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OpenVMS System Manager's Manual

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  1. Chooses to select values for individual options instead of accepting default values for all of the options.
  2. Requests (by using the defer key, F17) that the installer be given the choice of whether or not to install the optional example files.
  3. Toggles the defer option (twice to illustrate the toggle effect).
  4. Records the default response [Yes] in the PCF. Because the defer option was in effect, when the PCF is used during a future installation, the installer can select the Accounting Log Report Generator utility by default, or can choose not to select it.
  5. Requests the nowrite option key (F18) so that this choice will not be written to the PCF.
  6. Chooses not to install the Access Control List utilities. Because the nowrite option is in effect, this choice is not written to the PCF.
  7. Chooses not to install the Print and Batch Queue utilities. Because the nowrite option is not in effect (by default) and the defer option is in effect (by default), this choice is written to the PCF and the question is not asked again when the PCF is used during a future installation.
  8. Accepts the default to install the DECdtm Distributed Transaction Manager. Because the nowrite option is not in effect (by default) and the defer option is in effect (by default), this choice is written to the PCF, and the question is not asked again.
  9. Requests that the configuration options be displayed.
  10. Displays the name of the PCF that has been created, MYPCF.PCSI$CONFIGURATION. The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility displays this message only when you enable message logging by using /LOG with PRODUCT CONFIGURE.

When you use a single DCL command to install or configure more than one product and write the responses to a PCF, the information for all the products that are installed or configured is in a single PCF. Use separate operations to install or configure a set of products when you want to keep each product's configuration values in its own PCF. Modifying an Existing PCF

You can use DCL to modify an existing file. Specify the name of the PCF to be modified and the name of the PCF to be created. Include both the INPUT and the OUTPUT keywords with the /CONFIGURATION qualifier on the PRODUCT CONFIGURE command line. For example, read the default values in the file PRODUCTA_REV1.DAT, make changes to the file, and save the changes to PRODUCTA_REV2.DAT, the output file:


3.7.5 Using a Product Database

The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility automatically stores information about product installation, configuration choices, and objects, such as files and directories, that make up the product in the product database. The product database is useful for recalling information about products installed on your system and for detecting and tracking product dependencies. Adding Information to the Database

Although the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility stores product information for you automatically, you can also add your own information. When you perform a task, you can include a remark---a comment to be recorded in the product database---along with the other information about the task being performed.

To add a remark to the product database, use the /REMARK qualifier with any of the following DCL commands:


Refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for information about this command and the /REMARK qualifier. Registering a Noncompliant Product

To register a product that was installed with a tool other than the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility, enter PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT. This command records information that a PDF provides. For example:


If you do not have a PDF for a product you want to register, enter the following command:


This procedure prompts you for the product name, version, and producer. For example, the producer for DIGITAL products is DEC. The procedure uses this information to create a temporary, minimal PDF. It then executes the PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT command to register the product, and deletes the temporary PDF.

Because PCSI$REGISTER_PRODUCT.COM creates only a minimal PDF, it cannot register with the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility database all the information about the product. For this reason, if a PDF for the product is available, use it.

Although a transition PDF is intended specifically for PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT, you can also register full and operating system PDFs. Detecting and Tracking Software Dependencies

Some software products depend on other software products to work correctly. For example, a product might work only when a specific version of another product is installed on the system. The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility detects and tracks the dependencies of the products that you install. The utility also attempts to satisfy the requirements of multiple products. In some instances, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility is unable to resolve product dependency issues. In such instances, the utility provides feedback on the nature of the conflict and asks you to decide how to proceed.

3.8 Installing with the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility

The basic steps for installing a software product are:

  1. Perform the preliminary steps.
  2. Review the product's release notes and installation information.
  3. Start the installation.
  4. Respond to installation questions about product options. The product is not installed on your system until you confirm your selections.
  5. Confirm your selections to install the product.

3.8.1 Performing Preliminary Steps

Before installing software, follow these steps:

  1. Back up your system disk.
  2. Optionally identify source and destination locations.
  3. Install prerequisite software.
    Note that the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility will perform this automatically if the kits are available.
  4. Identify postinstallation procedures. Specifying Locations

For many operations, you must specify a location where the software kit resides and a location where you want to install the software. Two methods are available for identifying these locations:

  • Define logical names.
  • Specify /SOURCE and /DESTINATION qualifiers on the command line.

