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OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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Displays a list of software products installed on your system. Use the /FULL qualifier to display additional information such as kit type, maintenance activity, and software dependencies.


PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT product-name[,...] [/qualifiers]



Names the product or list of products to include in the display. This is an optional parameter. If you omit it, the names of all installed products will be shown.



Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. The base system name AXPVMS denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product, VAXVMS denotes an OpenVMS VAX product, and VMS denotes a product applicable to either OpenVMS Alpha or VAX.

Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single base system name. They are required when you specify multiple base system names.


/NOFULL (default)

Displays information in 132-column format. The /NOFULL qualifier displays a subset of available information in 80-column format.


Displays the products to which the named maintenance products have been applied. A maintenance product is either a patch kit or a mandatory update kit.

Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single product name. They are required when you specify multiple product names.

To list all maintenance products that have been applied to a particular product, use the following command:



Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces.

Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single producer name. They are required when you specify multiple producer names.


Displays products that are referenced by the named product. Use this qualifier to show if the product, specified in the /REFERENCED_BY qualifier, has a software dependency on the product or products specified in the product-name parameter of the SHOW PRODUCT command. If you specify an asterisk (*) as the product name, all referenced products are listed for the product named in the /REFERENCED_BY qualifier.

Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single product name. They are required when you specify multiple product names.

To list all products that require a specified product to be installed, use the command:


To list all products that are referenced by (that is, required by) a particular product, use the command:


To list all products that are referenced by (that is, required by) other products, use the command:



/NOREMOTE (default)

Uses the product database on a system other than the currently running system. This qualifier is primarily for use in command procedures that Compaq supplies. Incorrect use of this qualifier can corrupt the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility database, corrupt installed products, or cause other problems. In some cases, /REMOTE can be useful with the CONFIGURE and SHOW commands.

When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined:

  • PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command.
  • PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root:

Note that the definition of PCSI$SYSDEVICE and PCSI$SPECIFIC specify only where the utility will find or place its database.


Selects software products whose versions match the specified version criteria. The keywords are:
ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified
BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified
MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified
MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified

The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS=(MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0.


Selects software products that have the specified version.

Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify one version number. They are required when you specify more than one version number.




The command in this example lists all products on which the DECnet-Plus product is dependent.


Displays the version of the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility that you are using.








POLYCENTER Software Installation utility version: V7.3-100


The command in this example shows the version of the utility that is executing the command.

Chapter 18
SCA Control Program Utility

18.1 SCACP Description

The SCA Control Program (SCACP) utility is designed to monitor and manage cluster communications. (SCA is the abbreviation of Systems Communications Architecture, which defines the communications mechanisms that enable nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster system to communicate.)

In OpenVMS Version 7.3, you can use SCACP to manage SCA use of LAN paths. In the future, SCACP might be used to monitor and manage SCA communications over other OpenVMS Cluster interconnects.

18.1.1 Terminology Related to SCACP

Definitions of terms that are related to SCACP are in the following sections. Systems Communications Architecture (SCA)

The System Communications Architecture (SCA) defines the communications mechanisms that allow nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster system to cooperate. SCA governs the sharing of data between resources at the nodes and binds together System Applications (SYSAPs) that run on different Alpha and VAX computers.

The communications mechanisms between nodes are defined in terms of virtual circuits. A virtual circuit (VC) is a common transport that provides reliable port-to-port communication between OpenVMS Cluster nodes in order to:

  • Ensure the delivery of messages without duplication or loss
  • Ensure the sequential ordering of messages

After a virtual circuit is formed between two ports, communication can be established between SYSAPs in the nodes. In a cluster, each port maintains a virtual circuit with every other remote port. Local Area Network (LAN) Clusters

LAN cluster communications creates virtual circuits using the NI-SCA Transport Protocol LAN hardware, which provides datagram services. The LAN cluster driver, PEDRIVER, builds reliable virtual circuits using channels that the LAN adapters (devices) and the network connections define.

A channel is a logical communication path between two LAN adapters. Channels between nodes are determined by the pairs of adapters and the connecting network. For example, two nodes, each having two adapters, could establish four channels. The messages that a particular virtual circuit carries can be sent over any of the channels connecting the two nodes. The Difference Between Channels and Virtual Circuits

The difference between channels and virtual circuits is that channels are LAN paths providing datagram service. Virtual circuits, layered on channels, provide error-free paths between nodes. Multiple channels can exist between nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster, but only one LAN-based virtual circuit can exist between any two nodes at a time.

18.1.2 Managing LAN Cluster Ports

To manage LAN cluster ports, you can use virtual circuits, channels, and LAN devices on nodes in the cluster. Virtual circuit data shows the characteristics and the status of communications with other nodes in the cluster. Channel data shows the characteristics of each LAN communications path and shows how suitable each channel is for use by the virtual circuit. The LAN device data shows low-level local LAN device characteristics, counters, and errors.

Historically, LAN cluster port information has been available in SDA and by using the Availability Manager management tool. The ability to start and stop PEDRIVER on a LAN device was provided by SYS$EXAMPLES:SYS$LAVC_START_BUS.EXE and SYS$LAVC_STOP_BUS.EXE. There was no way to prioritize use of LAN devices or individual channels.

SCACP provides an alternative method of collecting cluster management data and allows you to set channel priority and LAN device priority. It also allows you to start and stop PEDRIVER on LAN devices.

