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VMS DECwindows Guide to Xlib (Release 4) Programming: MIT C Binding

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6.6.2 Copying Areas of Windows and Pixmaps

Xlib includes the COPY AREA and COPY PLANE routines to enable clients to copy a rectangular area defined on one window or pixmap (the source) to an area of another window or pixmap (the destination). COPY AREA copies areas between drawables of the same root and depth. COPY PLANE copies a single bit plane of the specified drawable to another drawable, regardless of their depths. The bit plane is treated as a stipple with a fill style of FillOpaqueStippled. Both drawables must have the same root window.

The server refers to the following members of the GC data structure when copying areas and planes:

Function Plane mask
Clip x origin Clip y origin
Subwindow mode Clip mask
Graphics exposures  

If the client calls the COPY PLANE routine, the server additionally refers to the foreground and background members.

6.7 Defining Regions

A region is an arbitrarily defined area within which graphics drawing is clipped. In other words, clipping regions are portions of either windows or pixmaps in which clients can restrict output. As Chapter 4 notes, the SET CLIP MASK, SET CLIP ORIGIN, and SET CLIP RECTANGLES routines define clipping regions. Xlib provides other, more convenient, routines that enable clients to define regions and associate them with drawables without having to change graphics context values directly.

This section describes how to create and manage clipping using Xlib region routines.

6.7.1 Creating Regions

Xlib includes the CREATE REGION and POLYGON REGION routines for creating regions. CREATE REGION creates an empty region. POLYGON REGION creates a region defined by an array of points.

Example 6-7 illustrates using POLYGON REGION to create a star-shaped region. Using the DRAW ARCS routine of Example 6-4, the program limits arc drawing to the star region.

Example 6-7 Defining a Region Using the POLYGON REGION Routine

/***** Create the graphics context *****/
static void doCreateGraphicsContext( )
    XPoint pt_arr[NUM_PTS];
    XGCValues xgcv;

(1)  pt_arr[0].x = 75;
    pt_arr[0].y = 500;
    pt_arr[1].x = 300;
    pt_arr[1].y = 100;
    pt_arr[2].x = 525;
    pt_arr[2].y = 500;
    pt_arr[3].x = 50;
    pt_arr[3].y = 225;
    pt_arr[4].x = 575;
    pt_arr[4].y = 225;
    pt_arr[5].x = 75;
    pt_arr[5].y = 500;

    /* Create graphics context. */

    xgcv.foreground = doDefineColor(2);
    xgcv.background = doDefineColor(3);

    gc = XCreateGC(dpy, win, GCForeground | GCBackground, &xgcv);
(2)  star_region = XPolygonRegion(&pt_arr, NUM_PTS, WindingRule);
/***** Handle events *****/
static void doHandleEvents( )
    XEvent event;

    for ( ; ; ) {
        XNextEvent(dpy, &event);
        switch (event.type) {
            case Expose:                doExpose(&event); break;
            case ButtonPress:           doButtonPress(&event); break;

/***** Write a message *****/
static void doExpose(eventP)
XEvent *eventP;
    char message1[ ] = {"To create arcs in a region, click MB1"};
    char message2[ ] = {"Each click creates a new circle of arcs."};
    char message3[ ] = {"To exit, click MB2"};

    XDrawImageString(dpy, win, gc, 150, 25, message1, strlen(message1));
    XDrawImageString(dpy, win, gc, 150, 50, message2, strlen(message2));
    XDrawImageString(dpy, win, gc, 150, 75, message3, strlen(message3));

/***** Draw the arcs *****/
static void doButtonPress(eventP)
XEvent *eventP;
#define ARC_CNT 16
#define RADIUS 50
#define INNER_RADIUS  20
    XArc arc_arr[ARC_CNT];
    int i;
    int x = eventP->xbutton.x;
    int y = eventP->xbutton.y;

    if (eventP->xbutton.button == Button2) sys$exit (1);

