HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Using DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS

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Appendix D
System Messages

This appendix describes messages that might appear when you are starting a session, working with Session Manager, or running applications on remote systems.

Many of the messages appear in dialog boxes with an OK button. Click on the OK button to make the dialog box and the message disappear before you proceed.

For each message, the text of the message appears in italic and is followed by an explanation of why the message occurred and, where applicable, what you should do to correct the problem.

An item in a message that appears in single quotation marks (for example, 'filename') represents an item that varies in different occurrences of the message.

DECwindows applications run as one or more VMS processes or subprocesses. Some system messages report insufficient process quotas. Process quotas determine the number or size of system resources that you and your processes are authorized to use. This information is stored in your entry in the User Authorization File (UAF). Some DECwindows messages described in this appendix report operations that cannot complete because a process quota has been exceeded. For example, your subprocess quota (PRCLM) determines the maximum number of applications you can run simultaneously. For information on increasing your process quotas, see the VMS Authorize Utility Manual or consult with your system manager.

Client is not authorized to access server
Context: Running an application on a remote system
Explanation: You are trying to run an application on a system on which you are not an authorized user.
Remedy: Authorize yourself to run applications on the other system by following the procedure outlined in Chapter 12. Be sure that the node name you provide in Session Manager's Security options dialog box represents a real node and not a cluster alias. Also note that each node, both source and destination, must be defined in each other's network node database. For example, to display applications on node HUBBUB from ZEPHYR, HUBBUB must be entered in ZEPHYR's network node database, and ZEPHYR must be defined in HUBBUB's network node database.

Decw-e-cnxabort, connection aborted
Context: Running an application on a remote system
Explanation: While you tried to run a program from DCL, the server on the other end of the line aborted, or the network link was broken.
Remedy: Wait for the connection to be reestablished before you try to run the program again.

Error opening system defaults file. Using factory defaults.
Context: Using Session Manager
Explanation: There were problems reading both local and system default resource files. There should always be a set of system resource files in the directory pointed to by the logical name DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS. If these files have been deleted or damaged, Session Manager uses its own defaults.
Remedy: Examine the system resource files and determine why Session Manager cannot access them.

Error writing resource file
Context: Using Session Manager

Note that this message is followed by the resource file name.
Explanation: Session Manager could not save the Customize settings.
Remedy: Use the DCL command DIRECTORY/FULL to check the version limits on files in your SYS$LOGIN directory and ensure that there are no problems accessing this directory. This error might also be related to disk quotas set up by your system manager.

Problem report
Context: Starting a session

Note that a VMS error message is displayed below this DECwindows message.
Explanation: Your attempt to log in was unsuccessful for the reason stated in the VMS error message. The most likely VMS error messages to occur with this message are as follows:

  • Licensing---Logging in through Session Manager counts as one licensed login. If you have logged in to your workstation through the DCL command SET HOST, you might have exceeded the limit of logged-in users as specified by your VMS license. To log in through Session Manager, log out of one of your other terminal sessions so that the limit of the VMS license is not exceeded.
  • User authorization failure---The user name or password you entered does not match an authorized user for this system. You might have made a typing mistake. Try entering your user name and password again. If you are not logged in, see your system manager.

For explanations of other possible VMS error messages, see the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual.

Appendix E
DECwindows X Windows System Resources

Most DECwindows applications provide dialog boxes that contain options for customizing your DECwindows environment and saving your settings. For example, using Session Manager's Options menu, you can look at many predefined settings, then choose and save new settings.

However, all applications do not provide dialog boxes for changing and saving settings. For example, some applications let you change and save the size or location of the application's main window, and others do not. To change and save settings that are not available from dialog boxes, you can specify resources in a DECW$XDEFAULTS.DAT file.


Use extreme caution when modifying resources for the following reasons:
  • Options dialog boxes cannot be used to change settings that are specified in the DECW$XDEFAULTS.DAT file.
  • In future DECwindows releases, application dialog boxes might contain the options you have added to your Xdefaults file. You will have to modify your DECW$XDEFAULTS.DAT file to reflect these changes.
  • Error handling for resources is not available in this version of DECwindows. Syntax errors in resource files might cause DECwindows to fail, without providing error messages.

