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Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations

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This configuration support is in effect as of the revision date of this document. OpenVMS plans to increase these limits in future releases.

In addition to the configurations already described, OpenVMS also supports the SANworks Data Replication Manager. This is a remote data vaulting solution that enables the use of Fibre Channel over longer distances. For more information, see the HP StorageWorks web site, which you can access from the OpenVMS web page:


Select HP Storage (from related links in the left navigational bar). Next, locate the storage product.

7.2.1 Fibre Channel Remedial Kits

Qualification of new Fibre Channel hardware and larger configurations is ongoing. New hardware and larger configurations may necessitate enhancements to the Fibre Channel support in OpenVMS. Between releases of OpenVMS, enhancements and corrections to Fibre Channel software are made available by means of remedial kits on the HP support web site at:


The latest version of each kit is the one posted to the HP support web site. HP recommends that you monitor this web site.

HP also recommends that you monitor the Fibre Channel web site at:


The Fibre Channel web site is periodically updated with important news and new slide presentations.

7.2.2 Mixed-Version and Mixed-Architecture Cluster Support

Shared Fibre Channel OpenVMS Cluster storage is supported in both mixed-version and mixed-architecture OpenVMS Cluster systems. The following configuration requirements must be observed:

  • All hosts configured for shared access to the same storage devices must be in the same OpenVMS Cluster.
  • All hosts in the cluster require a common cluster communication interconnect, such as a LAN, CI, DSSI, or MEMORY CHANNEL.
  • All hosts with a direct connection to the FC must be running one of the following versions of OpenVMS Alpha:
  • All hosts must have the remedial kits for mixed-version clusters installed, as documented in the Release Notes.
  • If you use DECevent for error tracing, Version 2.9 or later is required. Earlier versions of DECevent do not support Fibre Channel.

7.2.3 Fibre Channel and OpenVMS Galaxy Configurations

Fibre Channel is supported in all OpenVMS Galaxy configurations. For more information about Galaxy configurations, see the HP OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and Galaxy Guide.

7.3 Example Configurations

This section presents example Fibre Channel configurations.


These configurations are valid for HSG storage controllers and for HSV storage controllers, except for Section 7.3.1 and Section 7.3.2, which apply only to HSG storage controllers.

The configurations build on each other, starting with the smallest valid configuration and adding redundant components for increasing levels of availability, performance, and scalability.

7.3.1 Single Host with Dual-Ported Storage

Figure 7-4 shows a single system using Fibre Channel as a storage interconnect.

Figure 7-4 Single Host With One Dual-Ported Storage Controller

Note the following about this configuration:

  • Dual ports of the HSG or HSV storage controller increase the availability and performance of the storage subsystem.
  • Extra ports on the switch enable system growth.
  • To maximize performance, logical units can be spread over the two HSG or HSV ports.
  • The switch and the HSG or HSV are single points of failure. To provide higher availability, Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS can be used to replicate the data to another Fibre Channel switch and HSG or HSV controller.

7.3.2 Multiple Hosts With One Dual-Ported Storage Controller

Figure 7-5 shows multiple hosts connected to a dual-ported storage subsystem.

Figure 7-5 Multiple Hosts With One Dual-Ported Storage Controller

Note the following about this configuration:

  • Multiple hosts increase availability of the entire system.
  • Extra ports on the switch enable system growth.
  • The switch and the HSG or HSV are single points of failure. To provide higher availability, Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS can be used to replicate the data to another Fibre Channel switch and HSG or HSV controller.

7.3.3 Multiple Hosts With Storage Controller Redundancy

Figure 7-6 shows multiple hosts connected to two dual-ported storage controllers.

Figure 7-6 Multiple Hosts With Storage Controller Redundancy

This configuration offers the following advantages:

  • Logical units can be spread over the four HSG or HSV ports, offering higher performance.
  • HSGs or HSVs can be configured in multibus failover mode, even though there is just one Fibre Channel "bus."
  • The switch is still a single point of failure. To provide higher availability, Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS can be used to replicate the data to another Fibre Channel switch and HSG or HSV controller.

7.3.4 Multiple Hosts With Multiple Independent Switches

Figure 7-7 shows multiple hosts connected to two switches, each of which is connected to a pair of dual-ported storage controllers.

Figure 7-7 Multiple Hosts With Multiple Independent Switches

This two-switch configuration offers the advantages of the previous configurations plus the following:

  • Higher level of availability afforded by two switches. There is no single point of failure.
  • Better performance because of the additional host bus adapter.
  • Each host has multiple independent paths to a storage subsystem. The two switches are not connected to each other to ensure that the paths are completely independent.

