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HP DECwindows Motif
for OpenVMS Alpha
New Features

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The following list describes the related global symbols:

    Specifies how to display operator-messages options.
    Specifies the value of the -geometry option in the DECW$MESSAGEPANEL.EXE command line.

Refer to the chapter "Using DECwindows" in Managing DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Systems for the complete list of global symbols. For information about defining global symbols in the file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM, see Managing DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Systems.

3.4.6 Customizing the Login Screen


You can customize the DECwindows Motif login screen on the Traditional desktop to display alternate logos or screen colors. To customize the login screen, create a file named DECW$LOGIN.DAT in the SYS$MANAGER directory that contains your resource definitions. The custom resource definitions from SYS$MANAGER:DECW$LOGIN.DAT are merged with the resource definitions supplied by HP in SYS$COMMON:[DECW$DEFAULTS.SYSTEM]DECW$LOGIN.DAT to form the new login screen.

Keep customized versions of the DECW$LOGIN.DAT resource file in the SYS$MANAGER directory, and not in DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS, to prevent your customized file from being overwritten when upgraded to a newer version of DECwindows Motif software. In addition, storing the file in the SYS$MANAGER directory prevents the custom file from superseding the file that is supplied by HP. Customizing the Logo and Login Screen Colors

You can define the resources in Table 3-1 to control the position and colors of the logo and the color of the screen background in the Start Session screen.

Table 3-1 Moving the Logo and Changing Login Screen Colors
Resource Description
rootColor Color of the screen background.
logoColor Color of the logo (default is burgundy).
logoX x position of the logo (default is 0).
logoY y position of the logo (default is 75).
centerLogoX Boolean; if true (default), the logo is centered horizontally on the screen.

For example, to position the logo at x=100, y=600, add the following resource definitions to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$LOGIN.DAT file:

decw$login.logoX: 100
decw$login.logoY: 600
decw$login.centerLogoX: false Changing Positions of the Start Session and Set Password Dialog Boxes

You can define the resources in Table 3-2 to control the position of the Start Session and Set Password dialog boxes.

Table 3-2 Changing Position of the Start Session and Set Password Dialog Boxes
Resource Description
centerStartSessionX Boolean; if true (default), the Start Session dialog box is centered horizontally.
centerStartSessionY Boolean; if true (default), the Start Session dialog box is centered vertically.
centerSetPasswordX Boolean; if true (default), the Set Password dialog box for expired passwords is centered horizontally.
centerSetPasswordY Boolean; if true (default), the Set Password dialog box is centered vertically.

For example, to position the Start Session dialog box at x=100, y=600, add the following resource definitions to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$LOGIN.DAT file:

decw$login.centerStartSessionX: false
decw$login.centerStartSessionY: false
decw$login.HiddenShell.x: 100
decw$login.HiddenShell.y: 600

To position the Set Password dialog box at x=30, y=100, add the following resource definitions to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$LOGIN.DAT file:

decw$login.centerSetPasswordX: false
decw$login.centerSetPasswordY: false
decw$login.SetPasswordShell.x: 30
decw$login.SetPasswordShell.y: 100 Disabling a Node Name Display in the Start Session Dialog Box

To prevent a node name from being displayed in the Start Session dialog box, add the following resource definition to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$LOGIN.DAT file:

decw$login.displayNodeName: false

3.4.7 Displaying Customized Login Logos


By default, if there is no DECwindows Motif license registered for the SYSTEM account, DECwindows does not display customized login logos. This is a problem on systems with DECwindows Motif personal-use licenses that do not include SYSTEM on the list of authorized DECwindows users.

To display a customized logo without a DECwindows Motif license for SYSTEM, add the following definition to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM file:



If the file does not exist, copy it from the file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.TEMPLATE.

After editing the setup file, restart DECwindows Motif using the following command:


DECwindows Motif login starts the logo process as a subprocess instead of as a detached process. The license check sees that the logo process is a child of the login process and that the X connection is opened.

3.5 Font and Keymap Management

The following sections describe features that pertain to font and keymap support.

3.5.1 Support for Euro Currency Symbol


DECwindows Motif includes support for the euro currency symbol. Support for the euro symbol was formerly provided via a separate DECwindows Motif remedial kit (ALP_DWEURO_V0101). The euro font sets can now be installed during the base OpenVMS Alpha operating system installation. Choosing the euro option during installation allows you to then enable and display the euro symbol on all DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3 or greater systems. Enabling Euro Support

To enable euro support, copy the following template files to separate command files, as follows:


Restart your DECwindows Motif system. The command files are run automatically as part of the DECwindows Motif startup procedure.

Support for the euro locale by the OpenVMS C Run-Time Library is not required for base DECwindows Motif euro support. However, if you want to run Motif applications in a euro locale, you must install Euro locale support, which is included in the OpenVMS Alpha kit.


Once euro support is enabled, the character code 0xA4 may be displayed. This results from the euro sign and the key sequence to enter the euro sign always being in effect, regardless of the locale and codeset of the process. Displaying the Euro Symbol in DECwindows Motif Applications

Once euro support is enabled on your system, you can display the euro sign with any ISO8859-1 bitmap font on your workstation, with no additional setup. DECwindows Motif applications that use standard ISO Latin-1 fonts to display text will automatically display the euro sign for character 0xA4. The character set portion of the XLFD name for these fonts is ISO8859-1.

To display the euro sign in a DECterm window, be sure the following two items are selected in the DECterm General Options dialog box:

  • UPSS ISO Latin-1
  • 8-Bit Multinational Characters Using the Keyboard to Manually Enter the Euro Symbol

Once euro support is enabled, you can manually enter the symbol using one of the following key sequences, depending on the type of keyboard attached to your system:

Keyboard Type Keymap Key Sequence
LK-style *LK201* keymap Use the same key sequence you use for the universal currency symbol. For example:
Compose+Space o x or Compose+Space O X

Compose+Space x o or Compose+Space X O
Compose+Space 0 x or Compose+Space 0 X
Compose+Space x 0 or Compose+Space X 0
LK-style *LK401* keymap 1 LeftCompose + E
PC-style 2 *LK44* keymap RightAlt + E

1Note that the RUSSIAN_LK401_BT keymap does not support the LeftCompose + E key sequence. The POLISH_LK401_BT keymap supports euro input using the LeftCompose + U key sequence.
2Such as, LK44*-**, PCXA*-**, or LK97W-** DECTPU Character Set Qualifier

To display and edit the euro symbol in the DECTPU DECwindows interface, specify the ISO Latin-1 character set as follows:


3.5.2 Support for X Keyboard Keymap Files


The X Keyboard keymap files are the standard X Window System alternative to the proprietary keymaps currently provided with DECwindows Motif. They are intended to supplement, rather than replace, the DECwindows Motif keymap files, which will continue to be provided with the DECwindows Motif software.

You can compile X Keyboard layout files to create loadable keymaps using the X Keyboard Compiler utility (xkbcomp), as described in the following section, or the server will compile the files as needed.

Also, since the X Keyboard keymap format (.XKM) is the accepted, vendor-independent standard for loadable keyboards, you can choose to load .XKM files from other X11R6-based systems and X Window System software providers. Creating a Modified Keymap File

To create a modified keymap file, do the following:

  1. Edit the one or more component source files described in Section, and make the necessary changes. For example, to swap the left and right parenthesis for all US keymaps, edit SYS$COMMON:[SYS$KEYMAP.XKB.SYMBOLS.DIGITAL]US, as follows:

       19       key <AE09> {       [               9,      parenleft ] };
       20       key <AE10> {       [               0,     parenright ] };
  2. Compile the component source files to create the modified keymap file. For example, to create a modified keymap file for DIGITAL_US_LK401, compile the sources as follows:

    $  xkbcomp -RDECW$SYSCOMMON:[SYS$KEYMAP.XKB] -xkm -m lk401 -
    _$  -o SYS$COMMON:[SYS$KEYMAP.XKB.COMPILED]digital_us_lk401.xkm

You can then load the modified, compiled keymap file as described in Section Loading a Compiled Keymap File

To load a compiled X Keyboard keymap file, do the following:

  2. Define the value of the parameter DECW$SERVER_EXTENSIONS so that it enables the use of the X Keyboard (XKB) extension, similar to the following:

  3. Define the value of the parameter DECW$SERVER_XKEYBOARD_LOAD_MAP to enable the use of X Keyboard keymaps:

  4. Define the value of the DECW$SERVER_XKEYBOARD_COMPILED_DIR parameter to point to where the keymap files are located. This directory is also where the server places any keymap files that it compiles on demand.

  5. Define the value of the DECW$SERVER_XKEYBOARD_MAP parameter to point to the default X Keyboard keymap to load at server startup.
  6. Save the file and restart the server.


Some custom keyboard options are not available when using XKB and the X Keyboard keymaps. See the HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Release Notes for a complete listing of X Keyboard keymap restrictions. Enabling the AccessX Key Features

To enable the AccessX key features described in Section 2.6.1, do the following:

  2. Search for and set the DECW$SERVER_ENABLE_ACCESSX parameter to a value of 1 (enabled).
  3. Save the file, and restart the server.

You can then further configure the AccessX features using the accessx utility described in Section 2.6.1, or use the slow and sticky key functions, as follows:

To... Perform This Action...
Toggle slow keys Hold Shift key by itself for eight seconds
Toggle sticky keys Press and release the left or right Shift key five times in a row, without any intervening key events and with less than 30 seconds delay between consecutive presses
Turn off sticky keys Simultaneously press two or more modifier keys.

3.6 Proxy Server Management

The following sections describe features that pertain to managing the Low-Bandwidth X (LBX) proxy server and related proxy applications.

