.28
               KA750 REV# 72. MIC# 97.

      EXCEPTION PC    80006173

      ERROR PSL       00C80009
                                      INTERRUPT PRIORITY LEVEL = 08.
                                      PREVIOUS MODE = USER
                                      CURRENT MODE  = KERNEL
      SUMMARY CODE    00000002
                                      TRANSLATION BUFFER OR BUS ERROR
      VA LAST REF     800A079E
      PC AT ERROR     80006178
      MDR             8009F38C
      SMR             00000008
                                      CPU MODE = KERNEL
      RLTO            00000000
      TBER            00000007
                                      TB G0 DATA ERROR
                                      TB G1 DATA ERROR
                                      TB G0 TAG ERROR
      CAER            00000000
      BER             00000000
      MCESR           00000004
                                      OPERAND REFERENCE
                                      TB PARITY ERROR
**************************** ENTRY      84. ****************************
ERROR SEQUENCE 4949.                              LOGGED ON SID 01388525

MACHINE CHECK,  6-MAR-2002 15:09:11.31
                KA780 REV# 7. SERIAL# 1317.

      EXCEPTION PC    00004890

      ERROR PSL       03C00000
                                      INTERRUPT PRIORITY LEVEL = 00.
                                      PREVIOUS MODE = USER
                                      CURRENT MODE  = USER

      SUMMARY CODE    00000000
                                      CP READ TIMEOUT
                                      - OR ERROR CONFIRMATION FAULT
      CES             00010084
                                      SUPERVISOR AST PENDING
                                      ALU C31
                                      NESTED ERROR
      MICRO PC        00000200
      VA/VIBA         7FF735D4
      D REGISTER      FFFFC284
      TBER0           0000DC81
                                      ENABLE MEMORY MANAGEMENT
                                      TB HIT GROUP 1
                                      MICRO CODE "MCT" FIELD = 07
                                      MICRO CODE "ADS"
                                      MICRO CODE "FS"
      TBER1           00000040
                                      LAST TB WRITE PULSE TO GROUP 1
      SBITA           E00B83F5
                                      TIMEOUT CONSOLE ADDR = 002E0FD4
                                      PROTECTION CHECKED REFERENCE
                                      TIMEOUT REFERENCE IN USER MODE
      CACHE PE REG    00004000
                                      CP ERROR
      SBIER           00001802
                                      SBI NOT BUSY
                                      WAITING FOR READ DATA TIMEOUT
                                      CPU TIMEOUT

 **************************** ENTRY      82. ****************************
 ERROR SEQUENCE 1077.                              LOGGED ON SID 04FFFFFF
 MACHINE CHECK  30-MAR-2002 20:55:17.41
                KA86  REV# 255.  SERIAL# 4095.  MFG PLANT 7.
       EHMSTS          40000802
                                       VMS ERROR CODE = EBOX
                                       MICRO TRAP VECTOR = 08 (X)
                                       EHM ENTERED
       EVMQSAV         00000004
                                       VIRTUAL ADDRESS FOR EBOX PORT
                                       _ REQUESTS
       EBCS            00000800
                                       ECS PARITY ERROR
       EDPSR           00000000
       CSLINT          04183D1F
                                       C BUS ADDRESS = 1F (X)
                                       C BUS DATA = 3D (X)
                                       INTERRUPT PRIORITY REQUEST = 8.
                                       INTERNAL SOURCE
                                       I/O ADAPTER = 0.
                                       INTERVAL TIMER
       IBESR           00004000
                                       UOP SEL = IBOX REGISTER SELECT
                                       UTPR <2:0> = EBOX PORT
                                       ENABLE ETRAP
       EBXWD1          00000004
                                       TOP OF "SP STACK"
                                       _ CONTENT IS ONE OF THE LAST
                                       _ LONGWORDS WRITTEN TO MBOX
       EBXWD2          7FF593D0
                                       TOP OF "SP STACK" MINUS ONE
                                       _ CONTENT IS ONE OF THE LAST
                                       _ LONGWORDS WRITTEN TO MBOX
       VASAV           7FF593F8
                                       VIRTUAL ADDRESS FOR OP FETCH
                                       _ PORT REQUEST ADDRESS
                                       _ CALCULATION FOR OPERAND
                                       _ PRE-FETCH AND RESULT DELIVERY
       VIBASAV         0000E7FF
                                       VIRTUAL ADDRESS OF NEXT IBUF
                                       _ PORT REQUEST TO FILL IBUFFER
       ESASAV          0000E7F2
                                       PC OF INSTRUCTION DURING EBOX
                                       _ EXECUTION AND RESULT STORAGE
       ISASAV          0000E7F2
                                       PC OF INSTRUCTION WHICH VA
                                       _ CALCULATION UNIT IS DOING ADDRESS
                                       _ CALCULATION OR OPERAND PRE-FETCH
                                       _ OR IS PASSING OPERAND DATA
       CPC             0000E7F4
                                       PC OF INSTRUCTION IN
                                       _ DECODE UNIT
       MSTAT1          84006004
                                       C0 TAG MISS
                                       BLOCK HIT
                                       ABUS ADAPTER = 0.
                                       WORD COUNT = 0.
                                       CYCLE TYPE = READ REGISTER
                                       DEST CP = EBOX
       MSTAT2          00004F00
                                       DIAGNOSTIC STATUS FROM SBIA
                                       _    RD COM/MSK <3:0> = F (X)
                                       _    RD DAT L/S <1:0> = 0 (X)
                                       _    ABUS BAD DATA CODE
                                       PAMM DATA = ARRAY #0.,SLOT #1.
       MDECC           00066200
                                       (* DATA NOT VALID *)
       MERG            04000100
                                       MEMORY MANAGEMENT ENABLE
       CSHCTL          00000003
                                       CACHE 0 ENABLE
                                       CACHE 1 ENABLE
       MEAR            0000007C
                                       PHYSICAL ADDRESS IN PA LATCH
                                       AT TIME OF ERROR = 0000007C
       MEDR            0000001F
                                       DATA WORD USED DURING ERROR
       FBXERR          FFFFFFFF
                                       (* DATA NOT VALID *)
       CSES            1BD73E01
                                       CS CODE = EBOX CONTROL STORE PARITY ERROR
                                       CS SYNDROME = 3E (X)
                                       CS ADDRESS = 1BD7 (X)
       ERROR PC        0000E7F2

       ERROR PSL       03C00004
                                       INTERRUPT PRIORITY LEVEL = 00.
                                       PREVIOUS MODE = USER
                                       CURRENT MODE  = USER
       IOA ES          00000000
                                       (* DATA NOT VALID *)


Memory Error Entries Example

Memory error log entries consist of two types: fatal and nonfatal. A nonfatal memory error indicates that a single bit has failed within a memory location, and that the ECC (error code correctable) was able to compensate for the error and correct the data. A fatal error indicates that multiple bits were erroneous, and that the ECC could not correct the data.

Both the fatal and nonfatal memory entries are similar in their format. The memory error log reports can be divided into two logical areas of information. The first section of a memory error log report is the identification area. The second section contains memory controller-specific information. This data represents the information contained within the memory controller registers at the time of the memory error. Bit-to-text translation of the registers is performed and then listed on the right side of the report.

**************************** ENTRY       7. ****************************
ERROR SEQUENCE 4.                                 LOGGED ON SID 03003700

MEMORY ERROR,  6-MAR-2002 10:11:34.70
               KA730 REV# 0. MIC# 55.

      CSR0            00166200
                                      ERROR SYNDROME = 7F
                                      CORRECTED ERROR, BIT #31.
                                      ARRAY #1. IN ERROR
      CSR1            18000000
                                      MEMORY MAPPING ENABLE
                                      ENABLE "CRD" REPORTING
      CSR2            8100000F
                                      MEMORY SIZE = 2048.K
                                      64K RAMS PRESENT


Nonfatal and User Bugchecks Entry Example

The following example shows a fatal bugcheck. Nonfatal and user bugcheck reports have the same format. These reports consist of three sections: identification, bugcheck reason and process information, and system register information.

 Error Log Report Generator                                    Version 7.3-1

 ******************************* ENTRY      25. *******************************
 ERROR SEQUENCE 15.                              LOGGED ON:  CPU_TYPE 00000002
 DATE/TIME 22-JUL-2002 13:43:48.96                           SYS_TYPE 00000003
 SYSTEM UPTIME: 90 DAYS 00:07:26
 SCS NODE: LSR3                                              OpenVMS V7.3-1


 OPERATOR, Operator requested system shutdown

       PROCESS NAME    Aut
       PROCESS ID      00010004

       ERROR PC        00000000 000304A0

    Process Status = 08000000 00001F03, SW = 03, Previous Mode = USER
    System State = 00, Current Mode = KERNEL
    VMM = 00 IPL = 31, SP Alignment = 8

 KSP 00000000 7FF95F08  ESP 00000000 7FF9A000  SSP 00000000 7FFA04C0
 USP 00000000 7FE63B80


 R0  00000000 00000001  R1  00000000 00000000  R2  FFFFFFFF 805ED100
 R3  00000000 00000001  R4  00000000 00000001  R5  00000000 00000001
 R6  00000000 00000000  R7  00000000 00000000  R8  00000000 7FFA05F8
 R9  00000000 7FFA0800  R10 00000000 00000000  R11 00000000 7FFBE3E0
 R12 00000000 00000004  R13 00000000 00010100  R14 00000000 02080061
 R15 FFFFFFFF 80403C30  R16 00000000 00000474  R17 00000000 00004000
 R18 00000000 00000000  R19 00000000 00000000  R20 FFFFFFFF 805C04B6
 R21 00000000 00800000  R22 FFFFFFFF 804308E8  R23 88000000 E4000003
 R24 00000000 00000000  R25 00000000 00000001  R26 00000000 00000002
 R27 00000000 00000002  R28 00000000 00030440  FP  00000000 7FF95F10
 SP  00000000 7FF95F08  PC  00000000 000304A0  PS  08000000 00001F03

       PTBR            00000000 000005D3
                                       Page Table Base Register
       PCBB            00000000 00B98080
                                       Privileged Context Block Base
       PRBR            FFFFFFFF 805C0000
                                       Processor Base Register
       SCBB            00000002 00000000
                                       System Control Block Base
       SISR            00000000 0000017B
                                       Software Interrupt Summary Register
       ASN             00000000 00000000
                                       Address Space Number
       ASTSR_ASTEN     00000000 0000003F
                                       AST Summary/AST Enable
       AT              00000000 0000000F
                                       Absolute Time

Unknown Entries Examples

The following examples are sample reports for error log entries of unknown type. Each report has an identification section and an error log record section. The error log record section contains two types of records: interpretable and noninterpretable. If ERROR LOG can interpret the fields of the record, the utility gives the name of the field, its contents, and interprets what the field is. If the utility cannot interpret the fields of a record, it gives the longword value of the field and its contents in hexadecimal format.

**************************** ENTRY      95. ****************************
ERROR SEQUENCE 2.                                 LOGGED ON SID 03003600

"UNKNOWN DEVICE" ENTRY,  4-MAR-00 10:12:12.44
                         KA730 REV# 0. MIC# 54.


      ERF$L_SID       03003600
                                      SYSTEM ID REGISTER
      ERL$W_ENTRY         0062
                                      ERROR ENTRY TYPE
      EXE$GQ_SYSTIME  C9764980
                      008C2F30        64 BIT TIME WHEN ERROR LOGGED
      ERL$GL_SEQUENCE     0002
                                      UNIQUE ERROR SEQUENCE = 2.
      UCB$W_STS           0110
                                      DEVICE STATUS
      UCB$B_DEVCLASS        42
                                      DEVICE CLASS = 66.
      UCB$B_DEVTYPE         42
                                      DEVICE TYPE = 66.
      UCB$W_UNIT          0000
                                      PHYSICAL UNIT NUMBER = 0.
      UCB$W_ERRCNT        0001
                                      UNIT ERROR COUNT = 1.
      UCB$L_OPCNT     00000001
                                      UNIT OPERATION COUNT = 1.
      ORB$L_OWNER     00010004
                                      OWNER UIC = [001,004]
      UCB$L_DEVCHAR   0C440007
                                      DEVICE CHARACTERISTICS
      UCB$B_SLAVE           00
                                      DEVICE SLAVE CONTROLLER = 0.
      DDB$T_NAME      41515403
      LONGWORD 1.     00000008

      LONGWORD 2.     00000007

      LONGWORD 3.     00000502

      LONGWORD 4.     04000000

      LONGWORD 5.     00010000

      LONGWORD 6.     00000000

      LONGWORD 7.     00000080

      LONGWORD 8.     00000000

      LONGWORD 9.     00000000

**************************** ENTRY     161. ****************************
ERROR SEQUENCE 213.                               LOGGED ON SID 070001FF

"UNKNOWN ENTRY", 4-MAR-00 11:35:15.73
                 UVAX1 REV# 255. MIC# 1.


      ERF$L_SID       070001FF
                                      SYSTEM ID REGISTER
      ERL$W_ENTRY         0008
                                      ERROR ENTRY TYPE
      EXE$GQ_SYSTIME  89953F20
                      008C3E2A        64 BIT TIME WHEN ERROR LOGGED

      ERL$GL_SEQUENCE     00D5
                                      UNIQUE ERROR SEQUENCE = 213.
      LONGWORD 1.     00000001
      LONGWORD 2.     00410001

Example of a Brief Report

The following example shows a report generated with the /BRIEF qualifier:

 Error Log Report Generator                                Version 7.3-1

 **************************** ENTRY       1. ****************************
 ERROR SEQUENCE 11.                          LOGGED ON:      SID 08000000
 DATA/TIME 18-JUL-2002 22:53:41.57                      SYS_TYPE 00000000



       DMA ADDRESS       000000

       DSECT      CHEAD      DHEAD      CCYL       DCYL       SCNT
       06         14         14         9C         9C         01

       RTCNT      CSTAT      MODE       DSTAT      TERM       ISTAT
       F0         08         C0         B2         BD         28


Chapter 11
Error Log Viewer Utility (ELV)

11.1 ELV Description

The Error Log Viewer (ELV) utility allows you to quickly examine, from the command line, an error log file in a user-readable format before deciding whether the data warrants a more comprehensive analysis with a tool such as the System Event Analyzer (SEA).

ELV is particularly useful with error logs created on systems with newer devices or on newer systems such as most of the DS, ES, and GS series. ELV can also be used with error logs created on some older systems or on systems equipped with older devices.

ELV provides detailed information for all error log events of the following types:

  • Bugchecks
  • Volume mounts and dismounts
  • Correctable error throttling notifications
  • Software parameters
  • Control entries:
    • System service messages
    • Network messages
    • Operator messages
    • ERRLOG.SYS created
    • Time stamps
    • System startup messages

ELV provides detailed information for some error log events of the following types:

  • Machine checks
  • Device errors
  • Device timeouts
  • Asynchronous device attentions
  • Logged messages
  • Logged MSCP messages

This chapter describes the ELV commands, along with their parameters and qualifiers, that support the Error Log Viewer utility. It also contains a section of sample reports produced using the ELV TRANSLATE command.

11.2 ELV Usage Summary

You can execute ELV commands directly from the DCL command level or from ELV's interactive shell mode.






Specifies an ELV operation to be performed. If you do not specify an operation, the utility enters interactive shell mode, displays the ELV> prompt, and waits for command input.

To invoke ELV, enter the following DCL command:


If you do not enter an ELV command, the utility enters interactive shell mode and displays the ELV prompt:


You can then enter an ELV command. After ELV executes the command, it again displays the ELV> prompt.

To return directly to DCL after executing an ELV command from the ELV prompt, use the /NOINTERACTIVE qualifier.

You can also enter an ELV command directly from DCL; for example:


After ELV executes the command, you are returned to the DCL prompt by default.

To enter interactive shell mode after executing an ELV command directly from DCL, use the /INTERACTIVE qualifier.

