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Extensible Versatile Editor Reference Manual

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B.4 Saving EVE Default Attributes

The SAVE SYSTEM ATTRIBUTES saves EVE default settings and menu entries in a section file or command file. Thus, if you set several attributes and defined or undefined menu entries, you can use SAVE SYSTEM ATTRIBUTES to restore the standard EVE settings and menus to your section file or command file.

SAVE SYSTEM ATTRIBUTES does not change the settings currently in effect---for example, it does not enable free cursor motion or invisible tabs---but saves only the EVE defaults in a section file or command file.

Appendix C
EVE and EDT Command Equivalents

Table C-1 lists EDT and EVE command equivalents. You can refer to this table if you want to convert or translate your EDT customization file (EDTINI.EDT) to an EVE initialization file.

Table C-1 EVE and EDT Command Equivalents
EDT Commands or Keys EVE Equivalents
line-number LINE. For example, the following command puts the cursor at the start of line 40 in the current buffer:

EVE does not display line numbers. Also, EVE line numbers are integers (not fractions). To find out the current line number, use the WHAT LINE command.

Repeat count with GOLD Setting the EDT keypad lets you use GOLD-number sequences to specify repeat counts. For example, to repeat the next operation five times, press GOLD (usually PF1) and type the number 5. Alternatively, use the REPEAT command and type the repeat count.
ADJUST TAB Not implemented. To set tab stops, use the SET TABS AT or SET TABS EVERY command. You can also adjust tabs by defining a key for the WPS Ruler key (GOLD R) and then use the ruler to add or delete tab stops (see the EVE help topic on Ruler Keys). EVE does not define Ctrl/T (which may be trapped by the operating system) or GOLD T.
ADVANCE FORWARD. Setting the EDT keypad defines KP4. You can also switch the direction of the buffer by using CHANGE DIRECTION (F11).
APPEND No equivalent EVE command. Setting the EDT keypad defines KP9 as the EDT Append key. You can append a range or a box (see the EVE help topic on Ranges And Boxes).
ASC No equivalent EVE command. In some cases, you can get the same effect by using the QUOTE command (Ctrl/V). For example, to type the escape character, do the following steps:
  1. Use the QUOTE command, which prompts you to press the key to be added.
  2. Press Ctrl/[ for the escape character.

Another method is to use the EVE$INSERT_TEXT procedure and the ASCII built-in. This is useful if you want to insert text from within a DECTPU procedure or command file. For example, the following statement inserts an escape character (ASCII decimal 27):


To execute the statement from an EVE initialization file, use the TPU command.

BACKUP REVERSE. Setting the EDT keypad defines KP5. You can also switch the direction of the buffer by using CHANGE DIRECTION (F11).
BELL No equivalent EVE command.
BOL or BACKSPACE Setting the EDT keypad defines Ctrl/H (or Backspace) and F12 as the EDT Start Of Line key. The START OF LINE command (GOLD <-) is slightly different. Using SET FUNCTION KEYS DECWINDOWS redefines F12, overriding the EDT definition.
BOTTOM BOTTOM. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD KP4. EVE also defines GOLD <downarrow symbol>.
CHANGE No equivalent EVE command because EVE is a full-screen editor and does not have a separate line-mode state. In EVE, the CHANGE MODE command switches the mode of the buffer from insert to overstrike or conversely.
CHAR No equivalent EVE command. Setting the EDT keypad defines KP3 as the EDT Character key, which uses bound cursor motion even if the cursor is free.
CHGL LOWERCASE WORD. You can change the case of a range, a box, or the current word.
CHGU UPPERCASE WORD. You can change the case of a range, a box, or the current word.
CHNGCASE No equivalent EVE command. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD KP1 as the EDT ChngCase key. You can change the case of a range, a box, or the current character.
CLEAR DELETE BUFFER. You can also delete a buffer by using the SHOW BUFFERS command to get a list of your buffers, then putting the cursor on the name of the buffer you want to delete and using REMOVE or CUT.
CLSS No equivalent EVE command.
COMMAND DO. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD KP7 as DO. However, EVE does not support EDT line-mode commands.
COPY No equivalent EVE command, but you can get the same effects by using the STORE TEXT and INSERT HERE commands. In EVE, the COPY command is the same as the STORE TEXT command. EVE defines GOLD Remove as STORE TEXT. You can copy a range or a box (see the EVE help topic on Ranges And Boxes).
Ctrl/C In EVE, pressing Ctrl/C may halt or cancel an operation, such as a repeat count or a global replacement. However, if you are using keystroke journaling (instead of buffer-change journaling), Ctrl/C is not recorded in the journal file. Therefore, in case of a system failure, the recovery may fail or may not work properly. If you use Ctrl/C, you should immediately exit, writing out your buffers, and then restart the editing session. This does not apply to buffer-change journaling, which is the EVE default.
Ctrl/L (form feed) EVE defines Ctrl/L as INSERT PAGE BREAK, which puts the form feed (small FF ) on a line by itself.
Ctrl/Z EVE defines Ctrl/Z as EXIT, ending the editing session. To emulate EDT-style exit-to-line-mode, redefine Ctrl/Z as DO. EVE does not define GOLD Z.
CUT REMOVE or CUT. Setting the EDT keypad defines KP6. EVE also defines Remove on the minikeypad. You can cut a range or a box (see the EVE help topic on Ranges And Boxes). SELECT followed by REMOVE without moving the cursor selects and removes the current character; it does not clear the paste buffer as in VAX EDT.
DATE No equivalent EVE command, but you can define a key for the WPS Insert Date/Time key (GOLD \ or GOLD |). For example, the following command defines Ctrl/D to insert the current date and time:

