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Using DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS

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C.7 Network

A program that is displayed on another node exits with the following error message:

XIO:  fatal IO error 65535  on X server "_WSA3:"
      after 600 requests (597 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
%XLIB-F-IOERROR, xlib io error
-SYSTEM-F-LINKABORT, network partner aborted logical link
  • The user on the other workstation logged out. That user must log back in.
  • The VMS DECwindows X server stopped on the other workstation. Restart DECwindows by setting host to the other workstation, logging in to a privileged account, and entering the following command:

  • Network congestion caused the program to exit. If possible, use the fastest available CPU for DECnet routing. See the DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual for information about network configuration and routing node requirements.

A program that is displayed on another node exits with the following error message:

XIO:  fatal IO error 65535  on X server "_WSA3:"
      after 267 requests (229 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
%XLIB-F-IOERROR, xlib io error
-SYSTEM-F-PATHLOST, path to network partner node lost
  • The other workstation was powered off or halted, or the VMS operating system crashed. You must power on, restart, or reboot the other workstation.
  • Network congestion caused the program to exit. If possible, use the fastest available CPU for DECnet routing. See the DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual for information about network configuration and routing node requirements.

A program that is displayed on another node exits with the following message:

XIO:  fatal IO error 65535  on X server "_WSA3:"
      after 259 requests (259 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
%XLIB-F-IOERROR, xlib io error
-SYSTEM-F-THIRDPARTY, network logical link disconnected by a third party
  • The user on the other workstation might have shut down DECnet. Restart the DECnet software on the other workstation.

C.8 Applications

The application window comes up but the window is blank.
  • The application incorrectly asks for backing store but also waits for an expose event to begin processing. Choose one of the following options to disable backing store:
    • If possible, modify the program so that it does not request backing store.
    • Disable backing store by editing the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM file. If you do not have that file, copy the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.TEMPLATE file to SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM, and edit the COM file. Add the following line to the cluster common or standalone workstation section:

      Exit the file and enter the following command to restart the server:

      This command stops all applications and restarts DECwindows. Applications, including those running on other clustered workstations, will not use backing store when restarted. See the VMS DECwindows Motif Installation Guide for more information on the private server setup file and for information on how to change only individual workstations in a cluster.

When you run an application, you see a "Can't open display" message, or the application can run with DECnet transport but cannot run with local transport.
  • The number of global sections or global pages might be insufficient.
    Enter the DCL command SET DISPLAY/CREATE/TRANSPORT=DECNET and run the application. If you can run the application with DECnet transport but not with local transport you might need to increase the global sections or global pages or both. Local transport (the default) uses global sections and global pages. For each DECwindows application, you need at least one global section and about 300 global pages. Use the F$GETSYI lexical function to determine the number of free global pages and global sections, as follows:

    See the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for more information on using the F$GETSYI lexical function. Increase the SYSGEN parameter GBLSECTION or GBLPAGES. See the VMS System Generation Utility Manual for information about modifying SYSGEN parameters. Use the Digital-supplied command procedure SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM to help determine the correct values and parameters for your system. AUTOGEN makes adjustments to your system after evaluating your hardware configuration and estimating typical workloads. See the Guide to Setting Up a VMS System for more information on AUTOGEN.
  • If you see a "Can't Open Display" error message when you run an application, you might be able to get a more specific error message by running the following program:

    This program is on your system if your system manager installed the programming support during the DECwindows installation. If the program is not on your system, you can restore it from the DECwindows installation distribution media. See the VMS Backup Utility Manual for more information on restoring a file from a save set.
  • See the section about general troubleshooting techniques for more help in diagnosing the problem.

You cannot display more than sixteen applications on a workstation.
Determine the transport type by entering the following command:

  • If you are using DECnet transport, you might have exceeded the maximum number of DECnet links.
    Use the following commands to increase the maximum number of DECnet links:

  • If you are using the VMS/ULTRIX Connection product (UCX) transport, you might have exceeded the maximum number of TCP/IP connections.
    See the appropriate VMS/ULTRIX Connection documentation.
  • If you are using local transport, the number of global pages or global sections might be insufficient.
    Increase the SYSGEN parameter GBLPAGES or GBLSECTIONS. See the VMS System Generation Utility Manual for information about modifying SYSGEN parameters.

