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Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations

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7.7 Setting Up a Storage Controller for Use with OpenVMS

The HP storage array controllers and the manuals that provide specific information for configuring them for use with OpenVMS follow:

  • HSG60/80
    HSG80 ACS Solution Software Version 8.6 for Compaq OpenVMS, order number AA-RH4BD-TE.
    This manual is available at the following location:

  • Enterprise Virtual Array
    OpenVMS Kit V2.0 for Enterprise Virtual Array Installation and Configuration Guide, order number AA-RR03B-TE.
    This manual is available at the following location:


7.7.1 Setting Up the Device Identifier for the CCL

Defining a unique device identifier for the Command Console LUN (CCL) of the HSG and HSV is not required by OpenVMS, but it may be required by some management tools. OpenVMS suggests that you always define a unique device identifier since this identifier causes the creation of a CCL device visible using the SHOW DEVICE command. Although this device is not directly controllable on OpenVMS, you can display the multiple paths to the storage controller using the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command, and diagnose failed paths, as shown in the following example for $1$GGA3, where one of the two paths has failed.

Paver> sh dev gg /mul
Device                  Device           Error         Current
 Name                   Status           Count  Paths    path
$1$GGA1:                Online               0   2/ 2  PGA0.5000-1FE1-0011-AF08
$1$GGA3:                Online               0   1/ 2  PGA0.5000-1FE1-0011-B158
$1$GGA4:                Online               0   2/ 2  PGA0.5000-1FE1-0015-2C58
$1$GGA5:                Online               0   2/ 2  PGA0.5000-1FE1-0015-22A8
$1$GGA6:                Online               0   2/ 2  PGA0.5000-1FE1-0015-2D18
$1$GGA7:                Online               0   2/ 2  PGA0.5000-1FE1-0015-2D08
$1$GGA9:                Online               0   2/ 2  PGA0.5000-1FE1-0007-04E3

Paver> show dev /full $1$gga9:

Device $1$GGA9:, device type Generic SCSI device, is online, shareable, device
    has multiple I/O paths.

    Error count                    0    Operations completed                  0
    Owner process                 ""    Owner UIC                      [SYSTEM]
    Owner process ID        00000000    Dev Prot    S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:RWPL,W:RWPL
    Reference count                0    Default buffer size                   0
    WWID   02000008:5000-1FE1-0007-04E0

  I/O paths to device              2
  Path PGA0.5000-1FE1-0007-04E3  (PAVER), primary path, current path.
    Error count                    0    Operations completed                  0
  Path PGA0.5000-1FE1-0007-04E1  (PAVER).
    Error count                    0    Operations completed                  0

7.7.2 Setting Up the Device Identifier for Disk Devices

The device identifier for disks is appended to the string $1$DGA to form the complete device name. It is essential that all disks have unique device identifiers within a cluster. Device identifiers can be between 0 and 32767, except a device identifier of 0 is not valid on the HSV. Device identifiers greater than 9999 cannot be MSCP served to other systems.

7.8 Creating a Cluster with a Shared FC System Disk

To configure nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster system, you must execute the CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM (or CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM) command procedure. (You can run either the full version, which provides more information about most prompts, or the brief version.)

For the purposes of CLUSTER_CONFIG, a shared Fibre Channel (FC) bus is treated like a shared SCSI bus, except that the allocation class parameters do not apply to FC. The rules for setting node allocation class and port allocation class values remain in effect when parallel SCSI storage devices are present in a configuration that includes FC storage devices.

To configure a new OpenVMS Cluster system, you must first enable clustering on a single, or standalone, system. Then you can add additional nodes to the cluster.

Example 7-5 shows how to enable clustering using brief version of CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM on a standalone node called FCNOD1. At the end of the procedure, FCNOD1 reboots and forms a one-node cluster.

Example 7-6 shows how to run the brief version of CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM on FCNOD1 to add a second node, called FCNOD2, to form a two-node cluster. At the end of the procedure, the cluster is configured to allow FCNOD2 to boot off the same FC system disk as FCNOD1.

