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14.4 Zones

The run-time library heap management routines LIB$GET_VM and LIB$FREE_VM are based on the concept of zones. A zone is a logically independent memory pool or subheap that you can control as one unit. A program may use several zones to structure its heap memory management. You might use a zone to:

  • Store short-lived data structures that you can subsequently delete all at once
  • Store a program that does not reference a wide range of addresses
  • Specify a memory allocation algorithm specific to your program
  • Specify attributes, like block size and alignment, specific to your program

You create a zone with specified attributes by calling the routine LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE. LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE returns a zone identifier value that you can use in subsequent calls to the routines LIB$GET_VM and LIB$FREE_VM. When you no longer need the zone, you can delete the zone and free all the memory it controls by a single call to LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE.

The format for this routine is as follows:
LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE zone_id [,algorithm] [,algorithm_arg] [,flags] [,extend_size] [,initial_size] [,block_size] [,alignment] [,page_limit] [,smallest-block-size] [,zone-name] [,get-page] [,free-page]

For more information about LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE, refer to the OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual.

Allocating Address Space

Use the algorithm argument to specify how much space should be allocated---as a linked list of free blocks, as a set of lookaside list indexes by request size, as a set of lookaside lists for some block sizes, or as a single queue of free blocks.

Allocating Pages Within the Zone

Use the initial_size argument to allocate a specified number of pages from the zone when it is created. After zone creation, you can use LIB$GET_VM to allocate space.

Specifying the Block Size

Use the block_size argument to specify the block size in bytes.

Specifying Block Alignment

Use the alignment argument to specify the alignment for each block allocated in bytes.

Once a zone has been created and used, use LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE to delete the zone and return the pages allocated to the processwide page pool. LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE frees pages for subsequent allocation but does not delete the zone or return the pages to the processwide page pool. Use LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE to get information about a specific zone.

If you want a program to deal with each VM zone created during the invocation, including those created outside of the program, you can call LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE. At each call, LIB$FIND_VM_ZONE scans the heap management database and returns the zone identifier of the next valid zone.

LIB$SHOW_VM_ZONE returns formatted information about a specified zone, detailing such information as the zone's name, characteristics, and areas, and then passes the information to the specified or default action routine. LIB$VERIFY_VM_ZONE verifies the zone header and scans all of the queues and lists maintained in the zone header.

If you call LIB$GET_VM to allocate memory from a zone and the zone has no free memory to satisfy the request, LIB$GET_VM calls LIB$GET_VM_PAGE to allocate a block of contiguous pages for the zone. Each such block of contiguous pages is called an area. You control the number of pages in an area by specifying the area extension size attribute when you create the zone.

The systematic use of zones provides the following benefits:

  • Structuring heap memory management
    Data structures in your program may have different life spans or dynamic scopes. Some structures may continue to grow during the entire execution of your program, while others exist for a very short time and are then discarded by the program. You can create a separate zone in which you allocate a particular type of short-lived structure. When the program no longer needs any of those structures, you can delete all of them in a single operation by calling LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE.
  • Program locality
    Program locality is a characteristic of a program that indicates the distance between the references and virtual memory over a period of time. A program with a high degree of program locality does not refer to many widely scattered virtual addresses in a short period of time. Maintaining a high degree of program locality reduces the number of page faults and improves program performance.
    It is important to minimize the number of page faults to obtain best performance in a virtual memory system such as VAX and Alpha systems. For example, if your program creates and searches a symbol table, you can reduce the number of page faults incurred by the search operation by using as few pages as possible to hold all the symbol table entries. If you allocate symbol table entries and other items unrelated to the symbol table in the same zone, each page of the symbol table contains both symbol table entries and other items. Because of the extra unrelated entries, the symbol table takes up more pages than it actually needs. A search of the symbol table then accesses more pages, and performance is lower as a result. You may be able to reduce the number of page faults by creating a separate symbol table zone so that pages that contain symbol table entries do not contain any unrelated items.
  • Specialized allocation algorithms
    No single memory allocation algorithm is ideal for all applications. Section 14.6 describes the run-time library memory allocation algorithms and their performance characteristics so that you can select an appropriate algorithm for each zone that you create.
  • Performance tuning
    You can specify a number of attributes that affect performance when you create a zone. The allocation algorithm you select can have a significant effect on performance. By specifying the allocation block size, you can improve performance and reduce fragmentation within the zone at the cost of some extra memory. You can also use boundary tags to improve the speed of LIB$FREE_VM at the cost of some extra memory. Boundary tags are further discussed in Section 14.4.1.