7.3.5 Multiple Hosts With Dual Fabrics

Figure 7-8 shows multiple hosts connected to two fabrics; each fabric consists of two switches.

Figure 7-8 Multiple Hosts With Dual Fabrics

This dual-fabric configuration offers the advantages of the previous configurations plus the following advantages:

  • More ports are available per fabric for connecting to additional hosts and storage subsystems.
  • Each host has four host bus adapters, one for each switch. Only two adapters are required, one per fabric. The additional adapters increase availability and performance.

7.3.6 Multiple Hosts With Larger Fabrics

The configurations shown in this section offer even higher levels of performance and scalability.

Figure 7-9 shows multiple hosts connected to two fabrics. Each fabric has four switches.

Figure 7-9 Multiple Hosts With Larger Dual Fabrics

Figure 7-10 shows multiple hosts connected to four fabrics. Each fabric has four switches.

Figure 7-10 Multiple Hosts With Four Fabrics

7.4 Fibre Channel Addresses, WWIDs, and Device Names

Fibre Channel devices for disk and tape storage come with factory-assigned worldwide IDs (WWIDs). These WWIDs are used by the system for automatic FC address assignment. The FC WWIDs and addresses also provide the means for the system manager to identify and locate devices in the FC configuration. The FC WWIDs and addresses are displayed, for example, by the Alpha console and by the HSG or HSV console. It is necessary, therefore, for the system manager to understand the meaning of these identifiers and how they relate to OpenVMS device names.

7.4.1 Fibre Channel Addresses and WWIDs

In most situations, Fibre Channel devices are configured to have temporary addresses. The device's address is assigned automatically each time the interconnect initializes. The device may receive a new address each time a Fibre Channel is reconfigured and reinitialized. This is done so that Fibre Channel devices do not require the use of address jumpers. There is one Fibre Channel address per port, as shown in Figure 7-11.

Figure 7-11 Fibre Channel Host and Port Addresses

In order to provide more permanent identification, each port on each device has a WWID, which is assigned at the factory. Every Fibre Channel WWID is unique. Fibre Channel also has node WWIDs to identify multiported devices. WWIDs are used by the system to detect and recover from automatic address changes. They are useful to system managers for identifying and locating physical devices.

Figure 7-12 shows Fibre Channel components with their factory-assigned WWIDs and their Fibre Channel addresses.

Figure 7-12 Fibre Channel Host and Port WWIDs and Addresses

Note the following about this figure:

  • Host adapter's port name and node name are each a 64-bit, factory-assigned WWID.
  • Host adapter's address is a 24-bit automatic, transient assignment.
  • Each HSG or HSV storage port has a 64-bit, factory-assigned WWID, and a 24-bit transient address that is automatically assigned.
  • HSG or HSV controller pair share a node name that is a 64-bit, factory-assigned WWID.

You can display the FC node name and FC port name for a Fibre Channel host bus adapter with the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command. For example:


Device FGA0:, device type KGPSA Fibre Channel, is online, shareable, error
    logging is enabled.

    Error count                    0    Operations completed                  0
    Owner process                 ""    Owner UIC                      [SYSTEM]
    Owner process ID        00000000    Dev Prot              S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
    Reference count                0    Default buffer size                   0
    FC Port Name 1000-0000-C923-0E48    FC Node Name        2000-0000-C923-0E48

7.4.2 OpenVMS Names for Fibre Channel Devices

There is an OpenVMS name for each Fibre Channel storage adapter, for each path from the storage adapter to the storage subsystem, and for each storage device. These sections apply to both disk devices and tape devices, except for Section, which is specific to disk devices. Tape device names are described in Section 7.5. Fibre Channel Storage Adapter Names

Fibre Channel storage adapter names, which are automatically assigned by OpenVMS, take the form FGx0 :

  • FG represents Fibre Channel.
  • x represents the unit letter, from A to Z.
  • 0 is a constant.

The naming design places a limit of 26 adapters per system. This naming may be modified in future releases to support a larger number of adapters.

Fibre Channel adapters can run multiple protocols, such as SCSI and LAN. Each protocol is a pseudodevice associated with the adapter. For the initial implementation, just the SCSI protocol is supported. The SCSI pseudodevice name is PGx0 , where x represents the same unit letter as the associated FGx0 adapter.

These names are illustrated in Figure 7-13.

