HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Guide to OpenVMS File Applications

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9.3.3 Record Update Options

The Update service (or equivalent language statement) modifies an existing record in a file. Your program must first locate the appropriate record position and optionally retrieve the record itself by calling the Find or Get service (or equivalent language statement).

The options associated with the Update service are summarized in the following table. These options can be set for each Update service if the program can access the appropriate RAB control block fields. The RAB control block fields are preset by connect-time values or defaults and as a result of previous service calls.

Option Description
Asynchronous record
Specifies that record I/O for this record stream is done asynchronously.
Record header buffer Contains the symbolic address of the record header buffer that contains the fixed portion of a VFC record. Applies to the Get service only.
  • FDL: None
Record buffer
Specifies the address of the record buffer that contains the record to be written.
  • FDL: None
Record buffer size Specifies the size of the records contained in the record buffer to be written.
  • FDL: None

9.3.4 Record Deletion Options

The Delete service (or equivalent language statement) removes a record from the file. You cannot use this service for sequential files; however, a sequential file can be truncated using the Truncate service. Like the Update service, the Delete service must be preceded by a Find or Get service to establish the current record position.

The options associated with the Delete service are summarized in the following table. These options can be set for each Delete service if the program can access the appropriate RAB control block fields. The RAB control block fields are preset by connect-time values or defaults and as a result of previous service calls.

Option Description
Asynchronous record
Specifies that record I/O for this record service will be asynchronous.
Fast delete Specifies that the record to be deleted is flagged as deleted, but parts of any alternate index key path are not completely erased until a subsequent access using the alternate key occurs. This makes deleting the record occur more quickly, but it requires additional access time for a subsequent Find or Get service.

9.4 Run-Time Example

Example 9-2 shows how to invoke the FDL$PARSE and FDL$RELEASE routines to use the predefined control block values set by an Edit/FDL utility editing session.

Example 9-2 Using the FDL$PARSE and FDL$RELEASE Routines

;  This program calls the FDL utility routines FDL$PARSE and
;  FDL$RELEASE.  First, FDL$PARSE parses the FDL specification
;  PART.FDL.  Then the data file named in PART.FDL is accessed
;  using the primary key.  Last, the control blocks allocated
;  by FDL$PARSE are released by FDL$RELEASE.
                .TITLE  FDLEXAM
                .PSECT  DATA,WRT,NOEXE

MY_FAB:         .LONG   0
MY_RAB:         .LONG   0
FDL_FILE:       .ASCID  /PART.FDL/          ; Declare FDL file
                .ADDRESS REC_BUFFER
                .PSECT  CODE
;  Declare the external routines
.EXTRN          FDL$PARSE, -
.ENTRY          FDLEXAM,^M<>                ; Set up entry mask
                PUSHAL  MY_RAB              ; Get set up for call with
                PUSHAL  MY_FAB              ; addresses to receive the
                PUSHAL  FDL_FILE            ; FAB and RAB allocated by
                CALLS   #3,G^FDL$PARSE      ; FDL$PARSE
                BLBS    R0,KEY0             ; Branch on success
                BRW     ERROR               ; Signal error
KEY0:           MOVL    MY_FAB,R10          ; Move address of FAB to R10
                MOVL    MY_RAB,R9           ; Move address of RAB to R9
                MOVL    #REC_SIZE,RAB$W_USZ(R9)
                MOVAB   REC_BUFFER,RAB$L_UBF(R9)
                $OPEN   FAB=(R10)           ; Open the file
                BLBC    R0,F_ERROR
                $CONNECT RAB=(R9)           ; Connect to the RAB
                BLBC    R0,R_ERROR
                PUSHAQ  HEADING             ; Display the heading
                CALLS   #1,G^LIB$PUT_OUTPUT
                BLBC    R0,ERROR
                BRB     GET_REC             ; Skip error handling
GET_REC:        $GET    RAB=(R9)            ; Get a record
                CMPL    #RMS$_EOF,R0        ; If not end of file,
                BEQLU   CLEAN               ; continue
                BLBC    R0,R_ERROR
                MOVZWL  RAB$W_RSZ(R9),REC_RESULT  ; Move a record into
                PUSHAL  REC_RESULT                ; the buffer
                CALLS   #1,G^LIB$PUT_OUTPUT       ; Display the record
                BLBC    R0,ERROR
                BRB     GET_REC             ; Get another record
CLEAN:          $CLOSE  FAB=(R10)           ; Close the FAB
                BLBC    R0,FAB_ERROR
                PUSHAL  MY_RAB              ; Push RAB address on stack
                PUSHAL  MY_FAB              ; Push FAB address on stack
                CALLS   #2,G^FDL$RELEASE    ; Release the control blocks
                BLBC    R0,ERROR
                BRB     FINI                ; Successful completion
                PUSHL   FAB$L_STV(R10)      ; Signal file error
                PUSHL   FAB$L_STS(R10)
                BRB     RMS_ERR
ERROR:          PUSHL   R0                  ; Signal error
                CALLS   #1,G^LIB$SIGNAL
                $CLOSE  FAB=(R10)
                BRW     FINI                ; End program
                PUSHL   RAB$L_STV(R9)       ; Signal record error
                PUSHL   RAB$L_STS(R9)
                CALLS   #2,G^LIB$SIGNAL
FINI:           RET
                .END FDLEXAM