14.4.1 Zone Attributes

You can specify a number of zone attributes when you call LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE to create the zone. The attributes that you specify are permanent; that is, you cannot change the attribute values. They remain constant until you delete the zone. Each zone that you create can have a different set of attribute values. Thus, you can tailor each zone to optimize program locality, execution time, and memory usage.

This section describes each of the zone attributes, suggested values for the attribute, and the effects of the attribute on execution time and memory usage. If you do not specify a complete set of attribute values, LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE provides defaults for many of the attributes. More detailed information about argument names and the encoding of arguments is given in the description of LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE in the OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual.

The zone attributes are as follows:

  • Allocation algorithms
    The run-time library heap management routines provide four algorithms to allocate and free memory and to manage blocks of free memory. The algorithms are listed here. (See Section 14.6 for more details.)
    • The First Fit algorithm (LIB$K_VM_FIRST_FIT) maintains a linked list of free blocks, sorted in order of increasing memory address.
    • The Quick Fit algorithm (LIB$K_VM_QUICK_FIT) maintains a set of lookaside lists indexed by request size for request sizes in a specified range. For request sizes that are not in the specified range, a First Fit list of free blocks is maintained by the heap management routines.
    • The Frequent Sizes algorithm (LIB$K_VM_FREQ_SIZES) is similar to Quick Fit in that it maintains a set of lookaside lists for some block sizes. You specify the number of lists when you create the zone; the sizes associated with those lists are determined by the actual sizes of blocks that are freed.
    • The Fixed Size algorithm (LIB$K_VM_FIXED) maintains a single queue of free blocks.
  • Boundary-tagged blocks
    You can specify the use of boundary tags (LIB$M_VM_BOUNDARY_TAGS) with any of the algorithms that handle variable-sized blocks. The algorithms that handle variable-sized blocks are First Fit, Quick Fit, and Frequent Sizes.
    If you specify boundary tags, LIB$GET_VM appends two additional longwords to each block that you allocate. LIB$FREE_VM uses these tags to speed up the process of merging adjacent free blocks on the First Fit free list. Using the standard First Fit insertion and merge, the execution time and number of page faults to free a block are proportional to the number of items on the list; freeing n blocks takes time proportional to n squared. When boundary tags are used, LIB$FREE_VM does not have to keep the free list in sorted order. This reduces the time and the number of page faults for freeing one block to a constant value that is independent of the number of free blocks. By using boundary tags, you can improve execution time at the cost of some additional memory for the tags.
    The use of boundary tags can have a significant effect on execution time if all of the following three conditions are present:
    • You are using the First Fit algorithm.
    • There are many calls to LIB$FREE_VM.
    • The free list is long.

    Boundary tags do not improve execution time if you are using Quick Fit or Frequent Sizes and if all the blocks being freed use one of the lookaside lists. Merging or searching is not done for free blocks on a lookaside list.
    The boundary tags specify the length of each block that is allocated, so you do not need to specify the length of a tagged block when you free it. This reduces the bookkeeping that your program must perform. Figure 14-2 shows the placement of boundary tags.