You can also define logical names, and then override them by using the /SOURCE and /DESTINATION qualifiers on the PRODUCT command.


If you do not deassign logical names after they are used, they can cause unexpected results in future operations of the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. Compaq recommends that you use the /SOURCE and /DESTINATION qualifiers.

Logical name PCSI$SOURCE defines the location of the software kits you want to install. Logical name PCSI$DESTINATION defines the location where you want to install the software. For example, if the software is located in DISK1:[KITS] and you want to install it in DISK2:[APPLICATIONS], use the following commands:


You can override the logical name definitions by using /SOURCE and /DESTINATION qualifiers on the PRODUCT command to specify a different source and destination.

If you do not define PCSI$DESTINATION, the utility installs the software product in SYS$COMMON:[VMS$COMMON] and directories under it. Installing Prerequisite Software

Install any prerequisite software or perform any prerequisite tasks. This information should be in the software product's installation instructions or release notes.

Note that the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility will perform this automatically if the kits are available. Identifying Postinstallation Procedures

Note any postinstallation procedures. This information should also be in the software product's installation instructions or release notes.

3.8.2 Extracting a Product's Release Notes

To read a product's release notes, extract the notes to a file. For example, use either of the following commands to copy the CMS product release notes to a text file:


If you do not specify a file name, the release notes are written to a file named DEFAULT.PCSI$RELEASE_NOTES in the current directory. It is not necessary to install a software product before you use the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to extract its release notes.

3.8.3 Installing a Product

To start an installation, enter the PRODUCT INSTALL command. For example:


To install more than one product at a time, enter a list of product names separated by commas. You can use asterisk (*) wildcard characters in the product names. For example:


Table 3-7 lists some of the features you can control with command qualifiers. A complete list is in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual and in online help.

Table 3-7 Features You Can Request During an Installation
Feature Qualifier
Supply answers from a PCF /CONFIGURATION=INPUT= pcf-name
Create a new PCF /CONFIGURATION=OUTPUT= pcf-name 1
Specify where to install the files /DESTINATION= location
Display full descriptions of all product installation options and information /HELP
Display log messages on your terminal /LOG
Include a remark in the product database /REMARK
Specify where the distribution kit is located /SOURCE
Specify configuration variables /CONFIGURATION= keyword 2
Specify a work area for temporary files /WORK= device

1The F17 (defer) and F18 (write) keys have no effect when you use the PRODUCT INSTALL command.
2Can be either current or producer. For details, refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. Using an Existing PCF

Section 3.7.4 describes how to create a PCF before installing a product. To use this existing PCF during the installation, use the /CONFIGURATION=INPUT qualifier with PRODUCT INSTALL. For example, to install CMS and use configuration choices recorded in the PCF named DEC-VAXVMS-CMS.PCSI$CONFIGURATION:

_$ CMS/VERSION=3.4 Creating a New PCF During the Installation

If you did not create a PCF before the installation, you can create one during the installation. Use the /CONFIGURATION=OUTPUT=pcf-name qualifier with PRODUCT INSTALL. For example:


As you respond to questions about the options for CMS Version 3.0, your responses are recorded in the PCF named CMSV3.DAT in your current default directory.

For more information about product configuration files, see Section 3.7.1 and Section 3.7.4.

3.8.4 Responding to Installation Questions

During an installation, you can request a full description of product options or an explanation to any single question. You can also accept the default value to any single question or to an entire subset of questions. Requesting an Explanation to Questions

To request a full description of all product options and information, use the /HELP qualifier with PRODUCT INSTALL. To request help about an individual question, press the Help key or PF2 in response to the question. The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility displays a description (if one is available) and a summary of disk and memory requirements for the option.

The following example uses the Help key:

Optional example files may be installed... [YES] [Help]
The example files include client server programming examples.
Block Size -      Total:    507  Optional:      0  Required:    507
Global Pages -    Total:      0  Optional:      0  Required:    0
Global Sections - Total:      0  Optional:      0  Required:    0
Optional example files may be installed... [YES] [Return]

The amount of information varies; some products provide more information than others, and some products provide no information. Accepting Default Answers

Default answers come from one of three places:

  • A product configuration file (PCF), if one is supplied
  • The product database (PDB), for upgrades of previously installed products
  • The product description file (PDF)

If you specify an input PCF and it contains an answer for an option, the default answer from the PCF is used. Depending on the entry in the PCF, the default answer may or may not be allowed to change.

