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OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users
MACHINECHK, machine check while in kernel mode Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable hardware error. Because of the severity of the error, further operation is impossible or could corrupt user data. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. MAKEWSLE, make working set list entry error Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. MAPCNTZER, attempted to generate zero length map pointer Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. MAPHDRBAD, storage map header is bad; volume locked Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: An I/O error is encountered during a mount operation, or the header is corrupted. Existing files on the volume can be accessed, but other operations (for example, create and delete) are not possible. User Action: Copy the files that are still accessible to a new volume. Reconstruct, as necessary, from backup media. MARKUNL, exec image is marked for unload Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader Explanation: A call was made to the LDR$UNLOAD_IMAGE routine to unload a removable executive image that already has an outstanding unload request against it. User Action: None. MAXBAD, bad block table overflow for 'device-name' Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: The specified volume has too many bad blocks; either the DCL command INITIALIZE cannot initialize the volume, or the Backup utility cannot process the volume. This message generally indicates that the disk volume can no longer be used. User Action: Check the status of the device and reenter the command. If the failure persists, reformat the disk. Notify the system manager. If the failure still persists and the disk pack is under warranty, return it to Compaq. MAXDEV, too many devices Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: Too many devices were specified for a MOUNT operation. For tape devices the limit is 16, for volume sets the limit is 256, and for shadow set members the limit is 3. User Action: Correct the command and reenter it.
Maximum Number of Load Sharing Ports Exceeded
MAXLAB, too many volume labels Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: More than 256 labels were specified in the MOUNT command. User Action: Correct and reenter the command. MAXLINKS, maximum links already defined Facility: LAT, LAT Facility Explanation: The link cannot be created because the maximum number of allowable links is already defined. User Action: None. MAXSERV, maximum number of services exceeded Facility: LAT, LAT Facility Explanation: An attempt was made to create more than 255 services on the local node. User Action: A service must be deleted in order to add one. MAXTOOBIG, maxunits specified is too large Facility: SYSGEN, System Generation Utility Explanation: The /MAXUNITS qualifier, as specified, causes an overrun in a word-sized length field when the length of the IDB is calculated. User Action: Reenter the SYSGEN command CONNECT with a smaller /MAXUNITS number. MAXUNITS, unit number greater than maximum units specified Facility: SYSGEN, System Generation Utility Explanation: In creating the I/O database, a unit number is encountered that is larger than the maximum number of units allowed (default = 8). User Action: Retry the operation using the /MAXUNITS qualifier on the SYSGEN command CONNECT. MAXVOLS, too many volumes in volume set 'device-name' Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: The volume set count recorded in the home block of relative volume 1 of an input volume set is greater than 255. Possibly, this value has been corrupted. The Backup utility cannot process the volume. User Action: Reconstruct the volume set from backup media. MAXVOLS, volume set has too many volumes to handle Facility: RBLD, REBUILD Command (Mount Utility) Explanation: The number of volumes in the volume set exceeds the maximum allowed (225). User Action: If this error can be reliably reproduced, contact a Compaq support representative. MBACBHUNG, MBA CBHUNG bit set Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. MBXCRERR, error creating operator reply mailbox Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: The reply mailbox cannot be created. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. MBXRDERR, error reading operator reply mailbox Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: You are unable to read a mailbox. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. MEMALLOC, cannot allocate sufficient memory Facility: RBLD, REBUILD Command (Mount Utility) Explanation: The rebuild operation cannot allocate sufficient memory to complete its operation. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message.
Memory dump complete after 'nn' write error(s)
Memory dump incomplete - dump file 'nn' blocks too small
Message Free Queue Insert Failure
Message Free Queue Remove Failure
MFYNULPGFL, FREWSLE - no backing store, page not modified Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.
