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HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Installation and Configuration

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Add at least 500,000 bytes of nonpaged dynamic pool for the software, as follows:

  1. Log in to the SYSTEM account.
  2. Identify the amount of additional nonpaged pool your system requires. Use the estimated value of 500,000 bytes, and then increase the value depending on the maximum amount of sockets you have. For each socket, allow a value of 2,000 bytes.


    On a system that uses FDDI, the default sizes for the TCP/IP socket buffer quotas are increased automatically. This increases throughput across the FDDI for local TCP connections.
  3. Refer to the following example, and then edit MODPARAMS.DAT to reflect the appropriate value for the NPAGEDYN and NPAGEVIR parameters:

    ! Add nonpaged pool for HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.

For more information about nonpaged dynamic pool, see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Essentials.

1.2.8 Assigning a User Identification Code

An OpenVMS user or group of users is identified by a unique, assigned user identification code (UIC) in the format [group,member], where group and member are numeric, alphanumeric, or alphabetic characters. For example, a UIC can be either [306,210], [GROUP1, JONES], or simply JONES. The UIC is linked to a system-defined rights database that determines user and group privileges.

The TCPIP$CONFIG configuration procedure uses a group UIC to create accounts for services. If a user-specified UIC is not in place from a previous configuration, the procedure creates the following UIC group numbers:

Default UIC Group Number Description
3655 The default UIC group number for service accounts. If this is an initial product configuration but the procedure detects that number 3655 is in use, TCPIP$CONFIG prompts you for a new UIC group number.
3375 The default UIC group number for the TCPIP$NOBODY user account.
3376 The default UIC group number for the ANONYMOUS account.

Before you assign a new group UIC, check that the number you chose is not already in use by entering the following commands:


UAF> SHOW /BRIEF [your-group-number,*]

UAF> SHOW /IDENTIFIER /VALUE=UIC:[your-group-number,*]

To force TCPIP$CONFIG to allow you to specify a new UIC group number, assign the value TRUE to the logical name TCPIP$ASK_GROUP_UIC, as in the following example. When you configure TCP/IP Services, TCPIP$CONFIG prompts you for the group UIC.


1.2.9 Remove Early Adopters Kits (EAKs)

If you have installed one or more of the following EAKs, you must use the PCSI REMOVE command to remove the EAKs before you install TCP/IP Services Version 5.4:

  • Version 5.0 IPv6 EAK


    After you remove the Version 5.0 IPv6 EAK, you must do the following:
    1. Run the TCPIP$IP6_SETUP.COM command procedure. For more information, refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Guide to IPv6.
    2. After you install the current version of TCP/IP Services, recompile and relink your applications.
  • Version 5.3 SSH for OpenVMS EAK
  • Version 5.3 failSAFE IP EAK

1.3 Assembling Configuration Information

Use the worksheet in Table 1-3 to assemble configuration information.

If you are configuring TCP/IP Services on the system for the first time, the TCPIP$CONFIG configuration procedure prompts you for the information listed in Table 1-3. If you are reconfiguring after a product upgrade, the procedure uses the previous configuration information as the default for the new configuration.

For information to help you answer the questions on the configuration worksheet, see appropriate chapters in the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual. For information to help you answer SSH configuration options, see the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Guide to SSH.

Table 1-3 Configuration Planning Worksheet
  When the configuration procedure asks... Your answer will be...
What is the system's host name (for example, MYNODE)?  
What is the system's Internet domain name (for example, widgets.com)?  
Do you plan to have your IP interface under control of the DHCP client? If so, the next items on this worksheet (the system's addresses and masks, and the system's network interface), might be configured automatically by the DHCP server, in which case you do not need to specify them. Ask your network manager for details.  
What are the system's addresses and masks? 1  
* IP address (for example,  
* Subnet (network mask) address (for example,  
* Broadcast address (for example,  
What is the system's network interface (for example, WE0)? 1  
For failSAFE IP, what are the interfaces that will be used for the IP address's standby?  
What is the UIC group number for TCP/IP Services (see Section 1.2.8)? For example, 3655.  
Which type of routing is appropriate for the network, Static or Dynamic?  
  Static --- For simple networks where routes do not change

If static, enter the default gateway's host name and address (for example, GATWY1;

  Dynamic --- For complex networks where flexibility is required

If dynamic, you must specify either ROUTED or GATED routing.

Do you plan to enable the BIND resolver? If so:  
* What is the name of the BIND server you want the resolver to use (for example, MAINSV)?  
* What is the IP address of the BIND server (for example,  
* What is the domain name (for example, mainsv.widgets.com)?  
Do you plan to enable SNMP? If yes:  
* Do you want to allow SNMP management clients to modify the MIBs by issuing set requests?  
* Do you want to enable authentication traps when the master agent receives an SNMP request that specifies an unauthorized community string?  
* What is the name of the system's contact person? Specify text as in the following example: Sam Spade.  
* What is the location of the system? Specify one or two fields of text as in the following three examples:  
  - Falcon Building, Los Angeles
- Boston, MA
- Northwest
* Do you want to allow any network manager to remotely monitor your system? If so, you need to specify a public community name. The default is public. Specify a string consisting of alphanumeric characters only. Do not enclose the string in quotes; the case is preserved as entered. Example: Rw2.  
* Do you want to provide additional community names and addresses (for implementing traps and allowing access beyond the default read-only provided by the "public" community)?  

1If the IP interface runs under control of the DHCP client, this information might be configured automatically. Check with your network manager. For more information, see the DHCP client documentation.

