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VMS DECwindows Guide to Xlib (Release 4) Programming: VAX Binding

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Chapter 8
Writing Text

This chapter describes writing text using Xlib. The chapter includes the following topics:

  • Characters and fonts---A description of the composition of characters and types of fonts and their components
  • Specifying fonts---How to load a font and associate it with a graphics context
  • Getting information about fonts---How to get information about fonts and text
  • Freeing font resources---How to free memory associated with fonts
  • Computing text size---How to determine the size of text
  • Drawing text---How to write text on the screen
  • Using fonts efficiently---How to speed up font searches and other hints

VMS DECwindows provides a font compiler to enable programmers to convert ASCII files into binary form. For a guide to using the font compiler, see Appendix A.

8.1 Characters and Fonts

The smallest unit of text the server displays on a screen is a character. Pixels that form a character are enclosed within a bounding box that defines the number of pixels the server turns on or off to represent the character on the screen. For example, Figure 8-1 illustrates the bounding box that encloses the character y.

The server turns each pixel within the bounding box either on or off, depending on the character. Consequently, bounding box size affects performance. Larger bounding boxes require more server time to process than do smaller boxes.

The character is positioned relative to the baseline and the character origin. The baseline is logically viewed as the x-axis that runs just below nondescending characters. The character origin is a point along the baseline. The left bearing of the character is the distance from the origin to the left edge of the bounding box; the right bearing is the distance from the origin to the right edge. Ascent and descent measure the distance from the baseline to the top and bottom of the bounding box, respectively. Character width is the distance from the origin to the next character origin ( x+ width , y ).

Figure 8-1 Composition of a Character

Figure 8-2 illustrates that the bounding box of a character can extend beyond the character origin. The bounding box of the slash extends one pixel to the left of the origin of the slash, giving the character a left bearing of -1 . The slash is also unusual because its bounding box extends to the right of the next character. The width of the slash, measured from origin to origin, is 5; the right bearing, measured from origin to the right edge of the bounding box, is 6.

Figure 8-2 Composition of a Slash

The left bearing, right bearing, ascent, descent, and width of a character are its character metrics. Xlib maintains information about character metrics in a char struct data structure. Figure 8-3 illustrates the data structure.

Figure 8-3 Char Struct Data Structure

Table 8-2 describes members of the data structure.

Table 8-2 Char 2B Data Structure Members
Member Name Contents
X$T_CHAR2B_BYTE1 Row in which the character is indexed
X$T_CHAR2B_BYTE2 Position of the character in the row

Xlib provides clients a font struct data structure to record the characteristics of single-row and multiple-row fonts. Figure 8-7 illustrates the font struct data structure.

Figure 8-7 Font Struct Data Structure

N is equal to the last column minus the first column plus 1.

For example, the array index of the character specified in Figure 8-9 is 443. Figure 8-9 Indexing Multiple-Row Font Character Metrics

Like windows, fonts may have properties associated with them. However, font properties differ from window properties. Window properties are data associated with windows; font properties describe font characteristics, such as spacing between words. When the font is compiled, its properties are defined in an array of font prop data structures. Just as atoms name window properties, atoms name font properties. If the atoms are predefined, they have associated literals. For example, the predefined atom that identifies the height of capitalized letters is referred to by the literal X$C_XA_CAP_HEIGHT. When working with properties, clients must know beforehand how to interpret the font property identified by an atom. Figure 8-10 illustrates this concept. The server maintains an atom table for font properties. The table associates values with strings. For example, the atom table illustrated in Figure 8-10 defines two atoms. One associates the string FULL_NAME with the value 41. The other associates the string CAP_HEIGHT with the value 42. Notice that the string in the atom table is different from X$C_XA_FULL_NAME, the literal that refers to the atom. Both atoms uniquely identify different types of data. FULL_NAME identifies string data that names the font. CAP_HEIGHT identifies integer data that defines the size of capitalized letters. Although the atoms identify different types of data, the property table illustrated in Figure 8-10 associates both atoms with integers. The integer associated with CAP_HEIGHT defines without further interpretation the height of capitalized letters. However, the integer listed with FULL_NAME is an atom value. This integer, 90, corresponds to a value in the atom table that has an associated string, HELVETICA BOLD. To use the string, the client must know that the value associated with the atom is itself an atom value. Figure 8-10 Atoms and Font Properties Xlib lists each font property and its corresponding atom in a font prop data structure. The property value table in Figure 8-10 is an array of font prop data structures. Figure 8-11 illustrates the font prop data structure. Figure 8-11 Font Prop Data Structure

