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Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations

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10.7.8 System Parameters for OpenVMS Clusters

In an OpenVMS Cluster with satellites and servers, specific system parameters can help you manage your OpenVMS Cluster more efficiently. Table 10-4 gives suggested values for these system parameters.

Table 10-4 OpenVMS Cluster System Parameters
System Parameter Value for
Value for
SHADOW_MAX_COPY 0 1-4, where a significantly higher setting may be appropriate for your environment
MSCP_LOAD 0 1 or 2
NPAGEDYN Higher than for standalone node Higher than for satellite node
PAGEDYN Higher than for standalone node Higher than for satellite node
EXPECTED_VOTES Sum of OpenVMS Cluster votes Sum of OpenVMS Cluster votes
RECNXINTERVL 1 Equal on all nodes Equal on all nodes

1Correlate with bridge timers and LAN utilization.

Reference: For a more in-depth description of these parameters, see OpenVMS Cluster Systems and HP Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS.

10.8 Scaling for I/Os

The ability to scale I/Os is an important factor in the growth of your OpenVMS Cluster. Adding more components to your OpenVMS Cluster requires high I/O throughput so that additional components do not create bottlenecks and decrease the performance of the entire OpenVMS Cluster. Many factors can affect I/O throughput:

  • Direct access or MSCP served access to storage
  • Settings of the MSCP_BUFFER and MSCP_CREDITS system parameters
  • File system technologies, such as Files-11
  • Disk technologies, such as magnetic disks, solid-state disks, and DECram
  • Read/write ratio
  • I/O size
  • Caches and cache "hit" rate
  • "Hot file" management
  • RAID striping and host-based striping
  • Volume shadowing

These factors can affect I/O scalability either singly or in combination. The following sections explain these factors and suggest ways to maximize I/O throughput and scalability without having to change in your application.

Additional factors that affect I/O throughput are types of interconnects and types of storage subsystems.

Reference: For more information about interconnects, see Chapter 4. For more information about types of storage subsystems, see Chapter 5. For more information about MSCP_BUFFER and MSCP_CREDITS, see OpenVMS Cluster Systems.)

10.8.1 MSCP Served Access to Storage

MSCP server capability provides a major benefit to OpenVMS Clusters: it enables communication between nodes and storage that are not directly connected to each other. However, MSCP served I/O does incur overhead. Figure 10-23 is a simplification of how packets require extra handling by the serving system.

Figure 10-23 Comparison of Direct and MSCP Served Access

In Figure 10-23, an MSCP served packet requires an extra "stop" at another system before reaching its destination. When the MSCP served packet reaches the system associated with the target storage, the packet is handled as if for direct access.

In an OpenVMS Cluster that requires a large amount of MSCP serving, I/O performance is not as efficient and scalability is decreased. The total I/O throughput is approximately 20% less when I/O is MSCP served than when it has direct access. Design your configuration so that a few large nodes are serving many satellites rather than satellites serving their local storage to the entire OpenVMS Cluster.

10.8.2 Disk Technologies

In recent years, the ability of CPUs to process information has far outstripped the ability of I/O subsystems to feed processors with data. The result is an increasing percentage of processor time spent waiting for I/O operations to complete.

Solid-state disks (SSDs), DECram, and RAID level 0 bridge this gap between processing speed and magnetic-disk access speed. Performance of magnetic disks is limited by seek and rotational latencies, while SSDs and DECram use memory, which provides nearly instant access.

RAID level 0 is the technique of spreading (or "striping") a single file across several disk volumes. The objective is to reduce or eliminate a bottleneck at a single disk by partitioning heavily accessed files into stripe sets and storing them on multiple devices. This technique increases parallelism across many disks for a single I/O.

Table 10-5 summarizes disk technologies and their features.

Table 10-5 Disk Technology Summary
Disk Technology Characteristics
Magnetic disk Slowest access time.
Available on multiple interconnects.
Solid-state disk Fastest access of any I/O subsystem device.
Highest throughput for write-intensive files.
Available on multiple interconnects.
DECram Highest throughput for small to medium I/O requests.
Volatile storage; appropriate for temporary read-only files.
Available on any Alpha or VAX system.
RAID level 0 Available on HSD, HSJ, and HSG controllers.

Note: Shared, direct access to a solid-state disk or to DECram is the fastest alternative for scaling I/Os.

10.8.3 Read/Write Ratio

The read/write ratio of your applications is a key factor in scaling I/O to shadow sets. MSCP writes to a shadow set are duplicated on the interconnect.

Therefore, an application that has 100% (100/0) read activity may benefit from volume shadowing because shadowing causes multiple paths to be used for the I/O activity. An application with a 50/50 ratio will cause more interconnect utilization because write activity requires that an I/O be sent to each shadow member. Delays may be caused by the time required to complete the slowest I/O.

To determine I/O read/write ratios, use the DCL command MONITOR IO.

10.8.4 I/O Size

Each I/O packet incurs processor and memory overhead, so grouping I/Os together in one packet decreases overhead for all I/O activity. You can achieve higher throughput if your application is designed to use bigger packets. Smaller packets incur greater overhead.

