HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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OpenVMS System Manager's Manual

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C.1.2 Setting Up the System to Use the DSM Subagents

To configure SNMP on the system and enable the master agent to accept SET commands from SNMP clients, issue the following TCP/IP Services management command from the TCPIP> prompt. This operation requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privileges.


To enable or disable the type of access to your local MIB data, use the following commands, qualifiers, and options:

_TCPIP> /[NO]ADDRESS=host address -

For example, the following command configures SNMP, specifies the community name and address, specifies that the agent can accept SET commands from members of the community, and enables the master agent to send trap messages to members of the community. (Note that READ access is assumed when specifying TRAP or WRITE.)


For your convenience, the following files have example entries to start, run, and shut down the DSM subagents.


Search the files for SVRSYSTEM_MIB entries and edit them as needed. You must also remove the GOTO entries, which cause the command procedures to simply exit.

C.2 Compaq Cluster MIB Subagents

The Compaq Cluster MIB (DCM) is a private Compaq management information base that delivers management information about OpenVMS Cluster systems.

The DCM consists of two extensions, or subagents:

Extension Describes
System A management interface to cluster system information not defined by standard MIBs
Management Instrumentation in the Compaq extension agent, including the ability to detect and monitor thresholds on integer variables

The representation of the DCM within the standard Structure of Managed Information (SMI) framework is:

iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) 36

OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 implements the DCM subagents. With the DCM subagents, you can remotely determine status information for an OpenVMS Cluster system, including the following:

  • Cluster software version
  • Status of the cluster software: installed, running, failed, and so forth
  • Type of cluster that is running
  • State change to reflect when a cluster member is added or deleted

Use the following software to access the DCM subagents:

  • The DIGITAL ServerWORKS Manager Version 3.0 or any MIB browser that has access to the DCM definitions.
  • DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1 or later. The DCM subagents use the SNMP agent supplied with TCP/IP Services to communicate with SNMP clients.

The following sections describe the DCM subagents and explain how to set up your system to use them.

C.2.1 Overview of DCM Subagents

DCM subagents respond to SNMP requests for a DCM object --- the data item that the network manager is concerned with, or a trap --- information about a change of status. A subagent is responsible for reporting on and maintaining the data pertaining to these objects and traps.

The DCM subagents implement the objects listed in Table C-4. Each object returns information relevant to an OpenVMS Cluster system and can be accessed by a network manager through ServerWORKS Manager.

Table C-4 DCM Subagent Objects Implemented on OpenVMS
Object Data Type Access Description
Cluster Information
svrCluSoftwareVendor DisplayString Read only Cluster software vendor name. The current value is Digital.
svrCluSoftwareVersion DisplayString Read only Cluster software version. This is the OpenVMS version string.
svrCluSoftwareStatus ClusterStatus Read only The status of the cluster software. Possible values are running and not running.
svrCluClusterType ClusterType Read only The type of cluster that is running. The current value is OpenVMS.
svrCluExtensionOID Object Identifier Read only The authoritative identification for the MIB. If no such identifier exists, the value {0.0} is returned.
svrCluThisMember Integer Read only Index into the member table (svrCluMemberTable) that corresponds to this node.
SMNP Traps
svrCluMemberAdded Trap Packet Read only Generated when a cluster member is added.
svrCluMemberDeleted Trap Packet Read only Generated when a cluster member is deleted.
Node-Specific Information
svrCluMemberIndex Integer Read only A unique index for the entry. Values of svrCluMemberIndex must remain constant at least between reboots of the network management system on the managed node. Where possible, this value should reflect the system's native member identifier.
svrCluMemberName DisplayString Read only The SCS node name of this cluster member. A zero-length value means the member's node name is unknown. This name may not necessarily resolve to an address.
svrCluMemberComment DisplayString Read only This is the hardware name of the node, as returned by the $GETSYI system service.
svrCluMemberStatus MemberStatus Read only Status of this member. Possible values are normal and removed.
svrCluMemberAddressIndex Integer Read only The index for this address.
svrCluMemberAddress IpAddress Read only An IP address of this cluster member. This address may not be reachable from nodes that are not configured into the cluster.

C.2.2 Setting Up the System to Use the DCM Subagents

For your convenience, the following files have example entries to start, run, and shut down the DCM subagents.