5643xfont_prop_pic.tex 0

Table 8-4 describes members of the data structure.

Table 8-4 Font Prop Data Structure Members
Member Name Contents
X$L_FNTP_NAME String of characters that names the property
X$L_FNTP_CARD32 A 32-bit value that defines the font property

8.2 Specifying Fonts

To specify a font for writing text, first load the font and then associate the loaded font with a graphics context. The font files are stored in:


Appendix C lists VMS DECwindows font names.

To load a font, use either the LOAD FONT or the LOAD QUERY FONT routine. LOAD FONT loads the specified font and returns a font identifier. LOAD QUERY FONT loads the specified font and returns information about the font to a font struct data structure.

Because LOAD QUERY FONT returns information to a font struct data structure, calling the routine takes significantly longer than calling LOAD FONT, which returns only the font identifier.

When using either routine, pass the display identifier and font name. Xlib font names consist of the following fields, in left-to-right order:

  1. Foundry that supplied the font, or the font designer
  2. Typeface family of the font
  3. Weight (Book, Demi, Medium, Bold, Light)
  4. Slant (R (roman), I (italic), O (oblique))
  5. Width per horizontal unit of the font (Normal, Wide, Double Wide, Narrow)
  6. Additional style font identifier
  7. Pixel font size
  8. Point size (80, 100, 120, 140, 180, 240) in decipoints (for example, 120 means 12.0 points)
  9. X resolution in pixels (dots) per inch
  10. Y resolution in pixels (dots) per inch
  11. Spacing (M (monospaced), P (proportional), or C (character cell))
  12. Average width of all characters in the font in decipixels
  13. Character set registry
  14. Character set encoding

For more information about font names, see the X Logical Font Description (XLFD) in the X Window System.

The full XLFD name of a representative font is as follows:

-Adobe-ITC Avant Garde Gothic-Book-R-Normal--14-100-100-100-P-80-ISO8859-1

The font foundry is Adobe. The font family is ITC Avant Garde Gothic. Font weight is Book, font slant is R (roman), and width between font units is Normal.

The pixel size is 14 and the decipoint size is 100. (The actual point size is 10.)

Horizontal and vertical resolution in dots per inch (dpi) is 100. When the dpi is 100, 14 pixels are required to be a 10-point font.

The font is proportionally spaced. Average width of characters is 80 decipixels. Character encoding is ISO Latin-1.

The following designates the full XLFD name of the comparable font designed for a 75 dpi monitor:

-Adobe-ITC Avant Garde Gothic-Book-R-Normal--10-100-75-75-P-59-ISO8859-1

Unlike the previous font, this font requires only 10 pixels to be 10 points. Note that this font differs from the previous font only in pixel size, resolution, and average character width.

Xlib enables clients to substitute a question mark for a single character and an asterisk (*) for one or more fields in a font name. The following illustrates using the asterisk to specify a 10-point ITC Avant Garde Gothic font of book weight, roman style, and normal spacing for display on either 75 or 100 dpi monitors:

-Adobe-ITC Avant Garde Gothic-Book-R-Normal--*-100-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1

See Section 8.7 for more information about using asterisks in font names.

The following example illustrates loading the 10-point font:

       1    /'-Adobe-ITC Avant Garde Gothic-Book-R-Normal--*-100-*-*-P-*-ISO8859-1'/


After loading a font, associate it with a graphics context by calling the SET FONT routine. Specify the font identifier that either LOAD FONT or LOAD QUERY FONT returned and a graphics context, as in the following example:


The call associates FONT with GC.

When loading fonts, note that the LOAD FONT routine is an asychronous routine and does not return an error if the call is unsuccessful. Use one of the following three methods to determine the validity of the font id:

  • Force the error by calling the SYNC routine and using an error handler. (For more information about this method, refer to Section 9.13.3.)
  • Check that the font exists by calling the LIST FONTS routine, and load the font by calling the LOAD FONT routine.
  • Use the LOAD QUERY FONT routine. LOAD QUERY FONT is a synchronous routine that loads the font, returns a pointer to a font struct data structure, and checks that the call is successful. However, note that because LOAD QUERY FONT returns information to a font struct data structure, calling the routine takes significantly longer than calling LOAD FONT, which returns only the font identifier.

8.3 Getting Information About a Font

Xlib provides clients with routines that list available fonts, get font information with or without character metrics, and return the value of a specified font property.

To get a list of available fonts, use the LIST FONTS routine, specifying the font searched for.

LIST FONTS returns a list of available fonts that match the specified font name.

To receive both a list of fonts and information about the fonts, use the LIST FONTS WITH INFO routine. LIST FONTS WITH INFO returns both a list of fonts that match the font specified by the client and the address of a font struct data structure for each font listed. Each data structure contains information about the font. The data structure does not include character metrics in the X$A_FSTR_PER_CHAR member. For a description of the information returned, see Table 8-3.

To receive information about a font, including character metrics, use the QUERY FONT routine. Because the server returns character metrics, calling QUERY FONT takes approximately eight times longer than calling LIST FONTS WITH INFO. To get the value of a specified property, use the GET FONT PROPERTY routine.

Although a font is not guaranteed to have any properties, it should have at least the properties described in Table 8-5. The table lists properties by atom name and data type. For information about properties, see Section 3.5.

Table 8-5 Atom Names of Font Properties
Atom Data Type Description of the Property
X$C_XA_MIN_SPACE unsigned Minimum spacing between words, in pixels.
X$C_XA_NORMAL_SPACE unsigned Normal spacing between words, in pixels.
X$C_XA_MAX_SPACE unsigned Maximum spacing between words, in pixels.
X$C_XA_END_SPACE unsigned Additional spacing at the end of a sentence, in pixels.
X$C_XA_SUPERSCRIPT_X signed With X$C_XA_SUPERSCRIPT_Y, the offset from the character origin where superscripts should begin, in pixels. If the origin is [x, y], superscripts should begin at the following coordinates:

X$C_XA_SUPERSCRIPT_Y signed With X$C_XA_SUPERSCRIPT_X, the offset from the character origin where superscripts should begin, in pixels. See the description under X$C_XA_SUPERSCRIPT_X.
X$C_XA_SUBSCRIPT_X signed With X$C_XA_SUBSCRIPT_Y, the offset from the character origin where subscripts should begin, in pixels. If the origin is [x, y], subscripts should begin at the following coordinates:

X$C_XA_SUBSCRIPT_Y signed With X$C_XA_SUBSCRIPT_X, the offset from the character origin where subscripts should begin, in pixels. See the description under X$C_XA_SUBSCRIPT_X.
X$C_XA_UNDERLINE_POSITION signed The y offset from the baseline to the top of an underline, in pixels. If the baseline y-coordinate is y, then the top of the underline is at y + X$C_XA_UNDERLINE_POSITION.
X$C_XA_UNDERLINE_THICKNESS unsigned Thickness of the underline, in pixels.
X$C_XA_STRIKEOUT_ASCENT signed With X$C_XA_STRIKEOUT_DESCENT, the vertical extent for boxing or voiding characters, in pixels. If the baseline y-coordinate is y, the top of the strikeout box is y - X$C_XA_STRIKEOUT_ASCENT. The height of the box is as follows:

X$C_XA_STRIKEOUT_DESCENT signed With X$C_XA_STRIKEOUT_ASCENT, the vertical extent for boxing or voiding characters, in pixels. See the description under X$C_XA_STRIKEOUT_ASCENT.
X$C_XA_ITALIC_ANGLE signed The angle of the dominant staffs of characters in the font, in degrees scaled by 64, relative to the 3 o'clock position from the character origin. Positive values indicate counterclockwise motion.
X$C_XA_X_HEIGHT signed One ex, as in TeX, but expressed in units of pixels. Often the height of lowercase x.
X$C_XA_QUAD_WIDTH signed One em, as in TeX, but expressed in units of pixels. Often the width of the digits 0 to 9.
X$C_XA_CAP_HEIGHT signed The y offset from the baseline to the top of capital letters, ignoring ascents. If the baseline y-coordinate is y, the top of the capitals is at y - X$C_XA_CAP_HEIGHT.
X$C_XA_WEIGHT unsigned Weight or boldness of the font, expressed as a value between 0 and 1000.
X$C_XA_POINT_SIZE unsigned Point size of the font at ideal resolution, expressed in 1/10 points.
X$C_XA_RESOLUTION unsigned Number of pixels per point, expressed in 1/100, at which the font was created.
X$C_XA_COPYRIGHT unsigned Copyright date of the font.
X$C_XA_NOTICE unsigned Copyright date of the font name.
X$C_XA_FONT_NAME atom Font name. For example: -Adobe-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal--10-100-75-75-P-60-ISO8859-1
X$C_XA_FAMILY_NAME atom Name of the font family. For example: Helvetica
X$C_XA_FULL_NAME atom Full name of the font. For example: Helvetica Bold

8.4 Freeing Font Resources

Because allocating fonts requires large amounts of memory, it is important to deallocate these resources when the client no longer needs them. Table 8-6 lists complimentary font routines and the result when the deallocating routine is called.

Table 8-6 Complimentary Font Routines
Allocating Routine Deallocating Routine Result
LOAD FONT UNLOAD FONT Deletes the association between the font resource ID and the specified font and unloads it from server memory
LOAD QUERY FONT FREE FONT Unloads and frees the storage used by the font structure
  UNLOAD FONT Unloads the font from server memory

Note that because the routines LIST FONTS and LIST FONT WITH INFO return the font information via a single descriptor, the deallocating routine FREE FONT NAMES is not needed.

8.5 Computing the Size of Text

Use the TEXT WIDTH and TEXT WIDTH 16 routines to compute the width of 8-bit and 2-byte strings, respectively. The routines return the sum of the width of each character in the specified string. To compute the bounding box of a specified 8-bit string, use either the TEXT EXTENTS or QUERY TEXT EXTENTS routine. Both TEXT EXTENTS and QUERY TEXT EXTENTS return the direction hint, ascent, descent, and overall size of the character string being queried.

TEXT EXTENTS passes to Xlib the font struct data structure returned by a previous call to either LOAD QUERY FONT or QUERY FONT. QUERY TEXT EXTENTS queries the server for font information, which the server returns to a font struct data structure. Because Xlib can process TEXT EXTENTS locally, without querying the server for font metrics, calling TEXT EXTENTS is significantly faster than calling QUERY TEXT EXTENTS.

To compute the bounding boxes of a specified 2-byte string, use either the TEXT EXTENTS 16 or the QUERY TEXT EXTENTS 16 routine. Both routines return information identical to information returned by TEXT EXTENTS and QUERY TEXT EXTENTS. As with TEXT EXTENTS, calling TEXT EXTENTS 16 is significantly faster than calling QUERY TEXT EXTENTS 16 because Xlib can process the call without making the round-trip to the server.

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