To use resources to change application settings, create a file (DECW$XDEFAULTS.DAT) in the directory specified by the logical name DECW$USER_DEFAULTS. In this file, specify the resources for the application settings you want to change.

Note that each resource specification in the DECW$XDEFAULTS.DAT file follows explicit syntax rules. For more information about the resource syntax, see VMS DECwindows Guide to Xlib (Release 4) Programming: MIT C Binding or X Window System.

This appendix contains resource information for the following DECwindows applications:

  • Bookreader
  • Calculator
  • Calendar
  • Cardfiler
  • CDA Viewer
  • Clock
  • DECterm
  • FileView
  • LinkWorks Manager
  • Mail
  • Motif Window Manager

For more information about using resources to change DECwindows settings, see the OSF/Motif Programmer's Guide.


Class Names

BookreaderLibrary Specifies resources for the library window (that is, the window that displays libraries, bookshelves, and book titles).

BookreaderNavigation Specifies resources for the Navigation window (that is, the window that displays the table of contents and the index).

BookreaderTopic Specifies resources for the Topic window (that is, the window that displays topic information).

Additional Information

For this version of DECwindows, Bookreader does not use options dialog boxes to save resources. You can specify them in your resource files.


! Note! in all cases, .mm_width  and .mm_height are specified in
! millimeters.
! also, .x_offset and .y_offset specifies the relative placement of
! subsequent instances of the same type of window.
! Library window resources
BookreaderLibrary.x:               3
BookreaderLibrary.y:               25
BookreaderLibrary.mm_width:           98
BookreaderLibrary.mm_height:          100
! start iconified.
BookreaderLibrary.initialState:      3
! specifies which if any shelves should be opened at application startup
! valid values are:  none, first, all
BookreaderLibrary.shelf_to_open_on_startup:  first
! Navigation window resources
BookreaderNavigation.x:           3
BookreaderNavigation.y:           80
BookreaderNavigation.mm_width:        101
BookreaderNavigation.mm_height:       145
BookreaderNavigation.x_offset:          0
BookreaderNavigation.y_offset:          35
! Topic window resources
BookreaderTopic.x:                 408
BookreaderTopic.y:                 75
BookreaderTopic.mm_width:             159
BookreaderTopic.mm_height:            178
BookreaderTopic.x_offset:             35
BookreaderTopic.y_offset:             35
! max_default_topic dimensions specify the largest size that Bookreader
! will use for a topic window, by default
BookreaderTopic.max_default_topic_width:    765
BookreaderTopic.max_default_topic_height:   645
! .show_hot_spots specifies whether Bookreader has hot-spot highlighting
! turned on by default.  this resources corresponds to the 'show hot spots'
! option in the view menu of the topic window.
! similarly, .show_extensions specifies extension highlighting
! valid values are: true, false
BookreaderTopic.show_hot_spots:          false
BookreaderTopic.show_extensions:         true


Class Name


Additional Information

Calculator automatically saves x, y, width, height, and initial window state. Do not specify these resources in your resource file.




Class Name


Additional Information

Calendar stores height, width, x and y, and initial window state in the Calendar data file. These are saved when you save other customizations. Calendar will ignore these resources if they are specified in resource files.

A number of calendar-specific color resources are mentioned in DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS:DECW$CALENDAR.DAT.




Class Name

Cardfiler The index window of the cardfiler.

CardfilerCard The card window of cardfiler.

Additional Information

Cardfiler automatically saves x, y, width, height, and initial window state. Do not specify these resources in your resource file.



CDA Viewer

Class Name


Additional Information

For this version of DECwindows, CDA Viewer does not use options dialog boxes to save resources. You can specify them in your resource files.


Class Name


Additional Information

Clock automatically saves x, y, width, height, and initial window state. Do not specify these resources in your resource file.




Class Names


Resource Names


Specifies the font used for the "big" font set. The default is -*-Terminal-*-*-*--18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*.


Specifies the width of the logical display in columns. The default is 80.


Specifies that the condensed font should be used. The default is to display the normal font (Off).


Specifies which font is used. Specify 1 for little and 0 for big. The default is 1.


Specifies the font used for the "little" font set. The default is -*-Terminal-*-*-*--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*.


Specifies the height of the logical display in rows. The default is 24.


Specifies the number of lines scrolled before DECterm synchronizes with the server. This number limits the rate of scrolling. The higher the number, the faster DECterm scrolls. The default is 10.




Class Names


Additional Information

FileView and Session Manager save options settings and window positions in a private profile file. You can use options dialog boxes to change menu names and menu contents.

FileView and Session Manager do not ship an application Xdefaults file.

LinkWorks Manager

Class Name


Additional Information

LinkWorks Manager has a primary main window (the Environment window) and secondary windows (LinkBase windows). LinkWorks Manager automatically saves x, y, width, height, and initial window state for the Environment window. Do not specify these resources in your resource file.


Class Names

Mail Anything to do with the main window

MailSend Anything to do with the send window

MailRead Anything to do with the read window

Additional Information

Mail saves x, y, width, height, foreground, background, and initial window state automatically or through options dialog boxes. Do not specify these resources in your resource file.


! These are the font specifictions for the SVN interface in Mail
! Level 0 will be the drawer name fonts; level 1 the folders; and
! level 2 the messages.
Mail*svnArea*DXmfontListDefault:       -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-IS
Mail*svnArea*DXmfontListLevel0:        -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-IS
Mail*svnArea*DXmfontListLevel1:        -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-IS
Mail*svnArea*DXmfontListLevel2:        -Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*

! Pane main window fonts
! This is the messages font
Mail*messageArea*DXmfontListLevel0:     -Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-
! This is the folder/drawer name font
Mail*Item.fontList:                     -*-Menu-Medium-R-Normal--*-120-*-*-P-*-I
! Read window fonts
MailRead*readWindow*envelopeText.fontList:              -Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-
MailRead*readWindow*messageText.fontList:               -Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-
! Send window fonts
! This is the font for any text area you can enter (subject, to etc)
MailSend*sendWindow*workArea*XmText.fontList:   -Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--
! This is the font for any remaining areas in the send window like labels.
MailSend*sendWindow*workArea.fontList:          -Adobe-Courier-Medium-R-Normal--

Motif Window Manager

The kit includes the default Motif Window Manager resource files for customizing the appearance and behavior of the Window Manager. The resource files are the following:

  • Color resource files
    These files are located in the DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS directory. The file DECW$MWM.DAT contains the Window Manager resources. The DECW$MWM_BW.DAT and DECW$MWM_GRAY.DAT files contain the resources for monochrome and gray-scale displays.
  • Default configuration file
    The kit also includes the default configuration file, which includes the definitions of the Window Manager menus as well as key and button bindings.
    The file is in the DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS directory and is called DECW$MWM_RC.DAT.
    If you make a private copy of the configuration file, you must modify the Mwm*configFile resource in the Mwm resource file to point to the new file specification.

Mwm first searches the DECW$USER_DEFAULTS directory for the DECW$MWM.DAT file and then searches the DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS directory for the DECW$MWM.DAT file for the Mwm resource file.

For monochrome and gray-scale monitors, Mwm overrides the color resources defined in DECW$MWM.DAT with those defined in DECW$MWM_BW.DAT and DECW$MWM_GRAY.DAT for any color-related sources.

A resource that is defined in the Xdefaults file overrides any resource defined in the DECW$MWM.DAT file.

For new resources as defined in the Mwm file to take effect, you must select Restart from the Workspace menu to restart the Window Manager. For new resources that are defined in the Xdefaults file, you must restart the session by exiting the Session Manager and logging in again. You should place all the Mwm resources in the Mwm resource file rather than in the Xdefaults file.

The Motif virtual bindings are virtual button and key bindings that link buttons or keys to X Window events. The Motif bindings file is DECW$USER_DEFAULTS:DECW$MOTIFBIND.DAT.

The default bitmap directory DECW$USER_DEFAULTS is used when searching for icon images. You can define DECW$USER_DEFAULTS by specifying the Mwm*bitmapDirectory resource.



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