The LAN cluster port driver, PEDRIVER, includes an event-tracing facility that collects a small amount of information for each defined event and saves it in a buffer associated with the virtual circuit or channel. (Any event not associated with a particular virtual circuit or channel is saved in a global PEDRIVER trace buffer.)

The event trace data is used when debugging, performing dump analysis, and looking at detailed aspects of PEDRIVER operation.


The SET TRACE command is reserved for use by Compaq Services and OpenVMS Engineering only. Trace commands and output are subject to change from release to release.

18.1.3 Troubleshooting Cluster Communications

You can use SCACP to diagnose cluster communications problems. The appendix "Troubleshooting the NISCA Protocol" in OpenVMS Cluster Systems provides troubleshooting strategies to help cluster or network managers use SCACP and other tools to pinpoint network-related cluster communications problems.

18.1.4 Related Documents

For additional information on the topics covered in this chapter, refer to the following documents:

  • OpenVMS Cluster Systems
  • Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations

18.2 SCACP Commands

SCACP commands are provided for the following types of functions:

  • Port selection
  • Display
  • Device operation
  • Channel operation
  • Trace
  • Miscellaneous (Help, Spawn, Execute, and Exit)

The SCACP commands are shown in Table 18-1.


Table 18-1 SCACP Commands
Command Function
SCACP Port Selection Commands
SET DEFAULT_PORT Sets the default port.
SHOW DEFAULT_PORT Shows the default port, PEA0. For OpenVMS Version 7.3, this is the only port supported.
SCACP Display Commands
SHOW VC Displays PEDRIVER virtual circuit information.
SHOW CHANNEL Displays PEDRIVER channel information.
SHOW LAN_DEVICE Displays PEDRIVER LAN device information.
SCACP Device Operation Commands
START LAN_DEVICE Starts PEDRIVER on the specified LAN devices.
STOP LAN_DEVICE Stops PEDRIVER on the specified LAN devices.
SET LAN_DEVICE Sets PEDRIVER LAN device management priority values.
SCACP Channel Operation Commands
SET CHANNEL Sets PEDRIVER channel management priority values.
SCACP Trace Commands
SET TRACE Sets PEDRIVER event tracing options.
SHOW TRACE Displays PEDRIVER event tracing information.
START TRACE Displays PEDRIVER event tracing.
STOP TRACE Stops PEDRIVER event tracing.
SCACP Miscellaneous Commands
HELP Displays help data.
SPAWN [command] Spawns and executes command.
@filename Executes command file.

18.3 Using SCACP

The SCA Control Program (SCACP) is a cluster management utility that performs certain privileged cluster communications management functions. With SCACP, you can modify cluster communications operational parameters to specify management characteristics of cluster communication paths. You can look at status and counters that describe the operational state of these cluster communications paths.




Usage Summary To invoke SCACP, enter the following command at the DCL prompt:


SCACP displays the following prompt, at which you can enter SCACP commands using the standard rules of DCL syntax:


As an alternative, you can enter the RSX command MCR, which expands to RUN SYS$SYSTEM:


With the MCR command, you can invoke SCACP and supply a command in one command string. With any SCACP command invoked in this way, SCACP executes the command string and exits.

To exit SCACP and return to the DCL command level, enter the EXIT command at the SCACP> prompt or press Ctrl/Z.


SCACP requires you to have SYSPRV privileges to issue SCACP commands.


SPAWN WAIT 00:01:00


This example creates and runs a command procedure, COUNT.COM, which displays device counters once a minute.


Stops execution of SCACP and returns control to the DCL command level. You can also enter Ctrl/Z at any time to exit.









This command stops execution of SCACP and returns control to the DCL command level.


Provides online help information about the SCACP utility.


HELP [topic]



Specifies a subject for which you want information: SCACP command or command plus command keyword. If you enter the HELP command with a command name only, such as HELP SET, SCACP displays a list of all of the command keywords used with the SET command.





The HELP command in this example displays information about the SET TRACE command.



        Sets or modifies PEDRIVER tracing parameters.


          SET TRACE

     Additional information available:

     Parameters Qualifiers


 SET TRACE Subtopic?


Sets CHANNEL management parameters, including priority values.


SET CHANNEL nodename



Includes channels to specific nodes, which you can specify using wildcards. Each node name can be accompanied by optional qualifiers to specify local and remote device names. If no local or remote device name is specified, all channels to the specified node name are included.

Use the SHOW CHANNEL command to display node names and local and remote device names.



Excludes channels to specific nodes, which you can specify using wildcards. Each node name can be accompanied by optional qualifiers to specify local and remote device names. If no local or remote device name is specified, all channels associated with the specified node are included.


Includes specific LAN devices that identify the local end of the channel; you can use wildcards to specify LAN devices.

Use the SHOW CHANNEL command to display node names and local and remote device names, or use the SHOW LAN_DEVICE command to display device names.


Sets the management priority value for channels to selected nodes.


Includes specific LAN devices that identify the remote end of the channel; you can use wildcards to specify LAN devices.

Use the SHOW CHANNEL command to display node names and local and remote device names, or use the SHOW LAN_DEVICE command to display device names.

Use the SHOW LAN_DEVICE command on the remote node to display remote device names.




The command in this example sets the priorities of all channels to node NODE5 to 3.



The command in this example is equivalent to the following command:


This command sets the priority of the following channels to 10:

  • To node NODE10, the channel with local device EWA and remote device EWB
  • To node NODE15, the channels with local LAN devices starting with F and remote LAN devices starting with F
  • All channels to node NODE20

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