Chapter 10
Maintaining Files

Designing and creating your files and defining their records are only the first steps in the life cycle of your file. You must also consider maintaining the file.

This chapter describes file maintenance with the emphasis on file tuning.

Section 10.1 describes how you can use the Analyze/RMS_File utility to view the characteristics of a file. Section 10.2 describes how you can create an FDL file from a data file using the Analyze/RMS_File utility. Section 10.3 explains how to use the Edit/FDL utility, particularly with Analyze/RMS_File, to optimize and redesign file characteristics. Section 10.4 describes how to make a file contiguous. Section 10.5 explains how to reorganize a file, and Section 10.6 describes how to make archive copies of a file.

10.1 Viewing File Characteristics

The Analyze/RMS_File utility (ANALYZE/RMS_FILE) allows you to inspect and analyze the internal structure of an OpenVMS RMS (hereafter referred to as RMS) file.

ANALYZE/RMS_FILE can check a file's structure for errors and can generate a statistical or summary report. A summary report is identical to a statistical report except that no checking is done. For more information on producing a summary report, see the description of the Analyze/RMS_File utility in the OpenVMS Record Management Utilities Reference Manual.

You can also inspect and analyze your file using the Analyze/RMS_File utility interactively. The analysis can show whether or not the file is properly designed for its application and can point out ways to improve the file design.

In addition, you can use ANALYZE/RMS_FILE to obtain FDL files from data files. You can then use these FDL files with the Create/FDL utility (CREATE/FDL), the Convert utility (CONVERT), and the Edit/FDL utility, (EDIT/FDL). FDL files created with ANALYZE/RMS_FILE contain special analysis sections for each area and key, which are called ANALYSIS_OF_AREA and ANALYSIS_OF_KEY. The Edit/FDL utility uses these sections in the Optimize script to tune the file's structure.

10.1.1 Performing an Error Check

To check a file's structure for errors, use the following command syntax:


By default with a command of this format, the Check report is displayed on the terminal (SYS$OUTPUT).

If you receive any error messages, the file has been corrupted by a serious error. If you have had a hardware problem such as a power failure or a disk head failure, then the hardware probably caused the corruption. If you have not had any hardware problems, then a software error may have caused the corruption. Note that the /CHECK qualifier does not find all types of file corruption, however.

In either case, you can try using the Convert utility to fix the problem by using the file specification as both the input-filespec and the output-filespec. Note that if you are processing a relative file containing deleted or unused records, the conversion process changes relative record numbers (RRN) in the output file. If the conversion does not correct the problem, use the Backup utility (BACKUP) to bring in the backup copy of the file.

For more information about CONVERT and BACKUP, see Section 10.4.2, Section 10.5, and Section 10.6.


