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Table 3-24 describes the members of the font property data structure.

Table 3-24 Font Property Data Structure Members
Member Name Contents
X$L_FNTP_NAME The string of characters that names the property
X$L_FNTP_CARD32 A 32-bit value that defines the font property

3.25 Font Data Structure

Figure 3-25 illustrates the font data structure (X$FONT_STRUCT).

Figure 3-25 Font Data Structure

Table 3-26 describes the members of the GC values data structure.

Table 3-26 GC Values Data Structure Members
Member Name Contents
X$L_GCVL_FUNCTION Defines how the server computes pixel values when the client updates a section of the screen. The following lists available functions:
Constant Description
x$C_GX_AND src AND dst
X$C_GX_XOR src XOR dst
X$C_GX_OR src OR dst
X$C_GX_NOR (NOT src) AND NOT dst
X$C_GX_EQUIV (NOT src) XOR dst
X$C_GX_NAND (NOT src) OR NOT dst
X$L_GCVL_PLANE_MASK Specifies the planes on which the server performs the bitwise computation of pixels, defined by X$L_GCVL_FUNCTION.
X$L_GCVL_FOREGROUND Specifies an index to a color map for foreground color.
X$L_GCVL_BACKGROUND Specifies an index to a color map for background color.
X$L_GCVL_LINE_WIDTH Defines the width of a line in pixels.
X$L_GCVL_LINE_STYLE Defines which sections of the line the server draws. The following line styles and the constants that specify them are available:
x$c_line_solid x$c_line_off_on_dash
X$L_GCVL_CAP_STYLE Defines how the server draws the endpoints of a path. The following cap styles and the constants that specify them are available:
x$c_cap_not_last x$c_cap_round
x$c_cap_butt x$c_cap_projecting
X$L_GCVL_JOIN_STYLE Defines how the server draws corners for wide lines. The following join styles and the constants that specify them are available:
x$c_join_mitre x$c_join_bevel
X$L_GCVL_FILL_STYLE Specifies the contents of the source for line, text, and fill operations. The following fill styles and the constants that specify them are available:
x$c_fill_solid x$c_fill_opaque_stippled
x$c_fill_tiled x$c_fill_stippled
X$L_GCVL_FILL_RULE Defines what pixels the server draws along a path when a polygon is filled. The two available choices are x$c_even_odd_rule and x$c_winding_rule.
X$L_GCVL_ARC_MODE Controls how the server fills an arc. The available choices are specified by the constants x$c_arc_pie_slice and x$c_arc_chord.
X$L_GCVL_TILE Specifies the pixmap the server uses for tiling operations.
X$L_GCVL_STIPPLE Specifies the pixmap the server uses for stipple operations.
X$L_GCVL_TS_X_ORIGIN Defines the origin for tiling and stipple operations.
X$L_GCVL_TS_Y_ORIGIN Defines the origin for tiling and stipple operations.
X$L_GCVL_FONT Specifies the font that the server uses for text operations.
X$L_GCVL_SUBWINDOW_MODE Specifies whether inferior windows clip superior windows. The constant x$c_clip_by_children specifies that all viewable input-output children clip both source and destination windows. The constant x$c_include_inferiors specifies that inferior windows clip neither source nor destination windows.
X$L_GCVL_GRAPHICS_EXPOSURES Specifies whether the server informs the client when the contents of a window region are lost.
X$L_GCVL_CLIP_X_ORIGIN Defines the x-coordinate of the clip origin.
X$L_GCVL_CLIP_Y_ORIGIN Defines the y-coordinate of the clip origin.
X$L_GCVL_CLIP_MASK Identifies the pixmap the server uses to restrict write operations to the destination that is drawable.
X$L_GCVL_DASH_OFFSET Specifies the pixel within the dash length sequence, defined by X$T_GCVL_DASHES.
X$T_GCVL_DASHES Specifies the length, in number of pixels, of each dash.

3.26.1 GC Mask

Table 3-27 lists the predefined values for the graphics context (GC) bit masks and their meaning.