The following steps are common to both examples:

  1. Select the default option [1] for ADD.
  2. Answer Yes when CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM asks whether there will be a shared SCSI bus. SCSI in this context refers to FC as well as to parallel SCSI.
    The allocation class parameters are not affected by the presence of FC.
  3. Answer No when the procedure asks whether the node will be a satellite.

Example 7-5 Enabling Clustering on a Standalone FC Node


                   Cluster Configuration Procedure
                    Executing on an Alpha System

    DECnet Phase IV is installed on this node.

    The LAN, not DECnet, will be used for MOP downline loading.
    This Alpha node is not currently a cluster member


   1. ADD FCNOD1 to existing cluster, or form a new cluster.
   2. MAKE a directory structure for a new root on a system disk.
   3. DELETE a root from a system disk.
   4. EXIT from this procedure.

Enter choice [1]: 1
Is the node to be a clustered node with a shared SCSI or Fibre Channel bus (Y/N)? Y

        Every cluster node must have a direct connection to every other
        node in the cluster.  Since FCNOD1 will be a clustered node with
        a shared SCSI or FC bus, and Memory Channel, CI, and DSSI are not present,
        the LAN will be used for cluster communication.

Enter this cluster's group number: 511
Enter this cluster's password:
Re-enter this cluster's password for verification:

Will FCNOD1 be a boot server [Y]? Y
    Verifying LAN adapters in LANACP database...
    Updating LANACP LAN server process volatile and permanent databases...
    Note: The LANACP LAN server process will be used by FCNOD1 for boot
          serving satellites. The following LAN devices have been found:
    Verifying LAN adapters in LANACP database...

    ========    ============    ==============
    Ethernet    EWA0            ENABLED

  CAUTION: If you do not define port allocation classes later in this
           procedure for shared SCSI buses, all nodes sharing a SCSI bus
           must have the same non-zero ALLOCLASS value. If multiple
           nodes connect to a shared SCSI bus without the same allocation
           class for the bus, system booting will halt due to the error or
           IO AUTOCONFIGURE after boot will keep the bus offline.

Enter a value for FCNOD1's ALLOCLASS parameter [0]: 5
Does this cluster contain a quorum disk [N]? N
    Each shared SCSI bus must have a positive allocation class value. A shared
    bus uses a PK adapter. A private bus may use: PK, DR, DV.

    When adding a node with SCSI-based cluster communications, the shared
    SCSI port allocation classes may be established in SYS$DEVICES.DAT.
    Otherwise, the system's disk allocation class will apply.

    A private SCSI bus need not have an entry in SYS$DEVICES.DAT. If it has an
    entry, its entry may assign any legitimate port allocation class value:

       n   where n = a positive integer, 1 to 32767 inclusive
       0   no port allocation class and disk allocation class does not apply
      -1   system's disk allocation class applies (system parameter ALLOCLASS)

    When modifying port allocation classes, SYS$DEVICES.DAT must be updated
    for all affected nodes, and then all affected nodes must be rebooted.
    The following dialog will update SYS$DEVICES.DAT on FCNOD1.

    There are currently no entries in SYS$DEVICES.DAT for FCNOD1.
    After the next boot, any SCSI controller on FCNOD1 will use
    FCNOD1's disk allocation class.

Assign port allocation class to which adapter [RETURN for none]: PKA
Port allocation class for PKA0: 10

        Port Alloclass   10    Adapter FCNOD1$PKA

Assign port allocation class to which adapter [RETURN for none]: PKB
Port allocation class for PKB0: 20

        Port Alloclass   10    Adapter FCNOD1$PKA
        Port Alloclass   20    Adapter FCNOD1$PKB

  WARNING: FCNOD1 will be a voting cluster member. EXPECTED_VOTES for
           this and every other cluster member should be adjusted at
           a convenient time before a reboot. For complete instructions,
           check the section on configuring a cluster in the "OpenVMS
           Cluster Systems" manual.