Another method is to use the EVE$INSERT_TEXT procedure and the FAO built-in. This is useful if you want to insert text from within an EVE initialization file. For example, the following statement inserts the current date:

EVE$INSERT_TEXT (FAO ('!11%D', 0));

To execute the statement from an EVE initialization file, use the TPU command.

DBW or LINEFEED No equivalent EVE command. Setting the EDT keypad defines Ctrl/J (or line feed) and F13 as the EDT Delete Previous Word key. The ERASE PREVIOUS WORD command is somewhat different.
DECREASE TAB LEVEL Not implemented. To set tab stops, use the SET TABS AT or SET TABS EVERY command. You can also adjust tabs by defining a key for the WPS Ruler key (GOLD R) and then use the ruler to add or delete tab stops (see the EVE help topic on Ruler Keys).
DEFINE KEY DEFINE KEY. Setting the EDT keypad defines Ctrl/K as LEARN, which lets you bind several keystrokes to a single key. The syntax of the DEFINE KEY command is different. In EVE, you can type the key name on the command line or let EVE prompt you to press the key you want to define. For example, the following command defines GOLD C as CENTER LINE:

DEFINE MACRO No equivalent EVE command. However, usually you can create a learn sequence or DECTPU procedure to do the same thing. For example, you can write and compile a DECTPU procedure to add another command to EVE. In some cases you can use an EVE initialization file executed interactively with the @ command.
DEL BOL Setting the EDT keypad defines Ctrl/U as the EDT Delete Start Line key. The ERASE START OF LINE command is slightly different.
DEL C ERASE CHARACTER. Setting the EDT keypad defines the Comma key on the numeric keypad as the EDT Delete Character key. In insert mode, the current character is erased and the rest of the line moves left; in overstrike mode, the character is replaced with a space.
DEL EOL No equivalent EVE command. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD KP2 as the EDT Delete EOL key.
DELETE DELETE. In insert mode, the character left of the cursor is erased and the rest of the line moves left; in overstrike mode, the character is replaced with a space. EVE defines the delete key (VT100-series terminals) or the < X| (VT400-, VT330-, and VT200-series terminals) as DELETE. Also, you can enable pending delete (for erasing selections).
DEL L ERASE LINE. Setting the EDT keypad defines PF4 as the EDT Delete Line key.
DEL W No equivalent EVE command. Setting the EDT keypad defines the minus key on the numeric keypad as the EDT Delete Word key. The ERASE WORD command is somewhat different.
DESEL No equivalent EVE command. In EVE, repeating the SELECT, SELECT ALL, or BOX SELECT command cancels a selection. You can also use the RESET command.
DOWN MOVE DOWN or the <downarrow symbol> key. EVE uses free cursor motion by default; you can set the cursor to bound.
Enter Setting the EDT keypad defines Enter as RETURN. EVE does not treat the Return and Enter keys differently, as EDT does. Therefore, in specifying a search string, you cannot press Return to specify a line break as part of the string. Instead, use the SET FIND WHITESPACE command to enable searches across line breaks, or use the WILDCARD FIND command.
EOL Setting the EDT keypad defines KP2 as the EDT EOL key. The END OF LINE command (GOLD -> or Ctrl/E) is slightly different.
EXIT EXIT. In EVE, exiting does not write out a buffer unless you have made changes to it. In other words, if you have made no edits, exiting and quitting are the same. Also, if there is no file specification associated with the buffer, EVE asks you for one to avoid accidentally losing or discarding your work. EVE defines both F10 and Ctrl/Z as EXIT. If you want to emulate EDT-style "exit-to-line-mode," redefine Ctrl/Z as DO.
EXT Roughly equivalent to DO. Because EVE does not have a separate line-mode state or "nokeypad" mode, no corresponding command is necessary.
FILL FILL, FILL PARAGRAPH, or FILL RANGE. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD KP8 as FILL, which does a FILL RANGE if there is a box or range; otherwise, it does a FILL PARAGRAPH.
FIND FIND. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD-PF3 as FIND. EVE also defines Find on the minikeypad. Rules for case sensitivity are different in EVE. If the search string is all lowercase, EVE searches for any occurrence of the string, regardless of its case in the buffer. If the search string contains any uppercase letters or any diacritical or accent marks, EVE searches for an exact match.
FIND = BUFFER. In EVE, buffer names are usually the same as the file in that buffer---that is, the name and type of the file specified when you invoked EVE or when you used the GET FILE command. Also, EVE returns the cursor to your last position in the buffer. For example, the following command returns you to the MAIN buffer or creates it:

To create a new buffer, you can use the NEW command.

FNDNXT Setting the EDT keypad defines PF3 as the FndNxt key. FIND NEXT is only slightly different. Pressing the Find key twice does a FIND NEXT.
HELP HELP. In EVE, pressing the Help key (or with the EDT keypad, pressing PF2) draws a keypad diagram; GOLD key sequences are highlighted. Pressing GOLD Help (or with the EDT keypad, pressing GOLD PF2) lists all the current key definitions.
INCLUDE INCLUDE FILE. The text is inserted before the start of the current line.
INSERT No equivalent EVE command because EVE does not have a separate line-mode state. To insert text from within a DECTPU procedure or command file, use the EVE$INSERT_TEXT procedure. For example, the following statement inserts a quoted string:
EVE$INSERT_TEXT ("Top Secret!");

To execute the statement from an EVE initialization file, use the TPU command. Another method is to put the text in another file and use the INCLUDE FILE command to copy that file into the current buffer.

KS No equivalent EVE command.
LEFT MOVE LEFT or the <- key. EVE uses free cursor motion by default; you can set the cursor to bound.
LINE Setting the EDT keypad defines KP0 as the EDT Line key. The MOVE BY LINE command is slightly different. The LINE command in EVE moves the cursor to the start of a line specified by number.
MOVE No equivalent EVE command, but you can get the same effect by using the REMOVE and INSERT HERE commands.
Next Screen Setting the EDT keypad defines Next Screen on the minikeypad as the EDT Next Screen key, which scrolls forward roughly 75% of the window size. EVE uses free cursor motion by default; you can set the cursor to bound.
OPEN LINE No equivalent EVE command. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD KP0 as the EDT Open Line key.
PAGE MOVE BY PAGE. Setting the EDT keypad defines KP7 as MOVE BY PAGE.
PASTE PASTE or INSERT HERE. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD KP6 as INSERT HERE. EVE also defines Insert Here on the minikeypad. You can paste a range or a box (see the EVE help topic on Ranges And Boxes).
Prev Screen Setting the EDT keypad defines Prev Screen on the minikeypad as the EDT Previous Screen key, which scrolls back roughly 75% of the window size. EVE uses free cursor motion by default; you can set the cursor to bound.
PRINT No equivalent EVE command. However, you can create a learn sequence or DECTPU procedure to do the same thing (that is, copy the current buffer, add page breaks, and then write out the file). EVE does not insert line numbers as text in the buffer.
QUIT QUIT. If you have modified any buffers, EVE prompts you to confirm that you want to quit to prevent accidentally discarding your work.
REF REFRESH (or press Ctrl/W). EVE defines Ctrl/R as REMEMBER, which ends a learn sequence. EVE does not define GOLD W or GOLD R.
REPLACE No equivalent EVE command. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD KP9 as the EDT Replace key. You can replace a range or a box (see the EVE help topic on Ranges And Boxes). The REPLACE command is similar to the SUBSTITUTE command in EDT.
RESEQUENCE No equivalent EVE command because EVE line numbers are integers (not fractions). To find out the current line number, use the WHAT LINE command.
RESET RESET. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD Period. EVE also defines GOLD Select on the minikeypad.
RETURN RETURN. EVE does not let you redefine the Return key or Ctrl/M. You can redefine the Enter key.
RIGHT MOVE RIGHT or the -> key. EVE uses free cursor motion by default; you can set the cursor to bound.
SECT No equivalent EVE command. Setting the EDT keypad defines KP8 as the EDT Sect key, which scrolls roughly 75% of the window size in the current direction. EVE uses free cursor motion by default; you can set the cursor to bound.
SELECT SELECT. Setting the EDT keypad defines Period. EVE also defines Select on the minikeypad. You can select a range or box (see the EVE help topic on Ranges And Boxes). To select the entire buffer, use SELECT ALL. SELECT followed by REMOVE without moving the cursor selects and removes the current character; it does not clear the paste buffer as in VAX EDT.
SET [NO]AUTOREPEAT No equivalent EVE commands.
SET CASE No equivalent EVE command.
SET COMMAND No equivalent EVE command. You cannot nest initialization files---that is, you cannot put the @ command in an initialization file. However, during an editing session you can execute additional initialization files (one at a time). For example, the following command executes an initialization file called MYINIT.EVE in your current default directory:

SET CURSOR SET SCROLL MARGINS. In EVE, scroll margins are set from the top and bottom of the window; in EDT, they are both set from the top. For example, the following command sets scroll margins at two lines from the top of the window and three lines from the bottom of the window:

You can specify the scroll margins either as integers (numbers of lines) or as percentages of the window height. EVE converts integer values to percentages.

SET ENTITY No equivalent EVE command.
SET [NO]FNF No equivalent EVE commands.
SET HELP No equivalent EVE command.
SET LINES No equivalent EVE command, but if you use multiple windows, you can shrink and enlarge them. The size of the main window depends on the size of your terminal screen, determined by the DCL command SET TERMINAL/PAGE. On a 24-line screen, the EVE main window is 21 lines; the remaining lines are used for the status line, command window, and message window.
SET MODE No equivalent EVE command. EVE is a full-screen editor and does not have a separate line-mode state. In EVE, the CHANGE MODE command switches the mode of the buffer from insert to overstrike or conversely.
SET [NO]NUMBERS No equivalent EVE commands.
SET PARAGRAPH No equivalent EVE command. In EVE, a paragraph (for purposes of FILL commands or the WPS Paragraph key) is bound by any of the following:
  • Top or bottom of the buffer
  • Blank line
  • DIGITAL Standard Runoff (DSR) command at the start of a line (for example, .BR; or .LE;)
  • VAX DOCUMENT tag at the start of a line (for example, <LE>)
SET PROMPT No equivalent EVE command.
SET [NO]QUIET No equivalent EVE commands.
SET [NO]REPEAT No equivalent EVE commands.
SET SCREEN SET WIDTH. By default, the width of the EVE main window is the width of your terminal screen, determined by the DCL command SET TERMINAL/WIDTH. Typically, this is 80 columns.
SET SEARCH EXACT SET FIND CASE EXACT. These are not exact equivalences because EVE always matches diacritical marks exactly. The default setting is SET FIND CASE NOEXACT. Searches match any occurrence if the search string is entered in all lowercase, and match an exact occurrence if the search string contains any uppercase letters.
SET [NO]SUMMARY No equivalent EVE commands.
SET TAB SET TABS AT or SET TABS EVERY. For example, the following command sets tab stops at the columns indicated:
SET TABS AT 5 9 17 32 55

EVE does not implement EDT-style keys to adjust tabs. However, you can define a key for the WPS Ruler key (GOLD R) and then use the ruler to add or delete tab stops (see the EVE help topic on Ruler Keys).

