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Table 27-9 lists all predefined time format logical names, their formats, and examples of the output generated using those formats.

Table 27-9 Predefined Output Time Formats
Time Format Logical Format Example
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_001 !H04:!M0:!S0.!C2 09:13:25.14
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_002 !H04:!M0:!S0 09:13:25
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_003 !H04.!M0.!S0 09.13.25
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_004 !H04 !M0 !S0 09 13 25
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_005 !H04:!M0 09:13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_006 !H04.!M0 09.13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_007 !H04 !M0 09 13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_008 !HH4:!M0 9:13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_009 !HH4.!M0 9.13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_010 !HH4 !M0 9 13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_011 !H02:!M0 !MIU 09:13 AM
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_013 !H04!M0 0913
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_014 !H04H!M0m 09H13m
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_015 kl !H04.!M0 kl 09.13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_016 !H04H!M0' 09H13'
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_017 !H04.!M0 h 09.13 h
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_018 h !H04.!M0 h 09.13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_019 !HH4 h !MM 9 h 13
LIB$TIME_FORMAT_020 !HH4 h !MM min !SS s 9 h 13 min 25 s Specifying Formats at Compile Time

If an application reads text from internal storage or formats text for internal storage or transmission, you should specify the language and format at compile time. The routine LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT allows the user to specify the language and format at compile time by initializing the context area used by LIB$FORMAT_DATE_TIME for output or LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING for input with specific strings, instead of through logical name translations. Note that when the text will be parsed by another program, LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT expects all required context information (including spellings) to be specified. For applications where the context specifies a user's preferred format style, the spellings can be looked up from the logical name tables.

Only one context component can be initialized per call to LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT. Table 27-10 lists the available components and their number of elements. (_ABB indicates an abbreviated version of the month and weekday names.)

Table 27-10 Available Components for Specifying Formats at Compile Time
Available Component Number of Elements

To specify the actual values for these elements, you must use an initialization string in the following format:


In this format, [-] is a delimiting character that is not in any of the strings, and [string-n] is the spelling of the nth instance of the component.

For example, a string passed to this routine to specify the English spellings of the abbreviated month names might be as follows:


The string must contain the exact number of elements for the associated component; otherwise the error LIB$_NUMELEMENTS is returned. Note that the string begins and ends with a delimiter. Thus, there is one more delimiter than the number of string elements in the initialization string. Specifying Input Format Mnemonics at Compile Time

To specify the input format mnemonics at compile time, the user must initialize the component LIB$K_FORMAT_MNEMONICS with the appropriate values. Table 27-11 lists the nine fields that must be initialized, in the appropriate order, along with their default (English) values.

Table 27-11 Legible Format Mnemonics
Order Format Field Legible Mnemonic (Default)
1 Year YYYY
2 Numeric month MM
3 Numeric day DD
4 Hours (12- or 24-hour) HH
5 Minutes MM
6 Seconds SS
7 Fractional seconds CC
8 Meridiem indicator AM/PM
9 Alphabetic month MONTH

For example, the following is a valid definition of the component LIB$K_FORMAT_MNEMONICS, using English as the natural language:


If the user were entering the same string using Austrian as the natural language, the definition of the component LIB$K_FORMAT_MNEMONICS would be as follows:

|JJJJ|MM|TT|SS|MM|SS|HH| |MONAT| Specifying Output Formats at Compile Time

To specify an output format at compile time, the user must preinitialize the component LIB$K_OUTPUT_FORMAT. Two elements are associated with this output format string. One describes the date format fields, the other the time format fields. The order in which they appear in the string determines the order in which they are output. A single space is inserted into the output stream between the two elements, if the call to LIB$FORMAT_DATE_TIME specifies that both be output. For example:


(These mnemonics are listed in Table 27-6.) This format string represents the format used by the $ASCTIM system service for outputting times. Note that the middle delimiter is replaced by a space in the resultant output.