    Figure 14-2 Boundary Tags

    Boundary tags are not visible to the calling program. The request size you specify when calling LIB$GET_VM is the number of usable bytes your program needs. The address returned by LIB$GET_VM is the address of the first usable byte of the block, and this same address is used when you call LIB$FREE_VM.
  • Area extension size
    Pages of memory are allocated to a zone in contiguous groups called areas. By specifying area extension parameters for the zone, you can tailor the zone to achieve a satisfactory balance between locality, memory usage, and execution time for allocating pages. If you specify a large area size, you improve locality for blocks in the zone, but you may waste a large amount of virtual memory. Pages can be allocated to an area of a zone, but the memory might never be used to satisfy a LIB$GET_VM allocation request. If you specify a small area extension size, you reduce the number of pages used, but you may reduce locality and you increase the amount of overhead for area control blocks.
    You can specify two area extension size values: an initial size and an extend size. If you specify an initial area size, that number of pages is allocated to the zone when you create the zone. If you do not specify an initial size, no pages are allocated until the first call to LIB$GET_VM that references the zone. When an allocation request cannot be satisfied by blocks from the free list or from memory in any of the areas owned by the zone, a new area is added to the zone. The size of this area is the maximum of the area extend size and the current request size. The extend size does not limit the size of blocks you can allocate. If you do not specify extend size when you create the zone, a default of 16 pages is used.
    Choose a few area extension sizes, and use them throughout your program. It is also desirable to choose extension sizes that are multiples of each other. Memory for areas is allocated by calling LIB$GET_VM_PAGE. You should choose the area extension sizes in order to minimize fragmentation. Software supplied by Compaq uses extension sizes that are a power of 2.
    Also consider the overhead for area control blocks when choosing the area extension parameters. Each area control block is 64 bytes long. Table 14-1 shows the overhead for various extension sizes.

    Table 14-1 Overhead for Area Control Blocks
    Area Size (Pages) Overhead Percentage
    1 12.5%
    2 6.3%
    4 3.1%
    16 0.8%
    128 0.1%

    You can also control the way in which zones are extended by using the LIB$M_VM_EXTEND_AREA attribute. This attribute specifies that when new pages are allocated for a zone, they should be appended to an existing area if the pages are adjacent to an existing area.
  • Block size
    The block size attribute specifies the number of bytes in the basic allocation quantum for the zone.
    All allocation requests are rounded up to a multiple of the block size.
    The block size must be a power of 2 in the range of 8 to 512. Table 14-2 lists the possible block sizes.

    Table 14-2 Possible Values for the Block Size Attribute
    Block Size (Power of 2) Actual Block Size
    2 3 8
    2 4 16
    2 5 32
    2 6 64
    2 7 128
    2 8 256
    2 9 512

    By adjusting the block size, you can control the effects of internal fragmentation and external fragmentation. Internal fragmentation occurs when the request size is rounded up and more bytes are allocated than are required to satisfy the request. External fragmentation occurs when there are many small blocks on the free list, but none of them is large enough to satisfy an allocation request.
    If you do not specify a value for block size, a default of 8 bytes is used.
  • Alignment
    The alignment attribute specifies the required address boundary alignment for each block allocated. The alignment value must be a power of 2 in the range of 4 to 512.
    The block size and alignment values are closely related. If you are not using boundary-tagged blocks, the larger value of block size and alignment controls both the block size and alignment. If you are using boundary-tagged blocks, you can minimize the overhead for the boundary tags by specifying a block size of 8 and an alignment of 4 (longword alignment).
    On VAX systems, note that the VAX interlocked queue instructions require quadword alignment, so you should not specify longword alignment for blocks that will be inserted on an interlocked queue.
    If you do not specify an alignment value, a default of 8 is used (alignment on a quadword boundary).
  • Page limit
    You can specify the maximum number of pages that can be allocated to the zone. If you do not specify a limit, the only limit is the virtual address limit for the total process imposed by process quotas and system parameters.
  • Fill on allocate
    If you do not specify the allocation fill attribute, LIB$GET_VM does not initialize the contents of the blocks of memory that it supplies. The contents of the memory are unpredictable, and you must assign a value to each location your program uses.
    In many applications, it is convenient to initialize every byte of dynamically allocated memory to the value 0. You can request that LIB$GET_VM do this initialization by specifying the allocation fill attribute LIB$M_VM_GET_FILL0 when you create the zone.
    If your program does not use the allocation fill attribute, it may be very difficult to locate bugs where the program does not properly initialize dynamically allocated memory. As a debugging aid, you can request that LIB$GET_VM initialize every byte to FF (hexadecimal) by specifying the allocation fill attribute LIB$M_VM_GET_FILL1 when you create the zone.
  • Fill on free
    In complex programs using heap storage, it can be very difficult to locate bugs where the program frees a block of memory but continues to make references to that block of memory. As a debugging aid, you can request that LIB$FREE_VM write bytes containing 0 or FF (hexadecimal) into each block of memory when it is freed; specify one of the attributes LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL0 or LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL1.

