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HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary

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Slot Usage (slots)

Displays the use of process entry slots and balance set slots.
(1) Total Number of process entry slots (the value of the system parameter MAXPROCESSCNT) and balance set slots (the value of the system parameter BALSETCNT) permanently allocated when the system was bootstrapped.
(2) Free Number of slots currently available.
(3) Resident Number of slots currently used by memory-resident processes. The number of balance set slots in use can never be any larger than the number of process entry slots in use because the SWAPPER and NULL processes have process entry slots but do not require balance set slots.
(4) Swapped Number of slots used by outswapped processes. For process entry slots, this number includes all processes that have been partially outswapped. For balance set slots, this number includes those processes that have had their process bodies outswapped but have process headers that are still resident.


              System Memory Resources on  5-DEC-2001 03:59:35.29

Dynamic Memory Usage (bytes):   Total (1)    Free (2) In Use (3) Largest (4)
  Nonpaged Dynamic Memory    24993792   23511872   1481920   23363776
  Bus Addressable Memory       131072     114688     16384     114688
  Paged Dynamic Memory        5799936    3530784   2269152    3530176
  Lock Manager Dynamic Memory 1048576     254976    793600


Dynamic Memory Usage (in bytes)

Shows the use of the nonpaged and paged pool areas that allocate variably sized blocks.
(1) Total Total number of bytes set aside for each area.
(2) Free Total amount of free space in each dynamic memory area.
(3) In Use Amount of space currently allocated from each area. This number is the total size minus the number of free bytes.
(4) Largest Size of the largest contiguous block in each area. For the paged pool, this number represents the largest block that can be allocated. For the nonpaged pool, an allocation request larger than this number will cause the nonpaged pool to grow (if other constraints allow growth). This attribute does not apply to the lock manager, as all items for the lock manager are the same size.

              System Memory Resources on  5-DEC-2001 03:59:35.29

Nonpaged Dynamic Memory                   (Lists + Variable)
 Current Size (bytes)    (1) 24993792 Current Size (pagelets)  (1)  48816
 Initial Size (NPAGEDYN) (2) 24993792 Initial Size (pagelets)  (2)  48816
 Maximum Size (NPAGEVIR) (3)499998720 Maximum Size (pagelets)  (3) 976560
 Free Space (bytes)      (4) 22230144 Space in Use (bytes)     (5)2763648
 Largest Variable Block  (6) 19676672 Smallest Variable Block  (7)   2176
 Number of Free Blocks   (8)    38334 Free Blocks LEQU 64 Bytes(9)      0
 Free Blocks on Lookasides(16)  38330 Lookaside Space (bytes)   2537472
Bus Addressable Memory                   (Lists + Variable)
 Current Size (bytes)    (1)   131072 Current Size (pagelets)  (1)    256
 Initial Size (NPAGEDYN) (2)   131072 Initial Size (pagelets)  (2)    256
 Free Space (bytes)      (4)   114688 Space in Use (bytes)     (5)  16384
 Largest Variable Block  (6)   114688 Smallest Variable Block  (7) 114688
 Number of Free Blocks   (8)        1 Free Blocks LEQU 64 Bytes(9)      0
 Free Blocks on Lookasides(16)      0 Lookaside Space (bytes)         0
Paged Dynamic Memory
 Current Size (PAGEDYN)  (1)  5799936 Current Size (pagelets)  (1)  11328
 Free Space (bytes)      (4)  3518288 Space in Use (bytes)     (5)2281648
 Largest Variable Block  (6)  3517584 Smallest Variable Block  (7)     16
 Number of Free Blocks   (8)       25 Free Blocks LEQU 64 Bytes(9)     23
Lock Manager Dynamic Memory
 Current Size (Mbytes)   (1)    13.85 Current Size (pages)    (1)    1774
 Free Space (Mbytes)     (4)    10.06 Hits                    (12)  54050
 Space In Use            (5)     3.79 Misses                  (13)   1664
 Number of Empty Pages   (10)      26 Expansions              (14)   1792
 Number of Free Packets  (11)   41244 Packet Size             (15)    256