11.3 Understanding Categories of Events

ELV recognizes several categories of events for inclusion in (or exclusion from) various operations. The first major distinction is between valid and invalid events. Within the category of valid events are selected and rejected events. Explanations of these categories follow.
  • Valid
    An event is considered valid if it can be read into a buffer and its header is translatable. The body of the event, however, does not need to be translatable; in this case, the event is valid but untranslatable. With the exception of the DUMP/INVALID command, all ELV operations are performed on valid events.
    • Selected
      By default, all valid events are considered to be selected events. Except when you use the /REJECTED qualifier, ELV operations are performed on selected events.
    • Rejected
      A valid event is considered to be rejected if it does not fall into an interval specified with the /BEFORE, /SINCE, or /ENTRY qualifier, or is filtered out with the /EXCLUDE, /INCLUDE, or /[NO]NODE qualifier.
      You can combine certain intervals and filters to further refine event selection. In addition, you can use the /REJECTED qualifier to force ELV operations to be performed on rejected (rather than selected) events.
      For more information, refer to the qualifiers for individual commands.
  • Invalid
    An event is considered to be invalid if it cannot be read into a buffer or its header is not translatable. You can use the ELV command DUMP/INVALID to output invalid events to an output dump file for further examination.

11.4 ELV Commands

This section describes and provides examples of the following ELV commands:

  • DUMP
  • EXIT
  • HELP


Converts and writes events from one or more binary error log files written in the newer format to a single new error log file written in the older format. The new file can then be read by ANALYZE/ERROR_LOG.

This command is primarily used to enable translation of older error log events whose translation is not supported by ELV.


CONVERT [input-file,...]



Supplies one or more names of binary error log files to be converted to the older format.

If you do not specify an input file, the default input file is SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS. If you do not specify a device and directory, your current device and directory are used. If you do not specify a file name, the default file name is ERRLOG. If you do not specify a file type, the default file type is .SYS.



Specifies that only those events dated earlier than the stated date and time are to be selected.

For date-time, you can specify an absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of absolute and delta times. See the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying times.

If you omit a date and time, TODAY is used.


Specifies the range of entries to be selected.

You can specify one or both of the following keywords:

Keyword Description
START[:decimal-value] Indicates the start of a range of entries to be selected.
END[:decimal-value] Indicates the end of a range of entries to be selected.

Usage Notes:

  • You can specify one or both of these keywords. If you specify both keywords, you must enclose them in parentheses.
  • If you specify /ENTRY without an entry range, the entry range defaults to START:1,END:end-of-file.
  • If you specify the START or END keyword without a value, the keyword is ignored.


Specifies an event class or classes to be rejected. Do not use /EXCLUDE with /INCLUDE.

For event-class, specify one or more of the keywords shown in the following table. If you specify more than one keyword, use a comma-separated list of values enclosed in parentheses.

Keyword Description
ATTENTIONS Reject device attention entries.
BUGCHECKS Reject all types of bugcheck entries.
CONFIGURATION Reject system configuration entries.
CONTROL_ENTRIES Reject control entries. Control entries include the following entry types:
  • System power failure restarts
  • Time stamps
  • System startups
  • $SNDERR messages (system service to send messages to error log)
  • Operator messages
  • Network messages
  • ERRLOG.SYS created
CPU_ENTRIES Reject CPU-related entries. CPU entries include the following entry types:
  • SBI alerts/faults
  • Undefined interrupts
  • MBA/UBA adapter errors
  • Asynchronous write errors
  • UBA errors
DEVICE_ERRORS Reject device error entries.
ENVIRONMENTAL_ENTRIES Reject environmental entries.
MACHINE_CHECKS Reject machine check entries.
MEMORY Reject memory errors.
SNAPSHOT_ENTRIES Reject snapshot entries.
SYNDROME Reject firmware-generated entries that describe a symptom set used by HP support personnel to identify problems.
TIMEOUTS Reject device timeout entries.
UNKNOWN_ENTRIES Reject any entry that has an unknown entry class.
UNSOLICITED_MSCP Reject unsolicited MSCP entries.
VOLUME_CHANGES Reject volume mount and dismount entries.


Specifies an event class or classes to be selected. All other event classes are implicitly rejected. Do not use /INCLUDE with /EXCLUDE.

For event-class, specify one or more of the keywords shown in the following table. If you specify more than one keyword, use a comma-separated list of values enclosed in parentheses.

Keyword Description
ATTENTIONS Select device attention entries.
BUGCHECKS Select all types of bugcheck entries.
CONFIGURATION Select system configuration entries.
CONTROL_ENTRIES Select control entries. Control entries include the following entry types:
  • System power failure restarts
  • Time stamps
  • System startups
  • $SNDERR messages (system service to send messages to error log)
  • Operator messages
  • Network messages
  • ERRLOG.SYS created
CPU_ENTRIES Select CPU-related entries. CPU entries include the following entry types:
  • SBI alerts/faults
  • Undefined interrupts
  • MBA/UBA adapter errors
  • Asynchronous write errors
  • UBA errors
DEVICE_ERRORS Select device error entries.
ENVIRONMENTAL_ENTRIES Select environmental entries.
MACHINE_CHECKS Select machine check entries.
MEMORY Select memory errors.
SNAPSHOT_ENTRIES Select snapshot entries.
SYNDROME Select firmware-generated entries that describe a symptom set used by HP support personnel to identify problems.
TIMEOUTS Select device timeout entries.
UNKNOWN_ENTRIES Select any entry that has an unknown entry class.
UNSOLICITED_MSCP Select unsolicited MSCP entries.
VOLUME_CHANGES Select volume mount and dismount entries.



Specifies whether or not ELV is to run in interactive shell mode after you execute the ELV command. By default, interactive shell mode results from the way the current ELV command is entered.

For more information, refer to Section 11.2.



Specifies whether or not ELV is to output control and informational messages to the terminal. The default /NOLOG does not output these messages to the terminal.



Specifies that events occurring on a node or nodes are to be selected or rejected.

If you enter /NODE without a value, only events that occur on the node on which you are running ELV are selected.

If you enter /NONODE without a value, events occurring on all nodes that are represented in the error log file are selected.


Specifies the output file that is to contain converted copies of events.

If you do not specify an output file name, the input file name is used. If you do not specify a device and directory, your current device and directory are used. If you do not specify a file type, the default file type is .CVT.


Specifies that rejected (rather than selected) events are to be converted. For more information, refer to Section 11.3.


Specifies that only those events dated later than the stated date and time are to be selected.

For date-time, you can specify an absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of absolute and delta times. See the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying times.

If you omit a date and time, TODAY is used.




The command in this example, executed from DCL command level, converts selected events in the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to the older format and writes these events to the ERRLOG.CVT file. After the command executes, the system displays the ELV> prompt.

The selected events are from all nodes except BEAVIS and BUTTHD.



The command in this example converts events in the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to the older format and writes the converted events to OUTFILE.CVT.

In addition, control and informational messages are output to the terminal.



The command in this example converts selected events from ERROR_LOG.SYS to the older format and writes the converted events to ERROR_LOG.CVT.

The selected events are those that occurred before YESTERDAY on the current node.



The command in this example converts events in the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to the older format and writes the converted events to ERRLOG.CVT.

The selected events, which start with entry 5, do not include the BUGCHECKS event class.


Writes events from one or more binary error log files to a single new ASCII output file in an OpenVMS dump-style format.


DUMP [input-file,...]



Supplies one or more names of binary error log files to be used to produce an output dump file.

If you do not specify an input file, the default input file is SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS. If you do not specify a device and directory, your current device and directory are used. If you do not specify a file name, the default file name is ERRLOG. If you do not specify a file type, the default file type is .SYS.



Specifies that only those events dated earlier than the stated date and time are to be selected. Do not use /BEFORE with /INVALID.

For date-time, you can specify an absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of absolute and delta times. See the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying times.

If you omit a date and time, TODAY is used.


Specifies the range of entries to be selected. Do not use /ENTRY with /INVALID.

You can specify one or both of the following keywords:

Keyword Description
START[:decimal-value] Indicates the start of a range of entries to be selected.
END[:decimal-value] Indicates the end of a range of entries to be selected.

Usage Notes:

  • You can specify one or both of these keywords. If you specify both keywords, you must enclose them in parentheses.
  • If you specify /ENTRY without an entry range, the entry range defaults to START:1,END:end-of-file.
  • If you specify the START or END keyword without a value, the keyword is ignored.


Specifies an event class or classes to be rejected. Do not use /EXCLUDE with /INCLUDE.

For event-class, specify one or more of the keywords shown in the following table. If you specify more than one keyword, use a comma-separated list of values enclosed in parentheses.

Keyword Description
ATTENTIONS Reject device attention entries.
BUGCHECKS Reject all types of bugcheck entries.
CONFIGURATION Reject system configuration entries.
CONTROL_ENTRIES Reject control entries. Control entries include the following entry types:
  • System power failure restarts
  • Time stamps
  • System startups
  • $SNDERR messages (system service to send messages to error log)
  • Operator messages
  • Network messages
  • ERRLOG.SYS created
CPU_ENTRIES Reject CPU-related entries. CPU entries include the following entry types:
  • SBI alerts/faults
  • Undefined interrupts
  • MBA/UBA adapter errors
  • Asynchronous write errors
  • UBA errors
DEVICE_ERRORS Reject device error entries.
ENVIRONMENTAL_ENTRIES Reject environmental entries.
MACHINE_CHECKS Reject machine check entries.
MEMORY Reject memory errors.
SNAPSHOT_ENTRIES Reject snapshot entries.
SYNDROME Reject firmware-generated entries that describe a symptom set used by HP support personnel to identify problems.
TIMEOUTS Reject device timeout entries.
UNKNOWN_ENTRIES Reject any entry that has an unknown entry class.
UNSOLICITED_MSCP Reject unsolicited MSCP entries.
VOLUME_CHANGES Reject volume mount and dismount entries.


Specifies an event class or classes to be selected. All other event classes are implicitly rejected. Do not use /INCLUDE with /EXCLUDE.

For event-class, specify one or more of the keywords shown in the following table. If you specify more than one keyword, use a comma-separated list of values enclosed in parentheses.

Keyword Description
ATTENTIONS Select device attention entries.
BUGCHECKS Select all types of bugcheck entries.
CONFIGURATION Select system configuration entries.
CONTROL_ENTRIES Select control entries. Control entries include the following entry types:
  • System power failure restarts
  • Time stamps
  • System startups
  • $SNDERR messages (system service to send messages to error log)
  • Operator messages
  • Network messages
  • ERRLOG.SYS created
CPU_ENTRIES Select CPU-related entries. CPU entries include the following entry types:
  • SBI alerts/faults
  • Undefined interrupts
  • MBA/UBA adapter errors
  • Asynchronous write errors
  • UBA errors
DEVICE_ERRORS Select device error entries.
ENVIRONMENTAL_ENTRIES Select environmental entries.
MACHINE_CHECKS Select machine check entries.
MEMORY Select memory errors.
SNAPSHOT_ENTRIES Select snapshot entries.
SYNDROME Select firmware-generated entries that describe a symptom set used by HP support personnel to identify problems.
TIMEOUTS Select device timeout entries.
UNKNOWN_ENTRIES Select any entry that has an unknown entry class.
UNSOLICITED_MSCP Select unsolicited MSCP entries.
VOLUME_CHANGES Select volume mount and dismount entries.



Specifies whether or not ELV is to run in interactive shell mode after you execute the ELV command. By default, interactive shell mode results from the way the current ELV command was entered.

For more information, refer to Section 11.2.


Specifies that invalid (rather than valid) events are to be written to an output dump file. Do not use /INVALID with /BEFORE, /ENTRY, /EXCLUDE, /INCLUDE, /[NO]NODE, /REJECTED, or /SINCE.

For more information, refer to Section 11.3.



Specifies whether or not ELV is to output control and informational messages to the terminal. The default /NOLOG does not output these messages to the terminal.



Specifies that events occurring on a node or nodes are to be selected or rejected. Do not use /NODE or /NONODE with /INVALID.

If you enter /NODE without a value, only events that occur on the node on which you are running ELV are selected.

If you enter /NONODE without a value, events occurring on all nodes that are represented in the error log file are selected.


Specifies the output file that is to contain OpenVMS dump-style records for events.

If you do not specify an output file name, the input file name is used. If you do not specify a device and directory, your current device and directory are used. If you do not specify a file type, the default file type is .DMP.


Specifies that rejected (rather than selected) events are to be written to an output dump file. Do not use /REJECTED with /INVALID.

For more information, refer to Section 11.3.


Specifies that only those events dated later than the stated date and time are to be selected. Do not use /SINCE with /INVALID.

For date-time, you can specify an absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of absolute and delta times. See the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying times.

If you omit a date and time, TODAY is used.




The command in this example writes OpenVMS dump-style records created from selected events in two input files, ERROR_FILE.SYS and ERRLOG.SYS, to an output dump file named ERROR_FILE.DMP. The name of the output file comes from the name of the first input file in the list.

The selected events, which end with entry 10, are those that occurred on node DUMBO.



The command in this example writes OpenVMS dump-style records created from selected events in the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to an output dump file named ERRLOG.DMP.

The selected events include only the DEVICE_ERRORS and TIMEOUTS event classes. In addition, control and informational messages are output to the terminal.


ELV> DUMP /SINCE=22-MAY-2003:01:00:00.00 /BEFORE=24-MAY-2003:04:51:33.87

The command in this example writes OpenVMS dump-style records created from selected events in the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to an output dump file named ERRLOG.DMP.

The selected events fall in the interval between the two specified dates.


ELV> DUMP /SINCE=22-MAY-2003:01:00:00.00 /BEFORE=24-MAY-2003:04:51:33.87

This example is identical to the previous example except that rejected events are written rather than selected events.

The rejected events are those that fall outside the interval between the two specified dates.



The command in this example writes OpenVMS dump-style records created from invalid events in the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to an output dump file named OUTFILE.OUT.


Stops the execution of ELV and returns control to the DCL command level. You can also enter Ctrl/Z to perform the same function.





The command in this example terminates the ELV session and returns control to the DCL command level.


Provides online help information for using ELV.


HELP [help-topic]



Specifies the topic for which you want help.



The commands in this example show how to get help information for the ELV CONVERT command from both the interactive shell mode and DCL command level.


Performs a bit-to-text translation of events from one or more binary error log files and writes the resulting reports to the terminal or to a single new ASCII output file.

Section 11.5 contains examples of reports.


TRANSLATE [input-file,...]



Supplies one or more names of binary error log files to be translated.

If you do not specify an input file, the default input file is SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS. If you do not specify a device and directory, your current device and directory are used. If you do not specify a file name, the default file name is ERRLOG. If you do not specify a file type, the default file type is .SYS.


When you use the TRANSLATE command, ELV can generate reports in the formats shown in Table 11-1.

Table 11-1 Report Formats
Format Description
Standard A report that contains detailed bit-to-text translation information for each event.

To specify the detail level of a standard report, use the /BRIEF, /FULL, or /ONE_LINE qualifier with the TRANSLATE command. In addition to these qualifiers, you can use the /TERSE qualifier to obtain a report that contains less interpretation of the data, regardless of detail level.

At a minimum, the following header information is included for each event in a standard report:

  • Event Number
  • Event Type
  • Timestamp
  • Node
  • Event Class

With the exception of Event Type, the header information is useful when using the following event filtering and interval qualifiers: /BEFORE, /ENTRY, /EXCLUDE, /INCLUDE, /[NO]NODE, /SINCE.

For Event Class, refer to the keywords listed for the /EXCLUDE or /INCLUDE qualifier.

Standard Report Detail Levels:

  • If you specify /ONE_LINE, the header information is the only event information that is included in a standard report.
  • If you specify /BRIEF, only the most essential event information is included with the header information.
  • If you do not specify a standard report detail level qualifier, only the most commonly useful event information is included with the header information.
  • If you specify /FULL, all event information is included with the header information.
Summary Summary information is broken down by node where applicable, followed by summary information for the entire file. See the example following this table.