(3)  XSetRegion(dpy, gc, star_region);
    for (i=0;i<ARC_CNT;i++) {
        arc_arr[i].angle1 = (64*360)/ARC_CNT * i;
        arc_arr[i].angle2 = (64*360)/ARC_CNT*3;
        arc_arr[i].width = RADIUS*2;
        arc_arr[i].height = RADIUS*2;
        arc_arr[i].x = x - RADIUS + sin(2*3.14159/ARC_CNT*i) * INNER_RADIUS;
        arc_arr[i].y = y - RADIUS + cos(2*3.14159/ARC_CNT*i) * INNER_RADIUS;

    XDrawArcs(dpy, win, gc, &arc_arr, ARC_CNT);
  1. Define an array of point data structures to define the clipping region.
  2. Define the clipping region. Note that defining the region does not associate it with a graphics context.
    Fill rule can be either even/odd rule or winding rule. For more information about fill rule, see Chapter 4.
  3. Associate the region with a graphics context. The association sets fields in the specified GC data structure that control clipping. Drawables that refer to the GC data structure have output clipped to the region.

Figure 6-8 illustrates sample output from the program.

Figure 6-8 Arcs Drawn Within a Region

6.7.2 Managing Regions

Xlib includes routines that enable clients to do the following:
  • Move and shrink a region
  • Compute the intersection, union, and results of two regions
  • Determine if regions are empty or equal
  • Locate a point or rectangle within a region

Table 6-5 lists and describes Xlib routines that manage regions.

Table 6-5 Routines for Managing Regions
Routine Description
Creating, Copying, and Destroying
CREATE REGION Creates a new empty region
SET REGION Sets the clip mask of a GC to a region
DESTROY REGION Deallocates storage associated with a specified region
Moving and Shrinking
OFFSET REGION Moves a region a specified amount
SHRINK REGION Reduces a region a specified amount
INTERSECT REGION Computes the intersection of two regions
UNION REGION Computes the union of two regions
UNION RECT WITH REGION Creates a union of a source region with a rectangle
SUBTRACT REGION Subtracts two regions
XOR REGION Calculates the difference between the union and intersection of two regions
Determining If Regions Are Empty or Equal
EMPTY REGION Determines if a region is empty
EQUAL REGION Determines if two regions have the same offset, size, and shape
Locating a Point or Rectangle Within a Region
POINT IN REGION Determines if a point is within a region
RECT IN REGION Determines if a rectangle is within a region

Example 6-8 illustrates creating a region from the intersection of two others.

Example 6-8 Defining the Intersection of Two Regions

Pixmap pixmap1, pixmap2, pixmap3;
Region region1, region2, region3;

/***** doInitialize *****/
static void doInitialize( )
    dpy = XOpenDisplay(0);

    screen = XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy);

    doCreateWindows( );

    doCreateGraphicsContext( );

    doCreatePixmap( );

    doCreateRegion( );

    doMapWindows( );
/***** Create the pixmap *****/

(1)static void doCreatePixmap( )
    pixmap1 = XCreatePixmap(dpy, win, pixWidth, pixHeight,
    pixmap2 = XCreatePixmap(dpy, win, pixWidth, pixHeight,
    pixmap3 = XCreatePixmap(dpy, win, pixWidth, pixHeight,

    /* Set the pixmap background */
    XFillRectangle(dpy, pixmap1, gc, 0, 0, pixWidth, pixHeight);
    XFillRectangle(dpy, pixmap2, gc, 0, 0, pixWidth, pixHeight);
    XFillRectangle(dpy, pixmap3, gc, 0, 0, pixWidth, pixHeight);

    /* Redefine foreground value for line drawing and text */
    XSetForeground(dpy, gc, doDefineColor(2));

