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HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Installation and Configuration

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3.5 Making Configuration Changes Take Effect

Configuration changes made to TCP/IP Services software do not take effect until you start (or restart) the affected services. You may need to restart TCP/IP Services or simply the individual services affected, as explained in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Making Configuration Changes Take Effect
When you change the following services... Do the following to make the changes take effect Comments
Core environment (domain, Internet interface, routing, BIND resolver, time zone). Start or restart the TCP/IP Services software. Do this before you run tests (verification procedures) or customize the environment. Methods to start TCP/IP Services are described in Sections 3.7 and 3.10.
Client, server, or optional services only. If you did not make changes to the core environment, you need only start or restart each affected service individually. Do this by choosing the "Start service" option in the service's configuration menu. Alternatively, you can use each service's startup command procedure.

If you also made changes to core environment services, start TCP/IP Services.

Usage of startup command procedures for individual services is explained in Section 3.10.3.


You can have the TCP/IP Services software started automatically each time the OpenVMS operating system is rebooted, or you can restart the software manually, as explained in Section 3.10.

3.6 Stopping TCP/IP Services Using TCPIP$CONFIG

Stop TCP/IP Services on your system by choosing option 5 (Shutdown HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS) from the Main Configuration menu, as in the following example:

HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu

    Configuration options:

           1  -  Core environment
           2  -  Client components
           3  -  Server components
           4  -  Optional components
           5  -  Shutdown HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
           6  -  Startup HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
           7  -  Run tests

           A  -  Configure options 1 - 4
          [E] -  Exit configuration procedure

Enter configuration option: 5

The TCP/IP Services shutdown procedure displays a series of messages similar to the following example (the messages displayed depend on the configuration):

Begin Shutdown...

%TCPIP-I-INFO, TCP/IP Services shutdown beginning at  5-SEP-2003
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$FINGER shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$FTP shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$METRIC shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$NFS shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$NTP shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$PCNFS shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$POP shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$PROXY shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$REXEC shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$RLOGIN shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$RSH shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$SMTP shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$SNMP shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$SSH shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$TELNET shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$TFTP shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$XDM shutdown completed
%TCPIP-I-SERVSTOPPED, BIND service already stopped
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCPIP$BIND shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCP/IP Kernel shutdown completed
%TCPIP-S-SHUTDONE, TCP/IP Services shutdown completed at  5-SEP-2003

Shutdown request completed.

3.7 Starting TCP/IP Services Using TCPIP$CONFIG

After configuring the core environment, start TCP/IP Services on your system by choosing option 6 (Startup HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS) from the Main Configuration menu, as in the following example:

HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu

    Configuration options:

           1  -  Core environment
           2  -  Client components
           3  -  Server components
           4  -  Optional components
           5  -  Shutdown HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
           6  -  Startup HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
           7  -  Run tests

           A  -  Configure options 1 - 4
          [E] -  Exit configuration procedure

Enter configuration option: 6

The TCP/IP Services startup procedure displays a series of messages similar to the following example (the messages displayed depend on the configuration):

Begin Startup...

%TCPIP-I-INFO, TCP/IP Services startup beginning at 5-SEP-2003
%TCPIP-I-NORMAL, timezone information verified
%RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 00000D42
%TCPIP-I-SETLOCAL, setting domain and/or local host
%TCPIP-I-STARTCOMM, starting communication
%TCPIP-I-SETPROTP, setting protocol parameters
%TCPIP-I-DEFINTE, defining interfaces
%TCPIP-I-STARTNAME, starting name service
%TCPIP-I-STARTDROUT, starting dynamic routing
%RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 00000C4E
%TCPIP-S-STARTDONE, TCP/IP Kernel startup completed
%TCPIP-S-STARTDONE, TCPIP$BIND startup completed
%TCPIP-I-PROXYLOADED, loaded 0 NFS proxy records
%TCPIP-I-LOADSERV, loading TCPIP server proxy information
%TCPIP-I-SERVLOADED, auxiliary server loaded with 0 proxy records
-TCPIP-I-SERVSKIP, skipped 0 communication proxy records
-TCPIP-I-SERVTOTAL, total of 0 proxy records read
%TCPIP-S-STARTDONE, TCPIP$FTP startup completed
%TCPIP-I-NOMAP, no filesystem mapping information available
%TCPIP-S-STARTDONE, TCPIP$NFS startup completed
%TCPIP-S-STARTDONE, TCPIP$NTP startup completed
%TCPIP-S-STARTDONE, TCPIP$POP startup completed
%RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 000002DC
%TCPIP-S-STARTDONE, TCPIP$RSH startup completed
%TCPIP-S-STARTDONE, TCPIP$SMTP startup completed
%TCPIP-S-STARTDONE, TCPIP$SSH startup completed
%TCPIP-S-STARTDONE, TCPIP$TFTP startup completed
%TCPIP-S-STARTDONE, TCPIP$XDM startup completed
%TCPIP-S-STARTDONE, TCP/IP Services startup completed at 5-SEP-2003
Startup request completed.
Press Return to continue ...