Search the files for SVRCLUSTER_MIB entries and edit them as needed. You must also remove the GOTO entries, which cause the command procedures to simply exit.

Appendix D
Managing the OpenVMS Registry

The OpenVMS Registry Server manages the OpenVMS Registry Database.

For the latest information about the OpenVMS Registry, see the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. This document is available as part of the COM for OpenVMS kit and from the OpenVMS website (h18000.www1.hp.com/openvms) in the OpenVMS documentation area.

This chapter describes how to install and manage the OpenVMS Registry server, which is part of the OpenVMS Version 7.3 system installation.

D.1 Accessing the OpenVMS Registry

The OpenVMS Registry database is created the first time you start the OpenVMS Registry server. You must define the SYS$REGISTRY logical before starting the OpenVMS Registry server. The OpenVMS Registry server will not start if you have not defined the SYS$REGISTRY logical.

To access the OpenVMS Registry using the COM APIs, you must install COM for OpenVMS.

To access the OpenVMS Registry using the Windows NT application RegEdt32 , you must first install, configure, and start Advanced Server for OpenVMS. For more information, see the Advanced Server for OpenVMS documentation.

You can also access the OpenVMS Registry using theOpenVMS Registry server management utility or theOpenVMS Registry system services, which are installed as part of the OpenVMS Registry in OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 and higher.

D.2 Configuring the OpenVMS Registry: the REG$CONFIG Configuration Utility

The OpenVMS Registry Configuration utility (REG$CONFIG) provides information about the OpenVMS Registry server status and the OpenVMS Registry database location, and allows you to change OpenVMS Registry logical names and paths.

Enter the following command to start the OpenVMS Registry Configuration utility:


The system displays the following menu:


        OpenVMS Registry Configuration Utility
        1 - Configure OpenVMS Registry logical names and directory paths

        2 - Display OpenVMS Registry logical names and directory paths

        3 - Check the state of the OpenVMS Registry server

        4 - Start the OpenVMS Registry server on this node

        H - Help about this utility

       [E] - Exit

Please enter your choice :

To select an option, enter the option number. The options are as follows:

  • 1 - Configure OpenVMS Registry logical names and directory paths
    Allows you to configure the OpenVMS Registry server startup value and specify the location of the OpenVMS Registry database.
    For this procedure, see Section D.2.1.
  • 2 - Display OpenVMS Registry logical names and directory paths
    Displays the current values of the OpenVMS Registry server logical (startup value) for this node and the OpenVMS Registry database location.
  • 3 - Check the state of the OpenVMS Registry server
    Displays the current state of the OpenVMS Registry server. The system displays one of the following:

     The OpenVMS Registry server is started in the cluster.
     The OpenVMS Registry server is started on this node.
     The OpenVMS Registry server is not started.
  • 4 - Start the OpenVMS Registry server on this node
    Starts the OpenVMS Registry server on the current node. The system displays the following message:

     The OpenVMS Registry server has successfully started.
  • H - Help about this utility
    Displays online help for OpenVMS Registry Configuration utility options.
  • [E] - Exit
    Exits the OpenVMS Registry Configuration utility.

Tip: Enter Q (Quit) at any time

You can enter Q at any prompt to return to the OpenVMS Registry Configuration utility menu.

If you quit while you are configuring logical names, the system updates only those values for which you have received a confirmation message.

D.2.1 Configuring OpenVMS Registry Values

The system displays the following questions:

  1. The system prompts you to enter standalone or cluster information. The system displays the following message:

     Is this system now a node in a cluster or will this system
     become part of a cluster? (Y/N/Q):
  2. The system displays the current information about the REG$TO_BE_STARTED logical, then prompts you to change the value.

                 - REG$TO_BE_STARTED -
       [current value of REG$TO_BE_STARTED]
            NOTE: Setting this logical to TRUE starts the OpenVMS Registry
              server automatically when the system boots. Setting this logical
              to FALSE prevents the OpenVMS Registry server from starting
              when the system boots and prevents other products from starting
              the OpenVMS Registry server. If the OpenVMS Registry Server is not
              started at boot time, but other products that require an OpenVMS
              Registry server are able to start the OpenVMS Registry server, you
              do not need to assign a value to this logical.
    Do you want to change this value? (Y/N/Q) [Y]:

    If you choose Y , the system prompts you for the new value.

