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VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual

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Subtitle directive


.SUBTITLE comment-string



An ASCII string from 1 to 40 characters long; excess characters are truncated.


.SUBTITLE causes the assembler to print the line of text, represented by the comment-string, in the table of contents (which the assembler produces immediately before the assembly listing). The assembler also prints the line of text as the subtitle on the second line of each assembly listing page. This subtitle text is printed on each page until altered by a subsequent .SUBTITLE directive in the program.


The alternate form of .SUBTITLE is .SBTTL.




This directive causes the assembler to print the following text as the subtitle of the assembly listing:


It also causes the text to be printed out in the listing's table of contents, along with the source page number and the line sequence number of the source statement where .SUBTITLE was specified. The table of contents would have the following format:



(4) 5000 I/O ROUTINES


Title directive


.TITLE module-name comment-string



An identifier from 1 to 31 characters long.


An ASCII string from 1 to 40 characters long; excess characters are truncated.


.TITLE assigns a name to the object module. This name is the first 31 or fewer nonblank characters following the directive.


  1. The module name specified with .TITLE bears no relationship to the file specification of the object module, as specified in the VAX MACRO command line. The object module name appears in the linker load map and is also the module name that the debugger and librarian recognize.
  2. If .TITLE is not specified, VAX MACRO assigns the default name .MAIN to the object module. If more than one .TITLE directive is specified in the source program, the last .TITLE directive encountered establishes the name for the entire object module.
  3. When evaluating the module name, VAX MACRO ignores all spaces, tabs, or both, up to the first nonspace/nontab character after .TITLE.


.TITLE  EVAL    Evaluates Expressions


Transfer directive


.TRANSFER symbol



A global symbol that is an entry point in a procedure or routine.


.TRANSFER redefines a global symbol for use in a shareable image. The linker redefines the symbol as the value of the location counter at the .TRANSFER directive after a shareable image is linked.

To make program maintenance easier, programs should not need to be relinked when the shareable images to which they are linked change. To avoid relinking entire programs when their linked shareable images change, keep the entry points in the changed shareable image at their original addresses. To do this, create an object module that contains a transfer vector for each entry point. Do not change the order of the transfer vectors. Link this object module at the beginning of the shareable image. The addresses of the entry points remain fixed even if the source code for a routine is changed. After each .TRANSFER directive, create a register save mask (for procedures only) and a branch to the first instruction of the routine.

The .TRANSFER directive does not cause any memory to be allocated and does not generate any binary code. It merely generates instructions to the linker to redefine the symbol when a shareable image is being created.

Use .TRANSFER with procedures entered by the CALLS or CALLG instruction. In this case, use .TRANSFER with the .ENTRY and .MASK directives. The branch to the actual routine must be a branch to the entry point plus 2 to bypass the 2-byte register save mask.

Figure 6-1 illustrates the use of transfer vectors.

Figure 6-1 Using Transfer Vectors


.MASK     ROUTINE_A,^M<R4,R5>   ; Copy entry mask
                                ;   and add registers
                                ;   R4 and R5
BRW       ROUTINE_A+2           ; Branch to routine
                                ;   (past entry mask)
.ENTRY    ROUTINE_A,^M<R2,R3>   ; ENTRY point, save
                                ;   registers R2 and R3

In this example, .MASK copies the entry mask of a routine to the new entry address specified by .TRANSFER. If the routine is placed in a shareable image and then called, registers R2, R3, R4, and R5 will be saved.


Warning directive


.WARN [expression] ;comment



An expression whose value is displayed when .WARN is encountered during assembly.


A comment that is displayed when .WARN is encountered during assembly. The comment must be preceded by a semicolon (;).


.WARN causes the assembler to display a warning message on the terminal or in the batch log file, and in the listing file (if there is one).


  1. .WARN, .ERROR, and .PRINT are called the message display directives. Use them to display information indicating that a macro call contains an error or an illegal set of conditions.
  2. When the assembly is finished, the assembler displays on the terminal or in the batch log file, the total number of errors, warnings, and information messages, and the page numbers and line numbers of the lines causing the errors or warnings.
  3. If .WARN is included in a macro library, end the comment with an additional semicolon. If you omit the semicolon, the comment will be stripped from the directive and will not be displayed when the macro is called.
  4. The line containing the .WARN directive is not included in the listing file.
  5. If the expression has a value of zero, it is not displayed in the warning message.