    See the previous problem statement titled "When you run an application, you see..." for information about global pages and global sections.

Your DECwindows application does not run.
  • Check the SYS$SPECIFIC directories [SYSLIB], [SYSMGR], and [SYSEXE] for DECW$*.* files and delete any that are found. There should be no DECW$*.* files in any of those directories, unless a user placed them there. The installation procedure does not place any DECW$*.* files in the SYS$SPECIFIC directories.
  • Resource files that you have edited might be causing problems. Editing resource files is not encouraged because any syntax errors or typographical errors can cause applications to stop functioning.
    Rename the resource files, as follows:

    End the current session, and start a new session. Try to run the application again.
  • If you see a "Can't Open Display" error message when you run an application, you might be able to get a more specific error message by running the following program:

    This program is on your system if your system manager installed the programming support during the DECwindows installation. If the program is not on your system, you can restore it from the DECwindows installation distribution media. See the VMS Backup Utility Manual for more information on restoring a file from a save set.
  • Use the Digital-supplied command procedure SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM to help determine the correct values and parameters for your system. AUTOGEN makes adjustments to your system after evaluating your hardware configuration and estimating typical workloads. See the Guide to Setting Up a VMS System for more information on AUTOGEN.
  • See the section about general troubleshooting techniques for more help in diagnosing the problem.

When you run an application, you see error messages that say "Client is not authorized to access server."
  • Check Session Manager's Security Options box to ensure that the user is authorized with the correct node name, user name, and transport.
  • For DECnet transport, the node names need to be defined in the network node database of both the system running the server and the system running the application. Use the Network Control Program (NCP) to define the node names. See the DECnet for OpenVMS Network Management Utilities for more information on using NCP.
  • TCP/IP transport does not pass user names for authorization to the server.
    Be sure to use an asterisk (*) in the Username entry box of the Security Options if you are using TCP/IP transport for a given node.
  • If you are using TCP/IP to display an application on your own system, you must authorize node zero (0) which is the local node.
  • Check the server error log file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$SERVER_0_ERROR.LOG for error messages that might provide more details about the problem.
  • Check the SYS$MANAGER:NETSERVER.LOG file for error messages that relate to a DECnet transport problem. See the DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual for information about error messages contained in the NETSERVER.LOG file.

C.9 Session Manager

When you start an application from Session Manager, the whole session is terminated. The session is logged out and a new Start Session dialog box appears.
  • Search the SYS$LOGIN:DECW$SM.LOG file for either of the following error messages:

     X Toolkit Error: Cannot perform calloc
     Session Error: %XLIB-E-INSFMEM, insufficient dynamic memory

    If either error message is present, you might need to increase the PGFLQUOTA value for the accounts that are experiencing the problem. See the VMS Authorize Utility Manual for information about modifying user authorization file (UAF) values.
    You might also need to increase the SYSGEN parameter PQL_DPGFLQUOTA. See the VMS System Generation Utility Manual for information about modifying SYSGEN parameters. Use the Digital-supplied command procedure SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM to help determine the correct values and parameters for your system. AUTOGEN makes adjustments to your system after evaluating your hardware configuration and estimating typical workloads. See the Guide to Setting Up a VMS System for more information on AUTOGEN.
  • See the section about general troubleshooting techniques for more help in diagnosing the problem.

The login box disappears for no apparent reason.
  • An "idle process killer" has assumed that the process _WSAn: is idle and has terminated it.
    Do not run an "idle process killer" on your workstation. It is possible to inadvertently terminate Session Manager or Window Manager even though other applications are running on the system. To restart the login box, follow the directions given in the X server section under the problem statement titled You cannot start a session on the workstation.
  • Your system disk has reached a threshold that caused the AUDIT_SERVER process either to suspend or to delete processes.
    Take measures to recover the system by determining why the AUDIT_SERVER exceeded the threshold. This might require rebooting the system with a conversational boot and specifying a minimum startup.