Total number of events:            19
Number of the first event:         1
Number of the last event:          19
Earliest event occurred:           19-JUN-2003 08:52:46.00
Latest event occurred:             19-JUN-2003 13:08:23.62
Number of events by event class:
        BUGCHECKS                  1
        CONFIGURATION              2
        CONTROL_ENTRIES            4
        UNKNOWN_ENTRIES            8
        VOLUME_CHANGES             4



Specifies that only those events dated earlier than the stated date and time are to be selected.

For date-time, you can specify an absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of absolute and delta times. See the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying times.

If you omit a date and time, TODAY is used.


Specifies that ELV is to generate a brief standard report. Do not use /BRIEF with /FULL or /ONE_LINE.


Specifies the range of entries to be selected.

You can specify one or both of the following keywords:

Keyword Description
START[:decimal-value] Indicates the start of a range of entries to be selected.
END[:decimal-value] Indicates the end of a range of entries to be selected.

Usage Notes:

  • You can specify one or both of these keywords. If you specify both keywords, you must enclose them in parentheses.
  • If you specify /ENTRY without an entry range, the entry range defaults to START:1,END:end-of-file.
  • If you specify the START or END keyword without a value, the keyword is ignored.


Specifies an event class or classes to be rejected. Do not use /EXCLUDE with /INCLUDE.

For event-class, specify one or more of the keywords shown in the following table. If you specify more than one keyword, use a comma-separated list of values enclosed in parentheses.

Keyword Description
ATTENTIONS Reject device attention entries.
BUGCHECKS Reject all types of bugcheck entries.
CONFIGURATION Reject system configuration entries.
CONTROL_ENTRIES Reject control entries. Control entries include the following entry types:
  • System power failure restarts
  • Time stamps
  • System startups
  • $SNDERR messages (system service to send messages to error log)
  • Operator messages
  • Network messages
  • ERRLOG.SYS created
CPU_ENTRIES Reject CPU-related entries. CPU entries include the following entry types:
  • SBI alerts/faults
  • Undefined interrupts
  • MBA/UBA adapter errors
  • Asynchronous write errors
  • UBA errors
DEVICE_ERRORS Reject device error entries.
ENVIRONMENTAL_ENTRIES Reject environmental entries.
MACHINE_CHECKS Reject machine check entries.
MEMORY Reject memory errors.
SNAPSHOT_ENTRIES Reject snapshot entries.
SYNDROME Reject firmware-generated entries that describe a symptom set used by HP support personnel to identify problems.
TIMEOUTS Reject device timeout entries.
UNKNOWN_ENTRIES Reject any entry that has an unknown entry class.
UNSOLICITED_MSCP Reject unsolicited MSCP entries.
VOLUME_CHANGES Reject volume mount and dismount entries.


Specifies that ELV is to generate a full standard report. Do not use /FULL with /BRIEF or /ONE_LINE.


Specifies an event class or classes to be selected. All other event classes are implicitly rejected. Do not use /INCLUDE with /EXCLUDE.

For event-class, specify one or more of the keywords shown in the following table. If you specify more than one keyword, use a comma-separated list of values enclosed in parentheses.

Keyword Description
ATTENTIONS Select device attention entries.
BUGCHECKS Select all types of bugcheck entries.
CONFIGURATION Select system configuration entries.
CONTROL_ENTRIES Select control entries. Control entries include the following entry types:
  • System power failure restarts
  • Time stamps
  • System startups
  • $SNDERR messages (system service to send messages to error log)
  • Operator messages
  • Network messages
  • ERRLOG.SYS created
CPU_ENTRIES Select CPU-related entries. CPU entries include the following entry types:
  • SBI alerts/faults
  • Undefined interrupts
  • MBA/UBA adapter errors
  • Asynchronous write errors
  • UBA errors
DEVICE_ERRORS Select device error entries.
ENVIRONMENTAL_ENTRIES Select environmental entries,
MACHINE_CHECKS Select machine check entries.
MEMORY Select memory errors.
SNAPSHOT_ENTRIES Select snapshot entries.
SYNDROME Select firmware-generated entries that describe a symptom set used by HP support personnel to identify problems.
TIMEOUTS Select device timeout entries.
UNKNOWN_ENTRIES Select any entry that has an unknown entry class.
UNSOLICITED_MSCP Select unsolicited MSCP entries.
VOLUME_CHANGES Select volume mount and dismount entries.



Specifies whether or not ELV is to run in interactive shell mode after you execute the ELV command. By default, interactive shell mode results from the way the current ELV command was entered.

For more information, refer to Section 11.2.



Specifies whether or not ELV is to output control and informational messages to the terminal. The default /NOLOG does not output these messages to the terminal.



Specifies that events occurring on a node or nodes are to be selected or rejected.

If you enter /NODE without a value, only events that occur on the node on which you are running ELV are selected.

If you enter /NONODE without a value, events occurring on all nodes that are represented in the error log file are selected.


Specifies that ELV is to generate a one-line-per-event standard report. Do not use /ONE_LINE with /BRIEF or /FULL.


Specifies the output file that is to contain bit-to-text translation reports.

By default, output is written to SYS$OUTPUT. If you do not specify an output file name, the input file name is used. If you do not specify a device and directory, your current device and directory are used. If you do not specify a file type, the default file type is .LIS.



Specifies whether or not to enable paged output of a report. The default /NOPAGE disables paged output of reports.


Specifies that rejected (rather than selected) events are to be translated.

For more information, refer to Section 11.3.


Specifies that only those events dated later than the stated date and time are to be selected. If you omit a date and time, TODAY is used.

For date-time, you can specify an absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of absolute and delta times. See the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying times.



Specifies that a summary report or a standard report is to be generated:
  • If you enter /SUMMARY, only a summary report is generated.
  • If you enter /NOSUMMARY, only a standard report is generated.
  • If you omit the qualifier altogether, the default is to display both a standard and a summary report.


Specifies that the data in a standard report is to be displayed in a less interpreted format, regardless of detail level. /TERSE has no effect on a summary report.

See the /TERSE example in Section 11.5.5.




The command in this example translates selected events from the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file and writes the resulting standard and summary reports to the terminal in paged output. The standard report is a one-line-per-event report.



The command in this example translates selected events from the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file and writes the resulting standard report to the terminal. The standard report is a brief report.



The command in this example translates selected events from the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file and writes the resulting standard report to an ASCII output file named REPORT.TXT.

The selected events are those that occurred since TODAY.



The command in this example translates selected events from the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file and writes the resulting standard and summary reports to the terminal. The standard report is a full report in terse format.



The command in this example translates selected events from the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file and writes the resulting summary report to the terminal.

The selected events include only the VOLUME_CHANGES event class.


Performs an image copy of events from one or more binary error log files to a single new binary error log file.


WRITE [input-file,...]



Supplies one or more names of binary error log files to be used to produce a new binary error log file.

If you do not specify an input file, the default input file is SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS. If you do not specify a device and directory, your current device and directory are used. If you do not specify a file name, the default file name is ERRLOG. If you do not specify a file type, the default file type is .SYS.



Specifies that only those events dated earlier than the stated date and time are to be selected.

For date-time, you can specify an absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of absolute and delta times. See the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying times.

If you omit a date and time, TODAY is used.


Specifies the range of entries to be selected.

You can specify one or both of the following keywords:

Keyword Description
START[:decimal-value] Indicates the start of a range of entries to be selected.
END[:decimal-value] Indicates the end of a range of entries to be selected.

Usage Notes:

  • You can specify one or both of these keywords. If you specify both keywords, you must enclose them in parentheses.
  • If you specify /ENTRY without an entry range, the entry range defaults to START:1,END:end-of-file.
  • If you specify the START or END keyword without a value, the keyword is ignored.


Specifies an event class or classes to be rejected. Do not use /EXCLUDE with /INCLUDE.

For event-class, specify one or more of the keywords shown in the following table. If you specify more than one keyword, use a comma-separated list of values enclosed in parentheses.

Keyword Description
ATTENTIONS Reject device attention entries.
BUGCHECKS Reject all types of bugcheck entries.
CONFIGURATION Reject system configuration entries.
CONTROL_ENTRIES Reject control entries. Control entries include the following entry types:
  • System power failure restarts
  • Time stamps
  • System startups
  • $SNDERR messages (system service to send messages to error log)
  • Operator messages
  • Network messages
  • ERRLOG.SYS created
CPU_ENTRIES Reject CPU-related entries. CPU entries include the following entry types:
  • SBI alerts/faults
  • Undefined interrupts
  • MBA/UBA adapter errors
  • Asynchronous write errors
  • UBA errors
DEVICE_ERRORS Reject device error entries.
ENVIRONMENTAL_ENTRIES Reject environmental entries.
MACHINE_CHECKS Reject machine check entries.
MEMORY Reject memory errors.
SNAPSHOT_ENTRIES Reject snapshot entries.
SYNDROME Reject firmware-generated entries that describe a symptom set used by HP support personnel to identify problems.
TIMEOUTS Reject device timeout entries.
UNKNOWN_ENTRIES Reject any entry that has an unknown entry class.
UNSOLICITED_MSCP Reject unsolicited MSCP entries.
VOLUME_CHANGES Reject volume mount and dismount entries.


Specifies an event class or classes to be selected. All other event classes are implicitly rejected. Do not use /INCLUDE with /EXCLUDE.

For event-class, specify one or more of the keywords shown in the following table. If you specify more than one keyword, use a comma-separated list of values enclosed in parentheses.

Keyword Description
ATTENTIONS Select device attention entries.
BUGCHECKS Select all types of bugcheck entries.
CONFIGURATION Select system configuration entries.
CONTROL_ENTRIES Select control entries. Control entries include the following entry types:
  • System power failure restarts
  • Time stamps
  • System startups
  • $SNDERR messages (system service to send messages to error log)
  • Operator messages
  • Network messages
  • ERRLOG.SYS created
CPU_ENTRIES Select CPU-related entries. CPU entries include the following entry types:
  • SBI alerts/faults
  • Undefined interrupts
  • MBA/UBA adapter errors
  • Asynchronous write errors
  • UBA errors
DEVICE_ERRORS Select device error entries.
ENVIRONMENTAL_ENTRIES Select environmental entries.
MACHINE_CHECKS Select machine check entries.
MEMORY Select memory errors.
SNAPSHOT_ENTRIES Select snapshot entries.
SYNDROME Select firmware-generated entries that describe a symptom set used by HP support personnel to identify problems.
TIMEOUTS Select device timeout entries.
UNKNOWN_ENTRIES Select any entry that has an unknown entry class.
UNSOLICITED_MSCP Select unsolicited MSCP entries.
VOLUME_CHANGES Select volume mount and dismount entries.



Specifies whether or not ELV is to run in interactive shell mode after you execute the ELV command. By default, interactive shell mode results from the way the current ELV command was entered.

For more information, refer to Section 11.2.



Specifies whether or not ELV is to output control and informational messages to the terminal. The default /NOLOG does not output these messages to the terminal.



Specifies that events occurring on a node or nodes are to be selected or rejected.

If you /NODE without a value, only events that occur on the node on which you are running ELV are selected.

If you enter /NONODE without a value, events occurring on all nodes that are represented in the error log file are selected.


Specifies the output file that is to contain image copies of events.

If you do not specify an output file name, the input file name is used. If you do not specify a device and directory, your current device and directory are used. If you do not specify a file type, the default file type is .DAT.


Specifies that rejected (rather than selected) events are to be copied to a new binary error log file.

For more information, refer to Section 11.3.


Specifies that only those events dated later than the stated date and time are to be selected.

For date-time, you can specify an absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of absolute and delta times. See the OpenVMS User's Manual for details on specifying times.

If you omit a date and time, TODAY is used.




The command in this example copies selected events from the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to a new error log file named NEW_ERROR_LOG.SYS.

The selected events do not include the CONTROL_ENTRIES event class.


ELV> WRITE /NONODE=PANDA /SINCE="20-AUG-2003 04:51:33.87"

The command in this example copies selected events from the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to a new error log file named ERRLOG.DAT.

The selected events are those that occurred since the specified date on all nodes except PANDA.



The command in this example copies selected events from the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to a new error log file named ERRLOG.DAT.

The selected events start with entry 5 and end with entry 10.



This example is identical to the previous example except that rejected events are copied rather than selected events.

The rejected events are those that fall outside the specified entry range.

11.5 ELV Sample Reports

You can use the following TRANSLATE qualifiers to produce variations of the standard report:
  • /BRIEF
  • /FULL
  • /TERSE

See Table 11-1 for more information about report formats.

The following sections contain examples of the reports that result from using these qualifiers. In addition, an example is shown of using no qualifiers to produce a standard report of the default detail level.

11.5.1 /ONE_LINE Example

The report produced when you use the /ONE_LINE qualifier includes only the header information for each event.

The example that follows contains multiple summary reports, one for each node represented in this error log file, and a summary report for the entire file.


EVENT  EVENT_TYPE_______________________  TIMESTAMP______________  NODE__  EVENT_CLASS____________________________
1      Volume Mount                       14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12  FRANZ   VOLUME_CHANGES
2      Volume Mount                        8-FEB-2001 10:15:16.12  WF35P0  VOLUME_CHANGES
3      Volume Dismount                     8-FEB-2001 10:15:16.15  WF35P0  VOLUME_CHANGES
4      Volume Mount                        8-FEB-2001 10:15:16.28  WF35P0  VOLUME_CHANGES


Summary for node:                         FRANZ
Total number of events:                   1
Number of the first event:                1
Number of the last event:                 1
Earliest event occurred:                  14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12
Latest event occurred:                    14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12
Number of events by event class:
        VOLUME_CHANGES                    1

Summary for node:                         WF35P0
Total number of events:                   3
Number of the first event:                2
Number of the last event:                 4
Earliest event occurred:                   8-FEB-2001 10:15:16.12
Latest event occurred:                     8-FEB-2001 10:15:16.28
Number of events by event class:
        VOLUME_CHANGES                    3

Summary for node:                         <ALL NODES>
Total number of events:                   4
Number of the first event:                1
Number of the last event:                 4
Earliest event occurred:                   8-FEB-2001 10:15:16.12
Latest event occurred:                    14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12
Number of events by event class:
        VOLUME_CHANGES                    4

11.5.2 /BRIEF Example

The report produced when you use the /BRIEF qualifier includes only the most essential event information along with the header information for each event.


EVENT  EVENT_TYPE_______________________  TIMESTAMP______________  NODE__  EVENT_CLASS____________________________
1      Volume Mount                       14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12  FRANZ   VOLUME_CHANGES

DESCRIPTION____________________________   RANGE___   VALUE_____________   TRANSLATED_VALUE_______________________
   Logging CPU                                       3
   Number of CPU's in Active Set                     4
   System Marketing Model                            1968                 COMPAQ AlphaServer GS160
   Error Mask                             <31:00>:   0x00000003
   Operating System Version                          X9WY-SSB

   Device Unit Number                                200
   Device Generic Name                               FRANZ$DKB
   Volume Label                                      OPAL_X9WY


Total number of events:                   1
Number of the first event:                1
Number of the last event:                 1
Earliest event occurred:                  14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12
Latest event occurred:                    14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12
Number of events by event class:
        VOLUME_CHANGES                    1

11.5.3 No Qualifiers Example

The report produced when you do not use any qualifiers includes only the most commonly useful event information along with the header information for each event.