Chapter 2
Installing TCP/IP Services

This chapter explains how to install the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS software as a layered product using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. The instructions are appropriate for an initial installation or an upgrade.

For information about how to install the product directly from the OpenVMS Alpha CD-ROM menu, refer to the HP OpenVMS Alpha Upgrade and Installation Manual.

For information about the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Essentials.

2.1 Invoking the Installation Procedure

When you have completed the recommended preinstallation tasks outlined in Chapter 1 and have read the release notes ( Section 1.2.2), you are ready to upgrade or install TCP/IP Services.

During a product upgrade, existing configuration files are preserved in case you want to use them when you configure this version of the software.

To install the TCP/IP Services software on an OpenVMS Alpha system, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to the SYSTEM account.
  2. Check to make sure that other users are not logged in to the system.
  3. Edit the SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file and check to see if the command @SYS$STARTUP:UCX$STARTUP is defined. If this command is defined, edit the line, replacing the command definition with @SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$STARTUP so that the current version of the product starts automatically when the system starts up.
  4. If a previous version of the TCP/IP Services software is installed on the system, shut it down by using the appropriate command:
    If the software version is... Use this command...

  5. HP recommends that you log the installation procedure. If you have DECnet configured on your system, you can create a log of the installation procedure by entering the following command and then log in to the system account again:

    $ SET HOST 0/LOG=file-specification

    In this command, file-specification is the name of the file to which you want the log written. The log file is written to the current directory.
  6. Start the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility by entering the PRODUCT INSTALL command with the directory path appropriate for your system. For example:

    $ PRODUCT INSTALL TCPIP /SOURCE=directory-path

    In this command, directory-path specifies the disk and directory name for the source drive that holds the TCP/IP Services kit. For example, /SOURCE=DKA400:[TCPIPAXP054].
    If you do not specify the source qualifier, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility searches the location defined by the logical name PCSI$SOURCE. If not defined, the utility searches the current default directory.

2.2 Stepping Through the Installation Procedure

After you invoke the installation procedure, you are prompted for information. Example 2-1 shows a sample installation on an OpenVMS Alpha system that has an earlier version of TCP/IP Services installed on it. Additional explanatory information follows each portion of the installation procedure. For a sample installation on a system on which the product has never been installed, see Appendix A.

The actual installation output that is displayed on your system might vary, depending on your current configuration.


To stop the installation at any time, press Ctrl/Y. The installation procedure deletes any files that were created, then exits.

The symbols xx in the following example and elsewhere in this document represent the product's two-digit update version number.

Example 2-1 TCP/IP Services Installation: Sample POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Procedure

   1 - DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.4-xx            Layered Product
   2 - DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.1-15            Layered Product
   3 - DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.0-11            Layered Product
   4 - All products listed above
   5 - Exit

Choose one or more items from the menu separated by commas: 1 [Return]

The initial menu that is displayed includes the latest TCP/IP Services product and any versions of the product that are in place on the system. Install the latest version (option 1).

The following product has been selected:
    DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.4-xx                  Layered Product

Do you want to continue? [YES] [Return]

Press Return to continue with the installation procedure.

Configuration phase starting ...

You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements.

DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.4-xx: HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.

    Copyright 1976, 2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

    Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

    HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS offers several license options.

Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES] [Return]

Answer Yes to choose the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility defaults for the options or No to choose other options.

Do you want to review the options? [NO] [Return]

Answer Yes to review the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility options. In this example, the options are not reviewed.

If you select Yes, the options are displayed and you are asked whether you are satisfied with the options. Press Return to accept the options as listed, or answer No to change the options.

Execution phase starting ...

The following product will be installed to destination:
The following product will be removed from destination:

Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%

The following message appears only if an earlier version of TCP/IP Services was configured on your system. A similar message, verifying the product name and version, appears if you are installing for the first time.

%PCSI-I-PRCOUTPUT, output from subprocess follows ...
% - BG device exists.
%   To use the version of HP TCP/IP Services that was just installed,
%   system must be rebooted.
Portion done: 100%

The following product has been installed:
    DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.4-xx               Layered Product
The following product has been removed:
    DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.1-15               Layered Product

DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.4-xx: HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.

    Check the release notes for current status of the product.

2.3 Postinstallation Tasks

After the installation completes, perform the following steps:

  1. Optionally, you can:
    • Read the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Release Notes on line or print the file from SYS$HELP:TCPIP054_RELEASE_NOTES.PS or
    • Display a list of the TCP/IP Services files that were installed. Enter the following command:

      $ PRODUCT LIST TCPIP /SOURCE=directory-path

      In this command, directory-path specifies the disk and directory name for the source drive that holds the TCP/IP Services kit (for example, /SOURCE=DKA400:[TCPIPAXP054]). If you do not specify the source qualifier, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility searches the location defined by the logical name PCSI$SOURCE. If not defined, the utility searches the current default directory.
  2. If you had a previous version of TCP/IP Services configured on your system and the software was previously started, reboot your system for the new TCP/IP Services software to take effect. Then proceed to step 4.


    Do not delete any files that remain from the previous version of the product. Many of these files are used by TCPIP$CONFIG for converting your existing configuration to the new configuration (described in Chapter 3).
  3. If you removed the Version 5.0 IPv6 EAK prior to this installation, recompile and relink your applications.
  4. Proceed to Chapter 3 to configure TCP/IP Services.


With previous versions of TCP/IP Services, you were required to log out of the SYSTEM account and then log back in to the SYSTEM account to establish the TCPIP command environment. Starting with Version 5.4 of TCP/IP Services, this is no longer required.

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