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Using DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS

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C.11 X Terminals and Third-Party Workstations

You cannot display from a DECwindows workstation to a third-party workstation.
  • The third-party workstation is not running the X Window System.
    Make sure the third-party workstation is running the X Window System.
  • The network software is incompatible.
    If you are running DECnet software, make sure that the third-party workstation is also running DECnet. If you are using TCP/IP, install the VMS/ULTRIX Connection software (UCX) on the VMS workstation, or install a third-party vendor's TCP/IP networking product. You do not need a UCX Product Authorization Key (PAK) to use UCX with DECwindows.
  • The network database definitions are incorrect.
    Make sure the DECnet or TCP/IP node name and node number definitions for both workstations are correct on both workstations.
  • The node name contains lowercase letters.
    Add an uppercase node name alias for the node name, or enclose the node name in double quotes, as in the following example:

  • Access control is not enabled on the third-party workstation.
    Consult the documentation for the third-party workstation for information about adding the VMS node name to the server's access control list.

You cannot display from a third-party workstation to a DECwindows workstation.
  • The third-party workstation is not running the X Window System.
    Make sure the third-party workstation is running the X Window System.
  • The network software is incompatible.
    If you are running DECnet software, make sure the third-party workstation is also running DECnet. If you are using TCP/IP, install the VMS/ULTRIX Connection software (UCX) on the VMS workstation, or install a third-party vendor's TCP/IP networking product. You do not need a UCX Product Authorization Key (PAK) to use UCX with DECwindows.
  • The network database definitions are incorrect.
    Make sure the DECnet or TCP/IP node name and node number definitions for both workstations are correct on both workstations.
  • The network software is not running.
    If you are using UCX, use the UCX$UCP loop command to verify that the other workstation responds to notification from your workstation, as follows:

    DECW2 is alive
    The message DECW2 is alive means that UCX was started properly. If UCX was not started properly, a message similar to the following is displayed:

    DECW2 does not respond
    UCX must be started with the command file UCX$STARTUP. Add the following line to your SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM file:

    UCX should be started after DECnet has been started.
  • A network-specific VMS DECwindows transport interface is not supplied.
    If you are using a third-party TCP/IP networking product, it must supply the file SYS$SHARE:DECW_TRANSPORT_name, where name is the product name.
  • The transport interface is not installed.
    If you are using a third-party TCP/IP networking product, the DECW_TRANSPORT_name file must be installed from the SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM file with the following command:

    Use the following command from a privileged account to verify that the file is installed:

  • The server is not listening for connections. Choose either of the following options:
    • If you are using TCP/IP, you must use the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM customization file. If you do not have that file, copy the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.TEMPLATE file to SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM, and edit the COM file. Search for the following string:

      Delete the exclamation point (!) at the beginning of the line. Then exit the file. Restart the server with the following command:

      This command stops all applications and restarts DECwindows. All workstations in the cluster will listen for TCP/IP connections. See the VMS DECwindows Motif Installation Guide for more information about the private server setup file and for information about how to change only individual workstations in a cluster. After restarting DECwindows, you should see messages similar to the following in SYS$MANAGER:DECW$SERVER_0_ERROR.LOG:

          Now attach all known txport images
          %DECW-I-ATTACHED, transport DECNET attached to its network
          %DECW-I-ATTACHED, transport TCPIP attached to its network

      There should be one message for each transport you listed in DECW$SERVER_TRANSPORTS, except for local.

  • Access control is not enabled on the VMS workstation.
    Pull down Session Manager's Options menu and choose the Security menu item. Type the third-party node name in the Node entry box. If you are using DECnet, type the user name in the Username entry box and add it. Then type the user ID (UID) in the Username entry box and add it. If you are using the VMS/ULTRIX Connection software (UCX) TCP/IP, type an asterisk (*) in the Username entry box, and type TCPIP in the Transport entry box. If you are using a third-party TCP/IP, follow the directions supplied by the third-party vendor.


    All node names are shown in the security list in uppercase, but they will match both uppercase and lowercase node names.

You cannot display PostScript images on X terminals or on third-party workstations.
  • The X terminal or third-party workstation does not support the Display PostScript extension.
    The only solution is to get an X terminal workstation that supports the Display PostScript extension. The PostScript commands are performed by an extension to the server, not by a library on the client (application) side.

C.12 X Server

You cannot start a session on the workstation. Your keystrokes are not displayed on the screen.
  • The VMS DECwindows X server has stopped working.
    Press Return. A user name prompt should appear. If it does not appear, set host to the workstation from another node. Log in to a privileged account and restart the server with the following command:

    Then log out. If you cannot log in again, halt the workstation and reboot the VMS operating system. After the system reboots, check the server error log file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$SERVER_0_ERROR.LOG for possible problems. The server process runs with the name DECW$SERVER_0. It creates the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$SERVER_0_ERROR.LOG log file every time VMS DECwindows Motif is activated. Always check this log file for error messages when you are experiencing problems. Always save the complete contents of the log file in case you must contact your Customer Support Center.