EVENT  EVENT_TYPE_______________________  TIMESTAMP______________  NODE__  EVENT_CLASS____________________________
1      Volume Mount                       14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12  FRANZ   VOLUME_CHANGES

DESCRIPTION____________________________   RANGE___   VALUE_____________   TRANSLATED_VALUE_______________________
   Hardware Architecture                             4                    Alpha
   Hardware System Type                              35                   Wildfire
   Logging CPU                                       3
   Number of CPU's in Active Set                     4
   System Marketing Model                            1968                 COMPAQ AlphaServer GS160
   Error Mask                             <31:00>:   0x00000003
   Seconds Since Boot                                17
   Error Sequence Number                             46
   DSR String                                        AlphaServer GS160 6/731
   Operating System Version                          X9WY-SSB

   Owner UIC of the Volume                           65537
   Unit Operation Count                              378
   Device Unit Number                                200
   Device Generic Name                               FRANZ$DKB
   Volume Number within Set                          0
   Number of Volumes within Set                      0
   Volume Label                                      OPAL_X9WY


Total number of events:                   1
Number of the first event:                1
Number of the last event:                 1
Earliest event occurred:                  14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12
Latest event occurred:                    14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12
Number of events by event class:
        VOLUME_CHANGES                    1

11.5.4 /FULL Example

The report produced when you use the /FULL qualifier includes all event information along with the header information for each event.


EVENT  EVENT_TYPE_______________________  TIMESTAMP______________  NODE__  EVENT_CLASS____________________________
1      Volume Mount                       14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12  FRANZ   VOLUME_CHANGES

DESCRIPTION____________________________   RANGE___   VALUE_____________   TRANSLATED_VALUE_______________________
   Operating System Type                             2                    OpenVMS
   Hardware Architecture                             4                    Alpha
   Vendor ID                                         0x00000DEC           HP
   Hardware System Type                              35                   Wildfire
   Logging CPU                                       3
   Number of CPU's in Active Set                     4
   System Marketing Model                            1968                 COMPAQ AlphaServer GS160
   Error Mask                             <31:00>:   0x00000003
   Seconds Since Boot                                17
   Chip Type                                         11                   EV67 (21264A)
   Error Sequence Number                             46
   DSR String                                        AlphaServer GS160 6/731
   DDR String                                        000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
   System Serial Number                              0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
   Time - ISO 8601 Format                            20030814133139,12-0400
   Operating System Version                          X9WY-SSB
   Computer Name                                     FRANZ

   Owner UIC of the Volume                           65537
   Unit Operation Count                              378
   Device Unit Number                                200
   Device Generic Name                               FRANZ$DKB
   Volume Number within Set                          0
   Number of Volumes within Set                      0
   Volume Label                                      OPAL_X9WY


Total number of events:                   1
Number of the first event:                1
Number of the last event:                 1
Earliest event occurred:                  14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12
Latest event occurred:                    14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12
Number of events by event class:
        VOLUME_CHANGES                    1

11.5.5 /TERSE Example

The following modifications are made to the standard report when you use the /TERSE qualifier:

  • Translations of field values are omitted, resulting in a more compressed report layout.
  • Field values are displayed in hex rather than their default format.
  • Fields that are usually suppressed when they contain a value of zero are output regardless of their value.
  • A concatenated field is output as separate fields rather than as a single field.

The example that follows shows the results of using the /TERSE qualifier with the /FULL qualifier. You can also use /TERSE with standard reports of any detail level to output event information in terse format.


EVENT  EVENT_TYPE_______________________  TIMESTAMP______________  NODE__  EVENT_CLASS____________________________
1      Volume Mount                       14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12  FRANZ   VOLUME_CHANGES

DESCRIPTION____________________________   RANGE___   VALUE________________
   Operating System Type                             0x0002
   Hardware Architecture                             0x0004
   Vendor ID                                         0x00000DEC
   Hardware System Type                              0x0000000000000023
   Logging CPU                                       0x00000003
   Number of CPU's in Active Set                     0x00000004
   Device Class                                      0x0000
   System Marketing Model                            0x000007B0
   Device Type                                       0x0000
   OS Flags                               <15:00>:   0x0000
   Error Mask                             <31:00>:   0x00000003
   Seconds Since Boot                                0x00000011
   Chip Type                                         0x0000000B
   Error Sequence Number                             0x0000002E
   DSR String                                        265767265536168706C41
   DDR String                                        000000000000000000000
   System Serial Number                              000000000000000000000
   Time - ISO 8601 Format                            333313431383033303032
   Operating System Version                          0x4253532D59573958
   Computer Name                                     000002020205A4E415246

   Owner UIC of the Volume                           0x00010001
   Unit Error Count                                  0x00000000
   Unit Operation Count                              0x0000017A
   Device Unit Number                                0x00C8
   Device Generic Name                               000424B44245A4E415246
   Volume Number within Set                          0x0000
   Number of Volumes within Set                      0x0000
   Volume Label                                      020595739585F4C41504F


Total number of events:                   1
Number of the first event:                1
Number of the last event:                 1
Earliest event occurred:                  14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12
Latest event occurred:                    14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12
Number of events by event class:
        VOLUME_CHANGES                    1

Chapter 12
Install Utility

12.1 INSTALL Description

The Install utility (INSTALL) creates known file entries to improve the performance of executable and shareable images, especially those that run frequently, run concurrently with several processes, or allow images to run in a privileged context.

Known file entries last only while the system is operating. If the system is shut down or fails for any reason, you must reinstall all known images after the system is rebooted. For this reason, you are encouraged to include additional INSTALL commands for selected images in the site-specific command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM.

12.2 INSTALL Usage Summary

Use the Install utility (INSTALL) to enhance the performance of selected executable and shareable images, to assign enhanced privileges to images, and to support user-written system services. The system stores the name and attributes of installed images on known file lists.


INSTALL [command]



Specifies an INSTALL command. This parameter is optional. If no command is specified, the utility displays its prompt and waits for command input.


To invoke INSTALL, enter the DCL command INSTALL at the DCL prompt as follows:


The utility responds with the following prompt:


You can then perform INSTALL operations by entering the appropriate INSTALL commands.

To exit from the Install utility, enter the EXIT command at the INSTALL> prompt or press Ctrl/Z. Either method returns control to the DCL command level.

Alternatively, you can enter a single INSTALL command on the same line as the command that invokes the utility, for example:


12.3 INSTALL Qualifiers

This section describes the /TRANSLATE qualifier and provides examples of its use.


The /TRANSLATE qualifier forces INSTALL to attempt a logical name translation of a file that you specify.


Before you use the /TRANSLATE qualifier, you must invoke INSTALL as a foreign command:





Within OpenVMS, when you specify a file name without a device, directory, or file type, OpenVMS usually attempts a logical name translation of the file name before it applies device, directory, or file type defaults. However, if you specify a device, directory, or file type, OpenVMS does not attempt a logical name translation.

Using the /TRANSLATE qualifier forces INSTALL to attempt a logical name translation even if a device, directory, or file type is specified.



known image


The first command in this example defines FILE1 as a logical name with an equivalence name of FILE1_EV6. However, because a device (SYS$SHARE:) and file type (.EXE) are supplied, INSTALL treats FILE1 as part of a file specification rather than as a logical name.


a known image


The first command in this example defines FILE1 as a logical name with an equivalence name of FILE1_EV6. Because /TRANSLATE is specified, INSTALL treats FILE1 as a logical name even though a device (SYS$SHARE:) and file type (.EXE) are supplied.

12.4 INSTALL Commands

This section describes and provides examples of the INSTALL commands. The following table summarizes the INSTALL command functions:

Command Function
ADD Synonym for the CREATE command
CREATE Installs the specified image as a known image
DELETE Synonym for the REMOVE command
HELP Describes how to use INSTALL
LIST Displays a description of each specified known image, global sections, and the addresses of known image data structures
PURGE Deletes all known images installed without the /NOPURGE qualifier
REMOVE Deletes a known image
REPLACE Associates a known image with the latest version of the image file or modifies the attributes of an installed image


Installs the specified image file as a known image. The ADD command is a synonym for the CREATE command.

Requires the CMKRNL privilege. Also requires the SYSGBL privilege to create system global sections and the PRMGBL privilege to create permanent global sections.


Installs the specified image file as a known image. The CREATE command is a synonym for the ADD command.

Requires the CMKRNL privilege. Also requires the SYSGBL privilege to create system global sections and the PRMGBL privilege to create permanent global sections.


CREATE file-spec



Names the file specification of an image to be installed as a known image. The file specification must name an existing executable or shareable image, which must have been linked with the /NOTRACEBACK qualifier. If you omit the device and directory specification, the default SYS$SYSTEM is used. The default file type is .EXE.

The highest existing version of the file is used by default. However, you can specify another version of the file as the known version of the image. Even if other versions of the file exist, the version that you specify will be the version that satisfies all known file lookups for the image.




Enables image-level accounting for the specified image even if image accounting is disabled (by using the DCL command SET ACCOUNTING/DISABLE=IMAGE). When image accounting is enabled on the local node, it logs all images, and the /NOACCOUNTING qualifier has no effect.


On Alpha systems, overrides the system parameter ARB_SUPPORT for this installed image.

The following table shows the keywords you can use with the /ARB_SUPPORT qualifier:

Keyword Behavior
None The obsolete kernel data cells are not maintained by the system. Fields are initialized to zero or set to invalid pointers at process creation.
Clear The obsolete kernel data cells are cleared or set to invalid pointers when the code would have set up values for backward compatibility.
Read-only The obsolete cells are updated with corresponding security information stored in the current Persona Security Block (PSB) when a $PERSONA_ASSUME is issued.
Full (default) Data is moved from the obsolete cells to the currently active PSB on any security-based operation.

For more information about obsolete kernel cells, refer to the ARB_SUPPORT system parameter in an appendix to this manual or in online help.



Installs the file as a known image installed with the authorized privileges specified.

Usage Notes

  • If a privileged image is not located on the system volume, the image is implicitly installed /OPEN.
  • The set of privileges for a privileged image can be empty. You must, however, list each privilege every time you define or redefine privileges.
  • The /AUTHPRIVILEGES qualifier applies only to executable images.
  • You cannot specify this qualifier for an executable image linked with the /TRACEBACK qualifier.
  • You cannot assign privilege names with the /NOAUTHPRIVILEGES qualifier.

You can specify one or more of the privilege names described in detail in an appendix to the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security. (ALL is the default.)



The /EXECUTE_ONLY qualifier is meaningful only to main programs. It allows the image to activate shareable images to which the user has execute access but no read access. All shareable images referenced by the program must be installed, and OpenVMS RMS uses trusted logical names (those created for use in executive or kernel mode).

You cannot specify this qualifier for an executable image linked with the /TRACEBACK qualifier.



Installs the file as a known image with a permanently resident header (native mode images only). An image installed header resident is implicitly installed open.


/NOLOG (default)

Lists the newly created known file entry along with any associated global sections created by the installation.



Installs the file as a permanently open known image.



Installs the file as a known image with active privileges specified. If a privileged image is not located on the system volume, the image is implicitly installed /OPEN.

Usage Notes

  • The set of privileges for a privileged image can be empty.
  • You must list each privilege every time you define or redefine privileges.
  • The /PRIVILEGED qualifier applies only to executable images.
  • You cannot specify this qualifier for an executable image linked with the /TRACEBACK qualifier.
  • You cannot assign privilege names with the /NOPRIVILEGED qualifier.

Installing Shareable Images

Installing an image with privileges declares that the image is trusted to maintain system integrity and security properly. To maintain that trust, any routine called by the privileged image must also be trusted. For this reason, any shareable images activated for use by a privileged image must be installed. Only trusted logical names (names defined in executive and kernel mode) can be used in locating shareable images to be used by a privileged image.


When you create a new entry, the privileges you assign are also assigned for Authorized Privileges if you do not assign specific authorized privileges with the /AUTHPRIVILEGED qualifier.

When you replace an image, any privileges assigned with the /PRIVILEGED qualifier are not repeated as Authorized Privileges. Also, if you use the REPLACE command with the /NOAUTHPRIVILEGES qualifier, the Authorized Privileges become the same as the Default Privileges (set using the /PRIVILEGED qualifier).

You can specify one or more of the privilege names described in detail in an appendix to the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security. (ALL is the default.)

For examples of how to use CREATE commands with /PRIVILEGES qualifiers, see the Examples section at the end of this command.


/NOPROTECTED (default)

Installs the file as a known image that is protected from user-mode and supervisor-mode write access. You can write into the image only from executive or kernel mode. The /PROTECTED qualifier together with the /SHARE qualifier are used to implement user-written services, which become privileged shareable images.

/PURGE (default)


Specifies that the image can be removed by a purge operation; if you specify /NOPURGE, you can remove the image only by a remove operation.


On Alpha systems, causes image code sections or read-only data sections to be placed in the granularity hint regions and compresses other image sections, which remain located in process space. If you do not specify the /RESIDENT qualifier, neither code nor data is installed resident. If you specify the /RESIDENT qualifier without keyword arguments, code is installed resident, and data is not installed resident.

The image must be linked using the /SECTION_BINDING=(CODE,DATA) qualifier. An image installed with resident code or data is implicitly installed header resident and shared.



Installs the file as a shared known image and creates global sections for the image sections that can be shared. An image installed shared is implicitly installed open.

When you use the ADDRESS_DATA keyword with the /SHARED qualifier, P1 space addresses are assigned for shareable images. With the assigned addresses, the Install utility can determine the content of an address data section when the image is installed rather than when it is activated, reducing CPU and I/O time. A global section is created to allow shared access to address data image sections.



Installs the file as an image capable of accepting signals (or exceptions) from other processes. This allows privileged images to be signaled.



Installs the file as a writable known image when you also specify the /SHARED qualifier. The /WRITABLE qualifier applies only to images with image sections that are shareable and writable. The /WRITABLE qualifier is automatically negated if the /NOSHARED qualifier is specified.

You can use the GALAXY keyword with the /WRITABLE qualifier to place write shared image sections in Galaxy global sections. You can also use the IDENT keyword with GALAXY to include the image ident in the name of the Galaxy global section, so that multiple versions of an image can be used simultaneously in a Galaxy system.




The command in this example installs the image file STATSHR as a permanently open shared known image.



The command in this example installs the image file GRPCOMM as a permanently open known image with the privileges GROUP and GRPNAM.

Any process running GRPCOMM receives the GROUP and GRPNAM privileges for the duration of the execution of GRPCOMM. The full name of GRPCOMM is assumed to be SYS$SYSTEM:GRPCOMM.EXE.



The command in this example installs the image file GRPCOMM as a known image and then displays the newly created known file entry.



The command in this example installs the INFOSHR file as a shared known image and creates shared global sections for code sections and read-only data sections. Because the command includes the ADDRESS_DATA keyword, address data is also created as a shared global section.



The command in this example creates the STATSHR image with all privileges.



The command in this example creates the STATSHR image with the OPER and SYSPRV privileges.



The command in this example creates the STATSHR image with an empty set of privileges.



The command in this example creates the STATSHR image explicitly with no privileges.


Deletes a known image. The DELETE command is a synonym for the REMOVE command.


Terminates INSTALL and returns control to the DCL command level. You can also exit from INSTALL by pressing Ctrl/Z.




Displays information about how to use INSTALL.


HELP [command]



Specifies the name of a command for which help infomation is to be displayed. If you omit a command name, a list of commands is displayed and you are prompted for a command name.




The command in this example displays a list of INSTALL topics and a Topic? prompt. Any topic from the list can be entered at the prompt.




  For display of a one-line description of the specified known image,
  or if no file is specified, then for all known images.  Use with
  /FULL to obtain a multiline description.

  Format:         LIST [file-spec] /qualifier


     LIST [file-spec]        List the known image for file-spec
     LIST                    List all entries

  Additional information available:


The command in this example displays help information about the LIST command.


Displays a description of each specified known image or, if no file is specified, all known images.


LIST [file-spec]



Names the file specification of an image installed as a known image. If you omit the file specification, INSTALL displays all known images.


You can use the LIST command with the /FULL qualifier to display information that is useful in tuning the known image database. For example, a high entry-access count for an image may indicate that system performance could benefit if the image were installed /OPEN. Similarly, high entry-access counts for an image may indicate that installing the image /SHARED---that is, with global sections---could improve performance. For a description of global sections and global pages, including information about how to estimate the size of installed images, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual.



