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OpenVMS RTL Screen Management (SMG$) Manual

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5.2.2 Numeric Capability Fields

Numeric capabilities take a numeric argument; for example, the number of columns on the terminal screen.

The format for a numeric capability field is as follows:

NUMERIC {numeric-capability = value} [,...]

Following are the meanings of the elements:

  • Numeric-capability---One of the capability fields listed in Table 5-2
  • Value---The value for the specified numeric capability

Table 5-2 Numeric Capabilities
OpenVMS Name Used by SMG Description
COLUMNS Y Specifies the number of columns in a line.
CR_FILL N Specifies the number of fill characters needed after a carriage return.
LF_FILL N Specifies the number of fill characters needed after a line feed.
FRAME N Controls the number of data bits expected by the terminal driver for every character that is input or output (value must be between 5 and 8, inclusive).
NUMBER_FN_KEYS N Specifies the number of function keys available.
PRIVATE_NUM_1 to 10 N If set, these fields denote user-defined capabilities 1 through 10.
ROWS N Specifies the number of rows on the screen.
WIDE_SCREEN_COLUMNS Y Specifies the number of columns available in wide mode.

For example, the following TERMTABLE entry describes two characteristics of a VT300-series terminal:

NAME = "VT300_series"


    rows = 24,         columns = 80

5.2.3 String Capability Fields

String capability fields provide several features. They let you do the following:

  • Supply alternate characters for line drawing
  • Provide icons so that your program can display carriage control characters (for example, form feeds) instead of executing them
  • Supply the character sequences that cause a given operation (for example, ERASE_TO_END_OF_LINE) to be performed on any type of terminal
  • Specify the character strings returned by special keys (for example, function keys) on a given terminal
  • Specify strings having a maximum length of 255 characters (the maximum length of a string depends on its complexity, but in no case can it be longer than 255)

Table 5-3 lists string capabilities.