After login, the Session Manager menu bar does not start.
  • Check the SYS$SPECIFIC directories [SYSLIB], [SYSMGR], and [SYSEXE] for DECW$*.* files and delete any that are found. There should be no DECW$*.* files in any of those directories, unless a user placed them there. The installation procedure does not place any DECW$*.* files in the SYS$SPECIFIC directories.
  • If you have redefined your logical name table list, make sure that you have included DECW$LOGICAL_NAMES in the logical name table search list. Verify that LNM$FILE_DEV includes the table. Also verify that the protection code of any added table allows the user read access or that the table is listed after DECW$LOGICAL_NAMES.
  • Make sure that the protection code on all DECwindows shareable images is set to world read and world execute (W:RE). This is the default protection used during the installation of DECwindows files. See Appendix C in the VMS DECwindows Motif Installation Guide for a list of files provided by DECwindows. See the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for information about setting protection with the DCL command SET FILE/PROTECTION or SET PROTECTION.
  • Resource files that you have edited might be causing problems. Editing resource files is not encouraged because any syntax or typographical errors can cause applications to stop functioning.
    Rename the resource files, as follows:

    End the current session, start a new session, and try to run the application again.
  • Profile files are causing problems.
    Rename the SYS$LOGIN:*.VUE$DAT files, as follows:

    Try to run the application again.
  • Session Manager cannot execute a command in your DECW$LOGIN.COM file or your DECW$SYLOGIN.COM file.
    Rename the SYS$LOGIN:DECW$LOGIN.COM file or the system file, as follows:

    Try to run the application again.
  • Session Manager cannot execute a command in your LOGIN.COM file or your SYLOGIN.COM file.
    Rename the SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN.COM file or the system file, as follows:

    Try to run the application again.
  • See the section about general troubleshooting techniques for more help in diagnosing the problem.

C.10 DECterm

Your DECterm window does not display characters.
  • You pressed either Ctrl+S or F1.
    Check whether the Hold Screen indicator is lit. If it is, press either Ctrl+Q or F1.
  • The VMS DECwindows server is "frozen."
    Select another window and try to type characters to it. If characters are not displayed, refer to the entry "The screen seems to be frozen" in the section about X server problems.
  • The DECterm controller process is stuck.
    Enter the DCL command SHOW PROCESS and look for the process named DECW$TE_nnn. If it is in an RWAST state, either wait for it to complete or create a new terminal controller process. To create a new controller process, execute the following commands from a privileged account:

    You might want to execute these commands in a batch job that has interactive priority, since the process running the terminal controller cannot be used for anything else.

    The application looks different in a DECterm window than on a VT340 terminal.
    • The DECterm emulates only VT52, VT100, VT200, and VT320 class terminals.
      If possible, modify the application.

    The DECterm fonts are small and hard to read.
    • Small fonts might be enabled in the DECterm Options menu.
      Pull down the DECterm Options menu and choose the Window... menu item. Select the Big Font option and click on OK.
    • Fonts intended for 75-dpi monitors are displayed on a 100-dpi monitor.
      Use the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM file to tell the server to use 100-dpi fonts. If you do not have that file, copy the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.TEMPLATE file to SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM, and edit the COM file. Search for the string DECW$SERVER_DENSITY == 100 and delete the exclamation point (!) at the beginning of the line. Then exit the file. Enter the following command to restart the VMS DECwindows server:

      This command stops all applications and restarts DECwindows. All applications will now use the larger, 100-dpi fonts. All clustered workstations will use 100-dpi fonts when restarted. See the VMS DECwindows Motif Installation Guide for more information on the private server setup file and for information on how to change only individual workstations in a cluster.