Displays a multiline description of the specified known image, including the number of accesses, the number of concurrent accesses, and the number of global sections created. The /FULL qualifier with the /GLOBAL qualifier shows information about global sections, plus the current owner and protection codes and access control entries.


Lists global sections for any specified shared image, or if you omit the file specification, lists all global sections. If a global section is created by INSTALL to support a particular image, that image is also identified.


Displays a description of each resident image.


Lists addresses of known image data structures.


Used with the /GLOBAL qualifier, displays the global section and global page usage on the system for local and shared memory global sections.




The command in this example displays a single-line description of all known images. The description includes the file specification of the known image and its attributes.

   ANALIMDMP;1 (1)               Prv (2)
   AUTHORIZE;1                    Prv
   CDU;1            Open Hdr      Prv
   DCL;1            Open Hdr Shar          Lnkbl
   FAL;1            Open Hdr Shar
   INSTALL;1                      Prv
   LOGINOUT;1       Open Hdr Shar Prv
   MAIL;1           Open Hdr Shar
   MAIL_SERVER;1    Open Hdr Shar Prv
   REQUEST;1                      Prv
   SET;1            Open Hdr Shar Prv
   SETAUDIT;1                     Prv
   SETP0;1          Open Hdr Shar Prv
   SETRIGHTS;1                    Prv
   SHOW;1           Open Hdr Shar Prv
   SHWCLSTR;1       Open Hdr Shar Prv
   SUBMIT;1         Open Hdr Shar Prv
   SYSMAN;1                       Prv

   ANALIMDMPSHR;1                 Prv
   DCLTABLES;1      Open Hdr Shar          Lnkbl
   LIBOTS;1         Open Hdr Shar          Lnkbl        Resid
   LIBRTL;1         Open Hdr Shar          Lnkbl        Resid
   MAILSHR;1        Open Hdr Shar          Lnkbl

  1. File specification of the known image
  2. Attribute of known image, as follows:
    Attribute Meaning
    ACNT Image accounting is enabled for the image (/ACCOUNTING).
    +CMODE Image is in compatibility mode, set by the VAX--11 RSX Linker.
    HDR Image header is permanently resident (/HEADER_RESIDENT).
    LNKBL Image is not executable; it is a shareable (linkable) image set by the OpenVMS Linker.
    NOPURG Image cannot be removed by a purge operation; it can only be removed by a delete or remove operation (/NOPURGE).
    OPEN Image is permanently open (/OPEN).
    PROT Image contains protected code (/PROTECTED).
    PRV Image has privileges (/PRIVILEGED).
    ++RESID Image is resident (/RESIDENT).
    SAFE Image is a privileged image registered as being compatible with the running version of OpenVMS. For more information about registered images, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials.
    SHAR Image is shared (/SHARED).
    WRT Image is writable (/WRITABLE).
    XONLY Only execute access to image is allowed (/EXECUTE_ONLY).

+VAX specific
++Alpha specific




The command in this Alpha example displays a single-line description of all resident images. The description includes the location in memory, the size of the code sections, and the type of section.

 System Resident Sections


 Base VA     End VA     Length       Type

 80490000    80490A00   00000A00     Resident Code

 7FC04000    7FC04A00   00000A00     Linkage
 7FC14000    7FC14200   00000200     Writeable data
 7FC34000    7FC34200   00000200     Writeable data


 Base VA     End VA     Length       Type

 80548000    805D1C00   00089C00     Resident Code
 805D2000    805D2400   00000400     Resident Code

 7FE34000    7FE4B800   00017800     Linkage
 7FE54000    7FE59A00   00005A00     Writeable data
 7FE64000    7FE64800   00000800     Read-only data
 7FE84000    7FE84200   00000200     Writeable data
 7FE94000    7FE94200   00000200     Demand-zero
 7FEA4000    7FEA7000   00003000     Demand-zero
 7FEB4000    7FEB5800   00001800     Writeable data


 Base VA     End VA     Length       Type

 80492000    80547600   000B5600     Resident Code

 7FC44000    7FC6FA00   0002BA00     Read-only data
 7FC74000    7FC88200   00014200     Linkage
 7FC94000    7FC94400   00000400     Writeable data
 7FCA4000    7FCCE600   0002A600     Read-only data
 7FD94000    7FD95000   00001000     Writeable data


 Base VA     End VA     Length       Type

 80482000    8048F600   0000D600     Resident Code

 7FBC4000    7FBC6600   00002600     Read-only data
 7FBD4000    7FBD5A00   00001A00     Linkage
 7FBF4000    7FBF4200   00000200     Writeable data


 Base VA     End VA     Length       Type

 80400000    80481A00   00081A00     Resident Code

 7FB54000    7FB64800   00010800     Linkage
 7FB74000    7FB75000   00001000     Writeable data
 7FB84000    7FB8D600   00009600     Read-only data
 7FB94000    7FB94200   00000200     Writeable data
 7FBA4000    7FBA5000   00001000     Demand-zero
 7FBB4000    7FBB5400   00001400     Writeable data



The command in this example displays a multiline description of the known image LOGINOUT.


    LOGINOUT;3       Open Hdr    Shar Priv
        Entry access count         = 44 (1)
        Current / Maximum shared   = 3 / 5 (2)
        Global section count       = 2 (3)

  1. Number of times known file entry has been accessed by this node since it swas installed.
  2. First number indicates the current count of concurrent accesses of the known file. The second number indicates the highest count of concurrent accesses of the file since it was installed. This number appears only if the image is installed with the /OPEN qualifier.
  3. Number of global sections created for the known file; appears only if the image is installed with the /SHARED qualifier.
  4. Translation of the privilege mask; appears only if the image is installed with privileges.


The command in this example displays all global sections for shared images. Global sections created by INSTALL (prefix INS$) for a specific image are listed following the name of that image.

                      System Global Sections (1)

 INS$86D9BFB0_003 (3) (14000001) (4)       PRM SYS (5)   Pagcnt/Refcnt=1/1 (6)
 INS$86D9BFB0_002    (14000001)          PRM SYS      Pagcnt/Refcnt=3/3
 INS$86D9BFB0_001    (14000001)          PRM SYS      Pagcnt/Refcnt=1/1
RMS$87A63B00         (00000000) WRT DZRO TMP SYS      Pagcnt/Refcnt=74/74
 671 Global Sections Used, 102138/22862  Global Pages Used/Unused (7)

  1. Display of global sections in memory.
  2. Name of the image for which the following global sections were created by INSTALL.
  3. Name of global section. The prefix identifies the creator of the section; for example, INS means the global section was created by INSTALL. The number includes the address of the section.
  4. Version number (in hexadecimal) of global section; for shareable images only, the high-order byte (01 in CRFSHR_003) contains major identification, and low-order bytes (0003E8 in CRFSHR_003) contain minor identification determined by the programmer at link time. For executable images, the number is a known unique value determined by the system.
  5. Attributes of the global section:
    DZRO Global section is demand-zero.
    GRP Along with a group number indicates a groupwide section, which would be created by a program other than INSTALL.
    PRM Global section is permanent.
    SYS Global section is systemwide.
    TMP Indicates a temporary global section, which would be created by a program other than INSTALL.
    WRT Global section is writable.
  6. Number of pages (VAX) or pagelets (Alpha) in the section and number of page table entries currently mapped to this global section. For a more detailed discussion of mapping global sections, refer to the OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual.
  7. Number of global sections created, number of global pages used, and number of global pages unused in local memory. Note that, because of arithmetic rounding, the number of global sections created will sometimes be greater than the SYSGEN parameter GBLSECTIONS. When the size of the system header is being computed, the values of the GBLSECTIONS and SYSMWCNT parameters are combined with the size of the fixed part of the process header. The result is rounded up to the next page boundary. This rounding process sometimes adds space to the global section table, depending on the values of the two SYSGEN parameters and the amount of system paging that preceded the running of INSTALL to create all of the global sections.


The command in this example displays a complete listing of global sections for shared images. The /FULL qualifier adds owner and protection codes to the display.

  System Global Sections
NM_MAILSHR_003 (741A6919)           PRM SYS      Pagcnt/Refcnt=10/0
NM_MAILSHR_002 (741A6919)           PRM SYS      Pagcnt/Refcnt=1/0
NM_MAILSHR_001 (741A6919)           PRM SYS      Pagcnt/Refcnt=11/0
               Owner:       [1,4] (1)
               Protection:  S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RWED,W:RE (2)
  1. UIC of the owner of the global section
  2. Type of access allowed for the image


Deletes all known file entries for images installed without the /NOPURGE qualifier.

Requires the CMKRNL privilege. Also requires the SYSGBL privilege to create system global sections and the PRMGBL privilege to create permanent global sections.






The PURGE command deletes all known file entries for images installed without the /NOPURGE qualifier.

If a process is accessing global sections when the PURGE command is entered, the global sections are deleted only after the operation initiated by the process completes. However, once the command is entered, no additional processes can access the global sections because they are marked for deletion.



The command in this example deletes all images except those installed with the /NOPURGE qualifier. The image files remain unaffected. Writable global sections are written back to disk upon their removal as known images.


Deletes a known image. The REMOVE command is identical to the DELETE command.

Requires the CMKRNL privilege. Also requires the SYSGBL privilege to create system global sections and the PRMGBL privilege to create permanent global sections.


REMOVE file-spec



Names the file specification of a known image.


The REMOVE command deletes an entry from the known file list. The image's entry on the known file list and any global sections created for the image are deleted. The image file remains unaffected. Writable global sections are written back to disk upon their removal as known images.

If a process is accessing global sections when the REMOVE command is entered, the global sections are deleted only after the operation initiated by the process completes. However, once the command is entered, no additional processes can access the global sections because they are marked for deletion.



The command in this example deletes the entry for the known image GRPCOMM from the known image file list.


Replaces a known image entry with another version of the image, or with modified attributes. The REPLACE command is a synonym for the DELETE command.

Requires the CMKRNL privilege. Also requires the SYSGBL privilege to create system global sections and the PRMGBL privilege to create permanent global sections.


REPLACE file-spec



Names the file specification of an image installed as a known image.


The REPLACE command updates a known file to the latest, or to a specified version found in the specified directory, or in another directory if the file-spec parameter uses a search list.

You can use the REPLACE command to modify the attributes of currently installed images. Either specify new qualifiers, or change the value of qualifiers used when installing the image with the CREATE (or ADD) command. If you specify no qualifiers, the new image retains the same attributes as the old one. If the REPLACE command modifies neither the installed image file nor its attributes, the REPLACE command allows continued sharing of global sections.

If a process is accessing global sections when the REPLACE command is entered, the global sections are deleted only after the operation initiated by the process completes. However, once the command is entered, no additional processes can access the global sections because they are marked for deletion.




Enables image-level accounting for selected images even if image accounting is disabled on the local node (by using the DCL command SET ACCOUNTING/DISABLE=IMAGE). When image accounting is enabled on the local node, it logs all images, and the /NOACCOUNTING qualifier has no effect.


On Alpha systems, overrides the system parameter ARB_SUPPORT for this installed image.

The following table shows the keywords you can use with the /ARB_SUPPORT qualifier:

Keyword Behavior
None The obsolete kernel data cells are not maintained by the system. Fields are initialized to zero (or set to invalid pointers) at process creation.
Clear The obsolete kernel data cells are cleared (or set to invalid pointers) when the code would have set up values for backward compatibility.
Read-only The obsolete cells are updated with corresponding security information stored in the current Persona Security Block (PSB) when a $PERSONA_ASSUME is issued.
Full (default) Data is moved from the obsolete cells to the currently active PSB on any security-based operation.

For more information about obsolete kernel cells, refer to the ARB_SUPPORT system parameter in an appendix to this manual or in online help.



Installs the file as a known image installed with the authorized privileges specified.

Usage Notes

  • If a privileged image is not located on the system volume, the image is implicitly installed /OPEN.
  • The set of privileges for a privileged image can be empty. You must, however, list each privilege every time you define or redefine privileges.
  • The /AUTHPRIVILEGES qualifier applies only to executable images.
  • You cannot specify this qualifier for an executable image linked with the /TRACEBACK qualifier.
  • You cannot assign privilege names with the /NOAUTHPRIVILEGES qualifier.

Interaction of /PRIVILEGED and /AUTHPRIVILEGES Qualifiers

When you create a new entry, the privileges you assign are also assigned for Authorized Privileges if you do not assign specific authorized privileges with the /AUTHPRIVILEGES qualifier.

When you replace an image, any privileges assigned with the /PRIVILEGED qualifier are not repeated as Authorized Privileges. Also, if you use the REPLACE command with the /NOAUTHPRIVILEGES qualifier, the Authorized Privileges become the same as the Default Privileges (set using the /PRIVILEGED qualifier).

You can specify one or more of the privilege names described in detail in an appendix to the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security. (ALL is the default.)



The /EXECUTE_ONLY qualifier is meaningful only to main programs. It allows the image to activate shareable images to which the user has execute access but no read access. All shareable images referenced by the program must be installed, and OpenVMS RMS uses trusted logical names, those created for use in executive or kernel mode.

You cannot specify this qualifier for an executable image linked with the /TRACEBACK qualifier.



Installs the file as a known image with a permanently resident header (native mode images only). An image installed header resident is implicitly installed open.


/NOLOG (default)

Lists the newly created known file entry along with any associated global sections created by the installation.



Installs the file as a permanently open known image.



Installs the file as a known image installed with the working privileges specified.

Usage Notes

  • If a privileged image is not located on the system volume, the image is implicitly installed /OPEN.
  • The set of privileges for a privileged image can be empty. You must, however, list each privilege every time you define or redefine privileges.
  • The /PRIVILEGED qualifier applies only to executable images.
  • You cannot specify this qualifier for an executable image linked with the /TRACEBACK qualifier.
  • You cannot assign privilege names with the /NOPRIVILEGED qualifier.

You can specify one or more of the privilege names described in detail in an appendix to the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security. (ALL is the default.)


/NOPROTECTED (default)

Installs the file as a known image that is protected from user-mode and supervisor-mode write access. You can write into the image only from executive or kernel mode. The /PROTECTED qualifier together with the /SHARE qualifier are used to implement user-written services, which become privileged shareable images.

/PURGE (default)


Specifies that the image can be removed by a purge operation; if you specify /NOPURGE, you can remove the image only by a delete or remove operation.


On Alpha systems, causes image code sections or read-only data sections to be placed in the granularity hint regions and compresses other image sections, which remain located in process space. If you do not specify the /RESIDENT qualifier, neither code nor data is installed resident. If you specify the /RESIDENT qualifier without keyword arguments, code is installed resident, and data is not installed resident.

The image must be linked using the /SECTION_BINDING=(CODE,DATA) qualifier. An image installed with resident code or data is implicitly installed /HEADER_RESIDENT and /SHARED.



Installs the file as a shared known image and creates global sections for the image sections that can be shared. An image installed shared is implicitly installed open.

When you use the ADDRESS_DATA keyword with the /SHARED qualifier, P1 space addresses are assigned for shareable images. With the assigned addresses, the Install utility can determine the content of an address data section when the image is installed rather than when it is activated, reducing CPU and I/O time. A global section is created to allow shared access to address data image sections.



Installs the file as an image capable of accepting signals (or exceptions) from other processes. This allows privileged images to be signaled.



Installs the file as a writable known image as long as you also specify the /SHARED qualifier. The /WRITABLE qualifier only applies to images with image sections that are shareable and writable. The /WRITABLE qualifier is automatically negated if the /NOSHARED qualifier is specified.



The command in this example replaces the known image GRPCOMM with the latest version of the image, while enabling image accounting and removing the OPEN attribute from this version.

The full name of the file specification is assumed to be SYS$SYSTEM:GRPCOMM.EXE.