     Enter the new value (TRUE/FALSE/NOVAL/Q):

    Enter one of the following:
    Action Value
    Start the OpenVMS Registry server on reboot. Allow other products to start the server. TRUE
    Do not start the OpenVMS Registry server on reboot. Do not allow other products to start the server. FALSE
    Do not start the OpenVMS Registry server on reboot. Allow other products to start the server. (Deassigns the logical name.) NOVAL
    Quit this procedure and return to the OpenVMS Registry Configuration utility menu. Q

    In which logical name table do you want the logical defined?

    Enter one of the following:
    Action Value
    Add the REG$TO_BE_STARTED logical to the LNM$SYSTEM logical name table. This table contains names that are shared by all processes in the system. SYSTEM
    Add the REG$TO_BE_STARTED logical to the LNM$SYSCLUSTER logical name table. This table contains names that are shared by all processes in an OpenVMS Cluster. SYSCLUSTER
    Add the REG$TO_BE_STARTED logical to the LNM$CLUSTER logical name table. This table is the parent table for all clusterwide logical name tables. CLUSTER
    Quit this procedure and return to the OpenVMS Registry Configuration utility menu. Q

    After you enter the new or updated value, the system confirms the change and displays the line you must add to your SYLOGICALS.COM file.

            The logical REG$TO_BE_STARTED has been temporarily defined.
            Before you reboot the system you must edit your SYLOGICALS.COM
            to include the line:
            DEFINE/TABLE=table-name REG$TO_BE_STARTED value
    Press [Enter] to continue.
  3. The system displays the current information about the SYS$REGISTRY logical, then prompts you to change the value.

                 - SYS$REGISTRY logical -
       current value of SYS$REGISTRY
            Note: When the OpenVMS Registry server is started, the system
              creates an OpenVMS Registry database at this location.
              If an OpenVMS Registry database already exists on your system,
              you must redefine the SYS$REGISTRY logical to point to the
              existing OpenVMS Registry database location.
    Do you wish to change this value? (Y/N/Q) [Y]:

    If you choose Y , the system prompts you for the new value.

    Enter the new value for SYS$REGISTRY ("yourvalue"/NOVAL/Q):

    Enter one of the following:
    Action Value
    Define a new or changed location for the OpenVMS Registry database. A valid directory specification, such as DKA0:[SYS$REGISTRY].
    Deassign the logical name. NOVAL
    Quit this procedure and return to the OpenVMS Registry Configuration utility menu. Q
  4. The system displays your updated value and prompts you to confirm the value.

     You have entered:  value
     Is this correct? (Y/N/Q) [Y]:
  5. The system prompts you to enter a logical table name in which to store the new or updated logical.

    In which logical name table do you want the logical defined?

    Enter one of the following:
    Action Value
    Add the SYS$REGISTRY logical to the LNM$SYSTEM logical name table. This table contains names that are shared by all processes in the system. SYSTEM
    Add the SYS$REGISTRY logical to the LNM$SYSCLUSTER logical name table. This table contains names that are shared by all processes in an OpenVMS Cluster. SYSCLUSTER
    Add the SYS$REGISTRY logical to the LNM$CLUSTER logical name table. This table is the parent table for all clusterwide logical name tables. CLUSTER
    Quit this procedure and return to the OpenVMS Registry Configuration utility menu. Q

    After you enter the new or updated value, the system confirms the change and displays the line you must add to your SYLOGICALS.COM file.

            The logical SYS$REGISTRY has been temporarily defined.
            Before you reboot the system you must edit your SYLOGICALS.COM file
            to include the line:
            DEFINE/TABLE=table-name SYS$REGISTRY dir-spec
    Press [Enter] to continue.
  6. The system displays information about the location of the OpenVMS Registry database.

                 - SYS$REGISTRY directory -
      [directory status]

    If the directory does not exist, the system prompts you to create the directory.

            !!Caution!!  When the OpenVMS Registry server starts, the system
              creates an OpenVMS Registry database at this location. If you
              already have an OpenVMS Registry database on your system, you must
              redefine the SYS$REGISTRY logical to point to that location.
    Do you wish to create the directory? (Y/N/Q) [Y]:

    If you enter Y the system confirms the directory creation.

            The SYS$REGISTRY directory has now been created.
    Press [Enter] to return to the menu.

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