SET TERMINAL No equivalent EVE command.
SET TEXT No equivalent EVE command.
SET [NO]TRUNCATE SET [NO]WRAP. In EVE, the default is SET WRAP, which is equivalent to the EDT command SET NOTRUNCATE.
SET [NO]VERIFY No equivalent EVE commands. When you execute an initialization file, EVE displays a message telling you the name of the initialization file. If any of the commands requires a search string, file name, or other parameter, EVE prompts you for the required information the same as if you were typing the command interactively.
SET WORD [NO]DELIMITER No equivalent EVE commands. In EVE, a "word" begins with a nonwhite space or printing character and includes the trailing white space (spaces, tabs, or a line break).
SET WRAP SET RIGHT MARGIN. The default right margin is typically 79 (one less than the width, which is usually 80 columns).
SHL SHIFT RIGHT 8. The EVE command shifts the window relative to the buffer; EDT shifts the text relative to the window. The outcome is the same---column 9 of your text appears in the leftmost column of the screen.
SHOW BUFFER The following EVE commands are equivalent:
  • SHOW---Shows information about the current buffer, such as the margins and tab stops.
  • SHOW BUFFERS---Lists the buffers you have created, and shows the number of lines in each buffer and whether the buffers have been modified.
  • SHOW DEFAULTS BUFFER---Shows information about the $DEFAULTS$ buffer (that is, the settings applied when you create a buffer).
  • SHOW SYSTEM BUFFERS---Lists the buffers created by EVE, such as the DCL or SHELL buffer, HELP buffer, INSERT HERE buffer, MESSAGES buffer, SHOW buffer, $DEFAULTS$ buffer, and $RESTORE$ buffers.
SHOW COMMAND No equivalent EVE command. However, when you execute an initialization file, EVE displays a message telling you the name of the initialization file. To check the current section file specification, use the SHOW SUMMARY command.
SHOW KEY SHOW KEY. You can type the key name on the command line or let EVE prompt you to press the key you want to know about. See the EVE help topic on Names For Keys.
SHR SHIFT LEFT 8. The EVE command shifts the window relative to the buffer; EDT shifts the text relative to the window.
SN No equivalent EVE command.
SPECINS No equivalent EVE command. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD KP3 as the EDT SpecIns key. In insert mode, the character you specify is inserted at the current position, pushing the current character to the right; in overstrike mode, it replaces (overwrites) the current character. You can also enter control codes by using the QUOTE command (Ctrl/V).
SSEL No equivalent EVE command. However, you can get the same effects by using the WPS Continue Search/Select key (GOLD ? or GOLD /). For example, the following command defines F20 as the WPS Continue Search/Select key:

SUBS No equivalent EVE command. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD Enter as the EDT Subs key. You can replace a range or a box (see the EVE help topic on Ranges And Boxes). In EVE, the REPLACE command corresponds to the SUBSTITUTE command in EDT.
SUBSTITUTE REPLACE. However, the EVE command does not use qualifiers or range specifiers. Also, the search follows the same rules as FIND for case sensitivity.
TAB TAB. Defining the Tab key or Ctrl/I affects the other as well.
TAB ADJUST Not implemented. To set tab stops, use the SET TABS AT or SET TABS EVERY command, or use the WPS Ruler key (GOLD R).
TC (tab compute) Not implemented. To set tab stops, use the SET TABS AT or SET TABS EVERY command. You can also adjust tabs by defining a key for the WPS Ruler key (GOLD R) and then use the ruler to add or delete tab stops (see the EVE help topic on Ruler Keys). EVE defines Ctrl/A as CHANGE MODE to switch from insert mode to overstrike or conversely; it does not define GOLD A.
TD (tab decrement) Not implemented. To set tab stops, use the SET TABS AT or SET TABS EVERY command. You can also adjust tabs by defining a key for the WPS Ruler key (GOLD R) and then use the ruler to add or delete tab stops (see the EVE help topic on Ruler Keys). EVE does not define Ctrl/D or GOLD D.
TI (tab increment) Not implemented. To set tab stops, use the SET TABS AT or SET TABS EVERY command. You can also adjust tabs by defining a key for the WPS Ruler key (GOLD R) and then use the ruler to add or delete tab stops (see the EVE help topic on Ruler Keys). EVE defines Ctrl/E as END OF LINE; it does not define GOLD E.
TOP TOP. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD KP5. EVE also defines GOLD <uparrow symbol>. EVE does not have an equivalent for the EDT "nokeypad" command TOP.
TYPE No equivalent EVE command, but you can use NEXT SCREEN and PREVIOUS SCREEN to scroll through a long file. Also, you can define keys for the WPS Scroll Backup key (GOLD KP1) and WPS Scroll Advance key (GOLD KP0). For example, the following commands define the Prev Screen and Next Screen keys on the minikeypad as WPS Scroll Backup and WPS Scroll Advance, respectively:


To halt the scrolling, press any key.

UND C RESTORE CHARACTER. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD comma. In insert mode, the restored character is inserted at the current position, pushing the current character to the right; in overstrike mode, the restored character replaces (overwrites) the current character.
UND L RESTORE LINE. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD-PF4.
UND W RESTORE WORD. Setting the EDT keypad defines GOLD minus. EVE also defines GOLD F13.
UP MOVE UP or the <uparrow symbol> key. EVE uses free cursor motion by default; you can set the cursor to bound.
WORD MOVE BY WORD. Setting the EDT keypad defines KP1. In EVE, a "word" begins with a nonwhite space or printing character and includes the trailing white space (spaces, tabs, or a line break).
WRITE WRITE FILE. The EVE command writes out the entire current buffer. You can create a DECTPU procedure to write out a range or to write out a buffer other than the current one.
XLATE No equivalent EVE command. In some cases, you can use the DCL command to create a subprocess.

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