Chapter 13
LAN Control Program (LANCP) Utility

13.1 LANCP Description

The LAN Control Program (LANCP) utility allows you to configure and control the LAN software on OpenVMS systems. You can use LANCP to:
  • Obtain LAN device counters, revision, and configuration information
  • Change the operational parameters of LAN devices on the system
  • Maintain the LAN permanent and volatile device and node databases
  • Control the LANACP LAN Server process (including Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP) downline load server related functions)
  • Initiate MOP console carrier and MOP trigger boot operations

13.2 LANCP Usage Summary

You can use the LANCP utility to:
  • Set LAN parameters to customize your LAN environment.
  • Display LAN settings and counters.
  • Provide MOP downline load support for devices such as terminal servers, x-terminals, and LAN-based printers, and for booting satellites in an OpenVMS Cluster environment. This provides an alternative to the traditional method of using DECnet software.


LANCP [command]



Specifies a LANCP command. This parameter is optional. If no command is specified, the utility displays its prompt and waits for command input.


To invoke LANCP, enter the following command at the DCL command prompt:


The LANCP utility responds by displaying the LANCP> prompt, at which you can enter any LANCP command described in this chapter.

To define LANCP as a foreign command, either at the DCL prompt or in a startup or login command file, enter:


Then you can enter the LANCP command at the DCL prompt to invoke the utility and enter LANCP commands.

When you enter the LANCP command:

  • Without specifying any command qualifiers, the LANCP utility displays the LANCP> prompt, at which you can enter commands.
  • With command qualifiers, the LANCP utility terminates after it executes the command and returns you to the DCL command prompt.


Some LANCP commands require special privileges.

To exit from the LANCP utility, enter the EXIT command at the LANCP> prompt or press Ctrl/Z.

For information about the LANCP utility, enter the HELP command at the LANCP> prompt.

13.3 LANCP Commands

This section describes and provides examples of the LANCP commands. The following table summarizes the LANCP commands:

Command Function
@ (Execute Procedure) Executes a command procedure.
CLEAR DEVICE Deletes a device from the LAN volatile device database.
CLEAR DLL Clears MOP downline load counters for all nodes and devices.
CLEAR MOPDLL Same as the CLEAR DLL command.
CLEAR NODE Deletes a node from the LAN volatile node database.
CONNECT NODE Connects to a LAN device, such as a terminal server, that implements a management interface using the MOP console carrier protocol.
CONVERT DEVICE_DATABASE Converts the device database to the format required by the current version of LANCP.
CONVERT NODE_DATABASE Converts the node database to the format required by the current version of LANCP.
DEFINE DEVICE Enters a device into the LAN permanent device database or modifies an existing entry.
DEFINE NODE Enters a node into the LAN permanent node database or modifies an existing entry.
EXIT Stops execution of LANCP and returns control to the DCL command level.
HELP Provides online help information about the LANCP utility.
LIST DEVICE Displays information in the LAN permanent device database.
LIST NODE Displays information in the LAN permanent node database.
PURGE DEVICE Deletes a device from the LAN permanent device database.
PURGE NODE Deletes a node from the LAN permanent node database.
SET ACP Modifies the operation of the LANACP LAN Server process.
SET DEVICE Enters a device into the LAN volatile device database or modifies an existing entry and sets device parameters.
SET NODE Enters a node into the LAN volatile node database or modifies an existing entry.
SHOW CONFIGURATION Displays a list of LAN devices on the system.
SHOW DEVICE Displays information in the LAN volatile device database and displays device data.
SHOW DLL Displays the current state of MOP downline load services.
SHOW LOG Displays recent downline load activity.
SHOW MOPDLL Same as the SHOW DLL command.
SHOW NODE Displays information in the LAN volatile node database.
SPAWN Creates a subprocess of the current process.
TRIGGER NODE Issues a request to reboot to a remote node.

@ (Execute Procedure)

Executes a command procedure or requests the command interpreter to read subsequent command input from a specific file or device.


@ file-spec



Specifies either the input device or the file for the preceding command, or the command procedure to be executed.




SPAWN WAIT 00:01:00

Device Counters EXA0:
             Value  Counter
             -----  -------
        4294967295  Seconds since last zeroed
          38731696  Data blocks received
          28378137  Multicast blocks received
           2621447  Receive failure
        4294967295  Bytes received
        3203299230  Multicast bytes received
                 1  Data overrun
          13771761  Data blocks sent
            672064  Multicast packets transmitted
            662415  Blocks sent, multiple collisions
            502863  Blocks sent, single collision
           1056303  Blocks sent, initially deferred
        1462759444  Bytes sent
          76562996  Multicast bytes transmitted
          40042529  Send failure
                 0  Collision detect check failure
                 0  Unrecognized frame destination
                 0  System buffer unavailable
                 0  User buffer unavailable


This example creates and runs a command procedure, COUNT.COM, that displays device counters once every minute.


Deletes a device from the LAN volatile device database. Requires SYSPRV privilege.


CLEAR DEVICE device-name



Supplies the LAN controller device name. The device name has the form ddcu where dd is the device code, c is the controller designation, and u is the unit number. LAN devices are specified as the name of the template device which is unit 0. For example, the first PCI Ethernet device is specified as EWA0, the second as EWB0.

For example, you can specify a DEMNA controller as either EXA, EXA0, or EXA0:.



Deletes all LAN devices in the LAN volatile device database. If you specify a device name, all matching LAN devices are selected, for example: E to select all Ethernet devices, F for FDDI, I for Token Ring, EW to select all PCI Ethernet PCI devices.



This command deletes device EXA0 from the LAN volatile device database.


This command clears MOP downline load counters from the LAN volatile device and node databases for all nodes and devices. Requires SYSPRV privilege.










This command clears MOP downline load counters from the LAN volatile device and node databases for all nodes and devices.


Deletes a node from the LAN volatile node database. Requires SYSPRV privilege.


CLEAR NODE node-name



Supplies the name of a node in the LAN volatile node database.



Deletes all LAN nodes in the LAN volatile node database. If you specify a node name, all matching nodes are selected; for example, A/ALL deletes all nodes whose name begins with A.




This command deletes the node VAXSYS from the LAN volatile node database.


Opens a MOP console carrier connection to the specified node. This allows a local terminal to act as the console for a remote system.


CONNECT NODE node-specification



Supplies either the node name or the node address of the target node. If you supply the node name, the node address is obtained by looking up the node name in the LAN volatile node database. If you supply the node address, the corresponding node need not be defined in the LAN volatile node database. The canonical form of the address consists of 6 hexadecimal byte characters separated by hyphens. Use a colon as the separator character to indicate the bit-reversed form of the address.



Specifies the LAN controller device name to be used for the connection. For example, you can specify a DEMNA controller as EXA, EXA0, or EXA0:.


Specifies a character that you can use to terminate the connection to the remote node. To terminate a connection, press Ctrl/disconnect-character. You can select any ASCII character from @ through Z, except C, M, Q, S, Y; the default disconnect character is D.


Supplies the password to be used when the connection is initiated, in hexadecimal (for example, /PASSWORD=0123456789ABCDEF). The default password is zero. You can omit leading zeros.

/V3 or /V4

Indicates that MOP Version 3 or Version 4 formatted messages, respectively, are to be used to make the connection. By default, LANCP determines the format by sending MOP Request ID messages to the remote node first in MOP Version 4 format, then in Version 3 format, repeating this process until a response is received or timeout occurs.

You can specify the format:

  • To allow connection to nodes that do not support Request ID messages
  • As a means of getting around implementation problems with one of the formats




This command attempts a console-carrier connection to node GALAXY using the Ethernet device EWA0.



This command attempts a console-carrier connection to the given node address using the Ethernet device EWA0, with the specified password.


Converts the device database to the format required by LANCP. If the database is not updated, LANCP can read the database but not update entries in it. Requires SYSPRV privilege.








Converts the node database to the format required by LANCP. If the database is not updated, LANCP can read the database but not update entries in it. Requires SYSPRV privilege.








Enters a device into the LAN permanent device database or modifies an existing entry. Requires SYSPRV privilege.


DEFINE DEVICE device-name



Supplies the name of a device to be added to the LAN permanent device database or an entry to be modified. The device name has the form ddcu where dd is the device code, c is the controller designation, and u is the unit number. LAN devices are specified as the name of the template device, which is unit 0; for example, the first PCI Ethernet device is specified as EWA0, the second as EWB0.



Defines data for all LAN devices in the LAN permanent device database. If you specify a device name, all matching LAN devices are selected; for example: specify E to select all Ethernet devices, F for FDDI, I for Token Ring, or EW to select all Ethernet PCI devices.


On Alpha systems, defines the LAN emulation server (LES) address for asynchronous transfer mode (ATM). Usually the address is not user specified; this qualifier is used only if you want a specific address. By default the address is determined by software from the configuration server for the LES.

The /ATMADDRESS=LES qualifier's syntax is as follows:



On Alpha systems, defines the LAN address resolution protocol (ARP) server address for Classical IP over ATM. This qualifier is required before a logical IP subnet (LIS) is enabled if the local host is not the ARP server.

The /ATMADDRESS=ARP qualifier's syntax is as follows:



On Alpha systems, defines the Classical Internet Protocol (CLIP) over ATM (RFC1577). The CLIP qualifier implements a data-link level device as a client and/or a server in a logical IP subnet (LIS). This allows the IP protocol to transmit Ethernet frames over the ATM network. The /CLIP = ENABLE command causes the system to join the LIS. The /CLIP = DISABLE command causes the client to leave the logical IP subnet.

Note that a LIS requires a server, and there must be only one server for each subnet. Communication between subnets can only be performed by a router. There can only be one client for each ATM adapter.

The /CLIP qualifier's syntax with standard Internet dotted notation is as follows:

DEFINE DEVICE/CLIP =(ip_subnet=a.b.c.d,
                     name="ip subnet name",
                     enable, disable
                     type = client|server)

The meanings for the syntax for /CLIP are as follows:

Option Meaning
ip_address Specifies the IP address of the CLIP client.
ip_subnet Specifies the subnet mask of the CLIP client.
parent=devnam Specifies the parent device name.
name Specifies a name for the LIS to aid in operations and diagnostics.
type=client Starts up a classical IP client only. This is the default.
type=server Starts up a classical IP server. Only one server for each LIS is allowed, and the server needs to be started first.
type=(server,client) Starts up a classical IP server and client.

Keywords and their meaning for /CLIP are as follows:

Keyword Meaning
Enable Joins the logical IP subnet.
Disable Causes a client to leave the logical IP subnet.


Disables the active participant in a LAN Failover set. This qualifier invalidates the effect of the /ENABLE qualifier.

/DLL=(enable-option, exclusive-option, size-option, knownclientsonly-option)

Provides the MOP downline load service settings for the device.

Note that defaults apply to creation of an entry in the device database. If an existing entry is being modified, fields not specified remain unchanged.

You can specify the following keywords with this qualifier:

  • enable-option

    DISABLE (default)

    Specify ENABLE or DISABLE to indicate that MOP downline load service should be enabled or disabled for the device.
  • exclusive-option

    NOEXCLUSIVE (default)

    Specify EXCLUSIVE to indicate that no other provider of MOP downline load service is allowed on the specified LAN device at the same time as LANACP. Specify NOEXCLUSIVE to indicate that the LAN MOP downline load service can coexist with other implementations (in particular, the DECnet Phase IV implementation that operates the MOP protocol in shared mode).
  • size-option


    Use SIZE=value to specify the size in bytes of the file data portion of each downline load message. The permitted range is 246 to 1482 bytes. The default value is 246 bytes, which should allow any client to load properly. Note that some clients may not support the larger size.
    The recommended size for better load performance and less server overhead is the largest size that results in successful loads of all clients. The 1482 value is derived from the maximum packet size for CSMA/CD (Ethernet) of 1518 bytes less the 802e header and CRC (26 bytes) and MOP protocol overhead (10 bytes).
    You can override the size on a per-node basis. See the DEFINE NODE and SET NODE commands for details.
  • knownclientsonly-option


    Specify KNOWNCLIENTSONLY to indicate that MOP downline load requests should be serviced only for clients defined in the LAN permanent node database. When NOKNOWNCLIENTSONLY is selected, LANACP searches the LAN$DLL directory for any images requested by clients that are not defined in the LAN permanent node database.


On Alpha systems, the /ELAN qualifier has two values: enable and disable. With /ELAN=ENABLE along with the keyword STARTUP, the LAN emulation is loaded when LANACP starts. With /ELAN=DISABLE, the same parameters used with ENABLE can be invoked.

The /ELAN qualifier's syntax is as follows:

DEFINE DEVICE/ELAN =(parent=parent device,
                     name="ELAN NAME to join",
                     description = "description string,")

The meaning of the syntax for /ELAN is as follows:

Option Meaning
parent The ATM adapter device name. An example of the parent device for DAPCA is: HW n0, where n is the controller number. An example of the parent device for DGLTA is: HC n0, where n is the controller number.
name Optionally specified if you want to join a specific ELAN. The default is null.
size Maximum frame size of the LAN you want to join. Valid sizes are 1516, 4544, or 9234 bytes. The default is 1516.
type Support currently only for CSMACD, which is the default.
description A method of describing the ELAN for display purposes only.

Keywords and their meanings for /ELAN are as follows:

Keyword Meaning
Enable Begins a join on a specified emulated LAN. Also loads the driver, if it is not already loaded.
Disable Causes a client to leave the emulated LAN.


Enables a LAN device (previously identified as a member of a LAN Failover set) as the active participant in the LAN Failover set.



Specifies the participants of a LAN Failover set.


Sets the Failover priority of a LAN device. Priority is given to the LAN Failover participant with the highest priority when choosing the active participant of a LAN Failover set.



On Alpha systems, defines the permanent virtual circuit (PVC) to be used by a Classical IP over ATM client. This is an optional qualifier.

A list of PVCs is defined for use by CLIP clients. This command should be used before enabling the CLIP client. The PVC has to be set up manually in the ATM switch.

The vci is the VCI (Virtual Circuit ID) of the PVC to be used.


Adds LAN devices that are not currently in the LAN permanent device database to that database. The initial entry for the device uses default values for all parameters. To update the permanent database with current information from the volatile database, use the DEFINE DEVICE command with the /VOLATILE_DATABASE qualifier. You can combine the /UPDATE and /VOLATILE_DATABASE qualifiers in a single DEFINE DEVICE command.


Updates the device entries in the LAN permanent device database with any data currently set in the volatile database. This allows you to update the permanent database after changing data in the volatile database, rather than repeating the commands for each updated entry to apply the changes to the permanent database.




This command defines LAN device EXA0 to enable LANACP MOP downline load service in exclusive mode. The setting of the KNOWNCLIENTSONLY and SIZE characteristics are not changed. If the device entry does not currently exist in the LAN permanent device database, these settings are set to the defaults.



This command sets all LAN devices defined in the LAN permanent device database to nonexclusive mode for LANACP MOP downline load service.



This command enters all Ethernet devices into the LAN permanent device database and updates the entry to include the current parameter values.


Enters a node into the LAN permanent node database or modifies an existing entry. Requires SYSPRV privilege.


DEFINE NODE node-name



Supplies the name of a node to be added to the LAN permanent node database or an entry to be modified. Typically, the node name is the same as that given in the system parameter SCSNODE, but it does not need to be. The node name is limited to 63 characters in length.



/NOADDRESS (default)

Associates a LAN address with the node name. Specify the address as 6 bytes in hexadecimal notation, separated by hyphens. The address does not have to be unique (as might be the case when the address is not known, so a nonexistent address is specified).

If multiple node addresses are to be associated with a node name, each combination may be given as a node name with an extension, for example, VAXSYS.EXA for the EXA device on node VAXSYS, or VAXSYS_1 for the first LAN device on node VAXSYS.

If you do not specify the /ADDRESS qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOADDRESS qualifier clears the field.


Defines data for all nodes in the LAN permanent node database. If you specify a node name, all matching nodes are selected; for example, A/ALL selects all nodes beginning with A.