Dynamic Memory

Shows the use of dynamic memory areas consisting of variably sized blocks.
(1) Current Size Current size (in 512-byte pagelets on Alpha and in bytes and pages on VAX) of each dynamic memory area. For the lock manager display, the unit of measurement is megabytes.
(2) Initial Size Initial size of nonpaged dynamic memory and the name of the system parameter (NPAGEDYN) that controls this size.
(3) Maximum Size Maximum size to which nonpaged dynamic memory can grow and the name of the system parameter (NPAGEVIR) that controls this size.
(4) Free Space Amount of free space in each dynamic memory area.
(5) Space in Use Amount of space currently allocated from each area.
(6) Largest Block Size of the largest contiguous area in each pool area.
(7) Smallest Block Size of the smallest hole (free block) in each pool area.
(8) Free Blocks Total number of free blocks in each pool area. The size of this number is a measure of pool fragmentation.
(9) Blocks LEQU 64 Number of free blocks that are 64 bytes long or shorter. This number is another measure of pool fragmentation because while allocation of these small blocks is unlikely, they contribute to the allocation time whenever an allocation request is made.
(10) Empty Pages Number of pages that do not have any packets allocated.
(11) Free Packets Total number of packets not in use. This number is the sum of free packets from partially used pages and the packets of all Empty Pages.
(12) Hits Total number of packet allocations.
(13) Misses Total number of packet allocation requests that could not be satisfied because the number of packets requested were not available. A miss causes dynamic memory to expand by one page to satisfy the packet allocation request.
(14) Expansions Total number of times that dynamic memory increased by a page to satisfy packet allocation requests.
(15) Packet Size Packet size of 256 bytes, which is used by the lock manager to hold either a lock block data structure or a resource block data structure.
(16) Lookasides Free Blocks Total number of memory packets that the system has preallocated and placed on "lookaside lists". If a packet of the correct size is on a lookaside list, it can be allocated very quickly and efficiently, however, it can not then be used as part of any other size packet. An excess of packets on the lookaside list can be a cause for the inability to allocate other sizes.

        System Memory Resources on 22-MAY-2001 19:04:19.67
Swap File Usage (8KB pages):              Index (1)     Free     Size
DISK$ALPHASYS:[SYS48.SYSEXE]SWAPFILE.SYS      1         904      904
DISK$SWAP:[SYS48.SYSEXE]SWAPFILE.SYS;1        2        1048     1048

  Total size of all swap files:                                 1952

Paging File Usage (8KB pages):            Index (2)     Free     Size
DISK$PAGE:[SYS48.SYSEXE]PAGEFILE.SYS;1      253       16888    16888
DISK$ALPHASYS:[SYS48.SYSEXE]PAGEFILE.SYS    254       16888    16888

  Total size of all paging files:                              33776
  Total committed paging file usage:  (3)                        1964


Paging File Usage (in blocks)

Shows the usage of paging and swapping files.
(1) Swap File Usage Number of swap files. Begins with an index value of 1 and increases in count.
(2) Paging File Usage Number of page files. Begins with an index value of 254 and decreases in count.
(3) Total Paging File Usage Total committed page file usage. As in previous releases, more pages can reside in page-file sections systemwide than would fit into installed page files.


Displays information about network services registered on a node.


SHOW NETWORK [network-service]



Specifies a network service for which you want to display information.

If you do not specify a service, the SHOW NETWORK command displays information about all services that are currently registered on the local node.


The SHOW NETWORK command displays information about network services available on an OpenVMS system.



Displays all the information for the specified network service.


If you are running DECnet Phase IV, retains the behavior of the SHOW NETWORK command prior to OpenVMS Version 7.0. If the local node is a routing node, the /OLD qualifier provides routing information.



Controls where the output of the command is sent. By default, the output of the SHOW NETWORK command is sent to the current SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal).

The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are not allowed in the file specification.

If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.




Product:  DECNET Node:  VADIR             Address(es):  24.365
Product:  TCP/IP Node:  vadir.lkr.dec.com Address(es):

This command was executed on a system running DECnet Phase V and TCP/IP. It indicates that the DECNET and "TCP/IP" network-service parameters are valid for this system.


Product: TCP/IP  Node: vadir.lkr.dec.com  Address(es):

When the TCP/IP network-service parameter is used, it must be enclosed in enclosed in quotes because it contains a slash.