    /* Draw Line into the pixmap */
    XDrawLine(dpy, pixmap1, gc, 0, 4, 0, 8);
    XDrawLine(dpy, pixmap2, gc, 4, 0, 8, 0);
    XDrawLine(dpy, pixmap3, gc, 0, 4, 0, 8);
    XDrawLine(dpy, pixmap3, gc, 4, 0, 8, 0);

/***** Create the region *****/
static void doCreateRegion( )
(2)  XPoint pt_arr_1[num_pts], pt_arr_2[num_pts];

    pt_arr_1[0].x = 200;
    pt_arr_1[0].y = 100;
    pt_arr_1[1].x = 50;
    pt_arr_1[1].y = 300;
    pt_arr_1[2].x = 200;
    pt_arr_1[2].y = 500;
    pt_arr_1[3].x = 350;
    pt_arr_1[3].y = 300;

    pt_arr_2[0].x = 400;
    pt_arr_2[0].y = 100;
    pt_arr_2[1].x = 250;
    pt_arr_2[1].y = 300;
    pt_arr_2[2].x = 400;
    pt_arr_2[2].y = 500;
    pt_arr_2[3].x = 550;
    pt_arr_2[3].y = 300;

    region1 = XPolygonRegion(pt_arr_1, num_pts, WindingRule);
    region2 = XPolygonRegion(pt_arr_2, num_pts, WindingRule);

/***** Handle events *****/
static void doHandleEvents( )
    XEvent event;

    for ( ; ; ) {
        XNextEvent(dpy, &event);
        switch (event.type) {
            case Expose:                doExpose(&event); break;
            case ButtonPress:           i++; doButtonPress(&event); break;

/***** Write a message *****/
static void doExpose(eventP)
XEvent *eventP;
    char message1[ ] = {"To map regions click MB1 three times."};
    char message2[ ] = {"To exit, click MB2."};

    XDrawImageString(dpy, win, gc, 150, 25, message1, strlen(message1));
    XDrawImageString(dpy, win, gc, 150, 50, message2, strlen(message2));
/***** Map the regions when the button is pressed *****/
static void doButtonPress(eventP)
XEvent *eventP;
    char message3[ ] = {"That's it! Click MB2 to exit."};

    if (eventP->xbutton.button == Button2) sys$exit (1);
    if (i == 1){

       /* Redefine the fill style for stippling */
(3)          XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillTiled);

        XClearWindow(dpy, win);
        XSetTile(dpy, gc, pixmap1);
(4)      XSetRegion(dpy, gc, region1);
(5)      XFillRectangle(dpy, win, gc, xOrigin, yOrigin, winW, winH);
    else if (i == 2){
(6)      XClearWindow(dpy, win);
        XSetTile(dpy, gc, pixmap2);
        XSetRegion(dpy, gc, region2);
        XFillRectangle(dpy, win, gc, xOrigin, yOrigin, winW, winH);
    else if (i == 3){
        XClearWindow(dpy, win);
(7)      region3 = XCreateRegion();
        XIntersectRegion(region1, region2, region3);
        XSetTile(dpy, gc, pixmap3);
        XSetRegion(dpy, gc, region3);
        XFillRectangle(dpy, win, gc, xOrigin, yOrigin, winW, winH);
        /* To draw text, redefine the fill style as solid */
(8)      XSetFillStyle(dpy, gc, FillSolid);
        XDrawImageString(dpy, win, gc, 150, 50, message3, strlen(message3));
  1. Pixmaps are used to tile the window with horizontal, vertical, and cross-hatched lines. For information about pixmaps, see Chapter 7.
  2. Arrays of point data structures define two regions.
  3. After writing messages in the window, the fill style defined in the GC data structure is changed to tile the window with pixmaps. The subsequent call to SET TILE defines one of the three pixmaps created earlier as the window background pixmap. For information about fill styles and tiling, see Chapter 4.
  4. The SET REGION routine specifies the clipping region in the graphics context. The region defined by pt_arr1 is first specified.
  5. FILL RECTANGLE repaints the window, filling it with the tiling pattern defined in pixmap1. Tiling is restricted to the region defined by region1.
  6. Before specifying a new tiling pattern and region, the window is cleared.
  7. CREATE REGION creates an empty region and returns an identifier, region3. Xlib returns the results of intersecting region1 and region2 to region3.
  8. Before displaying a final message in the window, the fill style is redefined to solid to enable text writing.