Table 3-27 GC Mask Bits
OpenVMS Predefined Bit Value Meaning When Set
X$M_GC_FUNCTION Change the function member
X$M_GC_PLANE_MASK Change the plane mask member
X$M_GC_FOREGROUND Change the foreground member
X$M_GC_BACKGROUND Change the background member
X$M_GC_LINE_WIDTH Change the line width member
X$M_GC_LINE_STYLE Change the line style member
X$M_GC_CAP_STYLE Change the cap, endpoint, style member
X$M_GC_JOIN_STYLE Change the join style member
X$M_GC_FILL_STYLE Change the fill style member
X$M_GC_FILL_RULE Change the fill rule member
X$M_GC_ARC_MODE Change the arc fill mode
X$M_GC_TILE Change the tile pixmap identifier
X$M_GC_STIPPLE Change the stipple pixmap identifier
X$M_GC_TILE_STIP_X_ORIGIN Change the x-coordinate for a tile/stipple origin
X$M_TILE_STIP_Y_ORIGIN Change the y-coordinate for a tile/stipple origin
X$M_GC_FONT Change the font identifier
X$M_GC_SUBWINDOW_MODE Change the subwindow mode member
X$M_GC_GRAPHICS_EXPOSURE Change the graphics exposure flag
X$M_GC_CLIP_X_ORIGIN Change the x-coordinate for a clip origin
X$M_GC_CLIP_Y_ORIGIN Change the y-coordinate for a clip origin
X$M_GC_CLIP_MASK Change clip mask pixmap identifier
X$M_GC_DASH_OFFSET Change the dash offset member
X$M_GC_DASH_LIST Change the dash list member

3.27 Graphics Expose Event Data Structure

Figure 3-27 illustrates the graphics expose event data structure (X$GRAPH_EXPOSE_EVENT).

Figure 3-27 Graphics Expose Event Data Structure

Table 3-29 describes the members of the gravity event data structure.

Table 3-29 Gravity Event Data Structure Members
Member Name Contents
X$L_GVEV_TYPE Value defined by the x$c_gravity_notify constant.
X$L_GVEV_SERIAL Number of the last request processed by the server.
X$L_GVEV_SEND_EVENT Value defined by the constant true if the event came from a SEND EVENT request.
X$A_GVEV_DISPLAY Display on which the event occurred.
X$L_GVEV_EVENT Event window.
X$L_GVEV_WINDOW Child window that has moved.
X$L_GVEV_X The x value of the coordinates that define the upper left corner of the window relative to the upper left corner of the parent window.
X$L_GVEV_Y The y value of the coordinates that define the upper left corner of the window relative to the upper left corner of the parent window.

3.29 Host Address Data Structure

Figure 3-29 illustrates the host address data structure (X$HOST_ADDRESS).

Figure 3-29 Host Address Data Structure

Table 3-31 describes the members of the icon size data structure.

Table 3-31 Icon Size Data Structure Members
Member Name Contents
X$L_ICSZ_MIN_WIDTH, X$L_ICSZ_MIN_HEIGHT The minimum size for an icon window.
X$L_ICSZ_MAX_WIDTH, X$L_ICSZ_MAX_HEIGHT The maximum size for an icon window.
X$L_ICSZ_WIDTH_INC, X$L_ICSZ_HEIGHT_INC Specifies increments that can be added to a base width and height.

3.31 Image Data Structure

Figure 3-31 illustrates the image data structure (X$IMAGE).

Figure 3-31 Image Data Structure

Table 3-33 describes the members of the key event data structure.