Product:  DECNET         Manufacturer:  Digital Equipment Corporation
Node:  EMARET            Address(es):  12.378
Network Type:  DNA IV    Interface(s):  net 0

Node Volatile Characteristics as of 16-JAN-2002 14:46:21

Executor node = 12.378 (EMARET)

Identification           = DECnet for OpenVMS VAX V7.1
Management version       = V4.0.0
Incoming timer           = 45
Outgoing timer           = 60
Incoming Proxy           = Enabled
Outgoing Proxy           = Enabled
NSP version              = V4.1.0
Maximum links            = 32
Delay factor             = 80
Delay weight             = 5
Inactivity timer         = 60
Retransmit factor        = 10
Routing version          = V2.0.0
Type                     = nonrouting IV
Routing timer            = 600
Broadcast routing timer  = 180
Maximum address          = 1023
Maximum circuits         = 16
Maximum cost             = 1022
Maximum hops             = 30
Maximum visits           = 63
Maximum area             = 63
Max broadcast nonrouters = 64
Max broadcast routers    = 32
Maximum path splits      = 1
Area maximum cost        = 1022
Area maximum hops        = 30
Maximum buffers          = 100
Buffer size              = 576
Default access           = incoming and outgoing
Pipeline quota           = 4032
Alias maximum links      = 32
Path split policy        = Normal
Maximum Declared Objects = 31

Known Link Volatile Summary as of 16-JAN-2002 14:46:23

 Link     Node           PID       Process   Remote link  Remote user

8345    4.283 (BKLS09)   0000021C  SLS$TAPMGRRQ      566  SLS$DB
8347   24.18 (BULEAA)    00000213  REMACP            553  ABERDALE

Node Counters as of 16-JAN-2002 14:46:23

Executor node = 12.378 (EMARET)

       4  Maximum logical links active
       0  Aged packet loss
       0  Node unreachable packet loss
       0  Node out-of-range packet loss
       0  Oversized packet loss
       0  Packet format error
       0  Partial routing update loss
       0  Verification reject

The DECNET network-service parameter is used to signify either DECnet Phase IV or DECnet Phase V. Use the /FULL qualifier to if you want to determine what DECnet phase the node is running. This is an example from a system running DECnet Phase IV.


Product:  DECNET      Manufacturer:  Digital Equipment Corporation
Node:  VADIR          Address(es):  24.365
Network Type:  DNA V  Interface(s):  net 0
Node 0
at 2002-01-16-12:50:30.528-05:00Iinf
  Name                          = DEC:.XPR.VADIR
  Address                       =
    [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ] ,
    [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number = 19 ] ,
    [ DNA_OSItransportV1 , 'DEC0'H ] ,
    [ DNA_OSInetwork , 49::00-18:AA-00-04-00-6D-61:21 ]
    ) ,
    [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ] ,
    [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number = 19 ] ,
    [ DNA_OSItransportV1 , 'DEC0'H ] ,
    [ DNA_OSInetwork , 49::00-18:AA-00-04-00-12-60:21 (DEC:.XPR.BULEAA) ]
    ) ,
    [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ] ,
    [ DNA_SessionControlV2 , number = 19 ] ,
    [ DNA_OSItransportV1 , 'DEC0'H ] ,
    [ DNA_IP , ]
    ) ,
    [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ] ,
    [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number = 19 ] ,
    [ DNA_NSP ] ,
    [ DNA_OSInetwork , 49::00-18:AA-00-04-00-6D-61:20 ]
    ) ,
    [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ] ,
    [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number = 19 ] ,
    [ DNA_NSP ] ,
    [ DNA_OSInetwork , 49::00-18:AA-00-04-00-12-60:20 (DEC:.XPR.BULEAA) ]
 UID                        = 562B4000-43CF-11CF-8001-AA0004007E10
 State                      = On
 Functions Enabled          =
    Address Watcher ,
    CMIP Listener
 ID                         = 00-00-F8-01-FD-62
 Version                    = T5.0.3
 Implementation             =
    Name = OpenVMS AXP ,
    Version = "V7.2-1  "
    ] ,
    Name = HP DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS ,
    Version = "V7.2-1 ECO03 31-MAY-2001 16:54:53.36"
  Script Location            = <Default value>
  Maximum Listeners          = 0
  Listener Template          = <Default value>
  Secondary Names            =

This example is from a system running DECnet Phase V. The output has been truncated.



OpenVMS Network status for local node 12.378 EMARET on 16-JAN-2002 14:46:35.64

This is a nonrouting node, and does not have any network information.
The designated router for EMARET is node 12.1023 A12LKR.


The /OLD qualifier can be used only on a system running DECnet Phase IV.


Displays the current settings for a printer.