14.4.2 Default Zone

The run-time library provides a default zone that is used if you do not specify a zone-id argument when you call either LIB$GET_VM or LIB$FREE_VM. The default zone provides compatibility with earlier versions of LIB$GET_VM and LIB$FREE_VM, which did not support multiple zones.

Programs that do not place heavy demands on heap storage can simply use the default zone for all heap storage allocation. They do not need to call LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE and LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE, and they can omit the zone-id argument when calling LIB$GET_VM and LIB$FREE_VM. The zone-id for the default zone has the value 0.

The default zone has the values shown in Table 14-3.

Table 14-3 Attribute Values for the Default Zone
Attribute Value
Algorithm First Fit
Area extension size 128 pages
Block size 8 bytes
Alignment Quadword boundary
Boundary tags No boundary tags
Page limit No limit
Fill on allocate No fill on allocate
Fill on free No fill on free

14.4.3 Zone Identification

A zone is a logically independent memory pool or subheap. You can create zones by calling either LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE or LIB$CREATE_USER_VM_ZONE. These routines return as an output argument a unique 32-bit zone identifier (zone-id) that is used in subsequent routine calls where a zone identification is needed.

You can specify the zone-id argument as an optional argument when you call LIB$GET_VM to allocate a block of memory. If you do specify zone-id when you allocate memory, you must specify the same zone-id value when you call LIB$FREE_VM to free the memory. LIB$FREE_VM returns an error status if you do not provide the correct value for zone-id.

Modular routines that allocate and free heap storage must use zone identifications in a consistent fashion. You can use one of several approaches in designing a set of modular routines to ensure consistency in using zone identifications:

  • Each routine that allocates or frees heap storage has a zone-id argument so the caller can specify the zone to be used.
  • The modular routine package provides ALLOCATE and FREE routines for each type of dynamically allocated object. These routines keep track of zone identifications in an implicit argument, in static storage, or in the dynamically allocated objects. The caller need not be concerned with the details of zone identifications.
  • By convention, the set of modular routines could do all allocate and free operations in the default zone.

The zone identifier for the default zone has the value 0 (see Section 14.4.2 for more information on the default zone). You can allocate and free blocks of memory in the default zone by either specifying a zone-id value of 0 or by omitting the zone-id argument when you call LIB$GET_VM and LIB$FREE_VM. You cannot use LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE or LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE on the default zone; these routines return an error status if the value for zone-id is 0.

14.4.4 Creating a Zone

The LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE routine creates a new zone and sets zone attributes according to arguments that you supply. LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE returns a zone-id value for the new zone that you use in subsequent calls to LIB$GET_VM, LIB$FREE_VM, and LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE.

14.4.5 Deleting a Zone

The LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE routine deletes a zone and returns all pages owned by the zone to the processwide page pool managed by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE. Your program must not perform any more operations on the zone after you call LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE.

It takes less execution time to free memory in a single operation by calling LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE than to account individually for and free every block of memory that was allocated by calling LIB$GET_VM. Of course, you must be sure that your program is no longer using the zone or any of the memory in the zone before you call LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE.

If you have specified deallocation filling, LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE fills all of the allocated blocks that are freed.

14.4.6 Resetting a Zone

The LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE routine frees all the blocks of memory that were previously allocated from the zone. The memory becomes available to satisfy further allocation requests for the zone; the memory is not returned to the processwide page pool managed by LIB$GET_VM_PAGE. Your program can continue to use the zone after you call LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE.

It takes less execution time to free memory in a single operation by calling LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE than to account individually for and free every block of memory that was allocated by calling LIB$GET_VM. Of course, you must be sure that your program is no longer using any of the memory in the zone before you call LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE.

If you have specified deallocation filling, LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE fills all of the allocated blocks that are freed.

Because LIB$RESET_VM_ZONE does not return any pages to the processwide page pool, you should reset a zone only if you expect to reallocate almost all of the memory that is currently owned by the zone. If the next cycle of reallocation may use much less memory, it is better to delete the zone (with LIB$DELETE_VM_ZONE) and create it again (with LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE).

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