13-JAN-1993 14:54:09:24

27.6.3 Converting with the LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING Routine

The LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING routine converts an absolute date/time string into an operating system internal format date/time quadword. You can optionally specify which fields of the input string can be defaulted (using the input-flags argument), and what the default values should be (using the defaults argument). By default, the time fields can be defaulted but the date fields cannot. Table 27-7 gives some examples of these default values.

You can use the optional defaulted-fields argument to LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING to determine which input fields were defaulted. That is, the defaulted-fields argument is a bit mask in which each set bit indicates that the corresponding field was defaulted in the input date/time string.

If you want to use LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING to return the current time as well as the current date, you can call the $NUMTIM system service and pass the timbuf argument, which contains the current date and time, to LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING as the defaults argument. This tells the LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING routine to take the default values for the date and time fields from the 7-word array returned by $NUMTIM.

LIV$CONVERT_DATE_STRING specifies 2-digit years from input by selecting the current century as the default for the century portion of the date. This is true when the !Y2 format is used. This selection may not be desirable for you since 00 would be interpreted as 1900 (and as 2000 on 1/1/2000).

A new format has been added so that you can select a new behavior for LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING. You can use the Z format in every place the Y format is used to represent years. The Z format acts exactly like the Y format except for !Z2. Using !Z2 causes LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING to interpret a 2-digit year of 99 as 1999 and a 2-digit year of 01 as 2001. The transition year is on a sliding scale determined by the current year minus 43. So if the current year is 1999, the transition year is 56. A 2-digit year greater or equal to this has a century of 1900 and a 2-digit year less than this has a century of 2000. Thus, the year 60 would be 1960 and the year 50 would be 2050. You can use the !Z2 format either in the logical LIB$DT_INPUT_FORMAT, or in the init-string parameter for a call to LIB$INIT_DATE_TIME_CONTEXT to establish the input format for LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING. Below is a list of the new Z formats:

Date Explanation
!Z4 Year; 4 digits
!Z3 Year; 3 digits
!Z2 Year; 2 digits (New behavior for the LIB$CONVERT_DATE_STRING routine)
!Z1 Year; 1 digit

27.6.4 Retrieving with LIB$GET_DATE_FORMAT Routine

The LIB$GET_DATE_FORMAT routine enables you to retrieve information about the currently selected input format. The string returned by LIB$GET_DATE_FORMAT parallels the currently defined input format string, consisting of the format punctuation (with most white space compressed) and legible mnemonics representing the various format fields.

Based on the currently defined input date/time format, LIB$GET_DATE_FORMAT returns a string comprised of the mnemonics that represent the current format. These mnemonics are listed in Table 27-11.

Table 27-12 gives some examples of input format strings and their resultant mnemonic strings (using English as the default language).

Table 27-12 Sample Input Format Strings
Sample Format String LIB$GET_DATE_FORMAT Value
!MAU !DD, !Y4 !H04:!M0:!S0:!C2 MONTH DD, YYYY4 HH:MM:SS:CC2
!MN0-!D0-!Y2 !H04:!M0:!S0.!C2 MM-DD-YYYY2 HH:MM:SS.CC2
!MN0/!D0/!Y2 !H02:!M0:!S0.!C2 !MIU MM/DD/YYYY2 HH:MM:SS.CC2 AM/PM Using User-Defined Output Formats

In addition to the 40 date output formats and 20 time output formats, users can define their own date and time output formats using the logical names LIB$DATE_FORMAT_nnn and LIB$TIME_FORMAT_nnn, where nnn ranges from 501 to 999. (That is, values of nnn from 001 to 500 are reserved for use by Compaq Computer Corporation.) The mnemonics used to define output formats are listed in Table 27-6.

User-defined output formats must be defined as executive-mode logicals, and they must be defined in the table LNM$DT_FORMAT_TABLE. These formats are normally defined from the site-specific startup command procedure. The following example illustrates the steps the system manager must use to create a particular output format using French as the language:

_$  "!WL, le !DD !MAL !Y4"
_$  "!H04 heures et !M0 minutes"

After the system manager defines the desired formats, the user can access them by using the following commands:

After completing these steps, a program outputting the date and time provides the following results:

mardi, le 20 janvier 1993 13 heures et 50 minutes

In addition to creating their own date and time formats, users can also define their own language tables (provided they have the SYSNAM, SYSPRV and CMEXEC privileges). To create a language table, a user must define all the logical names required.