The TCPIP-I-NOMAP message in this example appears only if no file systems are mapped in the TCP/IP configuration database. If you need NFS services, set up mapping to a valid file system, as explained in the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual. If you do not need NFS services, you can safely ignore this message; you can prevent recurrence of this message during future startups by disabling the NFS server using the TCPIP$CONFIG configuration procedure.

3.8 Verifying the Configuration

You can verify the configuration by running the installation verification procedure (IVP).

You should run the IVP if any of the following apply:

  • You loaded the Product Authorization Key (PAK), and you want to verify that the lower-layer software and the Portmapper service are installed correctly.
  • You did not load the PAK, but you want to verify that TCP/IP Services is installed correctly for DECwindows to display the TCP/IP Services applications.
  • You require the software to transfer device socket packets that continuously vary in size between a sender and a receiver.
  • You need to test the Portmapper service with a pair of client/server programs. The IVP reports the time it took to run the test to SYS$OUTPUT.
  • You need to test your SNMP service.

Before you run the IVP, make sure TCP/IP Services has started and you have SYSPRV, OPER, NETMBX, and TMPMBX privileges.

You can run the IVP from the TCPIP$CONFIG configuration procedure or by command line at the OpenVMS DCL prompt. When you run the IVP from TCPIP$CONFIG, you have the option of running an additional test that verifies the SNMP configuration.

3.8.1 Running the IVP from the TCPIP$CONFIG Command Procedure

In the TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Main Configuration menu, choose option 7 (Run tests). The Test menu appears, as in the following example:

HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS TEST Menu

        Test options:

                 1  -  Internet IVP
                 2  -  SNMP IVP

                 A  -  Tests 1 - 2
                [E] -  Exit menu

Enter test option:

Choose the appropriate option for the test you want to perform.

3.8.2 Running the IVP from the OpenVMS DCL Prompt

To run the IVP at the DCL prompt, any time after exiting the configuration procedure, enter the following command. This procedure performs the same test as option 1 (Internet IVP) of the TCPIP$CONFIG Test menu.


3.8.3 Verifying the TCP/IP Services Internet Configuration

When you choose either option 1 or option A from the TCPIP$CONFIG Test menu, or if you run the TCPIP$IVP command procedure at the command line, the IVP tests the basic TCP/IP Services software configuration, as in the following example. Here, the test completes successfully.

Enter test option: 1 [Return]
Begin IVP...

%%% TCPIP IVP: started %%%

UDP/IP test started at 5-SEP-2003 16:13:03.62
UDP/IP test ended at 5-SEP-2003 16:13:03.69
UDP/IP transferred successfully in 0 seconds 4198400 bytes

TCP/IP test started at 5-SEP-2003 16:13:04.20
TCP/IP test ended at 5-SEP-2003 16:13:04:28
TCP/IP transferred successfully in 0 seconds 4198400 bytes

RAW_IP test started at 5-SEP-2003 16:13:41.71
RAW_IP test ended at 5-SEP-2003 16:13:41.72
RAW_IP transferred successfully in 0 seconds 251000 bytes

%%% TCPIP IVP: completed successfully %%%
IVP request completed.
Press Return to continue ...

If the IVP does not complete successfully, the procedure displays error messages. All IVP errors use the same format as OpenVMS system messages. For example:

%TCPIP-E-IDENT, explanation of error.

Table 3-3 lists some common problems that cause IVP error messages. If the recommended action does not correct the problem, contact your HP support representative.

Table 3-3 Troubleshooting IVP Errors
If the problem is... Do the following...
Network configuration is incorrect. Shut down TCP/IP Services and rerun the configuration procedure.
Startup fails. Check the system parameters in the MODPARAMS.DAT file and adjust them if necessary. (See Section 1.2.7.) Then shut down and restart TCP/IP Services.
Installation kit is defective. Request a replacement kit.
IVP fails because the PAK is missing. Register a HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS PAK.

3.8.4 Verifying the SNMP Configuration

If you choose either option 2 or option A from the TCPIP$CONFIG Test menu, the IVP tests the SNMP service, as in the following example:

Begin SNMP IVP...

The SNMP IVP requires that TCPIP/IP Services be running.
It performs the following startups and shutdowns on the
SNMP service only (other TCP/IP services are not affected):

- If SNMP is running, shuts down SNMP before initial
- Starts SNMP and runs tests
- Shuts down SNMP and restores initial configuration
- Before exiting, starts SNMP

Shutting down the SNMP service... done.

Creating temporary read/write community SNMPIVP_6520.

Enabling SET operations.

Starting up the SNMP service... done.

      Saving sysContact: Ralph Nickleby
  Setting sysContact to: Julius Caesar
   Retrieved sysContact: Julius Caesar
(Retrieved value matches SET value.)
Restoring sysContact to: Ralph Nickleby

    Saving snmpEnableAuthenTraps: 2 (disabled)
Setting snmpEnableAuthenTraps to: 1 (enabled)
 Retrieved snmpEnableAuthenTraps: 1 (enabled)
(Retrieved value matches SET value.)
 Restoring snmpEnableAuthenTraps: 2 (disabled)

Disabling SET operations.