If you believe that the software caused the error, contact a Compaq support representative. Supply the ANALYZE/RMS_FILE check report, a copy of the data file, and a description of what was done with the data file. If possible, also supply a version of the file prior to the corruption and the program or procedure which led to the corruption; being able to reproduce the problem is of tremendous value.

Example 10-1 is a sample Check report of a file with the file specification DISK$:[HERBER]CUSTDATA.DAT;2.

Example 10-1 Using ANALYZE/RMS_FILE to Create a Check Report

Check RMS File Integrity                     14-JUN-1993 21:51:47.38   Page 1


        File Spec: DISK$:[HERBER]CUSTDATA.DAT;2
        File ID: (10044,39,1)
        Owner UIC: [011,310]
        Protection:  System: RWED, Owner: RWED, Group: RWE, World: RWE
        Creation Date:    9-JUN-1993 22:30:24.78
        Revision Date:    9-JUN-1993 22:30:30.86, Number: 4
        Expiration Date: none specified
        Backup Date:     none posted
        Contiguity Options:  none
        Performance Options: none
        Reliability Options: none
        Journaling Enabled: none


        File Organization: indexed
        Record Format: variable
        Record Attributes:   carriage-return
        Maximum Record Size: 80
        Blocks Allocated: 30, Default Extend Size: 2
        Bucket Size: 1
        File Monitoring: disabled
        Global Buffer Count: 0


        Number of Areas: 8, VBN of First Descriptor: 3
        Prolog Version: 3

AREA DESCRIPTOR #0 (VBN 3, offset %X'0000')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 1, Blocks: 9, Used: 4, Next: 5
        Default Extend Quantity: 2
        Total Allocation: 9

AREA DESCRIPTOR #1 (VBN 3, offset %X'0040')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 10, Blocks: 3, Used: 1, Next: 11
        Default Extend Quantity: 1

AREA DESCRIPTOR #2 (VBN 3, offset %X'0080')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 13, Blocks: 3, Used: 1, Next: 14
        Default Extend Quantity: 1
        Total Allocation: 3

AREA DESCRIPTOR #3 (VBN 3, offset %X'00C0')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 16, Blocks: 3, Used: 1, Next: 17
        Default Extend Quantity: 1
        Total Allocation: 3

AREA DESCRIPTOR #4 (VBN 3, offset %X'0100')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 19, Blocks: 3, Used: 1, Next: 20
        Default Extend Quantity: 1
        Total Allocation: 3

AREA DESCRIPTOR #5 (VBN 3, offset %X'0140')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 22, Blocks: 3, Used: 1, Next: 23
        Default Extend Quantity: 1
        Total Allocation: 3

AREA DESCRIPTOR #6 (VBN 3, offset %X'0180')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 25, Blocks: 3, Used: 1, Next: 26
        Default Extend Quantity: 1
        Total Allocation: 3

AREA DESCRIPTOR #7 (VBN 3, offset %X'01C0')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 28, Blocks: 3, Used: 1, Next: 29
        Default Extend Quantity: 1
        Total Allocation: 3
KEY DESCRIPTOR #0 (VBN 1, offset %X'0000')

        Next Key Descriptor VBN: 2, Offset: %X'0000'
        Index Area: 1, Level 1 Index Area: 1, Data Area: 0
        Root Level: 1
        Index Bucket Size: 1, Data Bucket Size: 1
        Root VBN: 10
        Key Flags:
                (0)  KEY$V_DUPKEYS    0
                (3)  KEY$V_IDX_COMPR  0
                (4)  KEY$V_INITIDX    0
                (6)  KEY$V_KEY_COMPR  0
                (7)  KEY$V_REC_COMPR  1

        Key Segments: 1
        Key Size: 4
        Minimum Record Size: 4
        Index Fill Quantity: 512, Data Fill Quantity: 512
        Segment Positions:       0
        Segment Sizes:           4
        Data Type: string
        Name: "PART_NUM"
        First Data Bucket VBN: 4

KEY DESCRIPTOR #1 (VBN 2, offset %X'0000')