Figure 7-13 Fibre Channel Initiator and Target Names Fibre Channel Path Names

With the introduction of multipath SCSI support, as described in Chapter 6, it is necessary to identify specific paths from the host to the storage subsystem. This is done by concatenating the SCSI pseudodevice name, a decimal point (.), and the WWID of the storage subsystem port that is being accessed. For example, the Fibre Channel path shown in Figure 7-13 is named PGB0.4000-1FE1-0000-0D04.

Refer to Chapter 6 for more information on the display and use of the Fibre Channel path name. Fibre Channel Disk Device Identification

The four identifiers associated with each FC disk device are shown in Figure 7-14.

Figure 7-14 Fibre Channel Disk Device Naming

The logical unit number (LUN) is used by the system as the address of a specific device within the storage subsystem. This number is set and displayed from the HSG or HSV console by the system manager. It can also be displayed by the OpenVMS SDA utility.

Each Fibre Channel disk device also has a WWID to provide permanent, unique identification of the device. The HSG or HSV device WWID is 128 bits. Half of this identifier is the WWID of the HSG or HSV that created the logical storage device, and the other half is specific to the logical device. The device WWID is displayed by the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command, the HSG or HSV console and the AlphaServer console.

The third identifier associated with the storage device is a user-assigned device identifier. A device identifier has the following attributes:

  • User assigned at the HSG or HSV console.
  • User must ensure it is cluster unique.
  • Moves with the device.
  • Can be any decimal number from 0 to 32766, except for MSCP served devices.
    If the FC disk device is MSCP served, the device identifier is limited to 9999. This restriction will be removed in a future release.

The device identifier has a value of 567 in Figure 7-14. This value is used by OpenVMS to form the device name so it must be unique throughout the cluster. (It may be convenient to set the device identifier to the same value as the logical unit number (LUN). This is permitted as long as the device identifier is unique throughout the cluster.)

A Fibre Channel storage disk device name is formed by the operating system from the constant $1$DGA and a device identifier, nnnnn. Note that Fibre Channel disk device names use an allocation class value of 1 whereas Fibre Channel tape device names use an allocation class value of 2, as described in Section The only variable part of the name is its device identifier, which you assign at the HSG or HSV console. Figure 7-14 shows a storage device that is known to the host as $1$DGA567.


A device identifier of 0 is not supported on the HSV.

The following example shows the output of the SHOW DEVICE/FULL display for this device:


Disk $1$DGA567: (WILD8), device type HSG80, is online, mounted, file-oriented
    device, shareable, device has multiple I/O paths, served to cluster via MSCP
    Server, error logging is enabled.

    Error count                   14    Operations completed            6896599
    Owner process                 ""    Owner UIC                      [SYSTEM]
    Owner process ID        00000000    Dev Prot            S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
    Reference count                9    Default buffer size                 512
    WWID   01000010:6000-1FE1-0000-0D00-0009-8090-0630-0008
    Total blocks            17769177    Sectors per track                   169
    Total cylinders             5258    Tracks per cylinder                  20
    Host name                "WILD8"    Host type, avail Compaq AlphaServer GS160 6/731, yes
    Alternate host name     "H2OFRD"    Alt. type, avail AlphaServer 1200 5/533 4MB, yes
    Allocation class               1

    Volume label      "S5SH_V72_SSS"    Relative volume number                0
    Cluster size                  18    Transaction count                     9
    Free blocks             12811860    Maximum files allowed            467609
    Extend quantity                5    Mount count                           6
    Mount status              System    Cache name          "_$1$DGA8:XQPCACHE"
    Extent cache size             64    Maximum blocks in extent cache  1281186
    File ID cache size            64    Blocks currently in extent cache1260738
    Quota cache size               0    Maximum buffers in FCP cache       1594
    Volume owner UIC           [1,1]    Vol Prot    S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD

  Volume Status:  ODS-2, subject to mount verification, file high-water marking,
      write-back caching enabled.
  Volume is also mounted on H2OFRD, FIBRE3, NORLMN, BOOLA, FLAM10.