    The screen seems to be frozen. Your keystrokes are not displayed and cursors do not blink.
    • The VMS DECwindows X server is performing a long operation for PEX, XIE, or PostScript.
      Wait for the operation to complete only if you are using one of the three server extensions. Some PEX operations might last minutes. XIE and PostScript should hold the server for no more than a few seconds before yielding.
    • The VMS DECwindows X server is waiting for network I/O.
      Wait 30 seconds. The VMS DECwindows X server will wait 30 seconds after its transport buffers fill. If the I/O still does not complete, the server will terminate the client connection and continue without intervention.
    • The VMS DECwindows X server has stopped working.
      • Press Return. A user name prompt should appear. If it does not appear, set host to the workstation from another node. Log in to a privileged account and restart the server with the following command:

        Then log out. If you cannot log in, halt the workstation and reboot the VMS operating system. After the system reboots, check the server error log file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$SERVER_0_ERROR.LOG for possible problems. The server process runs with the name DECW$SERVER_0. It creates the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$SERVER_0_ERROR.LOG log file every time VMS DECwindows Motif is activated. Always check this log file for error messages when you are experiencing problems. Always save the complete contents of the log file in case you must contact your Customer Support Center.
      • See the problem statement titled "The top of the screen goes black..." in the Keyboard, Monitor, and Pointer section.

    C.13 General Troubleshooting Techniques

    This section discusses some actions that you can take to diagnose and to help prevent the problems discussed in the previous sections. The items listed here are intended as general techniques for troubleshooting.

    • After the system reboots, check the server error log file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$SERVER_0_ERROR.LOG for possible problems. The server process runs with the name DECW$SERVER_0. It creates the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$SERVER_0_ERROR.LOG log file every time DECwindows is activated. Always check this log file for error messages when you are experiencing problems. Always save the complete contents of the log file in case you must contact your Customer Support Center.
    • If the login box does not start, you can define a logical name to create a log file for the Start Session process. Edit the file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM and define a log file location. If that file does not exist, copy the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.TEMPLATE file to SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM and edit the COM file. Use the symbol DECW$LOGINLOG to define a log file location, as in the following example:

      Restart DECwindows by using the following DCL command:

      Check the log file for error messages.
    • Use the Accounting Utility to get information on the process. See the VMS Accounting Utility Manual for more information about using the Accounting Utility. Enter the following command from a privileged account to get the accounting log for the DECterm process:

      Enter the following command to find out the text for the completion status of the process that failed:

      $ EXIT %x000187DC
      An exit status of 1 indicates normal completion. Any other completion status might indicate a problem. Substitute the completion status for the number 000187DC.
    • Session Manager creates the SYS$LOGIN:DECW$SM.LOG log file. If your session is terminated abnormally or if you notice strange behavior during your session, check the contents of this file. Always save the contents of this file in case you must contact your Customer Support Center.
    • You can run many of the Session Manager files from the DCL command level. If you are experiencing problems during the session, try running the following executable files and see whether you get different results:
      • SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$PAUSESESSION.EXE (pausing a session)
      • SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$ENDSESSION.EXE (ending a session)
      • SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$SESSION.EXE (Session Manager menu bar)
      • SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$WSINIT.EXE (reading resource files and setting workstation customization options)
      • SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$WSCUST.EXE (viewing workstation customization dialog boxes)
    • If you are part of a cluster environment, and one workstation cannot run DECwindows but another can, be sure to check the SYS$SPECIFIC directories [SYSLIB], [SYSMGR], and [SYSEXE] for DECW$*.* files and delete any that are found. There should be no DECW$*.* files in any of those directories, unless a user placed them there. The installation procedure does not place any DECW$*.* files in the SYS$SPECIFIC directories. Also, compare that system's SYSGEN parameters with those of other working systems.
    • If you are having problems with one account but others on the same machine work fine, check the following:
      • Rename the resource files, as follows:

        End the current session, start a new session, and try to use the account again.
      • Profile files are causing problems.
        Rename SYS$LOGIN:*.VUE$DAT files and try again, as follows:

      • Session Manager cannot execute a command in your DECW$LOGIN.COM file or your DECW$SYLOGIN.COM file.
        Rename the SYS$LOGIN:DECW$LOGIN.COM file or the system file and try to run the application again, as follows:

      • Session Manager cannot execute a command in your LOGIN.COM file or your SYLOGIN.COM file.
        Rename the SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN.COM file or the system file and try to run the application again, as follows:

      • The user authorization file (UAF) values for this user differ from those of other users.
        Compare the values with those of working accounts and make adjustments to find the problem.
      • The user's device and directory are incorrect in the UAF record. Check whether any of the following conditions exist:
        1. The account has recently been moved.
        2. The disk is on line and working.
        3. The user directory has the correct protections for the user to create files in the directory.
        4. The user is the owner of their SYS$LOGIN directory.
    • If you see a "Can't Open Display" error message when you run an application, you might be able to get a more specific error message by running the following program:

      This program is on your system if your system manager installed the programming support during the DECwindows installation. If not, you can restore it to your system from the DECwindows installation distribution media. See the VMS Backup Utility Manual for more information on restoring a file from a save set.
    • When DECterm windows disappear with no trace and you want to find out why, place the following command in your LOGIN.COM file.

      End the current session and start a new session. Extra output is written to the DECTERM.LOG file when the DECterm windows run and when they stop working.
    • If you find a hexadecimal error status in one of the log files (for example, 02DBA002), you can translate it to a text message by creating the following DECWMSG.COM file:

      For example:

      $ @DECWMSG %X02DBA002
      %DECW-E-CNXABORT, connection aborted
      %NONAME-E-NOMSG, Message number 02DBA002
      In this example, the NONAME-E-NOMSG message means that status 02DBA002 was not found in the DECW$XLIBMSG.EXE file. Therefore, the status 02DBA002 translates to DECW-E-CNXABORT, connection aborted.
    • Periodically use AUTOGEN with feedback to increase efficiency and prevent quota-related problems. AUTOGEN makes adjustments to your system after evaluating your hardware configuration and estimating typical workloads. See the Guide to Setting Up a VMS System for more information on AUTOGEN.
    • Observe the following guideline for SYSGEN parameters:
      You should adjust SYSGEN parameters to the following values because most DECwindows processes, especially DECterm windows, are run as detached processes. See the VMS System Generation Utility Manual for information about modifying SYSGEN parameters.
      • PQL_DPGFLQUOTA should be at least 37768 (DECterm processes can crash if this parameter is set too low).
      • PQL_DBYTLM should be at least 65536 (DECterm processes can hang if this parameter is set too low).
      • PQL_DBIOLM should be at least 100 (DECterm processes can hang if this parameter is set too low).
      • PQL_DASTLM should be at least 100 (DECterm processes can crash if this parameter is set too low).

    • Observe the following guidelines for UAF parameters: DECwindows applications can be sensitive to problems with UAF parameters. When problems occur, either while starting a session or while starting applications, or when applications vanish without an error message, verify the UAF parameters of the account under which the session was started. The following table lists and describes suggested UAF parameter values that might help prevent some problems. The correct UAF parameters depend on your applications and processes. The specific numbers given are intended as guidelines, not as hard-and-fast rules.
      Parameter Usage
      MAXDETACH, MAXJOBS, MAXACCTJOBS, PRCLM These parameters control the number of detached processes and jobs the account can have. Since DECwindows relies heavily on detached processes and spawned subprocesses, you should set MAXDETACH, MAXJOBS, and MAXACCTJOBS to zero (unlimited). PRCLM should be set to at least 10.
        It is particularly important to set MAXDETACH, MAXJOBS, and MAXACCTJOBS for the SYSTEM account to zero (unlimited), especially if the login box does not look correct. (The login box is created under the SYSTEM user identification code [UIC]).
      FILLM The DECwindows environment uses numerous files, such as font files, resource files, and profile files. The FILLM parameter controls the number of files that can be opened simultaneously. For DECwindows, this number should be set to at least 100.
        Set FILLM lower than the SYSGEN parameter CHANNELCNT by at least 15. CHANNELCNT controls the number of I/O channels that a process can have, and setting FILLM close to or higher than this value sometimes results in erroneous behavior, such as RMS-W-NORMAL errors.
      BIOLM, DIOLM, ASTLM DECwindows is an asynchronous environment, meaning that it might have many outstanding I/Os at one time. BIOLM, DIOLM, and ASTLM are direct or indirect limits on the number of concurrent I/Os, and you should set each of these parameters to at least 100.
      ENQLM The DECwindows environment does not use locking extensively, but it does use a variety of files and other VMS features which use locks. ENQLM should be set to at least 200. It should be set much higher for applications that use large numbers of files or databases.
      BYTLM Because of its asynchronous nature and local transport considerations, DECwindows relies on a high BYTLM value. You should set BYTLM to at least 20000.
      WS xxx parameters DECwindows, especially the applications, is memory intensive. You should allocate as much working set quota and default as possible. Depending on how much physical memory your system has, the effectiveness of increasing the working set quotas is limited.
      PGFLQUOTA Since DECwindows is memory intensive, any virtual address space that cannot be allocated in physical memory must be allocated in the paging file. The recommended value for PGFLQUOTA is at least 25000.

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