3.6.1 Support for Low-Bandwidth X (LBX)

Low-Bandwidth X (LBX) is an X server extension that performs compression of the X protocol. LBX was developed for those configurations where the display server is separated from the client by a slow speed line, such as a 56K dial-in modem or a wide-area network (WAN). When the X protocol was developed, the primary use of the protocol was over local area networks (LANs). Therefore, the X protocol was not optimized for low-speed connections. LBX addresses this shortcoming of the X protocol by using a compression and caching scheme designed to minimize the amount of data flow between the client and server.


Although LBX reduces data flow between systems, it is not recommended for a LAN-only environment. While it does reduce overall traffic flow, this comes at a cost of increased processing requirements. This generally results in a slight decrease in performance in a LAN-only environment.

The components of the LBX implementation in DECwindows Motif (see Figure 3-1) are as follows:

  • LBX-Enabled X Server---The use of LBX requires that the X server be capable of interpreting the LBX protocol. On DECwindows Motif systems, you must enable the use of the LBX protocol through the DECW$SERVER_EXTENSIONS customization parameter. For more information about enabling LBX on an DECwindows Motif X server, see Section 3.7.2.
  • Proxy Server---The proxy server appears to clients as any other X server. The proxy server accepts a connection request from a client program and acts as an intermediary between the client and the X server. Communication between the proxy server and the client uses the standard X protocol. Communication between the proxy server and the X server uses an LBX-enhanced X protocol.
  • Proxy Manager---The proxy manager relieves clients from managing proxy servers. Instead of sending a request directly to a proxy server, the client sends a request to the proxy manager indicating the requested X server. The proxy manager is responsible for either using an existing proxy server or starting a new proxy server. Once the manager finds a proxy server, it returns the proxy server's address to the client. The proxy manager is optional.
  • DCL SET and SHOW DISPLAY Enhancements---The SET DISPLAY command has been modified to include qualifiers that allow users to specify either a proxy manager or a proxy server. The changes also provide a method for supplying proxy authentication data. The SHOW DISPLAY command has been modified to display proxy information as well as proxy authentication information. For more information about the changes to the SET DISPLAY and SHOW DISPLAY commands, see the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: N--Z.

Figure 3-1 LBX Components


Because the communication between the client and the proxy server uses the unoptimized X protocol, the client and the proxy server should always be on the same node or on the same LAN. Proxy Server

Proxy servers can be one of three types:

  • Managed -- The proxy server is managed by a proxy manager. The server can be used by multiple clients to access multiple X servers. Clients do not need to know the proxy server's server number, they simply provide the requested X server to the proxy manager. The manager, in turn, either finds the appropriate existing proxy server or automatically starts a new instance of the proxy server automatically.
  • Unmanaged -- The proxy server is started manually. The proxy manager is aware of the server. The server can be used by multiple clients to access multiple display servers.
  • Standalone -- The proxy server is started manually. The proxy manager is not aware of the server. The server can be used by multiple clients to access a single X server. Clients need to know the proxy server's number.

Note the DECwindows Motif LBX proxy server is currently supported only as a managed or standalone configuration. Starting LBX Proxy Servers

How you start an LBX proxy server determines the proxy server's type and how a client accesses the proxy server.


Before you start an LBX proxy server, ensure that the proxy server is properly authorized to connect to the X server. For more information about authentication in an LBX proxy environment, see Section

Managed Proxy Servers

To start a managed LBX proxy server, place the following LBX service entry in the proxy manager's configuration file (see Section


After the proxy manager is configured, no specific action is required to start the proxy server; the proxy manager starts the server when the manager receives the first client request.

Standalone Proxy Servers

You can start standalone LBX proxy servers either in the current process or as a detached process. To start a standalone proxy server in the current process, use the LBXPROXY command.

LBXPROXY [qualifiers]

For example, to start a proxy server in the current process, assign it server number 50, and have the server act as a proxy for the X server on node remote1.cmp.com, use the following command:


To start a proxy server as a detached process, use the DECW$LBXPROXY command procedure.

@SYS$MANAGER:DECW$LBXPROXY ["lbxproxy-qualifiers"] ["run-qualifiers"]

For example, to start a proxy server as a detached process, assign it server number of 50, and have the server act as a proxy for the X server on node remote1.cmp.com, use the following command:


Use the run-qualifiers parameter to pass any qualifiers to the RUN command used to invoke the LBXPROXY image. One use of this parameter might be to override the default LBXPROXY process characteristics or any values set by the logicals provided to modify these defaults.


To start an LBX proxy server as a detached process requires the DETACH privilege or available maximum detached process quota. To modify the process quotas for a detached process requires the DETACH privilege.

Modifying the Default LBXPROXY Process Characteristics

Table 3-3 lists the logicals that are provided to override the default LBXPROXY process characteristics specified on the RUN command generated by SYS$MANAGER:DECW$LBXPROXY.

Table 3-3 LBXPROXY Process Characteristic Logicals
Logical RUN Command Qualifier

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