    You are not getting as many DECterm windows from automatic startup as you requested.
    • Use the Accounting Utility to get information about the process. See the VMS Accounting Utility Manual for information about using the Accounting Utility. Enter the following command from a privileged account to get the accounting log for the application that is having problems:

      Enter the following command to find out the text for the completion status of the process that failed:

      $ EXIT %x00000124
      An exit status of 1 indicates normal completion. Any other completion status might indicate a problem. Substitute the completion status for the number 00000124. If the accounting log for the process shows an exit status of 00000124 (SYSTEM-F-INSFMEM, insufficient dynamic memory), you need to increase either the PAGEDYN or the NPAGEDYN SYSGEN parameter. This error message usually means that you ran out of nonpaged dynamic memory and that the NPAGEDYN SYSGEN parameter needs to be increased. However, sometimes DECterm exits with this status even when paged dynamic memory is depleted. Enter the DCL command SHOW MEMORY/FULL to identify which type of memory is insufficient. The Free column should display a low number for either Nonpaged Dynamic Memory or Paged Dynamic Memory, as follows:

      Dynamic Memory Usage (bytes):      Total        Free      In Use     Largest
        Nonpaged Dynamic Memory         931840       49040      882800       27936
        Paged Dynamic Memory            949760           0      552800       393792
      In this case, increase the PAGEDYN SYSGEN parameter. See the VMS System Generation Utility Manual for information about modifying SYSGEN parameters.
    • See the section about general troubleshooting techniques for more help in diagnosing the problem.

    You cannot start DECterm application windows.
    • Use the Accounting Utility to get information on the process. See the VMS Accounting Utility Manual for more information on using the Accounting Utility. Enter the following command from a privileged account to get the accounting log for the DECterm process:

      Enter the following command to find out the text for the completion status of the process that failed:

      $ EXIT %x000187DC
      An exit status of 1 indicates normal completion. Any other completion status might indicate a problem. Substitute the completion status for the number 000187DC. If the accounting log shows a completion status of 000187DC (RMS-F-EXENQLM, exceeded enqueue quota), you might need to increase the ENQLM value of the account that is experiencing problems. See the VMS Authorize Utility Manual for information about modifying user authorization file (UAF) values.
    • See the section about general troubleshooting techniques for more help in diagnosing the problem.

    nnnDECterm windows disappear if the DECW$TE_nnn process paging file quota becomes less than 420 pages. No error message is displayed.
    • Each default DECterm with 500 lines saved needs 420 pages of paging file quota. Increase the PGFLQUO value in the user's UAF record using the Authorize Utility. Increase the PQL_DPGFLQUOTA SYSGEN parameter (the default is 8192 pages) using the VMS System Generation Utility. See the VMS Authorize Utility Manual for information about modifying UAF values. See the VMS System Generation Utility Manual for information about modifying SYSGEN parameters. Use the Digital-supplied command procedure SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM to help determine the correct values and parameters for your system. AUTOGEN makes adjustments to your system after evaluating your hardware configuration and estimating typical workloads. See the Guide to Setting Up a VMS System for more information on AUTOGEN.
    • Reduce or eliminate lines saved off the top of the DECterm screen. Choose the Display item on the Options menu and decrease the value of the Record Lines Off Top option.

    nnnIf the process BUFIOCNT becomes 0, DECW$TE_nnn enters the Mwait state and generates the following error:

     %DECW-E--TIMEOUT_CONTROL, Timeout waiting for DECterm controller to start
    • Each DECterm creation requires 2 BUFIO. Increase the SYSGEN parameter PQL_MBIOLM (the default is 40). See the VMS System Generation Utility Manual for information about modifying SYSGEN parameters. Use the Digital-supplied command procedure SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN.COM to help determine the correct values and parameters for your system. AUTOGEN makes adjustments to your system after evaluating your hardware configuration and estimating typical workloads. See the Guide to Setting Up a VMS System for more information on AUTOGEN.

    After creating some number of DECterm windows, you get either of the following errors while trying to create a new one:


    %SYSTEM-F-NOSLOT, no PCB available
    • Increase the SYSGEN parameter MAXPROCESSCOUNT (the default is 32). See the VMS System Generation Utility Manual for information about modifying SYSGEN parameters.

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