Deleting temporary read/write community SNMPIVP_6520.

Shutting down and restarting the SNMP service...
Shutting down the SNMP service... done.

Starting up the SNMP service... done.

SNMP IVP request completed.
Press Return to continue ...

If one of the SNMP tests fails, you will see messages such as the following:

SNMPIVP: unexpected text in response to SNMP request:
"No reply."
Verify that SNMP trace is not enabled.
sysContact could not be retrieved. Status = 0
The SNMP IVP has NOT completed successfully.

In this case, the error could indicate that not all SNMP components have started, or that SNMP tracing is enabled and needs to be disabled. For information about SNMP trace, see the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual.

3.9 Additional Configuration Tasks

After you run TCPIP$CONFIG and enable the functionality and components appropriate for your network, you need to complete additional configuration tasks to enable access to product applications. TCP/IP Services provides a management command interface and logical names you can use to modify or customize the software for your environment.

The additional configuration tasks include:

  • Populating databases (for example, for BIND and DHCP)
  • Setting up user accounts
  • Setting up communication and NFS proxies
  • Defining print queues
  • Setting up, exporting, and maintaining file systems
  • Tuning the system for optimum performance

Many of the services require additional configuration or optimization. For more information about how to configure each service, refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual.

3.10 Starting and Stopping TCP/IP Services

You can use commands in your OpenVMS startup file to have TCP/IP Services started and stopped automatically when the OpenVMS system starts up or shuts down, as explained in Section 3.10.1. These commands start and stop all the TCP/IP Services components installed on your system. Alternatively, you can start and stop individual TCP/IP Services client or server services without affecting other TCP/IP Services components currently running. For information about starting and stopping individual services, see Section 3.10.3.

If necessary, you can start and stop TCP/IP Services manually, as explained in Section 3.10.2. You can also start and stop user-written services, as explained in Section 3.10.4.

3.10.1 Automatically Starting and Stopping TCP/IP Services

To allow TCP/IP Services software to start automatically when the system starts up, and to stop automatically when the system shuts down, edit the SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file and include the following command:


If your system had earlier versions of TCP/IP Services, UCX$STARTUP.COM and UCX$SHUTDOWN.COM files might be present. These are no longer applicable; delete any definition of them from SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM.

If you want TCP/IP Services to start after you log in to your OpenVMS account, the OpenVMS systemwide login procedure (typically SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM) must have world read and execute protections (W:RE).

To display the current protections, enter the following command:


For information about protections, refer to the OpenVMS documentation.

3.10.2 Starting and Stopping TCP/IP Services Manually

To start TCP/IP Services manually, enter the following command:


To stop TCP/IP Services manually, enter the following command:


3.10.3 Starting and Stopping Individual Services

On a system already running TCP/IP Services, you can configure an individual server or client component without affecting the other TCP/IP Services components running on your system and without having to restart TCP/IP Services.

Most services can be shut down and started independently. This is useful when you change parameters or logical names that require the service to be restarted.

The following files are provided:

  • SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$service_STARTUP.COM allows you to start the service service.
  • SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$service_SHUTDOWN.COM allows you to shut down the service service.

To preserve site-specific parameter settings and commands, create the following files. These files are not overwritten when you reinstall TCP/IP Services:

  • SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$service_SYSTARTUP.COM can be used as a repository for site-specific definitions and parameters to be invoked when service is started.
  • SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$service_SYSHUTDOWN.COM can be used as a repository for site-specific definitions and parameters to be invoked when service is shut down.

In these file names, service is the name of the service to be started or shut down. For example, use TCPIP$NTP_SHUTDOWN to shut down the NTP service.

For more information, see the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual.

3.10.4 Starting and Stopping User-Written Services

TCP/IP Services supplies command procedures for starting and stopping user-written services. To start a user-written service, enter the following command:


To stop the user-written service, enter the following command:


In either command, specify the name of the service as defined using the TCP/IP management command SET SERVICE.


Remember that any service name with lowercase characters is interpreted by the startup and shutdown procedures as uppercase unless you enclose the name in quotation marks. If you defined the service using quotation marks to preserve the case, be sure to use quotation marks when you specify the service name with the startup or shutdown command.

3.11 Specifying TCP/IP Services as the Transport for DECwindows Applications

To enable TCP/IP Services as the transport interface for DECwindows applications, add the following line to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM command procedure:


Then restart DECwindows:


If DECnet or DECnet-Plus software runs on the system, start it.

To display DECwindows applications from a DECwindows client (remote host) to a DECwindows server (your workstation), proceed as follows:

  1. Set up security on the remote host.
  2. Add the remote client to the local hosts database.
  3. Add to SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM the following line:

  4. Set the display for the applications to the remote host:


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