If no input PCF exists, or if the input PCF does not contain an answer for an option, the default answer comes from either the PDB or the PDF. If the PDB is present and contains the option, then the default answer comes from the PDB. If the PDB is not present (a new installation) or does not contain the option (a new option), then the default comes from the PDF. Default answers that come from either the PDB or PDF may be changed.

To answer an option, either press Return to accept the default answer, or supply your own answer and then press Return.

Some products contain a subset of questions or options. During an installation procedure, you can accept the default values for an entire subset or you can answer each option in the subset.

When you select an option that has suboptions, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility will ask:

Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES]
If you answer YES, you will not be asked about the subitems. Instead, the utility will use the defaults for the subitems. If you answer NO, the utility asks you about each subitem.

3.8.5 Confirming Your Answers

After you respond to questions about product options, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility can display a summary of your answers. For example:

Do you want to review the options? [YES] [Return]
DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
    Optional example files may be installed...: NO
    Optional NFS files may be installed...: NO
    Optional applications may be installed...: YES

The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility then asks:

Are you satisfied with these options? [YES] [Return]

If you are not, answer NO to this question. You can then either enter your answers again or exit the installation procedure:

Do you want to change any options? [YES] NO [Return]
%PCSIUI-I-USERABORT, operation terminated by user

By answering NO to this question, you can end the installation procedure. The product is not installed; your system remains unchanged. Updating DCL Help Text

When you install a layered product that updates DCL Help text, the PRODUCT INSTALL command requires exclusive access to the DCL Help library file, SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB. For example, if a user is accessing HELP while an installation is trying to update the help library, you see several messages and are asked to respond to several questions. These messages and questions appear in the following order:

  1. The system displays the following messages if the PRODUCT INSTALL command fails to obtain exclusive access to the help library after waiting for two minutes:

    %PCSI-I-PRCOUTPUT, output from subprocess follows ...
    %LIBRAR-F-OPENIN, error opening disk:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.]
       [SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB;1 as input
    -RMS-E-FLK, file currently locked by another user
    %PCSI-E-MODREPLFLK1, error replacing module module-name in
       library disk:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB
    -PCSI-E-MODREPLFLK2, library update failed because it is
       currently accessed by one or more users
    -PCSI-E-MODREPLFLK3, after the file is closed, answer YES
       at the prompt to retry the update
  2. Either retry the library update operation or terminate the installation:
    • To retry the library update, ask users to exit HELP. Then answer YES to the following question:

      Do you want to take this action? [YES] YES

      If users do not exit HELP within two minutes, the question is repeated.
    • To terminate the installation, answer NO to the following two questions:

      Do you want to take this action? [YES] NO
      Do you want to continue? [YES] NO
      %PCSI-E-CANCEL_WIP, termination resulted in an incomplete
         modification to the system

      The last message indicates that some files might have been moved to their target directories, but the product has not been completely installed. Installation of the product at a later time will delete the files from the aborted installation and will then perform a full installation.

3.8.6 Performing the Installation as a Batch Job

To run the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility as a batch job, include PRODUCT commands in a command procedure file and then submit the file to a batch queue. In the command procedure, include the /CONFIGURATION qualifier to specify an existing PCF so the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility can respond to questions about product options and configuration choices. If you do not specify /CONFIGURATION, the defaults are used.

Example 3-2 shows how a product might be installed using a command procedure. The example sets and restores VERIFY, and times the installation.

Example 3-2 Sample Command Procedure for Installing a Product

    /HELP -
$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "  --------------------------------"
$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "  --------------------------------"

3.9 Performing Other Operations on Installed Software Products

You can perform other operations on installed software products (for example, reconfiguring choices made during the installation, recording changes in volume label, or copying the software to a new location or to different media). You might also want to convert a kit to a new format, display product information, display the contents of a sequentially packaged product kit, or extract any file from a sequentially packaged kit.

3.9.1 Reconfiguring an Installed Product

After you install a product, you can change the configuration choices made during the installation. This is called reconfiguration. You choose the options you want; the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility makes all the necessary changes.

To change the configuration choices for an installed product, use the PRODUCT RECONFIGURE command. The product kit must be present in the user's default directory or specified by the /SOURCE qualifier or by the PCSI$SOURCE logical name.

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