Table 3-33 Key Event Data Structure Members
Member Name Contents
X$L_KYEV_TYPE Value defined by either the x$c_key_press or the x$c_key_release constant.
X$L_KYEV_SERIAL Number of the last event processed by the server.
X$L_KYEV_SEND_EVENT Value defined by the constant true if the event came from a SEND EVENT request.
X$A_KYEV_DISPLAY Display on which the event occurred.
X$L_KYEV_WINDOW Event window.
X$L_KYEV_ROOT Root window on which the event occurred.
X$L_KYEV_SUBWINDOW Source window of the event.
X$L_KYEV_TIME Time in milliseconds at which the key event occurred.
X$L_KYEV_X The x value of the pointer coordinates in the source window.
X$L_KYEV_Y The y value of the pointer coordinates in the source window.
X$L_KYEV_X_ROOT The x value of the pointer coordinates relative to the root window.
X$L_KYEV_Y_ROOT The y value of the pointer coordinates relative to the root window.
X$L_KYEV_STATE State of the key just prior to the key event. Xlib can set this member to the bitwise OR of the following states:
x$m_shift x$m_lock
x$m_control x$m_mod1
x$m_mod2 x$m_mod3
x$m_mod4 x$m_mod5
X$L_KYEV_KEYCODE An arbitrary but unique representation of the key that generated the event.
X$L_KYEV_SAME_SCREEN Indicates whether the event window is on the same screen as the root window.

3.33 Keyboard Control Data Structure

Figure 3-33 illustrates the keyboard control data structure (X$KEYBOARD_CONTROL).

Figure 3-33 Keyboard Control Data Structure

Table 3-35 describes the members of the keyboard state data structure.

Table 3-35 Keyboard State Data Structure Members
Member Name Contents
X$L_KBDS_KEY_CLICK_PERCENT The key click percent value.
X$L_KBDS_BELL_PERCENT The base volume for the bell.
X$L_KBDS_BELL_PITCH The bell pitch.
X$L_KBDS_BELL_DURATION The bell duration.
X$L_KBDS_LED_MASK The least significant bit corresponds to LED 1, and each one bit indicates an LED that is lit.
X$L_KBDS_GLOBAL_AUTO_REPEAT Global auto-repeat can be set either on or off.
X$B_KBDS_AUTO_REPEATS A bit vector where each one bit indicates that autorepeat is enabled for the corresponding key.

3.35 Keymap Event Data Structure

Figure 3-35 illustrates the keymap event data structure (X$KEYMAP_EVENT).

Figure 3-35 Keymap Event Data Structure

Table 3-37 describes the members of the map event data structure.

Table 3-37 Map Event Data Structure Members
Member Name Contents
X$L_MPEV_TYPE Value defined by the x$c_map_notify constant.
X$L_MPEV_SERIAL Number of the last request processed by the server.
X$L_MPEV_SEND_EVENT Value defined by the constant true if the event came from a SEND EVENT request.
X$A_MPEV_DISPLAY Display on which the event occurred.
X$L_MPEV_EVENT Event window.
X$L_MPEV_WINDOW Window that has been mapped.
X$L_MPEV_OVERRIDE_REDIRECT If the value of this member is defined by the constant true, the window manager should disregard requests to map the window. When true, it overrides a substructure redirect on the parent.

3.37 Map Request Event Data Structure

Figure 3-37 illustrates the map request event data structure (X$MAP_REQUEST_EVENT).

Figure 3-37 Map Request Event Data Structure

Table 3-39 describes the members of the mapping event data structure.

Table 3-39 Mapping Event Data Structure Members
Member Name Contents
X$L_MPPG_TYPE Value defined by the x$c_mapping_notify constant.
X$L_MPPG_SERIAL Number of the last request processed by the server.
X$L_MPPG_SEND_EVENT Value defined by the constant true if the event came from a SEND EVENT request.
X$A_MPPG_DISPLAY Display on which the event occurred.
X$L_MPPG_WINDOW Unused member.
X$L_MPPG_REQUEST The type of mapping change being reported. Possible values are indicated by the following constants:
X$L_MPPG_FIRST_KEYCODE First number of the range of altered keys, set only if the request member has a value specified by the constant x$c_mapping_keyboard.
X$L_MPPG_COUNT Last number of the range of altered keys, set only if the request member has a value specified by the constant x$c_mapping_keyboard.

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