10.8.5 Caches

Caching is the technique of storing recently or frequently used data in an area where it can be accessed more easily---in memory, in a controller, or in a disk. Caching complements solid-state disks, DECram, and RAID. Applications automatically benefit from the advantages of caching without any special coding. Caching reduces current and potential I/O bottlenecks within OpenVMS Cluster systems by reducing the number of I/Os between components.

Table 10-6 describes the three types of caching.

Table 10-6 Types of Caching
Caching Type Description
Host based Cache that is resident in the host system's memory and services I/Os from the host.
Controller based Cache that is resident in the storage controller and services data for all hosts.
Disk Cache that is resident in a disk.

Host-based disk caching provides different benefits from controller-based and disk-based caching. In host-based disk caching, the cache itself is not shareable among nodes. Controller-based and disk-based caching are shareable because they are located in the controller or disk, either of which is shareable.

10.8.6 Managing "Hot" Files

A "hot" file is a file in your system on which the most activity occurs. Hot files exist because, in many environments, approximately 80% of all I/O goes to 20% of data. This means that, of equal regions on a disk drive, 80% of the data being transferred goes to one place on a disk, as shown in Figure 10-24.

Figure 10-24 Hot-File Distribution

To increase the scalability of I/Os, focus on hot files, which can become a bottleneck if you do not manage them well. The activity in this area is expressed in I/Os, megabytes transferred, and queue depth.

RAID level 0 balances hot-file activity by spreading a single file over multiple disks. This reduces the performance impact of hot files.

Use the following DCL commands to analyze hot-file activity:

  • MONITOR IO command---Monitors hot disks.
  • MONITOR MSCP command---Monitors MSCP servers.

The MONITOR IO and the MONITOR MSCP commands enable you to find out which disk and which server are hot.

10.8.7 Volume Shadowing

The Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS product ensures that data is available to applications and end users by duplicating data on multiple disks. Although volume shadowing provides data redundancy and high availability, it can affect OpenVMS Cluster I/O on two levels:

Factor Effect
Geographic distance Host-based volume shadowing enables shadowing of any disk volumes in an OpenVMS Cluster system, including those served by MSCP servers. This ability can allow great distances along with MSCP overhead. For example, OpenVMS Cluster systems using FDDI can be located up to 25 miles apart. Both the distance and the MSCP involvement can slow I/O throughput.
Read/write ratio Because shadowing writes data to multiple volumes, applications that are write intensive may experience reduced throughput. In contrast, read-intensive applications may experience increased throughput because the shadowing software selects one disk member from which it can retrieve the data most efficiently.

Chapter 11
OpenVMS Cluster System Management Strategies

This chapter suggests some key system management strategies that you can use to get the most out of your OpenVMS Cluster. It is not intended to be a comprehensive discussion of the most common OpenVMS Cluster system management practices; see OpenVMS Cluster Systems for that information.

This chapter also assumes that the reader has some familiarity with basic system management concepts, such as system disks, quorum disks, and OpenVMS Cluster transitions.

The following information is contained in this chapter:

  • System disk strategies
  • Common and multiple environment strategies
  • Quorum strategies
  • State transition strategies
  • Multiple OpenVMS versions in the same OpenVMS Cluster
  • Alpha and VAX systems in the same OpenVMS Cluster

11.1 Simple and Complex Configurations

OpenVMS Cluster software makes a system manager's job easier because many system management tasks need to be done only once. This is especially true if business requirements call for a simple configuration rather than for every feature that an OpenVMS Cluster can provide. The simple configuration is appealing to both new and experienced system managers and is applicable to small OpenVMS Clusters---those with 3 to 7 nodes, 20 to 30 users, and 100 GB of storage.

Reference: See Figure 11-1 for an example of a simple OpenVMS Cluster configuration.

More complex OpenVMS Cluster configurations may require a more sophisticated system management strategy to deliver more availability, scalability, and performance.

Reference: See Figure 11-3 for an example of a complex OpenVMS Cluster configuration.

Choose system management strategies that balance simplicity of system management with the additional management tasks required by more complex OpenVMS Clusters.

11.2 System Disk Strategies

System disks contain system files and environment files.

System files are primarily read-only images and command procedures, such as run-time libraries, and are accessed clusterwide.

Environment files create specific working environments for users. You can create a common environment by making all environment files accessible clusterwide, or you can create multiple environments by making specific environment files accessible to only certain users or systems.

11.2.1 Single System Disk

System management is easiest for a simple configuration that has a single system disk and a common environment. Most procedures need to be performed only once, and both system files and environment files are located on the same disk. Page and swap files are also located on the system disk.

Figure 11-1 shows an example of a simple OpenVMS Cluster with a single system disk and a common environment.

Figure 11-1 Common Environment with a Single System Disk

In Figure 11-1, a simple CI OpenVMS Cluster contains a single, shadowed system disk. This system disk contains system files, environment files, and page and swap files. Because there is one set of environment files, this is a common environment.