Figure 6-9 illustrates the output from the program.

Figure 6-9 Intersection of Two Regions

6.8 Defining Cursors

A cursor is a bit image on the screen that indicates either the movement of a pointing device or the place where text will next appear. Xlib enables clients to associate a cursor with each window they create. After making the association between cursor and window, the cursor is visible whenever it is in the window. If the cursor indicates movement of a pointing device, the movement of the cursor in the window automatically reflects the movement of the device.

Xlib and VMS DECwindows provide fonts of predefined cursors. Clients that want to create their own cursors can either define a font of shapes and masks or create cursors using pixmaps.

This section describes the following:

  • Creating cursors using the Xlib cursor font, a font of shapes and masks, and pixmaps
  • Associating cursors with windows
  • Managing cursors
  • Freeing memory allocated to cursors when clients no longer need them

6.8.1 Creating Cursors

Xlib enables clients to use predefined cursors or to create their own cursors. To create a predefined Xlib cursor, use the CREATE FONT CURSOR routine. Xlib cursors are predefined in DECW$INCLUDE:CURSORFONT.H. See the X and Motif Quick Reference Guide for a list of the constants that refer to the predefined Xlib cursors.

The following example creates a sailboat cursor, one of the predefined Xlib cursors, and associates the cursor with a window:

Cursor fontcursor;

fontcursor = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_sailboat);
XDefineCursor(dpy, win, fontcursor);

The DEFINE CURSOR routine makes the sailboat cursor automatically visible when the pointer is in window win.

In addition to the standard Xlib cursors, VMS DECwindows provides another set of cursors. VMS DECwindows cursors are predefined in SYS$LIBRARY:DECW$CURSOR.H. Table 6-6 lists the constants that refer to the predefined VMS DECwindows cursors.

Table 6-6 Predefined VMS DECwindows Cursors
decw$c_select_cursor decw$c_leftselect_cursor
decw$c_help_select_cursor decw$c_wait_cursor
decw$c_inactive_cursor decw$c_resize_cursor
decw$c_vpane_cursor decw$c_hpane_cursor
decw$c_text_insertion_cursor decw$c_text_insertion_bl_cursor
decw$c_cross_hair_cursor decw$c_draw_cursor
decw$c_pencil_cursor decw$c_rpencil_cursor
decw$c_center_cursor decw$c_rightselect_cursor
decw$c_wselect_cursor decw$c_eselect_cursor
decw$c_x_cursor decw$c_circle_cursor
decw$c_mouse_cursor decw$c_lpencil_cursor
decw$c_leftgrab_cursor decw$c_grabhand_cursor
decw$c_rightgrab_cursor decw$c_leftpointing_cursor
decw$c_uppointing_cursor decw$c_rightpointing_cursor

To create a predefined VMS DECwindows cursor, use the CREATE GLYPH CURSOR routine. CREATE GLYPH CURSOR selects a cursor shape and cursor mask from the VMS DECwindows cursor font, defines how the cursor appears on the screen, and assigns a unique cursor identifier. The following example illustrates creating the select cursor and associating the cursor with a window:

Font cursorfont
Cursor glyphcursor;
XColor forecolor, backcolor;
cursorfont = XLoadFont(dpy, "decw$cursor");
XSetFont(dpy, gc, cursorfont);

glyphcursor = XCreateGlyphCursor(dpy, cursorfont, cursorfont,
     decw$c_select_cursor, decw$c_select_cursor + 1,
     &forecolor, &backcolor);
XDefineCursor(dpy, win, glyphcursor);