Indicates the type of processing required for downline load requests. You can specify one of the following keywords with this qualifier:
  • VAX_SATELLITE---an OpenVMS Cluster VAX satellite boot
  • ALPHA_SATELLITE---an OpenVMS Cluster Alpha satellite boot
  • OTHER---the specified image; a noncluster satellite load that does not require additional data
The distinction is necessary, because OpenVMS Cluster satellite loads require additional cluster-related data be appended to the load image given by the /FILE qualifier. The default value is OTHER.

If you do not specify the /BOOT_TYPE qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOBOOT_TYPE qualifier clears the field.



Associates a DECnet address with the node name. Specify the address in DECnet notation, xx.xxxxx.

If you do not specify the /DECNET_ADDRESS=value qualifier, then the setting remains unchanged. The /NODECNET_ADDRESS qualifier clears the field.



Supplies the file name of a boot file to be used when the downline load request does not include a file name (for example, with OpenVMS Cluster satellite booting). The file specification is limited to 127 characters.

If no file name is specified, OpenVMS Cluster satellite loads default to APB.EXE where the boot type is set to ALPHA and NISCS_LOAD.EXE where the boot type is set to VAX.

If you do not specify the /FILE qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOFILE qualifier clears the field.



Associates an IP address with the node name. Specify the address in the standard dotted notation, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.

If you do not specify the /IP_ADDRESS=value qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOIP_ADDRESS qualifier clears the filed.



Supplies the directory specification to be associated with the file name. For cluster satellite service, the /ROOT qualifier specifies the satellite root directory. For noncluster service, this qualifier specifies the location of the file. If the file specification or the file name given in the boot request includes the directory name, this qualifier is ignored. The directory specification is limited to 127 characters.

If you do not specify the /ROOT qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOROOT qualifier clears the field.



Specifies the size in bytes of the file data portion of each downline load message. The default is the load data size specified for the device. The permitted range is 246 to 1482 bytes. Use a larger size for better load performance and less server overhead.

If you do not specify the /SIZE qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOSIZE qualifier clears the setting.



Indicates that only MOP Version 3 formatted messages are to be used for downline load purposes, regardless of the requested format. This allows systems that have a problem with MOP Version 4 booting to load. This qualifier causes the requesting node to fail over from MOP Version 4 to MOP Version 3 when no response has been made to a MOP Version 4 load request.

If you do not specify the /V3 qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOV3 qualifier clears the setting.


Updates the node entries in the LAN permanent node database with any data currently set in the volatile database. This allows you to update the permanent database after changing data in the volatile database, rather than repeating the commands for each updated entry to apply the changes to the permanent database.



                  /FILE=NISCS_LOAD.EXE -
                  /ROOT=$64$DIA14:<SYS10.> -

This command sets up node GALAXY in the LAN permanent node database for booting as a VAX satellite into an OpenVMS Cluster.

The NISCS_LOAD.EXE file is actually located on $64$DIA14: <SYS10.SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB>. The <SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB> is supplied by the LANACP LAN Server process and is not included in the root definition.


                  /FILE=APB.EXE -
                  /ROOT=$64$DIA14:<SYS10.> -

This command sets up node ZAPNOT for booting as an Alpha satellite into an OpenVMS Cluster.

The APB.EXE file is actually located on $64$DIA14: <SYS10.SYSCOMMON.SYSEXE>. Note that the <SYSCOMMON.SYSEXE> is supplied by the LANACP LAN Server process and is not included in the root definition.



This command sets up node CALPAL for booting an InfoServer image. It defines the file that should be loaded when a load request without a file name is received from node CALPAL.

Because the file does not include a directory specification, the logical name LAN$DLL defines where to locate the file. You could give directory specification using the file name or by using the /ROOT qualifier.

Note that specifying the file name explicitly in the boot command overrides the file name specified in the node database entry.


Stops execution of LANCP and returns control to the DCL command level. You can also enter Ctrl/Z at any time to exit.










This command stops execution of LANCP and returns control to the DCL command level.


Provides online help information about the LANCP utility.


HELP [topic]



Specifies a subject for which you want information---a LANCP command or LANCP command and command keyword. If you enter the HELP command with a command name only, such as HELP SET, LANCP displays a list of all of the command keywords used with the SET command.






        DEVICE device-name/qualifiers

      Sets device specific parameters for the specified LAN devices.

      Requires SYSPRV privilege.

    Additional information available:

    Parameters Qualifiers



This command provides online help for the LANCP command DEFINE DEVICE.


Displays information in the LAN permanent device database.


LIST DEVICE device-name



Supplies the LAN controller device name. The device name has the form ddcu where dd is the device code, c is the controller designation, and u is the unit number. LAN devices are specified as the name of the template device which is unit 0. For example, the first DE435 Ethernet device is specified as EWA0, the second as EWB0.

For example, you can specify a DEMNA controller as EXA, EXA0, or EXA0:. This refers to the LAN template device, for which is maintained most of the device parameters and counters. Also, the device name can refer to a device unit representing an actual user or protocol. For example, the cluster protocol can be started on a device as EWA1. You can specify a device unit to view unit-specific parameter information.

If you do not specify a device name, all devices are displayed.

If you specify a device name, all matching LAN devices are displayed, for example: E to select all Ethernet devices, F for FDDI, I for Token Ring, EW to select all Ethernet PCI Tulip devices.


If you do not specify a qualifier, the utility displays the matching devices without additional information.



Lists all devices in the LAN permanent device database.


On Alpha systems, lists status and related information about the device. It is the same as /PARAMETERS qualifier.


Displays MOP downline load characteristics.


Lists the current configuration of the functional address mapping table.


Same as /DLL qualifier.

/OUTPUT=file name

Creates the specified file and directs output to it.


On Alpha systems, lists status and related information about the device.


On Alpha systems, lists the contents of the current source routing cache table.




Device Listing, permanent  database:
              --- MOP Downline Load Service Characteristics ---
   Device     State   Access Mode      Clients           Data Size
   ------     -----   -----------      -------           ---------
   EXA0      Enabled  Exclusive    KnownClientsOnly      1400 bytes
   FXA0      Disabled NoExclusive  NoKnownClientsOnly     246 bytes

This command displays MOP downline load information in the LAN permanent device database for all known devices.



Device Listing, permanent database:
              --- MOP Downline Load Service Characteristics ---
   Device     State   Access Mode      Clients           Data Size
   ------     -----   -----------      -------           ---------
   EXA0      Enabled  Exclusive    KnownClientsOnly      1400 bytes

This command displays MOP downline load information in the LAN permanent device database for device EXA0.


Displays information in the LAN permanent node database, especially MOP downline load information.


LIST NODE node-name



Specifies the node name. The name can include up to 63 characters associated with the node address. If no node name is given, all nodes are displayed.



Displays data for all nodes in the LAN permanent node database. If you specify a node name, all matching nodes are selected; for example, A/ALL selects all nodes beginning with A.


Creates the specified file and directs output to that file. If the file extension is .com, the output is in the form of a list of DEFINE NODE or SET NODE commands. The resulting command file can be used to create the LAN node databases.


Node Listing:

GALAXY (08-00-2B-2C-51-28):
  MOP DLL: Load file:   APB.EXE
           Load root:   $64$DIA24:<SYS11.>
           Boot type:   Alpha satellite

ZAPNOT (08-00-2B-18-7E-33):
  MOP DLL: Load file:   NISCS_LOAD.EXE
           Load root:   LAVC$SYSDEVICE:<SYS10.>
           Boot type:   VAX satellite

CALPAL (08-00-2B-08-9F-4C):
  MOP DLL: Load file:   READ_ADDR.SYS
           Last file:   LAN$DLL:APB_X5WN.SYS
           Boot type:   Other
           2 loads requested, 1 volunteered
           1 succeeded, 0 failed
           Last request was for a system image, in MOP V4 format
           Last load initiated 10-JUN-1998 09:11:17 on EXA0 for 00:00:06.65
           527665 bytes, 4161 packets, 0 transmit failures

Unnamed (00-00-00-00-00-00):

  Requests received    2
  Requests volunteered 1
  Successful loads     1
  Failed loads         0
  Packets sent         2080
  Packets received     2081
  Bytes sent           523481
  Bytes received       4184
  Last load            CALPAL at 10-JUN-1998 09:11:17.29


This example shows output from a LIST NODE command issued on a local node on which there are three nodes defined (GALAXY, ZAPNOT, and CALPAL). CALPAL has issued two load requests:

  • The first request is the multicast request from CALPAL that the local node volunteered to accept.
  • The second request is the load request sent directly to the local node by CALPAL for the actual load data. The elapsed time from the second load request to completion of the load was 6.65 seconds.


Deletes a device from the LAN permanent device database. Requires SYSPRV privilege.


PURGE DEVICE device-name



Supplies the LAN controller device name. The device name has the form ddcu where dd is the device code, c is the controller designation, and u is the unit number. LAN devices are specified as the name of the template device which is unit 0. For example, the first DE435 Ethernet device is specified as EWA0, the second as EWB0.

For example, you can specify a DEMNA controller as EXA, EXA0, or EXA0:. To select all LAN devices, omit the device name and include the /ALL qualifier.



Deletes all LAN devices in the LAN permanent device database. If you specify a device name, all matching LAN devices are selected, for example: E to select all Ethernet devices, F for FDDI, I for Token Ring, EW to select all Ethernet PCI Tulip devices.



This command deletes all devices from the LAN permanent device database.


Deletes a node from the LAN permanent node database. Requires SYSPRV privilege.


PURGE NODE node-name



Supplies the name of a node in the LAN permanent node database.



Deletes all LAN nodes in the LAN permanent node database. If you specify a node name, all matching nodes are selected; for example, A/ALL deletes all nodes whose name begins with A.



This command deletes all nodes from the LAN permanent node database.


Modifies the operation of the LANACP LAN Server process. Requires SYSPRV privilege.







/NOECHO (default)

Enables partial tracing of received and transmitted downline load messages (the first 32 bytes of the data portion of each message). Note that the last one or two MOP messages are displayed in full: the memory load message with cluster parameters, and the parameter load with transfer address message, where present in the load.

The data is written to a log file SYS$MANAGER:LAN$node-name.LOG.

To obtain the entire contents of each message, use the /FULL qualifier as follows:



/NOFULL (default)

When /ECHO is enabled, displays the entire contents of received and transmitted downline load messages.

/OPCOM (default)


Enables OPCOM messages from LANACP LAN Server process.

Messages are generated by the LANACP LAN Server process when a device status changes, load requests are received, and loads complete. These messages are displayed on the operator's console and included in the log file written by LANACP, SYS$MANAGER:LAN$ACP.LOG.


Stops the LANACP process. It can be restarted by reexecuting the SYS$STARTUP:LAN$STARTUP command file.



This command enables tracing of received and transmitted downline load messages. The /FULL qualifier displays the entire contents of received and transmitted downline load messages.

SET DEVICE (Alpha only)

On Alpha systems, sets or modifies LAN device parameters. Requires PHY_IO privilege.


SET DEVICE device-name



Specifies a device to be entered in the LAN volatile device database, or whose parameters are to be modified. The device name has the form ddcu where dd is the device code, c is the controller designation, and u is the unit number. LAN devices are specified as the name of the template device which is unit 0. For example, the first DE435 Ethernet device is specified as EWA0, the second as EWB0.



Sets the amount of time in seconds to age Token Ring source routing cache entries before marking them stale. This timer expires when no traffic is sent to or received from the remote node in this amount of time. The default value is 60 seconds.

Increase this value when idle connections bounce between the stale and known states. Setting this value too low may cause unnecessary explorer traffic to traverse the LAN.


Sets data for all LAN devices. If you specify a device name, all matching LAN devices are selected, for example: E to select all Ethernet devices, F for FDDI, I for Token Ring, EW to select all Ethernet PCI Tulip devices.


Sets the LAN emulation server (LES) address for asynchronous transfer mode (ATM). Usually the address is not user specified, and this qualifier is used only if you want a specific address. By default the address is determined by software from the configuration server for the LES.

The /ATMADDRESS=LES qualifier's syntax is as follows:



Sets the address resolution protocol (ARP) server address for Classical IP over ATM. This qualifier is required before a LIS is enabled if the local host is not the ARP server.

The /ATMADDRESS=ARP qualifier's syntax is as follows:

SET DEVICE/ATMADDRESS = (ARP=atm_arp_server)



Enables or disables the use of auto-negotiation to determine the link settings. You may need to disable link auto-negotiation when connected to a switch or device that does support auto negotiation.


Sets the number of entries to reserve for caching Token Ring source routing address entries. The default value is 200 entries.

If your system directly communicates to a large number of systems, you may want to increase this number.


Sets the Classical Internet Protocol (CLIP) over ATM (RFC1577). The CLIP qualifier implements a data-link level device as a client and/or a server in a logical IP subnet (LIS). This allows the IP protocol to transmit Ethernet frames over the ATM network. The /CLIP = ENABLE command causes the system to join the LIS. The /CLIP = DISABLE command causes the client to leave the logical IP subnet.

Note that a LIS requires a server, and there must be only one server for each subnet. Communication between subnets can only be performed by a router. There can only be one client for each ATM adapter.

The /CLIP qualifier's syntax with standard Internet dotted notation is as follows:

SET DEVICE/CLIP =(ip_subnet=a.b.c.d,
                  name="ip subnet name",
                  enable, disable
                  type = client|server)

The meanings for the syntax for /CLIP are as follows:

Option Meaning
ip_address Specifies the IP address of the CLIP client.
ip_subnet Specifies the subnet mask of the CLIP client.
parent=devnam Specifies the parent device name.
name Specifies a name for the LIS to aid in operations and diagnostics.
type=client Starts up a classical IP client only. This is the default.
type=server Starts up a classical IP server. Only one server for each LIS is allowed, and the server needs to be started first.
type=(server,client) Starts up a classical IP server and client.

Keywords and their meaning for /CLIP are as follows:

Keyword Meaning
Enable Joins the logical IP subnet.
Disable Causes a client to leave the logical IP subnet.


/NOCONTENDER (default)

Specifies that the Token Ring device is to participate in the Monitor Contention process when it joins the ring. The /NOCONTENDER qualifier, directs the device not to challenge the current ring server.


Allows some device-specific parameters to be adjusted. These are useful for debug purposes or for experiments while doing performance measurements. Like other LANCP commands which affect devices, this command requires SYSPRV privilege.

Table 13-1 shows the commands and their meanings.

Table 13-1 Device-Specific Function Commands
Command Function Meaning
FUNCTION="CCOU" Clears all device and driver counters. If the value is supplied, it is ignored.
FUNCTION="DXMT", VALUE=n Changes the transmit delay value which is the number of microseconds after completion of a transmit request that an interrupt is generated.

The current setting is displayed in the internal counters. This function is applicable to Gigabit Ethernet NICs.

FUNCTION="DRCV", VALUE=n Changes the receive delay value which is the number of microseconds after completion of a receive that an interrupt is generated.

The current setting is displayed in the internal counters. This function is applicable to Gigabit Ethernet NICs.

FUNCTION="CXMT", VALUE=n Changes the transmit coalesce value which is the number of transmit buffer descriptors that are processed before an interrupt is generated. An interrupt may be generated earlier if transmit delay threshold is reached or when an interrupt on behalf of receive or a link state change is generated.

The current setting is displayed in the internal counters. This function is applicable to Gigabit Ethernet NICs.

FUNCTION="CRCV", VALUE=n Changes the receive coalesce value which is the number of receive buffer descriptors that are filled in before an interrupt is generated. An interrupt may be generated earlier if receive delay threshold is reached or when an interrupt on behalf of transmit or a link state change is generated.

The current setting is displayed in the internal counters. This function is applicable to Gigabit NICs.


Disables the active participant in a LAN Failover set.


Sets the number of seconds to wait for a reply from a remote node when performing the source Token Ring routing route discovery process. The default value is 2 seconds.