    Execute AUTOGEN to compute the SYSGEN parameters for your configuration
    and reboot FCNOD1 with the new parameters. This is necessary before
    FCNOD1 can become a cluster member.

Do you want to run AUTOGEN now [Y]? Y

    Running AUTOGEN -- Please wait.

The system is shutting down to allow the system to boot with the
generated site-specific parameters and installed images.

The system will automatically reboot after the shutdown and the
upgrade will be complete.

Example 7-6 Adding a Node to a Cluster with a Shared FC System Disk


                   Cluster Configuration Procedure
                    Executing on an Alpha System

    DECnet Phase IV is installed on this node.

    The LAN, not DECnet, will be used for MOP downline loading.
    FCNOD1 is an Alpha system and currently a member of a cluster
    so the following functions can be performed:


   1. ADD an Alpha node to the cluster.
   2. REMOVE a node from the cluster.
   3. CHANGE a cluster member's characteristics.
   4. CREATE a duplicate system disk for FCNOD1.
   5. MAKE a directory structure for a new root on a system disk.
   6. DELETE a root from a system disk.
   7. EXIT from this procedure.

Enter choice [1]: 1

    This ADD function will add a new Alpha node to the cluster.

  WARNING: If the node being added is a voting member, EXPECTED_VOTES for
           every cluster member must be adjusted.  For complete instructions
           check the section on configuring a cluster in the "OpenVMS Cluster
           Systems" manual.

  CAUTION: If this cluster is running with multiple system disks and
           common system files will be used, please, do not proceed
           unless appropriate logical names are defined for cluster
           common files in SYLOGICALS.COM. For instructions, refer to
           the "OpenVMS Cluster Systems" manual.

Is the node to be a clustered node with a shared SCSI or Fibre Channel bus (Y/N)? Y
Will the node be a satellite [Y]? N
What is the node's SCS node name? FCNOD2
What is the node's SCSSYSTEMID number? 19.111
    NOTE: 19.111 equates to an SCSSYSTEMID of 19567
Will FCNOD2 be a boot server [Y]? Y
What is the device name for FCNOD2's system root
[default DISK$V72_SSB:]? Y
What is the name of FCNOD2's system root [SYS10]?
    Creating directory tree SYS10 ...
    System root SYS10 created

  CAUTION: If you do not define port allocation classes later in this
           procedure for shared SCSI buses, all nodes sharing a SCSI bus
           must have the same non-zero ALLOCLASS value. If multiple
           nodes connect to a shared SCSI bus without the same allocation
           class for the bus, system booting will halt due to the error or
           IO AUTOCONFIGURE after boot will keep the bus offline.

Enter a value for FCNOD2's ALLOCLASS parameter [5]:
Does this cluster contain a quorum disk [N]? N
Size of pagefile for FCNOD2 [RETURN for AUTOGEN sizing]?

    A temporary pagefile will be created until resizing by AUTOGEN. The
    default size below is arbitrary and may or may not be appropriate.

Size of temporary pagefile [10000]?
Size of swap file for FCNOD2 [RETURN for AUTOGEN sizing]?

    A temporary swap file will be created until resizing by AUTOGEN. The
    default size below is arbitrary and may or may not be appropriate.

Size of temporary swap file [8000]?
    Each shared SCSI bus must have a positive allocation class value. A shared
    bus uses a PK adapter. A private bus may use: PK, DR, DV.

    When adding a node with SCSI-based cluster communications, the shared
    SCSI port allocation classes may be established in SYS$DEVICES.DAT.
    Otherwise, the system's disk allocation class will apply.

    A private SCSI bus need not have an entry in SYS$DEVICES.DAT. If it has an
    entry, its entry may assign any legitimate port allocation class value:

       n   where n = a positive integer, 1 to 32767 inclusive
       0   no port allocation class and disk allocation class does not apply
      -1   system's disk allocation class applies (system parameter ALLOCLASS)

    When modifying port allocation classes, SYS$DEVICES.DAT must be updated
    for all affected nodes, and then all affected nodes must be rebooted.
    The following dialog will update SYS$DEVICES.DAT on FCNOD2.