The following example defines a portion of the Dutch language table. This table is included in its entirety in the set of predefined languages provided with the international date/time formatting routines.

_$  "maandag", "dinsdag", "woensdag", "donderdag", "vrijdag", -
_$  "zaterdag", "zondag"
_$  "maa", "din", "woe", "don", "vri", "zat", "zon"
_$  "februari", "maart", "april", "mei", "juni", "juli", "augustus", -
_$  "september", "oktober", "november", "december"
_$  "jan", "feb", "mrt", "apr", "mei", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", -
_$  "okt", "nov", "dec"
_$  "gisteren", "vandaag", "morgen"

All logical names that are used to build a language are as follows:


These logical names supply the names of the weekdays, spelled out in full (uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case). Weekdays must be defined in order, starting with Monday.


These logical names supply the abbreviated names of the weekdays (uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case). Weekday abbreviations must be defined in order, starting with Monday.


These logical names supply the names of the months, spelled out in full (uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case). Months must be defined in order, starting with January.


These logical names supply the abbreviated names of the months (uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case). Month abbreviations must be defined in order, starting with January.


These logical names supply the spellings for the meridiem indicators (uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case). Meridiem indicators must be defined in order; the first indicator represents the hours 0:00:0.0 to 11:59:59.99, and the second indicator represents the hours 12:00:00.00 to 23:59:59.99.


These logical names supply the spellings for the relative days (uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case). Relative days must be defined in order: yesterday, today, and tomorrow, respectively.


This logical name supplies the abbreviations for the appropriate format mnemonics. That is, the information supplied in this logical name is used to specify a desired input format in the user-defined language. The format mnemonics, along with their English values, are listed in the order in which they must be defined.
  1. Year (YYYY)
  2. Numeric month (MM)
  3. Day of the month (DD)
  4. Hour of the day (HH)
  5. Minutes of the hour (MM)
  6. Seconds of the minute (SS)
  7. Parts of the second (CC)
  8. Meridiem indicator (AM/PM)
  9. Alphabetic month (MONTH)

The English definition of LIB$FORMAT_MNEMONIC is therefore as follows:

_$  "YYYY", "MM", "DD", "HH", "MM", "SS", "CC", "AM/PM ", "MONTH"

27.7 Coordinated Universal Time Format

This section provides information about VAX systems that supply system base date and time format other than the Smithsonian base date and time system. The other base date and time format system is the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) system. UTC time is determined by a network of atomic clocks that are maintained by standard bodies in several countries. Formerly, applications that spanned time zones often used Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) as a time reference.

UTC binary timestamps are opaque octawords of 128-bits that contain several fields. Important fields of the UTC format are an absolute time value, a time differential factor (TDF) that contains the offset of the host node's clock from UTC, and an inaccuracy, or tolerance, that can be applied to the absolute time value. Unlike UTC, the operating system binary date and timestamps in the Smithsonian base date and time format represent only the local time of the host node; they do not contain TDF values or inaccuracy values.

The UTC system services allow applications to gain the benefits of a Coordinated Universal Time reference. The UTC system services enable applications to reference a common time standard independent of the host's location and local date and time value.

By calling the UTC system services, applications can perform the following functions:

  • Obtain binary representations of UTC in the binary UTC format
  • Convert the binary operating system format date and time to binary UTC-format date and time
  • Convert binary UTC-format date and time to the binary operating system date and time
  • Convert ASCII-format date and time to binary UTC-format date and time
  • Convert binary UTC-format date and time to ASCII-format date and time

System services that implement the UTC-format date and time are:

  • SYS$ASCUTC---Convert UTC to ASCII
  • SYS$BINUTC---Convert ASCII String to UTC Binary Time
  • SYS$GETUTC---Get UTC Time
  • SYS$NUMUTC---Convert UTC Time to Numeric Components
  • SYS$TIMCON---Time Converter

For specific implementation information about the UTC system services, see the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual.

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