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OpenVMS Delta/XDelta Debugger Manual

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 Invoking, Exiting, and Setting Breakpoints
Chapter 2 DELTA and XDELTA Symbols and Expressions
Chapter 3 Debugging Programs
Chapter 4 DELTA/XDELTA Commands
Appendix A Sample DELTA Debug Session on VAX
Appendix B Sample DELTA Debug Session on Alpha


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 Invoking, Exiting, and Setting Breakpoints
     1.1     Overview of the Delta and XDelta Debuggers
     1.2     Privileges Required for Running DELTA
     1.3     Guidelines for Using XDELTA
     1.4     Invoking DELTA
     1.5     Exiting from DELTA
     1.6     Invoking XDELTA
     1.7     Requesting an Interrupt
         1.7.1         Requesting Interrupts on VAX Computers
         1.7.2         Requesting Interrupts on Alpha Computers
     1.8     Accessing the Initial Breakpoint
     1.9     Proceeding from Initial XDELTA Breakpoints
     1.10     Exiting from XDELTA
Chapter 2
2 DELTA and XDELTA Symbols and Expressions
     2.1     Symbols Supplied by DELTA and XDELTA
     2.2     Floating-Point Register Support
     2.3     Forming Numeric Expressions
Chapter 3
3 Debugging Programs
     3.1     Referencing Addresses
         3.1.1         Referencing Addresses (VAX Only)
         3.1.2         Referencing Addresses (Alpha Only)
     3.2     Referencing Registers (VAX Only)
     3.3     Referencing Registers (Alpha Only)
     3.4     Interpreting the Error Message
     3.5     Debugging Kernel Mode Code Under Certain Conditions
         3.5.1         Setup Required (VAX Only)
         3.5.2         Setup Required (Alpha Only)
         3.5.3         Accessing XDELTA
     3.6     Debugging an Installed, Protected, Shareable Image
     3.7     Using XDELTA on Multiprocessor Computers
     3.8     Debugging Code When Single-Stepping Fails (Alpha Only)
     3.9     Debugging Code That Does Not Match the Compiler Listings (Alpha Only)
Chapter 4
     4.1     Command Usage Summary
    Command 1     [ (Set Display Mode)
    Command 2     / (Open Location and Display Contents in Prevailing Width Mode)
    Command 3     ! (Open Location and Display Contents in Instruction Mode)
    Command 4     LINEFEED (Close Current Location, Open Next)
    Command 5     ESC (Open Location and Display Previous Location)
    Command 6     TAB (Open Location and Display Indirect Location)
    Command 7     " (Open Location and Display Contents in ASCII)
    Command 8     RETURN (Close Current Location)
    Command 9     ;B (Breakpoint)
    Command 10     ;P (Proceed from Breakpoint)
    Command 11     ;G (Go)
    Command 12     S (Step Instruction)
    Command 13     O (Step Instruction over Subroutine)
    Command 14     ' (Deposit ASCII String)
    Command 15     ;E (Execute Command String)
    Command 16     ;X (Load Base Register)
    Command 17     = (Display Value of Expression)
    Command 18     ;M (Set All Processes Writable)
    Command 19     ;L (List Names and Locations of Loaded Executive Images)
    Command 20     ;Q (Validate Queue) (Alpha Only)
    Command 21     ;C (Force the system to bugcheck and crash) (Alpha Only)
    Command 22     ;W (List Name and Location of a Single Loaded Image) (Alpha Only)
    Command 23     ;I (List Information About the Current Main Image and Its Shareable Images) (Alpha Only)
    Command 24     ;H (Video Terminal Display Command) (Alpha Only)
    Command 25     \string\ (Immediate mode text display command) (Alpha Only)
    Command 26     EXIT (Exit from DELTA Debugging Session)
Appendix A
Appendix A Sample DELTA Debug Session on VAX
Appendix B
Appendix B Sample DELTA Debug Session on Alpha
A-1 Program for Getting LOGINTIMs
A-2 LOGINTIM Program .Map File
A-3 DELTA Debugging Session Example
B-1 Listing File for LOG: C Source Code
B-2 Listing File for LOG: Machine Code
B-3 .MAP File for the Sample Program
B-4 DELTA Debugging Session of the Sample Program
1-1 Boot Command Qualifier Values
2-1 DELTA/XDELTA Symbols
2-2 Arithmetic Operators
4-1 DELTA/XDELTA Command Summary
4-2 DELTA/XDELTA Command Summary (Alpha Only)

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