Enter [RETURN] to continue:

    $20$DKA400:<VMS$COMMON.SYSEXE>SYS$DEVICES.DAT;1 contains port
    allocation classes for FCNOD2. After the next boot, any SCSI
    controller not assigned in SYS$DEVICES.DAT will use FCNOD2's
    disk allocation class.

Assign port allocation class to which adapter [RETURN for none]: PKA
Port allocation class for PKA0: 11

        Port Alloclass   11    Adapter FCNOD2$PKA

Assign port allocation class to which adapter [RETURN for none]: PKB
Port allocation class for PKB0: 20

        Port Alloclass   11    Adapter FCNOD2$PKA
        Port Alloclass   20    Adapter FCNOD2$PKB

Assign port allocation class to which adapter [RETURN for none]:

  WARNING: FCNOD2 must be rebooted to make port allocation class
           specifications in SYS$DEVICES.DAT take effect.
Will a disk local only to FCNOD2 (and not accessible at this time to FCNOD1)
be used for paging and swapping (Y/N)? N

    If you specify a device other than DISK$V72_SSB: for FCNOD2's
    page and swap files, this procedure will create PAGEFILE_FCNOD2.SYS
    and SWAPFILE_FCNOD2.SYS in the [SYSEXE] directory on the device you

What is the device name for the page and swap files [DISK$V72_SSB:]?
    The configuration procedure has completed successfully.

    FCNOD2 has been configured to join the cluster.

    The first time FCNOD2 boots, NETCONFIG.COM and
    AUTOGEN.COM will run automatically.

7.9 Online Reconfiguration

The FC interconnect can be reconfigured while the hosts are running OpenVMS. This includes the ability to:

  • Add, move, or remove FC switches and HSGs.
  • Add, move, or remove HSG virtual disk units.
  • Change the device identifier or LUN value of the HSG virtual disk units.
  • Disconnect and reconnect FC cables. Reconnection can be to the same or different adapters, switch ports, or HSG ports.

OpenVMS does not automatically detect most FC reconfigurations. You must use the following procedure to safely perform an FC reconfiguration, and to ensure that OpenVMS has adjusted its internal data structures to match the new state:

  1. Dismount all disks that are involved in the reconfiguration.
  2. Perform the reconfiguration.
  3. Enter the following commands on each host that is connected to the Fibre Channel:


The purpose of the SCSI_PATH_VERIFY command is to check each FC path in the system's IO database to determine whether the attached device has been changed. If a device change is detected, then the FC path is disconnected in the IO database. This allows the path to be reconfigured for a new device by using the IO AUTOCONFIGURE command.


In the current release, the SCSI_PATH_VERIFY command only operates on FC disk devices. It does not operate on generic FC devices, such as the HSG command console LUN (CCL). (Generic FC devices have names such as $1$GGAnnnnn. This means that once the CCL of an HSG has been configured by OpenVMS with a particular device identifier, its device identifier should not be changed.

7.10 HSG Host Connection Table and Devices Not Configured

When a Fibre Channel host bus adapter is connected (through a Fibre Channel switch) to an HSG controller, the HSG controller creates an entry in the HSG connection table. There is a separate connection for each host bus adapter, and for each HSG port to which the adapter is connected. (Refer to the HSG CLI command SHOW CONNECTIONS for more information.)

Once an HSG connection exists, you can modify its parameters by using commands that are described in the HSG Array Controller ACS Configuration and CLI Reference Guide. Since a connection can be modified, the HSG does not delete connection information from the table when a host bus adapter is disconnected. Instead, when the user is done with a connection, the user must explicitly delete the connection using a CLI command.

The HSG controller supports a limited number of connections: ACS V8.5 allows a maximum of 64 connections and ACS V8.4 allows a maximum of 32 connections. The connection limit is the same for both single- and dual-redundant controllers. Once the maximum number of connections is reached, then new connections will not be made. When this happens, OpenVMS will not configure disk devices, or certain paths to disk devices, on the HSG.