Figure 11-2 shows another variation of a simple OpenVMS Cluster with a common environment.

Figure 11-2 Simple LAN OpenVMS Cluster with a Single System Disk

In Figure 11-2, six satellites and one boot server are connected by Ethernet. Each satellite has its own page and swap disk, which saves system disk space and removes the I/O activity of page and swap files from the Ethernet. Removing page and swap files from the system disk improves performance for the OpenVMS Cluster.

Although the single-system-disk configuration works well for many OpenVMS Cluster requirements, multiple system disks can offer several advantages.

11.2.2 Multiple System Disks

OpenVMS Clusters that include both Alpha and VAX systems require multiple system disks: a VAX system disk and an Alpha system disk. Table 11-1 gives some additional reasons (not related to architecture) why a system manager might want more than one system disk in a OpenVMS Cluster.

Table 11-1 Advantages of Multiple System Disks
Advantage Description
Decreased boot times A single system disk can be a bottleneck when booting three or more systems simultaneously.

Boot times are highly dependent on:

  • LAN utilization
  • Speed of the system disk
  • Number of disks mounted
  • Number of applications installed
  • Proximity of boot node to satellites
  • Boot node's processing power
  • Whether environment files are on the system disk
  • Whether the system disk is shadowed
Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS software can help disk read performance, assuming that environment files that experience high write activity (such as SYSUAF.DAT) are not on the system disk.
Increased system and application performance If your OpenVMS Cluster has many different applications that are in constant use, it may be advantageous to have either a local system disk for every node or a system disk that serves fewer systems. The benefits are shorter image-activation times and fewer files being served over the LAN.

Alpha workstations benefit from a local system disk because the powerful Alpha processor does not have to wait as long for system disk access.

Reference: See Section 10.7.5 for more information.

Reduced LAN utilization More system disks reduce LAN utilization because fewer files are served over the LAN. Isolating LAN segments and their boot servers from unnecessary traffic outside the segments decreases LAN path contention.

Reference: See Section 11.2.4 for more information.

Increased OpenVMS Cluster availability A single system disk can become a single point of failure. Increasing the number of boot servers and system disks increases availability by reducing the OpenVMS Cluster's dependency on a single resource.

11.2.3 Multiple System-Disk OpenVMS Cluster

Arranging system disks as shown in Figure 11-3 can reduce booting time and LAN utilization.

Figure 11-3 Multiple System Disks in a Common Environment

Figure 11-3 is an OpenVMS Cluster with multiple system disks:

  • One for Alpha 1, Alpha 2, and Alpha 3
  • One for each boot server on the LAN segments

The use of multiple system disks in this configuration and the way that the LAN segments are divided enable the booting sequence to be efficient and timely.

11.2.4 Dividing an OpenVMS Cluster System

In the workstation server examples shown in Section 10.7, OpenVMS Cluster reboots after a failure are relatively simple because of the small number of satellites per server. However, reboots in the larger, OpenVMS Cluster configuration shown in Figure 11-3 require careful planning. Dividing this OpenVMS Cluster and arranging the system disks as described in this section can reduce booting time significantly. Dividing the OpenVMS Cluster can also reduce the satellite utilization of the LAN segment and increase satellite performance.

The disks in this OpenVMS Cluster have specific functions, as described in Table 11-2.

Table 11-2 How Multiple System Disks Are Used
Disk Contents Purpose
Common disk All environment files for the entire OpenVMS Cluster Environment files such as SYSUAF.DAT, NETPROXY.DAT, QMAN$MASTER.DAT are accessible to all nodes---including satellites---during booting. This frees the satellite boot servers to serve only system files and root information to the satellites.

To create a common environment and increase performance for all system disks, see Section 11.3.

System disk System roots for Alpha 1, Alpha 2, and Alpha 3 High performance for server systems. Make this disk as read-only as possible by taking environment files that have write activity off the system disk. The disk can be mounted clusterwide in SYLOGICALS.COM during startup.
Satellite boot servers' system disks System files or roots for the satellites Frees the system disk attached to Alpha 1, Alpha 2, and Alpha 3 from having to serve satellites, and divide total LAN traffic over individual Ethernet segments.
Page and swap disks Page and swap files for one or more systems Reduce I/O activity on the system disks, and free system disk space for applications and system roots.

In a booting sequence for the configuration in Figure 11-3, make sure that nodes Alpha 1, Alpha 2, and Alpha 3 are entirely booted before booting the LAN Ethernet segments so that the files on the common disk are available to the satellites. Enable filtering of the Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP) on the Ethernet-to-FDDI (10/100) bridges so that the satellites do not try to boot from the system disks for Alpha 1, Alpha 2, and Alpha 3. The order in which to boot this OpenVMS Cluster is:

  1. Boot Alpha 1, Alpha 2, and Alpha 3.
  2. Boot the satellite boot servers.
  3. Boot all satellites.

Reference: See Section 10.7.6 for information about extended LANs.

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