Table 5-3 String Capabilities
OpenVMS Name Used by SMG Description
BEGIN_ALTERNATE_CHAR N Begins alternate character set.
BEGIN_AUTOPRINT_MODE N Begins autoprint mode.
BEGIN_AUTOREPEAT_MODE N Begins autorepeat mode.
BEGIN_AUTOWRAP_MODE N Begins autowrap mode.
BEGIN_BLINK Y Begins blinking characters.
BEGIN_BOLD Y Begins bolded characters.
BEGIN_DELETE_MODE N Begins delete mode.
BEGIN_INSERT_MODE N Begins insert mode.
BEGIN_LINE_DRAWING_CHAR Y Begins using line-drawing character set.
BEGIN_NORMAL_RENDITION Y Begins using normal video attributes.
BEGIN_REVERSE Y Begins reverse video characters.
BEGIN_UNDERSCORE Y Begins underscored characters.
BOTTOM_T_CHAR Y Displays line-drawing character bottom t.
CLEAR_TAB N Clears tab at current column.
CR_GRAPHIC Y Defines character to indicate a carriage return when control characters are being represented rather than executed.
CROSS_CHAR Y Defines character to represent the intersection of perpendicular lines.
CURSOR_DOWN N Moves cursor n lines down (does not cause scrolling).
CURSOR_LEFT N Moves cursor n positions to the left.
CURSOR_NEXT_LINE N Accepts an argument n and moves the cursor to the first position in the nth following line.
CURSOR_POSITION_REPORT N Reports the active position using two arguments.
CURSOR_PRECEDING_LINE N Accepts an argument n and moves the cursor to the first position in the nth preceding line.
CURSOR_RIGHT N Accepts an argument n and moves the cursor n positions to the right.
CURSOR_UP N Accepts an argument n and and moves cursor up n lines (does not cause scrolling).
DARK_SCREEN Y Makes screen background color dark (normal video).
DELETE_CHAR N Accepts an argument n and deletes n characters.
DELETE_LINE N Accepts an argument n and deletes n lines.
DEVICE_ATTRIBUTES N Terminal's response to a "What are you?" sequence.
DOUBLE_HIGH_BOTTOM Y Changes line to double height bottom half.
DOUBLE_HIGH_TOP Y Changes line to double height top half.
DOUBLE_WIDE Y Changes line to double width.
END_ALTERNATE_CHAR N Ends alternate character set.
END_AUTOPRINT_MODE N Ends autoprint mode.
END_AUTOREPEAT_MODE N Ends autorepeat mode.
END_AUTOWRAP_MODE N Ends autowrap mode.
END_BLINK N Ends blinking characters.
END_BOLD N Ends bolding mode.
END_DELETE_MODE N Ends delete mode.
END_INSERT_MODE N Ends insert mode.
END_LINE_DRAWING_CHAR Y Ends line-drawing characters.
END_REVERSE N Ends reverse video characters.
END_UNDERSCORE N Ends underscore.
ERASE_DISPLAY_TO_CURSOR N Erases display to virtual cursor position.
ERASE_LINE_TO_CURSOR N Erases line to virtual cursor position.
ERASE_TO_END_DISPLAY N Erases to end of display.
ERASE_TO_END_LINE Y Erases to end of line.
ERASE_WHOLE_DISPLAY Y Erases whole display.
ERASE_WHOLE_LINE N Erases whole line.
ERROR_ICON Y Defines character that indicates an error.
FF_GRAPHIC Y Uses this character to indicate a form feed when control characters are displayed rather than executed.
HOME Y Defines home cursor.
HORIZONTAL_BAR Y Displays line-drawing character horizontal bar.
HT_GRAPHIC Y Uses this character to indicate a horizontal tab when control characters are displayed rather than executed.
INDEX N Moves the cursor down one line without changing the column position (contents of the screen scroll up if necessary).
INIT_STRING Y Defines terminal initialization string.
INSERT_CHAR N Accepts an argument n and inserts n characters.
INSERT_LINE N Accepts an argument n and inserts n lines.
INSERT_PAD N Accepts an argument n and inserts n pad characters after character inserted.
KEY_0 Y Returned by keypad 0 in applications mode.
KEY_1 Y Returned by keypad 1 in applications mode.
KEY_2 Y Returned by keypad 2 in applications mode.
KEY_3 Y Returned by keypad 3 in applications mode.
KEY_4 Y Returned by keypad 4 in applications mode.
KEY_5 Y Returned by keypad 5 in applications mode.
KEY_6 Y Returned by keypad 6 in applications mode.
KEY_7 Y Returned by keypad 7 in applications mode.
KEY_8 Y Returned by keypad 8 in applications mode.
KEY_9 Y Returned by keypad 9 in applications mode.
KEY_BACKSPACE N Returned by backspace key.
KEY_COMMA Y Returned by keypad comma key.
KEY_DOWN_ARROW Y Returned by down arrow key.
KEY_E1 Y Returned by E1 (editing key 1).
KEY_E2 Y Returned by E2 (editing key 2).
KEY_E3 Y Returned by E3 (editing key 3).
KEY_E4 Y Returned by E4 (editing key 4).
KEY_E5 Y Returned by E5 (editing key 5).
KEY_E6 Y Returned by E6 (editing key 6).
KEY_ENTER (k) Y Returned by keypad enter key.
KEY_F1 .
Y Returned by F1 (function key 1). .
KEY_F20 Y Returned by F20 (function key 20).
N Legend on F1 (function key 1). .
KEY_LABEL_F20 N Legend on F20 (function key 20).
KEY_LEFT_ARROW Y Returned by left arrow key.
KEY_MINUS Y Returned by keypad minus key.
KEY_PERIOD Y Returned by keypad period key.
KEY_PF1 Y Returned by PF1 key.
KEY_PF2 Y Returned by PF2 key.
KEY_PF3 Y Returned by PF3 key.
KEY_PF4 Y Returned by PF4 key.
KEY_RIGHT_ARROW Y Returned by right arrow key.
KEY_UP_ARROW Y Returned by up arrow key.
LEFT_T_CHAR Y Displays line-drawing character left t.
LF_GRAPHIC Y Uses this character to indicate a line feed when control characters are displayed rather than executed.
LIGHT_SCREEN Y Makes screen background color light (reverse video).
LOWER_LEFT_CORNER Y Displays line-drawing character lower left corner.
LOWER_RIGHT_CORNER Y Displays line-drawing character lower right corner.
NAME Y Defines terminal name; must be the first field in the entry.
NEWLINE_CHAR N Defines new-line character.
NEXT_LINE N Displays next line.
NO_PRINTER N Defines no attached printer status.
PAD_CHAR N Defines pad character (if other than null).
PRINT_SCREEN N Prints contents of screen.
PRINTER_READY N Defines printer ready status.
PRINTER_NOT_READY N Defines printer not ready status.
N User-defined capability 1. .
PRIVATE_STR_10 N User-defined capability 10.
REQUEST_CURSOR_POSITION N Requests the active cursor position.
REQUEST_PRINTER_STATUS N Requests status of attached printer.
RESTORE_CURSOR N Restores cursor to previously saved position.
REVERSE_INDEX N Moves the cursor to the same column on the preceding line (contents of the screen scroll down if necessary).
RIGHT_T_CHAR Y Displays line-drawing character right t.
SAVE_CURSOR N Saves cursor position.
SCROLL_FORWARD N Accepts an argument n and scrolls forward n lines.
SCROLL_REVERSE Y Accepts an argument n and scrolls backward n lines.
SEL_ERASE_TO_END_DISPLAY N Selectively erases from cursor to end of display (does not change attributes).
SEL_ERASE_TO_END_LINE N Selectively erases from cursor to end of line (does not change attributes).
SEL_ERASE_WHOLE_DISPLAY N Selectively erases entire display (does not change attributes).
SEL_ERASE_WHOLE_LINE N Selectively erases entire line (does not change attributes).
SET_APPLICATION_KEYPAD Y Begins applications keypad mode.
SET_CHAR_NOT_SEL_ERASE N Designates all subsequent characters as not selectively erasable.
SET_CHAR_SEL_ERASE N Designates all subsequent characters as selectively erasable.
SET_CURSOR_ABS Y Directs cursor addressing (accepts row and column arguments).
SET_CURSOR_OFF Y Sets cursor to invisible.
SET_CURSOR_ON Y Sets cursor to visible.
SET_JUMP_SCROLL Y Sets scrolling to jump scroll.
SET_NUMERIC_KEYPAD Y Ends keypad applications mode (resumes numeric mode).
SET_ORIGIN_ABSOLUTE N Allows cursor positioning outside current scrolling region.
SET_ORIGIN_RELATIVE N Prohibits cursor positioning outside current scrolling region.
SET_PRINTER_OUTPUT N Sends output to printer port rather than screen.
SET_SCREEN_OUTPUT N Sends output to terminal screen.
SET_SCROLL_REGION Y Sets scrolling region (accepts as arguments top margin and bottom margin).
SET_SMOOTH_SCROLL Y Sets scrolling to smooth scroll.
SET_TAB N Sets tab at current column.
SINGLE_HIGH Y Changes this line to single height, single width.
TAB_CHAR N Defines tab character (other than Ctrl/I or tab with padding); note that this field should be used only for non-ASCII terminals.
TOP_T_CHAR Y Displays line-drawing character top t.
TRUNCATION_ICON Y Defines the character that indicates overflow characters were truncated.
UNDERLINE_CHAR N Underlines a character.
UPPER_LEFT_CORNER Y Displays line-drawing character upper left corner.
UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER Y Displays line-drawing character upper right corner.
VERTICAL_BAR Y Displays line-drawing character vertical bar.
VT_GRAPHIC Y Defines the character that indicates a vertical tab when control characters are displayed rather than executed.
WIDTH_NARROW Y Sets terminal width to narrow (usually 80 columns).
WIDTH_WIDE Y Sets terminal width to wide (usually 132 columns).