SHOW PRINTER device-name[:]



Specifies the name of the printer for which settings are to be displayed.


The SHOW PRINTER command displays the settings that are currently defined for the specified printer. Settings include the following:
Printer type
Page width
Page length
Line termination type
Form feed
Character translation

Printer settings are established by the SET PRINTER command. You must have OPER (operator) privilege to use the SET PRINTER command.




Controls where the output of the command is sent. By default, the output of the SHOW PRINTER command is sent to the current SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the output to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file specification.

The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are not allowed in the file specification. If you enter a partial file specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.


Returns the USB printer ID string as a text string and displays it on your screen. This information appears at the end of the typical SHOW PRINTER command display.


Returns the USB printer serial number as a text string and displays to the screen. The USB printer returns the serial number in Unicode format, and this is converted to ASCII text before being displayed.



 Printer LPA0:, device type LP11, is online, allocated, spooled
 Error count                  0  Operations completed              880
 Owner process  "SYMBIONT_0001"  Owner UIC                       [0,0]
 Owner process ID      21C0008D  Dev Prot  S:RWLP,O:RWLP,G:RWLP,W:RWLP
 Reference count              2  Default buffer size               132
 Page width                 132  Page Length                        66
 No Carriage_return     Formfeed        Lowercase
 No Passall             No Wrap         Printall
 No Fallback            No Tab          Truncate
 No Sixels              No Bitmapped            No Polled
 Intermediate device: STAR$DUA1:
 Associated queue: LN01$PRINT

The SHOW PRINTER command in this example displays the settings for the printer LPA0.


 Printer LPA0:, device type PC printer, is online, record-oriented device,
carriage control.
 Error count                0    Operations completed              0
 Owner process             ""    Owner UIC                  [SYSTEM]
 Owner process ID    00000000    Dev Prot          S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
 Reference count            0    Default buffer size             132
 Page width               132    Page Length                      66
 No Carriage_return  Formfeed        Uppercase
 No Passall          No Wrap         No Printall
 No Fallback         No Tab          Truncate
 No Sixels           No Bitmapped            Polled
     MFG:            HEWLETT-PACKARD;
     MDL:            DESKJET 895C;
     CMD:            MLC,PCL,PML;
     CLASS:          PRINTER;
     DESCRIPTION:    Hewlett-Packard DeskJet 895C;
     SERN:           MX88P2V0VWGO;
     VSTATUS:                $HB0$FC0,ff,DN,IDLE,CUT;

The SHOW PRINTER/IDSTRING command in this example displays the ID string for the printer LPA0.


 Printer LRA0:, device type LP11, is online, record-oriented device,
carriage control.
 Error count                0    Operations completed              0
 Owner process             ""    Owner UIC                  [SYSTEM]
 Owner process ID    00000000    Dev Prot          S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
 Reference count            0    Default buffer size             132
 Page width               132    Page Length                      66
 No Carriage_return  Formfeed        Uppercase
 No Passall          No Wrap         No Printall
 No Fallback         No Tab          Truncate
 No Sixels           No Bitmapped            No Polled
 %SYSTEM-F-DEVOFFLINE, device is not in configuration or not available

If the device has been disconnected and marked offline, the SHOW PRINTER/IDSTRING command displays this information.

If the attempt to read the ID string should fail (for an unknown reason other than device disconnection), the reference to the ID string appears as:

%SHOW-W-NOIDSTRING, ID String could not be retrieved

 Printer LPA0:, device type PC printer, is online, record-oriented device,
carriage control.
 Error count                0    Operations completed              0
 Owner process             ""    Owner UIC                  [SYSTEM]
 Owner process ID    00000000    Dev Prot          S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
 Reference count            0    Default buffer size             132
 Page width               132    Page Length                      66
 No Carriage_return  Formfeed        Uppercase
 No Passall          No Wrap         No Printall
 No Fallback         No Tab          Truncate
 No Sixels           No Bitmapped            Polled
 Serial Number:      MX88P2V0VWGO

The SHOW PRINTER/SERIALNUM command in this example displays the serial number for the printer LPA0.

If the device has been disconnected and marked offline, the SHOW PRINTER/SERIALNUM command replaces the reference to the serial number with the following message:

%SYSTEM-F-DEVOFFLINE, device is not in configuration or not available

If the ID string is not supported by the USB printer in question, the reference to the ID string will appear as:

%SHOW-W-NOSERIALNUM, Serial number could not be retrieved

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