        Next Key Descriptor VBN: 2, Offset: %X'0066'
        Index Area: 3, Level 1 Index Area: 3, Data Area: 2
        Root Level: 1
        Index Bucket Size: 1, Data Bucket Size: 1
        Root VBN: 16
        Key Flags:
                (0)  KEY$V_DUPKEYS    1
                (1)  KEY$V_CHGKEYS    0
                (2)  KEY$V_NULKEYS    0
                (3)  KEY$V_IDX_COMPR  0
                (4)  KEY$V_INITIDX    0
                (6)  KEY$V_KEY_COMPR  0
        Key Segments: 1
        Key Size: 5
        Minimum Record Size: 9
        Index Fill Quantity: 512, Data Fill Quantity: 512
        Segment Positions:       4
        Segment Sizes:           5
        Data Type: string
        Name: "PART_NAME"
        First Data Bucket VBN: 13
KEY DESCRIPTOR #2 (VBN 2, offset %X'0066')

        Next Key Descriptor VBN: 2, Offset: %X'00CC'
        Index Area: 5, Level 1 Index Area: 5, Data Area: 4
        Root Level: 1
        Index Bucket Size: 1, Data Bucket Size: 1
        Root VBN: 22
        Key Flags:
                (0)  KEY$V_DUPKEYS    1
                (1)  KEY$V_CHGKEYS    0
                (2)  KEY$V_NULKEYS    0
                (3)  KEY$V_IDX_COMPR  1
                (4)  KEY$V_INITIDX    0
                (6)  KEY$V_KEY_COMPR  1
        Key Segments: 1
        Key Size: 10
        Minimum Record Size: 19
        Index Fill Quantity: 512, Data Fill Quantity: 512
        Segment Positions:       9
        Segment Sizes:          10
        Data Type: string
        Name: "SUPPLIER_NAME"
        First Data Bucket VBN: 19

KEY DESCRIPTOR #3 (VBN 2, offset %X'00CC')

        Index Area: 7, Level 1 Index Area: 7, Data Area: 6
        Root Level: 1
        Index Bucket Size: 1, Data Bucket Size: 1
        Root VBN: 28
        Key Flags:
                (0)  KEY$V_DUPKEYS    1
                (1)  KEY$V_CHGKEYS    0
                (2)  KEY$V_NULKEYS    0
                (3)  KEY$V_IDX_COMPR  1
                (4)  KEY$V_INITIDX    0
                (6)  KEY$V_KEY_COMPR  1
        Key Segments: 1
        Key Size: 10
        Minimum Record Size: 29
        Index Fill Quantity: 512, Data Fill Quantity: 512
        Segment Positions:      19
        Segment Sizes:          10
        Data Type: string
        Name: "COLOR"
        First Data Bucket VBN: 25

The analysis uncovered NO errors.


To place the Check report in a file, use a command of the form:

ANALYZE/RMS_FILE/CHECK/OUTPUT=output-filespec input-filespec

The Check report will be placed in the file you named with the output-filespec parameter. This file will receive the file type .ANL by default. For example, the following command will perform an error check on PRLG2.IDX and place the Check report in the file ERROR.ANL:


10.1.2 Generating a Statistics Report

For indexed files, the Statistics report consists of the Check report plus additional information about the areas and keys in the file. (A Statistics report on a sequential or relative file is thus the same as a Check report.)

To generate a Statistics report with ANALYZE/RMS_FILE, enter a DCL command of the form:


Example 10-2 is an example of a Statistics report.

Example 10-2 Using ANALYZE/RMS_FILE to Create a Statistics Report

RMS File Statistics                          18-APR-1993 11:22:27.14   Page 1


        File Spec: DISK$:[TEST.PROGRAM]INDEX.DAT;1
        File ID: (15960,8,0)
        Owner UIC: [011,310]
        Protection:  System: RWED, Owner: RWED, Group: RWED, World: RWE
        Creation Date:   19-APR-1993 22:15:55.70
        Revision Date:   19-APR-1993 22:16:01.74, Number: 4
        Expiration Date: none specified
        Backup Date:     18-APR-1993 00:57:54.24
        Contiguity Options:  contiguous-best-try
        Performance Options: none
        Reliability Options: none
        Journaling Enabled:  none