Table 5-4 lists the STRING_2 capabilities. In order to construct one of the user-defined renditions SMG$M_USER1 through SMG$M_USER8, you must provide an appropriate definition in the file TERMTABLE.TXT using STRING_2 capabilities.

Table 5-4 String_2 Capabilities
OpenVMS Name Used by SMG Description
BEGIN_STATUS_LINE Y Begins output to hardware status line.
BEGIN_USER1 Y Begins first user-defined attribute.
BEGIN_USER2 Y Begins second user-defined attribute.
BEGIN_USER3 Y Begins third user-defined attribute.
BEGIN_USER4 Y Begins fourth user-defined attribute.
BEGIN_USER5 Y Begins fifth user-defined attribute.
BEGIN_USER6 Y Begins sixth user-defined attribute.
BEGIN_USER7 Y Begins seventh user-defined attribute.
BEGIN_USER8 Y Begins eighth user-defined attribute.
END_STATUS_LINE Y Ends output to hardware status line.
END_USER1 N Ends first user-defined attribute.
END_USER2 N Ends second user-defined attribute.
END_USER3 N Ends third user-defined attribute.
END_USER4 N Ends fourth user-defined attribute.
END_USER5 N Ends fifth user-defined attribute.
END_USER6 N Ends sixth user-defined attribute.
END_USER7 N Ends seventh user-defined attribute.
END_USER8 N Ends eighth user-defined attribute.
BLACK_SCREEN Y Makes screen background color black.
BLUE_SCREEN Y Makes screen background color blue.
CYAN_SCREEN Y Makes screen background color cyan (green-blue).
GREEN_SCREEN Y Makes screen background color green.
MAGENTA_SCREEN Y Makes screen background color magenta.
RED_SCREEN Y Makes screen background color red.
WHITE_SCREEN Y Makes screen background color white.
YELLOW_SCREEN Y Makes screen background color yellow.
USER1_SCREEN Y User-defined background color.
USER2_SCREEN Y User-defined background color.

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