If you have nodes that respond slowly on your extended LAN, you may need to increase this number to reduce the amount of explorer traffic that traverses your LAN.

/DLL=(enable-option, exclusive-option, size-option, knownclientsonly-option)

Provides the MOP downline load service settings for the device.

Note that defaults apply to creation of an entry in the device database. If an existing entry is being modified, fields not specified remain unchanged.

You can specify the following keywords with this qualifier:

  • enable-option

    DISABLE (default)

    Specify ENABLE or DISABLE to indicate that MOP downline load service should be enabled or disabled for the device.
  • exclusive-option

    NOEXCLUSIVE (default)

    Specify EXCLUSIVE to indicate that no other provider of MOP downline load service is allowed on the specified LAN device at the same time as LANACP. Specify NOEXCLUSIVE to indicate that the LAN MOP downline load service can coexist with other implementations (in particular, the DECnet Phase IV implementation that operates the MOP protocol in shared mode).
  • size-option


    Use SIZE=value to specify the size in bytes of the file data portion of each downline load message. The permitted range is 246 to 1482 bytes. The default value is 246 bytes, which should allow any client to load properly. Note that some clients may not support the larger size.
    The recommended size for better load performance and less server overhead is the largest size that results in successful loads of all clients. The 1482 value is derived from the maximum packet size for CSMA/CD (Ethernet) of 1518 bytes less the 802e header and CRC (26 bytes) and MOP protocol overhead (10 bytes).
    You can override the size on a per-node basis. See the DEFINE NODE and SET NODE commands for details.
  • knownclientsonly-option


    Specify KNOWNCLIENTSONLY to indicate that MOP downline load requests should be serviced only for clients defined in the LAN permanent node database. When NOKNOWNCLIENTSONLY is selected, LANACP searches the LAN$DLL directory for any images requested by clients that are not defined in the LAN permanent node database.

/EARLY (default)


Enables Early Token Release on the device. The /NOEARLY qualifier, disables Early Token Release.


The /ELAN qualifier has two values: enable and disable. With /ELAN=ENABLE along with the keyword STARTUP, the LAN emulation is loaded when LANACP starts. With /ELAN=DISABLE, the same parameters used with ENABLE can be invoked.

The /ELAN qualifier's syntax is as follows:

DEFINE DEVICE/ELAN =(parent=parent device,
                     name="ELAN NAME to join",
                     description = "description string,")

The meaning of the syntax for /ELAN is as follows:

Option Meaning
parent The ATM adapter device name. An example of the parent device for DAPCA is: HW n0, where n is the controller number. An example of the parent device for DGLTA is: HC n0, where n is the controller number.
name Optionally specified if you want to join a specific ELAN. The default is null.
size Maximum frame size of the LAN you want to join. Valid sizes are 1516, 4544, or 9234 bytes. The default is 1516.
type Support currently only for CSMACD, which is the default.
description A method of describing the ELAN for display purposes only.

Keywords and their meanings for /ELAN are as follows:

Keyword Meaning
Enable Begins a join on a specified emulated LAN. It also loads the driver, if not already loaded.
Disable Causes a client to leave the emulated LAN.


Enables a LAN device (previously identified as a member of a LAN Failover set) as the active participant in the LAN Failover set.



Specifies the participants of a LAN Failover set.


/NOJUMBO (default)

Enables the use of jumbo frames on a LAN device. Only the Gigabit Ethernet NICs support jumbo frames.


/NOFULL_DUPLEX (default)

Enables full-duplex operation of a LAN device. Before full-duplex operation results from the use of this qualifier, additional device or network hardware setup may be required. Some devices may be enabled for full-duplex operation by default. Some devices may not allow the setting to be changed.

The /NOFULL_DUPLEX qualifier disables full-duplex operation.



Maps a standard multicast address to a functional address. Token ring devices do not support IEEE 802 standard globally defined group addresses. They do support functional addresses. A functional address is a locally administered group address that has 31 possible values. Each functional address sets one bit in the third through sixth byte of the address and bytes 1 and 2 are 03-00 (C0:00 in bit reversed format).

The /NOMAP=(MULTICAST_ADDRESS=address) qualifier, clears the mapping established for the specified address.

Specify the functional address as follows:

  • The MULTICAST_ADDRESS argument requires a standard 6-byte multicast address.
  • The FUNCTIONAL_ADDRESS argument requires only the last 4 bytes of the functional address (the preceding 03-00 bytes are automatically prefixed).
  • The address variable, given as hexadecimal byte characters separated by hyphens, specifies the canonical form of the address. Use a colon as the separator character to indicate the bit-reversed form of the address.

For example, to map the multicast address CB-00-01-02-03-04 to the functional address 03-00-00-80-00-00 on the Token Ring device IRA0, enter the following command:

SET DEVICE IRA0/MAP=(MULTI=CB-00-01-02-03-04,FUNCT=00:01:00:00)

For the default address mapping, see Table 13-2 or issue the command SHOW DEVICE/MAP device-name.

Table 13-2 Default Functional Address Mapping for Token Ring Devices
Multicast Address Functional Address Description
09-00-2B-00-00-04 03-00-00-00-02-00 ISO ALL ES
09-00-2B-00-00-05 03-00-00-00-01-00 ISO ALL IS
CF-00-00-00-00-00 03-00-00-08-00-00 Loopback Assistant
AB-00-00-01-00-00 03-00-02-00-00-00 DNA MOP Dump/Load
AB-00-00-02-00-00 03-00-04-00-00-00 DNA MOP Remote Console
AB-00-00-03-00-00 03-00-08-00-00-00 DNA L1 Routers
09-00-2B-02-00-00 03-00-08-00-00-00 DNA L2 Routers
09-00-2B-02-01-0A 03-00-08-00-00-00 DNA Phase IV Primary Router
AB-00-00-04-00-00 03-00-10-00-00-00 DNA Endnodes
09-00-2B-02-01-0B 03-00-10-00-00-00 DNA Phase IV Prime Unknown Destination
09-00-2B-00-00-07 03-00-20-00-00-00 PCSA NETBIOS Emulation
09-00-2B-00-00-0F 03-00-40-00-00-00 LAT Service Advertisement
09-00-2B-02-01-04 03-00-80-00-00-00 LAT Service Solicit
09-00-2B-02-01-07 03-00-00-02-00-00 LAT Xwindown Service Solicit
09-00-2B-04-00-00 03-00-00-04-00-00 LAST
09-00-2B-02-01-00 03-00-00-00-08-00 DNA Name Service Advertisement
09-00-2B-02-01-01 03-00-00-00-10-00 DNA Name Service Solicit
09-00-2B-02-01-02 03-00-00-00-20-00 DNA Time Service
03-00-00-00-00-01 03-00-00-00-00-01 NETBUI Emulation
03-00-02-00-00-00 03-00-02-00-00-00 RIPL


Sets the maximum number of receive buffers to be allocated and used by the LAN driver for the LAN device.


  • For Token Ring devices:
    Selects the type of cable media used to connect the adapter to the Token Ring Media Access Unit (MAU) for devices that do not automatically detect this. Acceptable values for this are either unshielded twisted pair (UTP) or shielded twisted pair (STP). The default value is STP.
  • For Ethernet devices:
    Selects the cable connection. Normally, the selection is made during device initialization using a limited autosensing algorithm that selects twisted pair, but fails over to AUI (Attachment Unit Interface) if twisted pair does not appear to be functional. Thereafter, a cabling change would require a reboot of the system to take effect. This command allows you to change the selection without rebooting.
    Acceptable values are AUI (10Base2, 10Base5), TWISTEDPAIR (10BaseT), and AUTOSENSE (reperform the limited autosense algorithm). The default value is AUTOSENSE.
    Some devices, such as the DE435, require a jumper change on the Ethernet card to switch between 10Base2 and 10Base5 (thinwire and thickwire). Other devices, such as the DE434, DE436, and DE500, have only twisted pair connections.


Sets the minimum number of receive buffers to be allocated and used by the LAN driver for the LAN device.


Reads the permanent database and creates device entries in the volatile database.


Updates the device entries in the LAN volatile device database with any data currently set in the permanent database. This allows you to update the volatile database after changing data in the permanent database, rather than repeating the commands for each updated entry to apply the changes to the volatile database.


Sets the Failover priority of a LAN device. Priority is given to the LAN Failover participant with the highest priority when choosing the active participant of a LAN Failover set.



Sets the permanent virtual circuit (PVC) to be used by a Classical IP over ATM client. This is an optional qualifier.

A list of PVCs is defined for use by CLIP clients. This command should be used before enabling the CLIP client. The PVC has to be set up manually in the ATM switch.

The vci is the VCI (Virtual Circuit ID) of the PVC to be used.


Enables the ring purger process of the FDDI device.



Enables source routing on the Token Ring device. If you only have one ring in your LAN or you use transparent bridging, use the /NOSOURCE_ROUTING qualifier to turn off source routing.


Sets the speed of the LAN.

For Token Ring, valid values are either 4 or 16, indicating 4 megabits per second or 16 megabits per second. The default value for Token Ring is 16, unless the LAN adapter supports a nonvolatile mechanism for setting this parameter (as does the DEC Token Ring Controller 700).

For Ethernet, valid values are either 10 or 100, which selects the 10 megabits per second Ethernet port or the 100 megabits per second Fast Ethernet port. The default for Ethernet is to sense automatically which type of port is connected and select the appropriate speed.

/SR_ENTRY=(LAN_ADDRESS=address, RI=routing-information)


Statically defines a specific source-routed route for a specific node. The default value is no routes specified. This caching remains valid while used or until the aging timer expires.

Use this qualifier only as a last resort when isolating communication failures on extended LAN topologies.

The /NOSR_ENTRY=(LAN_ADDRESS=address) qualifier, clears the previously defined static source routed route.

The address is a standard 6-byte LAN address (given as hexadecimal byte characters separated by hyphens), which specifies the canonical form of the address. Using a colon as the separator character indicates the bit-reversed form of the address.

The routing-information is the source routing field, specified as a series of two-byte hexadecimal characters (each byte separated by a hyphen). The field consists of a two-byte routing control field followed by up to 14 two-byte segment identifiers, each containing the ring number and the bridge number used in the hop.


Sets the requested token rotation time for the FDDI ring.


Sets the restricted token timeout time for the FDDI ring.


Sets the valid transmission time for the FDDI device.


Adds LAN devices that are not currently in the LAN volatile device database to that database. The initial entry for the device uses default values for all parameters. To update the volatile database with current information from the permanent database, use the SET DEVICE command with the /PERMANENT_DATABASE qualifier. You can combine the /UPDATE and /PERMANENT_DATABASE qualifiers in a single SET DEVICE command.




Enables monitor contention, UTP cable media, source routing and disables early token release for Token Ring device ICA0.



Sets the media type to twisted pair for the second Tulip Ethernet device, EWB0.



Enables MOP downline load service for device EXA0, leaving the remaining MOPDLL parameters unchanged.



Enables MOP downline load service for device EXA0, in exclusive mode with the data transfer size of 1482 bytes, leaving the remaining MOPDLL parameters unchanged.


These commands enable LANACP MOP downline load service for:

  • LAN device EXA0 in nonexclusive mode
  • LAN device FXB0 in exclusive mode for only known clients


Enters a node into the LAN volatile node database or modifies an existing entry. Requires SYSPRV privilege.


SET NODE node-name



Supplies the name of a node to be added to the LAN volatile node database or an entry to be modified. Typically, the node name is the same as that given in the system parameter SCSNODE, but it does not need to be. The node name is limited to 63 characters in length.



/NOADDRESS (default)

Associates a LAN address with the node name. Specify the address as 6 bytes in hexadecimal notation, separated by hyphens. The address does not have to be unique (as might be the case when the address is not known, so a nonexistent address is specified).

If multiple node addresses are to be associated with a node name, each combination may be given as a node name with an extension, for example, VAXSYS.EXA for the EXA device on node VAXSYS, or VAXSYS_1 for the first LAN device on node VAXSYS.

If you do not specify the /ADDRESS qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOADDRESS qualifier clears the field.


Defines data for all nodes in the LAN volatile node database. If you specify a node name, all matching nodes are selected; for example, A/ALL selects all nodes beginning with A.



Indicates the type of processing required for downline load requests. You can specify one of the following keywords with this qualifier:
  • VAX_SATELLITE---a VAX satellite cluster boot
  • ALPHA_SATELLITE---an Alpha satellite cluster boot
  • OTHER---the specified image; noncluster satellite loads that do not require additional data
The distinction is necessary, because OpenVMS Cluster satellite loads require additional cluster-related data be appended to the load image given by the /FILE qualifier. The default value is OTHER.

If you do not specify the /BOOT_TYPE qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOBOOT_TYPE qualifier clears the field.



Associates a DECnet address with the node name. Specify the address in DECnet notation, xx.xxxx.

If you do not specify the /DECNET_ADDRESS=value qualifier, then the setting remains unchanged. The /NODECNET_ADDRESS qualifier clears the field.



Supplies the file name of a boot file to be used when the downline load request does not include a file name (for example, OpenVMS Cluster satellite booting). The file specification is limited to 127 characters.

If no file name is specified, OpenVMS Cluster satellite loads default to APB.EXE where the boot type is set to ALPHA and NISCS_LOAD.EXE where the boot type is set to VAX.

If you do not specify the /FILE qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOFILE qualifier clears the field.



Associates an IP address with the node name. Specify the address in the standard dotted notation, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.

If you do not specify the /IP_ADDRESS=value qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOIP_ADDRESS qualifier clears the filed.


Updates the node entries in the LAN volatile node database with any data currently set in the permanent database. This allows you to update the volatile database after changing data in the permanent database, rather than repeating the commands for each updated entry to apply the changes to the volatile database.



Supplies the directory specification to be associated with the file name. For cluster satellite service, the /ROOT qualifier specifies the satellite root directory. For noncluster service, this qualifier specifies the location of the file. If the file specification or the file name given in the boot request includes the directory name, this qualifier is ignored. The directory specification is limited to 127 characters.

If you do not specify the /ROOT qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOROOT qualifier clears the field.



Specifies the size in bytes of the file data portion of each downline load message. The default is the load data size specified for the device. The permitted range is 246 to 1482 bytes. Use a larger size for better load performance and less server overhead.

If you do not specify the /SIZE qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOSIZE qualifier clears the setting.



Indicates that only MOP Version 3 formatted messages are to be used for downline load purposes, regardless of the requested format. This allows systems to load that have a problem with MOP Version 4 booting. This qualifier causes the requesting node to fail over from MOP Version 4 to MOP Version 3 when no response has been made to a MOP Version 4 load request.

If you do not specify the /V3 qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOV3 qualifier clears the setting.



                      /FILE=APB.EXE -
                      /ROOT=$64$DIA14:<SYS10.> -


This command sets up node VAXSYS for booting as an Alpha satellite into the cluster.

The APB.EXE file is actually located on $64$DIA14: <SYS10.SYSCOMMON.SYSEXE>. Note that the <SYSCOMMON.SYSEXE> is supplied by the LANACP LAN Server process and is not included in the root definition.


                      /FILE=NISCS_LOAD.EXE -
                      /ROOT=$64$DIA14:<SYS10.> -


This command sets up node VAXSYS for booting as a VAX satellite into the OpenVMS Cluster.

The NISCS_LOAD.EXE file is actually located on $64$DIA14: <SYS10.SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB>. The <SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB> is supplied by the LANACP LAN Server process and is not included in the root definition.




This command changes the LAN address associated with node VAXSYS and clears the current root specification.



This command sets up node CALPAL for booting an InfoServer image. It defines the file that should be loaded when a load request without file name is received from node CALPAL.

Because the file does not include a directory specification, the logical name LAN$DLL defines where to locate the file. You could give directory specification using the file name or by using the /ROOT qualifier.

Note that specifying the file name explicitly in the boot command overrides the file name specified in the node database entry.

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