 .WARN         ; This combination not tested

If the symbols FULL and DOUBLE_PREC are both defined, the following warning message is displayed:

%MACRO-W-GENWRN, Generated WARNING: This combination not tested


Weak symbol attribute directive


.WEAK symbol-list



A list of legal symbols separated by commas (,).


.WEAK specifies symbols that are either defined externally in another module or defined globally in the current module. .WEAK suppresses any object library search for the symbol.

When .WEAK specifies a symbol that is not defined in the current module, the symbol is externally defined. If the linker finds the symbol's definition in another module, it uses that definition. If the linker does not find an external definition, the symbol has a value of zero and the linker does not report an error. The linker does not search a library for the symbol, but if a module brought in from a library for another reason contains the symbol definition, the linker uses it.

When .WEAK specifies a symbol that is defined in the current module, the symbol is considered to be globally defined. However, if this module is inserted in an object library, this symbol is not inserted in the library's symbol table. Consequently, searching the library at link time to resolve this symbol does not cause the module to be included.




Word storage directive


.WORD expression-list



One or more expressions separated by commas (,). You have the option of following each expression by a repetition factor delimited with square brackets ([]).

An expression followed by a repetition factor has the format:



An expression that specifies the value to be stored.


An expression that specifies the number of times the value will be repeated. The expression must not contain any undefined symbols and must be an absolute expression (see Section 3.5). The square brackets are required.


.WORD generates successive words (2 bytes) of data in the object module.


  1. The expression is first evaluated as a longword, then truncated to a word. The value of the expression should be in the range of -32,768 to +32,767 for signed data or 0 to 65,535 for unsigned data. The assembler displays an error if the high-order 2 bytes of the longword expression have a value other than zero or ^XFFFF.
  2. The .SIGNED_WORD directive is the same as .WORD except that the assembler displays a diagnostic message if a value is in the range from 32,768 to 65,535.


.WORD    ^X3F,FIVE[3],32

VAX Data Types and Instruction Set

Part II describes the VAX data types, addressing mode formats, instruction formats, and the instructions themselves.

Chapter 7
Terminology and Conventions

The following sections describe terminology and conventions used in Part II of this volume.

7.1 Numbering

All numbers, unless otherwise indicated, are decimal. Where there is ambiguity, numbers other than decimal are indicated with the base in English following the number in parentheses. For example:

FF (hex)


Results specified as UNPREDICTABLE may vary from moment to moment, implementation to implementation, and instruction to instruction within implementations. Software can never depend on results specified as UNPREDICTABLE. Operations specified as UNDEFINED may vary from moment to moment, implementation to implementation, and instruction to instruction within implementations. The operation might vary from causing no effect to stopping system operation. UNDEFINED operations must not cause the processor to hang---to reach an unhalted state from which there is no transition to a normal state in which the machine executes instructions. Note the distinction between result and operation. Nonprivileged software cannot invoke UNDEFINED operations. When the operation of the VAX scalar processor becomes UNDEFINED, so does the operation of its associated processor. The converse is not true; when the operation of the vector processor becomes UNDEFINED, the operation of the scalar processor need not become UNDEFINED.

7.3 Ranges and Extents

Ranges are specified in English and are inclusive (for example, a range of integers 0 to 4 includes the integers 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4). Extents are specified by a pair of numbers separated by a colon and are inclusive (that is, bits 7:3 specifies an extent of bits including bits 7, 6, 5, 4, and 3).

7.4 MBZ

Fields specified as MBZ (must be zero) must never be filled by software with a nonzero value. If the processor encounters a nonzero value in a field specified as MBZ, a reserved operand fault or abort occurs if that field is accessible to nonprivileged software. MBZ fields that are accessible only to privileged software (kernel mode) cannot be checked for nonzero value by some or all VAX implementations. Nonzero values in MBZ fields accessible only to privileged software may produce UNDEFINED operation.

7.5 RAZ

Fields specified as RAZ (read as zero) return a zero when read.

7.6 SBZ

Fields specified as SBZ (should be zero) should be filled by software with a zero value. Non-zero values in SBZ fields produce UNPREDICTABLE results and may produce extraneous instruction-issue delays.

7.7 Reserved

Unassigned values of fields are reserved for future use. In many cases, some values are indicated as reserved to CSS and customers. Only these values should be used for nonstandard applications. The values indicated as reserved to Compaq and all MBZ (must be zero) fields are to be used only to extend future standard architecture.

7.8 Figure Drawing Conventions

Figures that depict registers or memory follow the convention that increasing addresses extend from right to left and from top to bottom.