        File Organization: indexed
        Record Format: variable
        Record Attributes:   carriage-return
        Maximum Record Size: 80
        Blocks Allocated: 30, Default Extend Size: 2
        Bucket Size: 1
        File Monitoring: disabled
        Global Buffer Count: 0


        Number of Areas: 8, VBN of First Descriptor: 3
        Prolog Version: 3

AREA DESCRIPTOR #0 (VBN 3, offset %X'0000')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 1, Blocks: 9, Used: 4, Next: 5
        Default Extend Quantity: 2
        Total Allocation: 9


        Count of Reclaimed Blocks:              0

AREA DESCRIPTOR #1 (VBN 3, offset %X'0040')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 10, Blocks: 3, Used: 1, Next: 11
        Default Extend Quantity: 1
        Total Allocation: 3


        Count of Reclaimed Blocks:              0

AREA DESCRIPTOR #2 (VBN 3, offset %X'0080')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 13, Blocks: 3, Used: 1, Next: 14
        Default Extend Quantity: 1
        Total Allocation: 3


        Count of Reclaimed Blocks:              0
AREA DESCRIPTOR #3 (VBN 3, offset %X'00C0')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 16, Blocks: 3, Used: 1, Next: 17
        Default Extend Quantity: 1
        Total Allocation: 3


        Count of Reclaimed Blocks:              0

AREA DESCRIPTOR #4 (VBN 3, offset %X'0100')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 19, Blocks: 3, Used: 1, Next: 20
        Default Extend Quantity: 1
        Total Allocation: 3


        Count of Reclaimed Blocks:              0

AREA DESCRIPTOR #5 (VBN 3, offset %X'0140')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 22, Blocks: 3, Used: 1, Next: 23
        Default Extend Quantity: 1
        Total Allocation: 3


        Count of Reclaimed Blocks:              0

AREA DESCRIPTOR #6 (VBN 3, offset %X'0180')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 25, Blocks: 3, Used: 1, Next: 26
        Default Extend Quantity: 1
        Total Allocation: 3


        Count of Reclaimed Blocks:              0

AREA DESCRIPTOR #7 (VBN 3, offset %X'01C0')

        Bucket Size: 1
        Reclaimed Bucket VBN: 0
        Current Extent Start: 28, Blocks: 3, Used: 1, Next: 29
        Default Extend Quantity: 1
        Total Allocation: 3

        Count of Reclaimed Blocks:              0

KEY DESCRIPTOR #0 (VBN 1, offset %X'0000')

        Next Key Descriptor VBN: 2, Offset: %X'0000'
        Index Area: 1, Level 1 Index Area: 1, Data Area: 0
        Root Level: 1
        Index Bucket Size: 1, Data Bucket Size: 1
        Root VBN: 10
        Key Flags:
                (0)  KEY$V_DUPKEYS    0
                (3)  KEY$V_IDX_COMPR  0
                (4)  KEY$V_INITIDX    0
                (6)  KEY$V_KEY_COMPR  0
                (7)  KEY$V_REC_COMPR  1
        Key Segments: 1
        Key Size: 4
        Minimum Record Size: 4
        Index Fill Quantity: 512, Data Fill Quantity: 512
        Segment Positions:       0
        Segment Sizes:           4
        Data Type: string
        Name: "ID_NUM"
        First Data Bucket VBN: 4


        Number of Index Levels:                 1
        Count of Level 1 Records:               1
        Mean Length of Index Entry:             6
        Count of Index Blocks:                  1
        Mean Index Bucket Fill:                 4%
        Mean Index Entry Compression:           0%

        Count of Data Records:                 10
        Mean Length of Data Record:            33
        Count of Data Blocks:                   1
        Mean Data Bucket Fill:                 90%
        Mean Data Key Compression:              0%
        Mean Data Record Compression:          -2%

        Overall Space Efficiency:               2%

KEY DESCRIPTOR #1 (VBN 2, offset %X'0000')