To create client-defined cursors, either create a font of cursor shapes or define cursors using pixmaps. In each case, the cursor consists of the following components:

  • Shape---Defines the cursor as it appears without modification in a window
  • Mask---Acts as a clip mask to define how the cursor actually appears in a window
  • Background color---Specifies RGB values used for the cursor background
  • Foreground color---Specifies RGB values used for the cursor foreground
  • Hotspot---Defines the position on the cursor that reflects movements of the pointing device

Figure 6-10 illustrates the relationship between the cursor shape and the cursor mask. The cursor shape defines the cursor as it would appear on the screen without modification. The cursor mask bits that are set to 1 select which bits of the cursor shape are actually displayed. If the mask bit has a value of 1, the corresponding shape bit is displayed whether it has a value of 1 or 0. If the mask bit has a value of 0, the corresponding shape bit is not displayed.

In the resulting cursor shape, bits with a 0 value are displayed in the specified background color; bits with a 1 value are displayed in the specified foreground color.

Figure 6-10 Cursor Shape and Cursor Mask

To create a client-defined cursor from a font of glyphs, use the CREATE GLYPH CURSOR routine, specifying the cursor and mask fonts that contain the glyphs. To create a cursor from pixmaps, use the CREATE PIXMAP CURSOR routine. The pixmaps must have a depth of one. If the depth is not one, the server generates an error.

The size of the pixmap cursor must be supported by the display on which the cursor is visible. To determine the supported size closest to the size the client specifies, use the QUERY BEST CURSOR routine. Example 6-9 illustrates creating a pencil pointer cursor from two pixmaps.

Example 6-9 Creating a Pixmap Cursor

#include <decw$include/Xlib.h>
#include <decw$include/Xutil.h>

#define winW 600
#define winH 600
#define pencil_width 16
#define pencil_height 16
#define pencil_xhot 1
#define pencil_yhot 15

Display *dpy;
Window win;
Pixmap pixmap, pencil;
Pixmap pencil_mask;
Cursor pencil_cursor;
static char pencil_bits[] = {
   0x0000, 0x0070, 0x0000, 0x0088, 0x0000, 0x008C, 0x0000, 0x0096,
   0x0000, 0x0069, 0x0080, 0x0030, 0x0040, 0x0010, 0x0020, 0x0008,
   0x0010, 0x0004, 0x0008, 0x0002, 0x0008, 0x0001, 0x0094, 0x0000,
   0x0064, 0x0000, 0x001E, 0x0000, 0x0006, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000};

static char pencil_mask_bits[] = {
   0x00, 0xF8, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xC0, 0x7F,
   0xE0, 0x3F, 0xF0, 0x1F, 0xF8, 0x0F, 0xFC, 0x07, 0xFC, 0x03, 0xFE, 0x01,
   0xFE, 0x00, 0x7F, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00};
/***** Create the cursor *****/
static void doCreateCursor( )
    XColor dummy, cursor_foreground, cursor_background;

     /*Create pixmaps for cursor */
(1)  pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, XDefaultRootWindow(dpy), 1, 1, 1);

(2)  XLookupColor(dpy, XDefaultColormapOfScreen(screen), "black",
        &dummy, &cursor_foreground);
    XLookupColor(dpy, XDefaultColormapOfScreen(screen), "white",
        &dummy, &cursor_background);
(3)  pencil = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(dpy, pixmap, pencil_bits,
        pencil_width, pencil_height, 1, 0, 1);
    pencil_mask = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(dpy, pixmap, pencil_mask_bits,
        pencil_width, pencil_height, 1, 0, 1);

(4)  pencil_cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(dpy, pencil, pencil_mask,
        &cursor_foreground, &cursor_background, pencil_xhot, pencil_yhot);
    XDefineCursor(dpy, win, pencil_cursor);

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