  I/O paths to device              5
  Path PGA0.5000-1FE1-0000-0D02  (WILD8), primary path.
    Error count                    0    Operations completed              14498
  Path PGA0.5000-1FE1-0000-0D03  (WILD8), current path.
    Error count                   14    Operations completed            6532610
  Path PGA0.5000-1FE1-0000-0D01  (WILD8).
    Error count                    0    Operations completed              14481
  Path PGA0.5000-1FE1-0000-0D04  (WILD8).
    Error count                    0    Operations completed              14481
  Path MSCP (H2OFRD).
    Error count                    0    Operations completed             320530

7.5 Fibre Channel Tape Support (Alpha)

This section describes the configuration requirements and user commands necessary to utilize the Fibre Channel tape functionality. Fibre Channel tape functionality refers to the support of SCSI tapes and SCSI tape libraries in an OpenVMS Cluster system with shared Fibre Channel storage. The SCSI tapes and libraries are connected to the Fibre Channel by a Fibre-to-SCSI bridge. Currently, two bridges are available: the Modular Data Router (MDR) and the Network Storage Router (NSR).

7.5.1 Minimum Hardware Configuration

Following is the minimum Fibre Channel tape hardware configuration:

  • Alpha system with KGPSA adapter
  • Fibre-to-SCSI bridge:
    • Network Storage Router (NSR)
      The NSR must also be connected to a switch and not directly to an Alpha system.
      OpenVMS recommends that the NSR be set to Indexed mode.
      The Indexed map should be populated in Target/Bus priority order to ensure that the controller LUN is mapped to LUN 0. Also, be careful to avoid conflicting IDs, as documented in the HP StorageWorks network storage router M2402 user guide (order number 269782-003).
    • Modular Data Router (MDR), minimum firmware revision 1170
      The MDR must be connected to a switch and not directly to an Alpha system. Furthermore, the MDR must be in SCSI Command Controller (SCC) mode, which is normally the default. If the MDR is not in SCC mode, use the command SetSCCmode On at the MDR console.
      Tape devices and tape library robots must not be set to SCSI target ID 7, since that ID is reserved for use by the MDR.
  • Fibre Channel Switch
  • Tape library, for example:
    • MSL5000 series
    • ESL9000 series
    • TL891
    • TL895
  • Individual tapes, for example:
    • SDLT 160/320
    • SDLT 110/220
    • HP Ultrium 460
    • DLT8000
    • TZ89


Tapes are not supported in an HSGxx storage subsystem nor behind a Fibre Channel Tape Controller II (FCTC-II).

A tape library robot is an example of a medium changer device, the term that is used throughout this section.

7.5.2 Overview of Fibre Channel Tape Device Naming

This section provides detailed background information about Fibre Channel Tape device naming.

Tape and medium changer devices are automatically named and configured using the SYSMAN IO FIND and IO AUTOCONFIGURE commands described in Section 7.5.3. System managers who configure tapes on Fibre Channel should refer directly to this section for the tape configuration procedure. Tape and Medium Changer Device Names

Fibre Channel tapes and medium changers are named using a scheme similar to Fibre Channel disk naming.

On parallel SCSI, the device name of a directly attached tape implies the physical location of the device; for example, MKB301 resides on bus B, SCSI target ID 3, and LUN 1. Such a naming scheme does not scale well for Fibre Channel configurations, in which the number of targets or nodes can be very large.

Fibre Channel tape names are in the form $2$MGAn. The letter for the controller is always A, and the prefix is $2$. The device mnemonic is MG for tapes and GG for medium changers. The device unit n is automatically generated by OpenVMS.

The name creation algorithm chooses the first free unit number, starting with zero. The first tape discovered on the Fibre Channel is named $2$MGA0, the next is named $2$MGA1, and so forth. Similarly, the first medium changer detected on the Fibre Channel is named $2$GGA0. The naming of tapes and medium changers on parallel SCSI buses remains the same.

Note the use of allocation class 2. Allocation class 1 is already used by devices whose name is keyed by a user-defined identifier (UDID), as with HSG Fibre Channel disks ($1$DGAnnnn) and HSG console command LUNs ($1$GGAnnnn).

An allocation class of 2 is used by devices whose names are obtained from the file, SYS$DEVICES.DAT. The names are based on a worldwide identifier (WWID) key, as described in the following sections. Also note that, while GG is the same mnemonic used for both medium changers and HSG Command Console LUNs (CCLs), medium changers always have an allocation class of 2 and HSG CCLs an allocation class of 1.

Tape and medium changer names are automatically kept consistent within a single OpenVMS Cluster system. Once a tape device is named by any node in the cluster, all other nodes in the cluster automatically choose the same name for that device, even if this overrides the first free unit number algorithm. The chosen device name remains the same through all subsequent reboot operations in the cluster.

If multiple nonclustered Alpha systems exist on a SAN and need to access the same tape device on the Fibre Channel, then the upper-level application must provide consistent naming and synchronized access.

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