        Next Key Descriptor VBN: 2, Offset: %X'0066'
        Index Area: 3, Level 1 Index Area: 3, Data Area: 2
        Root Level: 1
        Index Bucket Size: 1, Data Bucket Size: 1
        Root VBN: 16
        Key Flags:
                (0)  KEY$V_DUPKEYS    1
                (1)  KEY$V_CHGKEYS    0
                (2)  KEY$V_NULKEYS    0
                (3)  KEY$V_IDX_COMPR  0
                (4)  KEY$V_INITIDX    0
                (6)  KEY$V_KEY_COMPR  0
        Key Segments: 1
        Key Size: 5
        Minimum Record Size: 9
        Index Fill Quantity: 512, Data Fill Quantity: 512
        Segment Positions:       4
        Segment Sizes:           5
        Data Type: string
        Name: "ID_NAME"
        First Data Bucket VBN: 13


        Number of Index Levels:                 1
        Count of Level 1 Records:               1
        Mean Length of Index Entry:             7
        Count of Index Blocks:                  1
        Mean Index Bucket Fill:                 4%
        Mean Index Entry Compression:           0%

        Count of Data Records:                  6
        Mean Duplicates per Data Record:        0
        Mean Length of Data Record:            19
        Count of Data Blocks:                   1
        Mean Data Bucket Fill:                 24%
        Mean Data Key Compression:              0%

KEY DESCRIPTOR #2 (VBN 2, offset %X'0066')

        Next Key Descriptor VBN: 2, Offset: %X'00CC'
        Index Area: 5, Level 1 Index Area: 5, Data Area: 4
        Root Level: 1
        Index Bucket Size: 1, Data Bucket Size: 1
        Root VBN: 22
        Key Flags:
                (0)  KEY$V_DUPKEYS    1
                (1)  KEY$V_CHGKEYS    0
                (2)  KEY$V_NULKEYS    0
                (3)  KEY$V_IDX_COMPR  1
                (4)  KEY$V_INITIDX    0
                (6)  KEY$V_KEY_COMPR  1
        Key Segments: 1
        Key Size: 10
        Minimum Record Size: 19
        Index Fill Quantity: 512, Data Fill Quantity: 512
        Segment Positions:       9
        Segment Sizes:          10
        Data Type: string
        Name: "ADDRESS"
        First Data Bucket VBN: 19


        Number of Index Levels:                 1
        Count of Level 1 Records:               1
        Mean Length of Index Entry:            12
        Count of Index Blocks:                  1
        Mean Index Bucket Fill:                 4%
        Mean Index Entry Compression:          58%

        Count of Data Records:                  7
        Mean Duplicates per Data Record:        0
        Mean Length of Data Record:            20
        Count of Data Blocks:                   1
        Mean Data Bucket Fill:                 30%
        Mean Data Key Compression:             21%

KEY DESCRIPTOR #3 (VBN 2, offset %X'00CC')

        Index Area: 7, Level 1 Index Area: 7, Data Area: 6
        Root Level: 1
        Index Bucket Size: 1, Data Bucket Size: 1
        Root VBN: 28
        Key Flags:
                (0)  KEY$V_DUPKEYS    1
                (1)  KEY$V_CHGKEYS    0
                (2)  KEY$V_NULKEYS    0
                (3)  KEY$V_IDX_COMPR  1
                (4)  KEY$V_INITIDX    0
                (6)  KEY$V_KEY_COMPR  1
        Key Segments: 1
        Key Size: 10
        Minimum Record Size: 29
        Index Fill Quantity: 512, Data Fill Quantity: 512
        Segment Positions:      19
        Segment Sizes:          10
        Data Type: string
        Name: "CHARGES"
        First Data Bucket VBN: 25


        Number of Index Levels:                 1
        Count of Level 1 Records:               1
        Mean Length of Index Entry:            12
        Count of Index Blocks:                  1
        Mean Index Bucket Fill:                 4%
        Mean Index Entry Compression:          58%

        Count of Data Records:                  5
        Mean Duplicates per Data Record:        1
        Mean Length of Data Record:            23
        Count of Data Blocks:                   1
        Mean Data Bucket Fill:                 25%
        Mean Data Key Compression:             34%

The analysis uncovered NO errors.


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