HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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DECwindows Extensions to Motif

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 DECwindows Xlib Extensions for OpenVMS Systems
Chapter 2 DECwindows Toolkit Extensions
Chapter 3 DECwindows Extensions to UIL
Appendix A UIL Built-In Tables
Appendix B OpenVMS DECwTermPort Routine
Appendix C SVN and Compound String Text Widget Translations


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 DECwindows Xlib Extensions for OpenVMS Systems
    Command 1     XSelectAsyncEvent
    Command 2     XSelectAsyncInput
Chapter 2
2 DECwindows Toolkit Extensions
     2.1     DECwindows Resource and Routine Extensions
         2.1.1         DXmNautoUnrealize Resource
         2.1.2         DXmNfitToScreenPolicy Resource
         2.1.3         DXmNlayoutDirection Resource
                DXmNlayoutDirection in DECwindows Extensions to Motif
                DXmNlayoutDirection in DECwindows Motif
         2.1.4         XmStringDirectionCreate Routine
     2.2     DECwindows Toolkit Routines
    Command 3     DXmActivateWidget
    Command 4     DXmChildren
    Command 5     DXmColorMixGetNewColor
    Command 6     DXmColorMixSetNewColor
    Command 7     DXmCreateColorMix
    Command 8     DXmCreateColorMixDialog
    Command 9     DXmCreateCSText
    Command 10     DXmCreateCursor
    Command 11     DXmCreateHelpDialog
    Command 12     DXmCreatePrintBox
    Command 13     DXmCreatePrintDialog
    Command 14     DXmCreateScrolledCSText
    Command 15     DXmCreateSvn
    Command 16     DXmCSContainsStringCharSet
    Command 17     DXmCSTextClearSelection
    Command 18     DXmCSTextCopy
    Command 19     DXmCSTextCut
    Command 20     DXmCSTextDisableRedisplay
    Command 21     DXmCSTextEnableRedisplay
    Command 22     DXmCSTextGetEditable
    Command 23     DXmCSTextGetInsertionPosition
    Command 24     DXmCSTextGetLastPosition
    Command 25     DXmCSTextGetMaxLength
    Command 26     DXmCSTextGetSelection
    Command 27     DXmCSTextGetSelectionInfo
    Command 28     DXmCSTextGetString
    Command 29     DXmCSTextGetTopPosition
    Command 30     DXmCSTextHasSelection
    Command 31     DXmCSTextHorizontalScroll
    Command 32     DXmCSTextInsert
    Command 33     DXmCSTextNumLines
    Command 34     DXmCSTextPaste
    Command 35     DXmCSTextPosToXY
    Command 36     DXmCSTextRemove
    Command 37     DXmCSTextReplace
    Command 38     DXmCSTextSetAddMode
    Command 39     DXmCSTextSetEditable
    Command 40     DXmCSTextSetHighlight
    Command 41     DXmCSTextSetInsertionPosition
    Command 42     DXmCSTextSetMaxLength
    Command 43     DXmCSTextSetSelection
    Command 44     DXmCSTextSetString
    Command 45     DXmCSTextSetTopPosition
    Command 46     DXmCSTextShowPosition
    Command 47     DXmCSTextVerticalScroll
    Command 48     DXmCSTextXYToPos
    Command 49     DXmCvtCStoDDIF
    Command 50     DXmCvtCStoFC
    Command 51     DXmCvtCStoOS
    Command 52     DXmCvtDDIFtoCS
    Command 53     DXmCvtFCtoCS
    Command 54     DXmCvtOStoCS
    Command 55     DXmDescToNull
    Command 56     DXmDisplayCSMessage
    Command 57     DXmDisplayVMSMessage
    Command 58     DXmFindFontFallback
    Command 59     DXmFormSpaceButtonsEqually
    Command 60     DXmGetLocaleString
    Command 61     DXmHelpOnContext
    Command 62     DXmHelpSystemClose
    Command 63     DXmHelpSystemDisplay
    Command 64     DXmHelpSystemOpen
    Command 65     DXmInitialize
    Command 66     DXmLoadQueryFont
    Command 67     DXmNumChildren
    Command 68     DXmPrintWgtAugmentList
    Command 69     DXmPrintWgtPrintJob
    Command 70     DXmSvnAddEntries
    Command 71     DXmSvnAutoScrollCheck
    Command 72     DXmSvnAutoScrollDisplay
    Command 73     DXmSvnClearHighlight
    Command 74     DXmSvnClearHighlighting
    Command 75     DXmSvnClearSelection
    Command 76     DXmSvnClearSelections
    Command 77     DXmSvnDeleteEntries
    Command 78     DXmSvnDisableDisplay
    Command 79     DXmSvnEnableDisplay
    Command 80     DXmSvnFlushEntry
    Command 81     DXmSvnGetComponentNumber
    Command 82     DXmSvnGetComponentTag
    Command 83     DXmSvnGetComponentText
    Command 84     DXmSvnGetComponentWidth
    Command 85     DXmSvnGetDisplayed
    Command 86     DXmSvnGetEntryLevel
    Command 87     DXmSvnGetEntryNumber
    Command 88     DXmSvnGetEntryPosition
    Command 89     DXmSvnGetEntrySensitivity
    Command 90     DXmSvnGetEntryTag
    Command 91     DXmSvnGetHighlighted
    Command 92     DXmSvnGetNumDisplayed
    Command 93     DXmSvnGetNumHighlighted
    Command 94     DXmSvnGetNumSelections
    Command 95     DXmSvnGetPrimaryWorkWidget
    Command 96     DXmSvnGetSecondaryWorkWidget
    Command 97     DXmSvnGetSelections
    Command 98     DXmSvnGetTreePosition
    Command 99     DXmSvnHideHighlighting
    Command 100     DXmSvnHideSelections
    Command 101     DXmSvnHighlightAll
    Command 102     DXmSvnHighlightEntry
    Command 103     DXmSvnInsertComponent
    Command 104     DXmSvnInvalidateEntry
    Command 105     DXmSvnMapPosition
    Command 106     DXmSvnPositionDisplay
    Command 107     DXmSvnRemoveComponent
    Command 108     DXmSvnSelectAll
    Command 109     DXmSvnSelectComponent
    Command 110     DXmSvnSelectEntry
    Command 111     DXmSvnSetApplDragging
    Command 112     DXmSvnSetComponentHidden
    Command 113     DXmSvnSetComponentPixmap
    Command 114     DXmSvnSetComponentTag
    Command 115     DXmSvnSetComponentText
    Command 116     DXmSvnSetComponentWidget
    Command 117     DXmSvnSetComponentWidth
    Command 118     DXmSvnSetEntry
    Command 119     DXmSvnSetEntryIndexWindow
    Command 120     DXmSvnSetEntryNumComponents
    Command 121     DXmSvnSetEntryPosition
    Command 122     DXmSvnSetEntrySensitivity
    Command 123     DXmSvnSetEntryTag
    Command 124     DXmSvnSetTreePosition
    Command 125     DXmSvnShowHighlighting
    Command 126     DXmSvnShowSelections
    Command 127     DXmSvnValidateAll

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