Specifies the text that appears below the left end of the middle scale
subwidget. The default is "Black". Access is CSG.
This resource is used in the HLS mixer if the default color mixer
subwidget is used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears below the left end of the bottom scale
subwidget. The default is "Blue". Access is CSG.
This resource is used in the RGB mixer if the default color mixer
subwidget is used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
The number of visible items in the browser's color list. You can set
this resource only at widget creation time. Each visible item requires
that the color mix widget allocate its own color cell. The default is
5. Access is CG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears as the fourth item in the color model
option menu. The default text is "Browser". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
The color model currently being used. The values for this resource are
as follows:
Color Model |
Value |
When Default |
Color Picker
Color systems
Not used as default
Monochrome systems
Not used as default
Gray scale systems
Applications should set this resource before the widget is managed (if
at all), and allow users to switch color models by using the option
menu. Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text of the Cooler arrow button. The default text is
"Cooler". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text of the Darker arrow button. The default text is
"Darker". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
The label used to represent the earthtones palette in the picker
spectrum option menu. The default text is "Earthtones".
Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears below the right end of the bottom scale
subwidget. The default is "Full". Access is CSG.
This resource is used in the HLS mixer if the default color mixer
subwidget is used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears below the left of the bottom scale
subwidget. The default is "Gray". Access is CSG.
This resource is used in the HLS mixer if the default color mixer
subwidget is used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears below the left end of the middle scale
subwidget. The default is "Green". Access is CSG.
This resource is used in the RGB mixer if the default color mixer
subwidget is used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears as the bottom item in the color model
option menu. The default text is "Grayscale". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
A Boolean resource that, when True, specifies that the greyscale mixing
color model is to be the default on greyscale systems. The default is
True. Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears as the second item in the color model
option menu. The default is "HLS". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears to the left of the top scale subwidget.
The default is "Hue:". Access is CSG.
This resource is used in the HLS mixer if the default color mixer
subwidget is used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
The number of interpolator tiles used. (The color mixing widget must
allocate a color cell for each interpolator tile.) You can set this
resource only at widget creation time. The default is 10. Access is CG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
The height of each interpolator tile, in pixels. The default is 30.
Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
The width of each interpolator tile, in pixels. The default is 30.
Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears centered above the interpolator widget.
The default text is "Interpolator". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text of the Lighter arrow button. The default text is
"Lighter". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears to the left of the bottom scale
subwidget. The default is "Lightness:". Access is CSG.
This resource is used in the HLS mixer if the default color mixer
subwidget is used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
The percentage by which to increase or decrease the lightness of the
color of each interpolator tile when the lighter or darker buttons are
pressed. The default is 5. Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears inside the color model option menu
subwidget. The default is "Color Model:". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
The label used to represent the pastels palette in the picker spectrum
option menu. The default text is "Pastels". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
A palette of ten colors that will be available through the user palette
menu option. If not specified, no user palette will appear in the menu;
otherwise, the user palette will become the default picker palette. You
can set this resource only at widget creation time. Access is CG.
Note that the first item in the array is the red value of the first
spectrum tile, the second item is its green value, the third item is
its blue value, the fourth item is the second tile's red value, and so
on. Thus, this array must contain thirty elements if it is set.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears as the top item in the color model
option menu. The default text is "Picker". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
The height of each individual spectrum tile, in pixels. The default is
30. Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
The width of each individual spectrum tile, in pixels. The default is
30. Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears centered above the picker widget. The
default text is "Spectrum". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears below the left end of the top scale
subwidget. The default is "Red". Access is CSG.
This resource is used in the RGB mixer if the default color mixer
subwidget is used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears as the third item in the color model
option menu. The default is "RGB". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears to the left of the middle scale
subwidget. The default is "Saturation:". Access is CSG.
This resource is used in the HLS mixer if the default color mixer
subwidget is used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears above the left end of the top scale
subwidget. The default is "Percentage". Access is CSG.
This resource is used in the RGB mixer if the default color mixer
subwidget is used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text of the Smear push button. The default text is
"Smear". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
The label used to represent the "rainbow" palette in the
picker spectrum option menu. The default text is "Spectrum".
Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text of the Undo push button. The default text is
"Undo". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
The label used to represent the application-defined user palette in the
spectrum option menu. The default text is "User palette".
Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears above the column of text subwidgets.
The default is "Value". Access is CSG.
This resource is used in the RGB mixer if the default color mixer
subwidget is used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
The label used to represent the vivids palette in the picker spectrum
option menu. The default text is "Vivids". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text of the Warmer arrow button. The default text is
"Warmer". Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
The amount of red or blue added to the color of each interpolator tile
when the warmer or cooler buttons are pressed. The default is 5000.
Access is CSG.
This resource is valid only if the default color mixer subwidget is
used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Specifies the text that appears below the right end of the middle scale
subwidget. The default is "White". Access is CSG.
This resource is used in the HLS mixer if the default color mixer
subwidget is used; otherwise, the resource is ignored.
Resource Exceptions The following resources inherited from
XmBulletinBoard are supported differently: