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VMS DECwindows Transport Manual

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3.2.1 XTPB Data Structure

When the transport layer is initialized, the transport-common code creates a global transport parameter block (XTPB) data structure that contains default parameters. The default parameters are inherited by every network-specific transport that is subsequently attached. The attached transport can override the defaults.

Three levels of XTPB data structures are eventually built:

  • A global XTPB data structure
  • A transport-specific XTPB data structure
  • A connection-specific XTPB data structure

The contents of the global XTPB data structure are copied to the transport-specific XTPB data structure when a transport is attached, and from the transport-specific XTPB data structure to a connection-specific XTPB data structure when a connection is established. The server and Xlib can override this inheritance of XTPB parameter values. After an XTPB has been created, changes to its parent's values do not change its values.

All XTPB data structures are allocated from memory pages that have user-mode read access/executive-mode write access (UREW) to protect them from modification by any less privileged access mode.

The XTPB data structure is shown in Figure 3-9.

Figure 3-9 XTPB Data Structure

Table 3-7 shows the contents of the IXTCC data structure.

Table 3-7 IXTCC Data Structure
Field Use
IXTCC$A_FLINK Forward, absolute pointer to the next IXTCC in the XTDB's queue of IXTCCs.
IXTCC$A_BLINK Backward, absolute pointer to the previous IXTCC in the XTDB's queue of IXTCCs.
IXTCC$W_SIZE Length of IXTCC in bytes.
IXTCC$B_TYPE Constant 255.
IXTCC$A_TCQ Address of XTCQ used by this connection.
IXTCC$A_TPB Address of XTPB private to this connection.
IXTCC$A_TDB Address of XTDB that owns this connection.
IXTCC$A_TCC Address of XTCC associated with this connection.
IXTCC$A_BUFFER_REGION Range of addresses for communication buffers.
IXTCC$L_ICI Internal connection identifier. IXTCC$L_ICI is a protected copy of XTCC$L_ICI.
IXTCC$A_IW_QUEUE Address of input work queue in the XTCQ. For clients this is the event work queue; for servers this is the request work queue.
IXTCC$A_IFS_QUEUE Address of the small XTCB input free queue in the XTCQ.
IXTCC$A_IFL_QUEUE Address of the large XTCB input free queue in the XTCQ.
IXTCC$A_OW_QUEUE Address of the output work queue in the XTCQ. For clients this is the request work queue; for servers this is the event work queue.
IXTCC$A_OFS_QUEUE Address of the small XTCB output free queue in the XTCQ.
IXTCC$A_OFL_QUEUE Address of the large XTCB output free queue in the XTCQ.
IXTCC$A_TCQ_FLAGS Address of the flags longword in the XTCQ.
IXTCC$L_IWQ_FLAG Bit position of the input work queue notification request flag in the flags longword in the XTCQ.
IXTCC$L_IFSQ_FLAG Bit position of the small XTCB input free queue notification request flag.
IXTCC$L_IFLQ_FLAG Bit position of the large XTCB input free queue notification request flag.
IXTCC$L_OWQ_FLAG Bit position of the output work queue notification request flag.
IXTCC$L_OFSQ_FLAG Bit position of the small XTCB output free queue interest flag.
IXTCC$L_OFLQ_FLAG Bit position of the large XTCB output free queue interest flag.
Pad Reserved for use by Digital.
IXTCC$Q_XPORT_RESERVED Quadword reserved for use by your specific transport.
IXTCC$L_DEC_RESERVED Reserved for use by Digital.
IXTCC$A_XPORT_TABLE Address of XTFT structure for this specific transport.

3.2.3 XTCC Data Structure

As described in Section 3.2.2, the transport communications context (XTCC) data structure describes an established connection. The server and Xlib use the XTCC to identify a connection when calling the DECwindows transport layer. The XTCC structure exists during the lifetime of a connection. This is a user-writable structure.

The XTCC data structure is shown in Figure 3-11.

Figure 3-11 XTCC Data Structure

Table 3-9 shows the contents of the XTCB data structure.

Table 3-9 XTCB Data Structure
Field Use
XTCB$L_RFLINK Forward, relative pointer to next XTCB in the queue.
XTCB$L_RBLINK Backward, relative pointer to previous XTCB in the queue.
XTCB$W_SIZE Length of XTCB in bytes.
XTCB$B_TYPE Constant 255.
XTCB$B_SUBTYPE Constant DECW$C_DYN_XTCB_SRP (3) or DECW$C_DYN_XTCB_LRP (4). DECW$C_DYN_XTCB_SRP represents a small XTCB; DECW$C_DYN_XTCB_LRP represents a large XTCB.
XTCB$W_IOSB IOSB for use by specific transport when performing the requested I/O operation with this XTCB.
XTCB$A_POINTER Pointer to next unused byte in data area.
XTCB$L_LENGTH Length, in bytes, of valid data in data area.
XTCB$T_DATA Start of variable-length data area.

3.2.5 XTCQ Data Structure

The transport communication queue (XTCQ) data structure contains the six per-connection communication queues and their state information. The six per-connection communication queues, which are described in more detail in Section 3.1, are as follows:

  • Event Work Queue. Identified by the XTCQ$L_EW_RFLINK and XTCQ$L_EW_RBLINK fields in the XTCQ.
  • Event Free Queue (small and large). Identified by the XTCQ$L_EFS_RFLINK, XTCQ$L_EFS_RBLINK, XTCQ$L_EFL_RFLINK, and XTCQ$L_EFL_RBLINK fields in the XTCQ.
  • Request Work Queue. Identified by the XTCQ$L_RW_RFLINK and XTCQ$L_RW_RBLINK fields in the XTCQ.
  • Request Free Queue (small and large). Identified by the XTCQ$L_RFS_RFLINK, XTCQ$L_RFS_RBLINK, XTCQ$L_RFL_RFLINK, and XTCQ$L_RFL_RBLINK fields in the XTCQ.

The XTCQ data structure exists during the lifetime of a connection and is user-modifiable.

The XTCQ data structure is shown in Figure 3-13.

Figure 3-13 XTCQ Data Structure

Table 3-11 shows the contents of the XTDB data structure.

Table 3-11 XTDB Data Structure
Field Use
XTDB$A_FLINK Forward, absolute pointer to next XTDB in queue.
XTDB$A_BLINK Backward, absolute pointer to previous XTDB in queue.
XTDB$W_SIZE Length of XTDB in bytes.
XTDB$B_TYPE Constant 255.
XTDB$L_FLAGS See the following list.
The following fields are defined within XTDB$L_FLAGS:
XTPB$V_MODE Type of transport connection. Possible values are:
XTDB$V_ACTIVE Specific transport image has been activated and is running.
XTDB$V_DYING Specific transport is aborting and no further operations should be allowed. Connections using this transport will be disconnected.
XTDB$A_TPB Address of the transport-specific XTPB.
XTDB$L_REF_COUNT Number of connections using this transport. Should be equivalent to the number of IXTCCs enqueued on the IXTCC queue header.
XTDB$Q_RESERVED Quadword reserved for use by your specific transport.
XTDB$L_DEC_RESERVED Reserved for use by Digital.
XTDB$A_ITCC_FLINK Absolute queue header for IXTCCs of connections using this transport.
XTDB$A_ITCC_BLINK Absolute queue header for IXTCCs of connections using this transport.
XTDB$A_CONNECT_ABORT Address of either the server or Xlib connection abort notification AST routine. Called with one argument: the XTCC by reference.
XTDB$A_CONNECT_REQUEST Address of the server's connection request notification AST routine. Called with one argument: the XTCC by reference.
XTDB$L_FAMILY_NAME_LEN Length of the transport name string.
XTDB$T_FAMILY_NAME Contains the transport family name string (for example, "DECNET" or "TCPIP"). The maximum size of the family name is 16 bytes, as determined by the constant XTDB$S_FAMILY_NAME. XTDB$S_FAMILY_NAME is defined in DECW$EXAMPLES:XPORTEXAMPLEDEF.R32.
XTDB$A_XPORT_TABLE Address of the XTFT structure for the specific transport. Returned as a value of the DECW$TRANSPORT_INIT routine, which is provided as a global name in every transport-specific image.

3.2.7 XTFT Data Structure

Each specific transport shareable image provides a set of transport-specific routines that are used for all connections using that transport. The transport function table (XTFT) data structure contains the addresses of these routines. During a transport attach operation, the transport-specific DECW$TRANSPORT_INIT routine initializes and returns that transport's XTFT.

The XTFT data structure exists during the lifetime of a specific transport and is accessible by the common transport. The XTFT data structure is shown in Figure 3-15.

Figure 3-15 XTFT Data Structure

Table 3-12 shows the contents of the XTFT data structure.

Table 3-12 XTFT Data Structure
Field Use
XTFT$L_REQUIRED0 Longword that must contain the value XTFT$K_REQUIRED0 (--1515870811 decimal).
XTFT$L_RESERVED0 Longword reserved for use by your specific transport.
XTFT$A_EXECUTE_WRITE Address of execute-write routine.
XTFT$A_WRITE Address of write routine.
XTFT$A_WRITE_USER Address of write-user routine.
XTFT$A_EXECUTE_FREE Address of execute-free routine.
XTFT$A_FREE_INPUT_BUFFER Address of free-input routine.
XTFT$A_CLOSE Address of close routine.
XTFT$A_OPEN Address of open routine.
XTFT$A_ATTACH_TRANSPORT Address of attach routine.
XTFT$A_RUNDOWN Address of rundown routine.
XTFT$L_XTCC_LENGTH Length, in bytes, of XTCCs used by this transport. Must be at least XTCC$W_SIZE.
XTFT$L_XTPB_LENGTH Length, in bytes, of XTPBs used by this transport. Must be at least XTPB$W_SIZE.
XTFT$L_XTDB_LENGTH Length, in bytes, of XTDBs used by this transport. Must be at least XTDB$W_SIZE.
XTFT$L_IXTCC_LENGTH Length, in bytes, of IXTCCs used by this transport. Must be at least IXTCC$W_SIZE.
XTFT$L_REQUIRED1 Longword that must contain the value XTFT$K_REQUIRED1 (--1768515946 decimal).

3.3 Transport-Common and Transport-Specific Components

As described in Section 1.2, the transport layer is separated into transport-common and transport-specific functions. The routines that support the transport-common functions have names of the form DECW$XPORT_xxx and provide the generic services needed by Xlib or the server.

Some transport-common routines only select and call the correct transport-specific routine. Other transport-common routines perform substantial processing prior or subsequent to invoking the associated transport-specific routine.

A special set of utility routines and macro definitions perform thread suspension and resumption, global section mapping and maintenance, queue maintenance, and communication between transport layer components for use by transport layer developers. See Chapter 7 for more information.

The transport-common routines call transport-specific routines that are private to a particular transport service, such as DECnet. The addresses of the transport-specific routines are contained in the XTFT data structure and, along with VMS packaging requirements, comprise the interface to which a transport developer must program.

3.3.1 Transport-Common Functions

The transport-common code performs the following functions:

  • Initializes the transport-specific layer
  • Attaches the transport-specific layer
  • Opens a connection
  • Gets and sets transport-common and per-connection attributes
  • Allocates memory
  • Reads from the input queue
  • Writes to the output queue
  • Closes a connection
  • Outputs messages for debugging
  • Provides buffer compression

Subsequent sections describe the transport-common functions. Initializing the Transport-Common Layer

The DECW$XPORT_INITIALIZE routine is called before any other DECwindows transport-common routine. Xlib and the server call the DECW$XPORT_INITIALIZE routine to initialize the transport-common code. The common transport knows whether it was called by Xlib or the server by a caller_type argument that identifies the caller as a client (DECW$K_XPORT_CLIENT) or as the server (DECW$K_XPORT_SERVER).

DECW$XPORT_INITIALIZE initializes the global XTPB data structure, from which other XTPB data structures inherit their default values. (See Section 3.2.1.)

Transports and connections that are subsequently attached or opened inherit the parameters set at initialization time unless they override them in an itmlst argument to the DECW$XPORT_INITIALIZE or DECW$XPORT_ATTACH_TRANSPORT routines. Both Xlib and the server override some of these defaults.

The DECW$XPORT_INITIALIZE routine calls a transport-common routine to load the global XTPB data structure with the attributes passed in the itmlst argument.

The itmlst argument can specify the following parameters:

  • The address of a procedure to call when an input operation is completed on the connection and input notification has been enabled
  • The address of a procedure to call when an output operation is completed on the connection and output notification has been enabled
  • The size of the data area of the large communication buffers used by transport
  • The size of the data area of the small communication buffers used by transport
  • A value to be passed to the input notification routine
  • A value to be passed to the output notification routine
  • The number of the event flag to be set for input notification
  • The number of the event flag to be set for output notification
  • The number of seconds the default waiting procedures are allowed to wait for output completion
  • The number of seconds the default waiting procedures are allowed to wait for input completion Attaching a Transport-Specific Layer

On the client side of the connection, Xlib calls DECW$XPORT_ATTACH_TRANSPORT to attach and initialize only those transports to which it wants to connect. Xlib determines the transports to attach and initialize as follows:

  • If the call to the Xlib OPEN DISPLAY routine specifies a display name, Xlib parses the display name to determine the transport to initialize.
  • If the call to the Xlib OPEN DISPLAY routine specifies a null display name, Xlib uses the result of the last SET DISPLAY command to determine the transport to initialize.

On the server side of the connection, the server must tell the common transport which specific transports to attach and initialize. The server uses the logical name DECW$SERVER_TRANSPORTS (see SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.TEMPLATE) to accomplish this.

For example, DECW$SERVER_TRANSPORTS could translate to DECNET,LOCAL,TCPIP. The server calls the common transport DECW$XPORT_ATTACH_TRANSPORT routine for each transport identified by the logical name. The transport_name argument specifies the transport, such as DECNET.

DECW$XPORT_ATTACH_TRANSPORT needs a way to associate the transport name specified in the transport_name argument with a specific transport's image. When called by either Xlib or the server, DECW$XPORT_ATTACH_TRANSPORT attempts to locate and activate an image with a name in the form SYS$SHARE:DECW$TRANSPORT_transport_name.EXE. If it does not find one, DECW$XPORT_ATTACH_TRANSPORT looks for a name in the form SYS$SHARE:DECW_TRANSPORT_transport_name.EXE.

For example, if DECW$XPORT_ATTACH_TRANSPORT could not find an image with the name SYS$SHARE:DECW$TRANSPORT_FOO.EXE, it would look for SYS$SHARE:DECW_TRANSPORT_FOO.EXE.


Transport names that contain a dollar-sign ($) character, such as SYS$SHARE:DECW$TRANSPORT_DECNET, are reserved for transport images supplied by Digital.

Transport names that do not contain a dollar-sign ($) character are reserved for third-party and customer transport images. These transport names must be in the form SYS$SHARE:DECW_TRANSPORT_transport_name.EXE.

If the image activation is successful, DECW$XPORT_ATTACH_TRANSPORT builds an XTDB, initializes the common fields, and calls the transport-specific DECW$TRANSPORT_INIT routine to complete the initialization by initializing the XTFT data structure with the addresses of the transport-specific routines.

Every transport-specific image (SYS$SHARE:DECW$TRANSPORT_transport_name.EXE or SYS$SHARE:DECW_TRANSPORT_transport_name.EXE) must provide an implementation of DECW$TRANSPORT_INIT for its initialization routine. A transfer vector to the DECW$TRANSPORT_INIT routine must be placed in the first image section of the transport-specific image.

The DECW$XPORT_ATTACH_TRANSPORT routine performs the following functions:

  • Validates the transport_name argument.
  • Checks to see if the transport-specific image is already attached.
  • Builds the transport-specific image file name.
  • Activates the transport-specific image.
  • Calls the transport-specific DECW$TRANSPORT_INIT initialization routine to get the address of the XTFT.
  • Allocates memory for XTDB and XTPB. Copies the contents of the global XTPB to the new XTPB.
  • Attaches the XTPB to the XTDB and sets the XTDB attributes from the itmlst argument.
  • Fills in the XTDB contents, such as the transport family name.
  • Enqueues the XTDB on the global XTDB queue.
  • Calls the transport-specific attach routine, XTFT$A_ATTACH_TRANSPORT, and returns the status.

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