Micro-code Verification Error
MISCONFUNI, UNIBUS device 'device-name' has been misconfigured, interrupt vector should be 'interrupt-vector-value' Facility: SYSGEN, System Generation Utility Explanation: The vector on the specified device needs to be changed. User Action: Contact a Compaq support representative. MISSINGADAPTER, the device 'device-name' has an ID, but no ADAPTER; premature END_DEVICE at line 'line-number'. Facility: READ_CONFIG, File-Based Autoconfiguration Explanation: No adapter was specified in the description. The device description will not be added. User Action: Specify an adapter and retry the operation. MISSING_END_DEVICE, missing END_DEVICE. Device 'device-name' ignored at line 'line-number'. Facility: READ_CONFIG, File-Based Autoconfiguration Explanation: A DEVICE command was encountered before an END_DEVICE command was found for the current device description. The device description will not be added. User Action: Correct the error and retry the operation. MISSING_INFO, a required field was not provided for: DEVICE = 'device-name', NAME = 'device-mnemonic', or DRIVER = 'driver-name' at line 'line-number'. Facility: READ_CONFIG, File-Based Autoconfiguration Explanation: One of the listed fields is blank, and a value is required. The device description will not be added. User Action: Specify all required values and retry the operation. MMEABORT, mount aborted by media management subsystem Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: The media management subsystem has aborted the mount request. User Action: Correct the problem reported by the media management subsystem and retry the mount operation. MNTCLUFAIL, mount/cluster failed on one or more nodes in the cluster Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: One or more nodes in the cluster failed to mount the device. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying messages. MODIFYERR, error modifying quota file Facility: RBLD, REBUILD Command (Mount Utility) Explanation: An error occurred while trying to access the quota file. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message. MODLINK, modified link 'link-name' Facility: LAT, LAT Facility Explanation: The specified link has been modified by LATCP. User Action: None. MODNODE, modified characteristic(s) of local node Facility: LAT, LAT Facility Explanation: Characteristics of the local node have been modified by LATCP. User Action: None. MODOUTAI, RMS after-image journaling disabled on saved copy of 'file-spec' Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: After-image journaling has been disabled on the saved copy of the file. User Action: None. MODOUTAIS, RMS after-image journaling disabled on saved copy of 'file-spec' ('file-id') Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: After-image journaling has been disabled on the saved copy of the file in the standalone backup operation. If the disk is restored, the journal command must be reentered. User Action: None. MODOUTBI, RMS before-image journaling disabled on saved copy of 'file-spec' Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: Before-image journaling has been disabled in the backup operation. If the disk is restored, the journal command must be reentered. User Action: None. MODOUTBIS, RMS before-image journaling disabled on saved copy of 'file-spec' ('file-id') Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: Before-image journaling has been disabled on the saved copy of the file in the standalone backup operation. If the disk is restored, the journal commands must be reentered. User Action: None. MODPORT, modified port 'port-name' Facility: LAT, LAT Facility Explanation: The specified port has been modified by LATCP. User Action: None. MODRELNBAK, no backing store address for modified page Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. MODSERVICE, modified service 'service-name' Facility: LAT, LAT Facility Explanation: The specified service has been modified by LATCP. User Action: None. MOUNEWVOL, MOUNT new relative volume nn (volume label) on 'device-name' Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: During a write operation, the end-of-tape has been reached on the last reel of a volume set. User Action: Mount a new volume to be added to the tape set. MOUNTDEV, please mount 'name' device 'device-name' Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: A request for operator assistance on MOUNT occurred. User Action: Wait for operator assistance, perform the request yourself, or abort the request. MOUNTED, 'volume-label' mounted on 'device-name' Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: This message announces a successful mount. User Action: None. MOUNTERR, volume 'volume' on 'device' was not mounted because 'reason' Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: The Backup utility was unable to mount the specified volume for one of the following reasons:
User Action: At this point, the Backup utility allows you to either quit the operation, overwrite the volume label and continue, or put a new volume in the drive and continue processing. To abort the operation, enter the QUIT command at the BACKUP> prompt. To overwrite information in the volume header and continue processing, enter the OVERWRITE command at the BACKUP> prompt. To restart the operation with a new volume, enter the NEW command at the BACKUP> prompt. If the QUIT or NEW command is chosen, the Backup utility automatically dismounts the volume. MOUNTF11, 'file-spec' must be mounted Files--11 Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: The specified volume is mounted with the /FOREIGN qualifier. However, for the given operation, the volume must be mounted without the /FOREIGN qualifier. User Action: Reevaluate the operation, checking that the correct I/O devices have been specified and that the /SAVE_SET, /PHYSICAL, and /IMAGE qualifiers are properly used. Then, if appropriate, mount the specified volume without the /FOREIGN qualifier, and reenter the command. MOUNTFOR, 'device' must be mounted /FOREIGN Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: The specified volume is mounted without the /FOREIGN qualifier. However, for the given operation, the volume must be mounted with the /FOREIGN qualifier. User Action: Reevaluate the operation, checking that the correct I/O devices have been specified and that the /SAVE_SET, /PHYSICAL, and /IMAGE qualifiers are properly used. Then, if appropriate, mount the specified volume with the /FOREIGN qualifier, and reenter the command. MOUVOL, MOUNT relative volume 'nn' on 'device-name' Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: During a read operation, the operator is requested to mount the next reel in a multivolume set. User Action: Mount the indicated reel on the device specified. MSCIOERR, I/O error while trying to access device Facility: IOGEN Explanation: During device configuration, OpenVMS was unable to communicate with one of the devices identified during its scan of the I/O buses. User Action: Verify that your hardware configuration is set up properly and make any necessary corrections. If no configuration problems are noted, contact a Compaq support representative for assistance. MSCPSERV, Fatal error detected by MSCP server Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The MSCP server encountered an irrecoverable error. User Action: Keep a copy of the crash dump and contact a Compaq support representative. MTXCNTNONZ, mutex count nonzero at system service exit Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. MULTIPLE_ISDS, more than one image section of a given type Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader Explanation: A load request was made for an image that was not linked correctly because it contains more than one each of the following types of sections: fixup User Action: Correct the link procedure used to build the executive image; specify the appropriate PSECT_ATTR and COLLECT statements to ensure that each executive image contains only one each of the types of information listed above. MULTREAD, error reading file 'file-name' Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: The Backup utility cannot read the specified file. Multiple attempts to read the file failed. User Action: Determine why the file cannot be read and repeat the backup operation. If the input disk is a disk served by Distributed Files Services (DFS), check for problems with the DFS server connection.