Chapter 8
Basic Architecture

The following sections describe the basic VAX architecture, including the following:

  • Address space
  • Data types
  • Processor status longword (PSL)
  • Permanent exception enables
  • Instruction and addressing mode formats

8.1 Basic Architecture

The VAX architecture represents a significant extension of the PDP-11 family architecture. It shares byte addressing with the PDP-11 family, similar I/O and interrupt structures, and identical data formats. Although the instruction set is not strictly compatible with the PDP-11 system, it is related and can be mastered easily by a PDP-11 programmer. Likewise, the similarity allows straightforward manual conversion of existing PDP-11 programs to the VAX system. Existing user-mode PDP-11 programs that do not need the extended features of a VAX system can run unchanged in the PDP-11 compatibility mode provided in the VAX architecture.

As compared to the PDP-11 architecture, VAX architecture offers a greatly extended virtual address space, additional instructions and data types, and new addressing modes. VAX architecture also provides a sophisticated memory management and protection mechanism, and hardware-assisted process sharing and synchronization.

A number of specific goals are achieved in the VAX design. For example:

  • VAX architecture has maximal compatibility with the PDP-11 architecture consistent with a significant extension of the virtual address space and a significant functional enhancement.
  • High bit efficiency is achieved by a wide range of data types and new addressing modes.
  • The systematic, elegant instruction set with orthogonality of operators, data types, and addressing modes can be exploited easily, particularly by high-level language processors.
  • The VAX system is extensible. The instruction set is designed so that new data types and operators can be included efficiently in a manner consistent with the currently defined operators and data types.
  • The architecture is suited, in terms of price and performance, to a wide range of computer system implementations sold by Compaq Computer Corporation.

With the addition of vector processing, VAX architecture can be classified into the following two parts:

  • A vector part, which includes the instructions, registers, and execution model for vector processing.
  • A scalar part, which includes the remainder of the architecture.

Where confusion may be possible, this manual uses the term scalar to describe objects belonging to the scalar part of the architecture --- as in scalar instructions and scalar processor. Similarily, the term vector is used to describe parts belonging to the vector part of the architecture --- as in vector registers, and vector instructions. With the exception of Chapter 10, instructions, exceptions, registers, and other objects described in the rest of the this manual refer to the scalar part of the architecture unless otherwise stated.

8.2 VAX Addressing

The basic addressable unit in VAX MACRO is the 8-bit byte. Virtual addresses are 32 bits long. Therefore, the virtual address space is 232 (approximately 4.3 billion) bytes. Virtual addresses as seen by the program are translated into physical memory addresses by the memory management mechanism.

8.3 Data Types

The following sections describe the VAX data types.

8.3.1 Byte

A byte is 8 contiguous bits starting on an addressable byte boundary. The bits are numbered from right to left 0 to 7.

A byte is specified by its address A. When interpreted arithmetically, a byte is a two's complement integer with bits of increasing significance ranging from bit 0 to bit 6, with bit 7 the sign bit. The value of the integer is in the range -128 to +127. For the purposes of addition, subtraction, and comparison, VAX instructions also provide direct support for the interpretation of a byte as an unsigned integer with bits of increasing significance ranging from bit 0 to bit 7. The value of the unsigned integer is in the range 0 to 255.

8.3.2 Word

A word is 2 contiguous bytes starting on an arbitrary byte boundary. The 16 bits are numbered from right to left 0 to 15.

A word is specified by its address, A, which is the address of the byte containing bit 0. When interpreted arithmetically, a word is a two's complement integer with bits of increasing significance ranging from bit 0 to bit 14, with bit 15 the sign bit. The value of the integer is in the range -32,768 to +32,767. For the purposes of addition, subtraction, and comparison, VAX instructions also provide direct support for the interpretation of a word as an unsigned integer with bits of increasing significance ranging from bit 0 to bit 15. The value of the unsigned integer is in the range 0 to 65,535.

8.3.3 Longword

A longword is 4 contiguous bytes starting on an arbitrary byte boundary. The 32 bits are numbered from right to left 0 to 31.

A longword is specified by its address, A, which is the address of the byte containing bit 0. When interpreted arithmetically, a longword is a two's complement integer with bits of increasing significance ranging from bit 0 to bit 30, with bit 31 the sign bit. The value of the integer is in the range -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647. For the purposes of addition, subtraction, and comparison, VAX instructions also provide direct support for the interpretation of a longword as an unsigned integer with bits of increasing significance ranging from bit 0 to bit 31. The value of the unsigned integer is in the range 0 to 4,294,967,295.

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