The solution to this problem is to delete old connections that are no longer needed. However, if your Fibre Channel fabric is large and the number of active connections exceeds the HSG limit, then you must reconfigure the fabric or use FC switch zoning to "hide" some adapters from some HSG ports to reduce the number of connections.

7.11 Using Interrupt Coalescing for I/O Performance Gains

Starting with OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-1, interrupt coalescing is supported for the KGPSA host adapters and is off by default. Interrupt coalescing can improve performance in environments with high I/O work loads by enabling the adapter to reduce the number of interrupts seen by a host. This feature is implemented in the KGPSA firmware.

You can read and modify the current settings for interrupt coalescing by means of the Fibre Channel Control Program (FC$CP). You must have the CMKRNL privilege to use FC$CP.

If you specify a response count and a delay time (in milliseconds) with FC$CP, the adapter defers interrupting the host until that number of responses is available or until that amount of time has passed, whichever occurs first.

Interrupt coalescing may cause a performance degradation to an application that does synchronous I/O. If no other I/O is going through a given KGPSA, the latency for single writes is an average of 900 microseconds longer with interrupt coalescing enabled (or higher depending on the selected response interval).

Interrupt coalescing is set on a per KGPSA basis. You should have an average of at least 2000 I/Os per second through a given KGPSA before enabling interrupt coalescing.

The format of the command is:

RUN SYS$ETC:FC$CP FGx enable-value [delay][response-count]

In this format:

  • For FGx, the valid range of x is A to Z.
  • enable-value is a bit mask, with bit 1 controlling response coalescing and bit 0 controlling interrupt coalescing. The possible decimal values are:
    1=interrupt coalescing
    2=response coalescing
    3=interrupt coalescing and response coalescing
  • delay (in milliseconds) can range from 0 to 255 decimal.
  • response-count can range from 0 to 63 decimal.
  • Any negative value leaves a parameter unchanged.
  • Values returned are those that are current after any changes.

OpenVMS recommends the following settings for the FC$CP command:

$  RUN SYS$ETC:FC$CP FGx 2 1 8

7.12 Using Fast Path in Your Configuration

Fast Path support was introduced for Fibre Channel in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and is enabled by default. It is designed for use in a symmetric multiprocessor system (SMP). When Fast Path is enabled, the I/O completion processing can occur on all the processors in the SMP system instead of only on the primary CPU. Fast Path substantially increases the potential I/O throughput on an SMP system, and helps to prevent the primary CPU from becoming saturated.

You can manage Fast Path programmatically using Fast Path system services. You can also manage Fast Path with DCL commands and by using the system parameters FAST_PATH and FAST_PATH_PORTS. For more information about using Fast Path, refer to the VMS I/O User's Reference Volume.

7.13 FIBRE_SCAN Utility for Displaying Device Information

FIBRE_SCAN.EXE, a utility introduced in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2, displays information about all storage devices attached to Fibre Channel on the system; both configured and nonconfigured devices are included. The displayed information includes such data as the Fibre Channel target and LUN values, the vendor and product ID, device type, port and device worldwide identifiers (WWIDs), serial number, firmware revision level, and port login state. While the program primarily describes disk and tape devices, some limited information is also displayed for controller and other generic ($n$GGAn) devices.


FIBRE_SCAN can be used locally on each system. It cannot be used on systems running versions prior to OpenVMS Version 7.3-2, nor can it be used to display devices attached to other systems in a cluster.

FIBRE_SCAN can be invoked in two modes:

$ MCR SYS$ETC:FIBRE_SCAN        ! Scans all ports on the Fibre Channel.
$ MCR SYS$ETC:FIBRE_SCAN  PGx ! Scans only port x on the Fibre Channel.

FIBRE_SCAN requires CMKRNL and LOG_IO privilege.

To capture the FIBRE_SCAN output in a file, use a command such as the following before invoking FIBRE_SCAN:


FIBRE_SCAN is a display-only utility and is not capable of loading device drivers nor otherwise configuring devices on the Fibre Channel. To configure devices, use the SYSMAN IO AUTOCONFIGURE command.

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