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DECwindows Extensions to Motif
Callback Field Descriptions
Callback Reasons
DescriptionThe DXmCreateHelpDialog routine creates a help widget that includes its own dialog box. The help widget is a modeless widget that enables the application to display appropriate user assistance information in response to a user request. When the user requests help, the help widget displays an initial help topic, then gives the user the ability to view additional help topics.Geometry Management The help widget does not support children. Resizing The help widget sizes itself at creation, based on XmNrows and XmNcols. DXmCreatePrintBox
Creates the print widget without a dialog box.Widget Class Hierarchy
Core Resource Set Format
Return ValueThe identifier (widget ID) of the created print widget. Arguments
DescriptionThe DXmCreatePrintBox routine uses the same arguments and resources as the DXmCreatePrintDialog routine to create a print widget, but does not include a dialog box. Refer to the DXmCreatePrintDialog routine for a complete description. DXmCreatePrintDialog
Creates the print widget with a dialog box.Widget Class Hierarchy
Core Resource Set Format
Return ValueThe identifier (widget ID) of the created print widget. Arguments
1No data type specification is output. Access is CSG. DXmNdefaultPrinterAn XmString that allows you to specify a default printer. If you do not specify a default printer, SYS$PRINT is the default choice on OpenVMS systems. The PRINTER environment variable determines the default on UNIX systems. For Windows NT systems, LPT1: is the default. Access is CSG.DXmNdeleteFileA Boolean value that controls whether the file is deleted after it is printed. When True, the file is deleted. When False, the file is not deleted. The default is False. The user must have delete access to the file to delete it. Access is CSG.DXmNdoubleSpacingA Boolean value that controls the state of double-spacing. When True, double-spacing is turned on. When False, double-spacing is turned off. The default is False. Access is CSG.DXmNfileBurstSheetAn integer value that allows you to control whether there will be a File Burst Sheet for your print job and how frequently it appears. The possible values are as follows.
The default is DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG. DXmNfileEndSheetAn integer value that allows you to control whether there will be a File End Sheet for your print job and how frequently it is printed. The possible values are as follows:
The default is DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG. DXmNfileNameCountThe number of files specified in the DXmNfileNameList resource, expressed as an integer value. The default is 0. Access is CSG.DXmNfileNameListAn XmStringTable that enables the print widget to use the files specified by this resource to make assumptions about the print format of the files to be printed. If you set the DXmNfileNameList resource, you must also set the value of the DXmNfileNameCount resource. The default is Null. Access is CSG.DXmNfileStartSheetAn integer value that allows you to control whether there will be a File Start Sheet for your print job and how frequently it is printed. The possible values are as follows:
The default is DXmFILE_SHEET_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG. DXmNheaderA Boolean value that controls whether to print the header. When True, the header is printed. When False, the header is not printed. The default is False. Access is CSG.DXmNholdJobA Boolean value that controls whether the print job will finish without further manual intervention. If this resource is True, the print job is held in the print queue servicing the printer until it is manually released by queue management operations. The default is False. Access is CSG.DXmNinputTrayAn integer value that allows you to specify the input tray holding the medium to be used for the print job. The possible values for DXmNinputTray are as follows:
The default is DXmINPUT_TRAY_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG. DXmNjobNameA pointer to an XmString that identifies the print job name. If no job name is specified, the job name is derived from the name of the first file being printed. The default is Null. Access is CSG.DXmNlayupDefinitionOn OpenVMS systems, an XmString that allows you to enter a module name contained in the LPS$LAYUP:x.LUP library. This module, in conjunction with the DXmNnumberUp resource, controls how the image is deposited on the medium. The default is Null. Access is CSG.DXmNmessageLogAn integer value that allows you to specify what is to be done with error messages that are created in the course of printing. The possible values for DXmNmessageLog are as follows:
The default is DXmMESSAGE_LOG_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG. DXmNnotifyA Boolean value that determines whether the user is notified when the file is printed. When True, the user is notified. When False, the user is not notified. The default is True. Access is CSG.DXmNnumberCopiesAn integer value that determines the number of copies of the file to print. The allowable range is from 1 to 255 copies. The default is 0 (which means to use the system default). Access is CSG.DXmNnumberUpAn integer value in the range of 0--100 that specifies how many logical images are to be printed on one side of a page. The default is 0 (one logical image, without any adjustments to how the image is deposited on the medium). Access is CSG.DXmNoperatorMessageAn XmString that allows you to enter a text field to be displayed on the operator's console when the job first starts printing. DXmNoperatorMessage can be used to pass messages to the operator concerning the handling of the printed output. The default is Null. Access is CSG.DXmNoptionsDialogTitleSpecifies the title for the secondary dialog box that lists additional print options. The default is "Print: Options". Access is CSG.DXmNorientationAn integer value that determines the paper orientation (on printers that support this feature). The possible values for orientation are as follows:
The default is DXmORIENTATION_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG. DXmNoutputTrayAn integer value that allows you to specify the output tray in which the medium is to be placed after the sheet is printed. The possible values for DXmNoutputTray are as follows:
The default is DXmOUTPUT_TRAY_DEFAULT, or 0. Access is CSG. DXmNpageRangeFromA pointer to an XmString that identifies the starting page of the file to print. The DXmNpageRangeFrom and DXmNpageRangeTo resources allow you to enter a range of pages to be printed if you chose not to print a file in its entirety. When using this resource, note the following:
The default is Null. Access is CSG. DXmNpageRangeToA pointer to an XmString that identifies the last page of the file to print. The DXmNpageRangeFrom and DXmNpageRangeTo resources allow you to enter a range of pages to be printed if you chose not to print a file in its entirety.The DXmNpageRangeTo resource may be left blank to print to the last page of the file. The default is Null. Access is CSG. DXmNpageSizeAn integer value that determines the logical (or virtual) size of the print image. The possible values for page size are as follows:
The default is DXmSIZE_DEFAULT. Access is CSG. DXmNpassAllA Boolean value that, when True, allows all control characters to be passed to the printer. By default, the value of this resource changes when the user switches print formats. The default settings for the print formats are as follows:
1No data type specification is output. Access is CSG. DXmNprintAfterAn XmString that allows you to enter a time and date when this print job first becomes eligible to be scheduled for printing. The XmString for the time and date must be the standard OpenVMS format DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM, for example: 23-JUL-1991 17:30. For UNIX systems, see the at(1) reference page for information about date formats. The format for Windows NT is MM/DD/YY HH:MM[a|p], where a is for AM and p is for PM.If this resource is not specified, the job becomes eligible for immediate print scheduling. The job also becomes eligible for immediate print scheduling if the user specifies this resource but specifies either nothing or "now" as the XmString. The default is "now". Access is CSG. DXmNprinterChoiceAn XmString that specifies the printer to use for the current print format. Applications usually use this resource to store information about a user's printer preference.If you set this resource, the XmString must exactly match one of the print widget's supported printers, including the character set. The recommended approach is to not specify this resource when the print widget is first managed. Then, once the user has selected a print format, call the XtGetValues routine to obtain the value and then XtSetArg to set DXmNprinterChoice. The print widget sets this resource as follows:
The default is Null. Access is CSG. DXmNprinterCountThe number of printers specified in the DXmNprinterList resource, expressed as an integer. If your application requires the value of this resource, call the XtGetValues routine to obtain the value.You cannot set a value for this resource. (Access is G.) The default is 0. DXmNprinterFormChoiceAn XmString that specifies the printer form to use as the default. Use this resource when you want your application to record a user's printer preference.Note that if you set this resource, the XmString must exactly match one of the operating system's supported printer forms. (Use the DXmCvtOSToCS routine to convert the string to an XmString.) Digital recommends that you do not specify this resource when the print widget is first managed. Instead, after the user has selected a printer form, call the Intrinsic routines XtGetValues to obtain the value and XtSetArg to set DXmNprinterFormChoice. The default is Null. Access is CSG. DXmNprinterFormListAn XmStringTable list of the available printer forms. If your application requires the value of this resource, call the XtGetValues routine to obtain the value.You cannot set a value for this resource. (Access is G.) The default is Null. DXmNprinterFormCountThe number of printer forms specified in the DXmNprinterFormList resource, expressed as an integer value. If your application requires the value of this resource, call the XtGetValues routine to obtain the value.You cannot set a value for this resource. (Access is G.) The default is 0. DXmNprinterListAn XmStringTable that determines the names to appear in the Printer list box. If your application requires the value of this resource, call the XtGetValues routine to obtain the value.